KNIGHT LIFE St. Regis Council N o. 4651 No. Knights of Columbus Lake Ronkonkoma, New York 6th New York District Volume 57 Number 4 Monthly Newsletter November 2014 Not what w e sa y about we say our blessings, but ho ww e use tthem, hem, how we is tthe he tr ue measur e of our true measure Thank sgiving. Thanksgiving. Have a Blessed Thanksgiving! Newly Installed Fourth Degree Members Grand Knight Bob Powers (at left) and Deputy Grand Knight Danny Purcell (right) welcome newly installed Fourth Degree members (from left): Mark Arthus, Vincent Safina, Eugene Hillis, Nicholas Morreale, Richard Santiago, Jack Smith. Council Officers Chaplain: Co-Chaplain: Grand Knight: Fr. Henry Leuthardt Dcn. Michael DeBellis Bob Powers Daniel Purcell 588-8456 588-8456 265-2967 Deputy GK: Chancellor: Recorder: Vincent Safina Financial Secretary: Joe DiNero PGK, PCBODD Treasurer: Ed Rodgers 467-0230 838-0773 580-5162 617-3811 Lecturer: Advocate: Warden: Inside Guard: Outside Guard: Outside Guard: 3 Yr. Trustee: 2 Yr. Trustee: 1 Yr. Trustee: District Deputy: Michael Marano Antonio Vitalino PGK, FDD Richard Santiago Richard Hartnett Dave McAteer Salvatore Maraviglia Larry McCourt Guy O’Brien Robert Burnsides John Finn 252-9147 981-0794 835-1728 467-2418 588-4890 467-2804 463-9287 736-3174 543-9400 888-2965 Club 4651 President: Vice President: Treasurer: Secretary: Director: Mike Kiernan Mark Johnson, Sr. Anthony Falcinelli, Jr. Ed Brace Jim Tallman 241-4820 737-1615 516-330-4298 472-4722 917-440-1955 Director: Director: Director: Grand Knight: Catering: Jay Peterson Vincent Granice Mike DeFilippis Bob Powers Pat Dillon 523-5590 265-1021 831-8561 265-2967 516-650-0375 Activities Directors and Chairmen Program Director: Membership Director: Church Director: Fraternal Chairman: Columbiettes Coordinator: Retention: Blood Chairman: Blood Co-Chairman: Pro-Life: Fourth Degree: Adopt-A-Child: Family Director: Youth Director: Parade Chairman: Ed Forsyth 981-4699 Edward Nelson Robert Mayrose Daniel Purcell Daniel Purcell Karl Sundquist Mark Johnson, Sr. John & Marie Hoffman Daniel Purcell Joe DiNero PGK, PCBODD Bob Powers GK Tom Gillin Jim Tallman 981-4402 585-5391 467-0230 467-0230 265-2691 737-1615 588-0664 467-0230 580-5162 265-2967 981-8229 588-1837 Fr. Prior (Squires): Cf. Squires Counselor: Squires Counselor: Charity Chairman: Bingo Manager: Conf. & Chapter: Disbursement Coord.: Senior Citizens: K of C Insurance: PGK Advisory: Public Relations: Council Photographer: Ambassador to Rome: Council Website Knight Life Editor: Layout Editor: Daniel Purcell. Mark Johnson, Sr. 467-9064 Mike Kiernan Frank Giordano BAR HOURS: Monday-Wed. Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 588-9634 981-8229 737-1615 790-4474 285-3249 981-8229 588-0664 585-0825 676-6211 Ben Scannella Luis Ramos 585-1431 582-4687 737-1615 Columbiettes 467-0230 737-1615 Knight Spot Bar Manager: Asst. Bar Manager: Dcn. Joseph Maffeo Tom Gillin Mark Johnson, Sr. Thomas Fawcett, Sr. John Harris Tom Gillin John Hoffman Bob Kammerdener Harold Carlton III PGK All PGKs Mark Johnson 241-4820 7 pm to Midnight 3 pm to Midnight Happy Hour 3 pm to 8 pm 8 pm to 2 am 2 pm to 2 am 1 pm to 8 pm **BAR CLOSES AT BARTENDER’S DISCRETION** President: Membership Chairlady: Squirettes Counselor: MaryAnne Hartnett Joyce Purcell Marguerite Garguilo 467-2418 467-0230 445-8536 Catering 588-8043 Club 4651Catering Office Hours: Monday 7 pm to 9 pm Catering Manager: Pat Dillon 516-650-0375 Chapter Delegates State Convention Bob Powers GK Daniel Purcell DGK Thomas Fawcett, Sr. PGK Antonio Vitalino PGK, FDD,FCC Joseph DiNero PGK, FDD Bob Powers GK Daniel Purcell DGK Joseph DiNero PGK, FDD Antonio Vitalino PGK, FDD,FCC CRECHE LIGHTING TUESD AR TING AT 7:00PM TUESDAAY DECEMBER 2 • ST STAR ARTING This year along with the Creche Lighting and the Caroling we will be having a Pot Luck Dinner. Please bring a dish, your family and friends and share in this celebration of the Nativity. 