20,000 LETTER-BOX DELIVERED THURSDAYS FROM HORNSBY TO THE HAWKESBURY RIVER READ ONLINE TUESDAYS www.thebushtele.com.au THURSDAY 6 NOVEMBER 2014 GRAND FINAL WINS FOR BEROWRA NETBALL story inside ... An Evening With RONN MOSS Australian Tour 2014 A-LIST ENTERTAINMENT PRESENTS Stories from his illustrious 25 year career as Ridge Forrester with THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL Plus Performing songs with Player (Feat.PETER BECKETT) (”Baby Come back”) WITH SPECIAL GUEST JOEL OZBORN Saturday 29th November 8pm FRIDAY 7th NOVEMBER 2014 DOORS OPEN 7:30 ~ SHOW STARTS 8:30 ALL TICKETS ONLY $41* CO N C E S S I O N $ 2 7 * | A D U LT $ 3 2 * MEMBERS SHOW: $52.00* VISITORS SHOW: $57.00* Book Today (02) 9477 7777 | hornsbyrsl.com.au | 4 High St Hornsby, 2077 2 THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY DON’T MAKE THESE BRAVE VOLUNTEERS’ JOB ANY HARDER THAN IT ALREADY IS! TOUGH NEW PENALTIES DURING TOTAL FIRE BANS Matt Kean MP has welcomed tough new penalties which will empower the NSW Police Force and NSW Rural Fires Service (RFS) to bring those who deliberately and recklessly disrespect Total Fire Ban warnings before the courts after NSW Parliament passed the Rural Fires Amendment Bill 2014. “Under these strong new measures, offenders can be prosecuted under DQHZRIIHQFHDQGIDFHD¿QHRI up to $132,000 and/or seven years jail time if they deliberately light or DOORZD¿UHWRHVFDSHWKHLUSURSHUW\ on a Total Fire Ban day,” Matt Kean said. ,QZKDWLVSUHGLFWHGWREHDGLI¿FXOW EXVK¿UHVHDVRQDKHDGDXWKRULWLHV will target those who blatantly ignore the Total Fire Bans and the safety of others. $MXU\FDQVWLOO¿QGVRPHRQHJXLOW\ of the existing offence which carries serious penalties of up to DQGXSWR¿YH\HDUVMDLO time, if they think the person did not have enough warning that a Total Fire Ban was in place. Other changes allow NSW Police and RFS to penalise less serious RIIHQGHUVZLWK¿QHVXSWR “We are seeing a lot of people ignore warnings and conducting burns on their own properties with complete disregard for Total Fire Bans,” Mr Kean added. Other amendments to the Rural Fires Act 1997 will streamline ¿UHSHUPLWUHTXLUHPHQWVDQG ensure those who throw lit FLJDUHWWHVPDWFKHVRURWKHU³¿UH objects” from a vehicle will be held accountable, not just the SALES registered owner. “Those idiots who throw lit cigarettes or matches from cars during a Total Fire Ban can already be hit with double the penalty, but will now be unable to blame it on someone else,” Mr Kean said. Photo above: RFS Volunteers from Hornsby Heights at a recent hazard reduction burn in Berowra. Assured Conveyancing Nikki Summerhayes Licensed Conveyancer Ph: (02) 9456-0390 or 0414 847 886 7am-7pm 7 DAYS A WEEK /LFHQFH1R %X\LQJRU6HOOLQJ )ODWFRQYH\DQFLQJIHH 0RELOH6HUYLFH ZHFRPHWR\RX )DVWDQGHIILFLHQW &DOO1LNNLDWDQ\WLPHWRGLVFXVV \RXUVDOHRUSXUFKDVH 9456 1499 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT STRATA MANAGEMENT keeping it Local EHURZUD Thursday 6 November 2014 3 Come on down to .... MANNELL MOTORS OPEN DAY! Let Mannell Motors put YOU in the picture! If you’re a 4wd enthusiast, mark Saturday 15th November in your calendar. Why? It is Mannell Motors’ open day and a chance to talk a range of 4WD industry specialists and the Mannell Motors team. Talk to a 4WD Specialist! Mannell Motors is a family owned and operated business, providing specialist mechanical servicing to all vehicle types for over 18 years. Owner Nick Mannell said, “We specialise in setting up 4WD vehicles for touring and towing. Our experienced team can advise the right product for your needs.” Meet the Experts Experts from the following companies will be on hand to answer any questions: ARB, Kaymar, Rhino Roof Racks, Redarc, Old Man Emu, Piranha Offroad, All Air Suspension, Hema maps, Cooper Tires, Recaro, Lightforce, Hayman Reece, GME, Coupler Tec, Australian 4X4 Driver Training and many more. A charity SAUSAGE SIZZLE will be held on the day. There will be OPEN DAY SPECIALS, saving you heaps and decades of 4WD knowledge at hand. Plus LUCKY DOOR PRIZES including an ARB Fridge Freezer worth up to $1199, a $660 voucher for Australian 4x4 driver training & many other great prizes. The open day is from 9am til 3pm on Saturday 15th November at Mannell Motors, 5 Pioneer Avenue, Thornleigh. Call 9980 8855 for more details. It’s for one day only so make sure you don’t miss out! (See Mannell Motors’ advertisement back cover this edition) ^LJŵƉŚŽŶLJ <ŝƚĐŚĞŶƐ “A Symphony Created Just for you” 22 YEARS LOCALITY ϭϬĂďŝŶĞƚ<ŝƚĐŚĞŶ OP SHOP BARGAINS GALORE ĨƌŽŵΨϮϴϬϬ Custom Built & Architectural Detailed Joinery ZZZV\PSKRQ\NLWFKHQVFRPDX Jamaica Blue Front of Myer Westfield Hornsby Introduces for limited time: $25 for 2 Guests! Afternoon only. 10% Discount ;ŽŶƉƌĞƐĞŶƚŝŶŐ Ϳ ƚŚŝƐĂĚǀĞƌƚ PRICE MATCH PROGRAM NATIONAL REDUCTIONS TO BOOST LOCAL RETAIL RITCHIES IGA has announced that RITCHIES IGA BEROWRA is LQFOXGHGLQWKH¿UVWVWDJHRI,*$¶V national Price Match program, which will see the price of hundreds of products across IGA and SUPA IGA stores NSW matched to those of the major national supermarket chains in Australia. In a direct response to customer feedback, IGA’s Price Match has been developed by studying customer shopping habits to identify the most popular everyday products. In a bid to further encourage and promote the EHQH¿WVRIVKRSSLQJORFDOSULFHV of these products will be matched on a weekly basis, with stores involved also continuing to offer the promotions, wide ranges of products and friendly service that each store is known for. David Scally NSW State Manager for RITCHIES said, “I am pleased to offer this new initiative for customers in Berowra.” “With the assistance of Metcash, we have been able to offer the Price Match program, as well as our exciting weekly specials, senior’s discounts, all your favorite brands and our happy, friendly service. It is our aim to continue to innovate and listen to our customers so we can tailor our offer to meet their shopping needs” “Sitting above this is the Ritchies &RPPXQLW\%HQH¿W&DUG´ Through the COMMUNITY BENEFIT CARD, Ritchies has donated over $43.5 million to local charities, local schools and local community clubs. “Each time you shop, you can earn money for your favorite charity, school or club,” Mr Scally said. “Further, by signing up to the &RPPXQLW\%HQH¿W&DUG\RXFDQ also become a CB Mobile member, to gain further weekly discounts on a range of products that are only available to CB Mobile members.” “We look forward to continuing serving the residents of Berowra,” said David Scally. Photo above: Berowra residents Paul and Jo Woodage support their chosen local community group by using their &RPPXQLW\%HQH¿W Card every time they shop at IGA.. See online: iga.com.au/ pricematch ritchies.com.au redrabbitbyritchies.com.au Join the conversation: www.facebook.com/ ULWFKLHVFRPPXQLW\EHQH¿WFDUG https://www.facebook.com/ igaAustralia or via Twitter on @ RitchiesCBcard@igaaustralia SMALL CLASS SIZES QUALITY EDUCATION FOR KINDERGARTEN TO YEAR 12 Located in Arcadia with established transport links from Berowra through to Asquith and surrounding areas of Pennant Hills & Beecroft Stations. JOIN US FOR A SCHOOL TOUR ĂŝůLJ^ĞůĞĐƚŝŽŶƐŽĨ͗ &ŝŶŐĞƌ^ĂŶĚǁŝĐŚĞƐ͕^ĐŽŶĞƐ͕ŝƐĐƵŝƚƐĂŶĚWĂƐƚƌŝĞƐ tŝƚŚLJŽƵƌĐŚŽŝĐĞŽĨĞŝƚŚĞƌƚĞĂŽƌƐŵĂůůĐŽĨĨĞĞ͘ R WƌŝǀĂƚĞĂŶĚĐŽƌƉŽƌĂƚĞŬŝŶŐƐ͘ R ŚĂƌŝƚŝĞƐ͕ƐƉŽƌƚƐΘŽƚŚĞƌĐŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJŐƌŽƵƉƐ͘ R DŽƚŚĞƌƐŐƌŽƵƉƐĞƚĐ͘ &Žƌ'ƌŽƵƉŽŽŬŝŶŐĂůůϵϰϴϮϱϯϵϴ 4 RITCHIES IGA BEROWRA ANNOUNCES THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY TUESDAY 18 NOVEMBER ENROLLING NOW FOR 2016 I 5.30pm BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL LIMITED POSITIONS AVAILABLE FOR 2015 Visit northholm.com.au or call the Registrar on 9656 2000 NORTHHOLM GRAMMAR SCHOOL Remembrance Day The Unknown Soldier Story & photo by LCDR Mick Gallagher RAN/RANR Rtd Lest we forget This Tuesday 11 November at 6pmWKH+RUQVE\%XVLQHVV$OOLDQFH +%$President Bill Tyrell ZLOOKRQRXU5HPHPEUDQFH'D\ ZLWKDQHYHQLQJJDWKHULQJLQ +RUQVE\ Linda Brown%UDQFK0JURI7- $QGUHZV)XQHUDO6HUYLFHV+RUQVE\ ZLOOKRVWWKHHYHQWDWLWVFKDSHO 3DFL¿F+Z\+RUQVE\RSSRVLWH %DUNHU&ROOHJH 7KHHYHQLQJZLOOLQFOXGHD presentation by Linda of the EULQJLQJKRPHRIµ7KH8QNQRZQ 6ROGLHU¶IURP)UDQFHLQ /LQGD¶VJUDQGIDWKHUNicholas Bannon0LOLWDU\0HGDOZDVD Gunner with the 6th%DWWHU\nd $UWLOOHU\LQ::+HMRLQHGLQ DJHZLWKKLVEURWKHU-RKQ DJH7KHLU$UP\RI¿FLDOQXPEHU was only one digit apart and they ERWKVHUYHGWRJHWKHULQ(XURSH 8QIRUWXQDWHO\-RKQZDVNLOOHGRQ $XJXVWVKRUWO\EHIRUHWKHZDU HQGHGRQ1RY$UPLVWLFH 'D\ +HLVEXULHGLQ/RQJXHDX%ULWLVK &HPHWHU\QHDU$PLHQVLQQRUWKHUQ )UDQFH Neil Chippendale,/RFDO6WXGLHV &RRUGLQDWRUIURP+RUQVE\6KLUH &RXQFLOZLOOSUHVHQWDEULHILQWURWRWKH