The Feast of Saint Andrew We Are A Stewardship Parish, The Hands and Feet of Christ “One Lord, One Eucharist, One Parish” November 16th, 2014 9950 NW 29th Street Coral Springs, Florida 33065 Parish Office: (954) 752-3950 Fax (954) 752-3986 Website: E-mail: Facebook: Twitter: Office Hours: Monday 2pm -5pm; Tuesday - Friday 8am - 5pm; Saturday 9am - 5pm & Sunday 9am - 3pm About Us Clergy Schedule Rev. Msgr. Michael A. Souckar - Pastor Rev. Flavio Montes - Parochial Vicar Rev. Jorge Perales - Parochial Vicar Rev. Normando Feliz - (Retired) Rev. Mr. Denis Mieyal - Permanent Deacon Rev. Mr. Julio De Jesus - Transitional Deacon Vigil and Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday Evening Mass: (English) 5:30 p.m. & (Spanish) 7:00 p.m. Pastoral Staff Mrs. Lydia Bernard-Vargas Director of Preschool 954-905-6374 Mrs. Beatriz Castro Coordinator of Religious Education 954-905-6322 Mrs. Mosi Del Aguila Stewardship Coordinator 954-905-6314 Sunday Masses: (English) 7:00, 8:00, 9:30 (Children’s Mass), 11:30 a.m., 5:30 p.m., and 1:30 p.m. (Spanish) Daily Mass Schedule Monday - Friday 7 a.m., 9 a.m. Monday - Friday (Spanish) 7 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. Confession Saturday (English & Spanish) 4:30pm - 5:30pm Sunday (Before Mass) 9am, 11am & 1pm Wednesday 7:00 - 8:00pm Adoration Chapel Weekday by appointment only (please call the office) Adoration Perpetual Adoration in Adoration Chapel Miss Mary Forney Youth 4 Christ Minister & Director of Faith Formation 954-588-8667 Mrs. Kristen Hughes School Principal 954-753-1280 Mrs. Maria Elena Kaplove Bookkeeper 954-905-6321 Mrs. Suzanne League Receptionist 954-752-3950 Mrs. Shelly Nicoll Administrative Assistant 954-905-6317 Mrs. Mary Lou Taff Music Director 954-905-6335 Outreach Department Volunteers 954-905-6316 Faith Direct Code: FL619 Upcoming Events in The Parish November 15th & 16th - Feast of St. Andrew November 18th - Speaker Series November 18th - Confirmation Sponsor Meeting November 19th - Baptism Class November 20th - Confirmation Sponsor Meeting November 21st - School Thanksgiving Taste Fest November 22nd - 45th Anniversary Celebration November 23rd - Eucharistic Procession November 25th - 29th No R.E. November 25th - Unity Service/ Offsite November 26th - 28th - No School November 27th - Thanksgiving Day MARK YOUR CALENDARS MONDAY, November 17th, 2014 ROSARY GROUP (8:20AM - CHAPEL) CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP (7:00PM - MPR)) WHY CATHOLIC TEAM MEETING (7:30PM - CR # 121) WHY CATHOLIC FORMATION TEAM MEETING (7:30PM - MEDIA CENTER) YOUTH GROUP MUSIC REHEARSAL (7:30PM - CHURCH) TUESDAY, November 18th, 2014 SPEAKER SERIES - ROCIO RAMIREZ ROSARY GROUP (8:20AM - CHAPEL) CHILDREN’S CHOIR PRACTICE (3:00PM - CHURCH) R.E. CLASSES (4:00PM - SCHOOL) R.E. CLASSES (6:00PM - SCHOOL) CONFIRMATION SPONSOR MEETING (6:00PM - SOCIAL HALL) GRUPO SEMILLA MEETING (7:00PM - MPR) ENSAYO DEL CORO DE LOS SABADOS (7:30PM - CHURCH) YOUNG ADULTS MEETING (7:30PM - YOUTH MINISTRY ROOM) WOMEN’S COUNCIL BOARD MEETING (7:30PM - CR # 203) REUNIÓN MENSUAL HOMBRES DE EMAUS (7:45PM - CR # 135) WEDNESDAY, November 19th, 2014 BAPTISM CLASS ROSARY GROUP (8:20AM - CHAPEL) GIRL SCOUTS (3:00PM - CR # 121) CHILDREN’S HANDBELL CHOIR (3:15PM - CHURCH) ROSARY FOR LIFE (6:00PM - CHAPEL) CUB SCOUTS (6:30PM - MPR) PORQUE SER CATÓLICO (7:00PM - CR # 203) ESCUELA BÍBLICA CATÓLICA YESHU’A (7:30PM - CR # 220) ENSAYO DEL CORO DEL DOMINGO (7:30PM - CHURCH) LEGION DE MARIA (7:30PM - CR # 126) MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, November 16th, 2014 7:00AM Fr. Perales 8:00AM Fr. Montes 9:30AM Fr. Montes 11:30AM Fr. Perales 1:30PM Fr. Feliz 5:30PM Fr. Perales Brandon Anthony Scibilia by His Mother Thomas Haas by Kim McKay & Family Parishioners of Saint Andrew Parish Barbara Basilio by Pat Randazzo & Jan Romano Carmine Cammarata por Su Familia Crunch Fox’s Birthday (Living) by Germanine McGath Monday, November 17th, 2014 7:00AM Msgr. Souckar 9:00AM Fr. Perales 7:00PM Fr. Montes Souls in Purgatory by Maria Penagos Theresa Locurto by Her Daughter in Law Mary Messing por Su Familia Tuesday, November 18th, 2014 7:00AM Fr. Perales 9:00AM Msgr. Souckar 7:00PM Msgr. Souckar Souls in Purgatory by Maria Penagos Ronnie Martin by The Charland Family Victor García por Julia Salamanca Wednesday, November 19th, 2014 7:00AM Msgr. Souckar 9:00AM Fr. Montes 7:00PM Fr. Perales Souls in Purgatory by Maria Penagos Maria Isabel Ovalle by Her Daughter Julia Cáceres por Su Nieta y Familia Thursday, November 20th, 2014 7:00AM Fr. Montes 9:00AM Msgr. Souckar 7:00PM Fr. Montes Souls in Purgatory by Maria Penagos Eleanor Wroblewski (Living) by Jan Baker & Family Rolando Reyes por Su Madre, Isabel Reyes Friday, November 21st, 2014 7:00AM Fr. Fenger 9:00AM Msgr. Canavan 7:00PM Fr. Perales Souls in Purgatory by Maria Penagos Robert Huc by His Family Colona Jimenez por Su