The Dedication of The Lateran Basilica November 9, 2014 ‘Zeal for your house will consume me.’ John 2:17 Sunday, Nov. 9; The Ded. of The Lateran Basilica Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12 / 1 Cor 3:9-11, 16-17 / Jn 2:13-22 4:15 PM Freda Mudrick (Saturday) 7:30 John W. Laubach 9:00 The People of the Parish 10:30 Deceased Members of the Melchiorre Family 12:00 Noon JoAnn Funari Monday, November 10; Saint Leo the Great, Pope and Doctore of the Church Ti 1:1-9 / Lk 17:1-6 6:30 Agnes Barr 8:00 John Borgmann, 15th Anniversary Tuesday, November 11; Saint Martin of Tours, Bishop Ti 2:1-8, 11-14 / Lk 17:7-10 6:30 Justice Among Nations 8:00 Josephine Berndt Wednesday, November 12; Saint Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr Ti 3:1-7 / Lk 17:11-19 6:30 Terry L. Demeter 8:00 Walter J. Werner Thursday, November 13; Saint France Xavier Cabrini, Virgin Phlm 7:20 / Lk 17:20-25 6:30 Pauline Kline 8:00 Vincent Wohlheiter, Sr. Friday, November 14; Weekday 2 Jn 4-9 / Lk 17:26-37 6:30 Michael OBerec 8:00 Joseph Kusko 9:00 Louise Scheetz (School Mass) Saturday, November 15; Weekday; Saint Albert the Great, Bishop and Doctor of the Church; BVM 3 Jn 5-8 / Lk 18:1-8 8:00 Robert O’Neill Sunday, November 16; Thirty-Third Sunday in OT Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31 / 1 Thes 5:1-6 / Mt 25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-21 4:15 PM Robert J. Petko (Saturday) 7:30 Richard Clark 9:00 The People of the Parish 10:30 Vincent Notter 12:00 Noon Barbara Lutte Page - 226 The Pastor’s Corner: Dear Parishioners and Friends, This past week all the priests of the Diocese of Allentown gathered for our annual Priest Convocation. It was a wonderful week in which we learned more about how to be an effective preacher. We had time to pray together, grow in friendship and priestly fraternity and rest. It was a wonderful time to be renewed in our vocation as priests. Looking around the room, however, I realized that the clergy in the diocese are aging. We need to encourage more young men to consider a call to the priesthood. All of us can be a “vocation director” in the sense that we can and should encourage young men to consider a vocation. A simple and sincere invitation to someone you know might be the exact things God wants to use to call someone to the priesthood and it might be the exact thing the young man was waiting to hear. I like the ICNU method. We can say something like this: “John, I see in you (ICNU) the qualities that would make a good priest. I want you to think and pray about it.” If we want more vocations to the priesthood and religious life, we need to ask. Does not Our Lord in Matthew 9: 38 say, “Beg the master of the harvest to send laborers in to the vineyard”? Ask, invite and watch the grace of God work! In Christ, Monsignor Baker STEWARDSHIP BOX—Sacrificial Giving November 1, 2014 All Saints: $1,685 Envelopes: 167 November 2, 2014 Stewardship: $22,629.90 Envelopes: 594 All Souls: $3,061 Envelopes: 250 Sacrificial Giving—WE ARE A STEWARDSHIP PARISH Upcoming Collections Sunday, November 8 / 9 – One Collection Regular Sunday Offering / Fuel Offering Sunday November 15 / 16 – Two Collections Regular Sunday Offering / Debt Reduction Diocese of Allentown Poverty Relief Fund Sunday, November 22 / 23 – One Collection Regular Sunday Offering Thursday November 27 – One Collection Thanksgiving Offering Sunday, November 29 / 30 – One Collection Regular Sunday Offering Sunday December 6 / 7 – Two Collections Regular Sunday Offering Christmas Flowers Note: If you are making a payment on your Campaign Pledge, please MAKE SURE YOU PLACE YOUR CONTRIBUTION IN THE BLUE CAMPAIGN ENVELOPE—NOT THE DEBT ENVELOPE. November 9, 2014 Dear Monsignor, I have your kind letter and the generous offering from your parish family. No