EHJLQQLQJVRI::LQFOXGLQJWKH¿UVW VROGLHUVWRGLHIURP+RUQVE\6KLUH /RFDOVLQJHUHQWHUWDLQHUDianna Hammond will perform songs from WKHZDU\HDUV The public is invited to attend )RUFDWHULQJSXUSRVHVSOHDVH FRQWDFW7-$QGUHZV)XQHUDOVSK /LPLWHGSDUNLQJLVDYDLODEOHRSSRVLWH DWWKH+RUQVE\%DSWLVW&KXUFK 3UHWRULD3GHFQU3DFL¿F+Z\ 7KLV\HDUWKURXJKRXW$XVWUDOLDZH FRPPHPRUDWHWKHthDQQLYHUVDU\ RIWKHEHJLQQLQJRI:: Do You Have a RETIREMENT PLAN? Many Australians are heading for retirement without any idea of whether WKH\ZLOOEHVWUXJJOLQJ¿QDQFLDOO\RUHQMR\LQJWKHPVHOYHVThey need a better retirement plan. <RXUUHWLUHPHQWSODQVKRXOGDOORZ\RXWRFOHDUO\VHHZKHWKHU\RXZLOOEH DEOHWROLYHWKHUHWLUHPHQWOLIHVW\OHWKDW\RXGHVHUYHRUZKHWKHU\RXQHHG WRPDNHVRPHFKDQJHVQRZWRJHWWR\RXUUHWLUHPHQWJRDO :KHWKHU\RXDUHRULWLVQHYHUWRRODWHWRUHYLHZ\RXUSODQVIRU\RXU UHWLUHPHQW Berowra & District Community Bank® Branch of Bendigo Bank can SDUWQHUZLWK\RXWRGHYHORSDSODQIRU\RXU¿QDQFLDOKDSSLQHVVLQ retirement. -XVWGURSLQWRWKHEUDQFKDW&7XUQHU5G%HURZUD+HLJKWVRUSKRQHXV RQWRDUUDQJHDWLPHWRPHHWZLWKRXU)LQDQFLDO3ODQQHURUWR WDONZLWKWKHVWDIIDERXWDQ\¿QDQFLDOVHUYLFHV\RXPD\UHTXLUH Photo: /53UHVLGHQW+%$%LOO 7\UHOO+RUQVE\7-$QGUHZV )XQHUDOV0JU/LQGD%URZQZHOFRPH \RXWR5HPHPEUDQFH'D\ See you at the Berowra PS Fair this Saturday! November is an exciting month … ZLWKDFWLRQKHDWLQJXSDWUHGÀVKFDIpJDOOHU\%URRNO\Q 7KHBerowra ArtistsZLOOEULJKWHQWKHZDOOVRIRXUYLOODJHV¶ROGHVWVKRSZLWK WKHLUH[KLELWLRQ³(QFRUH´7KLVH[KLELWLRQZLOOUXQIURPNovember 1st until November 24DQGLQWKHWUDGLWLRQRI&ROOLQJULGJH6WUHHWRQDQG3UHVWRQ WKHVHDUWLVWVZLOOVKRZFDVHSDLQWLQJVDQGZDWHUFRORXUVLQVSLUHGE\WKH PDMHVW\RIRXUORFDODUHDDQGDSDVVLRQIRUWKHLUSUDFWLFH This show will provide pleasures of joy and quiet contemplation and is one not to be missed. JAZZ 2Q1RYHPEHUIURPSPUHG¿VKZLOODJDLQSOD\KRVWWRVRPH RIWKH¿QHVW-$==PXVLFLDQVLQWKLVFRXQWU\ Craig ScottRay Alldridge and Steve BrienZLOOEHDFFRPSDQLHGE\ Olivia SimoneYRFDOV This will be a marvellous night with the charm of an old world jazz club and an audience spellbound by live music coaxed lovingly from strings and keys under these masters hands. 7KHDXGLHQFH will be SULYLOHJHGWR HDYHVGURS RQDPXVLFDO FRQYHUVDWLRQ by maestros that meander WKURXJKZLWDQGKXPRXUMR\DQGKRSHDQGDFHOHEUDWLRQRIOLIHDQGVRXQG Truly unforgettable. Tickets are $35 and include a light supper. %RRNLQJVDUHHVVHQWLDO25UHG¿VKFDIH#JPDLOFRP Thursday 6 November 2014 5 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR YOUR COMMUNITY DIARY DATES Dear Bush Tele, Are your readers aware that soon Councils are no longer required to publish development applications, except on their website? As a resident with no access to a computer, I feel this is unacceptable. Not all ratepayers are able to access the council website to keep informed of important planning issues etc. Jack Newton, Resident. ARE PROUDLY SPONSORED BY Dear Bush Tele, As a rate payer I would like to bring your attention to what I (and other clients ) consider major problems with Hornsby’s new pool. The outdoor 50 metre pool is excellent, and I now notice as the weather improves it is getting crowded, along with exercise classes and school children. Wednesday of last week, we were ushered in to 3 lanes in the centre of the pool to accommodate the above users. It’s beyond belief a pool centre could be designed with a 25 metre Indoor pool, then locked off to accommodate learn to swim classes. Yes, we all know you can choose to swim at a very inconvenient time, as long as you are out by 8am. I don’t know of anywhere in the world where a pool complex could be designed with a 25 metre pool offered, but not available. Please advise what rate payers may use on a bad weather day, which is mostly non summer? I also note suggestions that the 17 metre exercise pool is available for that, however we now have people walking up and down the lanes, so you can’t really swim without a collision. I also note it is the same water the kiddies swim in, and urinate in and you now have a sign for mothers to look after the children; in a word, this is disgraceful. I tried to swim in that section last week and it was frankly, unclear. I don’t who made the idiot decisions to use the pools in that fashion, but I leave them with a suggestion: use the 17 metre pool for learn to swim, let the 25 metre pool be fully available for serious clients to swim in and come up with an intelligent option to use during inclement weather. Kevin Collins, Berowra Waters ASQUITH BOWLING & RECREATION CLUB LTD Thursday, 6 November Hawkesbury River Writers (www. hrw.org.au) Berowra RSL 7pm. Enq: Alan 94764640 Hornsby Walk’n’Talk 10am, Hornsby Park Suits 55-75 yrs. Lorraine 0419 741 435 Mt Colah Group Embroiderers’ Guild 10am-2pm. Enq. Helen 9987 4438 Thornleigh Toastmasters club meets 7pm Pennant Hills Bowling Club. Enq. Nicki 0411 887 166 Thursday Club For Seniors 10am-12md Hornsby Uniting Church, Enq. Graham 9987 2882 Berowra Probus Club meet Uniting Church, Berowra Hts 10am. Speaker Jo Harris, Radio Historian Ph: John 9456 0288 Friday, 7 November Friday Bingo 10am Berowra Community Health Centre, Marie on 9456 3344 Berowra Breakfast Group meets Enq Wayne 0411 514 913. ABC English Conversation Group 1-2.30pm Performing Arts Centre, Pia Horan 0422695458 Sydney Hills Branch of Assoc of Independent Retirees’ 10.30am. Speaker from Odyssey Travel. Pennant Hills Bowling Club. Enq Lauris Rennie. 9634 -1186 Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Parkinsons Turramurra Uniting Church 10am12md. Speaker Jeremy Way. Enq 9488 7092. Saturday, 8 November Computer Club Hornsby RSL %RDUG5RRPSP¿UVWPHHWLQJ free. Edward 0403 914 940 computerclub@hornsbyrsl.com.au Bushwalks for Fun & Fitness 7.30-9.30am. Enq: 0400 873 532 Theatre in the Park, Rest Park, Pac Hwy, Brooklyn, Adults $15/$20, Child/Con $10,Family $35/$40 theatreinthepark.com.au Model Railway Exhibition 8th 9am to 5pm. 9th - 12noon-4pm.at St Lukes Church Hornsby Hts. Monday, 10 November Monday Cards 10.30am-1pm Berowra Community Health Centre, Marie on 9456 3344 NSW Justices Association Hornsby 7pm Asquith Rugby League Club Enq. Brian 0412 885 525, Hornsby Walk’n’Talk 10am, Lorraine 0419 741 435 Dance Workshop Wilma 9489 5594, 0413 673339 Troubled by teenage behaviour? ToughLove 7.30-9.30pm, Thornleigh Baptist hall, enq: 0434 504 369 U3A “Affairs of Interest” Berowra Community Centre 10am-12md. Speaker John Yates “Nth Korea P2”. Free “ Learn To Meditate Hornsby Willow Community Centre 7:30-9pm Ph: 9476 3323. Tuesday, 11 November Hornsby Seniors Tenpin Bowling Bowling Centre, Hornsby, 10am, $14. Enq. Alan 9456 1259 Hornsby Districts Amateur Radio Club, meets Mt Colah Community Centre, 8pm. www.hadarc.org.au Poppy Day Volunteers from Berowra RSL selling Poppies/Badges for Remembrance Day at Berowra Rail Station from 6am. Bring coins to raise funds for Welfare work to assist ex-servicemen/women. Pennant Hills VIEW Club 11am Pennant Hills Golf Club. Michael Mills ‘Trans Siberian Railway all things Russian’. enq: 8094 1600. Hornsby VIEW Club 11am Asquith Bowling Club. Speaker Patrick Dodd ‘Sydney Harbour Federation Trust’. Enq Jill 94762356 Hornsby Ku-Ring-Gai Mental Health ‘The Role Of Exercise’ Joel Tuccia 7.30pm Cottage-in-the-Park Wahroonga. Enq 9980 2500 Wednesday, 12 November Wednesday Lunch Club 11.30am Berowra Community Health Centre, Marie 9456 3344 Hornsby Probus Club 10am Ph: 9477 1364 Hornsby Uniting Hall, Enq. Don 9484 5558 Helping Hands Craft 9.30am2.30pm Asquith Leisure Centre, Enq. Anita 9456 1259 Berowra Over 55 Club Berowra Community Centre 9am-12:30pm. Enq. A Foody 9457 0627 Thursday, 13 November Berowra Garden Club 7.30pm Community Health Centre Speaker Olga Blacha “Japanese gardens at Cowra”. Enq: Bronwyn 9456 1524 Hornsby Walk’n’Talk 10am, Lorraine 0419 741 435 Berowra Toastmasters 7.30pm, Berowra Community Centre. Enq. Ray 9456 3828 Aglow International Australia Uniting Church Centre, 7pm $10, Thursday Club For Seniors 10am12md Enq. Graham 9987 2882. Asquith VIEW Club 11 Jo Harris “Early Kuringai” Asquith Golf Club, Enq Helen 9457 6118 Westleigh VIEW 10.30am Pennant Hills Bowling Club. ‘The Unknown Soldier.’ Enq.9484 2182. ASQUITH BOWLING CLUB Char grill bistro menu Open 7 days for Lunch & Dinner. Lunch 12pm–2pm. Dinner from 5:30pm. 9477 1364 Members Badge Draw Friday & Sunday Members Meat Raffle Friday Members Seafood Raffle Sunday www.asquithbowlingclub.com.au For information of members and their guests THOMSON LANDSCAPE & GARDEN SUPPLIES P/L Also trading as BEROWRA SAND & SOIL BV N P D T F J M E T D B Q FT V Q Q O B M O P T N P I U X X X so so sorry ... In last week’s Community Diary Dates sponsored by Berowra RSL Club, TBTW mistakenly published the incorrect advertisement. The correct advertisement appears below: OPEN @QfUbc=Qc_^biBUdQY^Y^WGQ\\c DbUQdUT`Y^Uc\UU`UbcQ^T<_Wc <QbWUcU\USdY_^_V=e\SXUcQ^T4US_bQdYfU7bQfU\c 6YbUg__T CQ^T=UdQ\C_Y\cQ^T3_]`_cdc <Q^TcSQ`U2eY\TY^WCe``\YUcQ^T]eSX]_bU 9457 8011 Mon-Fri: 7-5, Sat: 7-3, Sun: 8-11. ONLY SITUATED in the Industrial Area 44 Beaumont Rd, Mt Kuring-gaI an Australian owned, family business, in the local area since 1978 6 THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY $43.6 Million Donated Thursday 6 November 2014 7 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dear Bush Tele, I commend John Martin of Berowra (TBTW Letters 20/10/14), for trying to get a message across for some motorists to slow down in Berowra. However, in his letter replying to a letter of Mr Paul Woodage, Mr Martin (who must be a newcomer to Berowra if he does not know the well-respected Berowra-ite, Paul Woodage), rudely implies that Mr Woodage is complaining about the road ‘BUMPS’ because he wants to speed over the bumps. Sir, you ought to know that most of us are going to wreck our cars’ suspension if we go over these bumps not only above the speed limit, but also at the speed limit. You must have a very expensive off road vehicle with excellent suspension if you can take that speed hump outside the Christian School at 50kph! I slow down to below 20kph, as most of us do. Similarly, the recommended speed of 25kph over the Turner Road (Berowra Heights) humps, which are not as high and narrow as the Berowra Waters Road hump, is a necessity. The tone of the end of your 2nd last paragraph, by the omission of the word ‘some’ in describing motorists, reads that you are accusing most motorists of speeding in Berowra. I agree with Paul Woodage’s comment that Berowra has a great many speed humps. Many of us, including Mr Woodage, have lived in Berowra for decades without the necessity for speed humps. He was making a general observation regarding the enormous number of times many of us now have to pass over a speed hump on our shopping day in Berowra. Yesterday, to collect mail, to grocery shop, to go to the bank, and to visit a friend, my trip involved passing over a ‘BUMP’ sixteen (16) times. If I were to negotiate them all at the speed limit, my mechanic would be very pleased with the extra business. It is ludicrous to suggest that the only way our shock absorbers would be damaged going over the BUMPS would be to exceed the speed limit. Lorraine Samuel, Berowra Hts Dear Bush Tele, I am writing to warn parents of horror computer games that are being discussed by children at my children’s local public school. One game refers to children being lured into a pizza shop and killed; someone’s frontal lobe being ‘bitten off’; and in the game the players are killed by robots. This game has been ‘praised’ for its ‘brutal tension’ and for being ‘incredibly terrifying’. Another game being discussed involves ‘harvesting’ the ‘blood of agonised humans’. This game has been ‘praised’ for being ‘the most successfully frightening game’. 8 My 9 year old son has not been able to sleep for the past three nights because of his fears upon hearing these games discussed. Some children also showed images of the games on the school computer. Before, parents had greater control over the emotional safety of their children by deciding what movies or programs they would watch. I object to other parents having the power to expose my children to horror games by allowing their children to discuss such programs at school. Hornsby mother of three, ONLINE Dear Bush Tele, Thanks to The Bush Tele Weekly & all the folk who supported Warren & I with fundraising for The Arrow Bone Marrow Transplant Foundation via the Hawkesbury Canoe Classic. We had a sell out crowd on the Macquarie Princess Cruise thanks to your kind promotion of the event. Our efforts raised $3,000 for the charity which will be well received. The Hawkesbury Canoe Classic on Saturday night 25th October was eventful, a very dark night punctuated by two electrical storms! No fantastic times unfortunately but KDSS\WR¿QLVKWKHNPUDFHLQ 10 hours 52 mins & a new record for Veteran 50+ Women. Warren & Campbell were 20 mins quicker, also with a few mishaps along the way. Merridy at Running Wild Fitness FRONT COVER STORY GRAND FINAL WINS FOR BEROWRA NETBALL To top off a wonderful year Berowra 1HWEDOO&OXE%1&KDV¿QLVKHGWKH winter competition season on a high with four teams winning their Grand Final – 10B (BER17), 11C, Inter4 and Cadet3 and one team Runner Up – 10B (Ber16) The start of the BNC season was exciting with the introduction of a new uniform sponsored by Bendigo Bank Berowra, umpire shirts sponsored by Berowra RSL and training shirts sponsored by Berowra Car Care and Bolans Tree Service. Blacktown Carnival was a great outing for the Inter1 team as they won their division. A contingent of 7 BNC teams went to Wyong Carnival. The day ended with 3 teams winning – Berowra Skittles (12years), Berowra Bubbles (Inters), Berowra Skittles (Inters) and 1 team runner up - Berowra Blazers (10years) At Grand Final Day on Saturday 6th September, the club was awarded the prestigious 2014 Ku-ring-gai Netball Association’s (KNA) Large Club of the Year. The following were given to BNC members for their achievements and contribution to netball at the Ku-ring-gai Netball Association: KNA Junior Coach of the Year: Lucy McNay KNA Most Improved Umpire Finalists: Georgina Lemckert and Georgia Muxlow KNA Most Improved Umpire Runner Up: Molly Bird KNA Best Junior Umpire Finalists: Lucy Grimshaw and Taylor McMahon KNA Presidents Award: David Funk BNC is very proud of not only those who have achieved recognition throughout the season but all the members. Thank you to our sponsors. If you are interested in joining Berowra Netball Club for the 2015 season, details and information will be on our Facebook page and website http://berowranc.nsw. netball.com.au UPGRADE YOUR POOL EQUIPMENT FOR SUMMER Australia’s first Chlorinator & still proudly Australian made! AND SAVE Chlorinators - High production unit , less running time, less chemicals Energy efficient pumps – Save on power bills with up to 8 star rating Standard pumps – For every budget and pool size Filters – Quality fiberglass & cartridge filters for all pool sizes Lights – Modern LED with multi-colour Call us today and we’ll put you in touch with a reputable Watermaid® installer in your area Complete packages available & tailored to your budget Phone: 02 9450 0244 Philip Ruddock MP CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Federal Member for Berowra Suites 20-21 The Madison 25-29 Hunter St HORNSBY As your Federal representative I can: • Represent constituents and make personal representations to the appropriate Federal Minister in Canberra on Federal matters including: Centrelink, the Child Support Agency, Foreign Affairs, Television and Broadcasting, Trade, Postal and Telephone Services, Defence, Immigration, Taxation, Passports, Employment & Training, Veterans’ Affairs, Medicare, Health, Higher Education and Agriculture and Export/Imports. • Arrange Congratulatory Messages for 50th and 60th wedding anniversaries and 90th and 100th birthdays. • Attend local functions, meet constituents on local Federal issues. Level 7, 423 Pennant Hills Rd, Pennant Hills NSW 2120 Telephone 02 9980 1822 Facsimile 02 9980 1833 www.ruddockmp.com.au This material has been produced by Philip Ruddock MP using his printing and communications entitlement. THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY MGA maree garrett & associates Ph: 9485 3400 Fax: 9485 3499 HORNSBY Remembrance Day Special Feature Scott Wilson of Mount Colah writes: This is a story I have written about local soldier Percy Thompson. It follows on from the story I wrote about his time at Gallipoli which was published in The Bush Telegraph Weekly in April this year. “Knocked to blazes round Hellfire Corner” In April of 2014 I wrote of Mount Kuring-Gai soldier Percy Thompson’s experiences in Egypt and Gallipoli in 1914 and 1915. Percy had carried a diary throughout the war and his entries provide us with a glimpse of the scenes he experienced during IRXU\HDUVRIFRQÀLFWTowards the end of 1917 his unit, the 1st Field Company Engineers, found themselves in Belgium, working around Ypres and it is here that I would like to put some further context around his experiences… As 1916 came to an end Lance Corporal Percy Thompson was becoming war weary. On the 28th December 1916 he turned WZHQW\¿YH\HDUVROGVSHQGLQJ the day ‘working and dodging Fritz’s coal boxes*- rather nice’ he dryly opined. Three nights later he saw in the New Year ‘spent in a dugout with a few bottles of Jonnie Dewar’s drowning