ZEM ZEM NEWS The Zem Zem News is published bibi-monthly by the Zem Zem Temple Free to Members November 2014 Volume 11 Issue 2014 ZEM ZEM TEMPLE 2525 WEST 38TH STREET ERIE PA 16506 Fax: (814) 838838-9377 Phone: (814) 833833-3391 TollToll-Free: 11-877877-333333-7775 SHRINE 2014 FUNCTIONS NOVEMBER 22RD DECORATE THE TEMPLE FOR CHRISTMAS NOVEMBER 27TH AND 28TH THANKSGIVING ~ CLUB CLOSED DECEMBER 11TH BRASS BAND CHRISTMAS CONCERT CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PARTY DECEMBER 13TH Z EM ZE M N EW S Page 2 BRYAN FERGUSON & LADY KIM Nobles, Thank you all for supporting my Lady Kim’s project by attending her Jewelry Jackpot. She is trying her best to raise over $30,000.00 dollars to help purchase a piece of equipment for the Erie Hospital. If any Club or Unit has a little extra money around I hope you will consider donating it to my ladies project and help her reach her goal. Well the parade season is over for another year and I personally want to thank all the Units and their ladies for supporting me and the Shriners Hospital for Children. Thanks to you we were able to raise over $7,000.00 in donations for the Erie Hospital by attending the 6 Temple parades. Please remember to make your reservations for the first annual Zem Zem Shrine Temple Function Participation Award Banquet on November 7th at Zem Zem Shrine. The Banquet is for Nobles and ladies of any Club or Unit. I want to thank the Crawford County Shrine Club for hosting our last Friendship Dinner. It was wonderful to see so many Nobles and ladies there to enjoy some good food and great fellowship. My Lady Kim and I are so blessed to have such great friends and we can’t thank you enough for all the support that you have shown us throughout the whole year. Thank you to all the Nobles who attended the 3rd Quarterly Meeting. I hope your were able to see just how hard your entire Divan has been working this year. I am so proud of all the Divan Members for working together with me this year and really being focused on what we need to do to continue to keep our Shrine going. It is an honor to work alongside such wonderful men and I thank the Nobles for giving me this opportunity. We are still working on membership and I had the privilege to swear in a couple of new Nobles at the Clarion County Shrine Club Meeting on the 8th of October. Also we brought in several more at the one day class in Erie and Meadville on the 25th.If you know of any candidate who would want to join our great Fraternity please remember I will be happy to travel to your Club or Unit meeting and swear them into the Shrine. Please make sure you attend the Calendar meeting on November 2nd and show Chief Rabban Ed Ferris the same support you’ve shown me this year. Remember everything we do together as Shriners keeps our Fraternity alive and assures that the Erie Hospital will be able to continue to “Help Kids Reach Their Dreams” . Yours in the Faith, Bryan Ferguson 2014 Potentate Zem Zem Shrine ZEM ZEM WEBSITE http://www.zemzem.us Z EM ZE M N EW S Page 3 NOTES FROM THE RECORDER….. Have you checked out www.Beashrinernow.com or Shriners Village for more information about Shriners International. Both sites offer information about Shrinedom and will disclose information about all the things the Shrine offers its membership. The 2015 Zem Zem Shrine Annual meeting has been moved to the 4th Saturday in January. It’s scheduled for January 24th, 2015. A 2015 membership dues card will be required for admittance. NOTES FROM THE RECORDER….. 