November 9, 2014 Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Bless us with your presence. Serving as the Mother Church of the Diocese of Richmond Twinning with the Catholic Community of Carissade, Haiti Serving the Campuses of Virginia Commonwealth University The Most Reverend Francis X. DiLorenzo Bishop of Richmond Monsignor Patrick D. Golden Rector 800 S. Cathedral Place, Richmond, VA 23220-4853 Office: (804) 359-5651 Fax: (804) 358-8043 Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Friday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time THE ACTS HOUSE: The local organization called ACTS prevents homelessness before it can take hold. ACTS is a channel of compassion and generosity of individuals and faith communities across Greater Richmond that offers help and hope to people and families at risk of becoming homeless. ACTS provides assistance and other support that makes it possible for those in crises to stay in their homes. Area Congregations Together in Service (ACTS) is an interfaith mission. The “ACTS House” is a wooden house that can be taken to any location. The purpose of this house is to help collect items for clients they would not be able to buy with food stamps. The ACTS House will be at our parish for the month of November...a season of giving thanks. Our children in the Sunday Faith Formation classes will be learning about reaching out to our community by helping the parish fill the ACTS House with needed items. PLEASE DONATE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ...LET’S FILL THE HOUSE TO HELP THOSE IN NEED: toilet paper, laundry detergent, soap, diapers, cleaning products and toiletries Parish Staff Rector, Rev. Msgr. Patrick Golden | Rev. Rene Castillo, Parochial Vicar | Deacon, Rev. Mr. Marshall Banks, MD | Deacon, Rev. Mr. Chris Malone | Deacon, Rev. Mr. Mark Matte | Deacon, Rev. Mr. Charles Williams | Minister of Liturgy & Music, Dr. Patrick Carlin | Director of Religious Education, Maria Thorsen | Youth Ministry Coordinator, Elizabeth Riegler | VCU Campus Minister, Joshua Dart | VCU Campus Minister, Mary Rebecca Anderson | Business Administrator, Kim Kremer | Administrative Secretary, Jayne Hushen | Administrative Assistant/Membership Services, Candice Davis | Bookkeeper, Tiffany Baham | Facilities, Patrick Garrett | 804-248-2207 | Daniel Hudson | 804-874-6152 Pastoral Council, Donna Newcomb | Finance Council, Steve Brincefield | For a complete list of our ministries, committees and ways to get involved please refer to our Parish Resource Guide on our Website or pick up a copy at the entrance to the church. This Week at the Cathedral Prayers and Praise Saturday, November 8, 2014 Knight’s Brunswick Stew Delivery 4:45 pm Sant’ Egidio Prayer 5:15 pm Mass -- Cathedral Parishioners Sick: Michael Amrhein, Mimi Eynon, Norbert Bliley, Barbara Kersey, Sheila Dolan, Joseph Dees, Tony Smith, Dylan Marshall, Donald Barkman, Jean Serini, Stephanie Merenda, Gerald Dennis Neville, Amy Tweedale, Linda Brown, Billie Sutherland Moore, Fr. Paul Richardson, Kimberly Werner Hampton, Jenny Mileto, Jessica Bellone, Nancy Munson, Rae Funk, Raymond Wilkerson, Jim Crow, Percy Wootton, Chrystal Muldrow, Mark Eckstein, Pete Scherer, Mark Rittling, Kristell Jimemez, Karen Massengil, Mary Brocking, Pat Mirr, Edward Klein, Larry and Sharon Lilly, Marjorie Dineen, Mark Patrick Cotham, Walter Bullard, Anne Hutchins, Patrice Morris, Melvin Spurlock, Tim Dolan, Janine Thompson, Lidia Quagliano, Jessica Garrett, John Kuhn and Jerry Kuhn. Also, please continue to pray for those presently written in the Book of the Sick and those in our Armed Forces. Seminarians: John Baab, John Christian, Deacon Danny Cogut, Taylor Hall, Jamie Hickman, Deacon Matt Kiehl, Mark Kowalski, Marton Lonart, Deacon Nick Mammi, Chris Masla, Miguel Melendez, Dan Molochko, Kyle O’Connor, James O’Reilly, Andrew Oehmann, Frank Petsche, Nick Redmond, Justin Shuma, Cassidy Stinson. Sunday, November 9, 2014 Knight’s Brunswick Stew Delivery Community Sunday - Refreshments & Fellowship following the 9 & 11:00 am Mass 9:00 am Mass -- Ambrose Parker 10:05 am Children’s Formation Classes 10:05 am Adult Faith Formation “Reflections” – “The Cup of Our Life” 11:00 am Mass † William Ratto 3:30 pm Middle School Youth Group 5:00 pm Middle & High School Youth Group Dinner 5:15 pm Mass † John Mahaney 6:00 pm High School Youth Group 6:15 pm CCM Sunday Supper Monday, November 10, 2014 12:05 pm Daily Mass Tuesday, November 11, 2014 11:30 am Prayer Shawl meeting 12:05 pm NO Daily Mass 12:30 pm Little Rock Scripture Group 6:00 pm RCIA ednesday, November 12, 2014 W 10:00 am St. Edward-Epiphany School Tour & Lunch 12:05 pm Daily Mass 6:00 pm CCM Reconciliation 6:00 pm Young Adult Ministry Bible Study 7:15 pm Student Mass and Eucharistic Adoration Thursday, November 13, 2014 12:05 pm Communion Service 5:30 pm Pastoral Council Meeting Friday, November 14, 2014 