27CASADA, TRACEY A. ROSS, BRYANT 28BARNIE, ADAM GILGENBACH, CAROL E. 29BEREZNAY, JIM ERB, JR., ED 30DOMAN, CONNIE RENALDO, FRANK NOVEMBER 2014 VOLUME 50 NO. 11 PAID Salute to Veterans 244 East Broad Street • Elyria • 440-322-1700 www.vandemarkjewelers.com NEW MEMBERS! JEFFERY FLORS and JOHN MCDONOUGH were recently initiated into our Lodge. We welcome JEFFERY and JOHN and we hope to see you often. Congratulations! Elks Grand Exalted Ruler JOHN AMEN declares November as “National Veterans Remembrance Month”! Our BPOE nationally donated 1,039,304 hours and contributed over $2,800,000 this past year towards assistance and needs of our beloved Veterans. Our Elyria Lodge provided $4,205 that went to the OHIO VETERAN’S HOME in SANDUSKY. Thank you, members, for your charitable donations for our Veterans! We will have a Pancake Breakfast at our Lodge on Sunday, November 9th, to honor our Community Veterans. Breakfast will be from 8:30am to noon and open to the public. Veterans will have their breakfast free, adults are $6 and children $2. Breakfast includes sausage gravy and biscuits, scrambled eggs and BACON with buttermilk pancakes! All you can eat! All donations will be sent to the Veteran’s Home. In October, our Dictionary Project Committee Chairman BILL FOGLYANO distributed dictionaries to third grade students throughout the area. With assistance from DALE KOTLAN, JIM and LAURA MURRAY and BILL delivered over 1,000 dictionaries to the third graders. Thanks also to KRISTEN BARNEY, DAVE NOREN and MIDGE O’GRADY for their help in preparing and labeling the dictionaries. Our Lodge has received a huge amount of “Thank you” letters from the delighted children. We will display as many as we can at the Lodge. Thanks again, Elks! (continued inside...) Food, Toys and Coats! HOOP SHOOT Our Elyria Elk’s Lodge Hoop hoot will be held on Saturday, November 15th at 11:00 a.m. at the Elyria East Recreation Gym. Information is posted at the Lodge, or by going to www.elk.org/hoopshoot. AOL Christmas Gala It’s almost Gala time! The Annual Christmas Gala presented by the A.O.L. will be on Sunday, December 7th following the Elk’s Memorial Service. The doors will open at 1 p.m. in the Marine Room with the drawing for the Chinese Raffle starting at 2:15 pm. Come enjoy drinks and appetizers! Plenty of great baskets,50/50’s and door prizes, so please come support the A.O.L.! Admission is free. We hope to see you there! BENEVOLENT AND PROTECTIVE ORDER of ELKS • LODGE #465 Exalted Ruler’s Message Happy Anniversary 04MARSHA/DENNIS GIBSON 09CATHY/RICH HAWKE 12MARY ANN/THOMAS BOWEN 13ANN/MARK PICKERING SALLY/JEFF VIETZEN 15VICKI/JIM COEN 18 BONNIE/CHUCK HOLTZMAN TONIA/KEN JABBUSCH19 PAMELA/WILLIAM THOMASSON JR 20 JANET/MICHAEL ELEK 24 GAIL/MARK PETROFF 27 KIMBERLY/PAUL GREGORY Permit No. 142 Elyria, Ohio U.S. POSTAGE 12MURRAY, THOMAS O. BOISE, LEE N. 14PRONESTI, JOSEPH A. PATAKY, JUDITH LYNN 15BANSEK, GRAIG FORTHOFER, WILLIAM J. 16SCHREUR, IVAN 17JOHNSON, ALLISON L. RIEGER, SHEILA H. 18FITZ, GREGORY J. NOREN PER, DAVID L. 19BARNEY, KRISTEN M. PER CANOYER, III JOHN N. 20JENDRISAK, EDWARD A. MILLER, JAMES L. MURBACH, JOHN 21RADOSEVICH, M. SCOTT MILLER, CAROLYN 22GREGORY, PAUL MEECHA, KAY A. 24BARNES, TIMOTHY J. BROWN, ROBIN F. SOULE, ANNETTE 25HODGSON, KRIS E. MERCADO, PAUL C. KELLER SR., ROBERT T. 26WATSON II, TIMOTHY J. Non-Profit Organization 1 HARMON, MARCIA LEGRAND, GERARD P. SCHUSTER, JR., RALPH J. STAMMITTI, PHILIP R. 2 RADOLEC, JUANITA YANCER, DONALD B. 