The Parish of St. Katharine Drexel Burlington, New Jersey November 9, 2014 MASSES FOR THE WEEK MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10 8:00 AM Christopher David Urbaniec r/o Godmother, Val TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 VETERANS DAY 8:00 AM For All Veterans Living & Deceased WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 8:00 AM John McCarty r/o M/M Paul Waxmonsky Florence Parker r/o Carol Costello THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13 8:00 AM Anna M. Measey r/o Children Health & Blessings for Frank S. Wisenewski r/o Loretta Burgess FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14 8:00 AM Adele Carnivale r/o Young-At-Heart Members SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 8:00 AM Ed & Mary Kuczynski r/o Art Neiheisel 4:00 PM Angelena “Lee” Schiller r/o Sisters, Vivian and Helen Andrew Churry r/o Wife 5:00 PM William B. Stockton r/o Gene Stockton SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 7:30 AM Carl Troilo, Sr. r/o Carl, Jr., Kelly & Carly 9:00 AM For All Parishioners Living & Deceased 10:30 AM Thanksgiving to Our Blessed Mother r/o Our Lady Mother of Divine Mercy Prayer Group/20th Anniversary 12:00 N Kathleen Rensky r/o Bill & Libby Villari Jozef Pszeniczny r/o Daughter, Elizabeth and Family ALL SAINTS CHURCH TABERNACLE CANDLES This week the tabernacle candles will burn for: Edward Scartocci, Sr. and Mary & Andrew Szczepanik from Family SUNDAY COLLECTION Last Sunday’s collection was $10,116.00 All Saints collection was $ 2,284.00 All Souls collection was $ 3,547.00 Page One PARISH CLERGY: Rev. Michael G. Dunn, Pastor Rev. Cesar Anson, Parochial Vicar Deacon Walter J. Karpecik, Jr., Deacon Alfred Pennise, Deacon Alexander Punchello MASS SCHEDULE: Sunday Vigil: 4:00 PM—All Saint’s Church 5:00 PM—St. Paul’s Church Sundays: 7:30 AM; 10:30 AM—St. Paul’s Church 9:00 AM, 12 Noon —All Saints Church Daily: 8:00 AM—All Saints Church April 27th, 2015 thru October 31st, 2015 8:00 AM—St. Paul’s Church November 3rd, 2014 thru April 25th, 2015 Holy Days: As announced in bulletin. Reconciliation: Saturdays: 3:00—3:45 PM at All Saints Church Saturdays: 4:00—4:45 PM at St. Paul’s Church PARISH LOCATIONS All Saints Church 502 High Street Burlington, NJ 08016 St. Paul Church 223 E. Union Street Burlington, NJ 08016 PARISH OFFICE 223 E. Union Street, Burlington, NJ 08016 Monday-Friday: 8:30 AM—4:00 PM (609) 386-0152/0163 FAX: (609) 386-0085 November 9, 2014 Page Two Dear Parishioners, Ten Ways to Prepare for a Holy Death by Fr. Ed Broom, OMV The most important moment in our life is the very moment that we die. This will determine our destiny for all eternity. Either we will be saved or damned. Either we will be with God for all eternity or we will be lost for all eternity. The best way for all of us to have a holy death is to right now and until we die prepare for a holy and happy death. Hopefully these short but poignant ten sign posts can help you to make the right decisions so that when you die the Lord Jesus will be your Savior waiting to open up the eternal gates of Heaven to receive you! 1. Live each day of your life as if it were your last; indeed it could be. Jesus warns us: “He will come like a thief in the night.” Be prepared! 2. No to Sin, Yes to God! Sin leads to sadness, slavery and death. Let us renounce sin at all costs and turn to God who gives life. Jesus said: “I am the way, the Truth, and the Life.” 3. Do What You Are Doing. This is a key concept of the saints. It means to live the Sacrament of the Present moment and always strive to do your duty and obligation with the best of intentions—meaning for the honor and glory of God! 4. Fall? Get up again! If you fall into sin, which will happen because we are all sinners, then get up right away. Never put off your conversion for tomorrow; rather move on your conversion immediately—before the sun goes down! 5. Love. Aim always for the greatest of all virtues: love! Jesus clearly tells us what is the greatest of all commandments and it is a double commandment: to love God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. But the second part is to love our neighbor intensely as we love ourselves. With reference to a holy death, Saint John of the Cross teaches us: “In the twilight of our existence, we will be judged on love.” Led us aim for a more intense and burning love every day! Like the Virgin Mary let us die of love! 6. Bring Others to Heaven. Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen gives us great advice on how to get to heaven. “If you want to get to heaven, then take somebody to heaven with you.” Jesus says, “By their fruits they will be known.” Our desire should be to love what God loves and God loves the salvation of immortal souls. Hopefully this will by our ardent and all-consuming desire! 7. Think of Heaven! Of enormous value in attaining a holy and happy death is the constant thought of gaining heaven but also the meditation on actually what heaven is! Saint Paul gives us a mere glimpse with these inspiring words: “Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor has it entered into the mind of man the wonderful things that God has prepared for those who love Him.” Do this! Think of the happiest two hours of your life, multiply that by a million times and then add eternity to it— meaning forever and ever and ever. You have a mere taste or mere glimpse of the glory of Heaven that awaits you!!! 8. Tell Jesus What You Want! From the depths of your heart talk to Jesus and express to Him the greatest desire of your heart and it is this: that you want to grow to love Him more and more each day, but that you want to love Him in heaven for all eternity. Tell Jesus this, but remind Him every day. Ask your Guardian Angel to come to your aid! 9. Purgatory and Suffering. Why not ask the Lord Jesus to give you your Purgatory here while on earth? It is so true the saying: “Pay now or pay later!” Indeed much better to pay here while on earth then to pay in the fires of Purgatory after we die. How can this become a reality? Simple but hard at the same time! We all have to suffer and in many ways: physically, emotionally, economically (many of us), socially, and spiritually. Why not offer your suffering for the conversion of sinners, the purification of the souls in Purgatory but also that this suffering on earth would serve to be your Purgatory on earth to allow you to go quickly to heaven? Many of us never thought of this but God does not want us to go to Purgatory; rather, He wants us to go straight and directly to heaven, nonstop! Let us be honest, heaven is closed not due to bad will on the part of God, but due to our own pride, selfishness, egotism and resistance of God’s grace. Why not beg to correspond to God’s graces and accept your sufferings in this life so as to be united with God immediately upon death, which means eternal life! 10.Mary: Queen of Saints and Angels. The saints all agree on this spiritual maxim: “Mary is the quickest, most secure, and the most efficacious pathway to Jesus and to heaven.” Why not turn right now to Mary and beg for the grace to go to heaven. Ask Mary in prayer what is the major obstacle in your life that is blocking your free access to Jesus and heaven. Then beg our Lady for the grace to overcome that obstacle or spiritual detour on the Highway to Heaven. —Fr. Dunn Pastor November 9, 2014 Page Three The Parish of St Katharine Drexel invites all of our parishioners, friends and their families* to join in the March for Life, on Thursday, January 22, 2015, in Washington, DC. We encourage you to join in unity to support respect for life. Our day will begin at All Saints Church with Mass at 6:15 AM. Participants may leave their vehicle in the parking lot surrounding the Church. This will be an all-day event, with a return time approximately 10:00 PM. Our bus will be parked at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception. Those who will not be marching can spend the day at the Basilica in prayer and reflection. March For Life 2015 We will provide for bus transportation (Starr Coach Tour Bus), a breakfast-on-the-go, a boxed lunch, snack and dinner are included in the cost. We request a good will offering of only $20 per person for those who attend. If this is a financial hardship to anyone, please call the Parish Secretary. Not able to attend? Consider sponsoring a person in your place or make a contribution to the parish to help defray the cost of the pilgrimage. If you are interested in participating in this spiritual event, please fill out the form below and return it to the collection basket by December 20th, along with your good will offering in an envelope marked, “March for Life.”