November 9th, 2014 The Dedica on of the Lateran Basilica Welcome to St. Benedict’s Parish! 8110 Jewel Lake Road Anchorage, AK 99502 Sunday Mass Parish Office Phone: 243-2195 • Fax: 243-0088 Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday 10:00am-5:00pm People Mover: Bus Route 7J Web: E-mail: Saturday 5:00pm; Sunday 8:00am, 10:30am, 12:15pm Weekday Mass Tuesday-Friday 9:15am Adoration and Benediction Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00pm Lumen Christi Jr/Sr High School Lumen Christi Phone: 245-9231 • Fax: 245-9232 Web: E-mail: Sacrament of Reconciliation Wednesdays, during Adoration Sat. 3:45-4:45pm or by appointment Parish Calendar of Events Sunday 11/9 Pastor Rev. Leo A. Walsh, S.T.D. 243-2195 Parochial Vicar Rev. Jacob Stronach, O.S.B. 243-2195 Deacons Deacon Ted Greene 273-1597 (message) Deacon Dez Martinez 273-1599 (message) Administrative Assistant Denice Yonker 243-2195 Business Manager Danna Hoellering 273-1553 Pastoral Assistant Marcy Adkins 273-1554 Veterans Day 11/10 Tuesday 11/11 Wednesday 11/12 Thursday 11/13 Friday 11/14 Pancake Breakfast OFFICE CLOSED 9:15am • Mass 9:15am • Mass 9:15am • Mass 9:15am • Mass Mass Times: • 8am • 10:30am • 12:15pm 5:30pm • Legion of Mary 10am • Kid Play 6pm • Adoration and Confessions 11am • Why Catholic 10am • Junior Legion of Mary 7pm • Why Catholic 5:45pm • Zumba 5:45pm • Zumba 1:30pm • CCD 6:30pm • RCIA • Adult Ed • Lector Training • Youth Night 7pm • PCE Meeting 4pm • High School Confirmation • Bible Study Saturday 11/15 Festival of Angels Bazaar 10am • Baptism Class • Usher Training 7pm • Theology Thursdays 3:45pm • Confession • Choir Practice 5pm • Vigil Mass 6pm • Knights of Columbus Burger Night Sunday 11/16 Mass Times: • 8am • 10:30am • 12:15pm 1:30pm • CCD Veterans Day 11/17 Tuesday 11/18 Wednesday 11/19 Thursday 11/20 Friday 11/21 OFFICE CLOSED 9:15am • Mass 9:15am • Mass 9:15am • Mass 9:15am • Mass 5:30pm • Legion of Mary 10am • Kid Play 6pm • Adoration and Confessions 11am • Why Catholic 10am • Junior Legion of Mary 7pm • Why Catholic 5:45pm • Zumba • Adult Ed 4pm • High School Confirmation 8pm • YM Meeting 5:45pm • Zumba 6:30pm • RCIA • Youth Night 7pm • Bible Study 7pm • Choir Practice Saturday 11/22 11am • Catechist Formation & Lunch 3:45pm • Confession 5pm • Vigil Mass Director of Music Ken Miller 273-1540 (message) Office of Evangelization & Catechesis Director Robert McMorrow II 273-1552 Youth Minister Oriele Jones 273-1541 Adult Education Dr. Bob Schihl 273-1541 Mass Intentions (*) 11/8 11/9 5:00pm 8:00am 10:30am 12:15pm 11/11 9:15am 11/12 9:15am 11/13 9:15am 11/14 9:15am 11/15 5:00pm 11/16 8:00am 10:30am Mello Testa (ROS) People of the Parish Dan Adkins (SI) Juan Ramos (ROS) Rosalo V. Paeste (ROS) U.S. Marines Loretta Dunlevy (ROS) Police & Firefighters Anthony Curro (ROS) Josie Gatemen (ROS) Madeleine & Stephen Yonker (SI) 12:15pm People of the Parish *see mass intentions key on back page Sunday 11/9 Sacramental Information Contact the Parish Office at 243-2195 for more information on: Ezekial 47:1-2, 8-9, 12 1 Corinthians 3:9c-11, 16-17 John 2:13-22 •Baptism of Infants is celebrated either during Mass, after the 12:15 Mass or at any other time approved by the pastor. Parents and Godparents are required to attend a Baptismal Preparation Class prior to the baptism of the child. Sunday 11/16 •Marriages are scheduled by meeting with the pastor at least six months prior to the wedding date. Proverbs 31:10-13, 1920, 30-31 1Thessalonians 5:1-6 Matthew 25:14-30 •Funerals contact the parish office immediately after the death. •Anointing of the Sick, Communion to the Homebound, Call the parish office to request a visit. ~Pastors Corner~ Celebrating the First Christian Church This weekend, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica, the first Christian church ever built and the mother church of all Christendom. As with many things, this celebration represents so much more than just the dedication