Familia THURSDAY, November 20th, 2014 ROSARY GROUP (8:20AM - CHAPEL) R.E. CLASSES (4:00PM - SCHOOL) R.E. CLASSES (6:00PM - SCHOOL) CONFIRMATION SPONSOR MEETING (6:00PM - SOCIAL HALL) ADULT CHOIR PRACTICE (7:30PM - CHURCH) KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MEETING (7:30PM - MPR) Saturday, November 22nd, 2014 FRIDAY, November 21st, 2014 ROSARY GROUP (8:20AM - CHAPEL) Sunday, November 23rd, 2014 SATURDAY, November 22nd, 2014 PARISH 45TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION ROSARY GROUP (8:20AM - CHAPEL) CONFIRMATION SPONSOR MEETING (9:00AM - SOCIAL HALL) R.E. CLASSES (9:00AM - SCHOOL) REZO DE LA CORONILLA (8:15PM - CHURCH/CHAPEL) SUNDAY, November 23rd, 2014 EUCHARISTIC PROCESSION RCIA CLASS (10AM - MEDIA CENTER) RCIA CLASS CHILDREN (10:30AM - CR 126 & 221) RICA ESPAÑOL (11:30AM - CR # 121) REZO DEL ROSARIO EN ESPAÑOL (2:45PM - CHURCH/CHAPEL) YOUTH 4 CHRIST - HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY (6:45PM) DO YOU HAVE ONE HOUR TO SPARE FOR JESUS? Sign up for Adoration, Jesus is waiting for you. Our Lady of Guadalupe Flowers to Our Lady have been offered in loving memory of Doña Rosa España, mother of Parishioner, friend, and Emmaus sister, Damarys Rumbos-Diaz. 9:00AM Fr. Montes 6:00PM Msgr. Souckar & All Priests 7:00AM Fr. Montes 8:00AM Msgr. Souckar 9:30AM Fr. Perales 11:30AM Msgr. Souckar 1:30PM Fr. Perales 5:30PM Fr. Feliz Community Mass 1. Marian Smith by Richard & Lou Righi 2. Estella Velásquez by Iván & Lís Aristizabal In Thanksgiving for Evelyn Sabga’s 70th Birthday (Living) by Jackie & Annie Michael, Nicole & Baby Hannah Rahael (Living) by The Rahael Family John Cordner by His Wife Henrietta Indira Jairam Delgado by Julio & Catherine Delgado Parroquianos de la Iglesia de Saint Andrew Jonathan O’Connor by His Daughter “Come and Gather Around the Altar of the Lord” Join us for our 45th Anniversary Celebration Saturday, November 22nd, 2014 6:00pm Bilingual Mass (Main Church) 7:00pm Reception (Social Hall) Hors D’oeuvres, Beer, Wine and Soft Drinks will be served Honoring Saint Andrew Our Patron Dear Parishioners of Saint Andrew: As we celebrate this weekend the feast of our heavenly patron Saint Andrew the Apostle, I am pleased to announce that the stained glass windows for the Eucharistic Adoration Chapel will be installed this week. I thank all those who have made a donation and helped us to reach $69,000. We are still in need of $16,000; so I kindly ask those who have not made a donation to consider doing so. Among the symbols found in the stained glass windows is a panel dedicated to Saint Andrew. The artist has depicted an X-shaped cross overlaid with two fish. These symbols remind us of the beginning, middle and end of Andrew’s life as an apostle of Christ Jesus. The fish remind us that Andrew and his brother Simon Peter were fishermen when the Lord Jesus called them saying “Come after me and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4: 19), as we hear in the Gospel at Mass today. Andrew and Peter immediately left their work and their family in order to follow Jesus. Later, the Gospel tells us that Andrew presented to the Lord a young boy with two fish and five loaves of bread which the Lord miraculously multiplied to feed the thousands who had been listening to him preach (John 6: 1-14). This miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fish clearly anticipates the Lord’s gift of the Holy Eucharist where bread that is blessed, broken, and distributed becomes the Body of Christ. Finally, the symbol in the stained glass reminds us that Saint Andrew was crucified on an X-shaped cross in the city of Petra, Greece. From his call at the seashore, to his presentation of the young boy with the loaves and fish, to his martyrdom by crucifixion Saint Andrew is a model to us of Christian discipleship. He freely abandoned everything to follow Jesus, he offered what appeared to be insufficient food to feed a large crowd trusting that the Lord could make it sufficient, and he offered the total gift of himself when he died for Christ at the hands of those opposed to Jesus and the Gospel. It is my hope that whenever you are in the Eucharistic Adoration Chapel and see the panel depicting the X-shaped cross and fish you will remember the holy life of our heavenly patron Saint Andrew. I also hope that you will pray for Saint Andrew’s intercession to help you to follow Christ as he did and that you will pray for all the clergy and laity of our parish community. Next weekend will be filled with several special events. On Saturday morning following the 9:00 am Mass there will be a ceremony to bless the newly installed stained glass windows in the Eucharistic adoration chapel. On Saturday evening there will be a special bi-lingual Mass at 6:00 pm (combining the usual 5:30 and 7:00 Masses) to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the