one could be more grateful! Holiday Bulletin Schedules It was a joy to be with your people for your Forty Hours Due to our publisher’s deadlines for the Devotion and Parish Mission. Your hospitality was super! Thanksgiving and Christmas Holiday bulletins, the Everything was arranged so well. following dates are the deadlines for submitting My thanks to Fr. Bernard for all his kind help, what a joy announcements and inserts to the rectory office. he is! I promise my prayer for you and your precious people. Sunday Article Deadline God reward you forever! Ever Grateful, November 16 Fri., November 7 Fr. Angelus November 23 Tues., November 11 November 30 Wed., November 12 Bishop’s Annual Appeal December 7 Fri., November 21 2014 Parish Goal: $115,569 December 14 Mon., December 1 December 21 Tues., December 2 If you have any questions or would like to make a gift, please call December 28 Fri., December 5 the parish office or visit the Appeal website at January 4 Fri., December 12 Because of the many parish, school activities and requests from outside organizations, material will be accepted first come first served. Announcements that are not in by the above deadlines cannot be guaranteed publication. Please call Karon at the rectory if you need help meeting your deadlines. Thank you. This weekend Scouts will be outside collecting non-perishable food items for Scouting For Food. Your donations are directly taken to the Ecumenical Soup Kitchen on Chew Street. Donations can be any in-date, unopened, non-perishable food, dry food, baby formula and supplies and dry goods. If you would like to donate food items and cannot get them to the church, please contact the Boy Scout Troop at or 610-395-9053. Maintenance Worker Needed The Cathedral Parish is looking for a maintenance worker who will provide both janitorial, maintenance, and sacristan work for all parish properties. Duties include, but are not limited to: trash removal, mopping, lawn maintenance and weeding, snow and ice removal, various repairs, security vigilance and setting up for parish and episcopal ceremonies and events. This position will also help coordinate the schedule for the maintenance department, be responsible for ordering supplies and serve as a contact person for outside contractors. If interested, please contact Msgr. Baker 610-433-6461 or 2014 Parish Goal $115,569.95 *Pledges & 1-Time Gifts $155,545.41 Amount Collected $144,871.41 Average Gift $246.80 Number of Donors 614 Number Registered Families 1,876 Participation Rate 32.73% Diocesan Pledge Update Total Goal: $5,000,000.00 Total Raised: $4,652,241.66 Total Collected: $4,344,911.30 Number of Donors: 23,167 Average Gift: $200.81 Percentage of goal 93% Thank you for your support of the 2014 BISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL. Our Parish’s dedication to maintain the ministries of the Diocese of Allentown continues to touch thousands of lives. As you know, parishes received a 50% return on every dollar raised above the parish goal. Below is a recap of our parish’s progress as of September 30th. Parish BAA Goal: $115,569.95 Amount collected as of September 30th: $142,466.91 Amount collected over goal: $26,896.96 50% of average: $13,448.48 Thank you for your support and dedication to go the needs of God’s people. Every gift makes a difference! HOLY SAVIOUR CEMETERY/610-866-2372 RESURRECTION CEMETERY/610-395-3819 To arrange for a Christian Burial Holy Father’s Prayer Intention for November Use QR code for more info. about our parish. That young seminarians and religious may have wise and well-formed mentors. Page 2 - 226 PRAY FOR VOCATIONS Parish Anniversary Mass Participants Congratulations and thank you to all our couples living out their wedding vows! 65 years Joesph and Louise Cichonski 60 years John and Irene Horvath 