of a building. As most people know, Christianity was not legal in the Roman empire for the first three centuries. Ironically, they were typically persecuted as atheists. The Romans were very religious people and the well-being of the empire depended on keeping the gods happy. When things went wrong, the Christians were often seen as the source problem because they would not sacrifice to the Roman gods. However, all that changed early in the fourth century during the civil war between Maxentius and his younger brother Constantine. On October 28, 312, Constantine’s forces were massed outside the city. That night, Constantine had a dream. In this dream he saw a large gleaming cross in the clouds and heard a voice say, “In hoc signum vincet!” (With this sign, conquer!) The story goes that Constantine then had the cross affixed to all the battle standards. When the two forces met at the Milvian bridge, Maxentius’ horse slipped on the rocks and he was thrown onto the riverbank and fractured his skull. With the death of their leader, Maxentius’ forces were defeated soundly. Constantine attributed his victory to the intervention of the Christian God and as a gesture of gratitude, he legalized Christianity and built four large basilicas in the city, the first of which was the basilica in an area known as the Lateran. The structure was completed and dedicated on this day in 313, under the patronage of Sts. John the Baptist and John the Evangelist. It has always been the Cathedral of Rome. The building has undergone some repairs over the last 1700 years, the Lateran Basilica is essentially the same as it was the day it was built. So in celebrating the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica, we celebrate ourselves and the power of the God of History to build up his Church at all times and in all circumstances. Happy feast! Pastoral Council Update—In your pews you will notice a nomination form for the At-Large members for the Pastoral Council. After prayerful discernment, please take a moment to nominate two people to serve on the council. As mentioned each committee or team of ministries has already selected their members. In addition, two atlarge members will be chosen from the parish and two more will be appointed by the pastor, bringing the total membership to twelve. Pastoral Council members will serve for three year staggered terms. Listen to Fr. Leo's recorded homily podcasts: Please Pray for: Valie Visaya, Diana Bennett, Paul Larson, Mary Dubois, Caryle Keefe, Paulo Iloilo, Kevin Pfeiffer, Glenn Allen, Virginia Aberle, Harold Adams, Joan Alles, Martina Almeida, Rafael Apostol, Clifford Baker, Jane Barnham, Elizabeth Bastiani, Maria Elisa Bente, Solita Balones, Belarde Family, Mark Blumenthal, Deneen B. Bozeman, Mike Bygott, Chasse Family, Doris Claussen, Jim Curro, Kate Daniel, Riza Daniel, Christine Driskell, Monica Estil, Basilia Flores, Bobby Garcia, Jose Garcia, Pierro Garcia, Victoria Garcia, Christina Garcia, Lillian Gibson, Louise Goetsch, Brittany Groenke, Mary Heinz, Angelica Hess, Patricia Hoerling, Kim Hole, Anne Jaskier, Betty Johnson, Stacey Koenig, Paul Lacey, Debra Larson, Keith Lauwers, Chuck Lastufka, Corazon Legarda, Patrick Maitland, Audrey Mather, Mark Mather, Greg Maturo, Natividad Mendoza, Roldan Milallos, Thomas Milton, Leoncia Morante, Modesta Munoz, Hien Pham, Maddie Rey, Jeanne Rosauer, Alfred Russell, Heriberto Saiz, Orlando Sargento, Mark Schoendaller, Joe Shaw, Stanley Smith, Lucia Soriano, Betty Stokes, Rosalie Tadda, Steven Taylor, David Thompson, Helen Thompson, Peg Bernert, Patricia Vollendor, Beatrice Walsh, John Logan, Marijes Apostol, Tuyen Pham, Jane Branham, Nicole Johnson. (To add or remove please call 243-2195). On Veterans Day we honor all, who answered to a service call. Soldiers young, and soldiers old, fought for freedom, brave and bold. Some have lived while others died, and all of them deserve our pride. We’re proud of all the