Main Stream The

Main Street United Methodist Church
Main Stream
Volume 2014, Issue 22– November 4, 2014
The Ministry of Prayer at Main Street
“Pray continually” -1 Thessalonians 5:17
Prayer is to the church as breathing is to the human body. It’s the one job that anyone can do, and everyone
must do. The church will only go forward on its knees.
Prayer is also an amazing privilege, a gift of grace that is granted to the people of God. The Creator of the entire Universe loves to hear our prayers and delights in meeting our needs.
At Main Street United Methodist Church, we have a number of ways to engage in prayer:
E-mail Prayer Chain: Currently there are 184 persons on the prayer chain who receive specific prayer
requests immediately through email. To make your prayer concern known, simply call the church office. If
you would like to be included on the e-mail prayer chain, please contact Charity Goff, Administrative
Assistant, at
Oasis Worship Service (Wednesdays at 5:30 pm): A full list of prayer requests (two pages long) is shared.
Our Stephen Ministers provide anointing with oil and healing prayer as Holy Communion is shared.
Wednesday Morning Prayer Group: Join a small group of Main Street members in the Fellowship Hall at 7
am on Wednesdays.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study: Usually led by Pastor Rick, this group meets in the Parlor at 10:30 am to
pray for current requests and study the Scripture for the upcoming Sunday sermon.
Thursday Morning Men’s Breakfast: Prayer requests are shared as the men start breakfast.
Complete Prayer List: The church staff maintains an updated list of all prayer requests, including persons
who are homebound, serving in the military, facing surgery or cancer treatments, and those who have suffered
the death of a loved one. This list is available in the church office.
Prayer Cards in the pews: On the back of each pew in the sanctuary, you can find cards that say, “Main
Street UMC Visitor and Prayer Request Card.” If you have a prayer request, fill one of these out and drop it in
the offering plate, or take it to the Welcome Desk.
Prayer Shawls: Our prayer shawls are knitted by hand and prayed over by members of
the prayer shawl ministry team. If you would like to receive a prayer shawl, please call
the church office.
And beginning this Sunday, we will be inserting an abbreviated prayer list in the bulletins
for all three services. Our hope is that you will place this insert in your Bible as a
bookmark…or place it your pocket or purse…and lift up these current prayer requests in your daily personal
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has
done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your
hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. -Philippians 4:6-7 NLT
Myrtle Beach Christmas Extravaganza
Thursday, Dec 4-Saturday, Dec 6, 2014
The Heritage Club is planning a Christmas Coach Tour (via
Christian Tours) trip to Myrtle Beach. It is open to anyone
who is interested in going.
It includes three fantastic shows—The South’s Grandest
Christmas Show at Alabama Theatre; Carolina Opry
Christmas Special; and Christmas Dinner Show at Pirates
Voyage. Meals included with the cost include two
breakfasts and two dinners. The cost for three days and two
nights will be: Single $495; Double $445; and Triple $439.
If you are interested, please send Pastor Dale a check for the
full amount made payable to Christian Tours along with the
name of your roommate. Please call Pastor Dale at
992-9891 with questions. Check should be mailed to Rev. R
Dale Hilton, 6765 Old Valley School Rd, Kernersville, NC
Share Your Faith This Christmas
Sharing the good news of Jesus’ birth is one way to make a
difference in a hurting world. Cantata Sunday is an
opportunity to invite those who might not normally be in
worship to come experience a special sharing of that good
news through music. Perhaps you have a song in your heart
but are not currently involved with a choir or have never
been part of a choir? Come Ye Faithful is based on traditional
carols and is the perfect starting place for new singers.
Christmas is a busy time of year, but sharing the good news
is really what the season is all about. And one of the wonderful surprises of the season is that singing in a choir brings as
much joy to the singer as it does to the hearer, maybe even
more! Consider being a part of the Christmas choir, and join
us this week in rehearsal. Main Street offers identical rehearsals on two different nights: you may choose Mondays or Wednesdays, from 7:30-8:30pm. A listening CD
is available. The choirs of MSUMC will present Come Ye
Faithful, a Service of Carols on December 14, 2014 at the
8:30 and 11:00 Services.
Breakfast with Santa
at Main St. United Methodist Church
in the Fellowship Hall
(aka The North Pole)
Saturday, December 6 from
9:00AM to 11AM
The cost for this event is $5.00 for adults
and $2.00 for children.
