From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. 1966 28: 674-682 Staining of Blood Cells with Periodic Acid/Salicyloyl Hydrazide (PA-SH): A Fluorescent Method for Demonstrating Glycogen J. BURNS and P. B. NEAME Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved. From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. Staining of Acid/Salicyloyl Fluorescent A lIE PERIODIC the method as reaction of depends oxidized by densed J. with upon witim glycols intense blue salicyloyl pig on tissue in tissue Because and diagnostic the periodic aid formed from standard in blood method was the employed omitte(l. which product, acid the of certain con- visible solutions for are subsequently by of light salicyloyl oxidation sites were said He recommended constituent its presence glycogen with method was accepted cells. This glycols are periodic reactive light. reagent in some in the differentiation acid/salicyloyl hydrazide PA-SH of vicinal acidified the The ultraviolet is generally in blood latter a magenta-red of vicinal to fluoresce the use demonstration of and PAS was The stumdied, reaction that a of Stoward,’ following AND METhODS an of vicinal was blood that found and bone type his to give abnormal been used as a to determine be suitable if for cells. fluorescent-Schiff except procedure and has decided method would marrow to cells we l)one applied and normal primitive of leukemias, (PA-SH) MATERIAL The REACTION glycogen The conjugated is a common because demonstrating compared ) Glycogeii sections. glycogen cells, the Periodic (PA-SH) NEAME in glycogen, now to as B. dialdehydes. sections. exposure hydrazide glycols P. (PAS demonstrating to produce has with Demonstrating AND presence, dialdehydes in guinea BURNS to reagent Stoward1 hydrazide blood the acid Schiff’s for ACID-SCHIFF choice for periodic microscopy. Cells Hydrazide Method By T Blood nmarrow solochromne the best smears, procedure and (PA-AF). black-alunm The counterstain results. Solutions Periodic fronm Salicyloyl distilled a 50 and temperatumre the lost together b’ and htmt the Sodium One was left 24 water The BURNS, Department Imours of salicyloyl water to about replaced. before solution prepared snmears, on smears were just thin glass then treated cent periodic 3 by F.I.M.L.T.. F.R.M.S.: M.D.: Radcliffe (Signma) 10-15 in distilled was added minutes. adding 5 use. A brown remnained the deposit uninmpaired ml. of three water to After cooling glacial acetic ingredients appeared for Pentacyano-Amino prior was in several the 95 nml. to acid. were solution of room Any mixed after a weeks. Ferroate). A 1 per cent soltmtion to use. slides, were fixed with absolute methyl alcohol for 30 as follows: of Pathology, Radcliffe Infirmary, 27, 1965; accepted for publication P. B. NEAaE, of Pathology, acid hydrazide for Alternatively, (Tri-$’odium was per (BDH). boiling adjusted of the From tile Department First submitted Dec. J. in was for 1 solution granm warmed pH of stock evaporation activity Air-dried University. solution cent Amminoprusside in distilled minutes. fresh per Hydrazide. water water time A Acid. prepared Nuffield Nuffleld Infirmary, Research Lecturer Oxford, England. March 26, 1966. Technician in Pathology, in Pathology, Oxford Oxford University; Oxford. 674 Bioou, \TOL. 28, No. 5 (NovEER). 1966 From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. OF STAINING BLOOD a. Periodic acid b. Washed in tap solution c. Rinsed d. Salicyloyl e. Rinsed in tap f. Rinsed thoroughly g. Rinsed twice h. The barrier exanmined, field (2-4 cleared to in nminutes) xylol effect the and of nmounted was for the in a synthetic fixed b. Old (4 years) c. Fresh and alcohol, the on both bone and PA-SH histochemmmical Reaction filter fluoro were snmears throughout the full nmonocular (mounted the study. mnethod substituted, Marrow and the histochenmical and and its 1 and studied. controls were as a UG and then marrow nmethod Blood was as procedure, Various having used binocular factors served reagents of full with and and nmicroscope, exciter following blood individual the PA-SH applied Fresh The constituents Wetzlar The performed utilized. unfixed the Leitz lamp. autofluorescence various conmbinations, of and a 200 was was for with H.B. Exanmination condenser