Vtà{xwÜtÄ SS. SIMON & JUDE The Cathedral of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix 6351 N. 27th Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 85017 Office: 602-242-1300 FAX: 602-249-3768 contactus@simonjude.org www.simonjude.org MASS TIMES Saturday Vigil 4:30 pm Sundays in English 7 am, 9 am, 11 am, 5 pm Domingos en Español 1 pm, 7 pm Daily Mass Monday - Friday 6:15 am, 8:30 am Tuesday 6:30 pm with Devotions Saturday 8:30 am TV MASS ONLINE www.simonjude.org TV MASS HOMILIES (AUDIO) www.simonjude.org.com SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION 5 pm - 6 pm Tuesdays Saturdays 9am - 11am CATHEDRAL PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Thursday 9 am - 4 pm Friday 9 am - 12 pm Saturday - Sunday Closed CATHEDRAL BOOKS & GIFTS 602-246-2569 Mon Tues Wed Thurs-Fri Sat Sun 9 am - 4 pm 9 am - 6:30 pm 9 am - 5 pm 9 am - 4 pm 9 am - 4:30 pm 8 am - 2:30 pm SS. SIMON & JUDE CATHEDRAL SCHOOL 602-242-1299 9 de noviembre de 2014 La Dedicación de la Basílica de San Latran 32º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario ¿No saben que son templo de Dios y que el Espíritu de Dios habita en ustedes? ~ 1 Cor. 3:16 BISHOP OF PHOENIX Most Reverend Thomas J. Olmsted RECTOR Very Reverend Fr. John Lankeit PAROCHIAL VICAR Reverend Fr. Luis Gonzalez IN RESIDENCE MASS Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm Sundays in English: 7 am, *9 am, 11 am, 5 pm * ASL interpreter * Broadcast live on AZ TV7, CABLE 13 and 1310 AM radio Streamed live www.simonjude.org Domingos en Español: 1 pm, 7 pm Reverend Fr. Kurt Perera Reverend Fr. Ernesto Reynoso Reverend Fr. Jaya Rao Maddu Daily: Monday - Friday 6:15 am, 8:30 am Tuesday 6:30 pm followed by Devotion to St. Jude Saturday 8:30 am DEACONS PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Deacon Deacon Deacon Deacon Marvin Hernandez Doug Bogart Chuck Shaw (Retired) Juan Guzman (Retired) RECTOR EMERITUS The Perpetual Adoration Chapel is located in the narthex of the cathedral. The doors are open to the public from 6 am to 9 pm. From 9 pm to 6 am access is for scheduled adorers only. To sign up to be a regular adorer, please call the parish office. PENANCE & RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) Reverend Monsignor Michael O’Grady Tuesdays: 5 - 6 pm Saturdays: 9 - 11 am CATHEDRAL ADMINISTRATION HOLY COMMUNION TO THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND Phil Lester 602-242-1300 X114 CATHEDRAL OFFICE MANAGER Cele Deguire 602-242-1300 PASTORAL ASSOCIATE Sr. Dympna Doran, IBVM 602-242-1300 X121 SERVICIO PASTORAL A LOS HISPANOHABLANTES Deacon Marvin Hernandez, Sr. 602-242-1300 X135 CATECHETICAL FORMATION/EDUCATION RELIGIOSA Andrea Diaz 602-433-7610 English: Sr. Dympna Doran, IBVM 602-242-1300 X121 Español: 602-242-1300 BAPTISM English or Español: Deacon Marvin Hernandez 602-242-1300 X135 (BY APPOINTMENT ONLY / CITA SOLAMENTE) FIRST COMMUNION/CONFIRMATION English or Español: Martha Morales 602-433-7610 RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION (RCIA) Susan Pietro 602-319-0487 EL RITO DE INICIACIÓN PARA ADULTOS (RICA) YOUTH MINISTRY Deacon Marvin Hernandez 602-242-1300 X135 Jen Pitera 602-242-1300 X119 MARRIAGE LITURGICAL MINISTRIES Tony Smith 602-242-1300 X146 DIRECTOR OF SACRED MUSIC Matthew Meloche 602-242-1300 X116 SAFE ENVIRONMENT COORDINATOR Kathy Lopez 602-246-2569 SS. SIMON & JUDE CATHEDRAL SCHOOL Sr. Raphael Quinn, IBVM, Principal School Office 602-242-1299 Development/Tuition Tax Credit Information 602-242-1300 X149 Scrip at SSJ School 602-242-1299 X125 PARISH GROUPS Sunday Fellowship: Pete & Lindsey Groft 623-640-6179 Bereavement Support: Wilma Martin 480-580-2219 Socially Active Seniors (SAS): 602-242-1300 Little Flowers of St. Thérèse: Christine Pueyo 602-663-2640 Pro-Life/Pro-Vida 365 Monica Jordan 602-615-0016 CATHOLIC ORGANIZATIONS St. Vincent De Paul Society: Lori Sellers 602-433-7613 Knights of Columbus: Keith