Document 405344

Jim & Pat Frank, Publishers
Oct. 30, 2014 ~ Vol. 595
Two years ago a group of FRANK TALK travelers enjoyed a
great trip to Branson, MO. What made it special was that we
went during the annual Music Fest celebration, and the event
certainly lived up to its hype!
Music Fest is a two-day event that features about 20 of the
acts presently appearing in the various theaters in Branson. It’s
a great opportunity to experience the sights and sounds of a fantastic entertainment city all in one location. Complete details
about the trip are on pages 12 and 13 of this issue.
People who have traveled with us know that we are normally
not content to do things in the normal way, and this trip is no
exception. Yes, we’re going to see some shows just like all the
other travel companies do. But, in addition, we’re staying in one
of the swankiest hotels in Branson. The beautiful Grand Plaza
Hotel will be our headquarters while we’re in Branson.
And, we’re not only going to stay in a ritzy place, we’re going
to eat like kings and queens, as well.
One of the highlights of the trip will certainly be seeing three
of the Osmond brothers—Jimmy, Merrill and Jay—perform for
the first time since 2011 in their own show at the Andy Williams
Another “highlight” of the trip will actually have nothing to do
with the music business. I thought that offering our people something a bit “different” would be interesting and we’re doing just
that! Check this out!
Next Issue: Nov. 11, 2014
This picture scene is from the Dogwood Canyon Nature Park,
and we are going to spend some time there while we’re in Branson. We’ll be enjoying a two-hour tour of the park riding on a
tram and walking a bit if we want. The park is full of gorgeous
scenery, and we know you are going to enjoy it.
We do know we’ll be seeing the Osmond boys as part of the
trip, and we’ve “penciled” in a couple of other acts besides the
actual Music Fest performances. We’re still looking at some
other shows, and we still may change one or two destinations if
we feel the new shows would be more interesting.
Pat and I were out of town for a bit of R&R a couple of days
this past week. Unfortunately, when we get home, it seems we
have twice as much work to do as normal! Still have some mail
to catch up with, but I do know for sure that the Holiday Ice Spectacular is a definite go on December 15. There are a few seats
left, but it is not in danger of being cancelled. That show is priced
at $79 a person and includes stopping at the Willow Bend Country Club in Van Wert, Ohio, for a great evening buffet.
I’m also happy to report that the upcoming Dynamic Duo casino trip is also a go with enough people signed up already.
Again, there are some seats left, but I would advise you to let me
know soon if you’re thinking of going. It’s a great day of entertainment at $44 per person, with $40 of it coming back to you in
the form of casino incentives. The combined incentives total out
at $30 worth of casino money and $10 worth of food for each
person. $4 does make for a rather inexpensive day. By the way,
we’ve added pickups in Bryan and Holiday City, Ohio, to the mix!
The Nova Scotia trip still has some seats left and again is a
definite go. A lot of people are really looking forward to that trip
just as I am. Pat and I have been there and can personally attest
to the beauty of the area. You’ll see sights you won’t see anywhere else in the world. It is truly a trip you’ll remember for the
rest of your life!
I hope to have details of our
first-ever trip to Florida in the
Finish Line Restaurant
next issue. I really want to take
a busload to St. Augustine, FL.
Great food — Great price!
It is a very historic area on the
Daily specials.
Atlantic side and probably not
Senior discounts.
as “used” by northerners as
“A No-Smoking Restaurant”
some parts of Florida. Many of
Open 7 days per week
us are not able to take months
to go “south” because of jobs or
financial considerations, so I’m
hoping this will provide an op75 W. Carleton, Hillsdale, MI.
portunity for some of you to at
least enjoy Florida for a week!
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We now accept credit/debit cards by phone—or on our website—for advertising, trips, subscriptions, and donations.