the oil, Osram Fixed test Behavior under on studied a. acid alcohol. a K 430. were mnethod solution water absolute light a dark various 2. minutes) in amnminoprusside were autofluorescence, in (20-40 distilled Autofluorescence. order water soluton to unmounted) In distilled with filter and 1. minutes) water imltraviolet of vison 675 (Uvinert). smears source PA-SH (2 minutes) hydrazide mountant the with WITH (10 water twice Dehydrated free CELLS on alone and results were noted. Smears. The PA-SH to: unstained snmears. fixed old unstained smears. May-Grunwald nmethyl alcohol Giemsa and periodic d. Fresh and old fixed smears e. Fresh and old fixed snmears, Blood and with no (M-G.G.) stained snmears after destaining with acid. after digestion in were then which salivary amylase stained for with an with PA-SH. 30 nminutes improved at alum 37 C. haema- toxylin.4 3. Appearance individuals with of a known known smears Comparison 4. AF methods were rinsed twice three changes were Staining blood and used. marrow Unstained Blool smnears snmears smears from fronm from individuals (1) above and the same as controls. PA-SH, by after and the PAS and above three PA-AF Procedures. nmethods and absolute mmmethyl Smears compared. from The PAS and the PA- as follows. were with used the stained Smears PAS: treated disorder were of were Cells disorder haematological positive individuals Marrow haematological (a) fixed 1 per with for cent 30 distilled of sulphite (d) rinse color was in acid water; for with haematoxylin; (h) rinsed xylol and mounted in picolyte. A magenta-red nminutes periodic for Schiff’s observed minutes; reagent 2 nminutes tap in 10 (C. each; (f) water; (i) dehydrated at positive the alcohol. (b) tap T. Gurr) rinsed sites The snmears water for for in tap to absolute 20-40 water; when were 2 (g) (c) minutes; (e) nuclei alcohol, examined then minutes; stained cleared by light in micros- copy. Acriflavine-Schiff fluorescence with (PA-AF): obtained was the Leitz Wetzler The at the mimethod sites nmicroscope used of was glycogen using a BG that described content 12 exciter by Culling.5 when the smears filter and a K An were 530 orange examined barrier filter. RESULTS Auto The grey fluorescence nucleated white cells autofluorescence. brighter than The in blood in both blood autofluorescence smears and the and/or mounting, it was slightly largely quenched by amminoprusside erythrocytes fluoresced the and an off-white nuclei reduced. marrow in marrow were more The solution color. smears exhibited smears distinct. autofluorescence in the was usually After fixation was, PA-SH a light however, technic. The From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. 676 BURNS Table h-The PA-SH Reaction tinder Various fixed smears Fresh fixed smears positivity salivary amylase Fresh Negative M-G.G. stained destaining with 01(1 fixed, imnstained Old fixed smears smears acid after alcohol Positive smears after Positive salivary anmylase Old Reaction Strong after NEAME Conditions PA-SH Condition Freslm AND Variable M-G.G. stained destaining Smears fronm PA-SH smears with acid fresh EDTA after positivity after smears alcohol Usually blood 4 weeks negative Positive of storage Positive in the dark Table 2.-PA-SH Reaction on Normal Blood PA-SH Type of Blood Cell Marrow Postivity +++ Diffuse, often Eosinoplmil ++ 1)iffuse, mildly Basophil +++ Granular Promyelocyte + I)iffuse \Iyelocyte + Diffuse ++ Lymnphocyte mildly Difftmse Gramiular \lonocyte 0 to +++ l)iffuse. granular Megakaryocyte + to ++++ Diffuse, ++ Plasnma PA-SH granular and blocks Granular to +++ Normoblast particulate particulate 0 to +++ Platelet Cells Form Neutrophil Metanmyelocyte 0 cell 0 to + Diffuse, granimlar Reaction Positive sites exposure sites and Fluorescence to exhibited appeared form. well The either nuclei delineated. smears of the cells The under various Appearance conditions of Blood 2 gives Table 3 illustrates of the positivity and the of the the are of variable intensity, cells and their structure reaction on blood and in Table by in various normal blood in some pathological was 0 Cells with no + Cells with a few or with a diffuse, based positive on the after was marrow 1. Stained results Cells which The positive in a granular to black with alum-haematoxylin by fluorescence microscopy. seen Marrow grey PA-SH shown smears findings the dark of of recognition fluorescence were results PA-SH treated of cells previously Staining Table a blue light was reduced to a white fluorescence. as a diffuse cytoplasmic fluorescence or ultraviolet the resulted PA-SH and easy Reaction marrow conditions. following in cells, The while assessment criteria: reaction. scattered pale granimles. blue with cytoplasnmic one concentric fluorescence. ring of granules, From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. OF STAINING BLOOD CELLS Table WITH 677 PA-SH 3.