Johnson 602-249-7050 Legion of Mary: Dana Durazo 602-575-0943 Association of Our Lady of Guadalupe: Jo Villagrana 602-989-3523 Cursillo: Kathy & Eddie Lopez 623-210-2721 English: Sr. Dympna Doran, IBVM 602-242-1300 X121 Español: Deacon Marvin Hernandez 602-242-1300 X135 (BY APPOINTMENT ONLY / CITA SOLAMENTE) ANOINTING OF THE SICK The Anointing of the Sick is not a sacrament for those only who are at the point of death. Hence, as soon as anyone of the faithful begins to be in danger of death from sickness or old age, the fitting time for him to receive this sacrament has certainly already arrived. (CCC 1514) If a person is in need of Anointing of the Sick, please call the parish office for a priest at 602-242-1300. If the parish office is closed and there is an immediate danger of death, please call the after-hours emergency number at 602-246-3534. The after-hours number may only be used for life and death emergencies. UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS La unción de los enfermos no es un Sacramento para los únicos que están a punto de muerte. Por lo tanto, tan pronto como cualquiera de los fieles comienza a estar en peligro de muerte por enfermedad o vejez, seguramente ya ha llegado el tiempo de conexión para recibir este Sacramento. (CCC 1514) Si una persona está en la necesidad de unción de los enfermos, llame a la oficina de la parroquia para un sacerdote al 602-242-1300. Si la oficina de la parroquia está cerrada y hay un peligro inmediato de muerte, por favor llame al número de emergencia, después de horas a 602-246-3534. El número después de la hora sólo se podrán utilizar para casos de emergencia de vida o muerte. A Letter from Our Cathedral Rector Dear Parishioners, “The family is being hit, the family is being struck and the family is being bastardized.” “What is being proposed is not marriage, it’s an association. But it’s not marriage! It’s necessary to say these things very clearly and we have to say it!” Guess who said this! Yep...you guessed correctly...Pope Francis! For months now, I have insisted on the importance of hearing and reading what Pope Francis is actually saying, and to reject the counterfeit distortions of the Holy Father’s words that are the daily fare of the secular media. This means turning to faithful Catholic news sources (mostly on the Internet) and abandoning the mainstream news outlets which clearly have no interest in honesty and objectivity when it comes to our Pope’s words and actions. And this is why, in response to the Holy Father’s urgent call to protect and defend the family, starting next Tuesday, November 11, we will offer a new, four-week “Teaching Tuesday” on the family entitled, “Marriage & Family: God’s Masterpiece”. In addition, on Friday, November 14, we will offer a special Eucharistic Holy Hour at 7PM to pray specifically for Pope Francis’ intentions for the Church to provide better pastoral care to families without compromising God’s revealed truth about the nature and purpose of marriage and family. When we encounter the fullness and beauty of the “why” behind the “what” of the Catholic Church’s teaching on marriage, sexuality, etc., we are in a much better position to (1) love and trust Jesus and his Church, and (2) to speak the truth with love to a culture that is starving for a solid foundation from which to live. In his address at the end of the Synod on the Family in Rome last month, Pope Francis said: Dear brothers and sisters, now we still have one year to mature, with true spiritual discernment, the proposed ideas and to find concrete solutions to so many difficulties and innumerable challenges that families must confront; to give answers to the many discouragements that surround and suffocate families. I invite you each to do your part—to learn (at Teaching Tuesdays) and to pray (at our November 14 Holy Hour)—in support of our Holy Father’s call to promote a culture where the family can