Parish Office.................................................715-381-5120 School..............................................715-386-3941, Opt. #1 Faith Formation.............................715-386-9209, Opt. #2 Fax.................................................................715-381-5125 Web STAFF 1500 VINE STREET, HUDSON, WI 54016 NOVEMBER 9, 2014 Pastor: Fr. John Gerritts......................715-381-5120, x106 Associate Pastor: Fr. Patrick McConnell ..............................................................715-381-5120, x102 Deacon Gregg Miller.....................................715-386-3957 Deacon Howard Cameron..............................715-381-1861 Principal: Peter Noll.........................715-386-3941, x0 Faith Formation Director: Larry Huiras .....................................................715-386-9209, opt. #2, x9 Coordinator of Youth Activities: Tricia Pieper................ Liturgist: Terry Bogenhagen...............715-381-5120 x 104 Secretary/Cemetery: Ellen O’Brien....715-381-5120 x101 Finance Director: Barbara Kaiser.......715-381-5120 x103 Stewardship / Development Director: Mary Pat Finnegan..............715-386-3941, option #1, x107 Maintenance: Mark James............................715-386-3941 Pastoral Council Chair: Nini Milbrath........715-386-3518 Finance Council Chair: Brian Huffman......715-426-0220 Parish Trustees: Sam Cari.........................................................715-549-6424 Claire Zajac....................................................715-426-0220 SACRAMENTS Baptism: Please attend a class offered on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM in the Music Room. No need to register for the class, just show up. Please contact Ellen if you have any questions. (November 11) Marriage: Please make arrangements for marriage prep at least six months before the wedding. Please contact Fr. John Gerritts. Reconciliation: Saturdays at 10:00 AM Pastoral Visit: Please contact Fr. John Gerritts or Fr. Patrick McConnell if you or a loved one is sick, hospitalized or homebound. NEW PARISHIONERS all who have moved into our community and are celebrating our weekend liturgy with us today, we encourage you to register as members of our parish community. Please begin the registration process by going online to, stop in the Parish Office during the week, or on the third Sunday after the 9:00 and 11:00 AM Masses. ST. PATRICK CHURCH, HUDSON, WI MASSES Saturday, November 8 5:00 PM ! Fred Zimmerman........................... Pat & Theresa O’Brien Sunday, November 9 7:00 AM For the People of the Parish 9:00 AM ! Wally Gregerson............................. Earl & Carol Fox 11:00 AM ! Polly Sturino................................... Mark Sturino Monday, November 10 Saint Leo the Great 8:00 AM ! Michael DeRoiser November 15/16 READERS / COMMENTATORS Tuesday, November 11 Saint Martin of Tours 8:00 AM ! George Richie................................. Joan Richie 5:00 PM 7:00 AM Wednesday, November 12 Saint Josaphat 8:00 AM ! Joseph & Evelyn Graettinger........ Family 10:00 AM (CCH) ! Howard & Lilah Brown........ Howard Brown 9:00 AM 11:00 AM Steve Dunlap & Jennifer Sudmeier / Katie Cernohous Mary Jo Harden & Mike Reisdorf / Tom Brinsko Lanida Bauer & James Spaight / Tom Kroll Barbara Gagliardi & Deb Mayer / Volunteer Needed GREETERS Thursday, November 13 Saint Frances Xavier 8:00 AM ! Dick Kinney.................................... Rebholz Family (Red Cedar Canyon)! Douglas Novak........ 10:30 AM Joan Richie 5:00 PM 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM Friday, November 14 8:00 AM (Church) ! Milan Breternitz.................. Gary Nadeau 9:00 AM (School) ! Thomas Perillo..................... Phyllis Koss Luke Congdon, Sylvia Emery, Bill & Nini Milbrath Ed & Peggie Hawkins, Sue Jackson, Roy Rudy Jill Huseby, Hilda Miller, Judy Zappa Richard & Diane Cristan, John Kollofski, Laura Obenauf SERVERS 5:00 PM Saturday, November 15 10:00 AM Confessions 5:00 PM ! Marj Gavin..................................... Merritt & Mary Ellen Stigen 7:00 AM 9:00 AM Sunday, November 16 7:00 AM For the People of the Parish 9:00 AM ! David Beauvais............................... Bill & Nini Milbrath 11:00 AM ! Lyle Moelter.................................... Jim & Marie King 11:00 AM Volunteer Needed, Jeff Cerhohous, Megan Haugh Rachel Anderson, 2 Volunteers Needed Anna Hinz, Shane Dietzmann, Grace Hinz Joseph Gagliardi, Katie & Nathan Madlung MUSIC MINISTRY 5:00 PM 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM PRAYER LIST Michelle Kelly / Katie Kelly Anna Wahl / Ilene Lubick Praise Company / Lisa Zwiefelhofer Latria Please pray for: Steve Bates, Robert Bauer, Paul Blazel, Marlene Feucht, Edward Fenwick, Katie Holm, Harold Kaiser, James King, Ron Miller, Steven Smith, Carolyn Sperry, and Sister Jane Winkler. SUNDAY MISSALS AND AT HOME WITH THE WORD Sunday Missals ($3.00) and At Home with the Word ($5.00) are available by the Parish Office door. Books are sometimes forgotten at church, so please put your name on it. To be added or removed, please contact Ellen O’Brien at 715-381-5120, x101. 