. If you have any questions and for more details, you may call Eileen Korang, the Parish Secretary, at (609) 386-0152/0163, ext. 210. We hope that you, your family and friends will be able to join us in the March for Life! *************************************************************************** Yes, I am very interested in attending the March for Life on Thursday—January 22, 2015 in Washington, DC. NAME:__________________________________________________________________________ PHONE NO.:_________________________________AMT. ENCLOSED: $___________________ WALKING IN THE MARCH Yes/No OR VISITING BASILICA ONLY: Yes/No *—We welcome children 12 and older. All children must be accompanied by an adult/guardian. No, I will not be able to attend the March for Life, however, I would like to make a contribution to show my support: NAME:_____________________________________________________________________ AMT. OF DONATION: $_____________________________ November 9, 2014 PRAY FOR THE SICK We ask you to remember the sick of our parish, and pray for those who need or have asked for our help, especially: Maria Biancosino, Paul Voorhees, George Schneider, Brendan O’Malley, Vivian Maggi, Jackie DiFronzo, Elyse Wolon, Joseph Duncan, Nick Gusz, David Vann, Edwin Markiewicz, Danny Tusa. Josephine Diaczynsky, Thomas Lowden, Dot Nolan, Anita Goodrich, Herbert Cuccuini, Sr. Marietta Therese, Ida Stefanoni, Joseph Flannery, Lois Lowden, Florence Konrad, Carmela Miksitz, Joann Rowan, Barbara Venezia, Tony Polito, Mary Cody, Alice McGoldrick, Annette Rosenfelt, Neil Petz, Krista Balderman, Robert Lubrano, Mary Lynch, Barbara & Raymond Devlin, Brice DeFilippo, Jean Eckman, Jack Jenkins, Frank S. Wisnewski, Anneliese Karteron, Vicky Lewis, Kate Fratti, Francis Manzi, Gregory Micucci. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Ti 1:1-9; Ps 24:1b-4ab, 5-6; Lk 17:1-6 Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37:3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29; Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: Ti 3:1-7; Ps 23:1b-6; Lk 17:11-19 Thursday: Phlm 7-20; Ps 146:7-10; Lk 17:20-25 Friday: 2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119:1-2, 10-11, 17-18; Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: 3 Jn 5-8; Ps 112:1-6; Lk 18:1-8 Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128:1-5; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21] Monday: Tuesday: PEACE We wish to extend our prayers and consolation to the family of Ada Haughey. During their time of sorrow and sadness, we pray as a parish family that our Risen Christ will watch over them in a special way. ALTAR FLOWERS—ALL SAINTS Flowers on the Main altar are in memory of Robert Irwin for his birthday, November 10th, from his Wife. OFFICE CLOSED The Parish Office will be closed on Tuesday, November 11th in observance of Veterans Day. The office will be open on Monday, November 10th and resume regular office hours on Wednesday, November 12th. PRAYER FOR THE ARMED FORCES Almighty God, we commend to your gracious care and keeping all the men and women of our armed forces at home and abroad. Defend them day by day with your heavenly grace; strengthen them in their trials and temptations; give them courage to face the perils which beset them; and grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen. Page Four MASS BOOK 2015 The Mass Book for 2015 is now open for your special intentions . Please stop in the Parish Office to make your selections. The offering is $10.00 per intention. Thank you MASS SCHEDULE—REMINDER! The daily Mass schedule has returned to St. Paul’s Church at 8:00 AM. The weekend Mass schedule will remain the same. ALTAR ROSARY SOCIETY ***MEETING CHANGE*** The November meeting has been rescheduled to Tuesday, November 18th at 7:00 PM and will be held at St. Paul’s School in the cafeteria. We will have our Thanksgiving Prayer Service/Meeting at that time. Reminder to all Members - Please bring the following items to our November Meeting - three (3) filled Christmas gift bags (7x9) for the nuns and any Thanksgiving can good items (gravy, stuffing, fruit and yams) for the Food Pantry. If you have any questions about the gift bags contact Betty Mazur at (609) 3869386. Mark your calendar members… we will be traveling to Reading, PA on December 2nd leaving Burlington at 9:00 am to visit with the nuns and to distribute the Christmas gift