THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA, NOVEMBER 9, 2014 Random thoughts... Nine years ago I visited Rome with our Monterey Diocesan choir. It was a privileged 10 days, singing and visiting those ancient and venerable places: St. Peter’s Basilica; the catacombs where early Christians were buried; the churches of St. Mary Major and St. Paul Outside the Walls, and St. John Lateran, the pope’s cathedral, the dedication of which we celebrate today. I confess to a certain “So what?” response to this feast. Why this commemoration in every Catholic church in the world, and why is it so important that it replaces the Sunday? For us American Catholics, where it is in our blood to separate and create anew, this is especially strange. “What has this to do with us?” we ask. St. John Lateran was the first Christian basilica, dedicated on November 9 in the year 324. Its name comes from the family who donated the land, the Laterani family, and the church is dedicated under the patronage of both St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist. The popes lived in the palace adjoining the church until the 14th century. This was the site of five ecumenical councils. (If Vatican II had been held at St. John’s, it might have been called Lateran VII.) This church is still the pope’s cathedral, not, as many presume, St. Peter’s. And, as the pope is the shepherd of the universal church, the Lateran Basilica of St. John is the cathedral church of the world. Over the doorway of the facade, the inscription reads: Ecclesiarum Urbis et Orbis Mater et Caput, that is, “Mother and head of all the churches of the city and of the world.” That is why the dedication of St. John Lateran is celebrated in parish churches in California and Manitoba and Sicily and England and everywhere else I have Facebook friends. Pray the Rosary As Facebook is a prime example, the movement of history is to bring peoples together, not separate them. Our technology has created of our world a global village where we can be in almost instant communication with anyone on the planet. Even when Rome was remote and communication took days, it is through Rome that we connect to all Catholics everywhere. Rome’s failures are our failures. And Rome’s glories are also ours. One of those glories is that we are one people despite our native language, our race or ethnicity, our station in life. That is what this feast of dedication is about: building the whole people of God, across space and time, into a holy temple. Just as the building is sacred because of the people who fill it and what they do there, so are we each created to be sacred: holy temples of the Spirit of God. As St. Paul reminds his beloved community in Corinth, we are each being formed into a dwelling place for God on earth. As there is behavior not acceptable in God’s house, witness Jesus admonishing those who would turn his father’s house into a marketplace, so there are actions and attitudes unbefitting those called to be Christ-bearers to the world. If we are each a temple of God’s Spirit, shouldn’t we be careful about allowing ourselves to be treated as mere consumers or commodities? We are more than our possessions, more than our market value. Maybe it’s time for inventory, time to clean house for the Divine Guest and rid ourselves of what is not suitable for the sacred Christ-bearers we are called to be. Let us pray for each other, as brothers and sisters in Christ, and pray especially today for Pope Francis, that he may continue to inspire believers everywhere to holiness, humility and humor as we witness to the love of God for this world. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday, November 10: Titus 1:1-9; Luke 17:1-6 Tuesday, November 11: Titus 2:1-8,11-14; Luke 17:7-10 Wednesday, November 12: Titus 3:1-7; Luke 17:11-19 Thursday, November 13: Philemon 7-20; Luke 17:20-25 Friday, November 14: 2 John 4-9; Luke 17:26-37 Saturday, November 15: 3 John 5-8; Luke 18:1-8 Sunday, November 16: Proverbs 31:10-13,1920,30-31; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6; Matthew 25:14 -30 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes, Noviembre 10: Tito 1:1-9; Lucas 17:1-6 Martes, Noviembre 11: Tito 2:1-8,11-14; Lucas 17:7-10 Miércoles Noviembre 12: Tito 3:1-7; Lucas 17:11 -19 Jueves, Noviembre 13: Filemón 7-20; Lucas 17:20-25 Viernes, Noviembre 14: 2 Juan 4-9; Lucas 17:26 -37 Sabado, Noviembre 15: 3 Juan 5-8; Lucas 18:18 Domingo, Noviembre 16: Proverbios 31:10-13,19 -20,30-31; 1 Tesalonicenses 5:1-6; Mateo 25:1430 COLLECTION COLECTAS SEMANALES COLLECTION-LA COLECTA DE LA SEMANA PASADA FUE $6,241.00 Consistent Giver: $2,874.33 TOTAL COLLECTION: $9,115.33 WEEKLY SUNDAY PLATE BUDGET: $6,635.00 SECOND COLLECTION SEGUNDA COLECCIÓN $1,399.00 Last Week—Semana Pasada: Faith Formation This Week—Esta Semana: Youth Ministry Next Week—Próxima Semana: Catholic Campaign for Human Development Gracias por su generosidad ahora y durante todo el año. We thank everyone for their generosity, now and throughout the year. PRAYER INTENTIONS~ ORACIONES PARA LOS ENFERMOS Recuerde en sus oraciones—Please pray for those who are unable to join us: Andrea Trucco Annie McGuire Betsy Nicholson Freddy Herrera Chris Kelly Rita Mockus Cesar Groyon, Sr. Linda Mauregard John Rodriquez Robert Borges Elena Aspromonte Ardith Campbell Ed Lesnowicz Virgina Cooper Susie Shelton Wilbert Patten Gloria Patten Matt Iden Gino Panelli Patty Machado Jackie Ryan Deanne Knapp Erma Dalbesio Debbie Wilson Angelo Ross Pedro Jose Lahoz Richard Knapp Lynda Sue McMath Rance Johnson, Sr. If you know someone who is in need of prayers or if someone should be taken off the list, please call the office at 423-4182. INTENCIONES DE MISA + MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, November 8 5: Riley family, Mary & Peter Segerini, Julio “Eddie” Lau Sunday, November 9 7: Byrne family 8:30: Chippo Ramirez,Placida & Ignacio Antonio Eligores, Raymundo Takaw, Alpio Baldemar, Cyprian Valdez 10:30: int. of Donald & Ida Mungai 12:30: Mercedes y Alex Acevedo, int. de Liliana Eusse Gil, int. de Alfredo Manrique Monday, November 10 8:30: Patricia Byrne Tuesday, November 11 8:30: int. of Angelo Ross Wednesday, November 12 8:30: William & Nancy Graham Thursday, November 13 8:30: Joseph & Winifred Byrne Friday, November 14 8:30: all souls Saturday, November 15 5: John Michael Sweeney, Joseph Francis Novo Sunday, November 16 7: Byrne family 8:30: Anna Cantoni, Catherine Bogner, Bob & Elsie Werner, John & Shirley Barisone 10:30: Angel Camberos 12:30: Raquel Ortíz, int. de Hipolito Peréz y Andres Peréz, int. de Maregela Vega DIRECTORY - DIRECTORIO Rev. Joseph L. Occhiuto, K.H.S.: Pastor/Párroco (423-4182 ) Deacon Hugo Patiño: Pastoral Associate/Asciado Pastoral (423-4182) Dan McNamara: Office Manager, Secretary, Director de la Oficina, Secretario (423-4182) Lynette de Lara: Administrative Assistant and Bulletin Editor/Asistente Administrativo y Boletín Editor (423-4182) Kimberly Cheng: Principal, Holy Cross School (PS8 Coed), 150 Emmet St., Santa Cruz, CA 95060 (423-4447) Sr. Barbara Ann Long, O.P., L.H.S.: Liturgy and Music/Liturgia y Música (423-4973) Sr. Liza Raphael, I.M.: Faith Formation, Baptism, and Sacramental Preparation/Formación en la Fe y la Preparación Sacramental (458-3041) Elizabeth Borges: High School Youth Ministry/High School Ministerio de Jóvenes (423-4182) Frank Benko: Junior High Youth Ministry/Junior High Ministerio de Jóvenes de Secundaria (458-3041) Crissy Roubal: Director, Holy Cross Preschool (425-1782) Toni Giovannoni: Business and Facilities Manager/ Contender y Administrador de Instalaciones (469-3560) Sr. Betty Pedrazzi, I.H.M.: Missión Galeria, Mission Museum and Shop/Museo y Tienda de la Mision (426-5686) Newman Center: UCSC & Cabrillo College Ministry/ Ministerio