-PA-SH Reaction in Pathological States PA-SH Number Cases Disease Pernicious Iron anenmia deficiency Acute crisis Type of Blood Cell 3 Megaloblast 1 Normoblast anemia aplastic of 10 Giant Reaction Positivity Form 0 0 to ++ pro- ++ Diffuse to +++ Granular 0 to +++ Diffuse, erythroblast Erythroleukemia 2 Erytlmroblast 1 Myeloblast 2 Lynmphoblast 0 to ++++ Granular, 1 Monocyte + to ++ Diffuse 7 Lymphocyte 0 to +++ Granular 7 Lymphocyte 0 to +++ Granular granular Acute nmyeloblastic leukemia Acute lynmphoblastic 0 leukemia Acute block monocytic (Schilling Chronic leukemia type) lymphatic Infectious leukemia mononucleosis Table 4.-PA-SH Scores in Chronic Lymphatic Infectious Mononucleosis PA-,SH Score on Distribution Disease Chronic Leukemia 100 Consecutive and Lymphocytes* of Positivity ++ Total Scoret 0 + +++ 1 35 51 13 1 80 2 15 80 5 0 90 lymphatic leukemial Cases 3 80 20 0 0 20 4 56 38 6 0 50 5 46 49 4 1 60 6 68 32 0 0 32 7 48 47 5 0 57 93 Infectious mononucleosis Cases 1 45 21 30 4 2 39 35 26 0 87 3 39 20 29 12 114 4 31 52 17 0 86 5 6 40 46 36 22 20 22 4 10 88 96 7 41 27 21 11 #{176}Rating according PA-SH range Antimitotic to on 20 Quaglino therapy in § Paul Bunnell positive ++ Cells and normals; total all in Haylmoe.6 score 11-58. cases. all with rings 102 cases. a of nmoderate granules, concentration or a of moderately granules, intense, with diffuse two concentric cytoplasmic fluo- rescence. +++ Cells with plasmic ++++ In Table mononucleosis Cells 4 the are a high showing a block findings shown concentration of granules or an intense blue cyto- fluorescence. in or blocks in chronic detail. The of fluorescent lymphatic lymphocytes material. leukemia and infectious were rated according to From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. BURNS 678 Fig. 1.-NeLmtrophil Fig. Q uaglino comparable glycogen and with scores Bergna, their 2.-Lymphocyte Mednicoff cases of differences, above Figures showing 1Iayhoe, those chrommic the the and time results obtained by them lymphatic are lymphocyte normal 1-fl show intense cytoplasmic fluorescent found iim some of and Dameslmek,7 however, perience, showing in leukemia when related in PAS using the mononucleosis range. examples of some of the results cytoplasm. leukemia reaction. The the results of elevated scores to treatment.6 infectious its lymphatic the our cases differ from who noted greatly apparently score chronic with NEAME fluorescence. stippling in AND obtained. PAS In method. our limited has been are low Mitus, in all These exwell From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. STAINING OF BLOOD CELLS PA-SH WITH Fig. 3.-Megakaryocyte 679 showing blocks of fluorescence. L 1. Fig. 4.-Giant proerythroblast, from an acute aplastic crisis, showing fluorescent granules. of (lie (70fl1/)ari.S’OH There seemed the good the contrast technic PAS between of the positive microscope prove PA-AF of PAS and than to be reaction. Imegative in the a more Methods time PAS time PA-Sil l)etweelm fluorescence color will and correlation i)lue magenta-red fluorescent SH was timat PA-SI!, ordinary sensitive and PA-SH methods reaction corresponded The sites, light cytological however, tlman and the in the Whether the PA- the reaction was microscope. method detail and it witlm clearer PAS From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. BURNS 680 from Fig. 5.-Erythroblasts, p1mg of one Fig. cell and diffuse a case of cytoplasmic 6.