November 2, 2014 The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed MASS INTENTIONS for the WEEK MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2014 8:30am John Lydon & Tommy Lydon 12:10pm All Souls Novena 7:30pm All Souls Novena-Mass in Spanish TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2014 8:30am All Soul’s Novena 12:10pm For the Souls in Purgatory WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2014 8:30am William Carey 12:10pm All Souls Novena THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2014 8:30am All Souls Novena 12:10pm Kristen Wagner FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2014 8:30am All Souls Novena Burke, Carey, Helmon Families PARISH INFORMATION PARISH REGISTRATION If you or someone you know attends Mass regularly at Holy Name of Mary and is not a registered parishioner, please come into the Parish Office and fill out a short registration form. This will be helpful if you should need recommendation letters, certificates and especially sponsor certificates for Baptism or Confirmation. Registration is mandatory for these requests. HNM PARISH SCHOOL REGISTRATION Join in the Spirit at Holy Name of Mary School, a Middle States Association Accredited School. To register your child for Nursery (full day, age 3), Pre-K (full day, age 4), Kindergarten (full day, age 5) or Grade 1 through 8, please contact our School Office for an appointment to visit at 516-825-4009. After school care available for all registered students. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2014 8:30am All Souls Novena Jack Leahy 5:00pm Parishioners of Holy Name of Mary Rose, Pat, Larry & Joan Forgione Margaret Duffy SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2014 7:45am Al Mannetta 9:00am Parishioners of Holy Name of Mary Doyle Security Services Parents & Ancestors of Mr & Mrs A. Soares Rocco A. Femia Edmund J. Lenahan Sister Elizabeth Marie Lynch 10:30am Catherine McCabe (1st Anniv) 12:00pm Michael Guarino (97th Birthday) 1:15pm All Souls Novena Gilberto Amarilla & Luisa Rolon FINANCIAL INFORMATION Weekly offering budgeted to meet parish expense $17,250 Weekly offering of October 26, 2014 $11,850 Faith Direct (average of weekly donation) $ 1,751 TOTAL of weekly offering & Faith Direct $13,601 Deficit $ 3,649 FAITH DIRECT With the busy times of Thanksgiving and Advent season right around the corner, enrolling in Faith Direct today is a great way to ensure your gifts of treasure to Holy Name of Mary are received, even if you may be out of town. Please pick up an enrollment form from the parish office today or enroll online at - our Church Code is NY78. HOLY NAME OF MARY PARISH YOUTH GROUP Our parish Youth Group meets every Sunday from 7pm9pm in the Youth Room, located in the lower level of the school (use E. Jamaica Ave entrance). All high school students are welcome. Any questions, please call Fr. Henry at the Parish Office, 516-825-1450. 1 November 2, 2014 The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS-NOVEMBER 9, 2014 This Week at Holy Name of Mary Sunday, November 2, 2014 Religious Education School Couples For Christ Gym Spanish RCIA Rm. #5 Couples For Christ Rm. #3 Spanish Ministry Café Youth Group Gym 9:00am 10:30am 11:00am 12:30pm 2:00pm 7:00pm Monday, November 3, 2014 HNM Playgroup Rm. #3 Religious Education School/Café Boy Scouts Gym St. Monica Prayer Gr. Rm. #5 Spanish Carismatic Gr Church Pastoral Council Outreach 10:30am Reserved 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm Tuesday, November 4, 2014 Women For Sobriety Outreach Religious Education School/Café CYO Gym Spirit Prayer Group Rectory Cub Scouts Rm. #5 Spanish Ministry Convent Rm. 2 Altar Server Training Church Carismatic Leaders Rm. #6 Baptism Prep Class Outreach Mens Basketball Gym 10:00am Reserved 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 8:30pm Wednesday, November 5, 2014 Religious Education School/Café/Ch CYO Gym A. A. Convent Rm. 2 RCIA Outreach 2 Bible Study Café/Rm. #5,6 3:00pm 6:00pm 7:30pm 7:00pm 7:15pm Thursday, November 6, 2014 Bible Study Outreach Cantor/Choir Church Spanish Choir Rm. #6 Grupo Emanus Rm. #3 Spanish Formation Convent Rm. 1 SVDP Café Boy Scouts Gym English Classes Outreach 1 9:45am 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm Friday, November 7, 2014 F.A.N. Girl Scouts Girl Scouts CYO Spanish Choir Cub