establishment of the parish and the fact that we are debt-free; the celebration will continue after the Mass with a reception in the parish hall. Monsignor George Puthusseril, our former pastor, plans to join us for the reception. On Sunday afternoon we will have our fifth annual Eucharistic procession beginning at 3:00 pm in the church. This Eucharistic procession is an opportunity to give public witness to our faith and thereby invite others to come to know better Christ Jesus and His Church. These events will help us to recall that ‒ as it was for Saint Andrew ‒ Jesus Christ is the center of our life. I hope that you can join us for these special celebrations and that you will bring along a friend. May the Lord bless you and your families with His love! Monsignor Michael A. Souckar Honrando a San Andrés Nuestro Patrón Queridos Parroquianos de Saint Andrew: Al celebrar este fin de semana la fiesta de nuestro Santo patrón el Apostol San An-drés, me complace anunciarles que los vitrales de la Capilla de Adoración Eucarística se instalarán esta semana. Agradezco a todos aquellos que han hecho una donación y nos han ayudado a llegar a $69,000. Todavía estamos en necesidad de $16,000; así que a aquellos que no han hecho una donación les ruego que consideren hacer una. Entre los símbolos que se encuentran en los vitrales hay un panel dedicado a San Andrés. El artista ha representado una cruz en forma de X superpuesta con dos peces. Estos símbolos nos recuerdan el principio, medio y fin de la vida de Andrés como apóstol de Cristo Jesús. El pescado nos recuerdan que Andrés (y su hermano Simón Pedro) eran pescadores cuando el Señor Jesús los llamó diciendo "Síganme y yo los haré pescadores de hombres" (Mateo 4:19), como escuchamos en el Evangelio de la Misa de hoy. Andrés y Pedro dejaron su trabajo y su familia inmediatamente con el fin de seguir a Jesús. Mas adelante, el Evangelio nos dice que Andrés le presentó al Señor un niño con dos peces y cinco panes y que el Señor milagrosamente los multiplicó para alimentar a miles de personas que lo habían estado escuchando (Juan 6:1-14). Este milagro de la multiplicación de los panes y peces anticipa claramente el don del Señor en la Sagrada Eucaristía, donde el pan que es bendecido, partido y distribuído se convierte en el Cuerpo de Cristo. Por último, el símbolo en los vitrales nos recuerda que San Andrés fue crucificado en una cruz en forma de X en la ciudad de Petra, Grecia. A partir de su llamado en la orilla del mar, a la presentación del niño con los panes y los peces, a su martirio por crucifixion, San Andrés es un modelo para nosotros de discipulado Cristiano. Abandonó libremente todo para seguir a Jesús, le ofreció lo que parecía ser comida suficiente para alimentar a una gran multitud confiando en que el Señor podría hacer que sea suficiente, y le ofreció el don total de sí mismo cuando murió por Cristo a manos de los que se oponen a Jesús y al Evangelio. Tengo la esperanza de que cada vez que usted este en la Capilla de Adoración Eucarística y vea el panel que representa la cruz en forma de X y los peces, recuerde la vida santa de nuestro santo patrón San Andrés. También espero que ore por la intercesión de San Andrés para que le ayude a seguir a Cristo como él lo hizo y que ore por todos los sacerdotes, diáconos y laicos de nuestra comunidad parroquial. El próximo fin de semana se llena de varios eventos especiales. El sábado por la mañana después de la Misa de las 9:00 am habrá una ceremonia para bendecir los vitrales recién instalados en la capilla de Adoración Eucarística. El sábado por la noche habrá una misa bilingüe especial a las 6:00 pm (combinación de las habituales Misas 5:30 y 7:00 ) para celebrar el 45 aniversario de la creación de la parroquia y el hecho de que estamos libres de deudas; la celebración continuará después de la Misa con una recepción en el salón parroquial. Monseñor George Puthusseril, nuestro pastor anterior, planea unirse a nosotros en la recepción. El domingo por la tarde tendremos nuestra quinta Procesión Eucarística anual empezando a las 3:00 pm en la iglesia. Esta procesión eucarística es una oportunidad para dar testimonio público de nuestra fe y así invitar a otros a que lleguen a conocer mejor a Cristo Jesús y a Su Iglesia. Estos eventos nos ayudan a recordar que - como lo fue para San Andrés - Jesucristo es el centro de nuestra vida. Espero que usted puede unirse a nosotros en estas celebraciones especiales y que traiga a un amigo. ¡Qué el Señor los siga bendiciendo a usted y a sus familias con Su amor! Monseñor Michael A. Souckar Congratulations This weekend Archbishop Thomas Wenski will accept Mr. Luis E. Del Aguila, Jr., of our parish as a formal candidate for ordination as a permanent deacon. We congratulate Luis on this significant step in his continuing formation. While his studies and formation continue for several more