12:05 pm Communion Service Saturday, November 15, 2014 4:45 pm Sant’ Egidio Prayer 5:15 pm Mass -- Woody DelCorso 6:15 pm Baptism Sunday, November 16, 2014 9:00 am Mass -- Cathedral Parishioners 10:05 am Children’s Formation Classes 10:05 am Prayer & Spiritually 11:00 am Mass † John Oliver 12:00 pm Baptism 3:30 pm Middle School Youth Group 5:15 pm Mass † Mary & Edgar Meehan 6:15 pm CCM Sunday Supper Msgr. Golden will be away on pilgrimage November 5 through November 14. Please keep him in your prayers. Pastoral Council Meeting Thursday, November 13 | 5:30 pm The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Nov. 13, in the Parish Hall. Parishioners are always invited to attend and are welcomed! Thank you for your continued support. @ RCIA Candidates and Catechumens Catechumens: Oscar Bastidas, Courtney Donner, Jessica Hladky, Syed Hussain, Adelina Krayer, Brandon Monahan, Sierra Roman, Stephen Sovinsky, Zanas Talley, Carla Wong, Nicole Woodman Confirmands: Lineth Cobarrobias, Amanda Olivas, Julliette Zebalios-Perez Candidates: Paul Adams, Carley Bates, Inquirers: Patrick Ambrose, Sebastian Burgess, Jem Chapman, Sophia Choi, Celia Cifuentes, Erika Cruz, Crystal Greene, Paula Harper, Danielle Harris, Christopher Lee, Amber Petrohovich, Jeffrey Riemer, Monique Sanchez, Barbara Sulimay, Haden Yonce Welcome our New Members who joined us in October: Emily Kusiak, Tom and Heather Conner, Gabriel and Daniel Conner, Nona Collin, Chris and Brittany, Louis Luth, and Godfrey Thuku. The Pope’s general prayer intention for November is: Lonely people. That all who suffer loneliness may experience the closeness of God and the support of others. Mentors of seminarians and religious. That young seminarians and religious may have wise and well-formed mentors. We pray for persons in financial need in Metropolitan Richmond: For the homeless and the hungry, for the provision of safe, affordable housing and low cost nutritious food, for the personal safety, dignity, and well being of those who are unable to work. Congratulations to Alexander Carlotti Kolb who married Jordan Parker on October 4, 2014, in Yale Virginia. Alexander is the son of Debra Carlotti & Ken Kolb. Weekly Offerings For Fiscal Year beginning 7/1/2014 The Cathedral is grateful for last week’s collection. Regular Offertory Amount Budgeted Amount Received Difference Preservation Social Justice Poor and Needy Haiti Last Week $21,433 $18,949 -$2,484 Year to Date $338,039 $330,664 -$7,375 $196$31,402 $1,622 $16,772 $165$5,637 Catholic Campus Ministry at VCU Parish Faith Formation Programs Joshua Dart | Mary Rebecca Anderson | “Prayer and Spirituality”... Adult Faith Formation Catholic Campus Ministries Weekly Events – 11/3/2014 Catholic Coffee Tuesday 7:30 am | CCM will be giving out FREE COFFEE Tuesday Mornings to all the folks that pass by. We could use some help making morning coffee. Rosary | Monday nights at 9:00 pm and Vesper’s (evening prayer) Friday evenings at 6:00 pm. Come join the CCM for prayer on Monday and Friday evenings! Demonology Talk! Friday Nov. 14 | 5:00 – 7:00 pm What DOES the church say about demons and exorcisms? Come to the Academic Learning Commons (MCALC), room 110, and hear our speaker explain it all away! Student Mass followed by Eucharistic Adoration Wednesdays at 7:15 pm (Confession from 6:00 – 7:00 pm). Take a break from your busy week to join the student Mass, followed by the Holy Half Hour of Adoration. PaW (AKA: Praise and Worship) Night! | Thursday at 7:00 pm Bring a friend, an instrument, and the Holy Spirit because the Cathedral is going to be jammin’! Our bi-weekly praise night will be going on at the Cathedral. Join us for some good ol’ praise and worship. Homeless Ministries! | Wednesdays at 11:00 am. Every week CCMers pass out food to the homeless in Monroe Park. Show up at the house Wednesday at 10:45 am to help prepare food. Then stick around from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm to help distribute the food. Beyond the Cathedral InLight Richmond – Community Event Friday, November 21, 2014 | 7:00 pm until midnight Contact: Francis Thompson | InLight Richmond is a FREE annual exhibition of light-based art and performances. Cathedral has been chosen to be one of the signature spots for this Exhibition. The church will be aglow with candlelight. Visitors can light a candle; listen to soft music and tour Cathedral. InLight 2014 will feature 20 art installations – two of them at Cathedral. Performances, sculpture, video projections, and interactive projects will illuminate pathways, sidewalks, green spaces, trees, benches, building facades and more in and around Monroe Park. The Community Lantern Parade kicks off InLight Richmond at 7:30 pm. For parade details, a schedule of FREE workshops and instructions for making lanterns, please visit All are welcome. Cathedral Information Daily Mass Schedule: Monday - Friday: 12:05 