Scouts Spanish Choir A. A. Outreach Rm. #5, 6 Rm. #3 Gym Rm. #110 Café Rm. #6 Convent Rm.2 Saturday, November 8, 2014 CYO Gym Couples For Christ Café 10:00am 5:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00am 12:00pm The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica-Feast 1st Reading } Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12 2nd Reading } 1 Corinthians 3:9c-11, 16-17 Gospel } John 2:13-22 “The Church of Jesus Christ is ever ancient, ever new.” EUCHARISTIC MINISTER SCHEDULE-NOV. 8/9 Sat., 5:00pm HOST } L. DeMartis, J. Davide, M. Lawlor, P. Zolzer Sun., 7:45am HOST } J. Begley, S. Walsh, C. Roncal, N. Roncal Sun., 9:00am HOST } P. Jung, V. Yerou, D. Panzarino, G. Herron Sun., 10:30am HOST } M. Affronti, B. Cercone, R. Coppola, L. Gangemi CUP } J. McDonough, M. O’Connell, A. Baker, A. Ramos, M. Ramos, J. Marracello Sun., 12:00pm HOST } M. Walsh, M. Vogric, T. Barry, J. Barry CUP } M. Brown, S. Margie, C. Romano, A. Paul, R. Mercurio, M. Pascuzzi ST. VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY “Focus on God”… In the Gospel today, we hear the good news that when we keep our focus on God and serve one another, God exalts us. As you place your gift in the SVDP Poor Box, please say a special prayer for the poor who have no one to pray for them. Pantry Needs: paper towels, rice, tuna fish, pancake mix, detergent, gravy PRAY FOR THE SICK: Joseph Consolazio, Filomena Napolitano, Mark Rubin, Kevin Lynch, Veronica Conway, Paul Dillon, Francis Mimms, Marianne Madden, Marie Naso, Jose Cabrera, Dayron Fory, Anthony & Fanny Provenzano, Marlene Plasabas, Leonardo Burgos, August Biermann, Rita Fitzgibbon, Johnny Jackson, Lorenzo Page, Eileen Gorman, Mary Grillo, Marian Guarino, Anthony Marino, Rebecca Zhanay, Geraldine Connelly, Frank Mauro, Regina Michelle Barone, Joyce Erickson, PRAY FOR THE DECEASED: Marie Corsentino, Ernest W. Leyh, Jr., James Giarriputo, Cathy M. Laccetti, Luis G. Fernandez, Josephine Gargagliano, Leonard J. Petrone 2 November 2, 2014 The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed 3 PARISH NEWS ALTAR SERVER TRAINING There will be a 2 – Day Altar Server Training course for English and Spanish Mass Altar Servers on November 4 and 11, from 7:30pm – 9pm in the Church. (Training instructions will be in English). TODDLERS PLAYGROUP It’s not too late for Parents, Grandparents and Caregivers to join our Toddler’s Playgroup! We meet on Mondays from 10:30am-12:00pm in Room #3, in the lower level of the school. Activities include arts-n-crafts, storytime, music, playtime, seasonal parties and birthday parties! For more info, email Marie Gonzalez at BANNS OF MARRIAGE Second Time: Jessica L. Gaglione, Holy Name of Mary & Joseph J. Funch, Blessed Sacrament, VS First Time: Bernadette Amitrano, Holy Name of Mary & Thomas Johnson, St. Raymond’s, E.Rockaway HOLY NAME SOCIETY The Holy Name Society will meet on Monday, Nov. 10th, at 8:00pm in Room #3 in the lower level of the school. The parish community is invited to share in the Prayer Service for special intentions. Contact Bill at 825-4190 with your petitions and they will be included in the Litany of Prayer requests. Special intention this month is for Regina Michelle Barone and Laura Folgers. All parish men are welcome. Thanksgiving Dinner Thursday, November 27 from 11:30am – 2:30pm On Thanksgiving, our parish will offer complete Thanksgiving dinner for people in Valley Stream who might be alone and would like to share the day with others in our community. This event will be hosted by the Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops in Holy Name of Mary with the support of Parish Outreach and members of HNM parish. Volunteers are needed to: *set up cafeteria *clean-up *serve and host event *donate cooked food for the meal *provide entertainment We ask that food be COOKED in your home, put in aluminum pans (half tray size) and brought to the cafeteria WARM on Thanksgiving morning. The menu will include the following: turkey, corn, gravy, rice, carrots, mashed potatoes, string beans, stuffing. Please call the Outreach Office (825-0177) or return the form below to Parish Outreach at 55 E. Jamaica Ave, V.S., 11580. NAME ______________________________________________ PHONE _______________________________ I would like to help with Thanksgiving Dinner in the following ways: (circle all that apply) set-up