2 DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA bishop for a diocese: it could potentially be a week, several months, or even a year. During this time an administrator appointed from among the priests of the Diocese will lead us. CHURCH SUPPORT Adult Envelopes .......................................................... $15,432.07 Loose Offertory ................................................................$699.33 Building Debt Reduction .............................................. $3,337.84 Youth .................................................................................$28.00 Utilities...............................................................................$85.00 Total ........................................................................... $19,582.24 We also bade farewell this past week to Michelle Heldstab, Office Manager for the school office. Michelle has accepted a position with the New Richmond School District, serving as a paraprofessional in their special education department. We thank Michelle for the wonderful service she has given our school staff, families, and students. ACH (11/3/2014) ........................................ $560.00 WeShare ...................................................... $450.00 Finally among the farewells offered this past week, we entrusted to our Lord Fr. Jim Dabruzzi. Fr. Jim died a week ago at the age of 87. He served as a priest for the Diocese of Superior for more than 60 years. Fr. Jim grew up in North Hudson, attended Saint Patrick School, and last served offering Mass for the Carmelite Sisters at their monastery here in Hudson. His funeral was this past Thursday at Saint Patrick Church. Scrip total sales, week ending 11/2/2014 Sales .............................................................................. $7,527.53 Profit (approx) ..................................................................$288.53 BAPTISMS Savannah Lynn Alger, daughter of Nathan Alger & Bridgett Weiler. November 1, 2014 This weekend is the third weekend in our series on TRUST, and in particular look more deeply at trust between the clergy and laity. This week we examine it from the perspective of accountability. This Sunday we also celebrate the Feast in honor of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica. The Lateran is the Cathedral Church for the Diocese of Rome and thus the Cathedral for the Universal Church. With the Bishop of Rome – our Pope – as the head of the Church, this is the parish church for all Catholics. REMINDER….2014 CONTRIBUTIONS CAPITAL CAMPAIGN AND/OR TITHING For those parishioners who intend to fulfill their 2014 capital campaign pledge or make a donation to the parish by donating shares of stock or a mutual fund, we would encourage you to start the process immediately to allow time to process the transaction. Any donations to the parish that are mailed need to be received at the parish or postmarked on or before December 31, 2014, in order to receive credit for 2014 As we celebrate this Feast, we turn once more to Pope Francis and the vision he has set for the Church. Early in his pontificate he set forth goals and objectives. In part these were communicated by the manner in which he lives his life, but also in the talks he gave and in his writings, particularly his Apostolic Exhortation, “The Joy of the Gospel.” Having targets that are clearly articulated is an important step in having a spirit of accountability within an organization. With tasks on which our Parish Pastoral Council has commenced, a strategic plan our school is working on, and a variety of initiatives that we have started to undertake with staff, I believe that we are headed in the right direction to bring about an environment where goals and standards are more easily recognized and achieved. Thank you for your continued support and may God bless you always for all that you do for Saint Patrick Parish. CHANGE OF ADDRESS, EMAIL OR PHONE NUMBER Please contact