Universitario-285 Meder St., Santa Cruz (423-9400) St. Francis Soup Kitchen: 205 Mora St. (459-6712) Siena House Maternity Home: 108 High St. (425-2229) Anne McGuire: Pastoral Assistance Coordinator, Diocese of Monterey, Promise to Protect, Pledge to Heal – Diocesan Victim Abuse Coordinator (1-800-321-5220) Holy Cross Food Pantry……an item per week is all that we seek! Thank you! BINGO… the FIRST Thursday of every month!! Annual Ministry Appeal 2014 Year-end Pledge Commitment Deadline The Annual Ministry Appeal 2014 will close on December 31, 2014. If you made a pledge to this year’s campaign please meet your pledge commitment prior the closing date so that our parish receives credit for your gift. Thank You! CARD SHOWER…. For those of you who know Gloria Sarrow, who Ushers at the 5 p.m. Mass, she is recuperating from surgery at her daughters home. If you would like to send a card you may do so in care of Cindy Rowen 6402 Sonora Pass Way Rockland CA 95765 RECONCILIACIÓN~ LUNES A 7 P.M. EN LA CAPILLA CON PADRE MANNY EL GRUPO DE ORACIÓN DE HOLY CROSS les invita a sus reuniones los miércoles de cada semana a las 7 p.m. en la Misión. Es una buena oportunidad para orar y crecer en comunidad. Para mayor información, por favor contacte a Juanita al 332-9224. Todos están bienvenidos. WELCOME TO HOLY CROSS We are glad and grateful to have new people celebrate with us. If you would like to register at Holy Cross, please fill out the form below and place it in the collection basket, or mail it to the parish office. BIENVENIDOS A HOLY CROSS Estamos felices y agradecidos para celebrar con nuevas personas. Si usted no está registrado, por favor llene la siguiente forma y regrésela en la canasta de la colecta o mándela por correo a la oficina. NAME/ NOMBRE___________________________________ PHONE/ TELÉFONO__________________________________ ADDRESS/ DIRECCIÓN________________________________ City/Ciudad________________________ ZIP_________ { } New Parishioner/Nuevo Miembro a la Parroquia { } New Address/Por Favor Corrijan Mi Dirección { } Please Send Me Sunday Envelopes/Envíenme Sobres Dominicales I WOULD LIKE TO SERVE HOLY CROSS AS A/QUIERO AYUDAR EN LA PARROQUIA COMO___________________________ E-MAIL _______________________________________ LOCAL CELEBRITY SOUP SERVERS SERVE UP SPOONFULS OF KINDNESS Saturday, November 15, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. At St Francis Soup Kitchen, 205 Mora St. A benefit for: St. Francis Catholic Soup Kitchen Jesus Mary Joseph Home Rising International Tickets $25 and include soup lunch and 5 raffle tickets Buy tickets in advance at: www.spoonfullofkindness.brownpaperticket or after the 5 p.m. and 10:30 a.m. Massses. BIBLE STUDY Fr. Mike Marini continues his popular study of GENESIS on Wednesday mornings and evenings in the HALL at Holy Cross Church this week, November 12. Sessions are offered at 9:15 a.m. and 7 p.m. SIXTH ANNUAL FAMILIES OF HOLY CROSS PIE MAKING EVENT! Join us on NOVEMBER 23 at the St. Francis Catholic Kitchen at 205 Mora Street. We will be making the pies for the Thanksgiving Feast at the Saint Francis Soup Kitchen. All of the ingredients, recipes and tools will be there for your family. This is a parent/child participation event and all ages are welcome. Just bring your apron and philanthropic spirits. Teach your children about giving time and something sweet to others in our community. Teach with your heart and hands. SPACE IS LIMITED AND WE FILL UP FAST. You need to pick a time from one of the options below. There are 7 slots per time period: 9:00 – Apple Pies 11:00 – Pumpkin Pies 12:30 – Pecan Pies **not for our nut Allergy members** Please email Analicia Cube at for questions and placement. YOUTH MINISTRY & CONFIRMATION November 23 : Youth Ministry Night 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the Hall If you have questions please call Elizabeth at 457-2724 or email