2015 membership dues notice will be mailed out the first week in Nobles: As we work to ensure the future of Zem Zem Shriners November. Per Shriners International bylaws they are to be paid by we are met with many obstacles, but there is an easy solution to 12-31-2014. For those members still owing 2014 dues, they need to most of our problems. be paid by 12-31-2014 to avoid suspension. We need new members. Think about this for a minute: More members = more dues = ability to pay bills = we will continue. More members = more men interested in clubs and units More members = more Nobles and Ladies for our socials More members = more future leaders for our Shrine More members = more Children and Grandchildren for our future. Membership is the lifeblood of our Fraternity. So go to your Blue Lodges and ask your Brothers to consider joining the Shrine. NEW EMAIL ADDRESSES FOR ZEM ZEM SHRINE zemzemshrine@zemzemshrine.org Leanne genmgr@zemzemshrine.org Laurie recorder@zemzemshrine.org Jeff treasurer@zemzemshrine.org Carl PLEASE HAVE YOUR NEWS NEWS ARTICLES IN BY THE 10TH OF THE MONTH E-MAIL YOUR NEWS ARTICLES TO: zemzemshrine@zemzemshrine.org As a reminder, at the 3rd Quarterly meeting in 2013 the members in attendance voted to raise our dues by $5.00. This increase will start in 2015. Life Members will continue to pay the Shriners International assessments which total $20.00. Regular dues will increase from $78.00 to $83.00 beginning in 2015. Wishing you and your families a Happy Thanksgiving. Until next time….. Jeffrey B. Stephenson, PP Recorder 2014 PAPER CRUSADE E.C.S.C. & L.O.H. VENANGO COUNTY $2549.75 1422.50 MERCER COUNTY 683.00 WARREN COUNTY 906.00 CLARION COUNTY 1515.00 CYCLE CORPS 400.00 Page 4 ZEM ZEM NEWS 3RD QUARTER ZEM ZEM MEMBERSHIP REPORT MEMBERSHIP AS OF 1-1-2014 CREATIONS AFFILIATIONS 1938 32 3 RESTORATIONS 17 DEMITS 2 SUSPENSIONS 10 DEATHS 38 MEMBERSHIP AS OF 9-30-2014 1940 NOBLES, THIS REPORT LOOKS LIKE WE HAVE TURNED THE CORNER ON MEMBERSHIP. WHAT THE REPORT DOES NOT DISCLOSE IS THAT WE STILL HAVE 63 NOBLES WHO HAVE NOT PAID THEIR 2014 DUES AND ARE SUBJECT TO SUSPENSION ON 12-31-2014. ZEM ZEM NEWS Page 5 ZEM ZEM BAND The Zem Zem Band is looking for new members. If you are interested in joining or have any questions please contact: Rich Hartman 746-0466 Or Patrick Ross 452-7677 Mercer County Shrine Club & Wheel Patrol President's Ball Nobles and Ladies, You are cordially invited to attend the Mercer County Shrine Club & Wheel Patrol President's Ball, honoring 2014 President Charles Welch and Lady Judy. When: Saturday, November 8th, 2014 Where: the Mercer County Shrine Club, Lamor Rd. Hermitage, Pa. Social Hour will begin at 5:30 PM Dinner will be at 6:30 PM Musical entertainment will be provided by "The Dorals" Cost is $25.00 a person/ $50.00 per couple Formal Shrine Attire Contact any MCSC/WP officer for tickets or call Charlie Welch 724-528-9287 Reservation Deadline is November 1st CRAWFORD COUNTY SHRINE CLUB Nobles, FINALLY we are starting to get some beautiful weather. After the months of blistering heat, high humidity, heavy rains, countless bugs, and allergy-inducing flower pollen, Mother Nature has come to her senses. The weather is delightfully cool, the air is crisp, and the fall colors are now showing their beauty. Hopefully, you can now put that lawnmower away and prepare for the best part of the year- WINTER! Just think of the fluttering snowflakes blanketing all of the dead plants and mud with a layer of pure white. Recall how lovely the winter world looks sparkling in the moonlight. Enjoy the beautiful drifts, and keep on hoping each day for lots of SNOW! Disclaimer - an author who wished to remain anonymous contributed the previous paragraph…! Now for the serious stuff…! We accomplished quite a bit of business at October’s CCSC meeting. The nomination process for 2015 officers is complete and a tentative calendar of events is in place. The results of our 2014 fundraisers were