the Ellen O’Brien in the Parish Office if you have a change of address, email, phone number or if you will be a snowbird for the winter. Ellen 715-381-5120, x101 or Finally in regards to accountability, we must recognize that parish life is not about individual desires or objectives, but rather, succeeding as a community. Even when we speak of attaining the ultimate goal of eternal life, the Church calls us to not simply be concerned about “my own salvation”, but rather our communal salvation. Accountability means we have higher aspirations than simply existing or surviving; rather, together we seek common results, which for us as Church relates to being disciples. BULLETIN DEADLINE DATES For Sunday, November 23 bulletin, deadline Friday, November 14. For Sunday, November 30 bulletin (1st Sunday of Advent), deadline Thursday, November 20. With all this in mind, our Parish Pastoral Council has been working on a strategic plan for our parish which should direct us down a path of greater accountability. Part of implementing this plan requires the Council to revise its own role and responsibilities. The Council is ready to start rolling out its new format. In addition, they are in need of additional members. Prior to agreeing to serve on the Council, it will be important to understand what a Council member’s role and responsibilities will be and how members will be selected. Therefore the Council is inviting anyone who is potentially interested in serving to an inquiry session on November 11 at 7:00 PM in the parish hall. Please call me at the parish office if you have questions. A MESSAGE FROM FR. JOHN We were all caught off guard this past Tuesday when the news was released that our Bishop, Peter F. Christensen, was named the eighth bishop for the Diocese of Boise, Idaho. It is with great sadness that we will need to say farewell to Bishop Christensen. We rejoice for him and the fact that our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has called him forth to serve another diocese, and pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit as Pope Francis works to send us a new shepherd. There is no set time for announcing a new 3 NOVEMBER 9, 2014 14TH ANNUAL VETERAN’S DAY REMEMBRANCE THE ANNUAL SAINT PATRICK PARISH CRAFT SALE Join the students of Saint Patrick School as they remember and honor our Veterans and support our active military men and women on Tuesday, November 11th at 2:00 PM in the school’s gymnasium. Our honored guest speaker is Retired Army Colonel James P. Noll who will focus on our theme Do Something in Faith and Service. This celebration will include the American Legion Color Guard and performances by Saint Patrick/Trinity Academy Instrumental group and The ShamRocks. We extend a special invitation to our veterans and retired military as we honor the men and women who have served and protected at home and abroad. ...will be held on Friday, November 21, 4:00 - 8:00 PM and Saturday, November 22, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM in the Social Hall. We are in need of more crafters to exhibit and sell their hand-made products and kind hearted volunteers, please call Dea Hoffman at 715-410-9899 or send an email: Just as every household has an endless list of projects, so too does our parish and school! Finances often dictate what projects get done and which projects and good works are saved for another day. This year we will be participating in Give to the Max Day on Thursday, November 13, 2014. This is the sixth year for this annual charitable giving event by Last year $17 million was raised for Minnesota organizations in just 24 hours. Although we are not a Minnesota organization, we were able to squeak in to this annual event. We encourage you to visit the website, and schedule your gift for Give to the Max Day. or double your gift by checking our website to see if your employer is one of the corporations, companies or firms that offers matching gifts. HUDSON COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE MONDAY, DECEMBER 1 1:00 - 7:00 PM SAINT PATRICK CATHOLIC CHURCH To make an appointment, please log onto and search by zip 54016 or call 800-733-2767. Driver’s license or blood donor card is required! If you have any questions, you may call Pat Mara at 715386-9662. YOUTH NEWS CALLING ALL STUDENTS IN GRADES 6 TH –8 TH Are you looking for a fun faith-filled event for you? There is a wonderful opportunity for our middle school students to gather together in praise and worship with other Catholic middle school students in the