Come and join us for pancakes with all the
toppings, sausage biscuits, and don’t
forget to bring your camera! Santa will
arrive around 9:00am.
Choose a breakfast reservation time of
9:00AM or 10:00AM at
Breakfast with Santa is sponsored by
Circle #7.
All proceeds go to local missions.
You Can Bring in, Turn in, or
Email your Pledge Cards
The Fall Stewardship Campaign began on
Sunday, November 2 and will go through
Sunday, November 23 . Please
prayerfully consider making a
contribution pledge for our 2015 annual
ministry budget. You may return your
pledge cards to the church office, on
worship on Sunday, or email your
pledge to Susan at The total
amount pledged will be announced on
Sunday, November 23 at our Church-wide
Thanksgiving Covered-Dish Dinner.
One Item More...Each Time in the Store
Crisis Control Ministry’s Item of the Month: 2lb Sugar or Whole Wheat Flour
(Please place in collection boxes in Narthex, Chapel, or Fellowship Hall.)
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Dear Main Street,
Thank you so much for being there for me and my family with
the passing of my father. Your thoughts, prayers, food, cards,
and flowers meant so very much to us all.
—Richard Eskridge
Thank you to everyone who helped with this year’s Pumpkin
Patch. Whether it was by working a shift, helping unload
pumpkins, buying your pumpkin from us or telling your
friends and neighbors about our patch, you made a difference.
The money raised will enable our children, youth and adults to
be involved in missions to our community and beyond.
—Amy Burton and Wayne Purdy
BBQ Pork
for Sale
Cub Scout pack 940, Den 5 is having a
BBQ fundraiser for their Yorktown
Trip. They will be selling chopped
BBQ for $10.00 a pound from 10:00
until it is all gone on
Sunday November 9, 2014.
Second Harvest Food Bank Needs Our Help
If you would like to help load, unload, and fill the shelves at
the Second Harvest Food Bank in Winston-Salem, We Need
You! The group going to the Food Bank on Saturday,
November 8 at 8:30am from our parking lot. The Second
Harvest Food bank is located at 3610 Reed St, Winston-Salem
and we will work from 9:00am-noon. We will be back at the
church by 12:30pm. Some jobs require a strong back but
others are much less physical. No open toe shoes. Children
twelve or older must be accompanied by an adult. We will
travel by van unless you wish to travel separately. Call Dennis
Garman at 971-7710 to register or ask questions.
It’s Time to Talk TURKEY
Our 3rd Annual Thanksgiving Meal
and Christmas brunch will take place
on Thursday, November 27 and
Thursday, December 25.
These meals are for anyone who
doesn’t want to be alone during the
Everyone is invited and it is open to
MSUMC members as well as members
of our community.
United Methodist Women General Meeting
November 18 at 6:00pm in the fellowship hall the UMW will
share a pot luck meal, have fellowship time, and announce
this year's Mission Pin Recipient.
For more information please check out our page on our
website or call UMW President Lynn Makepeace at 457-6918.
To make this year’s dinner a HUGE
success we need everyone’s help. If
you can help prepare the food, set-up,
serve, and clean-up, we need you!
Monetary donations will be accepted
for the cost of the turkeys or you can
donate a turkey. Call Michelle Higgins
at 926-1873 to volunteer or for more
visit our website today at
Page 3
Children’s News
Created by God
Human sexuality is one of God’s greatest gifts to people.
Created By God is a biblically based program retreat
designed to communicate to fourth and fifth graders that we
are a fantastic creation made by God. This retreat will be
November 14 & 15 (4-7 on Friday and 9-2 on Saturday).
Cost is $15, which covers the book, dinner Friday and lunch
Saturday. Please register with Amy by Sunday, November
Sunday School Teachers Needed!
We are in need of some additional teachers for several of
our children’s Sunday School classes. The classes and open
dates are:
Kindergarten & 1st Grade: November 30, December 28,
January 4 & 25, February 8 & 15, March 8 & 29, April 26,
and May 10 & 31.
Kernersville Little Theatre Presents
Charlotte’s Web
Join us for the heart-warming story of a
special friendship between a lovable pig
and everyone’s favorite spider.
