“Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.” Feast of the Dedica on of the Lateran Basilica in Rome November 9th 2014 PA R I S H C A L E N D A R Sun, November 9th NO SURGE Mon, November 10th 9am—3pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (WC) Tues, November 11th 10am-2pm Thrift Shoppe (CH) 7:15pm AA (PC) 6:30pm Renewal on Reconciliation (C) Wed, November 12th 9:30am Biblical Series (PC) 6pm Children’s Choir (MR) 7:30pm Adult Choir (MR) Thurs, November 13th 9am Rosary Makers (PC) 7:30pm Knights of Columbus Meeting (PC) Fri, November 14th 10am-2pm Thrift Shoppe (CH) Sat, November 15th 10am-2pm Thrift Shoppe (CH) Youth Ministry Silent Auction 6pm-8pm (PC) Sun, November 16th 6pm S.U.R.G.E (PC) C — Churc h; PC — Parish C en ter ; DR — D i s m i s s a l R o o m ; Y R — Y o u t h R o o m ; W C — W e l c o m e C e n t e r ( P a r i s h O f f i c es ) ; C H — C a u lf i e l d H o u s e PRIESTS Reverend Roland Nadeau, M.S. Pastor Reverend William J. Slight, M.S. Associate Pastor Reverend Robert Susann, M.S. Airport Chaplain (In Residence) Reverend Jim Henault M.S. In Residence PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Mr. José González Deacon Rev. Mr. Miguel Pagán Deacon Rev. Mr. Manny Garcia Deacon Br. Ron Lafleche, M.S. Sacristan Carlos Bernard Faith Formation Coordinator Brandie Akos Youth Ministry Coordinator Cheryl Haney Director of Liturgy & Music Dawn Wilson Administrative Bookkeeper Susan Abouchacra Assistant Bookkeeper Araceli Cruz Secretary/Pastoral Assistant Yliana Soto Faith Formation Assistant Nelson Rodriguez Maintenance Coordinator Turner Flynn Media Specialist PARISH OFFICE 4545 Anderson Road * Orlando, Florida 32812 Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00am-12:30pm and 1:30pm-5:00pm Parish Office: 407-277-1702 Fax: 407-277-1973 Website: www.BlessedTrinityOrlando.org E-mail: info@blessedtrinityorlando.org Our parish is staffed by the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette, Province of Mary Mother of Americas, along with our sister church, Good Shepherd Parish in Orlando. November 9th, 2014 SCRIPTURE READINGS AND INTENTIONS Monday, November 10, 2014 8:30am—Petr Sokolov † Tuesday, November 11, 2014 8:30am—Sandy Parah ♥ Ti 1:1-9/Lk 17:1-6 Ti 2:1-8, 11-14/Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday, November 12, 2014 8:30am—Maria Vilches† Thursday, November 13, 2014 8:30am—Mark Hegner ♥ Ti 3:1-7/Lk 17:11-19 Phlm 7-20/Lk 17:20-25 Friday, November 14, 2014 8:30am— Kenneth Schmidt† 2Jn 4-9/Lk 17:26-37 Saturday, November 15, 201 8:30am—Silvia Myers † 5:00pm—Gerdy Priewe † 3Jn 5-8/Lk 18:1-8 Sunday, November 16 , 2014 Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31/ 1Thes 5:1-6/Mt 25:14-30 8:00am—Frank Sr., Leone Canty & Jeremy Lankford † 10:00am—Theresa Waters† 12:00pm—Isabel Aquino † 5:00pm—Jeny Archambault † MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm (English) Sunday: 8:00am (English), 10:00am (English), 12:00pm (Spanish), 5:00pm (English) Monday — Saturday: 8:30am in the Welcome Center Rosary (Monday through Saturday): 8:00am RECONCILIATION Monday through Saturday: after 8:30am Mass Saturday: 4:00pm-4:30pm in Main Church Sunday: 11:15am-11:45am (Spanish) Blessed Trinity Catholic Church — www.BlessedTrinityOrlando.org Page 2 TIME, TALENT & TREASURE Dedication of the Lateran Basilica MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES & CONTACTS If you would like to participate in any of the ministries listed below, please call the contact. Reading 1: Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12 Reading 2: 1 Corinthians 3:9C-11, 16-17 Gospel: John 2:13-22 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES Sacrificial Giving Fostering Stewardship as a way of life for Blessed Trinity Catholic Church Weekend of November 1st & 2nd, 2014 Altar Servers/Cross Bearers Brother Ron Lafleche: 407-277-1702, ext. 116 Eucharistic