Twin Cities and deepen their faith. The Youth Ministers in the Cities are hosting an evening event called Encounter on Friday, November 14th, from 6:00 – 9:30 PM. The evening will include Mass, dinner, adoration, and a dynamic talk on the power of Christ in our life. For questions, email Ms. Pieper and to register, go to the Parish Youth Ministry page at to print out the permission form. Permission forms are due into Ms. Pieper at Church or School by Monday, November 3rd. Please encourage your student to attend. Parent chaperones are needed for this event as well as Midnight Mystery Madness, please email Ms. Pieper at if you can attend. YOUTH ADORATION & PRAISE AND WORSHIP EVENINGS - ADORE The third Sunday of every month from 6:30 – 8:00 PM, the youth of Saint Patrick Parish in grades 9th – 12th will have the amazing opportunity to join together in faith and worship during a time called Adore. Mark Nelson and Tricia Pieper, along with other guests, will be leading the high school students in a time of Adoration, praise and worship music, and quiet reflection as they prepare for another week of studies and activities. This is a wonderful chance for the youth to come together and decompress and give thanks and pray for themselves and others in front of the Holy Eucharist. Please join us! The kick-off evening will be Sunday, November 16th, starting at 6:30 PM in the Chapel. 2015 YOUTH MISSION TRIP Youth interested in growing in their faith and serving their neighbor are encouraged to come to an introductory meeting for the 2015 youth mission trip. We will meet on Sunday, November 16th, at 12:15 PM in the Music Room. The 2015 trip will be June 27 – July 5th to Colorado Springs, Colorado. Students in 9th – 12th grade in the fall of 2015 are welcome to participate. Please email Tricia Pieper at with any questions. 4 ! TIME AND TALENT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED THANK YOU! We are in need of many volunteers to help with a parish mailing on Monday, November 17, in the KC Room. We will start at 8:30 AM. Bring a friend. Thank you to everyone who donated baked items or helped serve the HOME meal on November 6. Your continued support is appreciated. Make a Difference... Become a High School Subject Master Catechist A Subject Catechist leads the instruction of high school students in a particular faith topic. Their role is limited to a 6 week instruction block that we ask they teach twice each year (Fall, Winter, Spring, or Summer Quarters). This can be done as part of an instruction team. The idea is that by teaching a single subject the catechist can develop their expertise in the subject and become a Master Catechist in that area. For that reason we ask for two year commitment. We are currently looking to develop additional catechists for the following subjects: Scripture: we are looking for two individual catechists who have a passion for learning about sacred scripture and sharing that passion with young people. Vocation/Sexuality: we are looking for a young couple or two to share the process of discerning God’s call to holiness and the joy of authentic love with young people. Quarters (6 weekly sessions, Wednesdays 7:00-8:30 PM): Fall: October-November Winter: January-February Spring: March-April Summer: July 6-17 (6 sessions over 2 weeks) Courses include fully documented reference material fro the U.S. Bishops, audio video materials, discussion materials, and handouts. For more information about this exciting opportunity, call Larry in the Formation Office 715-386-3941, opt. 2, ext 9. Young Adults: THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA By Glenn CJ Byer, MA SLD Share you Faith with High School Confirmation Candidates Today we celebrate the dedication of the Lateran basilica in Rome, the cathedral church of the diocese of Rome, the cathedral church of the Holy Father and so in a sense, the center of the Church in the world. We use the prayers for the dedication of a church, the prayer set for use outside of the dedicated church. Serve on a Day of Reflection Retreat Team If you would like to be a part of this year's Confirmation Day of Reflection as a team member or small group facilitator we would love to include you in one of the two days, Saturday, December 13, or Saturday, January 10. Time Commitment 8:30 AM-6:00 PM on the retreat day plus one team meeting on Tuesday before retreat 6:30-8:00 PM. Interested? For more information or to apply contact Larry in the Faith Formation Office 715-386-3941, opt. 2, ext. 9. What is most interesting about these prayers is that their focus is as much on the people of God, the spiritual temple, as it is on the building. The antiphons and prayers ask God to continue to shape us into a spiritual temple, to proclaim the Gospel by the way we live our lives and to bring us at last to the eternal temple that is heaven. © 2003, OCP. All rights reserved. 