2014 Golf Sponsored Scholarship Winners It gives me great pleasure to announce thewinners of our 2014 Golf sponsored scholarship essay contest. Joseph Fragale, Shannon Eagan, Rebecca Tallman and Danielle Kubicsko We received a total of 18 entries. I am very glad I was not a judge, I am sure that it was a very difficult decision for the judges, who had to only pick four out of all the excellent entries. I would like to thank Ed Forsyth, Guy O’Brien and Ed Nelson along with our Golf Outing Committee, Vincent Granice, Pat Dillon and Ed Brace. Thank you to all who submitted essays, Sincerely, Gerry McMenamin PGK Food Drive THANKS4GIVING FOOD DRIVe SATuRDAy NOV. 22 WAlDbAumS - HAuppAuGe Turkeys and Thanksgiving Items Needed Donations can be left at the Council Please Help Those less Fortunate at Thanksgiving To Donate or Volunteer Please Call Mark Johnson at 631-737-1615 Grand Knight’s Message God Bless Our Troops Brother Knights, I’m happy to report that our F.A.C. Bingo held on October 11 was a success again this year. We had 166 players thanks to participation from Chapter, Columbiettes from Suffolk Chapter & local Councils and St. Regis Columbiettes. As result, I will be presenting the F.A.C. with a check for $1500 at the November Chapter meeting. Thanks to all the regular Bingo Volunteers for all you did to make the evening a success. On Sunday, October 12, I was pleased to witness the Exemplification of the Fourth Degree as six members of St. Regis took the degree. We congratulate Sir Knights Mark Arthus, Eugene Hillis, Nick Morreale, Vinny Safina, Rich Santiago, and Jack Smith and welcome you to the Patriotic Degree. Once again, the consensus is that Shea Assembly had the best hospitality room, due in no small part to the efforts of Tom Fawcett, PGK, Tom Jr., Danny Purcell, and Larry McCourt who, as part of the Shea team put in long hours under difficult conditions to assure the comfort and enjoyment of all. We have a fairly busy schedule as the holidays approach. On November 1, Christine Tallman is bringing back the annual Craft Fair from 9am to 5pm. This is a good chance to do some Christmas and holiday shopping while supporting the activities that keep our Council viable. If you can lend a hand, I’m sure Christine can find something for you to do. As we get closer and closer to St. Patrick’s Day, the reality of the expense of the parade becomes more evident. This month Paula Martire and Debbie Woods are presenting the third annual 50’s dance on Saturday, November 15. All proceeds go to the Parade Committee. For details, see the ad in this issue. Jim Tallman is raffling off 500 gallons of home heating oil and 200 Gallons of unleaded gas or the cash equivalent for $25 a ticket. The drawing will be on November 7, so there is not a lot of time. Don’t miss out. Tickets can be purchased at the bar or from Jim. Our Creche Lighting Ceremony will be on Tuesday, December 2, and to encourage more participation, we are planning another pot luck dinner. So, bring a covered dish and your family and friends and make this a celebration of the Nativity to be proud of. Due to the number of Fourth Degree members and officers who have expressed a desire to attend the Fourth Degree Christmas party scheduled for December 17, the night of our social meeting and First Degree, I am considering rescheduling our meeting to allow all to attend both. The assembly does not have a regular meeting place and depends on the Councils of the Assembly for their functions. As we enter the Holiday Season, Terry and I wish all of you and your families a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving and ask you to remember all those less fortunate. One way to do this is through our through our ongoing food drive. Donations can be left in the lobby of the Council. Fraternally yours, Please don’t forget Our Memorial Mass at the Council on November 19th at 8:00pm. Grand Knight “Remember, we can only make this work by all working together.” TO VOLUNTEER, PLEASE CALL Joe DiNero, PGK - 648-0575 Colleen Wyman - 942-8390 Balkam, Laura Benson, Paul Blinn, Pat DeFilippis, Mike DiNero, Anne DiNero, Joseph Festa, Ann Fawcett, Thomas Fawcett, Thomas Jr. Gillin,Tom Giordano, Anthony Harris, Emily Harris, John Hartnett, Maryanne Hartnett, Rich Hoffman, John Johnson, Mark Jr. Lein, John Lipani, Tom Kammerdener, Bob Matera, Joseph Matera, Toni Wyman, Colleen