Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish • 2 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica In case you dozed off during the homily, the Lateran Basilica is a church in Rome that is the official seat of the pope, the bishop of Rome. It is the equivalent of the cathedral of a diocese. So why do we celebrate the dedication of a church built long ago and far away? Looking at the readings for this feast, we see that one thing they all have in common is the temple. The first reading and the Gospel mention the temple in Jerusalem; in the second reading St. Paul calls the body a temple of God. Let's see what these references say about our lives. The reading from Ezekiel describes the image of water flowing from the temple. Along its banks are trees with leaves that never fade, fruit that is always fresh (47:12). That water can remind us of Jesus' words in John 4:10-14: He is the source of living water; whoever drinks it will never thirst. We come to church each week to be fed with Jesus' words in the scriptures and with his Body and Blood in the Eucharist. So the temple symbolizes the Source of all we need to live as Christians. In the reading from Corinthians, Paul uses two images. First, he calls us a building with Christ as our foundation. Just as a solid foundation is necessary to build a hospital, school, church, etc., so we can do much with our lives if they are built on faith in Jesus. Second, he calls us temples of God because we also have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. As we build our lives on Christ, we do so not with our own efforts, but with the guidance and inspiration of the Spirit who lives in us. In the Gospel, Jesus also refers to the temple as his body. So in a way he makes a connection between himself and the temple. The temple was considered the place of God's presence on earth. But now Jesus is that Presence--he is God's Son. So we can celebrate the dedication of a church, St. John Lateran or our parish church, because they are signs of God's presence in our lives. As disciples of Jesus, we too can be signs of God's love for each other. La Dedicación de la Basílica de Letrán En caso de que se quedó dormido durante la homilía, la Basílica de Letrán es una iglesia en Roma que es la sede oficial del Papa, el obispo de Roma. Es el equivalente de la Catedral una Diócesis. Entonces, ¿por qué celebramos la dedicación de una iglesia construida hace mucho tiempo y muy lejos? En cuanto a las lecturas de esta fiesta, vemos que todos tienen una cosa en común, que es el templo. La primera lectura y el Evangelio mencionan el templo de Jerusalén; en la segunda lectura St. Paul llama al cuerpo un templo de Dios. Veamos lo que dicen estas referencias sobre de nuestras vidas. La lectura de Ezequiel describe la imagen del agua que fluye del templo. A lo largo de sus orillas hay árboles con hojas que nunca se desvanecen, la fruta que es siempre fresca (47:12). Que el agua nos puede recordar las palabras de Jesús en Juan 4: 10-14: Él es la fuente de agua viva; el que beba nunca volverá a tener sed. Venimos a la iglesia cada semana para ser alimentado con las palabras de Jesús en las Escrituras y con su Cuerpo y su Sangre en la Eucaristía. Así que el templo simboliza la fuente de todo lo que necesitamos para vivir como cristianos. En la lectura de Corintios, Pablo usa dos imágenes. En primer lugar, él nos indica que somos la casa que Dios edifica. Del mismo modo que es necesaria una base sólida para construir un hospital, la escuela, la iglesia, etc., por lo que podemos hacer mucho más con nuestras vidas si se basan en la fe en Jesús. En segundo lugar, él nos llama templos de Dios, porque también tenemos el Espíritu Santo que viviendo en nosotros. A medida que construimos nuestra vida en Cristo, no hacemos con nuestros propios