thrive according to God’s beautiful plan. God’s blessings...my prayers... Very Rev. Fr. John Lankeit Rector Cathedral Parish of the Diocese of Phoenix 2 CATHEDRAL BOOKS & GIFTS Fr. Lankeit's book-of-the-month for October and November! Into Your Hands, Father by Fr. Wilfrid Stinissen - In the spiritual life, we need a central idea: something so basic and comprehensive that it encompasses everything else. According to Carmelite Father Wilfrid Stinissen, surrender to God, abandonment to the One who loves us completely, is that central reality. The life of Jesus shows us the centrality of abandonment, for it is truly the beginning and the end of His mission on earth. ONLY $11.95! The gift shop has spiritual resources and items for your gift-giving needs. Come in for Catholic books, rosaries, crucifixes, candles and a nice selection of religious articles. Thank you to all our volunteers, who keep the gift shop open and running! PAPAL INTENTIONS November 2014 Universal: That all who suffer loneliness may experience the closeness of God and the support of others. For Evangelization: That young seminarians and religious may have wise and well-formed mentors. VOCATIONS OFFICE “For we are God’s co-workers….” How are you being called to build the kingdom of God as His co-worker? Consider the generous service of priesthood or consecrated life. Go to www.phoenixpriest.org "My greatest happiness is to be before the Blessed Sacrament, where my heart is, as it were, in It's center." ~ St. Margaret Mary Alocoque Come and spend an hour of peacefulness, happiness and rejuvenation with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. All you have to do is call the wonderful folks in our parish office to schedule your Holy Hour today. Here are the hours we are in most need of adorers: Sundays: 10:00p.m.-11:00p.m. Wednesdays: 11:00p.m.-12:00 midnight Thursdays: 3:00p.m.-4:00p.m. 10:00p.m.-11:00p.m. Saturdays: 12:00 noon-1:00p.m. May God bless you!! Special Holy Hour To continue the prayers for the Extraordinary Synod on the Family, SS. Simon & Jude Cathedral will have a special Holy Hour on November 14 at 7 PM to pray for the family. Please join us and help us spread the word. HEALING PRAYER GROUP Upcoming Healing Prayer Dates: Nov. 10 and 17 If you are in need of healing in body, mind, or spirit, please feel welcome to come and let us pray with and for you. The group meets on Mondays at 11:00 a.m. in the Youth House. A courtesy call to Sr. Dympna at 602-242-1300 X121 is requested if you intend to be present. SOCIALLY ACTIVE SENIORS (SAS) Our next SAS adventure is Wednesday, Nov. 12th. We are off to the Mazatzal Casino in Payson. Join us for a beautiful Fall bus trip, lunch and fun at the Casino. We are pairing up with Helen Drake Senior Center for this trip and will meet at the Center. $10 to hold your place and $10 will be returned to you when you step on the bus… so it’s FREE! The bus leaves at 8am and returns around 4pm. Everyone is welcome. Get details and sign up at the Parish Office. 3 Ss. Simon & Jude Cathedral Teaching TUESDAYS Whether you are engaged, married for years, or just want to learn more about God’s plan for sacramental marriage and families, you won’t want to miss Fr. Lankeit’s next “Teaching Tuesdays” Series: “Marriage & Family: God’s Masterpiece” Tuesday, November 11 Tuesday, November 18 Tuesday, November 25 and Tuesday, December 2 Attention SSJ Parishioners! You are invited to our parish retreat! WHAT? Christ Renews His Parish WHO? Any registered parishioner, 18 and over WHEN? Men - Jan. 10, 2015 at 7 a.m. through Jan. 11, 2015 at 4 p.m. Women - Jan. 24, 2015 at 7 a.m. through Jan. 25, 2015 at 4 p.m. WHERE? Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery 8502 W Pinchot Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85037 (623) 848-9608 www.olgmonastery.com COST? $50 per person - includes meals and snacks, lodging and all supplies Smith Hall 7:30 p.m. (Following the 6:30 p.m. Mass) Fr. Lankeit is looking for volunteers to help on these Tuesdays. Please contact Pam Lambros at plambros@simonjude.org if you would like to help. Thank you! UNION WITH CHRIST You are invited to The Confraternity of Christ’s Peaceful Sacred Heart. We meet the 2nd Friday of each month in the School Library. Our next meeting is Nov. 14, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. Come grow in union with Christ, where the true peace “that surpasses all understanding” is found and all that Christ asks is possible. Meetings include prayer, Lectio Divina, magisterial church teaching, wisdom of the saints, refreshment, formation with others into the image of Christ - in the hope of bringing His light to the world. “ He belongs to you, but more than that, he longs to be in you, living and ruling in you. He wants His breath to be your breath, His heart in your heart, His soul in your soul...” St. John Eudes WHY? Christ Renews His Parish is a spiritual renewal for men and women, designed to help individuals grow in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ and with others in the parish community. SPACE IS LIMITED! REGISTER TODAY! FORMS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE PARISH OFFICE. For more information contact CRHP@simonjude.org GRIEF TO GRACE RETREAT Healing the Wounds of Abuse Reclaiming the Gift of Human Dignity Grief to Grace Retreat comes to Phoenix February 1st - 6th, 2015. It is a 5-7 day psychological and spiritual program for anyone who has suffered degradation or violation through physical, emotional, sexual or spiritual abuse. Contact: info@grieftograce.org 610-203-2002 http://www.grieftograce.org/ For more information call: 602-312-3246. Cathedral Parish of the Diocese of Phoenix 4 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL In today’s Gospel, Jesus challenges us to “stay awake” by taking time to seriously look at ourselves, the priorities of our lives, and how we are growing spiritually. It doesn’t seem possible, but the St. Vincent de Paul Thanksgiving and Christmas Food Drive is coming up starting today! Vincentians will be handing out the bags to be filled with a suggested list of grocery items stapled to the bags. Please fill the bags and return them next Saturday or Sunday, November 15, and 16. We want to be sure that those families who are poor will be able to share the joy of Thanksgiving with their families by having a turkey and all the “trimmings.” ITEMS NEEDED FOR THANKSGIVING MEALS: BOXED DRESSING CANNED SWEET POTATOES BOXED INSTANT POTATOES CANNED VEGETABLES CANNED FRUIT CAKE MIX AND FROSTING JELLO CRANBERRY SAUCE PIE FILLING CANNED EVAPORATED MILK **** FROZEN TURKEY**** SS. SIMON AND JUDE CATHEDRAL SCHOOL SS. Simon & Jude Cathedral School is now accepting applications for Pre-Kindergarten through 8th grade students for school year 2015-2016. (If your child will be five years old by September 1, 2015, he or she will be eligible to enter Kindergarten.) When accepted, students entering Kindergarten or transferring into grades 1—8 from a public school may be eligible for tuition assistance from Catholic Education Arizona’s corporate and switcher tax funds. Information packets can be picked up at the SS. Simon & Jude Cathedral School Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM. Or, call 602-242-1299 to request that a packet be mailed to you. Don’t delay as class sizes are limited. OPEN HOUSE is Sunday, January 25th, 2015 from 3:00 to 5:00 PM. Be sure to mark your calendars and tell your friends. Maybe all of us could ask ourselves “What would Jesus do?” and then fill those grocery bags full of Thanksgiving food. Thank you so much for your love of the poor and suffering. May God Bless all of you and your families! Diocese of Phoenix Catholic Cemeteries & Mortuaries has two upcoming events: Veteran’s Day Mass November 11, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. St. Francis