Maraviglia, Serafina Maraviglia, Salvatore McCourt, Lawrence McCourt, Vivian McMenamin, Gerard McMenamin, Rosemary Moloney, Maurice “Mo” Morale, Dolores Nicosia, Joseph Powers, Terry Powers, Bob O’Brien, Guy Purcell, Dan Purcell, Joyce Rail, Regina Safina, Carmela Safina, Vincent Sawicki, Steve Vitalino, Antonio Weeden, Jim Wengler, Bob Wyman, Colleen Willis, Ray Woods, Debbie St. Regis Columbiettes Holiday Cr af t F air Saturday, November 1, 2014 10am - 5pm Come shop for beautifully crafted items, the area’s finest homemade goods including Jewelery, Candles, Flower Arrangements, Woodworking, Raffles and Much More Chr is tmas Decor ating Friday, November 28, 2014 9am Volunteers are needed to help with putting up the Christmas Tree • Setting up the Creche • And getting our Council ready for the holiday season Please try to attend - We could really use the help! Church Bulletin IN MEMORIAM Columbian Year 2014 - 2015 St. Regis’ Monthly Memorial Mass will be at 9:00 am on Sunday, November 23 Charles E. Fish Thomas Flanagan Fraternally, Our Service Men and Women Edward Nelson May Their Souls Rest in Peace Church Director 631-981-4402 Poker Fundraiser Friday, November 14 Friday, November 28 Sign in at 7:30 Play Starts at 8:00 St. Regis Knightsof Columbus Council 4651 November 2014 Knight of the Month ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Thank You for all you do in support of our Council. Our next screening will be on Thursday, November 13 at 8:00 PM We need your help. Chien Pham Family of the Month The Ennis Family Membership News We are looking for Volunteers to help on our Membership Committiee. This is a great way for new and older members to get involved with helping to grow our membership. Remember Brothers: Membership is the lifeline of our Order. If you are interested please see me or give me a call. Thank You Bob Powers, GK 631-265-2967 1st Prize: RAFFLE 500 Gallons FUNDRAISER Proceeds will help with expenses related to of Home Heating Oil 2nd Prize: 200 Gallons of Reg. Unleaded Gasoline or cash equivalent at market price Ronkonkoma’s 25th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade $25.00 Per Ticket See Bartender or Jim Tallman: 917-440-1955 Drawing to be held Nov. 7, 2014 at Tobins (Winner need not be present to win) Komforters for Kids The Suffolk County Columbiettes will be collecting twin size comforter sets for the Little Flower Children and Family services at their chapter meeting on November 17. Any Knight who would like to donate a comforter set please bring it to our November business meeting. We will also be taking up a cash collection to buy more comforter sets. Thanks to those Knights who have already donated. Election Day, Tuesday, November 4, 2014 Voter Check List - If you are a registered voter in N.Y.S. be ready to cast a ballot for: ___________ a House of Representatives Member to represent your area ___________ N.Y.S. Governor, Lt. Governor, Comptroller, and Attorney General ___________ a N.Y.S. Senator to represent your area ___________ a N.Y.S. Assembly Member to represent your area ___________ a Comptroller for Suffolk County ___________ Town Council, Village Trustees and Receiver of Taxes (Contests on ballot vary by town.) ___________ County, Family, District, and Town Court Judges The Stakes in 2014: A gain of 6 US Senate seats gives control to the GOP. (1/3 of the Senate) will be elected to 6 year terms. (NY’s Sen. Schumer was elected in 2010 and Sen. Gillibrand in 2014). Current Senate stops pro-life bills. The Senate must also confirm the President’s Supreme Court nominees with 50 votes, but 60 are needed to end a possible filibuster. In the US House of Representatives, GOP wouldn’t lose control unless it lost 17 seats. House Members serve two year terms. The battle for control of the NY State Senate is fully underway. 