esfuerzos, pero con la guía e inspiración del Espíritu que vive en nosotros. En el Evangelio, Jesús se refiere también al templo como su cuerpo. Así que en cierto modo hace una conexión entre él y el templo. El templo era considerado como el lugar de la presencia de Dios en la tierra. Pero ahora Jesús es esa Presencia - él es el Hijo de Dios. Así que podemos celebrar la dedicación de una iglesia, San Juan de Letrán o nuestra iglesia parroquial, ya que son signos de la presencia de Dios en nuestras vidas. Como discípulos de Jesús, también nosotros podemos ser signos del amor de Dios unos a otros. Can We Be Cremated? By Bishop Emeritus Thomas G. Doran ¿Podemos ser cremados? Por el Obispo Emérito Thomas G. Doran We are taught that our bodies, our physical bodies, are temples of the Holy Spirit and the Church has always preferred sepulture, or burial, as being the most fitting way of putting to rest our human remains. But if there are people who prefer cremation for any acceptable reason, that is quite permitted. Se nos enseña que nuestros cuerpos físicos, son templos del Espíritu Santo y la Iglesia siempre ha preferido el entierro, como la forma más apropiada para poner a descansar nuestros restos humanos. Pero si hay personas que prefieren la cremación por cualquier razón aceptable, todo está permitido. In the Diocese of Rockford there are certain norms for Catholic funerals just as there are liturgical norms for baptism, marriage, ordination, etc. These norms of course, flow from our Catholic faith and teaching. In this diocese, when the choice has been made to cremate a body, it is recommended that the cremation take place after the Funeral Liturgy followed by the proper disposition of the remains according to the norms of the Church, that is, burial in a grave, or entombment in a mausoleum or columbarium. If cremation takes place before the Funeral Liturgy, a burial place in a grave, or entombment in a mausoleum or columbarium for the cremated remains must be established in order to celebrate the Funeral Liturgy in the Church. You can read more about cremation in your Catechism of the Catholic Church (2301) and find all the corresponding diocesan norms at http://www.rockforddiocese.org/divineworship En la Diócesis de Rockford hay ciertas normas para los funerales Católicos, al igual que existen las normas litúrgicas para el bautismo, el matrimonio, la ordenación, etc. Estas normas, por supuesto, surgen de nuestra fe y enseñanza católica. En esta diócesis, cuando la elección se ha hecho para cremar un cuerpo, se recomienda que la cremación se realice después de la liturgia fúnebre seguido por la disposición apropiada de los restos de acuerdo con las normas de la Iglesia, es decir, el entierro en una fosa, o sepultura en un mausoleo o columbario. Si la cremación se lleva a cabo antes de la liturgia fúnebre, una sepultura en una tumba o en un mausoleo o columbario de la cremación debe establecerse con el fin de celebrar el funeral en la Iglesia. Puedes leer más acerca de la cremación en el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica (2301) y encontrar todas las normas diocesanas correspondientes a http://www.rockforddiocese.org/ divineworship O MISSION STATEMENT ur Lady of Good Counsel Church in Aurora, Illinois, is a diverse and unified community of Christ’s disciples living our Catholic-Christian faith through worship, fellowship and service bringing God’s transforming love to our parish and our world. “The Year of Grace” Sunday, November 9, 2014 • 3 WELCOME! YOU ARE INVITED TO BECOME A PART OF OUR PARISH FAMILY AND AN ACTIVE MEMBER OF PARISH LIFE. !BIENVENIDOS! LOS INVITAMOS A SER PARTE DE NUESTRA FAMILIA PARROQUIAL Y MIEMBROS ACTIVOS DE LA PARROQUIA. 