January 25, 2015 - St. John Neumann Catholic Church

St. John Neumann Catholic Church
January 25, 2015 / 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
100 Polo Road, Columbia, SC 29223
Office Hours
Horas de oficina
Monday - Friday
Lunes - Viernes
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
C. Alexander “Sandy” McDonald
Telephone (Teléfono)
Church Office (Oficina): 788-0811
Gillin Hall (Salón Social): 788-1478
Parochial Vicar
Vicario Parroquial
Horarios de Misa:
Saturday (Sábado) - 5:15 p.m.
Sunday (Domingo) - 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m.,
12:00 noon, 5:00 p.m.
Monday (Lunes) - 12:00 noon
Tuesday (Martes) - 9:00 a.m.
Wednesday (Miércoles) - 12:00 noon
Thursday (Jueves) - 12:00 noon
Friday (Viernes) - 12:00 noon
Sunday (Domingo) - 2:00 p.m.
Thursday (Jueves) - 7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
2nd & 3rd Saturdays
2do & 3er Sábado
Javier Heredia
Barbara Cole
Principal, SJN School - 788-1367
Parish Office And
School Address
Dirección de oficina y escuela
721 Polo Road
Columbia, SC 29223
Reconciliation Confessions: Saturday 4:15 - 5:00 p.m. or
by appointment (call 788-0811 to make arrangements)
Reconciliacion Confesiones: Jueves de 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. y Domingos de 1:15 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. o comuníquese con Padre Javier
Baptism Call the parish office at 788-3252 ext. 18 for information.
Bautismos Requisitos: Estar registrado con SJN; tomar clase de preparación para padres y padrinos; copia del certificado de nacimiento del que
va a ser bautizado; identificación de los padres y padrinos; padrinos deben ser católicos practicantes y deben presentar fe de bautismo y confirmación, y acta de matrimonio por la Iglesia si son casados. Deben de
presentar los documentos a María Correa, en la oficina de la Iglesia, y
ella le informará la fecha de la siguiente clase de preparación para
Marriage The Diocese of Charleston requires preparation for marriage
to begin at least six months prior to the wedding date. Call Fr. Sandy at
788-0811 to make arrangements.
Matrimonios Requiere preparación de por lo menos 6 meses. Debe
hablar con Padre Javier.
Declaración de la Misión de Nuestra Iglesia St. John Neumann
“To strive together to be Christ for each other and our neighbor.”
“Esforzarnos juntos para ser Cristo el uno para el otro y para nuestro
We welcome all newcomers
to our parish family and
invite you to register with
us. Registration forms are
available on our website, in
the church vestibules and in
the parish office.
Bulletin by E-Mail
If you would you like to receive
the Bulletin by e-mail,
send an e-mail to
with Bulletin Sign-Up in the
subject line.
Diocese of Charleston
SJN Website
Bulletin deadline: Noon Tuesday
Send print-ready information to
From Our Pastor
Dear Parishioners,
If you are reading this, well done and thank you! You read the bulletin.
Messner Publications has begun publishing our bulletin. Many parishes
partner with publishers to produce bulletins. This arrangement is
made possible from the sale of advertisements. In addition to saving
costs and staff time for printing the bulletin, Messner will also publish
for us in the future a variety of auxiliary printed materials including our time and talent brochure and newsletter.
With this change in production also come some changes in logistics. The deadline for
bulletin announcements must move to earlier in the week to allow for our in-house
composition ahead of the deadline when the complete bulletin must be sent electronically to Messner. This will require us to set a hard deadline for submission of
bulletin announcements by noon on Tuesdays.
Finally, this change allows us to combine our two separate bulletins in English and
Spanish. Unifying our communications is another helpful step to unifying our community.
Thanks to you and to our staff for bearing with the changes. Keep on checking out
the bulletin!
Fr. Sandy McDonald
The Virgin of Suyapa Celebration
The Virgin of Suyapa is an 18th-century statue of the Virgin Mary.
The statue, also known as Our Lady of Suyapa, is Honduras' most
popular religious image, and the focus of an extensive pilgrimage.
Join our Hispanic Community for a celebration of the Virgin of
Suyapa, on January 30. Mass will be celebrated at 7:00 p.m. A reception will
follow in Gillin Hall.
Please pray for the repose of the soul of
Financial Contributions
Cathleen Campbell
Si necesita publicar algún anuncio en el
boletín relacionado con su ministerio
favor de enviarlo a Maria E. Correa en o
antes del lunes a las 12:00 p.m.
Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon her.