32 seats are needed to form a majority in the 63-member Senate chamber. Long Island’s nine Senate races could determine which party takes control. The NY State Senate is key to stopping the expansion of “abortion rights”, which lost by a single Senate vote in 2014. In NYS, we need more Pro-Life members of the Assembly from Nassau/Suffolk, although control of that body is thought likely to remain with the Democrats. Research the stand of each candidate to appear on your ballot and vote Nov 4. “What matters most in every election is voter turnout!!” Rev. Frank Pavone. GIVE BLOOD TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 4:00pm to 9:00pm What a Great Way to Honor a Veteran on Veteran’s Day!! **Please note: Donations of non-perishable food, toiletries, paper goods, gift cards and small unwrapped toys will be collected at all Council functions from now through Christmas. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Afternoon Christmas Party Sunday, December 7 1:00pm - 5:00pm $10.00 per person Beer ~ Wine ~ Soda ~ Buffet For tickets, please contact: Sean and Maureen Ennis at 278-4699 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Evening Christmas Party Saturday, December 13 8:00pm $20.00 per person Christmas Dinner and Open Bar ~ DJ and Dancing ~ Only 120 tickets will be sold for this event. Tickets will be available at all November meetings or contact: Joe or Ann DiNero at 580-5162 **We are requesting donations of unwrapped toys to be distributed to needy families in our community ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ St. Regis Squirettes present Breakfast with Santa Sunday, December 14 ~ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm There will be food, crafts, dancing and Santa!! Remember to bring a gift for each child or grandchild to be given by Santa (value no more than $15). Don’t forget to bring your cameras for photos! There is no cost to anyone - we only ask that you bring a non-perishable food item or small unwrapped toys to be donated to St. Joseph’s Outreach. If you have any questions, please contact the Squirette Counselor Marguerite Garguilo at 445-8536. We look forward to seeing you all there! Happy Birthday!!! ST. REGIS COUNCIL WISHES ALL BROTHERS BORN IN NOVEMBER A HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Francis J Kovar Ronald Poserina Garrett T Cugell Thomas A Gillin James H Foy Gerard Mc Garrity Carlo Milillo Robert Roiland Mario A Spagnoli Edwin Cordero John F Day John M Murphy Charles H Rivera Donald Carcone Thomas P Boyle Michael Luise James M Scheller Sr Joseph A Matera John J Rice Andrea Ritieni James E Tierney Lawrence J Biglin Francesco Saracino Harry C Watson Brian W Kelly Michael Taylor Richard A Coffey Henry Halinski John R Cummings William Hope Neal D Mc Quillan Orlando Cervini John A Schwab Alan J Alfino Steven J Ansaldi Gary P Guardino Leo A Servedio Joseph M Ventimiglia Robert J Treubert Jr Henry G Balkam Christopher K Manley Patrick J Curtin Thomas L Emde Richard R Olszewski Martin J Durkin William J Herrmann Martin S Quinn Matthew T O Donnell Peter E Chacona Anthony J Vitalino Russell J Campion Sr Bruce T Rafferty Anthony Scicutella Dr Louis Scotti Steven Westerdale Alan W Bowers Kevin P Redican Robert C Starcher Emilio Del Genio Thomas M Kecki Anthony Caldara Jr Alexander M Sexton Harold J. Carlton III PGK Field Agent Ph: 631-676-6211 email: So why is it so important that you meet with me: 1. I will review your existing life insurance coverage. Let's make sure there is no expiration date or future cost increase. Check to see that your beneficiaries are current. Ensure that the coverage you have is going to do what you intend it to do. 2. Review your investment and retirement accounts. Often, these statements can be confusing. As your trained professional, I can clarify what you have and ensure you have an understanding of what it may or may not do. How will these accounts be impacted when one spouse pre-deceases? 3. Review your strategy to fund long term care cost. What does it cost for In-Home care, In-Patient care? How do I cover those costs? 4. Review what would happen if your income stopped due to injury. How would you pay your bills, keep your house, feed your family? 5. Review your strategy to fund final expenses and burial. Do you know what a funeral cost today? 