2014 Diocesan Appeal / Colecta Diocesana STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE The Church need $12,000.00 each week to cover our expenses. CORRESPONSABILIDAD FINANCIERA La Iglesia necesita $12,000.00 por semana para cubrir gastos $ 6,397.00 Loose Money / Dinero suelto $ 1,098.09 Children’s envelope / Sobres de los niños $ + Weekly average using online Giving $ 1,382.50 TOTAL COLLECTION / COLECTA TOTAL $ 8,884.59 Thanks for sharing what God has given you with our Parish! ¡Gracias por compartir con la Iglesia lo que Dios les ha dado! Parishioners pledged Feligreses se comprometieron $55,781.00 73.8% Current Donors Numero de donadores Pledges Paid to Date Promesas pagadas hasta la fecha 7.00 Donaciones vía electrónica $75,548.00 Percentage of our Goal Porcentaje de nuestro objetivo November 1 & 2, 2014 Sunday envelope / Dinero en los sobres Parish Goal Nuestra meta 204 $40,734.34 It is very important that theses pledges be paid so that our parish will reach our goal. Remaining balance $19,767 to reach our Goal. Es importante que cumplan y paguen su promesa, para que la Igleisa alcance su meta. Se necesita $19,767 para cumplir la meta Stewardship Reflection “For we are God’s fellow workers…” – 1 Corinthians 3:9 Many thanks to The Aurora Catholic Education Foundation which has awarded us a grant totaling $11,465. This money will go far in aiding both our school and religious education program. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Parents meeting in English for the First Eucharistic: When: Tuesday, November 18 Time: 7 p.m. Where: St. Francis Center Parents it is important that you attend this meeting. OLGC SCHOOL CALENDARS WINNERS RELIGION CATOLICA Reunión para los Padres de los niños que van a celebrar la Primera Eucaristía. Día: Miércoles 19 de Noviembre Hora: 7 p.m. Lugar: En la Iglesia. Padres es muy importante que asistan a esta reunión. The parish 0ffice will be closed on Tuesday, November 11 in Observance of Veterans Day. L We are called to help God build His kingdom on earth. We are His eyes, ears, hands and voice on Earth. By giving of our “first fruits” of our time, talent and treasure we help fulfill God’s call. Are you doing all you can to help? Do you spend time in prayer every day? Do you participate in one of the many parish ministries? Do you give generously in the offertory collection each week? Oct. 28 - Frank V. (Hinsdale) $25 Oct. 29 - Alvaro C. (Aurora) $25 Oct. 30 - Joel U. (Aurora) $25 Oct. 31 - J. G. (Aurora) $25 Nov. 1 - Cecilia T. (Aurora) $250 Nov. 2 - OLGC Tech Fund. (Aurora) $100 Nov. 3 - Annette C. (Aurora) $25 Nov. 4 - Victor L. (Aurora) $25 La oficina de la parroquia, estara cerrada el Martes, 11 de Noviembre en Conmemoracion del dia de los Veteranos. DECLARACION DE LA MISION a Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Buen Consejo en Aurora, Illinois, es una comunidad diversa y unificada de los discipulos de Cristo que viven nuestra fe Católica-Cristiana a través de la adoración, la fraternidad y el servicio trayendo el amor de Dios transformando a nuestra parroquia y a nuestro mundo. “ El Año de Gracia” The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica• 4 NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS / CUMPLEAÑOS EN NOVIEMBRE We give thanks to the Lord for you on this the day of your birth and always. Le damos gracias al Señor por ustedes en este día de su nacimiento y siempre. 