May the souls of
all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Offertory - $ 18,836.50
Ofertorio (Comunidad Hispana)
Children’s Offertory- $26.00
Parish Calendar January 24-31
Youth Ministry
All are welcome to join us
for youth group this weekend.
5:00 p.m. - Mass at the Church
6:15 p.m. - Dinner (bring your own)
6:45-8:15 p.m. - Youth Night
8:15-9 p.m. - Dodgeball
If any parishioners, groups, or restaurants are
interested in sponsoring and/or coordinating
meals for our young people, please contact
Chelsea Breeden.
If you have any questions or concerns,
please contact Chelsea Breeden.
Confirmation is THIS
Wednesday at 7 p.m.
Practice will be Tuesday
7-8 p.m. in the church.
(Sponsors or a stand-in must attend.)
9:00 am
Altar Server Training Church
Youth Ministry Confirmation Retreat
Youth Ministry Confirmation Retreat
9:00 am
Liturgy Committee
Gillin Hall
4:30 pm
Tai Chi
Gillin Hall
5:30 pm
Legion of Mary
Teen Room
10:30 am
Exercise Class
Gillin Hall
10:30 am
Cenacle of Mary
Teen Room
2:00 pm
My Catholic Faith
Teen Room
7:00 pm
Teen Room
7:00 pm
Theology of the Body Room 22
7:00 pm
Confirmation Practice Church
6:30 pm
Christian Formation
6:30 pm
English as a 2nd Language School
6:30 pm
Adult Bible Study
Room 17
7:00 pm
Confirmation Mass
2:00 pm
4:30 pm
Tai Chi
Gillin Hall
7:30 pm
Knights of Columbus Gillin Hall
10:30 am
9:00 am
6:30 pm
Exercise Class
Gillin Hall
KofC Charity Ball
Ursuline High, Catholic High and
Cardinal Newman Alumni:
Altar Flowers
The flowers in the church this
weekend are in loving memory of
Dr. Glen Shaurette
Given by the Family
Save the Date
It’s an event you won’t want to miss!
Final Farewell to Forest Drive Celebration
Saturday, June 6, 2015
More details to come, but let’s just say
“it will be EPIC!”
For questions, e-mail Terry Hodaly at
or call (803) 782-2814 ext. 39.
St. John Neumann Catholic School
Catholic Education Week
Glasses Needed
The Charleston Diocese
is preparing to send its
medical team on a semiannual visit to Guatemala
the first week in March.
The team is requesting
new or gently used readers for needy Catholics
there. Please consider
donating to this most
worthy cause. A box for
your donations is in Gillin Hall. Your kind generosity will be greatly
Estamos pidiendo donaciones de espejuelos para
leer que estén en buenas
condiciones. Puede
colocarlos en la caja que
tenemos en el salón social de la iglesia.
Come visit St. John Neumann Catholic School on Catholic
Education Week. The school invites parishioners to come for a
tour and see the busy brains spinning and learning. Through the
years, many families have come to learn about the exciting things going on at
the parish school. Throughout the week, there will be exciting things for
families and students to enjoy. Pastries for Parents starts the week off on
Monday morning. After a treat in the gym, parents are invited to visit their
children’s classrooms. On Tuesday, there will be a Mass in the gym at 9:30
a.m. Everyone is welcome to join in on this special service. Then, students
will write notes to heroes in the community. They have selected police officers, firemen, doctors, nurses, and military personnel, among others, to write
to. Later, all are invited to join the school in the gym at 6:30 p.m. as the sixth
graders bring the Middle Ages to life in their play, Joust. On Wednesday,
families and students share their positive comments about the school by way
of Blue Cards. This is very special for the faculty, as the school community
thanks them for all the hard work they always put into helping the school’s
boys and girls strive for success. Thursday is Parish Appreciation Day, with
letters from the students having been shared with the parish. Friday, the
school celebrates Kids’ Day with ice cream sundaes and the annual Talent
Show in which students share their many abilities. Do come help celebrate
Catholic Education Week!
Please remember to visit the school gym on Tuesday, February 10, to participate in the annual American Red Cross Blood Drive sponsored by the first
grade. SJN parishioners have been wonderfully supportive in the past. The
school looks forward to your continued donating this year.
Cardinal Newman School
Catholic Schools Week is here! Drop by Cardinal Newman during school hours and see Catholic Education in
action! While on campus, take a look at what our Alpine
Road school is going to look like. It is an exciting time to
be a Cardinal!
Parent/Teacher Conferences for the second quarter will be held Tuesday,
January 27, 2015 from 3:30 p.m. until 7 p.m.
Our Athletic Teams are finishing up their Winter Sports seasons, and Spring
Sports are just around the corner. Visit our website, www.cnhs.org, for the
specifics on all playoffs and tryouts.
