ZEM ZEM NEWS The Zem Zem News is published bi-monthly by the Zem Zem Temple Free to Members Volume 2 Issue 2015 February 2015 2525 WEST 38TH STREET ERIE PA 16506 ZEM ZEM TEMPLE Fax: (814) 838-9377 Phone: (814) 833-3391 Toll-Free: 1-877-333-7775 UNITS AND CLUBS MEETING SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21st, 2015 MERCER COUNTY SHRINE CLUB 9:30 AM COFFEE AND DONUTS 10:00 AM MEETING LIGHT LUNCH TO BE SERVED AFTER Z EM ZE M NEW S Page 2 2015 POTENTATE Edward Ferris & Lady Leah Nobles, Another Annual Meeting has come to pass and the Nobility has chosen the leadership of Zem Zem Shriners. Thank you to all who took the time to attend the Annual Meeting. This event is probably the most important fraternal event we have. This is where we turn the page from one chapter in our history to the next one waiting to be written. I would like to personally thank those of you that supported me and the newly elected Divan. We are all truly grateful and humbled. There are many things planned for 2015, some old, some new. We will be continuing to build on the positives from the past, while we strive to find new and better things for the future. As we go thru 2015, you will see the ideal that should be important to all of us: “Teamwork”; the Divan working as a team; the Nobility working as a team; the entire Shrine working together as a team. Thru teamwork we will continue heading our Shrine in the right direction. Through teamwork we will continue to improve our Philanthropy, and that is what should be most important to all of us. Lady Leah and I are looking forward to the 2015 Potentate’s Trip. On this trip we will visit Historical sites across Pennsylvania significant to Freemasonry and Pennsylvania history. We will also be touring the PA Grand Lodge along the way to Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. This trip is open to everyone. Please contact Illustrious Sir Carl Holmes and Lady Jan for details and to make your reservation. The 2015 First Lady’s project is to replace the Operating Room lights in our Erie Unit. This project will benefit every patient who is brought to our Hospital for Surgery. Please support Lady Leah in her endeavor to replace a major item at our Erie Unit. 2015 is the year of “Miracles in Motion” and represents the essence of our Hospital System. Each and every one of our “kids” is a Miracle in Motion. Please do not forget about the Clubs and Units meeting on Saturday, February 21st. Thank you to the Mercer County Shrine Club who has graciously offered to host the meeting. Coffee and donuts will be served at 9:30, the meeting is at 10:00 with a light lunch being served afterward. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend. Please contact Activities Chairman Bob Sisco or Chief Aide Ron Stoyer to make your reservations. Yours in the faith, Ed Ferris 2015 Potentate, Zem Zem Shriners '8(6&$5',1)250$7,21 SHOULD YOU NEED A REPLACEMENT DUES CARD, CONTACT THE RECORDERS OFFICE. A $5.00 FEE WILL BE CHARGED AT THE TIME OF ISSUE. Check out the new website for Zem Zem Banquet & Conference Center @ zemzembanquet.com Or follow the link on zemzem.us Z EM ZE M NEW S Page 3 NOTES FROM THE RECORDER….. Congratulations to Noble Ed Ferris, our new 2015 Potentate, and his Lady Leah. Ill Sir Ed has put together a great year with several events, parades and friendship dinners that the membership should enjoy. Fundraisers for the year are Money Mania, the Sportsman’s Spectacular Giveaway and a Truck Raffle. Tickets for all of these events will be available soon. NOTES FROM THE RECORDER….. Zem Zem Shrine plans the annual Units and Clubs meeting each year to distribute information that the Units and Clubs will need for the current year. Each Club and Unit should be represented at the meeting to obtain information to take back to the Club or Unit. At the meeting the 2015 calendar books will be available. Shrine dues for 2015 are still due from several members. Please check your card and if it is not a 2015 card, mail that dues check. Communication is the best way to keep the members informed and active. In an effort to keep expenses down, a lot of information is sent out via email. If you are not receiving emails from the Shrine office, please call Leanne with you current email address. Every Noble should be a member of a Unit or Club. If you