11th JENNY ALMARAZ CORINA BUCIO CELIMAR HERNANDEZ GLORIA MARTINEZ ANDREW NOCELOTL DIEGO RAMOS MAYTE REYNA TERESA SUAREZ 12th OMARELI BUCIO BRIANA CAMACHO JUANITA ESPINOSA ALBINO GARCIA MARTIN GARCIA KARINA GONZALEZ ERNESTO LOPEZ LETTICIA MALDONADO NHOE MORALES GULIANO PACHECO ADRIAN SALAZAR ROLAND SNYDER MARIA ELSA TAVIZON CAROLINA ZEPEDA 13th ANDREW CHURCHILL A. MATTHEW KRUSZEWSKIJACQUELINE LAVIA ISRRAEL LOPEZ-BRAVO IRENE RIVAS-MERELES ANNETTE RIVERA ANA RUIZ EVA SERRANO YAHAIRA VAZQUEZ 14th DENISE BINGEN ADRIEL CONTRERAS LUIS FERRER YAMILETH GALLEGOS ESMERALDA GALVAN SALVADOR RIVERA JOSE SIDA SHELLY SIKORA JACQUELINE SOTO ANGEL SUAREZ DOMINIC VILLA 15th OSCAR ACEVEDO CORY ELDER SHARON FOLLIN J. JESUS GAYTAN MONICA MALAGON BRIAN MORALES-LOBATO ALBERTO PEREZ ERIC RAFDAHL VANESSA RAMOS ANA SOSA 16th DANIEL ALVAREZ HEIDI SALTIJERAL CLARA TUFINO SANDRA VAZQUEZ 17h EDILBERTO CONTRERAS GIANCARLO FLORES SOPHIA GARCIA JUAN IBARRA JACOB KARN LUZ RAQUEL LOPEZ DAPHNE MARTINEZ ANA LUCY MORA GUADALUPE NAVAR ARMANDO NAVARRO BENEDICTO OBREGON MARIA ELVA RODRIGUEZ TERESA SANCHEZ ADRIAN SILVA GREGORIA YANEZ 18th MATTHEW GIESEN ANA IRACHETA ALEX JAIME JOHN JARVIS JULIANA PERALES CARMEN RIVERA MARIA RIVERA If your birthday is not listed or it is incorrect, please contact the Parish Center. Si su cumpleaños no aparece o es incorrecto, por favor llame al Centro Parroquial. BAPTISM In October the following children were welcomed into God’s family of believers, the Catholic Church, through the Holy Sacrament of Baptism. En noviembre, estos niños fueron bienvenidos a la familia de los creyentes en Dios, la Iglesia Católica, por medio del Sacramento del Bautismo. Arturo Manuel Sanchez Son of Manuel & Lydia G. (Galindo) Sanchez Caleb Travis & Isabella Bernice Yanos Children of Ronald & Amy M. (Waldinger) Yanos Chloe Sofia Diaz Daughter of Javier & Brianna (Hernandez) Diaz Jazlyn Alissa Romero Daughter of Rodrigo & Alicia (Rios) Romero Isabella Balcarcel Daughter of Sergio & Claudia (Montero) Balcarcel Oswaldo Rafael Castro Son of Roberto T. & Guadalupe M. (Hernandez) Castro Jonathan Chavez Son of Jose & Jacqueline (Delgado) Chavez BINGO AT OLGC SCHOOL Come and join us for Bingo every Wednesday in the School Gym. Everyone 18 and older welcome! Doors open: 5 p.m. Concessions start : 5:30 p. m. Early bird star: 6:45 p.m. Regular Bingo stars: 7 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Weekly Bingo Specials 1st Wed – Buy one set of Early Birds-get 1 free-no limit, no sharing. 2nd Wed – Bingo in 4 numbers-extra $50 3rd Wed – Wear OLGC spirit wear or colors-blue and yellow and get $2 off regular bingo cards. 4th Wed – OLGC Parishioners (registered)- $2 off first set of regular bingo cards. 5th Wed – All birthdays of that month get a free 9 setup along with bonus games-id required. “A Memorial Mass of Holy Innocents” for families who have suffered miscarriage, Abortion, stillbirth or infant/child death Monday, November 10, 2014, at 7 pm At St. Rita of Cascia Catholic Church “La Misa de los Santos Inocentes” para familias que han perdido un hijo en un aborto no deseado, si el bebe fallecio antes del parto, o si el niño fallecio en la infancia. Lunes, 10 de Noviembre, 2014 a las 7 p.m. en la Iglesia de St. Rita of Cascia Please call to Diana 630’907’9060 if you are coming. Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Buen Consejo • 5 AN INVITATION TO ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT UNA INVITACIÓN PARA A ADORAR AL SANTISIMO at Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel from 12 p.m.-8 p.m. en la Capilla de la Virgen de Guadalupe de 12 p.m.-8 p.m. Remember No Adoration on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 27, 2014 Recuerde No Adoración el día de Acción de Gracias, Jueves, 27 de Noviembre, 2014 The quiet times we spend with God in solitude and prayer will strengthen and restore our souls and help us sense His care. For further information please call Patti Reiland at 630-897-6586. Las horas que pasemos tranquilos con Dios en oración será fortalecer y restaurar nuestras almas y nos ayude a sentir su cuidado. Para mas información llame a José Torres 630-452-8307. PRO-LIFE “At the origin of every human being there is not something haphazard or chance, but a loving plan of God.” ~Pope Benedict XVI~ PRO-VIDA “En el origen de todo ser humano no existe el