3 BRAGG, DAN A. 4 DECKER, WOODY PROSSER, SUE R. MARSH, GENERAL C. 5 MOSHER, JAMES C. HARRISON, WILLARD J. MCDONOUGH IV, JON F. 6 DENNY, ANDREW O’DONNELL, MARK T. 7 NEGIN, ROGER 9 NEWELL, THOMAS QUINN, JAMES “RICK”. VOLK, DAVID HEATHCOTE, JEFFREY PICKERING, MARK P. PELC, BRAD SMITH, DANIEL A. MEHOLIC, KIMBERLY R. 10ALDRICH, PETER, B. LONG, RANDY RADOLEC, JAMES 11COE, GREGORY P. MARQUARDT, MICHAEL Milestones B.P.O.E. #465 A Fraternal Organization 246 Second Street Elyria, Ohio 44035-5620 November Birthdays Visit our website at http://www.elks465.org and visit us on Facebook! Keep in mind that beginning in November, we will be in need of many items to help those who are less fortunate than ourselves during the upcoming holiday season. There will be several boxes located on the main floor to accept your generous donations. Please help out with our annual drive for new or slightly used gloves, hats, boots and coats for kids in need. Your donations will be distributed through the SALVATION ARMY. We will also hold our Annual Food Drive in November. We will be accepting your donations of any non-perishable food items. If you prefer, you may make a monetary contribution. These donations will be distributed through the SALVATION ARMY. The Elks Sleigh will also be at the 465 in November to accept your toy donations. The toys will be donated to the CHRONICLE TELEGRAM’S NOT FORGOTTEN BOX! THE ELKS ECHO Published the first day of every month by The Elyria Elks #465 246 Second St., Elyria, OH 44035 Office 322-9695; Club 323-4391 CO-EDITORS DENNIS RYAN 365-3345 SHELLEY RUSSO 506-0971 LODGE OFFICERS 2014—2015 EXALTED RULER ESTEEMED LEADING KNIGHT ESTEEMED LOYAL KNIGHT ESTEEMED LECTURING KNIGHT SECRETARY TREASURER TILER ESQUIRE CHAPLAIN INNER GUARD DAVE HEUSER DEAN ROBINSON BRIAN McDOUGAL TOM DORNAUER LARRY O’GRADY KATHY AMOS DAVE NOREN ROBERT KELLERDALE KOTLAN KRISTEN BARNEY NOTICES ADVANCEMENT 13th Annual HOOP SHOOT ~ Saturday, Nov. 15th at East Rec Gym. Plan your New Year’s Eve at the Lodge! Open for your New Year’s dinner reservation or just to party up. Entertainment by NEW DECADE BAND! Complimentary snack and splash at midnight! Sunday, Dec. 7th 1-3 p.m. in the Marine Room TRUSTEES Chinese Auction, refreshments, door prizes & 50/50 drawing. Come one come all... members, family and friends welcome! MATT GIBSON • JOHN HAROLD * GARY CAWLEY DOUG DANGERFIELD • JIM WIRSCHAM Calendar Sales... C.P. News C. P. Donations for OCTOBER $44 MEMBER/GUEST DINNER Thank You! Penny Banks: 1 Bank JIM BIRKHIMER, HOVEY KAISER GIRLS, DENNIS GERDING, CHARLES HOLTZMEN, TONIA & KEN JABBUSCH, DENNIS & SHARON RYAN, GARY & LORI MCLAUGHLIN, JUDY DOVE, DAVE BONK, KAAREN & DAVE, RON CARR Thanks again to our contributors. As always, penny banks are located in the main room near the office. Pick one up today! Thank you for all who helped to make our C.P. Golf Outing a success! First, to all who donated door prizes!! Volunteers: DALE K., DAVE H., DAVE S., KEN J., CHAR & JOANIE, JUDY & MARCY, JANET, BARB, PEANUT, KRISTEN, AND JANE, VANDEMARK JEWELERS & HOVEY KAISER INS. for sponsoring the hole-in-one prize. DARRELL AND HIS KITCHEN CREW AND OUR BARTENDERS, CHERYL & KIM. To all who won money and to all who donated money back. We were able to raise $2,600 which was $500.00 more than last year. of the LODGE YOUR C.P. COMMITTEE Children’s Christmas Party The Children’s Christmas Party will be on Sunday, December 14th at 1:00 p.m. The sign-up sheet will be at the main bar