years, we ask the Holy Spirit to bless and guide Luis as he discerns the will of the Lord to serve Christ and his Church as a deacon. Felicitaciones Este fin de semana el Arzobispo Thomas Wenski aceptará al Sr. Luis E. Del Aguila, Jr., de nuestra parroquia como candidato formal para ser ordenado como diácono permanente. Felicitamos a Luis en este paso significante en su formación continua. Mientras sus estudios y formación continuan por varios años más, le pedimos al Espiritu Santo que lo bendiga y lo guie mientras el sigue discerniendo en la voluntad del Señor para servir a Cristo y a su Iglesia como diácono. Monsignor Michael A. Souckar OUTREACH HOURS Tuesday thru Friday 9:30am - 11:00am 954-905-6316 Pantry Items Sweet Potatoes/Mash Potatoes/Can Gravy Box Stuffing Mix/Can Vegetables Please check expiration dates We Cannot distribute expired food Your Kind Help is Appreciated!!! St. Vincent de Paul Poor Boxes Our “Poor Boxes” are located at the church exits. We need your monetary donations, the St. Vincent de Paul Society uses 100% of your donations to help the needy. Please help us, to help them. Thank you for your monetary donations!!! Eucharistic Adoration Chapel Stained Glass Grapes and Wheat Las Uvas y El Trigo Los dos paneles centrales, tanto el izquierdo Both the left and right central panels of the stained glass windows depict grapes and wheat, the como el derecho, exhiben las uvas y el trigo, los elements used to make wine and bread for the Holy elementos que se usan a hacer el vino y el pan para la Santa Eucaristía. Las uvas crecen Eucharist. Grapes grow in clusters and en racimos y los granos de trigo se grains of wheat are found in stalks. Just encuentran en tallos. Como toma muas it takes many grapes to produce wine chas uvas para producir el vino y muand many grains of wheat to make flour chos granos de trigo para hacer harina for bread, so it is that those who receive de pan, así los que reciben la Santa the Holy Eucharist become sharers of Eucaristía se convierten en particithe one Body of Christ. In addition, as pantes en el Cuerpo de Cristo. Tamgrapes must be crushed and grains of bién, como la uva se tiene que prenwheat ground to make wine and bread, sar y el grano se muele para hacer viso we are called to spend ourselves for no y harina, nosotros somos llamados the glory of God, in service to our a consumirnos para la gloria de Dios neighbor and for the coming of the en servicio a nuestro prójimo y para la llegada del Kingdom of Heaven. Reino de los Cielos. Your generous contribution will make it possible to have this stained glass window installed in the adoration chapel. Please consider making a donation today. Christmas Drive for the Military The Saint Andrew Council for Women will be collecting after November 15th and 16th for the women of the armed forces overseas. Catholic Mass on men and deployed Instead of our traditional phone card drive, we are collecting for donations to the Frontline Faith Project. Through this project, compact MP3 players, preloaded with nearly 7 hours of Catholic content, are distributed. Content includes a Mass, “Warrior Rosary,” prayers written and recited by children, an examination of conscience, a talk about “The Mass explained” by Father Larry Richards, a presentation made by Bishop Fulton Sheen at West Point and over two hours of stories about faith in military life, told by service men and women in their own words. The players are distributed through the Chaplains of the Archdiocese of Military Services. Please help us send these “care packages for the soul.” Each player costs $24, but any donation is welcome! GIRL SCOUTS PARENTS NIGHT OUT! FOR CHILDREN 2- 10 YEARS OLD What a great opportunity to go shopping, or take a break while your children are entertained!!! Bring a pillow and a blanket, you can wear your PJ’s!! December 6, 2014 5:00-10:00p.m. in Social Hall (Only 50 spots available - reserve your spot now) for more information contact us at 954-501-4985 Light Dinner and snacks will be provided. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION CURRENT ADORATION NEEDS/SE NECESITAN ADORADORES SUNDAY/DOMINGO: 12am. 1am, 4am, 5am, 7am, 11am, 12pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm, 6pm, and 9pm MONDAY/LUNES: 1am, 2am, 3am, 5am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm,3pm, and 5pm TUESDAY/MARTES: 1am, 2am, 3am, 4am, 5am, 6am, 2pm, 3pm, and 4pm WEDNESDAY/MIERCOLES: 1am, 4am, 3pm, 4pm and 5pm THURDSDAY/JUEVES: 1am, 2am, 3am, 4am, 5am, 6am, 7am, 2pm, 3pm, and 5pm FRIDAY/VIERNES: 4am, 9am, 11am, 12pm, and 3pm SATURDAY/SABADO: 6am, 11am, 1pm, 2pm, and 3pm 12AM—6AM Anna Rocco 954-270-7972 Raiza Bravo 954-263-8030 Rafael Martinez 954-263-0312 Rosa Alvarez 954-461-1715 Martín Mercado 561-400-6339 6AM—12PM Bettina Favata 954-654-5614 Jorge Queija 954-609-3450 PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION LEADERS 