November 14, 15, 21 & 22 at 7:00pm
November 16, 22, 23 at 2:00pm
James Fitzpatrick Auditorium,
Kernersville Elementary School
Come out and support the MSUMC cast
members as well as the Kernersville
Little Theatre.
2nd & 3rd Grade: April 5 & 26, and May 3 & 31.
All materials and supplies are provided. If you can help with
any of these dates, please contact Amy at
CareNet Volunteers Needed
CareNet Counseling of Kernersville is in desperate need of
volunteers to welcome the clients of the center. As a
volunteer you will greet and show the client where to wait
for their appointment. This would be a great time for you
to finish a book, work on your Christmas list, play on the
internet, crochet or knit a prayer shawl, or just enjoy the
peaceful calm of the Chapel Hall. For more information
and to become a volunteer please email Scott Dunn at or
Look forward and be hopeful,
look backward and be thankful,
look down and be helpful,
look up and be humble.
Page 4
Main Street UMC will be collecting
donations of new unwrapped toys that
will be delivered to Crane’s Nest, VA.
Think about picking up a new toy for
Crane’s Nest the next time you are at the
The deadline for the toy collection will
be on Monday, November 24.
The church office will
Thursday, November 27
and Friday, November 28
for the
Thanksgiving Holiday
Gifts to Main Street
Given in memory of Julie Alexander to the Building Up
Reaching Out Fund by the Cornerstone Sunday School
Class and the Bethany Café Crew
Given in memory of Richard Smith to the Building Up
Reaching Out Fund by Helen Holt and Thurman and Ruth
Given in memory of Richard Smith to the Memorial
Fund by Richard D Smith
Given in memory of Jean Blink to the Kitchen/
Hospitality Fund by Robert & Thelma Moser, Roy and
Sandra Sell, Gloria Sanner, Jill Ann Myers, Allan and Patricia Hanson, Susan and Terrence Patrick, Regan and Karen
Reynolds, Jini Bilyeau, and Jean Thorp
Given in memory of Jean Blink to the Adult Mission Trip
Fund by Connie Trainer
Given in memory of Richard Smith to the Adult Mission
Trip Fund by Mary & Leroy Spangler
Given in memory of Richard Smith to the Memorial
Fund by Connie Trainer, Cecil and Ann Brown, and Hugh
Given in memory of Richard Smith to the Cemetery
Fund by Louise Sapp
Go on a Shopping Spree at Kernersville
Moravian Church
On Saturday, November 8 from 10am-3pm Kernersville
Moravian Church will be hosting a Shopping Spree. You
can Shop, have lunch, and Shop some more while you select
items from 20 vendors.
Items available will be: Moravian Chicken Pies, Advent
Wreaths, jewelry, Moravain Stars, handmade crafts, baked
goods, bird houses, cookbooks, small furniture items, and
more! Home party vendors include Pampered Chef, Mary
Kay, 31 bags, and Premier Jewelry.
Lunch will be available for $4. Choice of Pimento Cheese
or Chicken Salad Croissant, chips, and a drink.
Upcoming Concerts
and Events
Nov. 21 at 7:30 pm
Messiah, presented by the Kerner
Chorale ($15 adults)
Dec. 5 at 7:00 pm
Kernersville Christmas Stocking
Fund Benefit Concert at
Main Street UMC
Dec. 12 at 8:00pm
Bel Canto Company Christmas
($22 adults; $20 seniors, $5 students)
Dec. 14 at 8:30 & 11:00 am
Christmas Cantata:
Come Ye Faithful, a Service of
Carols, MSUMC Combined Choirs
and Chamber orchestra
Dec. 24 at 4:00pm
Family Christmas Eve Service
Dec. 24 at 7:00 & 11:00pm
Christmas Eve Candlelight
Communion Service
Feb. 10, 2015 at 7:00 pm
Wingate University Choir &
WSSU Choir in Concert
Get your Christmas shopping started or even finished
this weekend!
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Upcoming Worship Helpers
Record of our Faithfulness
Team 2
Team 3
Blair Howard
Craig Montgomery
Caroline Kuebert
Sunday School
Jenna Lang
8:30 Worship
Katherine Hanks &
Hannah Bullard
Sydney Parsons &
Cami Woodlief
8:45 Jubilee!!