are not a member of either and would like to get active in Shrinedom, please contact my office and I will match you up with a Unit or Club that is in your area. Questions on Shrine protocol, bylaws or Shrinedom in general, give me a call. I’m here to help. Things are turning around at the Shrine. We ended the Until Next Time….. year in the Black. We did not use the Line of Credit. We are currently financially sound. Membership is also improving. Taking into consideration the loss of members to Jeffrey B. Stephenson, PP the Black Camel and suspensions, we ended the year with Recorder a loss of 48 members. Thanks to all of the members who signed petitions in 2014 and for those Nobles who affiliated. The goal of the 2015 Divan is to hopefully reduce the loss of members in 2015. CYCLE CORPS PLEASE HAVE YOUR NEWS ARTICLES Daytona 500 Party IN BY THE 10TH OF THE MONTH February 22nd, 2015 at Zem Zem Shrine Club E-MAIL YOUR NEWS ARTICLES TO: zemzemshrine@zemzemshrine.org NEW EMAIL ADDRESSES FOR ZEM ZEM SHRINE zemzemshrine@zemzemshrine.org Leanne genmgr@zemzemshrine.org Laurie recorder@zemzemshrine.org Jeff treasurer@zemzemshrine.org Carl Doors open 1 hour before race begins. Games and Door prizes. Food and Beverage. $10.00 per person For ticket information call JJ @ 397-4629 (Limited # of tickets available at the door) Page 4 ZEM ZEM NEWS AN EXCERPT FROM GENERAL ORDER NO. 1: FUNDRAISING ACTIVITIES It is natural to associate the fez with Shriners Hospitals for Children. Because of this, meticulous attention must be given to all fundraising activities, including circuses, to make certain that such activities comply with the law of the land and that a contributor is not led to believe that his money will be used for the Hospitals when all or a portion thereof will be used otherwise. The integrity of our charity and of our fraternity must remain above reproach. Your specific attention is called to the following fraternal and charitable bylaws: §335.3 USE OF NAME “SHRINERS HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN.” The use of the name “Shriners Hospitals for Children” or reference to the Hospitals in connection with any fundraising activity by a Shrine or Noble without the written consent of the Imperial Potentate and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Hospitals is prohibited. §503.10 The use of the name “Shriners Hospitals for Children” or reference to the Hospitals in connection with any commercial product or business enterprise is prohibited unless the written consent of the Board of Directors and Trustees has been first obtained. Now, therefore, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: 1. Fundraising for Fraternal Purposes: (a) No Noble (in his capacity as a Shriner), club, unit, organization of Nobles or affiliated or appendant corporations shall engage in any fundraising activity without the express written consent of the potentate of the Shrine having jurisdiction thereof. (b) There can be no representation, express or implied, that the proceeds will be for the benefit of Shriners Hospitals for Children. (c) The Shrine potentate shall carefully examine all phases of the advertising, promotion and solicitation to determine that it complies with §335.3 and §503.10 of the fraternal and charitable bylaws. (d) The Shrine potentate must approve the terms and provisions of any contract for a fundraising activity after receiving the advice of the Shrine attorney, and additionally, as may be required by the Shrine bylaws. (e) A copy of the Shrine potentate’s written consent shall be mailed to the Executive Vice President, Imperial Council. Further, such written material pertaining to the fundraising activity, as requested by the Executive Vice President, Imperial Council shall be promptly mailed to him. 2. Fundraising for Charitable Purposes: (a) No Noble (in his capacity as a Shriner), club, unit, organization of Nobles or affiliated or appendant corporations shall engage in any charitable fundraising activity other than for Shriners Hospitals for Children, and said activity shall not be in the jurisdiction of any other Shrine. Permission therefore must be first obtained in writing from the Shrine potentate. The Shrine potentate must then obtain written permission from the Chairmen of the Boards of Directors and Trustees. This request for