azar o la casualidad, sino un proyecto del amor de Dios”. ~Papa Benedicto XVI~ THE LIBRARY WILL BE OPEN OLGC ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY November 8 & 9, & November 22 & 23 after all Masses in the back of the Church - Helping the needy within our Parish boundariesIn the Gospels Jesus challenges us to "stay awake" by taking time to seriously look at ourselves, the priorities of our lives, and how we are growing spiritually. Ask yourself "What would Jesus Christ do?" and then put your gift for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in the collection basket so that those who are suffering will be able to celebrate Thanksgiving. Anyone could use a little help, or someone to talk to, especially during these tough economic times. If you would like more information about what we do, please leave us a message at 630236-1285. OLGC RESOURCE CENTER Catholicism A Journey to the Heart of the Faith “In recent years, Father Robert Barron has emerged as one of the most exciting voices in the church today. His newest work is a stunning achievement: a personal guided tour of the vast 'cathedral' that is the Catholic Church. Drawing on Scripture, tradition, history, art, literature, and the lives of the saints, Catholicism is written with the eloquence of a poet and the clarity of a teacher who knows how to communicate. If you are searching for answers to questions about the many mysteries of the Catholic faith, then look no further...” --Brant Pitre author This and other Bargain Books will be available for sale at the next Resource Center Ministry book/CD Sale on December 6/7. Advent materials will also be sold. Bible Study Sessions are second Thursday of each month. at 7:00 p. m. in St. Francis Center ANNUAL BLOOD DRIVE Sunday, November 16th 8 a.m.– 1 p.m. in St Francis Center There will sign up sheet after all Masses this weekend in the back of Church. You may have had a family member or friend that needed blood to live. Being a donor allows you to reach out to others with a gift of life. For information call Chris Zielske at 630-554-1954. Please eat a healthy meal and drink plenty of fluids before donating. Photo ID is required. “Quiero ser feliz. ” “Quiero sentirme amado.” “Quiero encontrar un significado a mi vida.” Si cualquiera de estas frases le suenan familiares, entonces el Encuentro Espiritual Dios Es! es para ti! Cuando: Sábado 22 de Noviembre, 2014 Donde: Cafetería de la Escuela de OLGC Horario: 8:00 am – Misa 5:00 pm Costo: $20 por persona* *Hay becas disponibles, preguntar en la oficina parroquial. Para información llamar a Leticia Herrera al 630-363-2019 o Jenny López vía e mail to jlopezolgc@gmail.com. Las formas de registro se encuentran en la parte posterior de la Iglesia. CAMPAÑA PARA DONAR SANGRE Domingo, 16 de noviembre de 8 a.m-1 p.m. en el Centro de St. Francis Registraciones después de las Misas de este fin de semana en la parte posterior de la Iglesia. Es posible que usted haya tenido a un miembro de la familia o un amigo que haya necesitado sangre para vivir. Ser donante le permite ayudar a otros con el regalo de la vida. Favor de tomar bastante agua y comer sanamente antes de donar sangre. Traer una identificación con su foto. REMEMBER OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL IN YOUR WILL La Dedicación de la Basílica de Letrán • 6 Reading for the Week PARISH CALENDAR All events must be scheduled thru the parish office. No exceptions. Monday, November 10, 2014 8:00 a.m. - Word Communion Services No School 8:00 a.m. - Basketball Practice in Gym 4:00 p.m. - Rosary in Church 6:00 p.m. - Mustard Seed in School Entrance 7:00 p.m. - Baptism Session in St. Francis Center 7:30 p.m. - Handbell Choir in School Music Room Tuesday, November 11, 2014 Veterans Day Parish Office Closed 8:00 a.m. - School in Session 8:00 