bags and returning about 4:30 PM. All are welcome to join in this trip and experience the spirit of Christmas. Anyone interested in going please contact Betty Mazur about transportation arrangements that will be available. Reminder to members - There will be no monthly meetings in December, January or February. But the recitation of the rosary before the monthly mass will continue during the winter months. WEDDING BANNS II Dawn Recentio & Rayn McMenamin (St. Paul’s) BLESSING OF HOMES It is through this blessing that we invite the Lord to come into our homes and offer our treasures of praise and thanksgiving - as we, in turn, seek His intercession, inspiration guidance and protection throughout the year. The Deacons of our Parish of St. Katharine Drexel would like to introduce this beautiful Rite of Blessing to our fellow parishioners by making themselves available to come into your home and share this tradition with you. Deacon Alfred Pennise will be the coordinator among our Deacons. If you would like to have your home blessed, please call Deacon Al at (609)-387-3894. A suitable and convenient time will be scheduled for a visit by one of the Deacons of our parish. November 9, 2014 Page Five YOUNG-AT-HEART CLUB NEWS The annual Christmas Luncheon will be held on Wednesday, December 3, at 12 noon in the parish house. Catered by Glen Matlack, members cost is $5, guest cost is $18. Call Angie States to sign up, 386-3151. Must have reservation by Nov. 24. Trip itineraries: Tomasello Winery, Sunday, Dec. 7th Bus will at leave promptly at 12 Noon from the city parking lot behind Cafe Gallery. We will arrive approx. 1:30 PM. Holiday Opera Gala and dinner at 2:00 PM. We will depart for home at approx. 6:00 PM. Dress code is holiday casual. American Music Theatre, Tuesday, Dec. 9 th Bus will depart from All Saints Church promptly at 9:30 AM. Buffet luncheon at Shady Maple at 11:30 AM. Showtime is at 3:00 PM. Depart for home at 5:30 PM, no planned stop. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE Thank you to all who came out to pray during the 40 Days for Life! Thank you, also, to those who prayed from home or in front of the Blessed Sacrament and to those who fasted and/or sacrificed for LIFE. There were 24 turnarounds (that we know of) during that 40 day period in Cherry Hill! These 26 babies (2 sets of twins) are included in the 571 saved lives that the international campaign reports for the time period 9/24 until 11/2. 571 babies who were scheduled to die will now have birthdays! Praise God! "In the light of faith you see things quite differently." — St. John Baptist de la Salle FRANCIS HOUSE OF PRAYER OFFERINGS A MYSTIC SAMPLER—Wednesday, November 19 9:30 AM – 1:00 PM: We will take a little of Julian of Norwich, Thomas Merton, Teresa of Avila and Francis de Sales. We’ll mix them together, add a little prayer and humor and mix. Let’s see what we come up with that will inspire our ordinary daily lives and uncover the extraordinary reality of God’s presence within it. Donation: $20, lunch included. THE “GIFT” OF STRESS—Friday, November 21 9:30 AM – 1:00 PM: As the holidays approach, we will take a long, loving look at the causes and solutions of stress so we can enjoy these upcoming Holydays and Holidays with serenity, peace and enthusiasm as God desires. How about you? Donation: $20, includes lunch. To register, please call (609) 877-0509. Check their website: for other offerings! Thankful for Faith and Call to Share Commitment Sunday is this weekend at all Masses. We are asking all of our registered parishioners to consider increasing their gives of time, talent and treasure to the Parish. A brochure was sent home last weekend explaining the details. We encourage all parishioners to complete and turn in your commitment cards to the Church. The card asks for your commitment over the next year and contains information on how to plan your increased offertory gift to the Parish. We have now added Online Giving to our Parish website to make your giving much easier and secure. If you have any questions regarding this program, or how to give electronically, please contact the parish office at (609) 386-0152/0163. November 9, 2014 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Each week, I have the pleasure of walking through our Religious Education classes and each week I am truly so inspired by them: inspired by