announced resulting in the approval of several donations to be made to the Erie Shriners Hospital. The donations were presented at the October Ladies’ night. The by-laws of CCSC are being reviewed for much needed updating. The suggested changes will be presented and voted upon during a special meeting to be held immediately after the November meeting. You will receive official notification of this special meeting. Please make time to attend and participate in this important activity. The holiday party and installation of officers is scheduled for November 8th, 2014. It is a combined event with the Crawford County Motor Patrol so I am anticipating a large turnout. Bring your ‘spirit of the season’ and enjoy our last gathering of the year. Please let me know if you have not received information concerning this event. As always, you can find the latest information for any Zem Zem club or unit event on the Zem Zem web site… www.zemzem.us I hope you enjoy what is left of the fall weather and I look forward to seeing everyone over the coming holiday season! Fraternally Yours, Dale R Hill 2014 President Temple Christmas Party Nobles & Ladies, The Holiday Season is fast approaching. In the calendar book there is scheduled a Temple Christmas Party on December 20th. We all know what a busy time of year this is and that we all incur added expenses associated with Christmas. Due to the declining number of members attending the Christmas Party last year and the fact that we have the chance to rent the Ball Room on the 20th I have decided to not have a Temple Christmas Party. If you check out the December calendar you will see the month is full of Club & Unit installations, Christmas Parties and meetings. A lot of us will be attending most of these events and we hope to see you there. I hope you will understand why I made this decision and hope you can see by not having the event it will free up some extra time for us to spend with our families and help us receive income for the Temple. As always I want to thank you for your continued support and all that you do for Zem Zem Shrine and for the Shriners Hospital in Erie. Fraternally Yours, Bryan Ferguson 2014 Potentate Page 6 ZEM ZEM NEWS ZEM-ZEM SHRINE LEGION OF HONOR Jay Karns, Commander Henry Miller, 1st Lt. Commander Norm Schlosser, 2nd Lt. Commander Thomas Kalinowski, PC, Finance Officer Eugene E. Zook, PC, Adjutant Ill. Sir Russell K. McKinsey, PP, PC, Captain NOVEMBER MEETING NOTICE The November meeting date has been changed from Tuesday, November 18, 2014, to Tuesday, November 11, 2014, 7:30 p.m., Veterans’ Day. NOTE! This is a special meeting to honor all World War II Veterans and Korean War Veterans This is also a dinner meeting, so we will need reservations. There is no charge for this meeting. Each person will also have 2 drink tickets for whatever they are drinking. Reservations for the meeting need to be in by November 4, 2014. Send your reservations to: Eugene E. Zook, PC, Adjutant 385 Vogan Drive Mercer, PA 16137-9105 Phone: 724-699-4632 Uniform of the day: Blue blazer, grey pants, legion tie. PLEASE COME OUT TO HONOR OUR VETERANS! There are several dates of upcoming events for the Legion of Honor that we should all be aware of. They are: 11-3-2014 Activities meeting at the Temple 11-11-2014 L.O.H. meeting (moved from 11-18-2014 due to Veterans Day; blue blazer, gray trousers) 12-16-2014 L.O.H. Christmas party 12-8-2014 Activities meeting at the Temple 1-31-2014 Installation of new L.O.H. officer’s Fraternally yours, Jay N. Karns Car Givaway Yes folks it's all over for another year. The car was won by a lady from Houtzdale, Pa. and she purchased her ticket from the Clarion Co. Shrine Club. She elected to take the $20,000.00 cash prize rather than the car. Congratulations to all the winners in the car giveaway. We had a very good day at the sportsman’s raffle and that is what helped to make the car a success again. I would like to thank everyone who helped in any way to make this a success. I was able to give the shrine a total of $45,043.00! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HELP AND SUPPORT IN THIS FUND RAISER! CAR GIVEAWAY CHAIRMAN LEROY WOODS Page 7 ZEM ZEM NEWS Activities Commitee The last meeting was held on 6 Oct. 2014 at this time we were advised that being allowed to run the mug game at the Sportsman Raffle we were able to make $3,500.00 for the activities com- ZEM ZEM TEMPLE ANNUAL MEETING AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS JANUARY 24TH 2015 mittee. Thanks to everyone that helped in this event to make it a success. Letters were sent out to all the clubs and units asking for their help with any donations that they could make to help make the kids Christmas Party very special once again. ZEM ZEM SHRINE CLUB The next event for the activities committee is the decorating the temple for 2525 WEST 38TH STREET will make everything go faster and hopefully get everyone back home in a short ERIE, PA 16506 Christmas and I would like to see as many people as possible out to help. This period of time. Remember the next meeting will be held on 3 Nov. 2014 hope to see everyone there. MEETING WILL BEGIN AT 1:00 P.M. 2015 MEMBERSHIP DUES CARD REQUIRED WEAR YOUR FEZ Thanks again for your help. ACTIVITIES CHAIRMAN LEROY WOODS REMEMBER CAN'T IS NOT IN OUR VOCABULARY Jewelery Corner The changing of the seasons are in full swing. Deer season is just around the corner. Parade season is a thing of the past. But there is still time to take part in the 1st Unit and Club event on Friday Nov. 7th at the Shrine Club. Should be a fun evening. Plan on attending. The Jewelry Comm. has had a great year and the best is yet to come. The holiday season is just around the corner. We have a large selection of items for you to purchase. Maybe it would be a Shrine License plate, Shrine pins for your jacket, shrine trailer hitch insert(I have both sizes) or something else special. Check out the selection the next time you are at the Shrine Center. You can make a purchase from Bar or in the Shrine office. Stop by! Check out the new website for Zem Zem Banquet & Conference Center @ zemzembanquet.com Or follow the link on zemzem.us I would like to thank all the member that made a purchase from the Jewel Comm. at the Gun event in Sept. Thanks, John Seastead Jewelry Comm. Page 8 Z EM ZE M N EW S EVENTS Z EM ZE M N EW S Page 9 SPECIAL NOTICE Oriental Band 19th Annual Reverse Drawing ORIENTAL BAND Well parade season is now over. The Conneaut Lake parade was great. YES! The Oriental Band will be having the 19th Annual Reverse Drawing. YES! Location will be at the ZZ Shrine Club YES! The date will be Wednesday May 6, 2015 YES! Tickets will be available after the annual meeting in January. YES! Price will be $45.00 same as last year. Any Questions call Keith Oviatt Willie Bax John Seastead "THE ZEM ZEM ORIENTAL BAND" PS: See you at the door! The band had a full trailer as the gang made a big effort to make the trip and ride on the Flying Carpet. The weather was OK that day. Yes the band will be looking forward to 2015 and parade season and the fun. If you haven't heard about the about the clubs and unit get to gather at the Shrine Center on Friday Nov. 7th. It will be a night of of fun and fellowship. Plan on attending this event at the Shrine Center. The Ban d will be having there Christmas Party on Dec. 14th at the Shrine Center. We will be having some special guests from Shriners Hospital. Yes, we will