Catholic Cemetery; Holy Redeemer Catholic Cemetery; Queen of Heaven Catholic Cemetery & Mortuary; Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery & Mortuary Dealing with Grief during the Holidays Workshop with Jim and Jane Santa Cruz November 19, 2014 6:00 – 9:00pm Light supper and sign-in begin at 5:30 p.m. There is no fee for the workshop. Location: Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery & Mortuary Reservations are required. Call Debbie Reed (602) 267-1329 or email dreed@dopccm.com. 5 THE LORETO SISTERS ARE CELEBRATING THEIR 60TH ANNIVERSARY AT OUR SCHOOL! A Mass and Dinner Celebration to honor these amazing women is being planned for Saturday, November 22, at SS. Simon & Jude Cathedral beginning with Mass at 4:30 p.m. and dinner immediately following. If you would like to join us for this wonderful celebration, we are now accepting reservations. Dinner is $30 per person. Please call the school’s Development Office at 602-242-1299, ext. 149 to make your reservation or inquire further about this event. Ss. Simon & Jude Cathedral SPECIAL INTENTIONS READINGS OF THE WEEK INTENCIONES ESPECIALES LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Mike Cruess Will Gowitzka Paul Henry Sandra Shaw Lawrence Stuart November 10 - 16 Holy Souls in Purgatory All Military Personnel and their families. MASS INTENTIONS INTENCIONES DE LA MISA Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Ti 1:1-9; Ps 24:1b-4ab, 5-6; Lk 17:1-6 Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37:3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29; Lk 17:7-10 Ti 3:1-7; Ps 23:1b-6; Lk 17:11-19 Phlm 7-20; Ps 146:7-10; Lk 17:20-25 2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119:1-2, 10-11, 17-18; Lk 17:26-37 3 Jn 5-8; Ps 112:1-6; Lk 18:1-8 Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128:1-5; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21] FALL FESTIVAL WINNERS GANADORES DE LA FESTIVAL DE OTOÑO November 10 - 16 Monday 6:15 a.m. Gabriel & Anna Del Guidice + 8:30 a.m. Cliff Laine + Tuesday 6:15 a.m. Paul Schmidt + 8:30 a.m. Mary Alice Brown + 6:30 p.m. Deceased Members of Cooper Family Wednesday 6:15 a.m. Frisby Faily 8:30 a.m. All Souls + Thursday 6:15 a.m. Lorenzo Andrade + 8:30 a.m. Larson Family Friday 6:15 a.m. SSJ Priests 8:30 a.m. Larson Family Saturday 8:30 a.m. Marlin Camacho 4:30 p.m. Cliff Laine + Sunday + 7:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Larry Tafoya Janice Rose + All SS. Simon & Jude Parishioners Mario Salas + Domitila Sandoval + Guadalupe y Cruz Flores + Deceased/ Difunto CONGRATULATIONS to the Fall Festival Raffle winners! Congratulations Raffle Basket winners! You may pick up your prizes in the parish office. Thank you! 1st Prize - $3000 Martha Jaramillo 2nd Prize - $2000 Stephen Giannini 3rd Prize - $500 Apple Gift Card Norma Uriquidez ¡FELICIDADES a la ganadores de la Rifa de la Festival de Otoño! Felicidades a los ganadores de las canastas! Usted puede recoger sus premios en la oficina parroquial. Gracias! Have a Mass offered for a loved one, for a birthday, anniversary, special occasion or in remembrance. Cathedral Parish of the Diocese of Phoenix 6 Una Carta de Nuestro Rector de la Catedral Queridos feligreses, "La familia la están golpeando, la familia le están pegando y la familia está siendo bastardeada." "Lo que se está proponiendo no es matrimonio, es una asociación. ¡Pero no es el matrimonio! Es necesario decir estas cosas con mucha claridad y tenemos que decirlo.” ¡Adivina quién dijo esto! Sí ... lo has adivinado correctamente ... Papa Francisco! Desde hace meses, he insistido en la importancia de escuchar y leer lo que el Papa Francisco está diciendo realmente, y para rechazar las distorsiones falsas de las palabras del Santo Padre que son el pan de cada día de los medios seculares. Esto significa volver a las fuentes de noticias católicas fieles (sobre todo