Ministers/Sacristans John Ligas: 407-859-0845 Offertory $14,745.70 Liturgical Art & Environment Debt Reduction $4,050 Marian Gallagher: 407-275-3644 Beverley White: 407-273-2014 Please place all donations in the collection baskets at Mass or bring them to the Parish Offices. Mary Jane Crook: 407-277-2081 Cheryl Haney: 407-277-1702, ext. 110 Readers Mary Lou Gibson: 407-277-2042 Our Ministries are listed on a four-week cycle. If you don’t see the ministry you are looking for this week, please call our Parish Office at 407-277-1702 for more information. EFT $77.82 Thank you for Giving First Fruits!! Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers & Greeters) Music Ministers EFT $1,317.78 Vivos Christi Society Wills are for everyone - not just the wealthy! Wills and bequests are ways in which everyone regardless of age or circumstances, can help to support and expand the ministries of our parish. Call the parish office for more information at: 407-277-1702 25 WEEK CLUB WINNER SUNSHINE SENIORS Announcing the 25-Week Club Winner: Thanksgiving luncheon in celebra on of the Albert Emery — $25.00 season! All seniors 55 & up are welcome to On November 20th, 2014 there will be a come and par cipate in fellowship and THRIFT SHOPPE SECOND BLESSINGS THRIFT SHOPPE community! MASS FOR TRAVELERS Open Tuesdays, Fridays & Saturdays 10 am – 2 pm Catholic Mass New Fall Fashions Now in Stock Every Sunday at 8:15am and 12noon We accept LADIES, Men’s & Children’s Clothing Shoes, Purses, Books, Knick-Knacks, Religious Articles & Jewelry SORRY, NO ELECTRONICS, FURNITURE, APPLIANCES OR BEDDING Donations accepted during operating hours! November 9th, 2014 in the Chapel at Orlando International Airport located behind Security for Gates 1-59 All are welcome!!! Blessed Trinity Catholic Church — www.BlessedTrinityOrlando.org Page 3 LASALETTE REFLECTION ON THE SUNDAY READINGS Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica November 9th “Looks towards Rome” (Ezekiel 47:1-12; 1 Corinthians 3:9‑17; John 2:13-22) Pope Pius IX was elected June 16, 1846, about three months before the Blessed Virgin appeared at La Salette. He reigned for well over 31 years (six years more than John Paul II), and was certainly familiar with the La Salette event and message. His was a troubled time. The unification of Italy was taking place and Italian leaders like Garibaldi were insisting that Rome must be the capital. But that city was the last vestige of what had been the “Papal States.” For it to become the capital of the new Italy, it would have to be taken by force of arms. And so it was. For a long time afterward, hostility towards the papacy proved most unsettling for Catholics worldwide. This concern is reflected in a Litany of Our Lady of La Salette composed in the latter 1800’s, where one of the invocations reads, “By thy mysterious looks towards Rome, make us more and more devoted to the Holy See, O Mary.” What “looks towards Rome,” you ask? Well, just before Mary left the children, she rose up in the air, looked up to the sky, then down to the earth, facing southeast. Given the political and religious climate, it was easy to interpret this to mean she was looking towards Rome, showing concern for the papacy. This perception was strong enough that at one point the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette wondered if they should take a vow of fidelity to the Holy See. Today we celebrate the dedication of the Pope’s Cathedral, not St. Peter’s, but St. John Lateran, the “Lateran Basilica,” the oldest church in the West. This is really a celebration of our Catholicism rather than of a building. St. Paul writes that we are “God’s building.” and “the temple of God, which is holy.” Mary expresses this idea by appealing to her “People” to become Catholics in more than name, to do something about the frail state of their faith. Nothing she would