sorrows’. The early months of 1917 found the 1st F.C.E remaining around the Somme Valley, moving slowly eastwards when Bapaume was taken in March. Around July they started heading north and were EULHÀ\LQ+D]HEURXFNLQ$XJXVW before moving to Vieux-Berquin, HDVWRI+D]HEURXFNQHDULQJ the Belgium border. On the 7th September 1917 the transport section moved out of camp northwards into Belgium, but were ordered to return to billets that night, eventually moving out the following morning. Percy recorded the movement in his diary: “Left Vieux-Berquin for Dickebusch (Belgium) arriving later. Proceeded to dig ourselves in owing to Fritz being very active with bombs and shells”. The shelling was a portent of things to come during the following months. The 1st Australian Division, of which Percy’s unit were a part of, were preparing for another large push against the German army. The Australian’s were preparing to enter the Third Battle of Ypres, which had commenced with attacks by British troops on the 31st July 1917. Percy was in charge of a team of drivers within the transport section of the 1st F.C.E and they established their horse lines to the south east of the shell wracked WRZQRI<SUHV+HDGTXDUWHUVIRUWKH dismounted section of the 1st F.C.E were established to the north east of the transport section. They were closer to Ypres, along the road leading into it. On the 9th September 1917 sappers of the 1st F.C.E were made available WRWKH&RUSV+HDY\$UWLOOHU\WR work on construction of heavy gun positions. These gun positions were on the Menin Road which ran from Ypres to Gheluvelt and they lay just past µ+HOO¿UH&RUQHU¶1RZµ+HOO¿UH Corner’ was considered to be the hottest spot on the Western Front, and hot in this context meant that it was under constant observation and GUHZKHDY\*HUPDQDUWLOOHU\¿UH LQGHHGWKH2I¿FLDO+LVWRULDQ&KDUOHV Bean described it as “a place perpetually shelled”. Now the Germans weren’t merely aiming their guns on this road, they held the high ground and had registered their guns on the position and were deadly accurate. Percy’s role, being a driver, was to carry supplies up to the sappers constructing the positions and this involved driving a horse drawn General Service (G.S) waggon from the horse lines, through the shattered remains of Ypres and out along WKH0HQLQ5RDGWR+HOO¿UH&RUQHU The work on the gun positions was carried out from the 10th to the 17th of September 1917 when they were handed over to the 4th F.C.E. Percy’s diary entry of the 14th September 1917 mentions the work being carried out on the gun positions and also the horse lines receiving shelling: “Had a job taking a waggon out to where the gun possies are to EHPDGHµ+HOO¿UH&RUQHU¶ Went through Ypres - a few streets & walls of buildings are all that remains of WKDW¿QHWRZQQG&R\KDGDIHZ casualties to date, also got shells and bombs. Have seen the order of the day & night since coming here. Horse lines copping it”. Three days later on the 17th September 1917 Percy wrote: ³'RQ&ODUNHNLOOHGDQG7RPP\ Ball wounded - shifted sappers to advanced billets”. Although not elaborated within his diary entry I have no doubt that these two men were mates of Percy’s. 184 Lance-Corporal Donald Clark and 86 Sapper Thomas Ball had both enlisted alongside Percy in August 1914 amongst the original establishment of the 1st F.C.E. Both had served at Gallipoli and both were killed by shelling that occurred on that day. Lance-Corporal Donald Clark was thirty three years old when he was NLOOHG+HZDVERUQLQ6FRWODQG and was educated at Glasgow +LJK6FKRRO$QHOHFWULFDOHQJLQHHU by trade, he had immigrated to Australia when he was twenty eight years old; he was buried in Belgium Military Cemetery. An image of ‘the original grave marker of Lance-Corporal Donald Clark exists within the Australian War Memorial Collection (photo p10 Lance-Corporal Donald Clark’s RULJLQDO¿HOGJUDYHPDUNHU Sapper Thomas Ball also suffered wounds from shelling and was evacuated to the 2nd Canadian &DVXDOW\&OHDULQJ6WDWLRQ+LV records state that he suffered a shell wound to the left buttock SHQHWUDWLQJWKHDEGRPHQ+HGLHG of these wounds the following day and was buried at Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery. Sapper Thomas Ball was thirty years old when he fell. Born in London and educated at Flora Gordon Board School in +DPPHUVPLWKKHKDGDUULYHGLQ Australia around 1913. When he enlisted he gave his occupation as a railway construction worker. Sapper Thomas Ball had served at Gallipoli from the time of the landings till the 15th September 1915 when he suffered a strained EDFN+HZDVHYDFXDWHGWRKRVSLWDO in Egypt on the 19th September 1915 and did not return to duties at the base until the 15th November 1915. Early in 1916 he found himself in some trouble with the military authorities. Sapper Thomas Ball faced a court martial on the 17th March 1916 for VWULNLQJDVXSHULRURI¿FHUDQG using insubordinate language to a VXSHULRURI¿FHU$QDOWHUFDWLRQKDG occurred with a military policeman and Thomas had taken exception WREHLQJRUGHUHGDERXWE\KLP+LV precise words regarding the military SROLFHZHUHWKDW³\RXQHYHU¿QG WKHPLQWKH¿ULQJOLQH´ Sapper Thomas Ball’s actions resulted in a punishment of 62 days detention. In April 1916 he was provisionally appointed to the rank of Lance-Corporal. Sapper Thomas Ball held this rank for over a year, when he was reduced to the rank of sapper in April 1917 for being drunk; there is a sense that Thomas, like many other Australian soldiers, was not a great lover of authority. The gun positions both these men had given their lives for were being built for the heavy artillery WRSURYLGH¿UHVXSSRUWIRUWKH battle which began on the 19th September 1917. Known as the Battle of Menin Road, it was the ¿UVWRIWKUHHEDWWOHVWKH$XVWUDOLDQV ZRXOGSDUWDNHLQWRJDLQWKH¿QDO goal of Passchendaele village itself. The 1st F.C.E became directly involved in the Battle of Menin Road on the 20th September 1917. At 8 pm on that night their FRPPDQGLQJRI¿FHUZDVJLYHQ instructions that they were to relieve the 2nd F.C.E and 3rd F.C.E and carry on their work consolidating captured strong points and clearing/ establishing communication trenches between them. The strongpoints were to the north east of the gun positions, along a track NQRZQDVWKH/RQH+RXVH7UDFN near the Glencourse Wood. During this action the 1st F.C.E would lose two more ‘originals’. Percy’s recorded in his diary for the 20th September (or thereabouts): ³6JW%DOGZLQDQG&RUSRUDO+DPLOWRQ killed and about 7 other casualties - spelling in a few days. Gained all objectives and a bit more”. 43 Sergeant Arthur Baldwin and 76 &RUSRUDO-DPHV+DPLOWRQKDGDOVR both enlisted alongside Percy in August 1914, had served together at Gallipoli and fell together just over three years later in Belgium. A statement later provided by Corporal Frederick Meads, also of the 1st F.C.E, placed them together, consolidating positions when the Germans attempted a counter attack. He wrote: “Baldwin was a Sergeant DQG+DPLOWRQD&RUSRUDO7KH same shell killed both. It was at Lone House, Hooge, and the date 6HSW,ZDVZLWKWKHPLQDSDUW\ widening and deepening a sap from the supports to the front line - it ran through the ruins of an old house. I had just taken a wounded man away and just after I left - so I heard an hour after from Sapper Johnston - a shell came through the bank of the trench burying them. Johnston got them out but they were dead and badly injured. They must have been killed instantly. Baldwin had a pipe in his dead hand when taken out ... we intended to bury them but the barrage made it impossible. We had made the crosses - beautiful ones, but we were relieved by an English Regt. and they buried them.” Several other men gave similar witness statements. Sergeant Arthur Baldwin from Stanmore in Sydney was only twenty two years old when he fell. +HZDVDFDUSHQWHUE\WUDGHDQG was serving with the 31st Infantry Regiment (a militia unit) when he signed up August 1914. A handy soldier by all accounts he had served at Gallipoli and had been awarded the Silver Star Second Class by the King of Serbia in recognition of his service during the Gallipoli Campaign. Soldiering ran in the family and his \RXQJHUEURWKHU+DUU\%DOGZLQKDG joined the 1st F.C.E after a short period of service with the 6th Light +RUVH5HJLPHQWDQGWKHEURWKHUV served together from late August 1916. On the 1st February 1917 6DSSHU+DUU\%DOGZLQZDVVWUXFN in the head by shrapnel which fractured his skill and led to his Thursday 6 November 2014 9 SOCIAL SNIPPETS death the following day. They say brothers should not serve together and the grief the boys’ parents felt when they later were informed of $UWKXUV¶GHDWKLVGLI¿FXOWWRIDWKRP Young James Hamilton was also a