en Internet) y el abandono de las principales agencias de noticias que tienen claro que no hay interés en la honestidad y la objetividad cuando se trata de las palabras y las acciones de nuestro Papa. Y es por eso que, en respuesta al llamado urgente del Santo Padre para proteger y defender a la familia, a partir del próximo martes 11 de noviembre vamos a ofrecer una nueva, “Martes de Enseñanza” de cuatro semanas, sobre la familia titulado "Matrimonio y Familia: Obra Maestra de Dios". Además, el viernes 14 de noviembre vamos a ofrecer una Hora Santa Eucarística especial a las 7 pm para orar específicamente por las intenciones del Papa Francisco por la Iglesia para proporcionar una mejor atención pastoral a las familias sin comprometer la verdad revelada de Dios sobre la naturaleza y el propósito del matrimonio y familia. Cuando nos encontramos con la plenitud y la belleza de los "por qué" detrás del "qué" de la enseñanza de la Iglesia Católica sobre el matrimonio, la sexualidad, etc., estamos en una posición mucho mejor para (1) amar y confiar en Jesús y su Iglesia, y (2) para hablar la verdad con amor a una cultura que se muere por una base sólida de cual vivir. En su discurso al final del Sínodo sobre la Familia en Roma el mes pasado, Francisco dijo: Queridos hermanos y hermanas, ahora que todavía tenemos un año para madurar, con verdadero discernimiento espiritual, las ideas propuestas y encontrar soluciones concretas a tantas dificultades e innumerables retos que las familias deben enfrentar; para dar respuestas a los muchos desalientos que rodean y asfixian a las familias. Los invito a cada uno hacer su parte-para aprender (en Martes de Enseñanza) y orar (en nuestra Hora Santa el 14 de noviembre) en apoyo - a la llamada de nuestro Santo Padre para promover una cultura donde la familia pueda prosperar de acuerdo al plan hermoso de Dios. Las bendiciones de Dios ... y mis oraciones ... Reverendo Fr. John Lankeit Rector 7 Ss. Simon & Jude Cathedral TIENDA DE LIBROS Y REGALOS DE LA CATEDRAL El Libro-del-mes de noviembre, del Padre Lankeit. Into Your Hands, Father (En Tus Manos, Padre) por el Padre Wilfrido Stinissen En la vida espiritual, necesitamos una idea central: algo tan básico e comprensivo que abarca todo lo demás. Según el Padre Carmelita Wilfrido Stinissen, entrégate a Dios, abandonamiento a Aquel que nos ama completamente, es la realidad central. La vida de Jesús nos muestra la centralidad de abandono, porque es verdaderamente el principio y el fin de su misión en la tierra. SOLO $11.95. La tienda de regalos tiene recursos espirituales y artículos para sus necesidades de regalos. Entra para libros católicos, rosarios, crucifijos, velas y una buena selección de artículos religiosos. ¡Gracias a todos nuestros voluntarios, que mantienen la tienda de regalos abierta y funcionando! "Mi mayor felicidad es estar antes del Santísimo Sacramento, donde está mi corazón, por así decirlo, en el centro de Ti". ~ Santa Margarita María Alocoque Ven a pasar una hora de tranquilidad, felicidad y rejuvenecimiento con nuestro Señor en el Santísimo Sacramento. Todo lo que tienes que hacer es llamar a la gente maravillosa en nuestra oficina de la parroquia para programar su Hora Santa en la actualidad. Estas son las horas en que estamos más necesitados de adoradores: domingos: 10:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. miércoles: 11:00 p.m. - 12:00 medianoche jueves: 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. sábado: 12:00 mediodía - 1: 00 pm. ¡Que Dios los bendiga! INTENCION PAPAL NOVIEMBRE 2014 Universal: Que todos los que sufren la soledad pueden experimentar la cercanía de Dios y el apoyo de los demás. Para Evangelización: Que los jóvenes seminaristas y religiosos puedan tener mentores sabios y bien formadas. HORA SANTA La Catedral de SS. Simón y Judas les invita a la Hora Santa especial en ingles el 14 de noviembre a las 7 pm para orar por la