like better than for us to make our own the words of Psalm 122, “I rejoiced when I heard them say, “Let us go to the house of the Lord’”—not just a place, but a way of life. OUR SICK AND DECEASED Please pray for/Oremos por: Linda Lande — Kris Poope — Leonard Rivard — Don Christerson — Ita Rivera — Eneida Rivera — Blas Colon — Patricia Dowd — Sofia Zdrojkowska — Stanlye Pesotski — Stephanie Wallen — Terry and Armand Frechette — Brian and Yvette Fine — Amy and Amanda Smith — Gene and Lisa Blackford — Pat Chirpich — Carolyn LaBouve — Veronica Canales —Joey La’Charie — Jim Heaney — Roland Bouvier — Eliseo Polledo — Bessie Blanton — Lissy Cruz — Armando Mendez— Wilfredo Lagaras— Esther Velezquez— Tyson Rodriguez— Margie Rodriguez— Lourdes Rodriguez— Lexida Estevez— Laura Schipper— Justin King—Amanda Espisito — Edward Utz — Steve DuChene — Debra Matchell — Chris Matchell — Charles Matchell — Caroline Matchell — Joawne Bawal — Carolyn Jakubiak — Elenore Dornoff — Kathleen Puluer — Jo-Anne Smiley — John R. Gaerette — Mr. Green — Merseda Edwards — Magel Dunlap — Irene & Robbie Grebley — Rite Syvertson — William Wigton — Honorable Paul John Carr — C.G. Harbeck — Rose Harbeck — Shirley Smith — Bro. Guy Roddy, FIC — Stephanie Wallen — Cecilia Mapile — Laura Foss — Russell Foss — Linda Foss — Roger Foss — Raymond Foss — Jean Foss — Lillian Tetley — Yvonne Dugas — Please pray for those who have entered eternal life Por favor oren por aquellos que han pasado a la vida eterna November 9th, 2014 If you or a member of your family would like to be on the prayer list, please call the office. Si usted o algún miembro de su familia desea estar en la lista de oración, favor de llamar a la oficina. Blessed Trinity Catholic Church — www.BlessedTrinityOrlando.org Page 4 BLESSED TRINITY ANNOUNCEMENTS Blood Drive Sunday, November 23rd 9:00am to 1:00pm The Big Red Bus will be parked in the church parking lot. All donors will receive: A FREE movie ticket! Let’s help save lives in our community by getting on the bus and making a difference. You can make an appointment to donate by going to fbcdonor.org. Help us fill the bus and reach our goal of collecting 40 units of blood!! The Mystery of Christmas In this inspiring talk, renowned preacher and retreat master Fr. Larry Richards illuminates how the true joy of Christmas is found in the greatest gift ever given – the gift of Jesus Christ to the whole world. With humor, compassion, and clarity, Fr. Larry gets to the heart of the true meaning of Christmas and helps us to better appreciate the immensity of God's love for us as His children. Day of Reconciliation Youth Essay Contest On Tuesday December 9th, 2014 Topic: The Role of a Catholic ci zen in a free society. Blessed Trinity will be having a day of reconciliation for the children making their first communion and Essays Due: November 15, 2014 in the youth office. their parents. All parishioners are also invited to this Pick up the Essay Registra ons Guidelines & day of prayer and penance. This is an excellent Registra on form in the Narthex. Sponsored by opportunity to prepare ones heart for the Advent and Christmas seasons! the Knights of Columbus. Be rewarded for your wri ng skills and knowledge of your faith! RENEWAL ON RECONCILIATION Most Catholic children learned about the sacrament during religion class in Catholic school or through the parish religious education. But learning about a sacrament is much different from preparing for a sacrament. Preparing for a sacrament is a special time for individuals and the entire parish. During the Parish Renewal in Reconciliation we are prepared to truly encounter Jesus Christ in a sacramental moment. Come one, come all. We are a parish community, not a cluster of individuals. We are the Body of Christ. The Renewal in Reconciliation is for everyone in the parish. Tuesdays at 6:30pm-8pm in the Main Church November 11th