written permission shall be sent to the Executive Vice President, Imperial Council, P.O. Box 31356, Tampa, FL 33631-3356. However, a joint charitable fundraising activity with another §501(c)(3) charity may be authorized provided that a minimum of 50% of the net proceeds are for the benefit of Shriners Hospitals for Children, and the Chairmen of the Boards of Directors and Trustees determine, on a case by case basis, that it is in the best interest of Shriners Hospitals for Children and they grant their written permission for the activity. (b) 100% of net proceeds (as defined in the Charitable Fund RaisingApproval And Reporting provisions of any existing General Order) from charitable fundraising must be given to Shriners Hospitals for Children except for such portion thereof as may be permitted to be retained for the Shrine Hospital Patient Transportation Fund, pursuant to the Special Purpose Funds provisions of any existing General Order. Provided, however, if the Chairmen of the Boards of Directors and Trustees determine for good cause shown, that the law of the land requires that a portion of the net proceeds must be distributed locally, then they may, if they determine it to be in the best interest of Shriners Hospitals for Children, grant their written permission for such distribution. (c) The Shrine shall report the result of each charitable fundraising activity within sixty days of the activity, pursuant to the Charitable Fund Raising–Approval and Reporting provision of any existing General Order. (d) This section shall not apply to activities exempt under §335.4(b) of the bylaws of The Imperial Council. (e) Each independent corporation or entity that receives the permission of the Chairmen of the Boards of Directors and Trustees to raise money for Shriners Hospitals for Children, and which does not have its financial statements audited pursuant to §334.5 & §337.8 of the bylaws of The Imperial Council, shall have its financial statements audited by a certified, chartered or licensed public accountant and shall submit such audit report to The Imperial Council within 120 days of the activity. 3. Statement of Purpose and Disclosure: (a) Every fundraising activity must contain factual information on its solicitation material, tickets, programs and documents, including all electronically transmitted materials, regarding the use of the proceeds. Examples: “Proceeds are for the benefit of ( Shriners)( Shrine Club) activities.” “Proceeds are for the benefit of Shriners Hospitals for Children.” (b) Every fundraising activity which is not entirely for the benefit of Shriners Hospitals for Children shall prominently state on the solicitation material, tickets and documents that “payments are not deductible as charitable contributions.” (c) There must be compliance with the Revenue Act of 1987 provision of any existing general order by U.S. Shrines. 4. Compliance with Applicable Laws: It is the responsibility of the Shrine potentate, after receiving the advice of the Shrine attorney, to determine that there is compliance with all applicable laws in its jurisdiction for the Shrine’s fundraising activities. 5. Financial Records: (a) The Shrine shall maintain detailed financial records pertaining to all fundraising activities involving Nobles, clubs, units, organizations of Nobles or affiliated or appendant corporations. Details of all revenues and expenditures shall be maintained in such financial records. (b) The Shrine must retain such detailed financial records for a period of seven (7) years. (c) There must be compliance with Financial Reporting on Charitable Funds and Activities provision of any existing general order. 6. Notification to Nobility: A copy of the Fundraising Activities provisions of this General Order shall be printed in the Shrine publication at least once every calendar year. If there is no Shrine publication, then a copy shall be mailed to each Noble in the Shrine not later than the last day in March of each calendar year. 7. Discipline: Any officer, Noble or Shrine which violates a provision of Fundraising Activities is subject to discipline pursuant to the bylaws of The Imperial Council. ZEM ZEM NEWS Page 5 MEETING NOTICE www.fezflyers.com Greeting Nobles, The next Fez Flyer meeting will be on Tuesday, February 24th, 2015 at the Conneaut Lake Park