6. Review your strategy to provide income you cannot outlive. My goal is to help you understand what you own...Please use me as a valuable resource. Best news of all, my professional service to you is free. I have been thoroughly trained and have unlimited resources to ensure the most up-to-date information available. Don't waste this opportunity. My wife Sara and I would like to wish you all a very peaceful and Blessed Thanksgiving. I am truly thankful to be your Knights of Columbus agent and given this opportunity to help Catholic families achieve peace of mind. May God Bless you and hold you in his arms each day. May He bring Peace and Happiness to your household and all your family. HAPPY THANKSGIVING! May God Bless you and your family and keep them safe. LIFE INSURANCE • LONG-TERM CARE • RETIREMENT PRODUCTS • DISABILITY INCOME MILITARY BRIDGE COME,LEARN A GREAT CARD GAME PLAY WITH 3 OF YOUR FRIENDS AND WIN PRIZES! WE GUARANTEE LOADS OF FUN AND LAUGHS! ST. REGIS KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 2850 POND ROAD • RONKONKOMA SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2014 7:00PM SHARP!!! CALL ANNETTE VITALINO AT 631-981-0794 *SEATING IS LIMITED RESERVE YOUR TEAMS SPOT TODAY* I MUST HAVE A FINAL TOTAL BY NOV.15 Remove and attach to your check or cash Make checks payable to St. Regis Columbiettes. Mail This as Soon as Possible Name:____________________________________________ How Many Will Be Attending:_____________ Attached is$ ___________________________ $15.00 per person $50.00 per Table (4 people) Return To: Annette Vitalino 21 Windham Lane Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 St. Patrick's Day Parade Committee Presents our 3rd Annual 50's Dance Saturday, November 15, 2014 8:00pm to 12:00 midnight DJ Entertainment Catered By LaKoma Deli Your Choice of Roasted Chicken or Roast Beef Dinner Prize for Best 50's Outfit ~ Raffles ~ 50/50 ~ Open Bar Reserve your tickets now! $35.00 per person Payment due by November 8, 2014 NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR For tickets call Chairlady Paula Martire at 846-4289 or Debbie Woods at 277-3837 or Mail Payment To: St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee PO Box 318 • Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Please Make Checks Payable To: St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee Men’s Prayer Group Every Tuesday night at St. Joseph’s Church starting at 7:30pm For information, call: Ed Nelson 981-4402 • Bob Koepper 588-7662 • Gerry McMenamin, PGK 648-3090 Church Bulletin Help Wanted Confirmation at St. Joseph’s is on November 17 at 10:00am and 1:30pm. We need men to usher for both. Please wear a tuxedo or a black suit. Please call Ed Nelson 981-4402 Memorial Mass at St. Regis Please bring your family and join us for a Very Special Mass Nov. 19 at 8:00pm Message from the President My fellow Columbiettes, Weren’t the colors on the trees just beautiful? God must have a very talented painter on staff. My deepest aplogies to Agnes Ludwigson who does not have ovarian cancer as reported in last month's Knight Life. We welcomed in 2 new Columbiettes at our October meeting – Lisa Sevinell and Lucielle Meisner. Our degree team did a wonderful job as always despite new roles for some people and new volunteers in others. This good job was due mainly to the leadership of our Ceremonial chairperson Colleen Wyman. We also had two very special dignitaries in attendance – Doreen DeBlasio, State Chairman of District Deputies and Amelia Joseph, Suffolk Chapter President. They were equally impressed by the degree team and Amelia even stayed for our meeting. Congratulations to our Columbiettes who received their Major Degree at Patchogue Council on October 28. On October 5, Past President Ann Festa, VP Pat Blinn and I attended the Memorial Mass at the Shrine of our Lady of the Island in Eastport. We honored the following Columbiettes who had passed away from Oct 2013 to Sept 2014 – Grace Eterno, Agnes Lane, Claire McQuillen and Mary Tallman. It was a beautiful day to visit the shrine and the ceremony was very moving. Our Knight at the Races was very successful thanks to our Chairlady Terry Powers, her husband Grand Knight Bob Powers, Matt & Laura Balkam. Also a big thanks to Deputy Grand Knight Danny Purcell who tended bar, Vinnie