soldiers who, kept thinking of red, white and blue. They fought for us and all our rights, they fought through many days and nights. And though we may not know each name, we thank ALL veterans just the same. ~November Anniversaries~ Michael & Delma Moore William & Patricia Vollendorf Bernard & Beatrice Freeman Thomas & Maureen Petrunic Mark & Susan Truskett Robert & Cynthia Ben Robert & Patrice Walsh Lonnie & Marcy Adkins Doug & Rebecca Berry Michael & Jocelyn Mullins Roy & Filomena Vaimili Jeremy & Erica Dufrane William & Chelsea Pohland Clifford & Aurora Baker Ken & Linda Miller 11/24/1956 11/26/1966 11/29/1969 11/07/1970 11/05/1971 11/15/1980 11/28/1980 11/27/1982 11/28/1992 11/11/2000 11/30/2000 11/15/2002 11/20/2010 11/13/2011 11/11/2012 Many thanks and grateful prayers for your steadfast witness to the gospel in the vocation of married life. May Christ richly bless you in the coming year! If you want to be sure that your anniversary is acknowledged, contact the parish office at 243-2195. Calling All Welcoming People! The NEW Welcoming Ministry is looking for you to greet fellow parishioners before Mass at the entry doors with a hearty "Good Morning, Good Afternoon or Good Evening" while handing them a bulletin. We also plan to start quarterly dinners to welcome new Parishioners. All we are missing is YOU!! If you are new to the Parish this could be the ministry for you. Call Karen Sobolesky for more information at 245-4116 evenings. Thank you. THANKSGIVING BASKETS Why Catholic? Faith-Sharing Groups: We The Outreach Ministry is preparing for the annual now have 2 faith sharing groups participating in the Why Catholic? Program. One group meets at Lumen Christi in the library Wednesdays from 78:30 and the other group meets Thursdays 1112:30 in the church. Both groups welcome new participants. Please call Colleen 354-4372 to join. Kid Play Fridays: We have access to Lumen Christi gym on the following Fridays from 10am until noon: December 19th, 26th, and January 2nd. Of course we are meeting every Tuesday from 10am until noon. The Parish Community Events Ministry (PCE )will meet on Tuesday, November 11th, at 7:00 pm in the Parish Hall. Thanksgiving Basket program. If you are able to donate food, it will be appreciated. Below is a list of suggested food items, according to the first letter of your last name. The food will be packaged on the Friday before Thanksgiving, and will be delivered on Saturday, November 22. You may drop off food in the basement of the church by noon on Thursday, November 20. Turkeys can be dropped off at Tastee-Freez any time before and tell them they are for St. Benedict’s Church. Please call Outreach at 273-1596 if you need a basket and leave your name, address, phone number and how many people are in the household. Also, let us know if you can pickup your own basket on Saturday November 22 between 10a and 11a. any extra food will go to Outreach to help families throughout the year. Liturgical Ministry Important Dates! Lector Training: Nov. 12 - 7pm Usher Training: Nov 15 - 10am ~ —————————————————————————————— Food needed: ~ If you have not signed up yet for the new liturgical year you may do so when you attend training. STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE: The Offertory Collection for Sunday, November 2: Weekly offering was $13,114.00 online giving added $5,433.25 the Building Fund was $877.00 online giving added $105.00. for a total of 19,529.25 for the weekend. Our weekly average is $14,691.43. Thank you for your continued and generous support! A-E: coffee, tea, powdered milk, brown sugar, sugar, flour, peanut butter F-J: foil, oatmeal, instant potatoes, canned fruit, canned vegetables, toilet paper K-N: canned sweet potatoes, pancake mix, syrup, pie filling, cranberry sauce, soap O-S: jello, gravy, dream whip, marshmallows, foil pans, stuffing, jam or jelly T-Z: butter or margarine, rolls, black olives, pie crust, paper towels, soup, juice ~Knights Table~ "Burger Night for the month of November is Saturday November 15th from 6-9pm. This months burger night is a celebration of Father Leo's birthday so there will be no charge, but donations to the Knights of Columbus Scholarship Fund are welcome. This night is to celebrate Father Leo's Birthday, so come out for some good fellowship and celebration!" KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 14th ANNUAL THANKSGIVING GLOVE DRIVE The Knights of Columbus is holding our fourteenth annual Thanksgiving glove drive. All the gloves collected will be donated to Catholic Social Services and given to the needy. All new or like new gloves can be placed in the basket which is located in the rear of the church. Please help those that are less fortunate. Think of how you would feel if you didn’t have a pair of gloves this winter to keep your hands warm. “When I was naked, you clothed Me” Thank you. POT OF GOLD RAFFLE 2014 GRAND PRIZE $15,000 • Nine $1,000 prizes • Proceeds go to Knights of Columbus Charities • Drawing Dec,5th 2014 at Holy Family Cathedral • Limit of 3000 tickets at $25 per ticket (permit #563) "The ticket sales are coming to a close. If you haven't gotten your tickets yet see a knight." Contact Mike Moore (907)563-6224 or ask any knight. The Office of EVANGELIZATION Bob McMORROW, Director CATECHESIS Oriele JONES, Youth Ministry 273-1552 273-1541 Dr. Bob SCHIHL, Adult Ministry 273-1541 CONFRATERNITY OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE (CCD) Family Faith Formation Who: Kindergarten thru eighth grade and their parents. What: Family catechesis from 1:30-2PM followed by CCD for the children and optional adult education classes for the parents. When: Sundays from 1:30-3PM. Why: Faith is fun, exciting and life changing! Where: We will begin in the gym. And: Come early for family fun time - Gym and youth center will be open from noon to 1:30 PM for optional family fun: coffee, juice, and cookies will be provided. Door prizes every week for all families who have parents in attendance! Symbolon Group Study An adult group will meet during the high school faith formation classes(4 - 5:45 PM) to look at the new Symbolon video series. The group meets in room 109 LCHS. The topics are The Who is Jesus & The Paschal Mystery followed by Q & A. “This is no time to be ashamed of the Gospel. It is the time to preach it from the rooftops. Do not be afraid to break out of comfortable and routine modes of living in order to take up the challenge of making Christ known in the modern metropolis.” Pope St. John Paul the Great Catechists Needed People who love Jesus, His Church, and have a desire to share the faith with others! Call 273-1552. We are looking for catechists and other volunteers to help with our new SUPER SUNDAY family faith formation program. Classes meet from 1:30-3:00 PM on Sunday afternoons. If you are interested, call or email Bob McMorrow. Our team will walk with you, and prepare you in both teaching skills and Catholic content. Super Sunday Team—We need help setting up each Sunday, taking attendance, running the technology, and manning the prize tables. If you are able to help, email or call Bob McMorrow. More Saints showed up on Super Sunday! ADULT CATECHESIS On SUPER SUNDAYS Starting at 2 PM Dr. Bob Schihl “The Infancy Narratives from the Gospels according to Matthew and Luke” November 9th: Merry Christmas from Sts Luke and Matthew November 16th: The Genealogy of Jesus in Matthew LCHS Room 109 Fr. Jacob Stronach, O.S.B. “Praying the Bible: the Divine Reading.” November 9th: Lectio Divina: What is it? November 16th: Meditation and Contemplation: Compared and Contrasted Lumen Library Bob McMorrow “ Early Church History: The First Three Hundred Years November 9th: From Empty Tomb to the Ends of the Earth November 16th: Upon the Rock I Will Build My Church: The Papacy in the Early Church LCHS Room 107 ADULT FAITH CATECHESIS BIBLE STUDY All are