-Lymphoblast, from a erythroleukaemia, fluorescence case of showing AND NEAME stip- fluorescent of another. acute leukaemia, showing blocks of H norescence. requires further investigation . Fl uoresceimt inetimods, however, results wlmen are usually immore SensitiVe. Time PA-AF Nevertheless, imietimod in our identifying glycogen reasonable results. gave opinion in blood It certainly relatively time good imiethod PA-AF cells could loses because of the not comimpare its value vorkimmg atteimtion required with PA-Sil time efficieimtlv. as a method for to obtaimm method in From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. STAINING OF obtaining CELLS consistent rescent the BLOOD and cells, WITH results, or in the nonfluorescent staiimed sites. by the 681 PA-SH In PA-AF striking contrast addition method, the tended obtained nucleus between and to take the fluo- cytoplasimi up a yellow of staiim. DIscussIoN The method various used ways by lmy(lrazide salicyloyl length of found time that o1)tinmum is that method range smears. ( P11 given ) first, for the structure ated and this technic at the the sites aimd form of the usually could no difficulty and ph was the best the pH of the oxidation the as of i)e easily encountered and additioim, time ultimately on l)lood and periodic acid to time glycols,1 but subse- to make imo differeimce couimterstain, used interfered In tried acid We results vicinal seemed black-alum it reageimt lim exacted. gave time initially periodic values. text individual was We the adjusted of positivity. cell Stowarcl.’ of utiliziimg reagents procedure solocimrome 1)ecause oliTlitte(1 obtained cence the in the at (1tlently dispelmse(1 with this th( l1ltilfl1tt(. result. Time Stoward,’ all of We, by and conceimtrations application the described time solutions at different of marrow bone us of preparnmg with addition, the without nucleated blood identified. During fluores- time counterstaiii cell was the the iii preparing blue to 1w well deliime- period of usiimg reagents or their iii utilization. In centers prove where an ultraviolet to be a useful adjunct lTIa_y that only ai)ly used hydrazine-type for tiomm of vicitmal technic is also reagents, and imot Schiff-type dialdehydes demonstrating glycols in useful a microscope is available, the for differentiating leukemias. liberated histochemistry. method reagents, by the is little There wimeim applied PA-SH metlmo(l Stovard1 felt could periodic doubt to histological be acid timat relioxida- time PA-Sil sectioims. SUMMARY Stowardtm dialdehydes pig tissue tion, to conjugated formed from with Schiff-type fiavine existing Schiff-type technic to where The sections. demonstrate compared aid PAS acidified solutions the periodic acid method has periodic method. positivity P. in J. Stoward Ic dialdehydos with method methods diagnosis sectioimes nminor medullari, reageimte Es opinate fluorescente de tissu e de illo Schiff que typo de IN de porco pm demonstrar ha essite e con comparate mm methodo Ic methodo Schiff that it will conditions, such with the in guinea minor and modificait has l)een a fluorescent will replace acrithe prove to as acute be a useful leukemia, to occur. conjugate solutiones formate iii le oxydation modificatiommes, and and of blood is known ha with acid-Schiff reaction and It is felt that the PA-SH blood SuMMAIn0 (011 utilized, cells, in fluorescent in the been marrow glycogen the now of salicyloyl hydrazide oxidation of vicinal glycols a e que INTEBLINCuA acidificate a acido India. Iste de hydrazida salicyloylic periodic de glycoles vicinal methodo glycogeimo con typo esseva in cellulas Ic reaction a acido Schiff a acriflavina AP-HS va reimplaciar illo s’a provar se tin Ic utile existente technica utilisate, con sanguinee periodic fluorescente. methodos de adjuta e (‘ From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. 682 in BURNS Ic de diagnose Fmositivit;lte pro conditiones acido sanguinee, periodic incluse de Schiff e reagente leucemia occurre AND NEAME acute, in que cognoscitemente. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS to We are grateful Dr. S. Callender, to Miss Department Nimifield muaterial was Dr. A. 11. T. obtained Cilliami Robb-Smith, Gibbs, of Me(licifle for this and and the the Gibson in whose staff of department the this haenmatologv Laboratories, work was done. of the of the laboratories from whom most from altmm-haematoxvl stud. REFERENCES 1. Stoward. J.: P. Microscopy. of 2. D. 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