Theme: We Show Our Great Love for You November 9th, 2014 November 18th Theme: We Love God with All Our Hearts Blessed Trinity Catholic Church — www.BlessedTrinityOrlando.org Page 5 BLESSED TRINITY ANNOUNCEMENTS Blessed Trinity Men’s Club Annual Thanksgiving Give Away As usual, each year tickets for our annual raffle will be mailed to parish members currently registered with Blessed Trinity. For those who did not receive tickets in the mail, tickets will be available at the Welcome Center and after Mass on 11/9, 11/16, and just prior to the drawing on 11/23. The drawing will be held during Harvest Blessings Celebration on November 23rd from 1pm-5pm. You do not need to be present to win. This is one of our annual fundraisers from which our Church benefits. Grand Prize: $500 6th Prize: $50 2nd Prize: $250 7th Prize: $50 3rd Prize: $100 8th Prize: $50 4th prize: $100 9th Prize: $50 5th prize: $100 10th Prize: $50 Enjoy the Harvest Blessings Fun, Socialize & Support Your Men’s Club “And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me’.” Matthew 25:40 You can feed a family in the name of Jesus this Thanksgiving by donating the following foods: Each Basket Includes: Box stuffing mix Box of instant potatoes Bag of Rice Can of green beans Can of whole kernel corn Can of sweet potatoes or yams Thanksgiving Food Drive Starting Sept. 21th - Nov. 23th, 2014 Help us reach our goal of providing food for needy families at Thanksgiving Time. Last year with your help we assisted 100 families! Help us double the number of families this year. Thank you for your Cooperation and Generosity. All donations can be placed in & near the collection baskets in the Narthex. God Bless You! November 9th, 2014 Bag of marshmallow Jars of turkey or chicken gravy Can of cranberry sauce Can of turkey or chicken broth Can of fruit Box of cake or brownie mix Can of ice tea or coffee $15 Gift Certificate for turkey You can give all or part of a basket. Blessed Trinity Catholic Church — www.BlessedTrinityOrlando.org Page 6 A MESSAGE FROM OUR PASTOR Dear Parishioners, My message this week focuses on different issues/realities that are facing our parish community. Blessed Trinity celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2015-16. We will concentrate our various celebrations beginning on the Feast of the Blessed Trinity, Sunday, May 31, 2015, and running through the anniversary year till the Feast of the Blessed Trinity on Sunday, May 22, 2016. We will fill the year with greater awareness of the God’s blessing on our parish as we “look back over the years” and “look ahead with faith and hope.” A 50th Anniversary Committee has already begun its work. I extend an open invitation to any parishioner to take part in the planning efforts by contacting Susan Abouchacra, Chair, at the Parish Offices (407-277-1702) or committee members, Oscar Ahumada, Ray Heurtin, Karen Hill, Dona Tillman, Carolyn Tresnan. Renovation work in the Parish Center is almost complete. This “new face” gives a totally new feeling to the large central room of the Center. I believe that we have created a new space for community life, a space of which we all can be proud. Phase 2 of the renovation work will focus on the classrooms: ceiling, AC update, moveable walls and accordion doors. Please note: For some time now we have been offering low-gluten hosts at Holy Communion for those who suffer from celiac disease or similar disorders. If you have this need, simply notify an usher and follow the given suggestions. Gratefully, November 9th, 2014 Blessed Trinity Catholic Church — www.BlessedTrinityOrlando.org Page 7 BLESSED TRINITY ANNOUNCEMENTS Mark Your Calendar Sunday, November 23rd, 1-4 PM Here we are, the second Sunday of November…. Thanksgiving is coming soon! What are YOU thankful for? We, Your Family in Faith, will gather on Sunday, November 23rd to celebrate HARVEST BLESSINGS! The