the dedication of these catechists, who generously give so much of their time to put together such wonderful lessons for our students, and inspired by our children, who have this intense desire to know Christ, even if they do not yet realize it. This week I was glued to our 8th grade class with Mrs. Murray. In the previous class, Mrs. Murray explained the difference between Church doctrine and Church discipline. Church disciplines are those practices we have in place that may change over time, while Church doctrine are those teachings that have been professed by the Magisterium as true and will not change. The class was then charged with the task of researching a doctrine or discipline of their choice and explaining the reason behind the teaching. Not only was I impressed with what these students chose to research (which included everything from the celibate priesthood to the communion of saints to life issues), but I was blown away by the clarity with which they explained Church doctrine and the efforts they put in to their work. In an instant, I was reminded of why I do what I do, why there is so much joy in it, and why I am particularly blessed to do it here. To see the faces of these young people light up as they deepened their understanding of Church teaching was absolutely beautiful. Let us pray for these children and all our children, that the seeds of faith planted in our Religious Education program may bear fruit and inspire in them a deep, lasting relationship with Our Lord, Jesus Christ through His Holy Church! In Christ, + Kathryn M. Besheer Page Six SCRIP GIFT CARDS The St. Paul School PTA will be selling SCRIP gift cards after all Masses next weekend, November 15th & 16th. Gift cards are available from such retailers as ShopRite, Acme, Wawa, Dunkin' Donuts, and more. Stop by and see how easy it is to shop with gift cards and support your parish school. BOOK FAIR St. Paul School is having their Annual Scholastic Book Fair the week of November 10th—14th. The book fair will be open Monday - Thursday 8:00 AM—5:00 PM. Tuesday evening the book fair will be open before and after our Veteran's Day celebration at 7:00 PM. The book fair will close on Friday, November 14th at 1:00 PM. You may also visit the book fair online at: http:// CHRISTMAS WREATH SALE Christmas Wreaths will be on sale after weekend Masses on November 22nd & 23rd. Orders can also be placed at the Annual Christmas Bazaar/Breakfast with Santa on Sunday, November 23rd. The wreaths available are either a 12" wreath with a red bow ($15.00) or 12" wreath decorated with a red bow and pinecones ($20.00). Proceeds will go toward the St. Paul School 8th Grade Graduation Trip. Please contact Jennifer Stankiewicz at for more information or to place an order. Your support is greatly appreciated. Family Life Workshop—POSTPONED Our new Family Life Workshop (originally scheduled for November 15th) has been postponed to the spring. The new date will be posted as soon as possible. ATTENTION 2ND GRADE FAMILIES! Our 1st Penance Parent Meeting will be held Tuesday, November 18th at 7:00 PM at St. Paul School. Please plan on attending! ADS NEWS! Our next Bible Study is Sunday November 16th. Join us from 6:30-8:30 PM at the Parish House! SAVE THE DATE! November Service Project ADS will once again be heading up to Watchung, NJ to visit with and help the Religious Sisters of Mercy on Saturday, November 29th! Please contact Ms. Besheer for more information! St. Paul School announces their Annual Breakfast with Santa on Sunday, November 23rd New Pancake Breakfast Served from 9:00 AM—12 Noon. Start with a warm breakfast and a picture with Santa. Kids can visit the craft tables, tag tree, face painting, and crafts. Handmade crafts and gift items will be for sale in the gym at the bazaar. Breakfast ticket are $7.00 and can purchased through the school or at the door. If you have any questions, please e-mail: November 9, 2014 BULLETIN NOTICES Announcements may be e-mailed, written or faxed to the Parish Office by 4:00 PM on Mondays or two weeks prior to the event announcement for publication. LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT Please remember your parish in your last Will and Testament. You can be specific about how you want the endowment to be used, or you can leave it for general use in our school or church. This is a good way to have your good works