a.m. - Daily Mass (English) in Chapel 3:00 p.m. - 8 p.m. - Basketball Practice in Gym 4:00 p.m. - Rosary in Church 7:00 p.m. - Practica del Coro en Español en la Iglesia 7:00 p.m. - St. Vincent de Paul in Hope Room 8:00 p.m. - Retreat in Faith Room Monday: Tuesday: Ti 1:1-9; Ps 24:1b-4ab, 5-6; Lk 17:1-6 Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37:3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29; Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: Ti 3:1-7; Ps 23:1b-6; Lk 17:11-19 Thursday: Phlm 7-20; Ps 146:7-10; Lk 17:20-25 Friday: 2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119:1-2, 10-11, 17-18; Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: 3 Jn 5-8; Ps 112:1-6; Lk 18:1-8 Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128:1-5; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21] Ti= Tito Ps=Salmos Lk=Lucas Phlm=Filemon Jn= Juan Prv=Apocalipsis Thes=Tesalonicenses Mt= Mateo MASS INTENTIONS / INTENCIONES DE LA MISAS Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Weekdays 8:00 a. m* Monday, November 10* Word Comm. Serv. Tuesday, November 11* Poor Souls Wednesday, November 12 @8:20 a.m. Poor Souls Thursday, November 13* Poor Souls Friday, November 14* Brad Grams Thursday, November 13, 2014 Saturday, November 15 4:30 p.m. Patrick H. Langan Sunday, November 16 8:00 a.m. Tom Schindelbek 10:00 a.m. Del Kluber 8:20 a.m. - School Mass (English) in Church 9:30 a.m. - Overeaters Anonymous in Charity Room 4:00 p.m. - Rosary in Church 5:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. - Bingo in Gym 7:00 p.m. - Al-Anon in Charity Room 7:00 p.m. - RICA Español en Faith Room 8:00 a.m. - Daily Mass (English) in Chapel 12:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. - Eucharistic Adoration in OLG Chapel 3:00 p.m. - 8 p.m. - Basketball Practice in Gym 4:00 p.m. - Rosary in the OLG Chapel 6:30 p.m. - Education Commission in Charity Room 7:00 p.m. - Rejoice Choir Practice in Church Friday, November 14, 2014 8:00 a.m. - Daily Mass (English) in the Chapel 3:00 p.m. - 8 p.m. - Basketball Practice in Gym 4:00 p.m. - Rosary in the Church Saturday, November 15, 2014 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. - Basketball Game in Gym 1:00 p.m. - Quinceñeras Mass 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. - Reconciliation / Confesiones in Church 4:00 p.m. - Rental in Faith/Hope Room 4:30 p.m. - Mass in Church 1:00 p.m. Maria Delia Casas Rivera Pray for Our Troops Lord hold our troops in your loving hands. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us. Sunday, November 16, 2014 8:00 a.m. & 10 a.m. - Mass in English 8:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. - Religious Education in OLGC School 11:00 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. - Classes de Educación Religiosa 11:00 a.m. - Confirmation Class in St. Francis Center 11:15 a.m. - RCIA in Wisdom Room at the Parish Center 11:15 a.m. - RICA en el Centro Parroquial Please pray for all those who are sick, those who are recuperating from surgery and for those who will have surgery soon and our shut-ins. Also remember our elderly and homebound as well. Marian Mwela, Sharon Roberts, Carl Hess, Vicky Hernandez, Jose Zepeda, Charlene Petesch, Ed Schindel, Jean Marie Nickels, Sally Lindberg, Bob Wicks, Marian Tilton, Raymond White, Jeff Shankle, Louis Gamble, Blanca Galindo, Alma Carrion, Maria Rodriguez, Aurora Zepeda, Erwin Becker, Maria Elizondo, Andres Zepeda and Michael Barry. Dear God, we place our worries in Your hands, we place our sick under Your care and humbly ask that You restore Your servants to health again. Amen Taller de Ciudadanía Sabado 15 de noviembre de 9a.m.