55 years Robert and Carol Bielecki George and Theresa Viti 50 years Joseph and Margaret Brogan Gene and Marcia Buckno Robert and Agnes Melchior 45 years Frank and Sharon Polaha John and Rosemary Rindock Mike and Kathy Scarpino 40 years Paul and Eileen Charlton Jeff and Rita Kriebel Julio and Ana Maria Rojas 35 years Thomas and Rosemary Luczejko 30 years Gregory and Mary Ann Baunach Frederick and Lisa Koons 25 years Michael and Paula Fazio Stephen and Carol Loughlin William and Mary Ann Sweeney 15 years Charles and Tina Gergits 10 years Raul and Soralis Valenzuela 5 years William and Karon Coughlin Luis and Ines Echevarria Antonio and Ibis Fernando Lottery Calendar Try your luck at the newest Women’s Alliance fundraiser: Lottery Calendar. Only 1,000 to be sold and over 150 chances to win! Choose your favorite 3 digit numbers and get your 6 month calendars today. Purchase from any Women’s Alliance Board member or in the vestibule on select Sundays through the end of the year. $20 each with the 5th one free. First drawing is January 1. This is the last weekend to place a Nut Roll order. Orders will be available for pick up November 22nd & 23rd just in time for the holidays! Orders will be taken after this weekend’s Masses. Nut Roll Sale NEWS From The Center for Religious Education November P.R.E.P. Calendar 9 Classes Confessions 3rd through 8th grade 16 Classes Confessions Continued 23 PREP Mass—9:00AM—(Grade 7 reading) followed by Classes 30 NO Classes First Sunday of Advent Do you have a gift for working with children with special education needs? Miss Shankweiler is looking for a volunteer to work with a few children at P.R.E.P. on Sunday mornings from 10:10-11:45 AM. If you are interested, please contact Miss Shankweiler at 610-432-7655 or Miss Shankweiler, director of PREP, is looking for an “Angel” to donate a Kindle Voyage— approximate value of $199.00 and an Apple Ipad mini —approximate value of $329 to be raffled off to raise money for Vacation Bible School. If you would like to be that “Angel,” please call or email Miss Shankweiler at 610-432-7655 or Ecumenical Thanksgiving Eve Service - This year’s service will be held at the First Presbyterian Church Allentown, 3231 W. Tilghman Street on Wednesday, November 26 at 7:30 PM in their sanctuary. Part of the service will include an interfaith choir. A reception will follow in Fellowship Hall of the church. Cedarbrook Mass Mass will be celebrated for residents at Cedarbrook on November 18th at 2:00 PM. If you are available, we would love to have your help escorting residents. Please meet at 1:30 PM at the Cedarbrook auditorium. Questions? Call Mary Kovacs at 610-437-5933. Questions? Call Mary Kovacs at 610-437-5933 Fashion Show—This is your last weekend to purchase tickets to check out the latest fashion at the Women’s Alliance Fashion Show on November 12th at 7:00 PM in the Parish Activity Center. Fashions provided by Macy’s with hair and makeup styling by The Salon. Tickets $15 for a fun-filled evening may be purchased from any Women’s Alliance board member or in the vestibule after Mass. Page 3 - 226 November 9, 2014 Prayer for the Holy Souls November is the month when we remember the holy souls in purgatory. St. Gertrude the Great was a Benedictine nun and mystic who lived in the 13th century. Her feast day is November 16th. St. Gertrude had great love and compassion for the holy souls in Purgatory and prayed frequently that God release many of them to heaven. This is the prayer she would pray many times every day, and we encourage you to do the same during the month of November: Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal Church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen Gathered in Grace Prayer Ministry is hosting a one day Women’s Conference on Saturday, November 15th