12PM—6PM María Barrera 954-575-1422 Roberto Rodriguez 954-825-8736 6PM—12AM Bettina Favata 954-654-5614 MaryAlice Lafferty 954-796-2266 Marie Campos 954-341-5350 Spirit of silence in and outside of Chapel as Voices disrupt adoration RESPECT LIFE CORNER Vocations: All About Life By Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life This week (November 2 - 8) is Vocations Awareness Week. Since I began my full-time work with Priests for Life over 20 years ago, one of the first things I became aware of was that many young people today are finding their vocation precisely because of the Church’s witness to the sanctity of life amidst the holocaust of abortion. Responding to a vocation requires counter-cultural service, which is precisely the context which the pro-life movement offers. Devoting oneself to the defense of life provides a powerful seed-bed for the flowering of priestly vocations, just as a response to a priestly vocation is necessarily a commitment to the defense of life. Vocations are all about life, and life is all about vocation. The mystery of a vocation, is rooted in the same foundation as the Church’s fundamental commitment to proclaim, celebrate, and serve the Gospel of Life. As a result, every person in every vocation is called to an uncompromising witness on behalf of the sanctity of life. The first and fundamental aspect of our vocation, in fact, is the call to be. God did not have to take us across the chasm between non-existence and life, and certainly there was nothing we could have done to bring ourselves into being. Each of us was conceived and born not as the result of chance or of merely human decision, but as the result of a God who knew us and called us into life. Because “the Gospel of God's love for man, the Gospel of the dignity of the person and the Gospel of life are a single and indivisible Gospel” (EV 2), and because our common call to witness to the Gospel is shaped by the needs of the times, it is integral to every vocation to bear witness and give voice to the right to life of our most vulnerable brothers and sisters, those still in the first nine months of life. These, indeed, are the poorest of the poor, and the Church’s fundamental option for the poor therefore makes their needs a priority. Indeed, no segment of the human family has less protection than the unborn. This proclamation is at the heart of every vocation, because it is precisely about the dominion of God. The culture of death proclaims that we belong to ourselves. What matters is “my choice.” The Gospel – and therefore we who proclaim it – declare that we belong to God, and that in conforming our choices to him, we find true freedom. Religious consecration, in a particular way, bears witness to the fact that we belong to God, and in that way is a powerful antidote to the “pro-choice” assertion that we belong to ourselves. We are the People of Life, called to build the Culture of Life. In doing so, we are not simply working for victory; we are working from victory. Christ is our Life, and he is risen from the dead! The forces of death have already been conquered. Now it is up to us to announce and apply that victory to every segment of our world. At the heart of every vocation is the call to proclaim, celebrate, and serve the Gospel of Life! Respect Life (954) 977-7769 Project Rachel 1-888-456-4673 “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you” (Jeremiah 1:5) Instruction on the Mass / Instrucción para la Misa Durante la profesión del Credo, tenemos por práctica During the profession of the Creed, it is the Catholic Católica de inclinarse todos mientras decimos "y por practice for all to bow at the words “and by the Holy obra del Espíritu Santo se encarnó de María, la Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became Virgen, y se hizo hombre". Este gesto litúrgico man”. This liturgical gesture embodies the Christian encarna la doctrina Cristiana de la encarnación cuando doctrine of the incarnation when Jesus Christ humbled Jesucristo se humilló para habitar en medio de la himself to dwell among humanity as its Savior and Re- humanidad como su Salvador y Redentor. Por favor, deemer. Please follow the example of the priest. sigua el ejemplo del sacerdote. Please Keep Our Service Men & Women in Your Prayers Chelsea Madarang Edward Harrison Frank Volpe Jennifer Carns John F. Marion Tommy Simmons Scott Crossley Andres Donoso Luis Carlo Moyano Michael Schnable Christopher Holting Scott Maricic Kasper Hein Jason Jonathan Alton Pelayo Anita Scattone Michael Patrick Rosa Anthony Monte Kenneth Kozlowski Michael Melione George E. Ellis, Jr. Joshua Hunter Joseph Langlois II William Kasten Trevor Anderson John Hughes James Cant Jimmie Holland Joshua Trulock Aaron Brill Joseph Vera Mario Alejandrino Gabrielle Alejandrino Cristian Oviedo Chris Ducharme Marco Monroy Randy Renneisen Roberto Gouveia