serve clean-up entertainment donate food I would like to cook: _____________________________________________________________ How many half-trays? ___________________________ November 2, 2014 The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed 4 Open to all with raffle ticket and a $5.00 dinner charge. Only 500 tickets sold! Each ticket has 1 in 500 chance of winning the $10,000 GRAND PRIZE!!! A Raffle ticket is $100. each. Take a chance to win! Ask your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers to join in on a lucky ticket. We will have a delicious hot and cold buffet, drinks, desserts and a live DJ! Please fill out the form below, include with your check for $100. for the raffle ticket, a $5.00 per person dinner charge for each person attending the buffet dinner. Please list dinner attendees names, remember only 21 and older, with a check made payable to "Holy Name of Mary School". You can bring it to the school office 90 South Grove St., V.S. For further information contact the school office 516 825-4009. NAME:_______________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:______________________________________________ TOTAL # TICKETS:________ AMOUNT ENCLOSED:__________ PHONE:______________________ YES, I WILL ATTEND THE DINNER:_______ NAMES OF ADULTS ATTENDING:_____________________________________________________________________ Performing at Holy Name of Mary Auditorium Sunday, November 23rd 5:00pm Tickets are $20.00 each and can be purchased at the Parish Office. 50/50 Refreshments available November 2, 2014 The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed Walk By Faith While it may be cliché to say it is hard to believe that it is the beginning of November, the leaves still holding onto their places on the trees, and most of them still green, it feels more like the beginning of the Fall, than its ending. Maybe that is why it does not seem to be the time for remembering the dead, since the world seems so full of life. Now that Halloween is over, and we have come together to celebrate the Feast days of All Saints and All Souls this weekend, it seems appropriate in a way that the outside world would point to the joy of life, since we believe that our physical deaths are not the end, but only a step through the veil. There have been three significant deaths for me this year, beginning in March with Fr. Ed’s passing. Unfortunately, I only had a limited time to live with Msgr. Donnelly, less than a year, although I had known him since my time as a deacon here at Holy Name, and had the pleasure of talking with him at many diocesan events, before returning here last year. The conversations we had were interesting, informative and joyful; the last part being the great lesson that I learned from Fr. Ed, how to continue being joyful in Christ, even in the face of the world’s insanity. In August, my friend Kathleen died. Once again, I learned a lot from her over the years, but the friendship that we shared was the greatest gift we could give to each other. Finally, on Friday before this past, one of the great characters of the Catholic Church went home to God; Msgr. Lorenzo Albacete, a great priest, a brilliant mind, someone who loved living, and a mentor to myself and numerous others, finally succumbed to his illnesses. At his Mass of transferal, at St. Mary’s in Manhattan, Fr. Rich Veras reminded us of Msgr. Albacete’s desire for God and his desire to have everything about ourselves redeemed by the promise of Christ, using pizza as an example. Recalling a theological discussion Albacete was having with someone on the beatific vision, Albacete said, “But what if I want pizza?” The response was that the essence of the pizza would be caught up in the Glory of God, that the essence of what makes the pizza good would be present in the encounter with the infinite. Monsignor’s response was, “But what if I want the essence of the pizza in the pizza?” The Beatific Vision, envisioned by this Physicist turned priest, consisted of the redemption of everything that exists, even though the redemption of pizza as pizza is only an example, the reality of the promise of the Resurrection is the redemption of every part of the self. Every part of my person, my personality, everything that makes me who I am is redeemed by God; it is not my essence that floats around the Infinite, like