Fire Hall at 7:00 pm. At this meeting we will be discussing our March 27th Fish Fry, we will be setting up our 2015 practice and work schedules and parade schedules. The Fez Flyers would like to congratulate Ill. Sir Bryan Ferguson and all of the 2014 committees and appointments for a fantastic year. Everyone worked as a team and it was very successful. Jewelry Corner I would like to thank all the Shriners and their ladies that made purchases at the annual meeting. You all came out winners and so will Shriners Hospital Erie unit. I make a donations to the hospital yearly from my profits. Also this year the $100 Gander Card will benefit the hospital. All the proceeds this year will go for the new X-Ray unit at the hospital. The total cost of the unit is around $750,000. I am looking for a fun year selling shrine jewelry in 2015. I plan on attending as many functions that I can. I have special Shrine medal pins that I am selling thru the Texas Shrine Oriental Band. So stop by and make a selection. I plan on attending the units and clubs meeting in late Feb. I would like to congratulate the new Divan for 2015. We may disagree on issue but we need to act as a full team and be team players and help the shrine at all times. God bless and have a safe and Happy Valentines day. Thanks John Seastead The Fez Flyers would also like to congratulate all of the newly elected Divan members and Imperial Reps. We are looking forward to a great year at Zem Zem. Please support all of these new officers. As always we are looking for new members to join us. We are always looking for new things to do and to support the kids. So get active and COME ALONG FOR THE RIDE! Thank you Gary Courtney Secretary Zem Zem Fez Flyers Oriental Band I have heard the snow shovels are in high demand at the present time. Also some people have sore backs, so it's time to stay in the house with the fireplace going and cup of coffee. Make sure you have a good book and give the shovel to your wife and let her do the work. Good luck! Well by the time this article hits the press the annual meeting will be a thing of the past. The new divan will be installed and all donations will have been made I hope all units and clubs made a nice donation to a related Shrine function. Shriner’s hospital in Erie is always a great place to make any future donations. Shriners Hospital Erie will be getting a new X-ray unit in the near future. They are still a few Dollars short. But this new unit will be a state-of-the-art unit. It will help the nurses and doctors being able to evaluate the issue of the patient much easier. Yes, it's that time of the year to let everyone know that the 19th annual OB Reverse drawing will be held at the Shrine Club on Wednesday, May 27th at the Shrine Club. This event is a fun function to all that attend. Looking forward to see you on the 27th. At the end of February we will be attending the MASOBA mid-winter meeting. This year it will be held at Rajah Shrine in Reading, Pa. It will be held in conjunction with the Rajah/Lancaster Shrine Ladies’ night banquet. This is always a fun weekend for all. The ladies all like to shop and there are plenty of places to suit their needs. Always remember Shriners Hospital John Seastead Page 6 Z EM ZE M NEW S Potentate Trip Announcement Our Masonic and American Heritage In Pennsylvania and Baltimore, Maryland June 21st through Saturday June 27th, 2015 *Deluxe Anderson Bus Transportation *First night “Get Acquainted Party” *Hospitality every night *Last night “Aloha Party” *Six hotel nights, six breakfasts, six dinners *Tour Grand Lodge & Philadelphia historic sights *Guided tour of Valley Forge and Philadelphia *Water Taxi in Baltimore Inner Harbor *Tour Fort Henry in Baltimore Day by day itinerary available first of the year Good faith deposit of $100 with your reservation Contact Carl or Janice Holmes 814-838-9568 for more information if needed. Checks made out to Carl Holmes for June 2015 Trip, both deposit and trip payments. More on payments in later correspondence. Costs will include gratuities and baggage handling. Nobles, Crawford County Shrine Club I hope you are enjoying a well-deserved break after the holiday festivities. The Holidays are great but they surely can wear you out! Now it’s time to regroup and get ready for another great year! Considering the