NEWSLET TER Issue No. 127 • October-December 2014 w w w. b r i c k e n d o n - l i b e r t y. o rg. u k BIG THANK Y O U A big thank you to everyone who helped make this such a successful occasion. The sun shone on us and we had a large turnout of people who enjoyed this traditional occasion. A contribution from our profits will be made to the Wildlife Heritage/Big Cat Sanctuary. We will also be using some of it to finance our childrens’ parties and support the Friendly Club Christmas lunch as well as maintaining our village facilities which are available for all to enjoy. It was especially nice to be supported by so many of our friends from neighbouring areas so a big thank you to all of our visitors as well. Fete Raffle Prize Winners: £100 cash May Nicholls, Brickendon Round of golf Jim PWP vouchers Julie Williams, Essendon & Linda Roberts Afternoon Tea at the Salisbury Hotel Pam Hebditch, Brickendon Waitrose Vouchers Venetia Murray, Brickendon Luxury Chocolate Hamper Dominic Harlow, Hertford Tennis Voucher Lucy Parker, Cheshunt Diving Experience George Goody, Hertford Mirror & Cushion Martin Todd, Brickendon Mulled Wine J. Panlay, Hertford Lucky Car Park Programme Prize: Paul Weaver, Hertford Name the Bear: (Fred) Ellie, Hertford Autumn Dates for the Diary Sunday 19 October Parish Litter Pick, meet in Fanshaws Room car park at 10am Sunday 30 November Archery Barn event for 11 – 14 yr old Parish children Sunday 6 December Christmas Party for 4 – 10yr old Parish Children at Celtic Harmony Camp Friday 5 December Christmas Social Event for Parishioners More details on noticeboards nearer the time Malaysian Carnival This is on Saturday 4th October from 10am – 5pm at Brickendonbury, all are welcome. The Farmer’s Boy If anyone was in doubt as to how much our local public house has been missed they should have been at the opening night on 5th September – it was packed!! We welcome with open arms Andy, Jo and their children and look forward to them being here for many years to come. … and a message from Jo and Andy … “We just want to say hello to the village and add a little about ourselves, we are delighted to join the village at the Farmer’s Boy where we opened in good time for the fete. We both have a wealth of catering and hospitality experience and look forward to opening the Farmer’s Boy with a great fresh approach to fine food and local produce. Initially we will just be serving drinks whilst the kitchen is rebuilt and this gives us a great opportunity to get to know local people and discuss what you'd like to see on the menu! We look forward to seeing you there" … and remember, remember the 2nd November – FIREWORKS AT THE FARMER’S BOY!!! Gardening Club Autumn Events Wed 8th October 8pm Speaker Peter Fells on Flora and Agriculture of New Zealand Wed 12th November 8pm Speaker to be confirmed Wed 10th December 8pm Christmas Social Messy Play Parents or carers with very small children are welcome to attend the Messy Play sessions which re-started in Fanshaws Room (the village hall on Brickendon Green) on Monday 15 September and are held every Monday morning. Please give Jenny (07732 027143) a ring for full details. Pilates • Do you need to improve your posture and core stability and get toned? • We offer Pilates classes and one to one sessions for all levels of fitness, including those with injuries. • Classes take place at Fanshaws Hall in Brickendon, as well as elsewhere in East Hertfordshire. • Check our website for details or call Lynn 07949 710839 Brickendon Liberty Parish Newsletter Community Spirit is alive and well!! Firstly, thank you to whoever dealt with the weeds in the gravel around Fanshaws’ Room, much appreciated. Also thanks to the unseen folk who remember to pull out the Fanshaws’ Room black dustbin on the correct days and also to those who kindly wheel it back once it has been emptied. We don’t have a village ‘handy person’ as such so it is good to know that we all care enough about our parish to do these things without being asked. Thanks are also due to the person in WWE who regularly collects up litter ... and on that note ... our Autumn Litterpick, will be on Sunday 19 October, meet in the Hall Car Park at 10am, equipment will be provided but please remember to wear sensible footwear. The more people who turn up the better the job we can do. Musical Medley in the Chapel Sunday 12 October at 2.30pm Come and listen to an afternoon of relaxing music in our beautiful chapel. We look forward to welcoming back the Kuhlau Flute Quartet and Brian Eaton on clarinet and saxophone. There will be a retiring collection in aid of Church funds and light refreshments will be served. For further information please phone Margaret Hills – 01992 511302 or Virginia Haryott 01992 511575 (email: Editor's Notes on PC Meeting Held on Thursday 24 July 2014 The full Minutes of this meeting are on the Brickendon Liberty website. Highways: On checking the Highways website it was found that there was a low level of reported concerns in the parish. However, there is concern that hedges and verges are not being cut and are therefore becoming dangerous to