Jonathan Hall Ray Gallimore Adam Cordiviola Sandra Ibañez Laura Lee Flannery Allan Park Brandon Trubey Matthew Desmond Thomas Lucas Paul R. Alexander Dena DeLucia Charles Flanagan Joshua O’Shea Andrew Narr Prem David Giraldo Francis J. Harrington, Jr Josh Beans Greg Rich Ed Winters Sterling Deleridge Chad Michael Lopez Jason Lopez Peter Santini Ashley M. King Jonathan Slinkard Johnny Jimenez Alejandro Gonzalez J.C. Velasco Elena David DeLillis Adam Lewis Ryan Hartnett Angie Johnson Matthew Imm Joshua Cohen Andrew Holston David Anthony Long William Antczak Michelle Svec Luisa Galeano Miles Mayo William Sciacca Vernon K. Barnes Joseph Andersen Alex Rhino Fred Rhino Christian Lopez Jorge Bondy Russell Di Giacomo Thomas J. Martino Michael Fonda George Kaiser John Melo George Casey Stephen Grob *PLEASE NOTE* Please call if you have a friend or loved one in the military that you would like to add in our prayer list. 954-905-6317 Please use your envelopes. They are the principal source of Parish Support. Justice Corner November 16, 2014 Act Courageously Today’s Scriptures remind us not to be paralyzed into inaction by fear or misinformation. Like the worthy wife, our Lord will equip us with the skills we need to fulfill His mission. Next week, U.S. parishes will take up the Collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD). CCHD is a program founded and overseen by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. For 45 years, CCHD has courageously funded community groups that seek justice and work to build a more just society. Fighting poverty requires us to defend human life and dignity, challenge unjust institutions and policies that impoverish people, and examine the social problems through the lens of Scripture rather than our own self-interest. CCHD-funded groups in the Archdiocese of Miami have increased the supply of affordable housing units, increased the standard of education offered in poor communities, and advocated for a Renter’s Bill of Rights to protect poor tenants from unscrupulous slumlords. Your gift to CCHD empowers low-income people to strengthen their communities. Congratulations to the Newly Baptized November 8th & 9th, 2014 Malachi Jose Luscar David Joseph Gan Lucas Brian Garcia Betancor Remember the Departed Isaias V. Tascon Ersilio Ranieri Theresa M. Conroy Victims of War & Terrorism The Sick Adam Dietsch Adam Ramjattan Adam Westreich Adele Gerstman Adelaide Altieri Adrian Zambrano Adriana Barrera Albert Misko Alberto Vértiz Alex Abramson Alfred Gertz Alida Ramagosa Ana Castañón Ana Maria Pascual Ana Milena Mera Ana Ribeirinho Andrew Sookoo Andy Krzykowski Angela Chandley Angie Mahr Annmarie Janus Anthony Englehardt Anthony Ribeau Antonio Alvarado Arlene Mandel Barbara Anderson Barbara Branigan Barbara Matalon Becky Dwoskin Becky Tooley Bernard Goldstein Berta Martin Betty Wolfe Beverly Circle Bishop Friend Bob Harp Bob Sotkiewicz Bobby Mahr Bobby Neitz Brenda Hufstetler Brian Thomas Green Brianna Stribling Bride Lindwurm Brock Lerner Bruno Campos Cauleen Dolan Carla Flores Carlos Solares Carmelita Tan Carmen Rivas Carol Ann Wakefield Carol Foster Carol Ruhl Carol Slotwinski Cassie (Child) Catalina Alvarez Catalina Cruz Catherine Benoit Cathy Bowen Cathy Carns Cesilio Figueroa Charlton Johnson Cher Souci Cheri Kostigen Cheryl Rhoads Chris Rizzo Christian J. Honeycutt (Child) Chris Lapi Clara Farina Clifford Lee Flannery Cruz Colón Dalma Piper Dana Neitz Darcy Baños D’Arcy Crooks Darlene Irwin David Natur David Scheuerman Dean Surratt Deborah Sheber Denise DiCarlo Denise Walsh Dennis Lockrey Desiree Perron Diana Caraballo Diane Scott Diane Wise Donald Flynn Donald Perron Doni Judkowitz Donna Silvia Dori Minnelli Dorothy Linstrom Dorothy Mirarchi Dorothy Savage Drew Bevis Dylan Perron Eduardo Ortiz Eliane Sajous Eileen Kelly Eileen Holsten Eileen Salerno Eileen Wesolowski Eleanor Amico Elemer Michaelis Elizabeth Rotondella Elizabeth Sabga Pilato Emilio Scaglione Eric Derner Esther Melendez Ethan Lalinde (child) Eva Price Felix Subervi Fran Mandalari Frances Curley Stone Francisco López Frank Diaco Frank Morera Fred Epstein Freddie Vargas Gail Fortunato Gail Jacobson Gaila Partridge Gene Grizzle Gerald Russo Geri Deloughery Gerold Nablen Gina Cabrera Giulie Gallo Greenseid Gilberto Garcia Gladys Jusino Glenda Lloyd Gloria Amdor Gloria Catalano Gloria Cohen Gloria Nazzaro Gloria Tobón Grace Dolder Greg Ougourlian Greta S. Guillermo Vértiz Hattie Rose Sisco Halie Summer Gerstman Harriet Smith Harold Barnum Harry Chobanian Heather Ruthven Hernán Enciso Hilda Kanapegas Hipólita Figueroa Idania Chang Isabel Reyes Ismenia Samayoa Itala Sibille Ivan Reich Ivette Ortiz Kevin Alexis J. Oliver Jack Spitzer Jacqueline Cortez-Walker Jacques Janssens James LaSorella Jane Hinkle Janice Vassell & Daughter Jason Gardner Jay Gallagher Jean Barnum Jennifer Todero Jerónimo Rivera Jim Capprossi