welcome; Bible text and notes are provided. No experience with the Bible is necessary. We are studying A Personal Faith Formation Program for Every Parishioner Encounter your Catholic faith - not just on Sunday but throughout the week, on your own time, at your own pace, as much as you want top spend at a time. SYMBOLON is an on-line 20-episode video series that presents the “big picture” of our Catholic faith. These episodes are filmed on-location in Rome, in the Holy Land, in Calcutta, and at the Augustine Institute Studios in Denver. You create a login that permits you to access Symbolon on your own, on your computer, your smart phone, or your tablet. Begin by registering at http:// Then enter our St. Benedict Code: 2a81e2 “ Render unto Caesar: Serving the Nation by Living Our Catholic Beliefs in Political Life.” By Archbishop Charles J. Chaput. To survive, American democracy depends on an engaged citizenry - people of character, including religious believers. Lighthouse Catholic Media. Available in the church vestibule or from The Gospel according to St. John Tuesday evenings at 7 PM, room 109, LCHS; Coffee and dessert will be available. THEOLOGY THURSDAYS MEDITATION OF THE WEEK “If angels could be jealous of men, they would be so for one reason: Holy Communion.” This series will return in January. St. Maximillian Kolbe (1894-1941) Catechist formation and lunch Theology and Brew Three Dominican Sisters of Nashville will present A young adult “The Heart of Catechesis in the speaker series Mind of the Church” will gather at 7:30PM on Friday, Nov. 21st to hear On Saturday, Nov. 22nd from 11-2PM Lunch will be provided. All catechists, and those who think they might want to be catechists are encouraged to come. Please RSVP so we know how many lunches we need to provide. Email Bob at “Sr. Joanna Marie, O.P. Present on Adventure God’s Style: Aussieland to Nashville in Three Weeks” How God’s Providence arranges the universe for our happiness. Location to be announced. YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY Krakow WYD is geared for young people aged 16-35. The pilgrimage will be in July, 2016. There will be an optional pre-trip to Ireland. Registration forms are now available in the youth center. Or email Bob McMorrow if you want more information. ST BENEDICT ANNUAL PILGRIMAGE The destination of our 2015 pilgrimage is to the sites of Ancient Rome, the Vatican and Assisi, the home of St. Francis. Our tentative dates are May 18th-28th. We hope to have an audience with Pope Francis too. Tea Tuesday Join young adults (18-30) from around Anchorage for an evening of great conversation and fellowship. We meet from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm at Coffee and Communitas Questions? Contact Oriele Jones at 907-2731541. Find us on Facebook “Tea Tuesdays” Located at 12100 Old Seward Hwy St. Andrew Bobola, S.J. Patron of our E/C Team Pray for us. ~Our Community~ November 15 Lumen Christi Festival of Angels Bazaar Calling on vendors! Lumen’s craft bazaar is gearing up for the holiday season. If you are a vendor and interested in selling your craft at the bazaar, you can find more information, including the space and table reservation application: pvo/fundraiser-events/festival-of-angels-craftbazaar/ Catholic Campaign for Human Development Next weekend, our Archdiocese will hold a second collection in support of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD). CCHD provides funding both here in Alaska and across the nation to initiatives that fight the root causes of systemic, generational poverty. CCHD empowers individuals to enact meaningful change in their lives and communities. Please prayerfully consider a gift to this important collection. Thank you! November 21 | RAIS Furniture Drive-Help Them Come Home! Refugee Assistance & Immigration Services welcomes newly arrived refugees & immigrants to their new home in Anchorage, Alaska! Furniture given or donated to