Lettieri our Emcee for the night, the Squirettes and all those who manned the betting tables and the horses. Check the calendar for the November events and looking ahead into December we have the lighting of the Creche on Dec 2, We will be serving food and hot drinks. Christmas is a very special time of year and the lighting of the crèche gives us the chance to take time away from all the hustle and bustle of the holiday to remember just what is the reason for the season. Please make time on your calendar for this. Also there is the play “It’s a Wonderful Life” at the Smithtown Center for Performing Arts on Dec 21. See flyer in the Knight Life for further information. I would like to wish everyone a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving. Fraternally yours, Mary Anne Hartnett Madam President COLUMBIETTES BAKE SALE Sat. and Sun. Nov. 8-9 at St. Joseph’s Church Before and After all Masses It's time once again for the Columbiettes Bake Sale. This is one of the few fund raisers we have and we really need your help. We need cakes, cupcakes, pies, breads, cookies, and brownies. Since we are approaching the holiday season, we are presented with the opportunity to include holiday-themed products including candy apples, chocolate candies, chocolate lollipops, holiday cereal bars and popcorn balls. You can let your imagination run wild. Please make sure that all products are suitably wrapped (cellophane, plastic wrap or baggies). Please call me and let me know what you will bring and what Mass it is for. I need to make sure I have all the Masses covered. My volunteers and I will be at all the masses to accept your cakes. Feel free to stick around and help out. Thank you in advance; The Columbiettes always come through. Terry Powers - 631.265.2967 St Regis Columbiettes are requesting your presence at Smithtown Center for the Performing Arts 2 East Main Street, Smithtown It’s a Wonderful Life 3PM Sunday Dec. 21, 2014 $25.00 Get there early for Wine and Cheese There will also be raffles and a 50-50 For tickets and information contact: Millie D’Agostino 631-585-2753 Columbiette Annual Communion Breakfast January 11, 2015 9:00am mass at St. Joseph's followed by Breakfast at St. Regis Knights of Columbus Council from 10:00am until 1:00pm Adults $10.00 pp Children under 12 - $5.00 Ages 5 and under are free Please reserve your seats by January 2nd 2015 For more information, please contact Joyce Purcell at 467-0230 or Dawn Santiago at 275-4211 Columbiette Calendar November 1 - Craft Fair 5 - Officer’s Meeting 8/9 - Columbiette Bake Sale at St. Joseph’s 9 - Stony Brook Vets Home - meet at St. Regis 9:00am 11 - Veteran’s Day Blood Drive 12 - Columbiette Meeting 19 - Veterans Lunch 22 - Military Bridge 23 - Monthly Memorial Mass - 9:00 am mass Congratulations Pray for the Sick Please continue to pray for Agnes Ludwigson as she continues to battle breast cancer. Also pray for Denise Savage (daughter of Linda Savage) who is undergoing treatment for bone cancer. Catherine Szynaka is home from rehab. Our deepest sympathies to PP and Secretary Cathy West and her family on the death of her sister Mary MaGee. Please keep her family in your prayers. Get well wishes to Joyce Purcell's brother & brother Knight Tony Falcinelli who was involved in a car accident last month. Our Memorial Mass for the deceased members of the Knights and Columbiettes will be on Sunday, October 26 at 9AM at St Joseph's Church followed by refreshments at the Council. All are welcome to attend. If you know of any Columbiette who is in need of a visit or a card, please call: Pat Blinn 631-619-6181 Happy Birthday to all our Sister Columbiettes Born in N ovember November Pat and Rick Alvanos on the birth of their Grandaughter Ava Sophia Alvanos Welcome to the World Little One! St. Regis Columbiettes Night at the Races MEMBERSHIP If you know of any Catholic ladies - family or friends - who are at least 17 years of age, please call me with their names and phone numbers. Fraternally, Fraternally, Joyce Purcell Dawn Santiago 467-0230 275-4211 Thank You to all the volunteers and all who joined us. Because of your help and participation our Night