Joan Harvey Joanna Mercado Gilmore Joanne Nin Joanne Voit Joe Bartezak Joe Silvia Joey Roberts John DiCarlo John Greaves John Morrissey John McDonough Jorge Gallo, Jr. Jorge Martinez José Ríos Joseph Bonfiglio Joseph Schaeffer Joshua (Child) Joshua Henriquez Joshua Rumbos Joy Whyte Juan Daniel Gomez (child) Juanita Hawkins Judy Summerlin Julian Taque Justo Gonzalez Katy Derner (Child) Karen Darmetko Kerry Clemmensen Kerry Sylvester Kim O’Connor Krista Rowland Làszlò Tòth Laura Lee Flannery Laura Rodriguez Laurent Verret Larry K. Lawrence Castañón Lenny Minichiello Leslie Perinango Leo Epstein Leonardo Arce Leonardo Farina Leonor Robayo de Vila Ljerka Rebrovic Libia Rojas Ligia Chang Linda King Linda Ribeau Lisa Bouchard Loretta Blankenship Lori Rolleri Lorie Skinner Lourdes Rovira Louvenia Davis Lucille Dentzer Madeline Wolner Manny Gordon Manuel Chang Manuel Ryall Marcia Taylor Maria Stapperfenne Marie Pegram Marion Sheber Margery Hamilton Mark Lixie Mark Pounce Mark Silverman Mark Touponce Marge Curley Moschella Margaret Mondron Marguerite Lapp Maria Sylvia Marie Bettlekeski Marie Wald Marion Broadhead Marlene Gentile Marlene Hixon Mary Buckley Mary Castillo Mary Crow Maryann Forgie Mary Anne Becker Mary Jane Carns Marvin Pearlman Matthew James (child) Maurice Braunstein Maxine Ikenberg Megan Alexis Mel Greene Melanie Huelett Melvin Melendez Michael Aubertin Michael Keyte Michelle Canzio Mike Bachel Mike Foster Milagrito Roque Myrta Shurdo Nancy Gerner Nancy Marsh Nancy Moore Nancy Stir Nelly Zavaleta Nicole Seiler Nina Arlook Norma Nicholas Ofelia Subervi Olivia Tyler (child) Omar Rumbos Ora Gallo Pam Aubertin Pam Kaiser Pamela O’Connor Pasquale Piteo Pat Campbell Pat Horgan Patricia Hoffman Patricia Mostecak Patricia Puglisi Patricia Scott Patrick Amato Patrick Chase Patty Rose Sisco (Child) Paul Henriques Paul Johnston Paul Valentine Pedro Moreno Philip Branigan, Jr Phil Maher Piper Anne Palmieri Porfirio Vásquez Rafal Abram’s Ramona Leyva Raúl Hernández Raúl Ríos Raúl Vértiz Reynaldo Triana Richard Barthel Richard Clewell Rick Cupo Robert Nugue Robert Pegram Robert Sobkoski Rochelle Isaacs Rochelle Schwartz Roland Taylor Roland Yambao Ron Chicoyne Rose Rizzo RoseAnne Abramson Roy Kassebaum Ruth Hunt Ruth Oxley Sal Moschella Salvatore Anzelone Sandy Diamond Shane K. Calvello (child) Shirley Buehler Sig Kalinowski Sixto Cruz Stephen Bruck Stephen Keenan Stephen Grieve Stephanie Branigan Sue Connell Brown Susana Foster Susan Randazzo Suzette Vásquez Teresa Bellaby Teresa Bowlan Terry Proscia Thomas Nicholson Tommy Franzese Trisha Forte Ursula & Children Veronica Pierce Veronica Register Vincent Salerno Vinnie Bonvino Viv Nye Viviana Arce William Cervantes Xavier Lynch Yvanna LeBrun Zephaniah Satahoo ATTENTION Please call the Parish Office to add any names 954-905-6317 Sunday by Sunday Domingo a Domingo Feast of Saint Andrew the Apostle La Fiesta del Apóstol San Andrés Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 18:35-43 Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15:2-5; Lk 19:1-10, or, (for the memorial of the Dedication) Acts 28:11-16, 30-31; Ps 98:1-6; Mt 14:22-33 Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150:1b-6; Lk 19:11-28 Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 19:41-44 Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131; Lk 19:45-48 Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 20:27-40 Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Ps 23:1-3, 5-6; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Friday: Saturday: Feast of Saint Andrew the Apostle St. Elizabeth of Hungary Dedication of the Basilicas of Ss. Peter and Paul; St. Rose Philippine Duchesne The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary St. Cecilia Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo: Apo 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Lc 18:35-43 Apo 3:1-6, 14-22; Sal 15 (14):2-5; Lc 19:1-10, ó (para la memoria de la Dedicación) Hch 28: 11-16, 30-31; Sal 98 (97):1-6; Mt 14:22-33 Apo 4:1-11; Sal 150:1b-6; Lc 19:11-28 Apo 5:1-10; Sal 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lc 19:41-44 Apo 10:8-11; Sal 119 (118):14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131; Lc 19:45-48 Apo 11:4-12; Sal 144 (143):1b, 2, 9-10; Lc 20:27-40 Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Sal 23 (22):1-3, 5-6; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46 LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Lunes: Martes: Viernes: Sábado: LIVING PRAYER Trigésimo Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Santa Isabel de Hungría La Dedicación de las Basilicas de San Pedro y San Pablo; Santa Rose Philippine Duchesne La Presentación de la Santísima Virgen María Santa Cecilia ORACION VIVA Who prays as they ought will endeavor to live as they pray. — Anonymous Quien reza como debe podrá vivir como reza. — Anónimo