through November 21st. Please bring your own camera for a picture with Santa. Entertainment and lunch will be provided. Thanks, CHARLENE & RODNEY EYE 3 Our 2015 Elks Calendars are in. November at the Lodge 6XQ 0RQ 7XH :HG 7KX ACE OF SPADES 8:30 EVERY THURSDAY! )UL 6DW OSU 1 VS ILLINOIS 8 PM. WEEKLY DRAWING 10 p.m. Thank You To BRIAN MCDOUGAL and his Wing Night helpers’ tip donations to the Children’s Parties fund! 2 BROWNS VS TAMPA BAY 1 p.m. 9 VETERAN’S BREAKFAST LODGE OPEN FOR NFL GAME 16 3 4 KITCHEN KITCHEN OPEN OPEN 5-8 p.m. 5-8 p.m. 5 CP Roast Beef Dinner 6:30 p.m. 23 BROWNS VS BUFFALO 1 p.m. Wing Night Wing Night VS HOUSTON BROWNS VS ATLANTA 1 p.m. BROWNS VS BENGALS 8:30 p.m. 7 KITCHEN OPEN 5-8 p.m. OSU 8 VS MSU REVERSE RAFFLE WEEKLY DRAWING 10 p.m. 6-9 P.M. 10 11 12 13 14 OSU 15 VS KITCHEN MINNESOTA KITCHEN KITCHEN Trustee Mtg. OPEN 6:00 p.m. HOOP OPEN OPEN 5-8 p.m. SHOOT 5-8 p.m. 5-8 p.m. P.E.R. Mtg. Wing 6:30 p.m. WEEKLY Lodge Mtg. Night DRAWING 7:30 p.m. 6-9 P.M. 10 p.m. 17 18 19 20 21 22 KITCHEN KITCHEN OPEN OPEN BROWNS 5-8 p.m. 5-8 p.m. 1 p.m. 6 6-9 P.M. 24 25 KITCHEN KITCHEN OPEN OPEN 30 5-8 p.m. LODGE 27 26 CLOSED THANKSGIVING DAY 5-8 p.m. Turkey Trot Elk Burger Night OSU KITCHEN VS INDIANA OPEN 5-8 p.m. BARNYARD SEAN GABRIEL PARTY WEEKLY DRAWING 28 OSU 29 KITCHEN VS OPEN MICHIGAN MONTHLY DRAW 9 P.M. CORNWELL & MOORE 12PM. WEEKLY DRAWING 10 p.m. Exalted Ruler’s Message Continued ELKS OHIO BUCKEYE BUCKS 2015 CALENDARS are available for purchase through an officer or at the bar. The calendar is $20 and makes a great gift. Each has a unique four digit number that may win $50, $100 or $500 over the 2015 year. There are 728 chances to win based on the OHIO STATE LOTTERY four digit number drawings each day. Our Lodge receives a portion of the sales which go toward scholarship awards. Thanks JIM EVANS and “The Train Boys” and all who helped to make the Clambake a tasty evening. A sunny day and fun was had by all golfers participating in the annual WALTER “JOE” MCMANUS CP GOLF OUTING in September. DAVE NOREN ran a fantastic benefit for Cerebral Palsy at the CHILDREN’S DEVELOPMENTAL CENTER. Over $2000 raised from this outing will go to the CDC! Esteemed Loyal Knight BRIAN MCDOUGAL, along with our A.O.L. donation, purchased and installed new blinds for the Lodge den and pool room. With your donations through raffles, new windows have been installed in the upstairs bowling alley. Our Annual Barnyard Party will have Hams, Turkeys, and BACON to win in drawings! A complimentary Turkey sandwich tops off the night. Happy Thanksgiving! “When Pigs Fly” Black Friday with CORNWELL AND MOORE. Fraternally Yours, DAVE HEUSER, ER Great Events Coming in December 2014! Wednesday, Dec. 3rd ~ C.P. Roast Beef Dinner Sunday, Dec. 7th ~ Memorial Service ~ A.O.L. Christmas Gala Sunday, Dec. 14th ~ Lodge Meetings Saturday, Dec. 20th ~ Co-ed Tom & Jerry Party ~ P.E.R. Christmas Eve Party Friday, Dec. 26th ~ Monthly Draw Wednesday, Dec. 31st ~ New Year’s Eve, New Decade Band The Barnyard Party is a Great Time! The Annual Barnyard Party will be held on Saturday, November 22nd starting at 7 pm. For those who have not attended this rollicking good time, the event is sponsored by the Past Exalted Rulers. There are drawings for hams, fruit baskets, party items, bacon and much more. There will be fresh turkey sandwiches that are not only great, but also FREE! Stop on up to the Lodge and have some fun!
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