from 9:30 am to 3 pm at Hackman’s Bible Bookstore, Whitehall. “Calling all women to ARISE” features Christian author and speaker Deborah Lovett. After a tragic house fire that claimed all of her family’s possessions, Deborah was amazed that God had left two items among the ashes: her personal Bible and a pewter plate that said “Give us this day our daily bread.” With God’s promise of His Word and His provision, Deborah embarked on a new assignment: Calling women to ARISE above their circumstances in faith, hope, and love. Join us for a day of redemption and restoration. For more information or to register, call Michele Giletto at 610-509-3167 or Hackman’s Bible Bookstore at 610-2648600. To register online go to: -lovett-event News From the North Pole! Miss Dolly and Santa are SO grateful for the many beautiful Christmas and nonChristmas items already received for the Santa Shop. Not even in the most exclusive boutiques is there such an awesome assortment of gifts. The success of the Santa Shop depends on your help! We are now accepting those new or nearly new items taking space in your closets until Wednesday, November 26th. Your unused treasures WILL HELP fill the shelves of the shop when it OPENS on Monday, December 8th. Drop-off items for donations will be accepted Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM until 4:30 PM at the rectory. Miss Dolly would like to thank donors, so remember to leave your name with your donation. Any questions, please call her North Pole location at 610-841-3982. Santa Shop hours will be published at a later date. Thank you. Ms. Karon, Santa’s Secretary In faith - celebrating today, embracing tomorrow! St. John Vianney Regional School PrePreschool Programs Full Day Kindergarten through 8th Grade. Safe Environment, Faith-Filled Curriculum, Outstanding Academics. Free Tours and Shadow Days. REGISTER NOW for 2014-2015! (610) 435-8981 In faith-celebrating today, embracing tomorrow. To the parishioners who support our school every week, we at Saint John Vianney offer our most sincere gratitude. Please know that you are in our prayers. Visit us and see why. We will host an Information Session about Grades K-8 on Sunday, November 16 from 2-3 p.m. Please come, bring your questions, take a tour, and understand why your sacrifice to send your children to Catholic school is worth the cost. BonTon—Comm DAYS 2014 St. John Vianney Regional School Help Support SJVRS BonTon has given the SJVRS family the great opportunity of 100% fund raiser. Their Community Days booklets are being sold for $5.00, all of which is payable to the school and applicable to SJVRS’ family fund raising obligation. The first coupon in the booklet is a $10 off ANY purchase of $10 or more — this pays for the booklet itself. The days to shop are November 14 & 15, 2014. At the end of the event, BonTon will write SJVRS a check for its participation. This is a win-win effort. Please help support our school by purchasing a booklet. This is an easy way to make a difference in our school. To purchase a booklet, please contact Bushra Fries at Thank you. “Whom Am I To Judge?” Pope Francis & Homosexuality, Fri., Nov., 14th; 5:30—7:30 PM. Lehigh University Newman Center, 417 Carlton Ave., (behind Holy Ghost Rectory); Rev. Allen Hoffa, Chaplain, Lehigh University. All are welcome; Ages 18-35—Come and bring a friend! Advent Bible and Book Sale The weekend of November 22 and 23 our Parish Prayer and Worship Committee will be holding our Advent Bible and Book Sale in the vestibule after all the Masses. There will be Bibles and missals, as well as Advent wreaths and candles. Devotional booklets for the spiritual journey in anticipation of the birth of Jesus will be on sale. Page 4 - 226 November 9, 2014 Altar Servers November 10, 2014 through November 16, 2014 (Please