some billowy smoke pouring out of God’s presence, it will be my whole person, transformed in the light of the Resurrection. So as I celebrate these days of remembrance, in their spectacularly vibrant and alive essence, I remember three friends, and many other friends and loved ones who have gone before me, I call to mind the memories I have of them. Conversations and shared jokes, music playing in the houses at night and the sound of waterfalls in the daytime, the look of amusement on the face of a loving genius as he waits for you to understand something so close at hand. While I have the memories of times spent together, and even the writings of one of the great minds of our age, I look forward to the day when I will see these friends again. Not as some abstract essence of their former selves, not as the Buddhists and Brahmin believe, as parts of the great whole of the Cosmos, but as they truly are, beautifully whole and entire, and redeemed by God the Father, through the Resurrection of His Son. Pax, Fr. Henry 5 November 2, 2014 The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed 6 On Saturday, November 1, Bishop Andrzej Zglejszewski, confirmed 110 of our young people. We ask you to remember them in your prayers that they will always be open to the presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Alyssa Acevedo Christina Aliprandini Michael Altaner Matias Araya Bayza Assefa Brook Assefa Ann Denise Ballesteros Anthony Bellomo Alexander Belotte Angel Berrios Sydney Bhojwani John Birdsall Marc Bourgouin William Brady Shauna Brennan Jacobe Brown Anthony Buccheri Emily Bustamante David Camulaire Nicole Cassiano Ariel Castillo Julian Castillo Angelina Cera Andre Cisco Caitlynn Colon Desiree Colon Christopher Cook Jake Crowley Morgan Dalal Francesca DiRusso Steven Dignam Matthew Donoghue Brianna Egan Johan Espinal Robert Espinal Brittny Espinoza Jonathan Eugene Michael Farkash Bryanna Fernandez Kimberly Ferris Michelle Figueroa Natalie Fiore Emilio Fredericks Kayla Giarriputo Brandon Gomez Michael Gutierrez Eddie Guzman Robert Henehan Eldania Jaquez Luis Jimenez Gabriella Kaufmann Madison Kelly Filip Konieczny Victoria Konieczny Andrew Lazzara Veronica Leichtle Victoria Long Caitlyn Lopeck Jaclyn Manicdao David Matos, Jr. Matthew Mazza Thomas McAleer Blake McBride Michael Monsegur Nathaniel Morales Javier Morel Victoria Murabito Wilky Nerette III Sean Nertney Isabella Oliveri Jared Ortiz Christopher Ovalle Kiara Padin Sarah Pajonas Angelina Palacios Michael Parnell Gabriela Patino Elisha Paul Andrew Peik Nicole Pellman Mia Peredo Cedrick Pierre Paul Nataly Pinto Christopher Possidel Aaron Presto Giovanni Pupo Christopher Raffloer Maximo Ramos Genesis Rodriguez Aiden Rooney Anthony Sammarone Joseph Sammarone Jenann Sanon Ian Shanahan Amber Shaukat Dominique Singh Matthew Smart Francesca Strojan Marissa Tomaszewski Melanie Torres Daniel Toy Jonathan Val Karen Vargas Allison Vasquez Ernest Vaughn Victor Velez Kathryn Walsh Patryk Wasilewski Alyssa Weber Nicole Zabala November 2, 2014 The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed – November 2, 2014 Today we call to mind those souls who have died. As far back as the 6 th century we have offered prayer, good works and Masses to help these souls atone for past sins and transgressions which deprive them of the Beatific Vision. Today we ask in the Mass' Collects that God “Listen kindly to our prayer, and…look mercifully on your departed servants…with the mortality of this life overcome, they may gaze eternally on you, their Creator and Redeemer”. The Collect prayer is not just a call for us to remember the departed but reminds us of our own mortality and need for prayer. In our first reading Wisdom’s author writes how the souls of the just were tried in the furnace of life’s struggles and sufferings and with God’s grace will lead to opportunities for building virtue, integrity, and a stronger life of faith. It tells us that “those who trust in God shall understand truth, and the faithful shall abide in his love: because grace and mercy are with his holy ones” (Wis 3:9). Calling to mind those who have gone before us marked by the sign of water and the Spirit in baptism and nourished by the Body and Blood of Wisdom itself will come to understand that “his care is with his elect” (Wis 3.9). Our second reading from St Paul’s letter to