5 ! CARING AND SHARING HANDS Members of Saint Patrick’s will serve breakfast Tuesday, November 11, to the homeless and others in need at Sharing and Caring Hands in Minneapolis. Volunteers leave from the lower lever parking lot 8:15 AM and return by noon. If you have any questions, please call Terry at 715-386-5197. WEEK AT A GLANCE Sunday, November 9 Social by the Knights of Columbus Scrip available after the Masses 10:00 AM RCIA 11:00 AM Liturgy of the Word for Children 5:30 PM Light Weigh One King Bible Study Monday, November 10 9:15 AM Bakery and Produce Give Away 6:30 PM Boy Scouts #148 7:00 PM Food Shelf Committee Tuesday, November 11 Veteran’s Day 8:15 AM Leave for Caring and Sharing Hands 6:00 PM Family Rosary 6:30 PM Adult Enrichment Committee 6:30 PM Baptism Class 7:00 PM Music Ministry Meeting 7:00 PM Knights Room Reserved Wednesday, November 12 Faith Formation Classes 3:50 PM Children’s Choir Practice at school 5:30 PM Youth Worship Team at church Thursday, November 13 9:15 AM Mary - A Biblical Walk Bible Study 1:00 PM CCW Quilters 7:00 PM Pillars 1 - The Creed 7:00 PM Praise Company Rehearsal Friday, November 14 9:00 AM Staff Retreat Saturday, November 15 10:00 AM Confessions (Chapel) Scrip available after Mass Coffee for sale after Mass Sunday, November 16 Social by the Saint Patrick Boys Basketball Teams Scrip available after Masses Coffee for sale after Masses 10:00 AM RCIA 11:00 AM Liturgy of the Word for Children 12:15 PM 2015 Youth Mission Trip Meeting 5:30 PM Light Weigh One King Bible Study 6:30 PM ADORE ~ Youth Adoration & Praise Worship Sound Tech Ministry “Whoever has ears ought to hear”. Matthew 11:15 We are looking for people interested in learning to run the soundboard and set up/test microphones for choirs primarily at the 9:00 and 11:00 AM Sunday Masses. If you are interested in serving as a sound minister, please contact Terry Bogenhagen 715-381-5120 x-104 or for training. Fa la la la . . . SCRIP For Christmas! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you to all of you who are using SCRIP. When you use SCRIP you are buying gift cards at face value – you do not pay any extra. For example if you buy a grocery store SCRIP card for $25 you receive a grocery store card worth $25. Saint Patrick’s receives a percentage (ranging from 3% - 25%) from each SCRIP card sold. The percentage on most gas and grocery store SCRIP cards is 3% which doesn’t sound like much until you think about how much your family spends each week on gas or groceries, multiply that number by the number of people you see each week, joining you to celebrate Mass; start adding in SCRIP sales for restaurants, and department stores (which give a much higher percent back) and it’s easy to see how much this fundraiser (that doesn’t cost you anything) can benefit Saint Patrick! Counting this weekend, there are just seven weekends before Christmas. Our goal is to sell $125,000 in SCRIP between now and the New Year. We’ll keep you apprised of our progress by marking off sales each week on the Christmas candle. 6 Heywood, Cari & Anderson, S.C. STOCKS BONDS MUTUAL FUNDS Attorneys John D. Heywood (1914-2001) Samuel R. Cari Christopher M. Anderson Ryan C. Cari Kevin M. Urbik Philip A. Helgeson Samuel B. Cari 816 Dominion Dr. Ron Jenkins CDs IRAs Ron Weiler 1810 Crestview Dr. 325 Vine St. 377-9812 386-7337 Financial Advisors djo • Member SIPC SCRIP SCRIP SCRIP SCRIP ELLNER’S WINDOW TREATMENTS & CUSTOM CLOSETS Rod & Mary Ellner • Since 1988 715-386-6093 “We Bring The Store To Your Door” 386-5551 SCRIP SCRIP ZB ZAPPA BROS. SCRIP SCRIP (715) ( 5) 386-2371 EXCAVATION CONTRACTORS SINCE 1946 Industrial & Commercial Excavation Big bank technology without the big bank 715.381.8330 Hudson Installation of Septic Systems Material Delivery • Air Compressor Rental 386-2850 • Fax: 386-0323 715-425-8501 • For information on advertising call Andy Kobilka 1-800-678-4574, Ext. 4027 Email: Parishioners 1801 Ward Ave. • Plaza 94 715-386-1066 “The Morrissette Family, lifelong parishioners” Ronald F. Gagnon President Hudson, WI • St. Paul, MN • Bismarck, ND Cedar Rapids, IA • Bettendorf, IA Setter’s Liquor Store Please support these advertisers. 