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation: Weekend Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5:15 pm Sunday: 9:00 am 11:00 am & 5:15 pm Saturday: 4:00 pm to 4:45 pm If you’re interested in becoming Catholic contact Maria Thorsen at For Marriage, call Jayne Hushen in the Parish Office at 804-359-5651. For Mass Intenions, call Candice Davis in the Parish Office at 804-359-5651. Christian Marriage Formation Program for Engaged Couples, Infant Baptisms - A Baptism Registration Form is available at the door of the church or on our website - “These things I have spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy may be complete” John 15:11 10:05 - 10:55 am | CCM Living Room This Adult Faith Formation opportunity will help you to become closer to God through prayer. “Were not our hearts burning, within us, while he spoke to us on the way and opened the Scriptures to us”? Lk 24:32 Adult Catholics can mature their faith in many ways. Prayer is vital to our deep commitment to Jesus. You are invited to come and pray and reflect on the Scriptures. Prayer has a transforming power of grace. This group will meet on the following Sundays in the Parish Office from 10:05-10:55: Nov 16; Dec 14; Jan 18; Feb 15; March 15; April 19; May 17; June 21. You are invited to any (or all) of this dates. Facilitator is Bill Fox “Reflections” November 23 | 10:00 am | Parish Office Dining Room This Adult Faith Formation program continues in the Parish Office. All are invited to be a part of this faith group. The book “The Cup of Our Life” by Joyce Rupp will be the focus of prayer and discussion. The only requirement is for you to bring a “cup” from home. This will be a very enriching faith experience. The facilitator will be Mike Jackman. The next date is November 23. Young Adult Bible Study Wednesdays at 6:00 pm | Parish Hall Contact: Maria Lang | Young adult bible study is returning to discuss the book of Tobit. Please join as we venture through the story of Tobit, Anna, Tobiah, and Sarah. No experience necessary! If you have any questions, contact Maria Lang at Parish Community Life Miles Jones Elementary Thanksgiving Dinner Food Drive Contact: Nancy DeNoia | | 358-0802 This year, Miles Jones Elementary is providing Thanksgiving dinner for 250 students and parents at the school on November 19. They have asked if we would be able to provide some of the needed items, such as cookies (ones that can be collected and stored). Boxes of cornbread that can be cooked at the school, and gift certificates to Kroger. Kroger has offered to cook the turkeys so they can be served hot on Nov. 19. There is also a need for bottled water and hugs drinks for the kids. Any help we can provide will be greatly appreciated. The cookies, bottle water, hugs, and gift certificates can be placed in the grocery cart in the back of the church by November 16. Nursery is open from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm Sundays for children ages 12 mos. to 3 years. The nursery is on the lower level (take the elevator). Ordained Ministry and Religious Life: For information about the life and ministry of priests, deacons, and seminarians of men & women in religious life, contact Fr. Michael Boehling at 804-359-5661 or Self-Guided Tour: When visiting the Cathedral, pick up a Self‐Guided Tour pamphlet at the front entrance. To view the tour on our website, visit: selfguidedtour.pdf We welcome new members to our parish! You can fill out a registration form found at the back of the church, or email, or fill out an online registration form on our website: During Weekday Masses, Parking Passes Are Not Needed Parish Community Life Readings and Reflection Middle and High School Youth Group Info: Elizabeth Riegler | Middle School Youth Group meets on Sundays from 3:30 - 5:00 pm. High School Youth Group meets every other Sunday at 5:00 for dinner followed by Youth Group from 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Please visit our online parish calendar for a schedule of events. All students are welcome. Registration forms are available in the Parish Offices or online. Confirmation Preparation for Confirmation will begin January, 2015. For information about Confirmation, please email “Groceries for the Cart” Third Sunday of each month - November 16 Many in our city won’t have a Thanksgiving dinner like the rest of us. Many in our city experience real hunger every day. Sadly, too many are children. “Groceries for the Cart” is part of the Cathedrals’ answer to this problem. What we ask of you is what Christ asks, feed the hungry. The third Sunday of every month is Groceries for the Cart Sunday. Pick up a grocery bag from the cart with the list of non-perishable items. Then bring your bags to the back of the church and drop it in the grocery cart. If the cart is full (great problem to have) just place it around the cart. We will deliver all food