RAIS is used to furnish the homes of those new to our community! Deliver donations to Change Point Church located at 6689 Changepoint Drive Anchorage, AK 99518 from 9am-5pm on Friday, November 21 - or - Schedule for donation pick up on the 21st to 907-854-4718 by November 20! RAIS will accept smaller sofas, loveseats, kitchen tables, chairs, dressers, book shelves, and lamps. Holiday Wish List - Catholic Social Services Holiday Wish List is up for its Clare House, St. Francis House Food Pantry, and Brother Francis Shelter. Go to holiday/holiday-wish-list.php to see what is needed for clients this Christmas season! ~Parish Bazaars~ November 15 •Holy Family Cathedral - 9am to 3pm •Lumen Christi High School - 9am to 4pm •St. Michael Church - PAL - 10am to 4pm •Sacred Heart Church - WAS - 9am to 5pm December 6 •St. Mary Church - Kodiak - 9am to 3pm The Archdiocese/Holy Spirit Center Advent Reflection Day: Holy Spirit Center, December 6, 9:00 to 12:30. From Creche to Christ: A visual meditation on God’s gift of love to us in Jesus Christ. Enter into deepening prayer and contemplation through the dual lenses of Scripture and art. Selected art from the 3rd to the 21st centuries will be presented. Presenter: Susan Jayich, M.A. For more information or to register, contact Holy Spirit Center (907) 346-2343. Registration deadline Friday November 28, 2014. Register online at or call (907)346-2343. Email: Cost: $35.00. Scholarships available for those needing financial assistance. HSC is located at 10980 Hillside Drive in Anchorage. Following in His Footsteps Thrift Store: Open Monday-Friday 10am-3pm, and Saturday 10am-4pm; contact the Store at 245-0017 or for other questions or to volunteer call Colleen: 354-4372 or Mary: 868-3453 Catechesis: Choir: Clare House: Hospitality: Pancake Breakfast: Knights of Columbus: Legion of Mary: Samoan Mass: Filipino Mass: Outreach: Prayer Chain: R.C.I.A.: Mass Intentions: Bob McMorrow: 273-1552, Dr. Bob Schihl and Oriele Jones: 273-1541 See Ken Miller after Mass or email Food for Clare House: 4th Tuesday each month; contact Linda Fleener: 243-5688 Coffee and donuts, following 8:00am and 10:30 am Masses, except on Pancake Breakfast Served 8:00am to 12:00pm on the 2nd Sunday of the month from October to April Meets every 1st Wednesday (Business) and 3rd Wednesday Social & Potluck (all welcome) Meets every Monday at 5:30pm in the Parish Hall; contact Phyllis Wilson: 344-8947 At 12:15 Mass, the 1st Sunday of the Month At 12:15 Mass, the 3rd Sunday of the Month Emergency food for those in need call 273-1596 For information call Ann Curro: 349-3772 or email Peg Walsh Bernert: Meets Tuesday 6:30-8:00 pm; contact Marcy Adkins: 273-1554 SI=Special Intentions, RTH=Return to Health, ROS=Repose of the Soul St. Benedict's Youth Activities Dear Young People, “The joy of the Gospel is such that it cannot be taken away from us by anyone or anything. The evils of our world—and those of the Church—must not be excuses for diminishing our commitment and our fervor.” -Pope Francis Junior Legion of Mary: Join us on Fridays, beginning at 10am in the parish hall, ages 818. World Youth Day 2016 in Krakow-We will have registration forms available this summer. The pilgrimage will be in July of 2016. There will be an optional Pre-trip to Ireland. Jamaica Trip Meeting: If you are still interested in going, please contact Oriele Jones. Youth nights We meet every Wednesday evening from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm in the upper room above the gym. This Week: French Fries and Fransiscans: Bring fun things to top your French Fries with and learn about Fransiscans! Food Friends Faith Regular meetings YODA– 3:00 in the Upper Room Youth Ministry Team– 8:00 pm on Nov. 16th And… for the Junior high Junior High Night– Nov. 14th at 7PM A movie night with the Lumen Christi Jr. High in room 105 Small group sesh at Faith Formation
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