at The Races was a great success. Terry Powers Chairlady St. Regis Columbiettes Officers 2014-2015 President Past President Vice President Secretary Financial Secretary Treasurer Sentinel MaryAnne Hartnett Ann Festa Patricia Blinn Catherine West Annette Vitalino Mary Ellen Bergin Theresa Powers Chairladies Sick & Welfare By-laws Membership Ceremonials Newsletter 467-2418 588-2587 619-6181 585-1719 981-0794 619-6865 265-2967 Board of Audit Patricia Blinn 619-6181 Colleen Wyman Regina Rail Joyce Purcell Colleen Wyman Stacey Johnson 909-8492 467-0230 942-8390 737-1615 Ann Festa 942-8390 588-2587 To advertise on this page please call Mark Johnson 631-737-1615 St. Regis Columbiette Joyce Purcell Licensed Sales Agent Allstate Insurance Company 635 Portion Road Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 24-Hour Customer Service Phone 631-397-1455 Fax 631-468-8177 Auto, Home, Business BRACE INSTALLATIONS Garage Doors • Entry Doors • Windows Siding • Custom Work Licensed & Insured Ed Brace 631-472-4722 Waitress - To - Go Enjoy Yourself & Your Guests Experienced & Friendly Sets Up, Serves & Cleans Up Home, Office or Hall Call Donna @ Time On My Hands, Ltd. 631-475-1252 Sports for All Seasons ST. JOSEPH CYO BOYS & GIRLS • SOCCER • BASEBALL • • TRACK • BASKETBALL • Chairman: Henry Melchiona 467-6091 EXECUTIVE OFFICE Fax: (631) 588-9126 132 Ronkonkoma Ave. Lake Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 (631) 588-1515 MOLONEY Bohemia 589-1500 Holbrook 981-7500 Family Funeral Homes, Inc. Central Islip 234-6000 Port Jefferson Station 473-3800 Hauppauge 361-7500 AARP Auto Insurance Program from the Hartford Now available from your local independent agent! Call Today for your FREE, no-obligation quote: 631-588-0300 Joseph LoBalsamo Auto Insurance Program CIA Insurance Agency 2100 Middle County Rd., Suite 115A Centereach, NY 11720 K of C Member The AARP Automobile Insurance Program is underwritten by Hartford Fire Insurance Company and its affiliates, One Hartford Plaza, Hartford, CT 06155. AARP membership is required for eligibility in most states. AARP and its affiliate are not insurance agencies or carriers and do not employ or endorse individual agents, brokers, producers, representatives, or advisors. The premiums collected by an authorized agent for any Program include the costs associated with the advice and counsel that your authorized agent provides. T i AN TEETH WHITENING FULL BODY SPRAY TANNING 601-4 PORTION ROAD LAKE RONKONKOMA, NY 631-588-8558 DOWRA HANDY MAN All Phases of Home Improvement! GeNe 631-682-8150 Roofing, siding, windows and anything else that needs fixing around the house. Just a call away • no job to small! St. Regis Council N o. 4651 No. RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Knights of Columbus Lake Ronkonkoma, New York NOVEMBER 2014 CALENDAR OF EVENTS SUN MON TUE CASINO BUS TRIP ALL SOULS DAY Daylight Savings Time Ends 3 5 ELECTION DAY Turn Clocks Back 9 10 Columbiette Bake Sale 16 BLOOD DRIVE 18 24 7 Columbiette Officer’s Mtg Squires Meeting 13 Columbiette Meeting 30 19 Veteran;s Audit 25 Squirettes Meeting FAIR All Saints Day Columbiette Bake Sale Cub Scout Spaghetti Dinner 15 50's Dance POKER 21 20 Memorial Mass at St. Regis 8:00pm 26 $3000 BINGO 22 Military Bridge Squires Meeting 27 28 CLOSED $3000 BINGO 29 Christmas Decorating POKER FUNDRAISER THANKSGIVING Officers Meeting 1 CRAFT FUNDRAISER Coalition For Life 1 December Chapter Meeting Parade Meeting BUILDING Memorial Mass $3000 BINGO 14 Screening SAT 8 $3000 BINGO Lunch Columbiette Chapter Meeting 23 6 VETERAN’S DAY 17 FRI Business Meeting 12 11 Club 4651 Meeting Stony Brook Vets Home THU Council Christmas 4 Officers Meeting ST. REGIS COUNCIL #4651 BLOOD DRIVE Decorating No v. 11 Nov Nov. 28 Please 9:00am Donate Volunteers Needed! Nov. 2 Bus Leaves 9am 2 WED Pre Srt Std U.S. Postage PAID Permit No.1730 Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 2 December 3 December Creche Lighting Business Pot Luck Dinner Meeting 7:00pm Columbiette Officer’s Mtg 4 December Squirettes Parents Night Out 5 December $3000 BINGO Squires Meeting 6 December
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