REINBECK RUNNELLS RUSSELL SAINT ANSGAR SHELL ROCK SIOUX CITY* SLATER TIPTON UNION UNIONVILLE URBANDALE WALL LAKE WALNUT WASHINGTON WATERLOO WATERLOO WATERLOO WATERLOO WAVERLY WAVERLY WEBSTER CITY WEST DES MOINES WEST DES MOINES WILLIAMSBURG WINTERSET YARMOUTH First Baptist-Cal & Dianna Turner Adelphi Calvary Baptist-Scott & Carol VanderHart Shawn & Shannon VanderHart-Music/School Admin. First Baptist– Marshall & Emily Felderman Saint Ansgar Baptist-Aaron & Emily Moore First Baptist-Alan & Tamara Dicks Good News Baptist-John & Tara Woodford Slater Baptist-Don & Jean Michaelsen Jeremy & Kamber Arends-Associate Pastor, part time Cedar Street Baptist-Brian & Joyce Wilkins, Interim Calvary Baptist-Roger & Linda Crawford Unionville Baptist-Jesse & Hannah Hill Urbandale Baptist– Nathan & Shana Gast Wall Lake Baptist-Ross & Valorie Craig Calvary Baptist-Art & Erin Kilmer Prairie Flower Baptist-David & Heather Cotner Burton Avenue Baptist-Garry & Christie Moore Hagerman Baptist-Dave & Robin Peters Caleb & Liz Reising, Associate Pastor Hispanic Baptist of Waterloo-Fernando & Patricia Gonzales Walnut Ridge Baptist-Seeking a Pastor First Baptist-Dan & Barbara Eloe Horton Baptist- Stephen & Ellen Moore Seeking an Associate Pastor Calvary Baptist-Terry & Donna Davenport John & Debbie Griep - Youth Pastor Calvary Baptist– Seeking a Pastor Willow Creek Baptist-Mike & Elizabeth Augsburger Cody & Londa Crigger-Associate Pastor Trenton & Lydia Hol-Associate in Youth & Discipleship Josh & Mickie Byers - Communications Pastor Zach & Leah Dietrich, Theological Development Pastor Harvest Baptist Church -John & Debbie Sauser Grace Baptist-John & Nancy Safford First Baptist-Jeff & Sherrill Duffy Ministries Calendar 2014 November 21-22 Back On Track Youth Rally Ankeny Baptist Church, Ankeny 2015 February 6-7 Mid-Winter Couples Retreat Stoney Creek Inn, Johnston, IA Speaker: Don Shirk March 27-28 Men for Christ Rally Brookside Baptist Church, Brookfield, WI April 13-14 IARBC Annual Conference May 9 Adventureland Youth Rally Adventureland Park, Altoona, IA June 30-July 3 GARBC National Conference Omaha, NE August 28-29 IARBC Men’s Retreat at IRBC, Clear Lake September 11-12 IARBC Ladies’ RENEW Conference At IRBC, Clear Lake IARBC STATE REPRESENTATIVE - Tim & Sandy Capon * Mission work 10/25/2014 Tim Capon - State Representative Email: ~~ cell: 712-790-0304 Becky Holub - Administrative Assistant 2842 SW 3rd St. - Ankeny, IA 50023 - ph:515.964.2880 - We hope that you will use the cover of this paper as a reminder to praise our Lord for, pray for and plan for each of our major annual ministries. Please use the following listing of our churches and pastors and wives to praise our Lord for one another and to pray for one another regularly as sister churches and fellow pastors and wives. ADEL ALGONA ALTOONA AMES ANKENY ANKENY* BELMOND BLOOMFIELD BRAYTON BRITT * BURLINGTON BUSSEY * CAMBRIDGE CARLISLE CARROLL CEDAR RAPIDS CHARLES CITY CLEAR LAKE CORNING COUNCIL BLUFFS CRESTON CUMBERLAND DANVILLE* DAVENPORT DES MOINES DES MOINES DES MOINES DES MOINES DES MOINES DES MOINES DES MOINES DE SOTO DIKE DYSART ELDORA EMMETSBURG Rapids Street Baptist-Seeking a Pastor, Dr. Bob Domokos, Interim Hillcrest Baptist-Brian and Patty Johnson Altoona Regular Baptist-Chris & Angi Humburg CrossRoad Baptist-Will & Amy Hatfield Scott & Marti Owen - Assoc. Pastor of Family Ministries Jeff & Jenny Wood—Minister of Youth & College Ministry George & Dottie Hatfield-Internationals Robert & Virginia Cowley-Assistant/Internationals Ankeny Baptist-David & Debbie Strope Jason & Jill Blunk - Assistant Pastor Community Baptist – Shon & Angela Lundberg Calvary Baptist - Doug & Tina Love First Baptist-Seeking a Pastor First Baptist - Joshua & Bethany Farrell Bethel Baptist-Greg & Beth Baum Calvary Baptist-Simeon & Bonnie Counterman Community Regular Baptist Church-Brad & Marie Hansen Faith Baptist-Jacob & Amber Saylor Doug & Tricia Brown-Associate/Youth & CE Missionary Baptist - Chad & Amanda Hol Faith Baptist-Seeking a Pastor Blair Ridge Baptist-Troy & Lorie Weigert Temple Baptist-Seeking a Pastor Clear Lake Regular Baptist-Seeking a Pastor Grace Baptist-Dan & Kim Lamgo Prospect Park Baptist Church-Leo & Evelyn Young First Baptist-David & Laurie Tebbenkamp Dan & Rebecca Fields, Youth Pastor First Baptist-Mike & Dawn Martin Faith Baptist-Ed & Cheryl Bunt Luke & Diane Scallon, Family Pastor Berean Baptist-Mark & Arleta Baker Kerry & Carol Hatfield-Youth/Evangelism Bethany Baptist-Doug & Coral DeFord Emmanuel Baptist-Dan & Charlotte Bunge Fellowship Baptist-Jeff & Becky Holub Jonathon & Liz Fuller-Associate Pastor Grandview Park Baptist-Robert & Ronette Smith Dan & Beth Wahlstrom-Business Administrator Danny & Brenna Capon - Assistant Pastor Northridge Baptist-Kevin & Jane Subra-Leadership & Admin. Kent & Yvonne Spencer-Hispanic Ministry Tony & Debbie Mendoza - Deaf Ministry Jim & Dori Douglass - Discipleship and Pastoral Care Norwoodville Baptist-Philip & Kayla Kramer True Bible Baptist-Rod & Teresa Bradley Calvary Baptist-Lonnie & Roxanne Koons Liberty Baptist-Seeking a Pastor Calvary Baptist-Daniel & Tiffany Hartwig First Baptist-Mark & Angie Chapman Grace Baptist-Curtis & Shelly DeFord Shon & Julie Bruellman-Discipleship/Counseling FAIRFIELD FARMINGTON FLORIS FOREST CITY FORT DODGE GREENE GRIMES GRINNELL GRUNDY CENTER GUTHRIE CENTER HARLAN HUDSON INDIANOLA IOWA CITY IOWA FALLS KNOXVILLE LECLAIRE MANNING MARSHALLTOWN MASON CITY MONROE MONTICELLO MOUNT AYR MOUNT PLEASANT MURRAY MUSCATINE MUSCATINE NEVADA NEW HARTFORD NEW VIRGINIA NEWTON NORWALK OSKALOOSA OTTUMWA PELLA PERRY PERRY* POCAHONTAS Faith Baptist-Tom & Brenda Cope First Baptist-Chad & Michal Welch Floris Baptist-Gordon & Stephanie Hawkins Calvary Baptist-Doug & Lori Farrell Faith Baptist– Nick & Jessica Oliver Calvary Baptist-Ben & Stacy Hartwig Maranatha Baptist-Wayne & Donna Hart Mike & Julie Gittens - Associate Pastor Mark & Janice Stupka-Associate Pastor Calvary Baptist– Seeking a Pastor First Baptist-Nathan & Kari Barkley First Baptist-Jim & Regina Ackerson Grace Baptist-Joe & Amy Earle Daniel & Maggie Cox - Associate Pastor Faith Baptist– Sam & Sara Jones Indianola Regular Baptist-Craig & Marcia Johnson Terry & Joan Gladfelter, Assistant to the Pastor Faith Baptist-Tim & Cheryl Waldron Jake & Becky Mangold, Assistant Pastor Elva Craig & Ann DenUil, College Min. Bethel Baptist-Steve & Cindy Hill Faith Baptist-Curtis & Connie Gordon LeClaire Baptist-Timothy & Brenda Moore Lane & Diana Bleeker-Associate Pastor Calvary Baptist-Seeking a Pastor Louis Miller-Pastor Emeritus Center Street Baptist-Joe Peter Faith Baptist- Seeking a Pastor Scott & Grace Onofrio-Assc. Pastor of Outreach & Discpl. Greg & Keri Gosnell—Assc. Pastor of Youth & Childrens Ministries First Baptist-Jeriah & Shawna Shank Monticello Baptist-Gary & Cindy Novak Mount Ayr Regular Baptist-Seth & Tania Denny Calvary Baptist-Mike & Christina Hess Jerry (Administrative Pastor) & Sherry (Dir. Of Women’s Ministry) VanHooser Matt & Marcee Reno - Youth Pastor Murray Baptist-Alex & Janice Bauman Fruitland Baptist-John & Kim Brown Walnut Park Baptist-Dennis & Tonya Hakes David & Tanya Love - Youth/Associate Pastor Nevada Baptist-Dennis & Barb Reynolds James & Heather Reynolds-Assistant Pastor Tim & Anna Chomic, Assoc. Pastor of Children’s Ministries First Baptist-Ben & Sarah Epley Grace Baptist-Michael Mattsen, Interim Immanuel Baptist-Ken & Sandy Van Loon First Baptist-Trey & Janae Perrott Bethel Baptist-Steve & Lynn Cox North Court Baptist-Roger & Beth Hemmings Berean Baptist-Bruce & Sharon Thompson First Baptist-Chris & Susan Tjapkes Inglesia Bautista Ebenezer-Daniel & Mercedes Giron Pocahontas Regular Baptist-Tim & Lynell Kuhn Mike & Melissa Ryan-Assistant Pastor
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