fun begins at 1pm! Games, Bingo, Dancing, Eating!! Look for more details next Sunday, November 16. Thanksgiving Pies Need a pie for Thanksgiving? Let Darland Bakery lessen your load by baking one for you! Darland Bakery is a family owed business that has been around for over 60 years! There pies are top quality, second only to your grandmas’ pies. They also offer a wide variety of flavors and toppings to satisfy your preferences. Pie forms are located in the Narthex. Return filled out forms with payment to Brandie Akos in the Youth Office. This fundraiser is to support the youth attending the National Catholic Youth Conference in 2015. Thank you for you support! All Souls Day Candlelight Service Monday Evening, November 17th at 7:00pm During our All Souls Day Candlelight Service, those who have experienced the death of a loved one during the past year may honor that loved one by speaking his or her name and lighting a candle of remembrance. Attention All Current 6th-12th Graders!!!! Looking for something FUN to do on Wednesday November 26, 2014? Come out to Blessed Trinity from 7pm-10pm for a Thanksgiving prayer, games, a movie & pizza! Bring your friends! Price is just $10! Games are: Flour Ball (Bring an all black shirt & a plastic bag with you!), basketball, corn hole & board games! Movie: A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Turn in your permission form & payment to Ms. Brandie Akos by Sunday November 23, 2014. November 9th, 2014 Blessed Trinity Catholic Church — www.BlessedTrinityOrlando.org Page 8 COME AND SEE lasalettevocations@gmail.com November 9th, 2014 Blessed Trinity Catholic Church — www.BlessedTrinityOrlando.org Page 9 A NIGHT TO REMEMBER Saturday, November 15, 2014 from 6pm-8pm $10.00 per person Scan code to view pictures of last years event! November 9th, 2014 Blessed Trinity Catholic Church — www.BlessedTrinityOrlando.org Page 10 CH — Iglesia; PC — Centro Parroquial; DR — Salón de Despedida; WC — Centro de Bienvenida (Oficina Parroquial); MR — Salón de Reuniones; YR — Salón Juvenil; TS — Tienda de Conveniencia Domingo, 9 de noviembre Café y Donas (PC), Lunes, 10 de noviembre AA (Español) 7pm (MR) Martes, 11 de noviembre Tienda de Conveniencia 10am—2pm (WH) Miércoles, 12 de noviembre Ensayo Coro Ministerio Hispano 7pm (WC) Jueves, 13 de noviembre Clase Bíblica 7pm (PC) Viernes, 14 de noviembre Circulo de Oración, Tienda de Conveniencia 10am—2pm (WC) Sábado, 15 de noviembre Tienda de Conveniencia 10am—2pm (WH) Domingo, 16 de noviembre Café y Donas (PC) Lecturas de la Semana Lunes, Noviembre 10, 2014 Ti 1:1-9/Lc 17:1-6 Martes, Noviembre 11, 2014 Ti 2:1-8, 11-14/Lc 17:7-10 Miércoles, Noviembre 12, 2014 Ti 3:1-7/Lc 17:11-19 Jueves, Noviembre 13, 2014 Flm 7-20/Lc 17:20-25 Viernes, Noviembre 14, 2014 2Jn 4-9/Lc 17:26-37 Sábado, Noviembre 15, 2014 3Jn 5-8/Lc 18:1-8 Domingo, Noviembre 16, 2014 Pr 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31/1Tes 5:1-6/ Mt 25:14-30 Día de la Reconciliación El martes 9 de diciembre 2014 la iglesia va a tener un día de reconciliación para los niños que hacen su primera comunión y sus padres. Todos los feligreses están invitados a esta jornada de oración y penitencia. ¡Esta es una excelente oportunidad de preparar nuestros corazones para las temporadas de Adviento y Navidad! November 9th, 2014 OPORTUNIDADES Y CONTACTOS DE LOS MINISTERIOS Si quisieras participar en los ministerios en la lista, favor de llamar el contacto asignado a tal ministerio ¡Gracias por compartir tu tiempo y talento! CONSEJO PASTORAL Barbara Geelan bjsgeelan@earthlink.net Bob McCormack rjmeyes62@aol.com Brice Gyurisko bdgyurisko@cfl.rr.com Dan Cunnard dan.cunnard@siemens.com Dona Tillman dftillman@aol.com John “Jack” Carroll retsarge1@netscape.net Nina Piccolo dpicc22446@aol.com Pat Matteson patmat5@aol.com Ray Heurtin raycoh@aol.com Rosemary Mieszczak ram3731@att.net Teresa Ahumada oscarluisa@yahoo.com