drivers, riders and pedestrians. This will be pursued with landowners of verges. The PC is following up parishioners’ concerns regarding flooding caused by blocked drains following heavy rainfall. Path to Bayford Station: This is still being held up by bureaucracy. Another grant has been awarded and the PC has been told that work could be continued this Autumn. Defibrillator: Advice has been obtained from St. John’s Ambulance and the British Heart Foundation. The main challenge is keeping a defibrillator safe from vandalism and theft and readily available when required. It was thought that the decision should be deferred until a future meeting partly because the best site would be the public house and the future of that in Brickendon village was still uncertain. Brickendon Green is thought to be the most appropriate area in which to site the equipment as it is the area of largest concentration of population and one where visitors and cyclists congregate. New homes bonus: The Parish has been awarded a small bonus for the precept as a result of the change in the total number of properties in the parish. Openness of Local Government Bodies regulations 2014: The PC are taking steps to film and sound record meetings in the future. However, professional advice has been taken which indicates that a minimum outlay of approximately £650 will be required to purchase equipment, it was therefore decided that, in the short term, equipment could be hired or borrowed. Electricity on Brickendon Green: This is a problem whenever there is an event on the Green, the parish is fortunate in having a local farmer who is willing to bring a cherry-picker up to assist in safely running a temporary cable from the Hall. Various options were considered and it was decided to get a quotation for running electricity under the road, so that there is a permanent connection point on the Green, and also get a quotation for hiring a generator for this year’s Fete The meeting closed at approximately 10pm. Samhain Celebrations – October Half Term Come and join our Samhain festivities for a great day out for all the family including workshops, demonstrations and loads of hands-on activities! Enjoy a variety of autumn crafts and games such as pumpkin carving and have a go at archery (5yrs+), interact with the owls and explore the Haunted Forest! Celebrations begin Monday 26 October and conclude with our Samhain Festival on Friday 31 October. Please be green and walk to the camp when you visit! Brickendon residents can bring one child free of charge with this article; remember to book the rest of the family online at Latest news: Our fundraising campaign for The Arena, our new educational facility at the Celtic Harmony Camp has begun. If you would like to get involved or support us in any way please contact Clare on 01438 718543. Who’s for tennis???? We now have two first class tennis courts, (the envy of neighbouring villagers) just a few steps away from the Green. They will be open throughout the winter (weather permitting) and we hope more Brickendon parishioners will take the opportunity of keeping fit using this facility right on their doorstep. At only £5 an hour it’s cheaper and better value than joining a keep- fit class! (Good, too, for working off the Christmas lunch!) To book and for more details ring Beryl on 01992 511617. Mobile Library Service A mobile library visits Brickendon, arriving on Brickendon Green car park on most alternate Mondays at 1.55pm and leaving at 2.15pm. It is well stocked and the librarians are always very helpful. Please make a note of forthcoming dates: 13 & 27 October (at the time of going to press November and December dates were not available –suggest you check with the mobile library when it next visits - or tel:0300 123 4049) Issue no. 127 • October-December 2014 • Events at Paradise Wildlife Park 25th October 2nd November is a Halloween Spooktacular. There will be Halloween themed events taking place around the park. Normal entrance prices apply. Thursday 20th November Quiz Night in aid of Friends of Paradise Wildlife Park 6:30pm arrival for a 7pm start. Bring your own food but the bar will be open. £6pp teams of up to 8 To register a team, please contact / 01992 470 490 ext. 236 Saturday 13th December Annual Carol Service The Park opens at 9:30am for our visitors to wander. The carol service will then be in the Marquee at 2pm. Our reindeers will be present and there will be mulled wine and mince pies on sale afterwards. We also have a craft fair – the perfect opportunity to purchase those last minute Christmas gifts. Normal entrance fees apply. For further information on any of the above, please visit Musical Medley in the Chapel Sunday 12th October 2.30pm Come and listen to an afternoon of relaxing music with Brian Eaton on the clarinet and including great tunes from Mozart to Gershwin and Tchaikovsky to Mary Poppins by the Kuhlau Flute Quartet. There will be a retiring collection in aid of Church Funds and refreshments. Further information from Margaret Hills 01992 511302 Virginia Haryott 01992511575 email: Book Club If you’re an avid reader – then come