11/9 Responsive Reading Leader:Lord, I lay my troubles at Your feet. People: They are too much for me. I need help. Leader: Worry gets me nowhere. People: My wisest action is prayer. There are 2 bean bag chairs missing from FISH Sunday School Room. Thank you, Nancy Franklin Prayer request: ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Baptism Next Sunday On page 50 in our United Methodist Hymnal, you will find a special baptismal service called "Congregational Reaffirmation of the Baptismal Covenant." Next Sunday, November 16, this will be part of our worship service. This is not a rebaptism, but a time to remember our baptism and be thankful. From time to time, we need to remind ourselves of what we did at our baptism, and renew our commitment to God. You will be invited to come to the altar, receive the sign of the cross on your forehead with baptismal water, and hear a prayer of recommitment. Avalon United Methodist Church November 9th, 2014 22nd Sunday after Pentecost 3018 Gillionville Road, Albany, GA 31721 Morning Worship 11 am Evening Worship 6 pm, in the Pavilion www.avalonumchurch.org avalonum@bellsouth.net (229)436-2056 Rev. Dennis Lanning, pastor Home (229)432-2266 Cell (706)580-3870 dblanning@hotmail.com Loving God, Loving People on Our Christian Journey November 9, 2014 Prelude THIS WEEK’S OPPORTUNITIES "The Solid Rock" Bradbury/Krug Welcome Greeting One Another Announcements Opening Prayer Call to Worship Hymn “Standing on the Promises” “Stand up and Bless the Lord” arr. Hayes 662 The Pastoral Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer The Apostles’ Creed On Screen “Great is the Lord” Hymn 2022 Offertory Prayer Children K5-5th Grade may meet the leader in the back to go to the Children’s Classroom. Parents may pick up their children after worship. Offering When we give, we are helping others. Offertory "Sweet Hour of Prayer" Bradbury/Mier Doxology: On Screen “All That I Am” Anthem: Himes Nov. 9th – 11am Morning Worship Service 6 pm Evening Worship th 10 -7 pm Scouts-Fell.Hall, Pavilion, Educ. Bldg. 5 pm – 6:30 pm Line Dancing th 12 – 2pm - 3:30 Bible study in Disciple Room 6 pm - FNF in Fellowship Hall 6:30 – Bible Study & Worship 6:45 Choir Practice 13th - & 14th - Nothing on Calendar 15th – Dennis out of town Wedding 16th – 7:30 Men’s Bible Class Breakfast at Quickie 11 am Morning Worship Service 2 – 4 pm Eagle Scout Review Board F’ship Hall 6 pm Evening Worship in Pavilion THOSE WHO SERVE Offering Stewards: Nov. 9th – Leon Perrett, James Ivey Nov. 16th – Leon Perrett, Sheila Creel Ushers: Nov. 9th – Lloyd Mears, Ron Wolfe, Mark Franklin, Art Shoemaker, Gordon Kennedy Nov. 16th – Lloyd Mears, Ron Wolfe, Carl Ellis, Mark Franklin, Phyl Strawbridge Responsive Reading Sermon Let It Go Rev. Dennis Lanning Scripture- Gen. 18:16-33 Hymn “Near to the Heart of God” 472 Benediction Postlude “Trust and Obey" Towner/Seidel Sound Technician: Bob Smith Total Membership as of October 31st 336 Projected Weekly Needs $ 7,223.08 Receipts for Week of Nov. 2nd $ 11,413.00 Mortgage Balance as of Oct. 31st $117,848.89 Sunday School Mortgage Offering, Oct. 31 $ 338.00 Circle of Concern Theta Gladin, Ann Dollar, Hazel Sellers, Evelyn Bruner, Jeannette Cosey, Audrey Knight, Diane Barnette, Bill & Jan Coward, Connie Anderson, Cleone & Grover Anderson, Bubba Pierce, Robert Bruner, Kim Waller, Clint Britt, Betsy Tatum, Wilda Rutland, Penn Kennedy, Geraldine Barronton, Barry Daniel (Nikki's son), Eve Carr, Gary Rosser (grandson of Betsy Tatum), Joyce Waters & family, Corilla Weaver, (cousin of Ed Ennis), Herschel Darsey, Kim Hunnicutt (friend of Kathy & Steve Sheffield). ___________________________ Attendance: 11 am 6 pm SS 10/19 162 93 10/26 11/2 75 93 14 28 57 86 FNF November 12th We will serve dinner at 6 pm and Bible Study for Adults and Youth begins at 6:30 pm. Cost - $6.50 Each takeout is $.50 extra. Child- $3.50 Family- $22.00 Menu: Nov. 12th – Sweet & Sour Chicken, Rice, Green Beans, Key Lime Cake Place cancellations /reservation in offering plate or call office by noon on Tuesdays. Name(s) ___________________ Adults Children Cancellations ____ ____ _____ November 9, 2014 Prelude