continued. BINGO We have BINGO every Sunday evening at St. Paul School at 7:30 PM in the cafeteria. We give $1,000 in cash prizes in addition to TWO 50/50 games. Come join the fun and bring your friends and family! LAUREL HILL CEMETERY AND ST. PAUL MAUSOLEUM There are a limited number of mausoleum crypts and niches still available. Contact the Parish Office for more information about in-ground cemetery plots or our mausoleum. Page Seven GROUPS AND ORGANIZATIONS ALTAR & ROSARY SOCIETY The Altar & Rosary Society of St. Katharine Drexel will gather at All Saints Church for recitation of the Rosary at 8:30 AM followed by attendance at the 9:00 AM Mass on the first Sunday of every month. All members are encouraged to attend. The Society will meet on the Tuesday after the first Sunday at 7:00 PM in the cafeteria of St. Paul School. All members and anyone interested in joining may attend. Recitation of the Rosary is held at the Marcella Nursing Home on Rancocas Road in Burlington on the second Thursday of each month at 10:30 AM. There will be no meetings during the months of January, February, July and August. YOUNG-AT-HEART CLUB Members meet on the first Wednesday of every month at 1:00 PM in the Parish House (next to St. Paul’s Church). Guest speakers and other points of interest for seniors are scheduled through the year. Various trips are also planned. See bulletin announcements for further information. Anyone over the age of 55 is invited to join the club. No meetings in January, February, July and August. Members receive Communion at the 10:30 Mass at St. Paul’s Church on the second Sunday of every month. All members are encouraged to attend. The Executive Board Committee meets the last Wednesday of every month at 9:00 AM SHARP in the Parish House (next to St. Paul’s Church). INTERNAL OFFICE MAILBOX If you are a group or organization leader or a part of our parish personnel, please remember to frequently come in to the Parish Office to pick up your mail from your mailbox. It is recommended to appoint someone from your group or organization to stop by the Parish Office on a regular basis as not to miss out on receiving important mailings, inter-office communications or phone messages. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. HOLY NAME SOCIETY Recitation of the Rosary is held at All Saints Church on the Second Sunday of every month at 8:30 AM prior to the 9:00 AM Mass. All are welcome. SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS When you are shopping or looking for a business, look to our advertiser pages and let them know that you saw their ad in our Sunday bulletin. And be sure to thank them for their support whether you are a new or long-time customer. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY Our parish supports a St. Vincent de Paul Society that helps our community with a Food Pantry and those going through financial hardships. If you know of someone who is in need of their services, please encourage them to call the Society’s office at (609) 3863650 and leave a message. The Society’s General meeting takes place at 7:00 PM every third Tuesday of each month at their offices at the All Saints Annex. If you would like to volunteer to be a part of the good works of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, please call their office at the number above. NURSING HOME MINISTRY Each week of the month Fr. Cesar Anson, accompanied by a deacon and some members of our parish visit one of the nursing homes in the area to bring Holy Communion to the Catholic residents, pray the Rosary, and let them know we care. If you would like to be a part of this ministry and would like to know what our visitation schedule is, please contact Clare Dugan at (609) 386-0121. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Regular meetings are held at the K.O.C. Hall, located on E. Broad Street, on the first and third Thursdays every month at 7:45 PM. Only during the months of July and August do they meet the first Thursday. OUR LADY MOTHER OF DIVINE MERCY PRAYER GROUP Meets every Sunday at All Saints Annex at 7:00 PM. No meetings held December, Palm & Easter Sundays, or any other major holidays that fall on the weekend. November 9, 2014 Page Eight PARISH INFORMATION PARISH OFFICE & STAFF 223 E. Union St., Burlington, NJ 08016 (609) 386-0152 or (609) 386-0163 Office Hours: Monday—Friday: 8:30 AM—4:00 PM Website: E-Mail: Pastor: Father Michael G. Dunn, ext. 213 Parochial Vicar: Father Cesar Anson, ext. 103 Parish Manager: Cliff Coombs, ext. 217 Parish Secretary: Eileen Korang, ext. 210 Financial Secretary: Eileen Kelly, ext. 211 Mausoleum Secretary: Kathy Drahuschak, ext. 212 Dir. Rel. Ed.: Kathryn Besheer: (609) 479-5099 ST. PAUL SCHOOL 250 James Street, Burlington, NJ 08016 (609) 386-1645 Principal: William Robbins Secretary: Liz Stark, ext. 200 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Director: Kathryn Besheer Assistant: Susan Carrera To register your children for Religious Education for Grades K-8, please call (609) 479-5099. Religious Education Offices and Classes are held at St. Paul School, 250 James Street, Burlington, NJ 08016. BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY Our parish offers a Bereavement Ministry to assist families in preparing for a funeral Mass for their loved ones at either All Saints or St. Paul’s Churches. The parish will help the family choose readings and music to give the funeral Mass a more personal touch. Arrangements for funerals are taken care of through funeral directors who will, on your behalf, contact the parish to make the necessary arrangements. The parish will contact the family to arrange an appointment to meet and plan the funeral Mass. ADULT AND YOUTH CHOIR The adult choir sings every Sunday at the 10:30 AM Mass at St. Paul’s Church. The youth choir sings every Sunday at the 12 Noon Mass at All Saints Church. If you are interested in joining either choir, please call: Music Director: Roxanne Sumanga-Ferguson at (609) 386-0152/0163 to leave a message. NEW PARISHIONERS Families need to be registered in the Parish before registering for St. Paul School or Religious Education. Registration can be made at the Parish Office, located at 223 E. Union St., Burlington, NJ 08016, Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM—4:00 PM (Closed 12 Noon—1:00 PM). MOVING If you are moving out of the Parish area or to a new address within the Parish, please call the Parish Office. SICK OR HOMEBOUND Please call the Parish Office to notify clergy of hospitalization and to receive the Sacrament of the Sick, Holy Eucharist or Reconciliation. In serious illness, please call the Rectory by calling (609) 387-8191, day or night. Please leave a message. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Plans for marriage should be made one year in advance of the wedding date. This ruling is in accordance with the common policy of the Diocese of Trenton. Couples are required to attend either Pre-Cana or Engaged Encounter. Details and arrangements are to be made through the Pastor, Parochial Vicar, or one of the Deacons. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptism for parishioners take place on the second Sunday of every month at St. Paul’s Church, 223 E. Union St., Burlington, NJ 08016. A Baptismal Preparation class is required for parents and godparents the Friday night before the Baptism. This class is held at 7:00 PM at St. Paul’s Church. Please contact the Parish Secretary to make arrangements. GODPARENTS Only one godparent is required for Baptism. If two are chosen, one must be male and one female. A godparent must be a practicing Roman Catholic (baptized, confirmed), attending Mass regularly on Sundays and Holy Days, at least 16 years of age, and in good standing with the Church (including married in the Church if they are married). A baptized non-Catholic Christian may be chosen as a “Christian witness” provided there is one Catholic godparent. A former Catholic may not serve as either a godparent or Christian witness. Godparents will be required to submit a Certificate of Eligibility from their parish prior to the child’s Baptism. PLEASE BE COURTEOUS TO REMEMBER TO SHUT OFF ALL CELL PHONES BEFORE ENTERING CHURCH. THANK YOU. COVER SHEET CHURCH NAME: The Parish of St. Katharine Drexel (All Saints/St. Paul’s Church) BULLETIN NUMBER: 511373 Date of publication: Sunday, November 9, 2014 Number of pages transmitted: Cover plus text pages plus this page = 10 PLEASE CALL EILEEN KORANG AT (609) 386-0163, EXT. 210, MONDAY—FRIDAY, FROM 8:30 AM — 4:00 PM OR CELL PHONE NO. (609) 230-8390 AFTER HOURS IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. FRONT COVER GRAPHIC TO BE IN COLOR.
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