carpenter and only twenty one years old when he fell. He was from Mildura in Victoria originally and served with the local 73rd Infantry Regiment before enlisting. He had received bullet wounds at Gallipoli and later at Pozieres in July 1916. James remains were never found and he is remembered on the Menin Gate, whilst Arthur lays at rest in Tyne Cot Cemetery. Percy was correct in saying that all the objectives of the Battle of Menin Road were met. The loss of four originals had been a high price to pay. The 1st F.C.E were rested on the 21st and 22nd September 1917 before returning to the tasks of repairing dugouts, strongpoints and roads. The second battle the Australians undertook occurred on the 26th September 1917 and was known as the Battle of Polygon Wood. The attack itself took place early in the morning of the 26th September with troops of the 4th and 5th Australian Divisions in the vanguard. Although not involved directly with the attack, Percy was still amongst the shelling on that day and wrote: “4th and 5th 'LYLVLRQVKDYLQJDVPDFNGRLQJ ZHOOIDLUQXPEHURISULVRQHUVVW Division will be in again shortly for DQRWKHUKRSRYHU)ULW]VKHOOLQJD ELW$OOWUDQVSRUWJHWWLQJNQRFNHGWR EOD]HVURXQG+HOO¿UH&RUQHUDQG =LOOHEHHNHQRWIRUJHWWLQJFKDWHDX ZRRGRUVDQFWXDU\ZRRG´ The 1st Australian Division weren’t idle as October 1917 arrived. The Battle of Polygon Wood was costly in casualties but successful. The Australians were pushing ever eastwards and this meant maintaining tracks that were already resembling a quagmire from rain in September and would only become worse in early October. Percy wrote on the last day of September 1917: “Out having DORRNDWURDGWRWKHOLQH7KLQJV SUHWW\OLYHO\)ULW]VKHOOLQJSUHWW\ KHDY\)HZQDUURZVTXHDNV/DG by ammunition dump blown up DORQJVLGHPHURWWHQVLJKWPHQ KRUVHDQGZDJJRQJRLQJNLWHKLJK´ 7KHWKLUGDQG¿QDOEDWWOHRIWKH Third Ypres Campaign was the Battle of Broodseinde Ridge which took place early on the morning of the 4th October 1917. The 1st F.C.E were to act as support for the 1st Australian Division troops once more, moving in behind the infantry, digging communication trenches and constructing strongpoints. All objectives were reached, but casualties were high and rain commenced falling heavily prior to 10 and during the attack. Percy wrote of the battle the following day: “Yesterday ELJVWXQWVXFFHVVIXOSOHQW\RI SULVRQHUVFRPLQJWKURXJK2XU FDVXDOWLHVDERXWWRGDWH NLOOHG*RWWKHELJKLOODQGDIWHUWKH ridge on the other side tomorrow PRUQLQJ6DWXUGD\VWQGUG GLYLVLRQVWDNHQDOOREMHFWLYHV´ The number of casualties the unit suffered according to the War 'LDU\ZHUHRI¿FHUNLOOHGLQDFWLRQ RI¿FHUZRXQGHGRWKHUUDQNV killed in action, 22 other ranks wounded and 1 other rank missing. The Campaign should have wound up at around this time and the Australians be allowed to rest and strengthen their numbers. The rain that had recommenced falling on the 4th October had further turned the area into a quagmire where men struggled to move and artillery sank into the mud. Field Marshal Douglas Haig would have none of it and pushed on with two further costly attacks at Poelcappelle on the 9th October 1917 and Passchendaele village on the 12th October 1917; Passchendaele village would not be taken until 6th November 1917 by British and Canadian troops. During this time Percy kept moving supplies out to the men of the 1st F.C.E. On the 18th October 1917 Percy recorded his third anniversary of leaving Australia: ³UGDQQLYHUVDU\RIOHDYLQJ $XVWUDOLD8SDWDPRXWWRWKH OLQHZLWKZDJRQVSUHWW\TXLHWJRW KRPHSP´ Percy drove the waggons for another two weeks before the withdrawal of his unit. The 1st F.C.E left Belgium on the 10th November 1917 and arrived at Samer, south east of Boulogne on the 19th November 1917. Not surprisingly on the 21st November 1917 a full day was spent cleaning the transport waggons. Percy left for blighty (leave in England) on the 20th November 1917 and did not return to France until the 5th December 1917. Perhaps the worst campaign of the war he would experience was behind him? ,GRQRWNQRZ Percy’s diary does not delve into his feelings or emotions as to what he experienced during those ten weeks in Belgium. I imagine that he recorded the names of the four originals who died in Belgium because after three years of serving with them he knew them all pretty well. Perhaps he put those thoughts to the back of his mind and continued on. RULJLQDOE\*OHQQ0F,QW\UH$FRS\ RIWKHWUDQVFULSWLRQLVKHOGE\WKH 5R\DO8QLWHG6HUYLFHV,QVWLWXWLRQRI 16:DQG,WKDQNWKHPIRUDOORZLQJ PHDFFHVVWRLW 0DSFRXUWHV\RI0U%HUQDUGGH%URJOLR Written by Scott Wilson (09/14) Lance-Corporal Donald Clark’s RULJLQDO¿HOGJUDYHPDUNHU Photo: Australian War Memorial. REMEMBRANCE DAY “Poppy Day” Tuesday 11th November, 2014 The Berowra RSL Sub-Branch will be commemorating the Armistice, or end of World War 1 in 1918, 96 years ago. The Service will be held at the Berowra Memorial, situated in the grounds of the Berowra Community Centre, The Gully Road, commencing at 10.45am. This year commences a number of Commemorations that will be held over the next 4 years. Anzac Day 25th April, 2015 commemorates the 100th Anniversary of the Gallipoli Landing. All members of the community are most welcome to attend. Members of the community are encouraged to purchase a “Poppy” the sign of remembrance, on Friday 7th November, 2014 at the Market Place and Village Shopping Centres and Aldi Shopping Centre Mt Kuringgai also early morning of Tuesday 11th November, at the Berowra Railway Station - please bring some coins to purchase a poppy or a badge. $OOSURFHHGVRIWKHVH VDOHVDUHGLUHFWHGWR:DU9HWHUDQ¶V QHHGV Further enquiries concerning this event or any other Sub-Branch matters can be directed to Sandra * Coal boxes- German high explosive Hawkins (Hon.Secretary) at shells that emitted heavy black smoke. berrsl@bigpond.com or Jamie 1%7KH'LDU\RI1R Roberts (Treasurer) on 0413 625 /DQFH&RUSRUDO3HUF\5REHUW 7KRPSVRQZDVWUDQVFULEHGIURPWKH 833. THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY Birth Announcement Darren and Amy Cosier from Berowra Hts welcomed Liam Shane Cosier into their family at Hornsby Hospital on 12/10/14. Mum, Dad, Tyler and Liam are all well, and so are proud grandparents Anne and Graeme Cosier of Berowra Hts and Shane and Karen Chaffey from Armidale. Golden Wedding Anniversary Sunny and Angus Dougall celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary on 1st October 2014. The couple have three children and ten grandchildren and have lived on the North Shore for many years. Sending our best wishes with love and gratitude … from your family: Melissa & Lyndon, John and Debbie, Scott and Amanda; and Ryan, Sabrina, Adam, Paige, Lincoln, Indiana, Charlotte, Ashleigh, Hannah and Eleanor. HEALTH AND BEAUTY Priceless Pearls By Ralph Estherby If you are like me you receive a lot of information that you are not really all that interested in. It comes in from the media where you hear a few things that catch your interest and then there is a whole lot of other stuff that you wish you could just ¿OWHUDZD\«WKHFRPPHUFLDOIRU the blender that is so much better than any blender which has come before; the robot vacuum which ZLOOFOHDQ\RXUÀRRUVZKLOVW\RX are mesmerised by its apparently random course around your house; the exposé on the evening talk show about supermarket pricing wars; or the latest antics of the faux famous FHOHEULW\VHW«QRQHRIZKLFK\RXPD\ KDYHZDQWHGWRNQRZ«VRPHRQH thinks it is important but that person is not you! 2XUSKRQHVDUHDOVR¿OOHGZLWKWKLQJV ZHGLGQ¶WZDQWWRNQRZ«ZHGLGQ¶W want to know that someone has just ‘checked in’ at that fancy location; we didn’t want to see a photo of what they were having for dessert; we GH¿QLWHO\GLGQ¶WZDQWWRNQRZWKDWWKH\ had just LOL’d over something or are ROFL. Each of us are unique and enjoy different things in different ways – some people love gardening; some people love trains; others live for all the sport that happens every weekend; some people build their world around their SHWVRWKHUVDUHFROOHFWRUV«LIZHZHUH all the same it would be a boring world to live in. However, because we are all different we can sometimes feel that there is no one like us and no one who really understands us. This can lead us to feeling isolated and dislocated even though we are surrounded by people and connected to many handheld devices. The desire to publish an ‘update’ on what we are currently doing taps into our desire to be understood, validated and connected with – the problem is that we do not always achieve this goal. I am so glad that the Lord has got this one covered for us... “O LORD, You have searched me and known me. You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off. You comprehend my path