weather, the first CCSC meeting was well attended. Noble John Nagurney presented his edit of our by-laws (Thanks, John!). The only notable change is the addition of a life membership for CCSC Nobles once they turn 80 years old. This item was voted on and approved at a previous meeting. The subject of meeting frequency was also discussed. The options presented were monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly. After comments and a brief discussion, it was decided to continue with the monthly schedule. Members present were provided with a copy of the updated by-laws and asked to review and advise if they find any errors. The new version will be submitted to the Shrine and Imperial for final approval. The February Ladies’ Night location was approved. It will be at the Downtown Mall Bistro, Meadville, PA, on February 6, 2015. Social hour is at 6 pm, dinner at 7 pm. Cost is $15 per person (This is a BYOB event.) Please have your reservations to Charlie Lake by February 2, 2015. Complete info is available on the Zem Zem web site (www.zemzem.us). Planning for our annual golf outing is under way. It will be held at Pleasant Acres Golf Course (same as last year). We need hole sponsors and hole prize donations, so please help! Hole sponsor forms can be obtained by contacting any CCSC officer. It was suggested that this year we offer sponsor levels of $100, $250 and $500. A “Hole-in-One” prize is also being discussed, perhaps a new car or a large cash prize. These items will be finalized at the February meeting. Plans for the Sportsmen’s Spectacular raffle are well underway. This year there will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prize levels. Tickets will be printed and distributed once the prizes for the various prize levels are finalized. That’s about it for now! Please make time to attend CCSC meetings. Your help and ideas will be most appreciated! See you soon…! Fraternally, Dale R. Hill 2015 CCSC President Page 7 Z EM ZE M NEW S ZEM ZEM SHRINE OFFICE HOURS ZEM ZEM SHRINE RENTAL AVAILABLE ZEM ZEM SHRINE IS OPEN TUESDAY - FRIDAY 8:30 A.M. TO 4:30 PM CONTACT OFFICE 1-877-333-7775 Or Visit zemzembanquet.com WEDDING RECEPTIONS, MEETINGS, SHOWERS, REUNIONS, AND SO MUCH MORE THE WELL OF ZEM ZEM HOURS: TUESDAY, THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY 5:00 P.M. ??? LUNCH AND DINNER HOURS: LUNCH: TUESDAY TO FRIDAY, 11:00 A.M. TO 2:00 P.M. DINNER: THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, 4:30 P.M. TO 8:30 P.M. March 2015 Sun 1 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 2 3 4 5 6 7 Brass Band Kilts Activities Mtg. Arab Patrol Mtg. McKean CSC Mtg. Col. Drake Reverse Raffle 13 14 Hornets Mtg. Clarion Trykes West CSC Mtg. 8 9 10 11 12 DAYLIGHT SAVINGS Brass Band Kilts Clarion CSC Mtg. Crawford CSC Mtg. CC Mtr Patrol Warren CSC Board Mtg. Oriental Band Mtg. 19 Tri-Wheels Game Day 15 Mercer CSC Mtg. Spring MASA Mercer CSC Steak Fry ZZ Cycle Corps Mtg. 16 17 18 Brass Band HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY! Kilts LOH Mtg. Directors Staff Mtg. Hospital Board Mtg. Divan Mtg. 25 20 21 McKean CSC Mtg. Elk CSC Dinner Mtg. 22 23 24 26 27 28 Clown Mtg. Brass Band Kilts Erie CSC Mtg. Fez Flyers Fish Fry Friendship Dinner DON Mtg. Vagabonds Mercer CSC Pancake Breakfast Fez Flyers Mtg. Venango CSC Mtg. 29 30 31 Brass Band Kilts Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 127 Erie, PA ZEM ZEM TEMPLE 2525 WEST 38TH STREET ERIE PA 16506 February 2015 Sun 1 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 2 3 4 5 6 Hornets Mtg. Kilts Activities Mtg. Arab Patrol Mtg. CCSC Ladies Night Fez Flyers Game Dinner McKean CSC 13 Clarion Co Trykes 7 West CSC Mtg. 8 9 10 11 12 Kilts Clarion CSC Mtg. Mercer CSC Mtg Warren CSC Board Mtg. Crawford CSC Mtg. ZZ Cycle Corps 14 HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY! Crawford Co Motor Patrol 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Mercer CSC Pancake Breakfast Directors Staff Mtg. Hospital Board Mtg. Divan Mtg. Clubs/Units Mtg. @ MCSC Oriental Band Mtg. Kilts Elk CSC Dinner Arab Patrol Bayhawks Game McKean CSC Mtg. LOH Mtg. 22 26 27 28 Clown Mtg. 23 24 Fez Flyers Mtg. Erie CSC Meeting ZZ Cycle Corps Kilts Vagabonds Mercer CSC Wine/Cheese Money Mania (date may change) Venango CSC Mtg. 25
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