Jacob Hanks
Kailee Edens
11:00 Worship
Kay Bare
Ann Brooks
8:30am CRADLE
Gretchen Pizzino
Mandy O’Brien
9:45am CRADLE
Meredith Vaughn
Connie Trainer
11:00am NURSERY
Connie Trainer
Kathy Webb
Amy Cook
Priscilla Lang
8:45 am GREETERS
Bubba Hutto
Vicki Horner
Building up/
Reaching out
11:00am GREETERS
Chuck & Betsy
Elaine Frost & Suzanne
Ed & Priscilla Lang Sam & Caroline Martin
8:30 am Prayer
8:30 am ACOLYTES
PRAYER w/the
as of:
Michael Whicker
Kevin Bixby
Budget YTD
Curtis Campbell &
Heather Camp
Sandra Fincher
*Joys and Prayer Concerns: Please remember the following people in your prayers.
Extended Care/Home Friends
Carolyn Pullen (Countryside
Manor), Juanita Higgins
(Countryside Manor) Paige
Weavil (Kerner Ridge), Helen
Fulp (Arbor Ridge), Mary M.
Parsons (Kerner Ridge), Mary
Haviland (Pennybyrn), Pete
Neugent (Trinity Glen), Catherine Bellamy Keys (Kerner
Ridge), Flo Johnston (The
Stratford), Ida Carson
(Reynolda Park), Magilene
Doggett (Robinwood), Glennie
Oglesby (River Landing), Sue
Atkins (Heritage Care), Lee
Rountree (Bradford), Goldie
Laughridge (Kerner Ridge),
Betty Smith (Bradford West),
Thurman Hinson, Willi Miller,
Maxine Wallace, Terry Tilley,
Howard & Ruth Martin, Lucille
Porter (Kerner Ridge), Ruth
Ingram, Martha Crawford, Lucille Richards, Sarah Jones,
and John & Joan Bingham
Recently Ill / Hospitalized /
Undergoing Treatments
Wayne Boger
Dr. JC Grose
Livi Howard
Cameron Poston
Zac Price
Gail Ray
Sharon Stamper
Meredith Vaughn
Ida Carson
Author Craddock
Betty McAdoo
•Our Nation, its leaders, and
our military
•Nations suffering from famine,
violence, and natural disasters
Prayer requests on this list will
Connie DiLeo (Dominican
be removed after two weeks. If
Republic), Esther Mueller
(Canada), Nick & Katie Riddle, you wish to have it remain for a
longer period of time, please
(Nigeria), Grant and Jenna
call the church office.
Wemyss Hodgins (Guam), Etta
Grace Moore (Nicaragua), Daryl & Leah Burnette
Worldwide Concerns
•All who are serving currently
in the Armed Forces
•The Christian Church around
the world
*We share our full list of prayer requests every Wednesday at our 5:30pm Oasis Worship Service.
Page 6
Calendar for November 88-30, 2014
A Full List of Events can be found on the church website.
Saturday, November 08, 2014
8:00 AM
Food Bank Work Team
Sunday, November 09, 2014
Scout Barbecue Sale
8:30 AM
8:45 AM
9:45 AM
Sunday School
11:00 AM
4:00 PM
A & O Choir
5:00 PM
Youth Mtg
Monday, November 10, 2014
7:00 PM
Christ Care: Heartstrings
7:00 PM
Chorale Rhsl
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
7:00 PM
Singles Planning
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
7:00 AM
Prayer/Bible Study
10:30 AM
Pastor Rick's Bible Study
5:30 PM
Oasis Worship Service
5:45 PM
WNL Dinner
6:00 PM
Circle 8
6:15 PM
Cherub/Carol Choir
6:15 PM
Angel Choir
6:40 PM
Pastor Claude's Bible Study
7:30 PM
Chancel Choir
Thursday, November 13, 2014
7:30 AM
Youth Breakfast
8:00 AM
Men's Bible Study/Bkfst
9:30 AM
Prayer Shawl Mtg
5:30 PM
Jubilee Rhsl
Friday, November 14, 2014
9:00 AM
Newsletter Deadline
4:00 PM
Created by God
Saturday, November 15, 2014
11:30 AM
Bethany Café
Sunday, November 16, 2014
8:30 AM
8:45 AM
9:20 AM
Coffee Fellowship
9:45 AM
Sunday School
11:00 AM
4:00 PM
A & O Choir
5:00 PM
Youth Mtg
Monday, November 17, 2014
7:00 PM
Trustee Mtg
7:00 PM
Chorale Rhsl
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
6:00 PM
UMW General Mtg
6:30 PM
Preschool Board Mtg
7:00 PM
Singles Book Discussion
7:30 PM
Circle #5