the church at Rome is a powerful exposition of the doctrine of the supremacy of Christ and our faith in Him as our source of salvation. This does not mean that Christians are free from any responsibility to serve our neighbors. Instead St Paul writes that “we who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death…so if we have grown in union with him through a death like his, we shall also be united with him in a resurrection like his” (Rom 6:3,5). St Paul is conveying to the Romans that we died twice and are born twice. We are born in the natural order and died in the waters of baptism and then we died in the natural order and “by the glory of the Father, we too might live in newness of life” (Rom 6:4). This promise of salvation awaits all souls that include good works and a faith grounded in Christ. The Gospel of John for All Souls’ Day tells us that Jesus, “will not reject anyone the Father gives me…but that I should raise it on the last day”(Jn 6:37, 39). The Father sends Jesus as a visible sign of his love, to feed us as the “bread of life come down from heaven” (Jn6:38) with his wisdom, teaching and healing. He also says, that it is “the will of my Father, that everyone who sees and believes in the Son…I shall raise him on the last day” (Jn6:40). The souls for whom we pray for this Sunday and everyday share an extraordinary promise from God. Jesus who came to do the will of the Father shares His baptism with us, invites us to His Eucharistic celebration, ask us to pray as He did and to imitate Him in doing good works. So we ask Jesus to intercede for us that through the mercy of God the souls of all the faithfully departed shall rest in peace. Amen. Yours in Christ, Deacon Richard Raad Something good is cooking at Holy Name of Mary! Love to bake? Love to share? This may be for you. The people who receive food every month from Parish Outreach-St. Vincent DePaul Society are ever so grateful for the home baked cookies donated by our parishioners every Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. Many of those recipients cannot bake for themselves. In order to extend, this much appreciated act of personal generosity throughout the year, a parish group was formed. The devoted members of the “Bakers Bunch” have been supplying the Parish food pantry with home baked goods throughout the year. Participation in this team involves baking a simple item at your own pace---once a month, once every two months, twice a month----whatever fits your schedule. Items may be cookies, muffins, bundt/loaf cake, quick bread, any item that does not need refrigeration. There are 95 families who receive some food every month so any contribution would help. Groups are also invited to participate. If you are interested or would like more information please call Felicia Lotti at 516-812-9110. You may also fill out the information below and return it to Parish Outreach. Name_____________________________________________ Address________________________________ Phone:_______________________ E mail: _______________________________ How often would you like to bake? ______________________________ If you represent a group please provide the name of the group ______________________________ 7 November 2, 2014 The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed MINISTERIO HISPANO Fr. Fernando Echeverri CONMEMORACIÓN DE LOS FIELES DIFUNTOS. Esta fiesta responde a una larga tradición de fe en la Iglesia: orar por aquellos fieles que han acabado su vida terrena y que se encuentran aún en estado de purificación en el purgatorio. El catecismo también nos recuerda que los que mueren en la gracia y Amistad de Dios pero no perfectamente purificados, pasan después de su muerte por un proceso de purificación para obtener la completa hermosura de su alma. En este día dice el Martirologio Romano: La conmemoración de todos los fieles difuntos, en la cual nuestra común y piadosa Madre la Iglesia, después de haber honrado con amor y dignidad a sus hijos, que tiene ya gozando en el cielo, se esfuerza por ayudar con poderosos sufragios cerca de Cristo su Esposo, a todos los que gimen en el purgatorio; a fin de que cuanto antes se sumen a la milicia de los moradores de la ciudad celestial. En ninguna parte como aquí anuncia la Liturgia de una manera tan explícita la misteriosa conjunción que estrecha a la Iglesia triunfante con la