and join us – you don’t even have to live in Brickendon! We read a wide selection of books – some we all hate (rarely) – some we can’t put down, others we agree are ‘interesting’. We’re currently reading ‘The Goldfinch’ by Donna Tartt – (ring Beryl for a copy). We meet at 8pm on the first Thursday monthly at each other’s homes. Over a glass of wine and after catching up on the local gossip we actually discuss the book! Details from Beryl 01992 511 617. The Friendly Club (- it’s true!) We’ve been pleased to welcome even more members this year – some from neighbouring villages. In the summer we went out for two cream teas and are now planning our Christmas lunch at a local hostelry. We meet in the Parish hall on the Green on the 3rd Monday each month from 2-4pm. There’s a quiz, a raffle, tea with homemade cakes – and the inevitable banter and local gossip. Newcomers over sixty are very welcome to drop in to meet us. To know more Ring Beryl on 01992 511617. Brickendon Grange Golf Club invite you to join in their Halloween Disco Friday 31st October 2014 2 Course Dinner - Optional Fancy Dress Tables of 8 - Tickets £25pp For more information or to book call Jane on 01992 511258 Opt 4. or email Also email Jane to register your interest and receive further information about our New Year’s Eve Dinner Dance with live music from ‘Red Town’ Limited Membership Offer NO JOINING FEE Call Jane or Pat for details or email Brickendon Grange Golf Club Pembridge Lane, Brickendon Hertford. SG13 8PD Tel:01992 511258 Web: Brickendon Liberty Parish Newsletter Brickendon Church news Useful Contacts Chapel of the Holy Cross and St Alban, Brickendon Lane All services followed by refreshments. Rector: Rev Canon Pauline Higham 01707 875940 Services: Sunday 5 October Family Communion (BCP) at 11.00am Sunday 19 October Family Service at 11.00am Sunday 2 November Family Communion (BCP) at 11.00am Sunday 9 November Group Remembrance Service at Ponsbourne – 10.45am Sunday 16 November Family Service at 11.00am Sunday 30 November Group Communion at 10.15am (Check at which Church) Sunday 7 December Family Communion at 11.00am Sunday 21 December Christmas Praise- Service at 3.00pm Thursday 25 December Christmas Day Service at 11.15am followed by Said Communion. Sunday 28 December Group Communion t 10.15am Member of Parliament: Mark Prisk 01920 462 182 Herts County Councillor: Jeanette Taylor 01920 464 262 East Herts District Councillor: William Ashley 01992 511 313 Parish Clerk John Ingham 01920 438 280 Parish Councillors: Chairman: Leslie Kotting 01992 511 410 Vice Chair: Anne Downes 01992 446 700 John Lambie 01992 511 551 Linda Ashley 01992 511 313 Michele Laybourn 01992 448 404 Fanshaws Room Committee Chair: Lindy Milton 01992 511303 Vice-Chair: Janet Burger 01992 511099 Secretary: Kate Hillaby 01992 511399 Treasurer: Robert Williams 01992 511605 Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Chairman: Tony Roberts 01992 511 035 Vice Chair: Dennis Downes 01992 446 700 Police Emergency calls 999 Non - Emergency calls 101 Police Community Liaison: PC Neal Dyton and PC Dean Watson 101 Crime stoppers 0800 555 111 Newsletter editor: Brenda Lambie 01992 511 551 Email: Winter Newsletter deadline: 1st December (for January February and March 2015) Published by: Fanshaws Room Committee & Brickendon Liberty Parish Council Designed by: Shira Daniels ( Printed by: Servicepoint, UK For more information on clubs and activities contact the following: Book Club (1st Thur) Beryl 01992 511 617 Friendly Club (3rd Mon) Beryl 01992 511 617 Gardening Club (2nd Wed) Terry 01992 511 219 Liberty Bees Catherine 01992 511 448 Petanque/Boules at The Farmer’s Boy PH John 01992 511 551 Table Tennis (Tue or Thur evenings) Marion 01992 511 497 Whist Drive (3rd Thur) Jean 01992 511 226 To hire the Parish Hall in Brickendon Brenda 01992 511 551 To hire the Tennis Courts Beryl 01992 511 617 Broxbourne Woods Area Conservation Society Eileen Gaye 01992 465 304 John Lucas 01992 446107 Neighbourhood Watch Team John Rees, Brickendon Green 01992 511 515 Linda Ashley, Monks Green 01992 511 313 Tim Barnard, Clementsbury 01992 551 077 Linda Barnes, White Stubbs Lane 01992 471 333 Paul Massey, Fanshaws Lane 01992 511 368 Martin Todd , Brickendon Lane 01992 511 497 Dennis Downes, Wormley West End 01992 446 700 STOP PRESS: Please refer to Brickendon Liberty website for minutes of PC meeting on 25th September PLEASE MAKE A NOTE OF THESE DATES FOR 2014 Parish Council meetings: These are held in the Fanshaws Room, Brickendon Green and start at 7.30pm. There is always an item on the Agenda for Parishioner Comments. The next Parish Council Meeting will take place on Thursday, 27th November Friendly Club meetings: Whist Drives: Oct 20 Oct 16 Nov 17 Dec 15 Further information from Beryl 01992 511617 Table Tennis Will be using the Hall on Tuesday evenings during the winter months. Nov 20 Dec 18 Gardening Club meetings in Fanshaws Room: Oct 8 Nov 12 Dec 10 More information from Jean Retallick 01992 511226. Fanshaws Room Committee: 15th October Club details from Terry 01992 511219
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