familia. Por favor, únete a nosotros y ayúdenos a difundir la palabra. OFICINA DE VOCACIONES “Porque somos colaboradores de Dios ….” ¿Cómo estás siendo llamado para construir el reino de Dios como su colaborador? Considera el servicio generoso del sacerdocio o la vida consagrada. Visite a www.phoenixpriest.org LA ASOCIACION GUADALUPANA La Asociación Guadalupana de la Catedral de SS. Simón Y Judas les hace la mas cordial invitación ala oración del Santo Rosario el segundo lunes de cada mes a las 7pm a 8pm de la noche en la catedral. Para mas información pueden llamar a Jovita al 602-939-7282. Cathedral Parish of the Diocese of Phoenix GRUPO DE ORACIÓN DE SANACIÓN Fechas próximas de oración de sanación: 10 y 17 de noviembre Si usted está en necesidad de sanación de cuerpo, mente o el espíritu, siéntase bienvenido venga y déjanos orar con y por ti. El grupo se reúne los lunes a las 11 de la mañana, en el Salón de Jóvenes. Una llamada de cortesía a la oficina al 602-242-1300, se solicita si tiene la intención de estar presente. 8 SS. SIMON AND JUDE CATHEDRAL SCHOOL La Escuela de SS. Simón & Judas está aceptando aplicaciones para Pre-Kindergarten hasta los estudiantes de 8º grado para el año escolar 2015-2016. (Si su hijo va a ser de cinco años de edad el 1 de septiembre de 2015, él o ella será elegible para entrar al kindergarten.) Cuando aceptados, los estudiantes que ingresan al kinder o la transferencia en los grados 1-8 de una escuela pública, pueden ser elegibles para ayuda de matrícula de los fondos del impuesto de sociedades y el conmutador de la Educación Católica de Arizona. Los paquetes de información pueden ser recogidos en la Escuela de SS. Simón & Judas de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 3:30 pm. O bien, puede llamar al 602-242-1299 para solicitar que un paquete sea enviado a usted. No se demore como tamaño de las clases es limitado. CASA ABIERTA está Domingo, 25 de enero, 3-5 PM. Asegúrese de marcar su calendario. SAN VINCENTE DE PAUL En el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús nos desafía a "mantenernos despiertos" por tomando el tiempo para mirar en serio a nosotros mismos, las prioridades en nuestra vida, y cómo estamos creciendo espiritualmente. No parece posible, pero la Colecta de Comida para Acción de Gracias y Navidad de San Vicente de Paúl ya llego a partir de hoy. Los Vicentinos estarán entregando las bolsas que se llenarán con una lista sugerida de artículos de alimentación grapados a las bolsas. Por favor, llenen las bolsas y devolverlas el próximo sábado o domingo, 15 y 16 de noviembre. Queremos estar seguros de que esas familias pobres sean capaces de compartir la alegría de Acción de Gracias con sus familias por tener un pavo y todos lo que va con él. ELEMENTOS NECESARIOS PARA COMIDAS DE ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS: ADEREZO EN CAJA CAMOTES ENLATADOS PAPAS INSTANTÁNEAS EN CAJA VERDURAS ENLATADAS FRUTA ENLATADA MEZCLA DE PASTEL Y AZUCAR GLACIADO (FROSTING) JELLO SALSA DE ARANDANO (Cranberry Sauce) RELLENO DE PASTEL LECHE EVAPORADAS ENLATADA **** UN PAVO CONGELADO **** Tal vez todos nosotros podríamos preguntarnos "¿Qué haría Jesús?" Y luego llenar las bolsas de comestibles llenas de comida de Acción de Gracias. Muchas gracias por su amor a los pobres los que sufren. ¡Dios bendiga a todos ustedes y sus familias! LAS HERMANAS LORETO ESTÁN CELEBRANDO SU 60 ANOS EN NUESTRA ESCUELA! Una Misa y cena de celebración para honrar a estas mujeres increíbles se está planeando para el sábado 22 de noviembre a la Catedral de SS. Simón & Judas comenzando con la Misa a las 4:30 pm y la cena inmediatamente después. Si usted desea unirse a nosotros en esta maravillosa celebración, estamos aceptando reservas. La cena es de $30 por persona. Por favor, llame a la Oficina de la parroquia al 602-242-1300 mas información. 9 Ss. Simon & Jude Cathedral
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