and my lying down, And are acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word on my tongue, But behold, O LORD, You know it altogether.” Psalms 139:1–4 The truth is that He knows you already; you should make the most of the connection! Do you have a comment or a question? ralph.estherby@gmail.com ‘Breakthrough Church’, meets 9.30am Sundays at the Performing Arts Centre (Old Bowling Club) Edgeworth David Ave Hornsby - 9477 7222 Mel’s Hair & Beauty Specialising in all areas of HAIR AND BEAUTY EARS, NOSE & NAVEL PIERCING 9456 2188 Shop 10, Berowra Village, Turner Road 30 DAYS TO CHANGE YOUR HEALTH Cleanse & replenish your cells Experience abundant energy Build lean muscle with ease Release kilos of toxic fat Balance your hormones Improve digestion Lose the bloat KATIE HERFORD 0410 631086 ACUPUNCTURE & HERBAL CLINIC William Zhang Yu Hui Acupuncturist & Herbalist Graduated in TCM (Uni Guang Zhou) Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine (UTS) 460 Pacific Hwy ASQUITH Ph/fax: 9987 2938 THE ROLE OF EXERCISE HORNSBY KU-RING-GAI ASSOCIATION ACTION FOR MENTAL HEALTH INC invites you to attend a talk presented by Joel Tuccia on Tuesday 11th1RYHPEHU 2014 at 7.30 pm in The Cottagein-the-Park, Cnr Stuart & Illoura Streets, Wahroonga. Exercise has a key role in bridging the gaps in the Mental Health System because mental and physical health can no longer be separated. For example, there is clear connection between severe mental illness and cardio metabolic risk. Joel is an Exercise Physiologist and has been working at Diabetes 16:IRUVHYHQ\HDUV)RUWKHODVW ¿YH\HDUVKHKDVIRFXVHGRQWKH cardio metabolic health of those living with serious mental illness. Joel has conducted practical programs of research and has worked with Professor Tim Lambert from Concord Hospital in developing the exercise and lifestyle components of cc CHIP. More info: www.hkamh.org.au FREE GENERAL MEETING ALL WELCOME NATIONAL DISABILITY AWARDS 2014 Finalist: Bill Bradley Bill Bradley of Hornsby is a ¿QDOLVWLQWKH1DWLRQDO'LVDELOLW\ Awards 2014 for the Lesley Hall Award for Lifetime Achievement in Disability. Bill is one of twenty three outstanding individuals and organisations who have been QDPHGDV¿QDOLVWVLQWKH 1DWLRQDO'LVDELOLW\$ZDUGV They were chosen from more than 200 nominations received across the eight categories of the awards. $FKLHYHPHQWVE\WKH¿QDOLVWV include: · creating inclusive play spaces for children and their families, · forming a partnership to LQFUHDVH¿UHVDIHW\DZDUHQHVVIRU the hearing impaired, · establishing facilities to ensure wheelchair users can be included on cruise tours, āUDLVLQJWKHSUR¿OHRIWKH unmet needs of Aboriginal people with disability, and · developing inclusive performing arts. Bill Bradley who is a member of the Lions Club of Hornsby is no stranger to challenges. His coordination of fundraising over many years for many local recipients such as Hornsby Kuring-gai Hospital plus his leadership via his role as Club Youth and Community Relations Director has seen positive changes happening in the community. In July 2013, Bill Bradley was presented with a Melvin Jones Fellowship, the highest Lions honour for community service. Lion Bill has been a leading light in numerous Lions projects over the years, most recently as Coordinator for the Lions Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital Mammography and Biopsy System Appeal and his work progressing the establishment of the Hornsby Kuring-gai Women’s Shelter. $OO¿QDOLVWVZLOOEHLQYLWHGWRDWWHQG the national awards event at Parliament House in Canberra on 7XHVGD\1RYHPEHU 7KH1DWLRQDO'LVDELOLW\$ZDUGVDUH a major part of celebrations marking the International Day of People with Disability on 3 December each year. Photo above: L-R Lion Maureen Flanagan, Bill’s wife Clover, Bill Bradley and their children Luke and Megan as he receives his Melvin Jones Fellowship in 2013. For more info: visit www.idpwd. com.au or access the latest news Feel Alive With Nia 5 Stages! Live in your body with pleasure, comfort and ease. 7KH1LD6WDJHVSUDFWLFH LVEDVHGRQ¿YHVWDJHVRI human development: Embryonic, Creeping, Crawling, Standing and Walking. Deepen your body knowledge, experience mindful self-healing and recharge your energy. Excellent for cross-training! No previous experience necessary. Balance, Strengthen and Align your body with 5 simple moves! Classes Run Each Thursday, 9-10am )URPWK1RYHPEHU7RWK December at St Lukes Church Hall, 155 Galston Rd Hornsby Heights. $85 for 5 Class Course with ([SHULHQFHG1LD%OXH%HOWDQG 1LD6WDJHV,QVWUXFWRU$QLWD Patterson. Mob: 0448 820 931 E: anitalouiseanne@gmail.com Web: www.nianow.com/anitapatterson Thursday 6 November 2014 11 YOUR LOCAL LOCAL SERVICES GUIDE YOUR SERVICES&&TRADES TRADES GUIDE ACCOUNTANTS Chartered Accountant 8 Wattle Street, Asquith (opposite Coles) benmiller@outlook.com.au (02) 9476 5555 OĐĐŽƵŶƟŶŐOƵĚŝƚ dĂdžOƵƐŝŶĞƐƐĚǀŝĐĞ WASHING MACHINE & DRYER REPAIRS ALL MAJOR BRANDS Authorised KLEENMAID Agent NORTHSIDE WASHER SERVICE Graeme Shepherdson O AIR CONDITIONING 683(5 &2/' ANTENNAS ELECTRICAL & ANTENNAS All TV antenna and satellite work, 3G/4G reception, interference investigations, free quotes, fully insured. Outdoor Blinds/Awnings Canvas Blind Recovers Canvas covers made to Measure Lic. 191933c Friendly Reliable Service - Free Quotes - Fully Licenced and Insured - All work guaranteed Residential home repairs and additions, carports, decks/pergolas eave and facia work and more. Please contact me to discuss your needs. 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Rosser LicNo.17899C 9457 8742 Mob 0418 204 197 JOHN BOVIS LANDSCAPING CONSTRUCTION 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 The extension and renovation experts. For a complimentary initial discussion call Chris O’Neill 0411 88 88 22 or 9457 8783. COMPUTER SERVICES Call Peter Landscape Gardener BUILDING 0401 737 537 Design Decks Paving Excavation Retaining walls Vegie gardens Fencing Planting Irrigation Mowing & Maintenance Renovations, Decks Extensions & Bathrooms Lic No. 183888c 0418 477 184 CARPET CLEANING Berowra based, local experience for small to large projects. 9476 5094 ~ 9476 6848 MOST BRANDS SPECIALIST 12 YOUR LOCAL CARPET CLEANER Carpet Dry Cleaning Carpet Steam Cleaning O Upholstery Cleaning O Leather Lounge Cleaning O O 9457 7555 THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY Lic:244469C Fully qualified and insured ELECTRICIANS HOOVER DRYMASTER SERVICE * SPARES * REPAIRS WASHERS - DRYERS VACUUM - D/WASHERS HORNSBY Ph: 0400110081 Cladding APPLIANCE REPAIRS KURING-GAI APPLIANCE REPAIRS IAN CORBRIDGE Domestic - Commercial - Industrial TV Antenna, phone and data, ovens & hotplates, rewires, lighting, data cabling and communications, main and switchboard upgrades, PROFESSIONAL RELIABLE AND COST EFFECTIVE SERVICE. 24 hour 7 day emergency service. Locally owned & operated Lawn mowing, edging Lawn care and weeding Garden clear outs Hedging, pruning & trimming Residential, strata & commercial CHRIS BUNYAN Decks & Pergolas Framing & Flooring Skirting & Architraves BLINDS & SCREENS FREE QUOTES AUSTRALIAN made WE TURN UP ON TIME SIMON CADDY ELECTRICAL Pty Ltd GARDENING CARPENTRY SALES - SERVICE - REPAIRS darren@darrenthesparky.com.au www.darrenthesparky.com.au DIGITAL ANTENNA SPECIALIST TIGER ANTENNAS STUART: 0420 666 781 No job too small - Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Services Authorisation No: AU32411 Phone The Bush Tele Shop 9456 2880 or email: info@thebushtele. com.au for more details. Chris Evans Carpentry 0424 528 106 ,QVWDOODWLRQ5HSDLU0DLQWHQDQFH )UHHLQVWDOODWLRQTXRWHV Solar Panels Power Points, Lighting, Phone, Data, TV Cabling Ceiling Fans, Smoke Detectors, House Rewire, Switchboards CARPENTERS AWNINGS Jesse Morris supercoldair@iinet.net.au Millington ELECTRICAL Your AD Here for just $80 per week! Lic. 139559C Ben Miller MECHANICAL All Mechanical Repairs ELECTRICAL & ANTENNAS All Electrical work, Phone & data, TV & Satellite, fully insured. Rego’s while you wait Courtesy cars, pick up and drop off service 0435 713 790 darren@darrenthesparky.com.au www.darrenthesparky.com.au ABN: 45 286 102 520 | Lic #: 254024C PAUL CAMERON AUTOMOTIVE PTY LTD 6-8 Berowra Waters Rd Berowra 9456-1243 Services and Trades... cont’d PAINTERS .0. PAINTERS & DECORATERS )5(( Colour consultancy Fully Insured Dulux Accredited 3HQVLRQHUV'LVFRXQW &DOO.ULV Lic No 212111c PEST CONTROL BEROWRA PEST CONTROL Family Owned & Operated by Doggie Rescue Pet of the Week POOLS “ ProtecƟng people & homes for over 40 years ” 9456 1094 Termite and DomesƟc Pest Specialists PARAMOUNT Hello …. Dolly! 