Hospital and Nursing
Home Visits
Due to privacy laws, Father may
not know that you (or a family
member) have been hospitalized
or moved into a nursing home.
Please call the parish office at 788
-0811 to let him know.
Jim Braun from Messner Publications is offering opportunities to purchase
advertising space in our new Bulletin. The ads will be published in color each
week for 52 weeks! If you are a business owner or business professional, who
would like to advertise in our new Bulletin, call Jim at (262) 893-9899.
Le damos la bienvenida a todos los que nos visitan por primera
vez. A aquellos que deseen ser miembros de nuestrra parroquia
les invitamos a que se registren. Las inscripciones se encuentran
disponibles en la iglesia o en la oficina.
Clases pre-bautismales:
La próxima clase será el lunes 2 de febrero a las 6:00 de
la tarde en el salón social de la Iglesia. No habrá otra
clase hasta que pase la cuaresma. Por favor, los que deseen tomar las clases tienen que pasar primero por la
oficina a dejar los documentos requeridos. No se permitirá que tomen la clase sin antes haber pasado por la
Celebración de la Virgen de
Patrona de Honduras
Viernes 30 de enero
La campaña anual de la escuela St. John Neumann y la
Cruz Roja Americana de donación de sangre será en la
tarde del martes 10 de febrero. Por favor considere dar el
regalo de la vida este Día de
San Valentín. Usted puede
programar un tiempo para
donar sangre a través de la
página web de la Cruz Roja
de Estados Unidos, o en el
Salón Social hoy después de
Si necesita publicar algún anuncio en el boletín relacionado con
su ministerio favor de enviarlo a
Maria E. Correa en o antes del
lunes a las 12:00 p.m.
7:00 PM - Misa
Iglesia SJN
(Recepción después de misa en el Salón Social)
El ministerio de Música
tendrá reunión
el domingo 25 de enero
después de misa
en el salón de los niños.
Favor de asistir.
¿Quiere seguir recibiendo el boletín
electrónicamente? ¡Es necesario que nos
deje saber! Por favor envíe un correo
electrónico a María Correa
Si tiene alguna pregunta
sobre la catequesis de sus
niños comuníquese con
Verónica West (803) 7883252, ext. 20 de lunes a
jueves de 9:30 a.m.—1:30
Saturday, January 24
Sunday, January 25
Mass Intentions January 24 – February 1 †
5:15 pm
8:00 am
10:00 am
12:00 noon
Monday, January 26
Tuesday, January 27
Wednesday, January 28
Thursday, January 29
Friday, January 30
Saturday, January 31
Sunday, February 1
2:00 pm
5:00 pm
12:00 noon
9:30 am
10:00 am
12:00 noon
12:00 noon
12:00 noon
5:15 pm
8:00 am
10:00 am
12:00 noon
Theodulo Abrego †
Collier Family
Glen Shaurette †
Shaurette Family
Emelia Saucedo †,
Maria Sanchez Mincey
Eliseo Sanchez †, Alberto Sanchez †
60th Wedding Anniversary Ignatius and Erna McRae
of Ignatius and Erna McRae
Sergio Fernandez Garcia †
Alejandra Fernandez
For the Parish
Deceased members of the
Legion of Mary
Legion of Mary †
SJN Families
SJN School
Wildewood Nursing Home
David Richitelli †
Betty Richitelli
Patrick Allen †
Elaine Slan
Irene Haraghy †
Bernie Maraghy
Gladys Sarnowski †
Frank Sarnowski
David Kirby †
Fr. Sandy McDonald
Mary Jane West †
Sam, Delia and Denise
Patricia Stewart †
Inma Rodriguez Cannon &
Daily Readings for the Week
Sean Abbott
Brigitte Adams
Barb Alberini
Angelo Anelli
Marianne Anelli
Benjamin Basil
Valentina Bastias
Ken Beck
Eugene Berendsen
Bridgett Boher
Frank Bondeson
Jeri Boysia
Donald Breihan
Steve Brown
Rowan Bustamante
Rose Cabot
Cherese Carlson
Vic Carilli
Gladys Coakley
Georgine Collins
Barbara-Jay Cornelia
Chang Wi Chi
David Cummings
Karen Davies
Millie DeGarcia
Paul Dishinger
Caroline Donovan
Patrick Donovan
Betsy Ehret
Josepha Elzarad
Carmen Flores
Isabel Flores
Jackie Foley
Bing Fores
Cielle Fulmer
Dean Gahagen
Theresa Gaudi
Ron Goins
Melvin Gordon
Crystal Grampus
Ensyha Grampus
Jimmy Green
Lorraine Gullifer
Debbie Gurski
Buenaventura Hassell
Pat Heller
Casey Hicks
Santina Howard
John Parks Hutto
Lorraine Immekus
Faye Johns
Nadine Jordan
Jimmy Keadle
David Kirvan
Karen Kohut
Kerri Kohut
Jun Hee Lee
Craig Luccy
Lino Mandanas
Bernie Maraghy
Theresa Mason
Chad McKay
Patrick McLaughlin
Janice Melvin
Nympha Miguel
Diane Merritt
Roberto L Molinary, Sr.