items to Catholic Charities Food Bank. And as always, thank you for all you do to help those in need. Prayer Shawl Ministry November 11 | 11:30 am | Parish Hall Calling all knitters! Do you knit? If so, join other fellow knitters and become part of the Prayer Shawl Ministry. The next meeting for the Prayer Shawl Ministry is Tuesday, November 11 at 11:30 am in the Parish Hall. Bring your lunch and your size 2.5 or 3 needles and share your talent to help comfort those in need. Caring for Our Priests Our priests, like each of us, will one day retire. In some cases these men will have devoted as much as 50 years of study and service to the Church. He will have likely been pastor at several parishes and may have been called to a special assignment. Through Living Our Mission you can make a gift to strengthen the priest pension endowment fund. Your gift, with hundreds of others, will work together to ensure we can fully fund the retirement of our priests – and support their healthcare. While year-to-year we have met the need, this approach will provide for the long-term funding. Your participation is needed. There is still time to make a difference through the Living Our Mission campaign. Consider how you can help, then complete and return the pledge card that was mailed to your home. Can’t find your card? No problem, additional pledge cards and envelopes are available in the pews at Church or by stopping by the parish office. Every gift matters. Thank you for your help. November 9 Ez 47 : 1-2, 8-9, 12 1 Cor 3 : 9c-11, 16-17 John 2 : 13-22 November 16 Prv 31 : 10-13, 19-20, 30-31 1 Thes 5 : 1-6 Matt 25 : 14-30 Prepare for Sunday Mass using an online resource that includes a copy of the readings and much more. To access, go to the parish website and click on “Prepare for Sunday” The 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time To read more, visit: The story of the cleansing of the Temple is found in all four Gospels. In Matthew, Mark, and Luke, Jesus is upset with the deceitful practices of the vendors and expels them for that reason. But in John, Jesus’ authority is contrasted with the authority of the Temple cult and is a criticism of the cult itself. The story is composed of two parts, Jesus’ action in the Temple and Jesus’ predictions about the Temple’s destruction. The time of year is the sacred feast of Passover. If the many pilgrims to Jerusalem during Passover were to have animals for the sacrificial rituals of the feast, it was necessary to sell cattle in the Temple and to change the unclean Roman money. By denouncing this, Jesus is cutting to the core of the Temple cult. The story is really about Jesus’ fate, not the Temple’s fate, revealing that Jesus, not the Temple, is the locus of God’s presence on earth. As they often do in John, the Jews misunderstand Jesus’ words. This gives John the chance to explicitly state his point. Although this is the beginning of his ministry, Jesus is already speaking of his coming death and Resurrection. John intentionally integrates a post-Resurrection perspective into the Gospel narrative. The statement that concludes this passage uses the fact of the Resurrection to prove the point of Jesus’ words. Believers need to remember the words and actions of Jesus and claim them as affirmations of the truths of their faith. Christians sometimes point to Jesus’ anger in this passage as a way to point out Jesus’ humanity. But this would miss the powerful point of the entire Gospel, that the Word became flesh. The point is not that Jesus’ anger proves he is human. It is that a human being, in his words and actions, can claim the authority of God. © Loyola Press Separated or Divorced Catholics Support Group As a Catholic community we practice love and healing; love is a service to our community”. . .There can be healing during and after a divorce. A program will be offered at Cathedral to minister to those experiencing a separation of their marriage or a divorce. The time and day will be announced. If you are interested in joining this group or have questions, please email: The facilitator, Christine Cestaro, is experienced in this support group. Additional Sunday Morning Parking! Commonwealth Chris Joseph Lisa Joseph Associate Broker / REALTOR® 7201 Glen Forest Drive, Suite 104, Richmond, VA 23226 Chris: 804-276-2932 Lisa: 804-276-2370 Fax: 804-612-2829 | Each Office Independently Owned and Operated We are pleased to announce that due to the efforts of Carlisle Bannister, Cathedral parishioner, and Rob Maroney, Director VCU Parking, we now have 6 additional legal parking spaces on Sunday morning across for our Parish Hall in front of the Shafer Court Dining Center. These are in addition to the Sunday morning parking spaces in the turning lane on S. Cathedral Place and free parking in both VCU decks - Grace/Laurel and W. Main/ Laurel.
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