HELP YOUR SCHOOL SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT Donate Your Used Cell Phone & Print Cartridges Buck of the Month Envelope Please use your Our School is conducting an electronic waste recycling “Buck of the Month” fundraiser. Please help support our school protecting the environment Envelope to help support Saint Andrew School. Your generosby Donating items such as: empty cartridges, used cell ity is appreciated and will help phones, and small electronic devices. us to pass on the Catholic faith to the next generation! We greatly appreciate your support! REMEMBER SAINT ANDREW PARISH IN YOUR ESTATE Why use Envelopes? The regular use of Sunday envelopes is so important!!! Whenever we do not have a record of contributions or when contributions have ceases, we have no way of knowing whether someone is still joining our community of worship or not. Unless we know someone is a practicing Catholic, delays and hard feelings can result when people want to be married, when they want their child baptized, or when they want to be a godparent or a sponsor. We go through this with people every day. It is the Church, not just this parish, which insists that signs of good faith commitment be present on these occasions. It is simple to establish and maintain a record of attendance at Mass and parish support—simply by using the envelopes that parish provides. This is also necessary in order to enroll your child in our religious education or sacramental preparation programs, and to obtain a favorable tuition rate at a Catholic school. You must be able to demonstrate that you are a practicing Catholic—that you are participating at Mass and contributing to the support of the Church. Filling out a registration form alone does not accomplish this, USING ENVELOPES ON SUNDAY DOES OR FAITH DIRECT. It also enables us to thank you and provide you with a record of your contributions for tax purposes. ¿Por qué hay que usar los Sobres? ¡El uso regular de los sobres dominicales es muy importante! Cuando no tenemos un registro de contribución o cuando las contribuciones paran, no tenemos manera de saber si usted está aún asistiendo a la parroquia o no. A menos que nosotros sepamos que la persona es católica practicante, esto atrasa y ocasiona resentimientos cuando las personas quieren casarse, bautizar a un niño/a, o quieren ser padrinos. Nosotros tenemos estás situaciones todos los días. Es la Iglesia, no sólo esta parroquia, la cual insiste en que señales de compromiso de FE sean presentes en estás ocasiones. Es sencillo establecer y mantener un registro de asistencia a Misa y de apoyo a la Parroquia, simplemente usando los sobres que la Parroquia les da. Esto es necesario también, para inscribir a su hijo en los programas de educación religiosa o en los programas de preparación para algún sacramento, y para obtener un mejor precio en la matrícula de su hijo en una Escuela Católica. Usted debe demostrar que es Católico practicante, que usted participa de las Misas y contribuye apoyando a la Iglesia. Llenar un registro no es suficiente. HAY QUE USAR LOS SOBRES LOS DOMINGOS O USAR FAITH DIRECT. Esto también nos permite agradecerles y proveerles un registro de sus contribuciones para sus impuestos. Thank you for sharing your Time, Talent and Treasure!!! Weekly Collection report for weekend of: 11/09/2014 Masses Saturday 5:30 PM Saturday 7 PM Sunday 7 AM Sunday 8 AM Sunday 9:30 AM Sunday 11:30AM Sunday 1:30 PM Sunday 5:30 PM Total People Count 307 435 195 178 1193 694 650 487 4,139 Collection $3,349.00 $1,679.00 $2,220.00 $1,743.00 $4,666.00 $3,713.80 $3,188.00 $2,605.00 $23,163.80 Debt service already included in the total above: $ 353.00 Collection Description Office Envelopes School Children Capital Campaign School Financial Aid Outreach Youth 4 Christ Candles R.E. Children Respect Life Human Development Stained Glass Total special collections: Amount $599.00 $154.00 $0.00 $143.00 $140.00 $0.00 $334.00 $21.00 $1.00 $10.00 $2,366.00 $3,768.00 Total of all collections: $ 26,931.00 Please notify the Parish Office of any changes in your address or phone number. Thank you! Saint Andrew’s Outreach Department Thanksgiving Drive 11-1-14 to 11-22-14 stuffing mix, gravy, chicken broth, cranberry sauce, marshmallows, brown and white sugar, canned fruit, tomato sauce, rice, beans (black and red), juice, and milk (parmalat). All items may be brought to the Outreach/ Parish Office. Thank you for your generous donations. God’s blessings to each and all. Dear Parishioners, This is the time of year we give thanks to God for all the blessings we have received; and show our less fortunate brothers and sisters our love and compassion. The following items are needed for the baskets: Grocery gift card, oil, sweet corn, green beans, sweet peas, yams/sweet potato, instant mashed potatoes,
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