Gloria Neumann
Corrine Nylander
Meighan Parsh
Susana Pasicatan
Edward Pelc
Alex Petroff
Faye Price
Vivian Quenga
Helena Richard
Randolph Richard
Zachary Rinzel
Gloria Rosario
Florina Sánchez
Jean Schemel
David Sotelo
Eleanor Sotelo
Scottie Stevens
Dr. Scott Sweazy
Regina Tomic
Bruce Trent
Catherine Trent
Jeffrey Wagner
Robert Watts
Cecelia Whitley
Lillie Wilson
Mary Ann Wilson
Helmut Wirth
Lawrence Wright, Jr.
Allan Zych
The readings are included each week for
parishioners unable to join us for daily or
Sunday Masses.
January 25-31
Sunday: Jon 3:1-5, 10, Ps 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9, 1
Cor 7:29-31, Mk 1:15, Mk 1:14-20
Monday: 2 Tm 1:1-8, or Ti 1:1-5, Ps 96:12a, 2b-3, 7-8a, 10, See 2 Tm 1:10, Mk 3:22-30
Tuesday: Heb 10:1-10, Ps 40:2 and 4ab, 78a, 10, 11, See Mt 11:25, Mk 3:31-35
Wednesday: Heb 10:11-18, Ps 110:1, 2, 3,
4, Mk 4:1-20
Thursday: Heb 10:19-25, Ps 24:1-2, 3-4ab,
5-6, Ps 119:105, Mk 4:21-25
Friday: Heb 10:32-39, Ps 37:3-4, 5-6, 23-24,
39-40, See Mt 11:25, Mk 4:26-34
Saturday: Heb 11:1-2, 8-19, Lk 1:69-70, 71
-72, 73-75, Jn 3:16, Mk 4:35-41
Prayer List
To have someone included in the Bulletin
prayer list, call the parish office at 788-0811 or
e-mail tammym@sc.twcbc.com.
Devotion Opportunities
Spend One Hour with Me – Adoration: Thursday 2:00–6:50 p.m.
and Saturday 9:00–10:00 a.m.
The Rosary: Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
The Divine Mercy Chaplet: After Monday
noon Mass
Volunteers Needed
Anyone interested in coordinating between Richland 2 school district and St. John
Neumann Church, so that we can meet the goal of the Bishop by supporting the Public
School systems in South Carolina, please contact Wendy Bobadilla at 413-4797 or
Wendy will be in Gillin Hall on Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to noon.
Looking for ways to be healthier and feel better? Try Tai Chi, which meets on Mondays and Thursdays at 4:30
p.m. in Gillin Hall and/or the Exercise Class, which meets on Tuesdays and Fridays at 10:30 a.m., also in Gillin
Hall. The classes are free and everyone is welcome! Questions? Call the Parish Nurse, Wendy Bobadilla, at 4134797 or e-mail her at wendysb_2000@yahoo.com.
Please check the bulletin board in Gillin Hall for information about various health-related issues.
If you need a CPR or First Aid Class, please call Wendy .
Wendy is a Benefit Bank Counselor. This means that she can do a “Quick Check” to see if you may be eligible for
extra help, from programs like food stamps (SNAP), Medicaid, and other assistance programs. She can also help
you fill out the forms for these programs. Call her for questions or to make an appointment.
Free Eye Screening & Glasses (if needed). Where: Richland County Health Department, Midlands Eye Clinic.
When: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of every month. Eligibility requirements: 1) Adult 18 years of age and older, 2) Live in
Richland or Fairfield Counties, 3) Under 200% of the poverty level, 4) Proof of income, 5) Picture ID.
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Sunday Brunch
The Lees family • Parish Members
with this bulletin
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Join Us For Sunday Brunch
January 25, 2015
Dear Brothers and Sister in Christ,
I write to you on the occasion of Catholic Schools Week which begins today. Each year a week is
set aside to recognize the countless achievements of our Catholic schools and the many benefits
of sending our children to them.