have"EMILY" and her family. Reservation will be coming out in November. "Keeper of Slim the Camel" The Band would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. To the deer hunter we hope you have success in the woods. "The Keeper of Slim" 27th “HOLIDAY” CRAFT SHOW HOMEMADE CRAFTS - CHINESE AUCTION REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE SATURDAY NOV. 1, 2013 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM Admission $2.50 (Children 12 and under FREE) Benefit Shrine Hospital Outpatient Clinics Shrine Center 38th & Zuck Erie, PA Sponsored by Selket Temple No. 140 Daughters of the Nile For information call 725725-4329 or 725725-1360 or 899899-8741 Page 10 Z EM ZE M N EW S ZEM ZEM CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PARTY Saturday, December 13, 2013 10:00 AM Featuring Children’s visits with Santa Claus Breakfast With Santa Children & Grandchildren of Zem Zem Shriners Welcome! RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED Gifts will be provided for children 10 and under. In order to guarantee your child receives a gift from Santa. Please have your reservations in prior to December 5th, 2013 Please mail your reservation to: Gary Hepler 3102 Atlantic Avenue Erie, PA 16506 CHILD’S NAME: AGE: M/F: SHRINER’S NAME & # OF ADULTS ATTENDING: Page 11 Z EM ZE M N EW S ZEM ZEM SHRINE OFFICE HOURS ZEM ZEM SHRINE RENTAL AVAILABLE ZEM ZEM SHRINE IS OPEN TUESDAY - FRIDAY 8:30 A.M. TO 4:30 PM CONTACT OFFICE 1-877-333-7775 Or Visit zemzembanquet.com WEDDING RECEPTIONS, MEETINGS, SHOWERS, REUNIONS, AND SO MUCH MORE THE WELL OF ZEM ZEM HOURS: TUESDAY, THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY 5:00 P.M. ??? LUNCH AND DINNER HOURS: LUNCH: TUESDAY TO FRIDAY, 11:00 A.M. TO 2:00 P.M. DINNER: THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, 4:30 P.M. TO 8:30 P.M. November 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Clarion CSC Ladies’ Night DON Craft Show 2 3 4 5 2015 Calendar Mtg Activities Mtg Kilts West CSC Lunch Mtg Tri-Wheels Mtg 9 6 7 8 Arab Patrol Mtg/ Election of Officers Crawford CSC Holiday Party & Installlation of Officers Mercer CSC Presidents Ball 12 13 14 15 Warren CSC Mtg Crawford CSC Mtg Arab Patrol Mecca Pote Ball Clarion Trykes Mtg Brass Band Brass Band “Lunch Bunch” Ladies’ Night Corry/Union City Election Mtg 10 11 Brass Band Cycle Corps VETERANS DAY Mercer CSC Mtg Kilts Ladies’ Night CC Motor Patrol Mtg Oriental Band Mtg 16 17 18 19 20 Brass Band LOH Mtg Hornets Mtg ECSC Mtg Kilts Hospital Board Mtg Knights of Mecca Qtrly Mtg/Election of Directors Staff Mtg Col. Drake SC Officers Election of Officers Elk CSC Dinner Mtg 26 27 23 24 25 Clown Mtg Brass Band Venango CSC Mtg DON Mtg Kilts Fez Flyers Election of Officers 30 Divan Mtg THANKSGIVING 21 22 Decorate Temple for Xmas (TF) 28 29 ZEM ZEM TEMPLE 2525 WEST 38TH STREET ERIE PA 16506 December 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 2 3 4 Activities Mtg Kilts Clarion Trykes Mtg Arab Patrol Mtg Fri 5 Sat 6 Hornets Xmas Party West CSC Lunch Mtg Brass Band Xmas Party Brass Band “Lunch Bunch” 7 Tri-Wheels Mtg 8 Brass Band 9 10 11 12 13 Kilts Warren CSC Mtg Clarion CSC Mtg Brass Band Xmas Concert Crawford CSC Mtg Fez Flyer Xmas Party Zem Zem Shrine Children’s Xmas Party Cycle Corps Mercer CSC Mtg CC Motor Patrol Cycle Corps Xmas Party 14 15 16 17 18 Oriental Band Xmas Party Brass Band LOH Xmas Party Hostpital Board Mtg Divan Mtg Kilts Hornets ECSC Installation Mtg Brass Band @ Pleasant Ridge 21 Directors Staff Mtg 23 24 25 Brass Band Venango CSC Xmas Party CHRISTMAS EVE CHRISTMAS Fez Flyer Mtg 28 29 30 Brass Band Kilts 20 Zem Zem Xmas Party (canceled*) Elk CSC Fellowship 22 Kilts 19 31 DAY 26 27
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