Document 407351

To all MISSIO Red Box holders: Would all promoters please try to
get all APF red boxes emptied as soon as possible. Thank you
Next week
The Catholic churches of Reading
will mark the run-up to Advent this
year with 2 evenings on theme of
The sessions will explore Advent Lectionary
readings from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah.
All are welcome to these sessions which are
interactive and will take place at 7.30pm on
Wed. 19th November at English Martyrs, and
Wed. 26th November at St. John Bosco in
Woodley. Refreshments will be available.
The facilitators will be Sabine Schwartz,
Catholic Chaplain to the University; and Angela
Wills from English Martyrs. More information
can be obtained from the St. John Bosco
Parish Office: Tel. 0118 969 3423 or
Family Bingo Evening - in OLOP Main Hall,
Friday 14th November. Doors Open 7:30pm,
Eyes down 7:45pm. Entrance:
Family £10, Adult £4, Children £2.
Edible Prizes - All Welcome!
Volunteers for A Bed for the
Night Project - temporary
night shelter in 7 Reading Churches, one night
per week in January 2015. Volunteers needed
for cooking, hospitality, and overnight teams.
Training Day on Saturday 22nd November in
Salvation Army, Anstey Road,
RG1 7JR, 10am – 4pm.
For further information:
Would you like to join REINSPIRED newsletters are in
a group of Christians Advent Room. Next week REinspired
from Reading who will be visiting our twin city in Düsseldorf,
are meeting local children to think
Germany, from 1st – 8th August 2015? We will be staying in
about worship, Christian leaders and
homes of church members there, getting to know the people and Moses. We will be asking, ‘What can I
learn from Christian stories and why
the area, via an organised programme of activities. To find out
are they important?’ together with ‘Do
more, come to our service, buffet & information meeting at
you think God guides people?’
St. Peter’s Church, Earley on Friday 14th November (service at
225 conversations to be had. Contact
7pm, meeting at 8pm) or contact Doreen Woods:
Julia on
Tel. 0118 926 5672 or email:
The Sacrament of RECONCILIATION may next be celebrated here on
Friday 5th Dec. from 7pm, before Mass; or by appointment with Fr. Emmanuel
St. Dominic Savio Primary School Western Avenue, Woodley RG5 3BH
Head Teacher: Mr. James Broadbridge Tel. 0118 969 3893
Co-ordinator for Youth Ministry:
Jofi Alexander
See also
Emergency numbers for the Sacramental
Ministry of a Priest - call your own priest first
Christ the King, Whitley:
Sat. 6.30pm; Sun. 10am ………………. Fr. Pat Madden 0118 931 4469
St. John Bosco, Woodley:
Sat. 6.30pm; Sun. 10am ………………. Fr. Bonaventure 0118 969 3423
St. James:
Sat. 6pm; Sun. 11am ………………….. Fr. John O’Shea 0118 957 4171
English Martyrs, Tilehurst:
Sat. 6.30pm; Sun. 9.30am, 11.30am, 5pm Cn. Michael Dennehy 0118 957 2149
St. Joseph, Tilehurst:
Sun. 8.30am & 10.30am
Fr. George Lyons 0118 942 8632
St. William of York:
Sun. 9am
Our Lady & St. Anne, Cav’sham: Sat. 5.30pm; Sun. 10am & 6.30pm ….. Fr. Paul Martin 0118 947 1787
READING Sunday Mass Times:
338 Wokingham Road, Earley, Reading RG6 7DA
Tel.: 0118 966 3711
Portsmouth Diocesan Trust, Registered Charity No. 246871
Priest: Fr. Emmanuel Odoemene
Administrator: Jane O’Rourke
Hall bookings: Margaret - 0118 987 5588 or
Your Church Office is open this week Tuesday - Friday, 9am-2pm
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Yr. A
p. 111
9th Nov. 2014
“Stop turning my
Thought for the week
father’s house
Today we celebrate the dedication of the Basilica of
into a
St. John Lateran, historically the oldest church in Rome. It
was the residence of the Pope for centuries and remains his
cathedral. Today’s dedication reminds us that our parish
serves as part of a greater unity that is the one body of
Christ; we celebrate the Church as a place of encounter with
God, and yet we are reminded that God is not confined to
one building or one structure. Today we are reminded that
we are called to live the life we were baptised into, through our faith in Christ. And we are
called to exhibit this faith in our fellowship with one another. It is the people who gather here in
Jesus’ name who are the real Church. In today’s Gospel Jesus is provocative, commanding
people that the Temple is not a market-place. He does this to ‘cleanse’ His Father’s house. In
this month of remembrance, especially today, let us take comfort from our Heavenly Father
who provides a home for us here on earth, and in heaven.
Psalm Response:
The waters of a river give joy to God’s city,
the holy place where the Most High dwells.
A warm welcome to our parish community to Aidan Dennis Allen,
and to his family; we celebrate his baptism here today at our 9am Mass
Today Sunday 9th November is
Remembrance Sunday;
we are pleased to display Roses for Remembrance in memory of
all our departed loved ones, especially all names shown on the board.