her at THANK YOU to all the teens and their families for helping with the pie making event at St. Francis Soup Kitchen!! The Knights of Columbus, Council #971 will be having their annual Tootsie Roll Event after the 5 p.m. Mass on Saturday November 15 and after the 7, 8:30 and 10:30 Masses on November 16. All donations will go to help those with intellectual disabilities. Your donations and support are greatly appreciated! TOY DRIVE The Holy Cross food Pantry will again hold its annual toy drive. Watch for the 'Giving Tree' at the back of the Church Thanksgiving weekend! You will again be asked to take a tag and to return an appropriate toy by December 15. The toy giveaway will take place in the parish hall on December 20 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thank you in advance for your generosity and for all your help in the past. ADULT CONFIRMATION (for ages 16 and above) For individuals seeking the Sacrament of Confirmation, sessions will be held, in the Cottage, on Tuesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. For more information call 458-3041. HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE Please join us at Y.L.I'S Tenth Annual Holiday Boutique on November 22 and 23 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Our Lady Star of the Sea Hall. A large variety of handmade items will be available from local vendors! Come and have lunch, purchase our baked goods and find unique Christmas gifts for your friends and loved ones. Think SCRIP Gift Cards For Your Christmas Shopping Needs! There is only one more SCRIP table weekend left before BLACK FRIDAY, so think of SCRIP gift cards for your Black Friday deals and help assist a Holy Cross family in need. Come see us after Mass on Saturday, November 15 and Sunday, November 16 after the 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. Masses. For your convenience, we stock: Amazon Best Buy MACY’S Target Toys R Us! See’s Candies And MORE! When using your Amazon SCRIP card, be sure to log in using the Amazon Smile account. It’s the exact same website as, with the exception that .5% of all your purchases will go directly back to Holy Cross School. Look for directions at parent-assn/scrip.cfm. For any questions, concerns, or feedback please email Holy Cross School’s SCRIP coordinator, Kate, at Thank you for all your support of Holy Cross’ SCRIP program! -Your SCRIP Team AUCTION MEETING and SAVE THE DATE! We will hold our second planning meeting for the Holy Cross 2015 Auction on November 13, from 6 to 7p.m. in Room 6 in the school. Please join us if you want to help with the Holy Cross largest fundraising activity. And remember SAVE THE DATE! The Dinner Auction will be FEBRUARY 7, 2015! INFANT BAPTISM CLASSES Parents are asked to register their child for baptism at least one month prior to the desired date for baptism. To participate in parent – God parent- preparation classes please call Vince Lieggi at 515 – 7110. Classes are done Second Monday of the month at 6 p.m. at the Casita. Baptisms are celebrated third Saturday of every month except during Lent. To schedule the date of baptism please call the office at 458-3041. LAS CLASES DE BAUTISMO PARA LOS PADRES Para inscribir a la clase de bautismo por favor llamen a la oficina al número 458-3041. Las clases será n primer lunes del mes a las 6:00p.m. en la Casita. Bautismos se celebran primer sábado de cada mes excepto durante la Cuaresma. Para programar la fecha de bautismo, por favor llame a la oficina al 458-3041. SANTA CRUZ COUNTY CHURCHES LAYETTE PROJECT The next In-Gathering of the Santa Cruz County Churches Layette Project will be on Friday, November 21, at 1 p.m. at the Vintage Faith Church (Mission St. & Highland Ave.) This is an ecumenical group of Christian Church members who contribute layette items and since it’s beginning has given out more than 3500 layettes to new mothers through the