THIS WEEK’S OPPORTUNITIES "The Solid Rock" Bradbury/Krug Welcome Greeting One Another Announcements Opening Prayer Call to Worship Hymn “Standing on the Promises” “Stand up and Bless the Lord” arr. Hayes 662 The Pastoral Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer The Apostles’ Creed On Screen “Great is the Lord” Hymn 2022 Offertory Prayer Children K5-5th Grade may meet the leader in the back to go to the Children’s Classroom. Parents may pick up their children after worship. Offering When we give, we are helping others. Offertory "Sweet Hour of Prayer" Bradbury/Mier Doxology: On Screen “All That I Am” Anthem: Himes Nov. 9th – 11am Morning Worship Service 6 pm Evening Worship th 10 -7 pm Scouts-Fell.Hall, Pavilion, Educ. Bldg. 5 pm – 6:30 pm Line Dancing th 12 – 2pm - 3:30 Bible study in Disciple Room 6 pm - FNF in Fellowship Hall 6:30 – Bible Study & Worship 6:45 Choir Practice 13th - & 14th - Nothing on Calendar 15th – Dennis out of town Wedding 16th – 7:30 Men’s Bible Class Breakfast at Quickie 11 am Morning Worship Service 2 – 4 pm Eagle Scout Review Board F’ship Hall 6 pm Evening Worship in Pavilion THOSE WHO SERVE Offering Stewards: Nov. 9th – Leon Perrett, James Ivey Nov. 16th – Leon Perrett, Sheila Creel Ushers: Nov. 9th – Lloyd Mears, Ron Wolfe, Mark Franklin, Art Shoemaker, Gordon Kennedy Nov. 16th – Lloyd Mears, Ron Wolfe, Carl Ellis, Mark Franklin, Phyl Strawbridge Responsive Reading Sermon Let It Go Rev. Dennis Lanning Scripture- Gen. 18:16-33 Hymn “Near to the Heart of God” 472 Benediction Postlude “Trust and Obey" Towner/Seidel Sound Technician: Bob Smith Total Membership as of October 31st 336 Projected Weekly Needs $ 7,223.08 Receipts for Week of Nov. 2nd $ 11,413.00 Mortgage Balance as of Oct. 31st $117,848.89 Sunday School Mortgage Offering, Oct. 31 $ 338.00 Circle of Concern Theta Gladin, Ann Dollar, Hazel Sellers, Evelyn Bruner, Jeannette Cosey, Audrey Knight, Diane Barnette, Bill & Jan Coward, Connie Anderson, Cleone & Grover Anderson, Bubba Pierce, Robert Bruner, Kim Waller, Clint Britt, Betsy Tatum, Wilda Rutland, Penn Kennedy, Geraldine Barronton, Barry Daniel (Nikki's son), Eve Carr, Gary Rosser (grandson of Betsy Tatum), Joyce Waters & family, Corilla Weaver, (cousin of Ed Ennis), Herschel Darsey, Kim Hunnicutt (friend of Kathy & Steve Sheffield). ___________________________ Attendance: 11 am 6 pm SS 10/19 162 93 10/26 11/2 75 93 14 28 57 86 FNF November 12th We will serve dinner at 6 pm and Bible Study for Adults and Youth begins at 6:30 pm. Cost - $6.50 Each takeout is $.50 extra. Child- $3.50 Family- $22.00 Menu: Nov. 12th – Sweet & Sour Chicken, Rice, Green Beans, Key Lime Cake Place cancellations /reservation in offering plate or call office by noon on Tuesdays. Name(s) ___________________ Adults Children Cancellations ____ ____ _____ 11/9 Responsive Reading Leader:Lord, I lay my troubles at Your feet. People: They are too much for me. I need help. Leader: Worry gets me nowhere. People: My wisest action is prayer. There are 2 bean bag chairs missing from FISH Sunday School Room. Thank you, Nancy Franklin Prayer request: ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Baptism Next Sunday On page 50 in our United Methodist Hymnal, you will find a special baptismal service called "Congregational Reaffirmation of the Baptismal Covenant." Next Sunday, November 16, this will be part of our worship service. This is not a rebaptism, but a time to remember our baptism and be thankful. From time to time, we need to remind ourselves of what we did at our baptism, and renew our commitment to God. You will be invited to come to the altar, receive the sign of the cross on your forehead with baptismal water, and hear a prayer of recommitment. Avalon United Methodist Church November 9th, 2014 22nd Sunday after Pentecost 3018 Gillionville Road, Albany, GA 31721 Morning Worship 11 am Evening Worship 6 pm, in the Pavilion www.avalonumchurch.org avalonum@bellsouth.net (229)436-2056 Rev. Dennis Lanning, pastor Home (229)432-2266 Cell (706)580-3870 dblanning@hotmail.com Loving God, Loving People on Our Christian Journey
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