-12 p.m. en The Compas Church 1551 Hobson Rd. en Naperville, IL Recibirá una consulta y asistencia gratuita para completar la solicitud y materiales gratuitos para estudiar. Puede calificar para pedir un “perdón de pago” Para mas información sobre los requisitos favor de llamar al 630-4627660 o 630-264-3171. ALTAR SERVERS REMINDER Please remember that it is your responsibility to find a substitute if you are unable to serve on your appointed day & time. Please arrive 20 minutes before Mass. Your presence is so nice and really helpful to the priest. ALTAR SERVERS SCHEDULE November 15 & 16, 2014 4:30 p.m. Cielo Piceno Stanis Warpinski Joel Rivera 8:00 a.m. Thomas Sweet Julio Vargas John Alcalde 10:00 a.m. Sebastian Barocio Soleil Gonzalez Mireya Sanchez 1:00 p.m. Brenda Acosta Emma Hernandez Esmeralda Hernandez Rosary High School Open House Tuesday, November 18 at 6 p.m. Rosary High School, will host an Open House to all families with daughters in grades 5-8 are invited to attend our open house. Guests will also meet students, faculty and staff, and learn about Rosary’s athletic programs and extracurricular activities. Registration is not required. For additional information, call the school at 630-896-0831 x12. Domingo, 9 de Noviembre, 2014• 7 OLGC Pastoral Team Pastor…………………….…………..………. Rev. Ricardo Hernandez Parish Deacons………... ………………. Ray Weaver & Carlos Navarro Finance Manager………………………. Jennifer Dutton Parish Secretaries………………….......Carol Rosenstiel Alicia Litrenta Director of the Rel. Educ……….….Sister Maria Romero HJ Music Director……………………………. Bobbie Thornton Parish Office: 615 Talma Street, Aurora IL 60505 Phone: (630) 851-1100 Fax (630) 851-4069 Hours: Monday-Friday - 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Closed from: Noon - 1:00 p.m. Parish Office Website: www.ourladyofgoodcounsel.net Email: OLGCchurch@aol.com OLGC Parish School: 601 Talma Street (Aquinas Hall) Phone: (630) 851-4400 Fax: (630) 851-8220 Website: www.olgcschoolaurora.org Principal……………………………………...Karen Behrns School Secretary……………….………...Norma Heredia Convent: (630) 851-0206 Mass Schedule: Saturday : 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 8 a.m., 10 a.m. English & 1 p.m. Español Monday: Word Communion Services Tuesday, Thursday & Friday : 8 a.m. Wednesday: 8:20 a.m. School Mass Sacrament of Penance / Confesiones: 3 p.m.- 4 p.m. Rosary in English: 4 p.m. in weekdays in Church Rosario en Español: 2º y 4º jueves a las 7 p.m. en la Capilla Eucharistic Adoration: Every Thursday Adoración al Santísimo: Todos los jueves. Sacrament of Baptism & Baptismal Classes Parents of children to be baptized should be registered, active members of OLGC. Godparents need to be married by the Catholic Church. Parents and godparents are required to attend a baptismal session prior to the baptism. Please call the Parish Center at least 4 to 6 months early to make arrangements or for information. Vocations Corner by Rev. Keith Romke The Advice of a Mother Ever since I was a little kid, I have loved attempting to do things on my own! From time to time this has turned out well, on some other occasions it has allowed me to get by, but more often than not it has gotten me into all kinds of trouble. The funny thing is though, that no matter how many times this strategy has yielded poor results, I just keep on going back to it again and again. Usually, there is one thing that can finally get me to snap out of this cycle and to do what is actually best for me: listening to the advice of my Mother! This same reality is even more true when it comes to living out our spiritual lives. I can try on my own to figure things out, but when it’s all said and done, the goodness of God’s plan is just way too big for my finite and limited mind to fully understand or grasp. But this doesn’t mean that any of us are without hope, because we all have a Mother that we can turn to in the midst of our struggles. Mary longs to aid us through her intercession and by