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
7:00 AM
Prayer/Bible Study
10:30 AM
Pastor Rick's Bible Study
5:30 PM
Oasis Worship Service
5:45 PM
WNL Dinner
6:15 PM
Angel Choir
6:15 PM
Cherub/Carol Choir
6:40 PM
Pastor Claude's Bible Study
7:30 PM
Chancel Choir
Thursday, November 20, 2014
7:30 AM
Youth Breakfast
8:00 AM
Men's Bible Study/Bkfst
10:00 AM
Pastor Claude's Bible Study
11:45 AM
Older Adult Luncheon
12:15 PM
Pastor's Book Club
5:30 PM
Jubilee Rhsl
7:00 PM
Church Council Mtg
Friday, November 21, 2014 No Scheduled Events
Saturday, November 22, 2014 No Scheduled Events
Sunday, November 23, 2014
8:30 AM
8:45 AM
9:45 AM
Sunday School
11:00 AM
5:00 PM
Covered Dish Thanksgiving Dinner
Monday, November 24, 2014
7:00 PM
Christ Care: Heartstrings
7:00 PM
Chorale Rhsl
Tuesday, November 25, 2014 No Scheduled Events
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
7:00 AM
Prayer/Bible Study
10:30 AM
Pastor Rick's Bible Study
5:30 PM
Oasis Worship Service
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Thanksgiving--Church Office Closed
12:00 PM
Community Thanksgiving Meal FH
Friday, November 28, 2014
Thanksgiving--Church Office Closed
Saturday, November 29, 2014 No Scheduled Events
Sunday, November 30, 2014
8:30 AM
8:45 AM
9:45 AM
Sunday School
11:00 AM
4:00 PM
A & O Choir
5:00 PM
Youth Mtg
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Main Street United Methodist Church
306 South Main Street
Kernersville, NC 27284
Phone: 336-993-3411
Pastor on call: 212-3892
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Kernersville, NC
Permit #28
Return Service Requested
Our Ministers: The Congregation of Main Street
Our Church Staff:
Wednesday Night Live
Dinner is served from 5:45-6:30pm.
Reservations are required.
All meals are served with a vegetable/salad,
dessert, and bread.
*Gluten Free Options are available upon request
Nov 5: Chicken Tetrazzini/ United in Christ/Holt-Sigmon Serving
Nov 12: Ham & Bean Soup/JCG Serving
Nov 19: Taco Bar/ Journey Serving
Nov 26: No Dinner/Thanksgiving
Reservations can be made by signing the reservation cards and placing them in
the offering plate or by contacting Charity by phone at 993-3411 or by email at . Please make your reservations on Monday by noon
on for the week of the dinner. The cost is $5/adult, $2/children (12 & Under) or
$15 maximum for immediate family members.
**Attention Sunday School Classes: Please make sure to have
your volunteers lined up for each WNL meal. This help in
preparing, serving, and clean-up is an important part of the
success of our WNL dinners.
Dr. Claude Kayler, Senior Pastor
Rev. Rick Carter, Assoc. Pastor
Rev. Dale Hilton, Min. of Visitation
Rev. Amy Burton, Min. of Christian Ed.
Wayne Purdy, Director of Youth/College Ministries
Nancy Blakemore, Dir. of Music Ministries
Charity Goff, Admin. Assistant
Betsy Tang, Admin. Assistant
Susan Furmage, Business Manager
JoAnn Clifton, Dir. MSUMC Preschool
Rick Cobb, Jubilee Worship Leader
Michelle Higgins, Kitchen Coordinator
Tina Crew, Facility Assistant
John Higgins, Media/Tech Coordinator
Ruth Beeson, Nursery Supervisor
Jenny Lail, Accompanist
Brian Vannoy, Organist
David Ramos, Rowland Brown, Devon O’Connor, and
Willie Craven, Custodians
Connie DiLeo, Missionary to Dominican Republic
© The Main Stream is published biweekly by Main Street United Methodist
Church, 306 South Main Street, Kernersville, NC 27284. All information
herein is expressly for the use of our friends and members. Articles and comments may be directed to the editor at