remember to sign in when you arrive) Weekday Masses Monday, November 10 8:00 AM G. Grim/D-D. Dushime Tuesday, November 11 8:00 AM H. Kistler/R. Kromer Wednesday, November 12 8:00 AM B. Christ/C. Christ Thursday, November 13 8:00 AM A. Pryblick/B. Carbonetto Friday, November 14 8:00 AM R. M. Tomy/A. Filipos Saturday, November 15 8:00 AM C. Anderson/K. Colarusso Weekend Masses Saturday, November 15 4:15 PM B. Christ/C. Christ/ C. Durishin/C. Aboulhouda Sunday, November 16 7:30 AM A. Wursta/C. Wenck/L. Koons 9:00 AM C. Leighton/M. Melchoir/ G. Grim/Z. Shellenberger 10:30 AM D. Ganchoso/D. Ganchoso/ J. Ganchoso/B. R. DeJesus 12:00 PM J. Dougher/M. Dougher/M. Dano/C. Pauls Let Us Continue to Pray for those who are sick in our parish community James Lawrence, Julie Domonkos, Natalie Schuelz, Jean Sheaks, Ethel Thomas, Gordon L. Gladden, Harriet Jones, The Hentz Family, Joseph Kochan, Katie Hines, Joseph Fryzol, Steve Becsey, Gabriella Snyder, Edward Hillanbrand, Filomena Bachman, Dominic Scotto, Nick Sorrentino, Joyce Clause, Sharon James and family, Mary Altieri, Elizabeth Benko, Michael Skrypczak, Patricia Schuessler, Michelle Gimbert, Anna Janowiak, Veronica Stelzman, Albert Griech, Barbara Vulgaris, Nathan Goodson-Gregg, Mary Cashmore, Rose Frisch, Joseph Kwiatek, Irene Beckwith, Teo Moya, Helen and Frederick Galle, Jennifer Miller, Sharon C., James Nagy, Barbara Lewis, Ned Squires, Fred Jerant, Elizabeth Oranczak, Carmen Rodriguez, Lillian and Walter Cress, Linda Ports, Liberio Obeid, Dan Jones, Bernard Klotz, Johnathan Jones, Joan Holzman, Robert Koch, Martha Cluin, Connie Trach, Larry Wassil, C. June MacNamara, Alex Saavedra, Mae Fredericks, Kara Sorrentino, Maryava Hobin, Dorothy Blose, Judy Eberhard, Susan Schlegel, Glenn Fretz, Mary Iannelli, Stephen Pollack, Felicity Sorrentino, Hayden Sorrentino, Mae Squires, James O’Donnell, Ruby Richard, Marge Welty, Mary Eagan, Randy Krause, Michele, Daniel Heist, Sue Heist, Dr. Joseph Barchini, and Tony Calcagni. Please let us know when your loved one is better. Thank you. Cathedral Happenings Sunday, November 9 Vestibule 7:00 AM - 1:00 PM - Women’s Alliance Sales/ CCHS Trip Sales Bishop Thompson Room 6:00 - 7:30 PM - Cathedral Youth Group Parish Activity Center 7:00 AM - 10:00 PM Scouting for Food Monday, November 10 Msgr. Ott Room 7:00 - 9:00 PM - Knights of Columbus Council #14397 Faculty Lounge 6:30 - 8:00 PM - Girl Scouts Cadette Troop 6783 Tuesday, November 11 Parish Activity Center 7:00 - 9:00 PM - Boy Scout Troop 74 Bishop Thompson Room 7:00 - 9:00 PM - Liturgy Committee Faculty Lounge 7:00 - 9:00 PM - Knights of Columbus Council #14397 Wednesday, November 12 Parish Activity Center / Kitchen / Msgr. Ott Room 3:00 - 6:30 PM - Set Up W A Fashion Show 7:00 - 11:00 PM - WA Fashion Show Thursday, November 13 Parish Activity Center 1:30 - 4:30 PM - Golden Age Club Social Meeting Friday, November 14 Saturday, November 15 Vestibule 3:00 - 5:00 PM - KoC Basket of Cheer Ticket / WA Sales Sunday, November 16 Vestibule 7:00 AM - 1:00 PM - KoC Basket of Cheer / WA Sales Bishop Thompson Room 6:00 - 7:30 PM - Cathedral Youth Group Protecting God’s Children Workshops Wednesday, November 12, 2014—7:00—10:00 PM Our Lady Help of Christians School, Allentown, PA To register, please call 610-432-9384 Spanish—Friday, November 14, 2014—7:00—10:00 PM Our Lady Help of Christians School, Allentown, PA To register, please call 610-432-9384 Wednesday, November 19, 2014—4:00—7:00 PM Our Lady Help of Christians School, Allentown, PA Holy Family Manor, 1200 Spring Street, Bethlehem, PA To register, please call 610-865-5595 Sunday, November 23, 2014—6:00—9:00 PM St. Elizabeth Parish Hall, 433 Pershing Blvd., Whitehall, PA To register please, call 610-266-0695-Mary Spieker Page 5 - 226
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