Sandra Theodoredis santheo0@att.net Carolyn Tresnan caroltresn@aol.com Si desea que la imagen de la Sagrada Familia los visite en su casa por una semana por favor de comunicarse con la Señora Carmen Alcántara (203) 982-6273 Blessed Trinity Catholic Church — www.BlessedTrinityOrlando.org Page 11 MENSAJE FR. ROLAND... Queridos feligreses, Mi mensaje esta semana se enfoca en diferentes temas/realidades que enfrenta nuestra comunidad parroquial. * La Santísima Trinidad celebra su 50 aniversario en 2015-16. Nos concentraremos en diversas celebraciones que comenzarán con la fiesta de la Santísima Trinidad, el domingo 31 de mayo 2015, y culminaremos con la fiesta de la Santísima Trinidad el domingo, 22 de mayo 2016. Vamos a ocupar el año con mayor conciencia de las bendiciones de Dios a nuestra parroquia, no solo "mirando hacia atrás los últimos años" sino que "mirando hacia el futuro con fe y esperanza." Un Comité con miras al Cincuentenario ya ha comenzado su labor. Extiendo una invitación abierta a cualquier feligrés que quiera participar en los esfuerzos de planificación, poniéndose en contacto con Susan Abouchacra , Presidente , en las Oficinas Parroquiales (407-277-1702) o con los miembros del comité, Oscar Ahumada, Ray Heurtin, Karen Hill, Dona Tillman, Carolyn Tresnan. * Los trabajos de renovación en el Centro Parroquial están casi terminados. Esta "nueva cara" da una sensación totalmente nueva a la gran sala central del centro. Creo que hemos creado un nuevo espacio para la vida en comunidad, un espacio del que todos podemos estar orgullosos. La fase 2 de las obras de renovación se enfocará en los salones: el techo, la renovación de aire acondicionado, paredes móviles y puertas de acordeón. * Tome nota: Desde hace algún tiempo hemos estado ofreciendo en la Santa Comunión, hostia baja en gluten para aquellos que sufren de la enfermedad celíaca o trastornos similares. Si usted tiene esta necesidad, simplemente notifique a un ujier y siga las sugerencias dadas. Con gratitud, November 9th, 2014 Blessed Trinity Catholic Church — www.BlessedTrinityOrlando.org Page 12 ¡ENTERESE! GLORIOSO AMANECER CON MARIA Los invita a una peregrinación especial a LOS SANTUARIOS MARIANOS Y PARIS Del 12 al 21 de mayo del 2015 Director Espiritual: Padre William "Bill" Slight Visitando los santuarios de Fá ma, Salamanca, Ávila, Segovia, Burgos, San Sebas án, Lourdes PARA MAS INFORMACION COMUNIQUESE CON: SRA. FELICITA ESPADA TEL: 407-680-9941 Usted puede alimentar una family a en el nombre de Jesús el día de Acción de Gracias, donando los siguientes alimentos: Cada Canasta Incluye Caja de relleno Caja de papas majadas Bolsa de arroz Lata de habichuelas tiernas Lata de maíz Lata de papas Bolsa de marshmallow Lata de gravy Lata de arándanos Lata de caldo de pollo Lata de frutas Caja de mezcla de dulce Lata de te frio o café $15.00 Certificado de Regalo “Y el Rey les responderá: ‘Les aseguro que cuando lo hicieron con uno de estos mis hermanos más pequeños, conmigo lo hicieron’.” Mateo 25:40 Colecta Especial de Comida Acción de Gracias Septiembre 21 - Noviembre 23, 2014 Ayúdanos a alcanzar nuestra meta de proveer comida a las familias necesitadas para el día de Acción de Gracias - El año pasado con su apoyo ayudamos a 100 familias. Ayúdanos a proveer para el doble de familias este año. ¡Gracias por su Cooperación y Generosidad, Dios los bendiga! Puede dar todo o parte de una canasta. Donación de Sangre Domingo, 23 de noviembre 9:00 am a 1:00 pm El Red Bus Grande estará estacionado en el estacionamiento de la iglesia. Todos los donantes recibirán: Una entrada de cine GRATIS. Vamos a ayudar a salvar vidas en nuestra comunidad por subir al autobús y hacer una diferencia. Usted puede hacer una cita para donar por ir a fbcdonor.org. ¡Ayúdanos a llenar el autobús y llegar a nuestra meta de recolectar 40 unidades de sangre!! November 9th, 2014 Bautizo Clase