We also remember all those who gave their lives in war; our Scout Group
will lead a Remembrance Day Parade at 11am Mass.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them
Thank you for
your kind donations
Please keep in your prayers all those whose anniversaries occur this week:
Violet Knight (1981); Theodora Ward (1987); Jean Mary Oakman (2005); Catherine Ondore
(2008); Henry Wiggins (1980); Catherine Purcell (1975); and Winifred Lees (1998).
CUBS Mondays 6.45pm/BEAVERS Thursdays 5.45pm/SCOUTS Fridays 8pm this week in HALL
CHILDREN’S LITURGY returns today at 9am AND 11am! Please register your child before Mass
(Church/D.B. Room)
Giuseppe & Amelia Bandinu
(p. 87)
5 pm
Carmen Garcia RIP
Blessed Hugh
UCM Christmas Sale
33rd Sunday Winifred & Arthur Lees RIP (F’tn. Mass)
after all Masses
Ordinary Thanksgiving - Luke Alexander
(2 anniversary of transplant) 2pm: Confirmation mtg. 4
9 am
11 am
Christmas Card & Advent Calendar
orders can be collected from next Sunday
Francesco Mazzo RIP (rec. dec.)
10 am
9.30: Rosary
13th Nov.
10 am
9.30: Rosary
12th Nov.
Sat. 15th
16th Nov.
2pm:Wednesday Club (D.B. Room)
7.15pm: Confirmation mtg. 3 (Church)
Brandon Leo Rodrigues thanksgiving & protection
St. Josaphat
16th Nov. Pay by cash or cheque payable
to Our Lady & Bl. D. Barberi - thank you
2.30pm: UCM meeting (D.B. Room)
8pm: PPC meeting (D.B. Room)
Eileen & Eric Watson RIP
(Foundation Mass)
St. Martin
of Tours
St. Leo the Great
Mon. 10
Tuesday 9.00: Adoration
11th Nov.
10 am
5 pm
Remembrance Sunday
Mary & Jack Conway RIP
Vera Mussell RIP (rec. dec.)
(p. 111);
of Lateran
9th Nov.
11 am
8.15am : Rosary recited in Lady Chapel
9am &11am Celebrant: Fr. John Patrick
9am Baptism: Aidan Denis Allen
11am: Scouts
Remembrance Parade
2.30pm: 1st HC mtg. (Church/D.B. Rm.)
3pm: Blessing of graves, Henley Rd. Cem.
Martin Brannelly RIP
9 am
Friday 9.00: Adoration
14th Nov.
10 am
• Offertory collection 2nd November: Envelopes £246.23
Loose cash £422.36
Standing Orders £547.00
Total: £1215.59
Second collection for Bamenda,
our twinned diocese in Cameroon, raised
9am Children’s Liturgy starts this Sunday!
In addition to 11am Mass, Children’s Liturgy will
return to 9am Mass today. If you have children
of primary school age, they are very welcome to
join us in the DB Room before Mass.
Thank you to everyone who made this possible!
Our next First Holy Communion meeting is
TODAY Sunday 9th November
from 2.30pm here in church / D.B. Room
Our annual UCM Christmas sale
will take place in the Advent Room after all
Masses NEXT Sunday 16th Nov.
Offertory Counters: The rota for
2015 will be issued in a few weeks’ time
and it would be wonderful if we could
add a few new names to the list of
volunteer money counters.
For more details or to volunteer please
contact Clare Roper (0118 9265613).
Also would anybody on
the current rota who
wants to come off the list
for next year please tell
Clare ASAP
THANK YOU to all
those who signed
up to help at Friday’s all-day Adoration;
please keep signing up for next month
(Board 1) - we need more backups!
Altar servers: new rota
is now available; starts from We need more Ministers of Communion to
Sunday 23rd November.
volunteer to take Holy Communion to the
ALL ALTAR SERVERS - please housebound. It is important that those who
are unable to come to church are still able to
collect your named copy from the
receive the Sacrament.
Advent Room (under rota board).
If you can help and are willing to join the rota,
Parents - please take your child’s copy
please contact Jane in the church office ASAP
if they are not here
would like to express their appreciation for the
remarkable support you offered them during the sale
Those who do not get our newsletter on email
of raffle tickets here in our parish, to raise funds for
their home for street children and the less privileged in
will not yet have received this invitation Nigeria. They extend their sincere gratitude to you all
our parish cordially invites you to a
for your support. The raffle was drawn on 25th October thanksgiving celebration for Fr. Emmanuel’s
during their silver jubilee celebrations at St. George’s
recent graduation. The event starts at
Cathedral, Southwark - see letter on Board 1 in
11am Mass on Sunday 7th Dec., followed by
Advent Room for details of the winning numbers
We were very sorry to hear that Andy Moran
recently passed away; some of you may
remember him and know his family.
Andy’s funeral was celebrated at Christ the King on
Friday 7th November. Please keep Andy,
his wife Maureen & their large family in your prayers
a reception afterwards in the Hall/Social Club.
Please RSVP to Jane in church office
ASAP. All those who attend are asked to
bring a plate of food for all to share sign up on list in Advent Room.
"Give thanks to the Lord for He is good,
for His love endures forever" (Ps. 118:1).