Public Health nurses. For more information please call Diane at 427-1646. TAIZE The Sisters of the Holy Names at Villa Maria del Mar invite you to an evening of prayer on the second Thursday of every month (November 13) from 7 to 8 p.m. This hour long Taize style prayer includes chants, scripture and time for quiet reflection. For information call Mary 4751236. ALL ARE WELCOME to the Chapel at 21918 East Cliff Drive. DOMINICAN MOBILE WELLNESS CLINIC The Dominican Mobile Wellness van will be at Holy Cross on the second, fourth and fifth Wednesdays (November 12 & 26) of each month from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. There is a fee of $15 at the time of the visit. For more information call 457-7166. WANT TO LEARN ABOUT THE CATHOLIC FAITH? We have a wonderful process for those who are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is for anyone who has never been baptized, or was baptized in another faith or even the Catholic faith and would now like to complete their sacraments of initiation with Eucharist and Confirmation. Meetings are on Thursday evenings at 7:30 in the Casita. Please call 578-4338 for more information. HOLIDAY POTLUCK The Santa Cruz Council #971 Knights of Columbus invite you to attend our monthly social at Star of the Sea Hall, November 19. This month is our annual potluck! The Knights will supply Turkey as the entree, while we ask our attendees to supply a dish based on your last name: A-J=Salad, KP=Vegetables, Q-Z=Dessert. The usual $13 will not being collected as the item you bring to share is your contribution to our event! The evening will begin at 6 p.m. with appetizers and no-host bar, dinner will be served at 7 p.m. There will be a door prize and a raffle - we encourage donations for the raffle as always, and appreciate the support of our community. Please RSVP by 11/16 to Rudy & Virginia Quijance at 458-9169, or Ken Lazier Jr. at 419-3753, so we'll know how many turkeys to roast! Thanks to all who support us throughout the year - we look forward to a great turnout! Please join the Knights of Columbus for coffee after the 8:30 and 10:30 Masses this weekend. REGISTER SOON! If you're a parish minister, catechetical leader, catechist, teacher, youth minister or youth leader or perhaps you want to learn more about the Catholic faith - this conference is for you! Dates: November 22, 2014 Place: Santa Clara Convention Center The Archdiocese of San Francisco and the Dioceses of Monterey, Oakland, San Jose, and Stockton have come together to offer those in ministry a premier conference featuring local and national speakers, such as: Joe Paprocki, Father Greg Boyle, SJ, Nancy Bird, Thomas Groome, Father Tony Ricard, Amy Florian, Father Eduardo Fernández, SJ. For Conference registrations go to or for more information you may contact Olga Flores at 831 373-1335. ¡REGISTRESE AHORA! Viviendo el Evangelio con Gozo Una Conferencia de Formación de Fe Dia: 22 de noviembre 2014 Lugar: Centro de Convención de Santa Clara (Santa Clara Convention) La Arquidiócesis de San Francisco, Diócesis de Monterey, Oakland, Stockton, y de San Jose se han unido para ofrecer a aquellos en ministerio una conferencia de primera con conferencistas locales y nacionales, tales como Padre Eduardo Fernández, SJ, Pedro Rubalcava, Feliciano Tapia, Dr. Francisco Castillo, Fátima Monterrubio Cruess, Lúlu Santana, Diácono Gustavo A. Escrucería, Diácono José Alfredo Reyes, Dulce Abreu-Jiménez, Alejandro Barraza, y muchos más! Inscripción para esta conferencia, visite Para más información favor de llamar al 831 373-1335. The parish office is in need of the following supplies: 11x17 white paper and 8 1/2 x 11 color copy paper - (any color) Thank You! A very special ‘Thank You’ to the members of our Italian Catholic Federation who donated $2,100 to our parish this past week. Grazie mille!
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