3RRO&HQWUH Regular Pool Cleaning Service Liquid Chlorine Delivery Service Free Home Deliveries Maintenance And Installations Filters, Pumps, Heaters, Salt Chlorinators Liquid Chlorinators (Ask For Pink Addative) Pump And Motor Repairs All Repairs To Liquid And Salt Chlorinators Pool Cleaners*Legend, Truck, Baracuda-MX8, Jet Vac, Polaris and Marlin Sydney’s Best Prices... We Come To You Or Drive A Little Save A Lot 9^X_ecU9^dUb^Ud@bYSUc #)'2\Qh\Q^TBTBiTU 4U^Ycd_^U5Qcd Call Mel 9807 3600 PLUMBING BEROWRA PLUMBING Local, Prompt & Professional 24 HR Emergency Service Blocked Drains Cleared, CCTV Inspections, Burst Pipes, Hot Water, Gasfitting, Renovations & New Installations HVWDEOLVKHGLQ 'LVFRXQWHG3RRO6SD&KHPLFDOV 3XPSV)LOWHUV&KORULQDWRUV 0DLQWHQDQFHDQG5HSDLUV3RRO&OHDQLQJ 3RRO+HDWLQJ3RRO5HQRYDWLRQ E^Yd!&':UbcUiCd Lic. 167463C 0416 018 421 +RUQVE\ X_b^cRi0`__\Q^Tc`QgQbUX_ecUS_]Qe ggg`__\Q^Tc`QgQbUX_ecUS_]Qe e: berowra_plumbing@yahoo.com.au entire plumbing 0413 596 822 9456 0063 mark@entireplumbing.com.au Please call Mark to discuss your plumbing needs. TREE SERVICES Asbestos Removals & Tree Services Asbestos removal & disposal Tree removal Inside/outside home Stump Grinding garages )UHH4XRWH Tree Trimming sheds Mulching GD\V Rubbish Removal carports Lic No: 186648c *Renovations *Water Tanks *Plumbing, Drainage & Gasfitting *Domestic & Commercial Maintenance 0RE Lic No 210672 Plumber Drainer Gasfitter Blocked drain specialist Hot Water The local plumber you can rely on. Backflow, TMV & CRANE HIRE SPECIALIST Fully Insured PETER O’SULLIVAN 0413 808 615 ([SHUWKLJKFOLPEHU 3UHFLVHURSHZRUN \HDUVH[SHULHQFH )HOOLQJUHPRYDO $0 Call out. Pensioner discount Call Simon: 0412 41 45 41 -24 hrs - 7 days Lic #230704c Scott & Sons Plumbers Plumbing, Drainage & Gasfitting Blocked Drains Hot Water Heaters CCTV - Water Jetter Domestic, Commerical Industrial 24 hrs - 7 days 9482 9199 Lic. No: 141840c email: service@scottandsons.com.au ABN: 91071128547 HORNSBY TREE SERVICE LICENSED PLUMBING www.licensedplumbing.com.au Dolly is a sweet affectionate 6 year old Golden Retriever who is social with other dogs. Founder of Doggie Rescue, Monika Biernacki, said, “Dolly likes toys & plays tug. She knows sit & is very cuddly. She LOVES tummy rubs and whines & pushes against you if you stop rubbing her tummy.” Dolly walks well on a loose lead and is not reactive to other dogs or cars. She would prefer a home without children. She weighs 27.6kg. She comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Her adoption cost is $400. For further details email Monika@DoggieRescue.com Doggie Rescue is one of many local charities proudly sponsored by The Bush Telegraph Weekly. WATER SYSTEMS NEW WORLD PUMPS Sales O Service O Repairs WHIP … BLOW … MOW … and AWAY I GO! JOSH BROUGHTON of Asquith knows that his customers want a lawn and garden service that’s fast, efficient and on time every time. Fully insured, Josh’s lawn and garden service includes gutter cleaning, tree lopping and hedge trimming. He even has a ride-on mower for those bigger jobs. “I like to keep the locals happy with my reliable service and reasonable prices,” said Josh (pictured). Whip Blow Mow and Away I Go services domestic and commercial clients. For a free quote, phone Josh 0431 904 765. ALL BRANDS O POOL O FIREFIGHTING O SUBMERSIBLE 5/1 MARINA CL, MT KURING-GAI 9457 6699 PLASTIC Cut Acrylic Sheet to Size Plastic Fabrication CNC Routing Point of Sale Displays !#*%((&"## 8QLW/HLJKWRQ3ODFH+RUQVE\16: Need a brochure delivered in a hurry? call 9456 2880 Thursday 6 November 2014 13 Get results quick - 9456 2880 FOR SALE HORNSBY IT – In home and office PC repairs. All hardware & software problems. Internet access, wired & wireless networking. Web and email hosting, www.hornsbyit.com.au. Ph 9457 8100 Berowra PC Services Giving You An Extra Hand ASQUITH QUALITY BEDS -ALL SIZES Queen Matts from $270, Ensembles $390, Double matts from $250, Ensembles for $370, Single & King Singles call for price 9940 3961 SPORTCRAFT FOLDING TABLE TENNIS TABLE Near new condition. Cost $180. Sell $90 ONO. Can deliver. Call Mick, Mob: 0418 112 675. WEDDING CAKE TINS 5 different shaped sets. $35 per set. 9476 5507 GARAGE SALES SAT 8 NOV 9AM-3PM Joint G.Sale 43 Mills Ave Asquith. Household Items, Collectibles, Bikes, Jewellery, Plants & lots more SAT 8 NOV, 18 MARLEE ST HORNSBY 9AM-3PM. Ladders, tools, small freezer, gas pizza oven, BBQ’s, DVD’s, Books, Bonsai & Household BUILDING DESIGN & PLANS BUILDING PLANS additions, commercial, homes, BDA accredited. 9456 3848 spoonerdesign@kets. com.au PLANS for Alterations & Additions, new homes, etc. Phone Warren Jenkins (retired architect) on 9456 4032. WANTED SUPERCRAFT or similar steel height adjustable trestles in any condition. Will collect. Ph Frank 9456 3619 WANTED KNOWN BUSHBAND for all occasions, weddings, birthdays, social parties. Call Mick 0418 112 675 SEWING MACHINES Repairs to all brands of sewing machines & overlockers. Work done in your home for your convenience. 0412 584 145 COMPUTER SERVICES ALL COMPUTER ISSUES Internet, Hardware,Software, Networking. In home service. John 9456 1964 or 0414 400 401 ALL COMPUTER PROBLEMS Excalibur IT Solutions Hardware & Software issues Fixed. Call Tim on:(02) 9456 7932 or 0420 524 885 MOVIE-FILM-VIDEOTAPE TO DVD/ DIGITAL CONVERSION Ph 9456 2851 or 0412 472 901 www.filmscan.com.au 14 Is my wireless network secure? What’s Wrong With My PC? PIANO TUNER - Technician professionally trained. All work guaranteed. Ray Clothier 9456 4632 or 0412 354 632 ROOF REPAIRS - 35 years experience 0428 563 282 Structural Landscape Gardener All Retaining Walls, Paving, Concreting, Edging, Turf, Bobcat Work, 25 Years Exp Ian Richardson My Network Is Not Working I Think I Have A Virus! FREE QUOTES Lic No. 33800c 0412 894 422 Call Lloyd 9456 0292 or 0411 541 007 www.berowrapc.com WORK WANTED ALL CARPENTRY Construction and repairs. Lic 14801 Simon Ph: 0402 652 668 ALL FLOOR & WALL TILING Indoor & outdoor, waterproofing & repairs. 20yrs Experience. Free Quotes. Lic: 70973C. Call Craig 0450 007 885 ALL GARDEN & LAWN CARE Hedges, garden makeover, mowing, gutter cleaning, pressure washing, maintenance, decking oiled. Neat. Insured. Local. Amazing work rate. Many years exp. Competitive Price. Free quote. PHONE 0410 535 536 ALL LANDSCAPING Steelscapes Landscaping - Landscape Consultation, garden renovations, sandstone work, paving, retaining walls, decking, maintenance, hedging Tim Steel 0410 895 065 steelscapes@live.com.au www.steelscapeslandscaping.com ALL LAWNS & GARDEN SERVICE Ride on Mowing, Edging, Hedging, Rubbish Removal, Chainsaw & Trees, Gutter Clean Pressure Washing, Landscaping. Professional 0477 207 649. BRT SERVICES - HANDYMAN Ex Handyman Trainer. Work Guaranteed. One stop shop for all work needs. No job too small. Lic:249022c. Michael 0451 164 106 CARPENTRY & HOME REPAIRS Free Quotes. Ph Mark 0408 200 816. Lic #123316c. CLOCKS & INSTRUMENTS Prof. repairs, home visits, instrument maker. Ph 9476 5778 / 0409 131 808. GARDEN & LAWN MAINTENANCE Mowing, edging, weeding, hedging, pruning, rubbish removal. Fully insured, reasonable rates, Hammou 0421 166 762 GARDENING Beautify your garden by certified horticulturist for $36/hr. Call Norman Ph 0412 196 268 LOCKS fitted, repaired, rekeyed. Secy Lic. 408561901. Nigel 0411 303785 Lance Barnes Graham McIntosh Rear of 8 Berowra Waters Rd Berowra, NSW 2081 9456 2346 e: bprsmashrepairs@gmail.com Berowra Prestige & Restoration All Insurance Work, Rust Repairs, Restorations, Cars, Boats, Motorcycles, Trailers, Jet Skis Lic No. MVRL 48357 THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY UPHOLSTERY Over 30 yrs exp. Ph Bryan 9476 6835 / 0414 913 883 CLEANING BEROWRA & HORNSBY CLEANING Berowra to Hornsby. Ph Jan 9456 3834. BY GEORGE WINDOW CLEANING Reasonable rates, free quotes. Call George 0410 332 354 LOCAL MAN-WINDOW CLEANING Free quotes. Water blasting available. Now taking Christmas bookings. Ph Simon 0414 225 057 SQUEEGEE PETE WINDOW CLEANING Call Peter for a quote. Professional results at affordable prices 0416 179 213 or 9987 2659 CEMENT RENDERING/ GYPROCK SERVICES CEMENT RENDERING SERVICES Professional advice, quality work, any size house or project, all finishes & repair work. Since 1980 – call PLASTERFORCE 0418 286 567 or 9456 7800. PLASTERER/GYPROCK No Job Too Small. Ph Ray 0412 285 601 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AT HOME WE EARN $2000 per week.Info pack www.wk-smart.com Ph Jenni 0414 777 072 DRIVING INSTRUCTION ALL DAY DRIVING SCHOOL For local professional tuition in man & auto. Lic 012893. Phone Richard 0425 317 684. GOOD2GO DRIVING SCHOOL Auto, Lic 012237, Ph Darlene 0407 456 671 SUZANNE 0425 277 689 for professional driving tuition Lic 