800-999-0621 651-644-4301 Fax: 651-644-1498 2315 Hampden Ave. St. Paul, MN 55114-1204 Refractory & Insulation Contractors Banquet Facility with seating for 300+ Awesome Friday Fish Fry “It All Starts Here” Chris O’Brien - Manager Randy Trost - Outside Sales A DIVISION OF TRANS-ALARM, INC. Fire • Burglary • Medical Emergencies Low Temperature & Control Closed Circuit T.V. Door Access • Integration U.L. Central Station Monitoring Tony Waalen • Account Manager • 800.325.7277 2020 Crest View Drive Hudson, WI 54016 (651) 436-7000 • (715) 386-2334 JOE NEINAS K & C Member Sales Sales, Service, Quick Lane,& Body Shop Johnson’s Body Shop, Inc. Established 1954 “high technology for today’s cars” - Conventional & Unibody Repair Free Loaners 410 2nd 386-2623 Counseling Care Donate online to Saint Patrick Parish Christian Counseling ® ... COMPARE THE BOTTOM LINE 2310 Crest View Drive Full Service Pharmacy 715-386-8214 715-381-5923 651-379-0444 Radio Dr. & I94 • Lake Elmo, MN Knights of Columbus Charity Unity Foreign & Domestic Auto Fraternity Patriotism and Light Truck Repair 24 Hour Towing & Lockout Service For Information Call Main St. in North, Hudson • 715-386-3233 386-8342 Hudson Bowling Center 1801 Ward Ave. 386-5121 North Ridge 1663 E. Division St. • River Falls, WI 54022 (715) 426-6000 • (715) 426-6007 Fax PAUL J. CONGDON, DDS (3 Wisconsin Locations) 1102 Beall Street, Hudson E-mail: Free Hearing Test 715-386-3675 Hearing Company 4 Year Warranties • All Styles & Price Ranges 60 Day Free Trial Period • Financing Available Deirdre Worrell WI State Licensed Audiologist 715-381-3111 for appointment Practicing Family Law in WI and MN The Law Practices of: Maria Maier Law Office 715-808-8425 Robin Dietz-Mayfield 715-808-8423 Offices in Hudson, WI and St. Paul, MN FOR AD INFO CALL Andy Kobilka at 1-800-678-4574 • WWW.4LPi.COM ST. PATRICK, HUDSON B 2C 02-0025 10-09-2014 15:10:41 Erickson Oil Products Parishioner Financial Services & Member Benefits Headquartered in Milw., WI 15-02107-10/13 Marilyn Karras, FIC 425-5125 612-840-3322 Brad Hetland O’CONNELL FAMILY FUNERAL HOMES LAWN BARBERS LLC REALTOR® 85 YEARS EXPERIENCE Hudson Chapel Baldwin Chapel 715-386-3725 715-684-3434 Tom - Mike O’Connell aka Countryside Crematory Specialists in Orthodontics for Adults and Children LAWN CARE / SNOW REMOVAL TODD DOMINO 612-868-7569 Each Office is Independently Owned & Operated HUDSON WI / INSURED & LICENSED (715) 781-1069 When the Time Comes for Assisted Living or Memory Care Dr. Becky S. Maher 1200 Crest View Dr, Ste 2 • Hudson, WI 54016 (800) 438-5979 Call For A Complimentary Evaluation $100 Donation To St. Pat’s At Closing - When Using Wayne Johnson and Sons Real Estate Services 715-381-4244 Parishioners • Provides: Privacy - Comfort - Freedom with 24 Hour Care as Needed CALL 1-715-381-7333 FOR PRIVATE TOUR Stephen J. Dunlap Fine Jewelry Attorney-At-Law Hudson 210 Locust Street Hudson, WI 54106 715-386-5500 386-7620 Roof to Ground Home Inspections Joe Starkey License #WI 2141-106 Financial Services & Member Benefits Cell 651-239-5665 Home 715-386-3447 Fax 715-386-0342 Headquartered in Milw., WI Dominic Rutledge, Advisor (715) 554-2202 783 McCutcheon Rd, Hudson, WI 54016 Michele Drevnick, M.S., F-AAA 715-531-6710 A Realistic Approach, Honest Opinions, A New Way to Practice HEARING TECHNOLOGY FOR YOUR LIFESTYLE (In Hudson Hospital) (715) 381-8270 Andrew M. Nelson, A Member of the Parish Vieregge Construction Co., Inc. Your Neighborhood Pediatric Dentist R.J.’s Meats & Groceries Award Winning Sausage Coulee Rd. Hudson, WI 386-9291 131 Carmichael Rd. Ste. 200, Hudson T: 855-LAPETITE (855-527-3848) MANTYLA WELL DRILLING, INC. Installat • Well Drilling • Pumps Installation Abandonment • Repairing Well A Authorized Wisconsin Homes Dealer 433 New Century Dr. Hudson, WI 54016 744 Ryan Drive Hudson, WI 54016 715-386-9714 715-386-5400 • • • • 1392 St. Croix Tr. N. Lak Lakeland, MN 55043-0797 What is your home really Worth? Dale Antiel Phone 651-436-7600 Fax 651-436-5106 Marketing Specialist Broker Associate 715-222-2913 Member FDIC Cosmetic Dentistry Sedation Dentistry Teeth Whitening Complete Family Care Sara Cody, D.D.S. James Kertis, D.D.S. Ryan Tietz, D.D.S. 2351 COULEE RD HUDSON 715-381-1413 Hudson • 715-386-9301 New Richmond • 715-246-6901 Somerset • 715-247-4501 Compliments of 1601 Maxwell Dr. • Hudson, WI 54016 (715) 386-2300 Ridley Blair & Associates FOR AD INFO CALL Andy Kobilka at 1-800-678-4574 • WWW.4LPi.COM ST. PATRICK, HUDSON A 2C 02-0025 10-09-2014 15:10:41
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