militante y la purgante, y nunca tampoco aparece más claro el doble deber de caridad y de justicia que fluye naturalmente de su misma incorporación al cuerpo místico de Cristo. sabemos que en virtud del dogma de fe de la comunión de los fieles difuntos, los méritos y sufragios de los unos vienen a ser también de los demás, en virtud de una comunidad de bienes espirituales, de manera que sin mermar los derechos de la divina justicia que con todo rigor se nos aplicará al final de nuestra vidas, la Iglesia puede unir aquí su oración con la del cielo, y Suplicar por lo que falta a las almas del purgatorio ofreciendo a Dios por ellas, mediante la Santa Misa, las indulgencias, los sacrificios de sus hijos y los méritos sobrenaturales de la Pasión de Cristo. De ahí que la Liturgia ha sido siempre, el medio empleado por la Iglesia para practicar con los fieles difuntos el deber de la caridad, que nos manda a atender las necesidades del prójimo, como si fueran nuestras, en virtud siempre de ese lazo sobrenatural y apretadisimo que une en Jesus al cielo con la tierra y el purgatorio. La Solemne conmemoración de todos los fieles difuntos se debe a San Odilón, cuarto abad del célebre monasterio benedictino de Cluny. El fue quien en 998 y mandó celebrarla un dia como hoy (Nov, dos), la influencia de aquella ilustre y poderosa congregación, hizo se adoptara bien pronto este uso en todo el orbe Cristiano, ya que ese día fuese en algunas partes fiesta de guardar. En España, Portugal y América del Sur, que de ella dependían, Benedicto XIV, habia concedido celebrar tres Misas el dos de Nov, y Benedicto XV, el 10 de Agosto de 1915, autorizó lo mismo a todos lo Sacerdotes del mundo Católico.. “AQUELLOS QUE NOS HAN DEJADO, NO ESTÁN AUSENTES, SINO INVISIBLES. PORQUE TIENEN SUS OJOS LLENOS DE GLORIA, FIJOS EN LOS NUESTRO LLENOS DE LÁGRIMAS”…(SAN AGUSTIN). 8 November 2, 2014 The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed COMMUNITY INFORMATION CATHOLIC ENGAGED ENCOUNTER Preparing for marriage? Engaged Encounter is an effective Pre Cana program designed to provide you with the tools for a successful marriage. Call 631-563-1032 or email at HOPE HOUSE MINISTRIES Please join in benefiting Hope House Ministries ( as we celebrate a Celtic Twilight Christmas presented by Andy Cooney, Phil Coulter and special guests. This festive concert will be performed on Monday, Dec. 8, at Stern Auditorium/Perelman Stage at Carnegie Hall. Tickets $45, $55, $75, $85, $100 and $125. Online at ● Box Office at 57th St. & 7th Ave. For Groups or Bus Packages please call Mill Pond Music at (516) 798-3014 or email: AMERICAN LEGION POST 44 Atlantic City Bus Trip to Bally’s Casino on Thurs., Nov. 13. Leaves from Franklin Ave & Legion Pl. promptly at 9AM. Tickets are $40 pp includes $30 casino play. For more info, call Bob Guarnari at 516-483-5631. Reserve and pay by Nov. 10th. ST. JOHN the BAPTIST HIGH SCHOOL Father Charles and Laurie Mangano will perform a benefit concert for the elderly and sick of Our Lady of Consolation Care Center, Friday, Nov. 7 at 7:30pm at St. John the Baptist HS Theatre Auditorium. Tickets are $40. Call 631-465-6350 for more information. LIFE CENTER of LONG ISLAND The Life Center is in desperate need of the following items: clothes for boys & girls, baby wipes, powder, diaper rash creams, crib sheets, bottles, hooded towels and washcloths. Thank you for any help you can provide to help support women in crises. Call (631)243-2373. CHURCH of ST. AIDAN-WILLISTON PK. Concert: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: “Requiem in D-Minor”, by St. Aidan’s soloists, choir and orchestra, on Sunday, Nov.2 at 7:30pm. Free will offering. For more info, call 516-746-6585. HOLY SPIRIT R. C. CHURCH The Holy Spirit Rosary Altar Society will sponsor a Christmas Fair on Sat., Nov. 8 from 10am -6pm and Sun., Nov. 9 from 8:30am-2pm. The fair will be held in the auditorium located at 13 So. 6th St. Call Theresa at 516-294-9837 for more information. DIOCESE OF ROCKVILLE CENTER/ VOCATIONS Join us this November for our annual PRO Retreat weekend at the seminary in Huntington. The PRO Retreat is a high school retreat for young men that are interested in growing in their faith. For more information, please contact the Diocesan Vocations Office at 516567-5800 x214 or email at 9
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