10394 PAINTER SAM SUNG PAINTING & DECORATING New & repaint, int/ ext, free quotes, all work guaranteed Lic 223324c call now 0403 102 933 EDUCATION ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE of Achievement. MATHEMATICS 7-12, Ph 9456 3459. MATHEMATICS Home tuition from a qualified teacher & experienced tutor. Ph 0418 448 759 or chrishav2001@ yahoo.com.au SKILLS AND ATTITUDES FOR HIGH SCHOOL SUCCESS Ph Jo: 0403 339 708 www.educ8.com.au WRITING AND STUDY SKILLS for high school students. Help for your child in all writing subjects. Experienced and qualified teacher 9476 1608 or janbrady@ans.com.au MUSIC TUITION PIANO & THEORY HORNSBY Exp. & qualified teacher. All levels, all syllabuses . Ph 9477 1379. SINGING LESSONS New Diamond Music, Boasting Best Industry Results! POP, R&B , Funk, Soul, Gospel Ph: 9482 1535 WEDDINGS WEDDING DUO and band available to suit your budget. Call Mick 0418 112 675 HEALTH, FITNESS & BEAUTY BEROWRA PHYSIOTHERAPY Pacific Hwy. Massage, back pain, sports injuries. Ph Jackie Walford 9456 3322 / 0414 925 477 BLUE MOON REMEDIAL MASSAGE for tense, stressed muscles, 10-7.30, Mon-Sat. H/F 41 Edgeworth David Ave, Hornsby. Ph 9482 9962 BOWEN, THE ORIGINAL, back, frozen shoulder, knee, ankle, sciatica. Fund Rebate. ATMS Ph Lindy 9456 0488. HEALTH NATURALLY Dietary & lifestyle advice & support for many conditions. Robyn 0418 890 045 HERBALIFE Products Ph 0425 252 364 / www.healthebiz.com.au REBECCA CHRISTENSEN CHIROPRACTIC Gentle & caring treatment in our Berowra based clinic, Mon-Sat. Freecall 1300 790 889 TAEKWONDO KID’S SUMMER PROGRAM Mick & Janelle Marr 9456 3934 PETS AAA DOG & CAT BEHAVIOUR/ TRAINING Private lessons. Qualified 20 Yrs Exp. 0423 533 986 ANIMAL WALKING & MINDING Tailored care. Jess 0433 957 248. animalminding.net ARATAH DOG TRAINING Puppy & adult dog classes. Obedience & agility for beginners. Behaviour management.9456 4157 or 0421 028 219 BEAUTIFUL CREATURES Pet Minding Services. Colleen 0423 135 070. DESIGNER DOGS GROOMING Serving Hornsby area since 1995.Unit 5/113 Hunter St Hornsby (prev located Edgeworth David Ave)Ph 9482 5119 SHANNY THE NANNY Call Shannon Ph 9457 9162 FOR HIRE A DJ with LIGHTS - 0416-188-108 A GALA PARTY HIRE 9477-4700 Marquees Tables Chairs Heaters PARTY We come to you FAIRY FLOSS, POPCORN & SNO CONES Parties, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, School Fetes Call now 0406 012 344 www.airyfairys. com.au SHOP/OFFICE SPACE TO LET SHOP/OFFICE TO LET BEROWRA HEIGHTS 97m2, fully carpeted $275/w 0400 470 884 PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD ONLINE www.thebushtele.com.au VOLVO GL 240 AUTOMATIC Oportunity - A stylish, classic & timeless quality car & model-excellent cond-all round-mechanicaly A1- original-beautiful car-cental locking-fuel injectioneconomical Ph:0434 197 503 HOLDEN RODEO R998A SPACECAB Good condition, a few scratches and minor dents. Regularly serviced, 230000km. New radio and windscreen,6 months rego.$5k ONO. Call 0408 626 751 after 6pm Mon-Fri or weekends. Waitara. 2004 COROMAL CORVAIR 511 POPTOP One owner, batt pack, 3 way fridge, reverse light, double bed inner spring mattress, TV satellite dish, 4 burner stove, & many accessories. $24,000. ph 9477 2824. DON’T RISK YOUR VEHICLE BY TRYING TO SELL IT UP ON THE HIGHWAY ... They don’t call it MIDNIGHT SPARES for nothing! RUN IT TILL YOU SELL IT is a much safer option and will only cost you at total of $38 for a great big 12 weeks worth of advertising ... no kidding! Your $38 bucks gets you a photo and a few lines of description for 12 whole weeks or until you sell it. (conditions apply) Place your ad online now! www.thebushtele.com.au or phone 9456 2880 Who doesn’t Love a Bird Walk!? SPRING is LAWN CARE Time! It’s Time to Spray your LAWN! Mark Goddard Lawn Care can help you take the OUCH out of your lawn this year, because now is the time to spray for BINDIES! Mark, of Mount Colah, said, “I can spray your lawn for weeds, winter grass and bindies, then fertilize your lawn all ready and in time for Christmas!” Keep your kids happy playing on a lawn that grows ALL SUMMER LONG! Mark, who is a qualified Greenkeeper, can also supply and lay turf to enhance and beautify your garden. Mark Goddard Lawn Care, which has 25 years’ experience operating in the local district, is Fully Insured. Call Mark now for a quote: 0412 181 241 LAWN CARE SPRAY SEASON HAS STARTED! di, Spray Bin ss a r G r e Wint f a e l d a & Bro ow! Weeds n C`bQiY^W<YaeYT6UbdY\YjUb 6e^WYSYTUC`bQiY^W 8UbRYSYTUC`bQiY^W D_`4bUccDebV6UbdY\YjUT Ce``\i<QiDebV =_gY^WCUbfYSUc LATEST SPRAY EQUIPMENT Friendly, Reliable & Fully Insured Greenkeeper Qualified MARK GODDARD | Ph: 0412 181 241 ULTIMATE ODESSEY 4WD TRAILER 2007 Priced at $35,000 to the Ultimate Odessey 4WD trailer Odessey Ultimate 4WD Off Road Camper Trailer. Great set up comes complete with new tarps and more.To enquire please ring 0438 562 966 2008 REGAL CUB CAMPER XTDE Mfr’s show exhibit until 2012. Special 40th anniversary edition, awning, double bed, 3 way fridge, 2 burner stove c/w griller, wash basin & water tank, winch, batt pack, spare tyre, jack, rego 7/10/15, like new $14,690 ono. Ph: 9456 4087. There will be a bird walk with Australian Plants Society members DWWKH.XULQJJDL:LOGÀRZHU Garden, 420 Mona Vale Road, St Ives on November 10th starting at 9am at the Education Centre. Cost is $5 which covers notes. Wear suitable shoes and hat and bring water. Native plants will be on sale. Further information at www. blandfordia.org.au or ring Bill 9498 6052 or Wendy 9144 5600. THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY 20,000 letterbox delivered every Thursday Published online every Tuesday. Delivered to Waitara, Hornsby, Hornsby Hts, Asquith, Mt Colah, Mt Kuring-gai, Berowra, Berowra Hts, Cowan, Brooklyn, Mooney Mooney, Cheero Point, Dangar Island, Riverboat Postman, Berowra Waters and beyond. DISCLAIMER: All responsibility for information, advertisements and opinions appearing in The Bush Telegraph Weekly is entirely that of the contributor or advertiser and not of the Publisher, Employees or Contractors of The Bush Telegraph Weekly. PRINTED: by SpotPress Pty Ltd 24-26 Lilian Fowler Place Marrickville 2204 NSW Australia (02) 9549 1111 www.spotpress.com.au PUBLISHED: by The Bushland Shire Telegraph Pty Ltd READ ONLINE: thebushtele.com PLACE ADS ONLINE: thebushtele.com. CONTACT US: The Bush Tele Shop, Marketplace Shopping Centre 19 Turner Rd Berowra Hts NSW 2082. PO Box 80 Berowra Hts 2082. info@thebushtele.com.au www.thebushtele.com Ph: 02 9456 2880 COPYRIGHT: Stories, artwork and photographs appearing in The Bush Telegraph Weekly are subject to copyright and may not be reprinted in any media without written permission of The Bushland Shire Telegraph Pty Ltd. Thursday 6 November 2014 15 WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT YOUR FAMILY HISTORY? Do you have family documents, letters, labelled photographs, memories, oral history and material gathered from the internet and genealogical sites but you don’t know what they really mean or how to tell your ancestor’s stories from them? Let me help you tell their story ... My name is Jan Brady and I have lived in the Hornsby area for more than 40 years. I am a recently retired History teacher who, after more than 30 years teaching in schools across the North and Northwest of Sydney, wants to continue researching and writing. I am an historian, a published author and a specialist in Australian History. I have recently established a website for people just like you to see my work and contact me. On the website you can see brief details about some of the recent work I have completed. One particular story was about a young lady who migrated from England and, using letters and family memories, I was able to reconstruct her family history in Sydney. My charges are reasonable and would be agreed on before I begin the work. The cost would be dependent on the material available from you and what you wanted me to do. You can contact me on 9476 1608 or through the website at past-history.org Fun 9489 5816 SPECIALISING IN ... for t e whole fahm ily! Birthday Parties (cost $12.50 per person 1/2 hr) Air Conditioned Corporate & Group Bookings premises Race Nights Friday & Saturday (airconditioned premises) Lots of fun, for both kids & adults alike WK D\ KG LUW % OPEN DAY ESTABLISHED 1964 www.hornsbyslotcars.com.au 126A James Lane, Hornsby 4HUULSS4V[VYZ HORNSBY SLOT CAR RACEWAY SATURDAY 129(0%(5 15 18th Birthday Prizes and Giveaways Sausage Sizzle Kids Entertainment Display Vehicles Industry Experts DP±SP 5 Pioneer Avenue, Thornleigh T 9980 8855
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