In the Diocese of Charleston we are fortunate to have 33 Catholic schools spread throughout the
State of South Carolina with an enrollment of nearly 7, 000 students. The many indicators of the
high quality of the education provided by these schools include: the selection of Prince of Peace
Catholic School in Taylors as a 2014 National Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Department of
Education (one of only 50 in the country); the honoring of Sr. Catherine Noecker, OSF, at St.
Anthony of Padua Catholic School in Greenville as 2014 Distinguished Principal (chosen from
over 5,000 Catholic elementary school principals) by the National Catholic Education
Association (NCEA); the NCEA award to St. Peter’s School in Columbia of the 2014
Innovations in Catholic Education Award; the recognition of Bishop England High School in
Daniel Island and St. Joseph’s Catholic School in Greenville as 2014 Schools of Excellence by
The Cardinal Newman Society (an honor earned by only 5% of all Catholic schools); and the
selection of St. Joseph School Advisory Board in Anderson as 2015 Outstanding Board Award
by the NCEA (one of only five in the country).
Catholic schools not only offer an education of quality, but also provide students with standards
and benchmarks of good citizenship and concern for others. As an example, students at St
Gregory the Great participated in a Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser and raised $11,339 for the
American Heart Association.
The newly instituted St. Thomas Aquinas Scholarship Fund provides tuition for exceptional
needs students who attend Catholic schools. Under this program, you may make a qualifying
donation to the fund and receive a 100% tax credit on your income taxes. We are proud that our
schools have collectively assisted over 150 children with exceptional needs and provided to them
$1.75M in tuition scholarships in the last 12 months.
I urge you to consider sending your children to Catholic Schools where they can receive a wellrounded education that will be instrumental in ensuring their success in further education and life.
In the Lord’s Peace,
Most Reverend Robert E. Guglielmone
Bishop of Charleston
Post Office Box 818  Charleston, SC 29402  (843) 853-2130 Ext. 203  Fax: (843) 724-6387  www.sccatholic.org
Renew Yourself this Lent with ...
Lent invites us to a time of prayer, reflection, and conversion.
Make a six-week retreat this Lent and commit to works
of justice and to the ongoing conversion of hearts.
to deepen your faith and meet new friends.
Small communities are forming now!
Sign up
February 1, 2015
For more information or to sign up, please contact:
Catherine Combier-Donovan at CatherineC@sc.twcbc.com
© 2015 RENEW International. Lenten Longings is a TM of RENEW International.
Presented by
Instead join a small Christian community for six weeks during Lent to participate in Lenten Longings to read
Scripture and share your faith. Small groups will be meeting once a week for 90 minutes at someone’s home or
on the parish campus. There’s a small fee of $8 to cover the Participant’s book.
“Is that all there is?” says the song of the 60’s. It is a fact that so many are longing for more
– more time, more peace, more health, etc. What is it that you long for? Lent is a time
when Catholics traditionally have fasted and prayed with the hope that they would have
time to think about the more important things in life. Why not try something else this
Lent? In our parish, we will have the opportunity to gather in small groups of 8 to 10
people, once a week for six weeks starting the week of Ash Wednesday. When we gather,
we will read the Sunday Scriptures, pray, and share our faith. This experience will provide
more than you can imagine. Sign up for a day and time of the week that works for you.
You will be happy you did!
Consider forming your own kindred group: young adults, men, seniors, choir members, lectors, Knights of
Columbus, parents of young children. Meet at home, in a restaurant for breakfast, at the library, at St. John
Neumann School. We’ll offer training online or in person and provide you with all the material you need.
Sign-up cards may be dropped in the collection basket, or taken to the Parish Office via email, fax or in
person, care of Catherine Combier-Donovan, Liturgy & Adult Faith Formation Director.
Knight of Columbus Charity Ball
Saturday, January 31, 2015, 6:30-10:30 PM
Dining and Dancing at St. John Neumann Catholic School Gymnasium
721 Polo Road, Columbia, South Carolina
Italian Bread with Seasoned Oil
Snack Mix and Nuts
Tossed Salad with Cheese and Croutons
Main Course
Chicken Cacciatore
Italian Meat Balls in Tomato Sauce
Penne Pasta
Garlic Bread
Pork Tenderloin
Vegetable Medley
Tiramisu or Bananas Foster
Tickets for adults are $15.00 each, children under 12 are free. Contact Tony Zammarrelli, 803-738-0862, tonyzamm@bellsouth.net, Mike
Akright, 803-865-9530, mikea@pinndesign.com, Don Rinzel, 803-8650896, rinzeldon@aol.com. Tickets are on sale in Gillin Hall following
weekend Masses and will be sold at the door on January 31st.