her example. If we want a guaranteed way to discover God’s will for us, all we need to do is to ask her intercession and to pray according to her example: “Be it done unto me according to thy Word” and “do whatever He tells you!” 2015 Guide Book & Directory Advertising Opportunity We are in the process of updating our annual Guide Book & Directory for the Church. This book will be the Who, What, Where, When, Why and How of our Congregation. The book is being provided at no cost to our Church, including the mailing to each family, and again is being subsidized by local businesses that advertise in it. If you own or manage a business and would like to find out about advertising in our book, please call the Church Office. Recent survey results by Guide Book Publishing show that 92.1% of families would rather patronize a Guide Book & Directory advertiser over a non-advertiser. It “will pay” to advertise in our new Guide Book & Directory. Update Membership Information Does our Church database have YOUR family membership record correct? Here is your chance to update YOUR record for our annual Guide Book & Directory (if you haven’t already done so). It is time for us to update our database with any changes, additions, or deletions that may have occurred in YOUR family over the past year. Have you changed your phone number? Have you moved? Are you preparing to move soon? Are all of your children still at home and are they all included in your membership record? Do you want your record published? If you have not already informed the Church Office about changes to your record, please let us know now so that the information in the Guide Book & Directory is correct. The Church office at 630-851-1100. Thank you for your help! Directorio y Guía 2015 Oportunidad Publicitaria Estamos actualizando nuestro Libro Guía Anual. Este libro será el Quién, Qué, Donde, Cuando, Por qué y Cómo de nuestra Congregación. El libro es proporcionado sin costo alguno a la Iglesia , incluyendo el envió por correo a miembros registrados de la Iglesia y es patrocinado por empresas locales que se anuncian en ella. Si usted es dueño o administrar un negocio y quisiera saber sobre la publicidad en este libro, favor de llamar a la oficina de la Iglesia. Los últimos resultados de la encuesta por la guía editorial demuestran que 92,1 % de las familias prefieren patrocinar un directorio parroquial. Esto “pagará” por anunciarse en nuestra nueva Guía. Información Actualizada de los Miembros ¿Tiene nuestra Iglesia SUS datos correcto de su familia? Esta es SU oportunidad para actualizar su registro para nuestro libro guía anual. Este es el momento para actualizar sus datos con los cambios necesario que pudo haber ocurrido en SU familia durante el año. ¿Cambio su número de teléfono? ¿Se han movido? ¿Se va a cambiar de domicilio?¿Sus hijos aún viven con usted y están incluidos en su registro de membrecía? ¿Desea que su registro sea publicado? Si usted no ha informado a la oficina de la parroquia acerca de cualquier cambio en su registro, favor de hacerlo lo mas pronto posible, para que la información que aparecerá en el Libro Guía y Directorio este correcto. Llamar a la oficina de la Iglesia al 630851-1100. ¡Gracias por su ayuda! Bulletin Number: 668975 CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS Our Lady of Good Counsel Church 617 Talma St. Aurora, IL 60505 TELEPHONE : (630) 851-1100 CONTACT PERSON: Alicia Litrenta EMAIL: alicialitrenta@aol.com SOFTWARE MS Publisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat X Windows PRINTER KM-4050 TRANSMISSION TIME Tuesday 4 p.m. BULLETIN FOR SUNDAY 11/09/14 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 Through 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Need 600 bulletins only. Thanks, Alicia
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