en Español Noviembre 9 a las 9:30 am Clase en Ingles Noviembre 13 a las 7:00pm Para registrarse por favor llamar a la oficina Blessed Trinity Catholic Church — www.BlessedTrinityOrlando.org Page 13 ¡ENTERESE! EL mes de noviembre es un mes de recordar a nuestros queridos difuntos. Vengan con nosotros a celebrar la vida de cada uno de aquellos que han pasado a morar con el Señor. Lunes Noviembre 17, 2014 a la 7 de la noche en la Iglesia. ¡Están todos invitados! Cualquier cosa llamar a la oficina. Ven con nosotros a celebrar a la Virgen de Guadalupe Novenario a la Virgen, Empezando el Martes 2 de diciembre al Jueves 11 de diciembre del 2014 A las 7pm en el Centro de Bienvenida Misa de Celebración Viernes 12 de diciembre del 2014 a las 6:00pm en la Iglesia ¡Están todos cordialmente invitados! Cualquier pregunta de llamar a la oficina Rosario a la Divina Misericordia Se reúne cada domingo después de misa en el salón al lado del altar. Cualquier cosa de comunicarse con Rubén Marcano (407) 446-4224 November 9th, 2014 El Círculo de Oración Paz y Gozo Los invitas a compartir con ellos todos los viernes a las 7:00pm empezando con el rosario en el Centro de Bienvenida. Acompáñenos ah orar, cantar, alabar y recibir bendiciones. Los esperamos! Cualquier cosa de llamar a Teresita Gómez (321)947-0970 Blessed Trinity Catholic Church — www.BlessedTrinityOrlando.org Page 14 Insurance Cancelled? Rates Went Up? Cosmetic and Restorative Call Dehlinger Insurance DENTISTRY 407-839-0505 We Listen & Offer Comfortable Care at a Fair Price Se Habla Español 407.277.0981 Parishioners Welcome 3221 S. CONWAY ROAD (Right around the corner from Church) www.DrPirino.com D R . PI R I N O Home and Auto Insurance mikedehlinger@cfl.rr.com • Catholic Funeral Specialist • Formerly Dove Funeral Home • Newly Remodeled Facilities • Hablamos Español • $795 Direct Cremation • Pre-Planning with 0% Financing (407) 851-1983 www.BaldwinCremation.com 4310 Curry Ford Road Orlando, FL 32806 See Your Ad in C O L O R Call J.S. Paluch Today! 1.800.432.3240 “Thank You Ad” and Present It ✂ThePleaseNextCutTimeOutYouThisPatronize One of Our Advertisers Bulletin advertising will grow your business! www.jspaluch.com Call Mike Feeney Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! 800.432.3240 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 514119 Blessed Trinity Church (B) www.jspaluch.com 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Your One-Stop Insurance Specialists Diana Giron Owner/Agent 1548 S. Semoran Blvd. Orlando, FL 32807 Office: 407.898.1116 web: www.myuniversalinsurance.com HOME • AUTO • COMMERCIAL • FLOOD • BONDS Acupuncture & Alternative Medicine 1001 E. Michigan St. NO OVERTIME CHARGES Bernie Heinmiller, Parishioner You Talk. We Listen. James Faust In person. Dr. Joshuah Jackson Acupuncture Physician Financial Advisor 2901 Curry Ford Rd / Suite 3 Orlando, FL 32806 www.edwardjones.com FF 5O t $2st Visi 1 We are an Alternative Medicine Facility. We Incorporate Acupuncture, Herbal Therapy, Food Therapy & Many More to Bring Your Body Back Into a Healthier State. 407-897-4610 Parishioners Choice • 407-412-6354 5222 Andrus Ave., Suite D • Orlando THOMAS MURPHY & ASSOCIATES VISIT NEW SMYRNA BEACH Parishioner Lee Harris, Realtor MENTION THIS AD FOR A $25 GIFT AT CHECK IN (386) 423-7796 X210 www.newsmyrnavacationcondos.com 407-451-2884 (386) 409-9212 www.NewSmyrnaBeachInlet.com “If you want to buy or sell, please call.” leeharris145@hotmail.com (386) 427-3551 www.SeaCoastGardens.com On the lonesome corner A way for you to partner with service of Daetwyler & McCoy providers who support your parish through SUNDAY BRUNCH their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. 407-812-6881 www.PALUCHPARTNERS.com Saint Margaret Sunday Missal An ideal companion for personal prayer. In Stock & Ready to Order Today. 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