St Mary’s Catholic Church Clapham! Clapham Park Road Clapham London SW4 7AP! Served by the Redemptorists since 1848! Parish Team: Fr Michael McGreevy CSsR, Fr Joseph Musendami CSsR.! Telephone No 020 7498 3005!! St Mary’s Hall 07817756402 St Mary’s School 020 7622 5479 Ace of Clubs 020 7720 2811! ! ! ! ! ! ! Sunday Mass Times:! 5.30pm (Sat Vigil), 8am, 10am, 12 noon! Portuguese Mass:! Sunday 5pm. Chaplain Fr Marcos Pinto 020 7587 0881! Weekday Masses:! 7am and 12.30pm Saturday Masses: 9.30am and 12.30pm! Confessions on Saturday 10am-10.30am, 4.45-5.15pm, 6.30-7pm, 7.30pm! Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help every Saturday at 7pm! ! Dedication of the Lateran Basilica - 9th November 2014 ! ! ! This Sunday we celebrate the Mother Church of all churches. The Basilica in Rome of Our Saviour and St John the Baptist and St John the Evangelist. This is also the birthday of our Redemptorist Congregation. Our Founder, St Alphonsus was going to call his Congregation of “The Most Holy Saviour” but that was already the name of an Order so he called us the Congregation of “The Most Holy Redeemer” hence Redemptorists. Pray for us all today. ! ! ! Greetings and Thanks: See the letter in the Church Porch written by Fr Laureano from our Redemptorist Community in the Albanian Mission. It is of course from the community of Fr Laureano, Fr Dominic and Fr Andrzej. They tell us of their story so far, the experience of the visit of Pope Francis, their coming together as the first Albanian Redemptorist Community, and they express especial gratitude to our parish here at St Mary’s Clapham for the very generous gift of 5830 Euros. Our prayers are asked for the following who are sick: Sr Chris Fealy FMDM, John Rossiter, Frank Griffith, Joanna Elliott, Christina Kraffit, Carmen Woolmington, Deirdre Wetheral, John McGuckin. ________ Those who have died recently: Michael Sullivan, George Charles Campbell, Abel Tewelde. ________ Those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Martin King, Dame Grace Mensa-Bonsu, Rosaline and Francis Joyce, Luzia Reis, Kit Donoghue, Michael Igoh. ________ Prayer Intention: That every one of us will rejoice to be living stones and play our part in building up the one Church of Christ our Lord. ________ Those we have loved: there is a Book of Remembrance at the front of the Church where you may write the names of those who have died whom you would like to be remembered in our prayers during the month of November. The names of those in the last 12 months here in St Mary’s Parish will be read out at the 12.30 Mass on Saturday, 29 November. The Church is generally open each day with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until 7pm. ________ Parish Surgeries with Fr Michael - no appointment needed on the following days: Monday, 10 November, 4-6pm. Tuesday, 18 November, 4-6pm. Wednesday, 26 November, 4-6pm. ________ Last week’s collection: Gift Aid envelopes £413.65 Loose plate £1051.59 ! Gift Aid Scheme: if you are a tax-payer and you normally contribute via the loose plate you could join the Gift Aid Scheme and add an extra 25% to the collection. Many thanks for your continued support. ________ So Sorry! we have had to cancel the Christmas Fair and the Senior Citizen’s Christmas Lunch because of the building work still going on in the Monastery. We hope to make up for this in the New Year and Spring time. ________ Marriage: Please note, Diocesan Policy is to require six months notice. If you are planning to get married in a Catholic Church here or abroad please contact St Mary’s Office as soon as possible. ! Result of the Mass Count through October 2014: 5.30pm - 154; 8am - 103; 10am - 349; 12noon - 288. This is the average taken over the four weeks. First Reconciliation sacramental celebration this afternoon at 3pm for candidates and their parents. Confirmation Programme: this Thursday, 13 November, 6.30pm Sacrament of Reconciliation for Candidates and Parents in the Church. Then next Sunday, Bishop Pat Lynch will celebrate the Confirmations at the 12noon Mass. _________ This is Vocations weekend, 7-9 November, here at St Mary’s, Clapham, conducted by Fr Richard Reid. You can find out more by contacting Fr Richard at or check the poster in the church porch. Maybe this is for you! _________ REDEMPTORIST YOUTH MINISTRY (RYM) Paul Murphy (Coordinator of RYM) would like specially to invite young adults (18-35) to the very first meeting of the new RYM Young Adult Group. This will take place this THURSDAY 13th November at 7pm in the Clement Room in St Mary's Monastery. There will be a time of prayer, faith-sharing & music! This will be followed by a social gathering at a nearby pub for the group to get to know one another. For more info contact Paul on 0775 123 7473 or email Follow RYM on Twitter @RYM_GB! ________ RYM YOUNG ADULT ADVENT RETREAT WEEKEND Want to prepare properly for Christmas? Are you 18-35? Make time for yourself & Christ by joining us for our RYM Young Adult Advent Retreat Weekend from Friday 5th December (evening) until Sunday 7th December (lunch) at Hawkstone Hall in Shropshire! Weekend includes faith, food, friendship, Praise & Worship, Adoration, Reconciliation, Mass, walks & social time! Cost is £100 (waged) / £50 (students/ unwaged) for all accommodation, meals & spiritual input! Contact Paul Murphy as above for more info or to book your place!! ________ The Cake Sale last week made an amazing £190.42 for the Trinity Hospice. Congratulations to the young bakers and to the happy parishioners. _________ Redemptorist Calendar for 2015 available now from the Sacristy or Monastery Reception for £2.00 St Mary’s own Christmas Cards are available from reception. Special bargain price of 8 for £2.00. Cash in and support the Spire and Restoration Fund.
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