From by guest on November 17, 2014. For personal use only. 1971 37: 367-376 ABSTRACTS Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved. From by guest on November 17, 2014. For personal use only. ABSTRACTS Mario Klaus M.D., Betke, Arthur Bloom, Thomas Munich, H. Bothwell, M.D., Jacques Jyoti M.D., NI. Bridges, Caen, Kope, Johannesburg, Guido Lucarelli, B. Chatterjea, Northern Paris, M.D., M.D., Pavia, Ludvik Donner, M.D., Prague, Patricia Fames, M.D., Providence, M.D., Tokyo, Frederick \V. M.D., Sydney, S. Jacob, Harry Michel M.D., Jamra, Hans-Jurg Kassirsky, Sven-Age Minneapolis, M.D., Minnesota Ralph Denmark ERYTHROCYTES J. normal erythrocytes IN OF MACROPLANIA DISEASES TRACT OF WITH C. SPECIAL Verloop ment of Internal pital, Arnhem, State University partment sity, AND J. Diseases, Utrecht, The measure of jected donor LEP- positive MCD Hos- Utrecht, and State Netherlands. De- a UniverBrit. and J. 1970. correlation of biliary is a study disease of 20 and patients macroplania, with normal hepatowhich is defined as an increased erythrocyte surface area seen in a blood smear. The macroplania in these patients was associated with leptocytosis but without target cells. Osmotic fragility of erythrocytes labeled with Na251CrO4 was determined by measuring the radioactivity BLooD, VOL. of 37, No. the supernatant. 3 (MARCH), Labeled 1971 culation of similar of to the MCD Suzuki, mean of fragility into the leptocytosis MEASUREMENT IN OF USING VARIOUS M. ito of cir- became fragility C. V. ERYTHROCYTE PROPIONAL THIO- Shibata, S. Shibazaki. The DIsr.sEs. and amount erythrocyte The osmotic introduced CHOLINESTERASE CHOLINE and and a positive (diminished) osmotic own erythrocytes.-M. patients’ a in- MCD was m. with the The following There was a changes in (2) There was There sq. a as of between patients the AUTOMATIC C. (1) between area. (4) erythrocytes surface This Thereafter bilirubin. per into determined made: between Calif. hepatobiliary fragility (3) cholesterol Francisco, introduced was correlation fragility. Netherlands N.Y. erythrocytes. negative osmotic Tile with osmotic correlation serum RI. illinois San York, patients were N.Y. Georgia leptocytosis. the York, Utrecht, M.D., Argentina Pawtucket, Savannah, curve” observations of Hematology, Clinic, 19:223-235, TO Municipal Biochemistry, and “radioactivity New were of BILIARY P. W. Helleman, de Gier. Depart- Department of Haemat. and diseases ERYTHROCYTES REFERENCE J. M. Werre, TOCYTOSIS. M. OF Livicn THE circulation Aires, Chicago, New Weiss, Sweden Yugoslavia Ph.D., M.D., 0. \Vallerstein, Harvey the CAUSES M.D., C. Verloop, Martin U.S.S.R. Copenhagen, M.D., M.D., Israel Stockholm, Buenos M.D., E. Ultmann, John Vaughn, Switzerland Moscow, M.D., John Steiner, Mass. Belgrade, B. Schorr, Australia Hashomer, M.D., M.D., France Boston, Tel Rico Italy Adeistide, M.D., S. Sack, M.D., Manfred Brazil Berne, M.D., Killmann, Rolovk, Juhian Australia M.D., C. Reizenstein, Edgardo Japan Pesaro, M.D., Puerto Poland Villejuif, F. Necheles, Zoran Hungary S#{227}oPaulo, M.D., Huser, Joseph Budapest, Holl#{225}n, M.D., A. Morley, R.l. Fukutake, R. Alexander Peter Czechoslovakia M.D., Ramot, San Juan, Warsaw, Math#{233},M.D., Bracha Italy Katsuhiro Susan India M.D., M.D., Georges Thomas Calcutta, deNicola, Gunz, Ireland France Pietro A. Klipstein, Maria Belfast, M.D., Editor Wales S. Africa John M.D., Frederick Germany Cardiff, M.D., Baldini, H. 367 From by guest on November 17, 2014. For personal use only. 368 ABSTRACTS Second Tokyo Chin. Hemat. National Hospital. Jap. 11(4) :490-494, 1970. J. was acetyl thiochohine od, a using was good and both revealed terase is correlation between the phenol erythrocytes that the decreased and erythrocyte in the red meth- serum. It cholines- leukemia and premature rocyte Activity of cholinesterase in erythrocytes was measured routinely by automation, using propionyl thiocholine. It was found that there and above or ency among ity. duration deficiency POLYMORPHISM PYRUVATE OF KINASE Blume, D. Arnold and EFFECT DEFICIENCY. K. R. Busch, G. W. Hoffbauer, Freiburg Humangenetik i. 9:257-259, lasting as infant. The authors B. ROLE in vitro and lactate production, lytic intermediates in vivo. An Cer- content rose, increase in reticulocyte J. Rim OF M. Whaun Hospital and CELL GLUTATHI- NEONATAL JAUNDICE. F. of the University Philadelphia, 555-560, BLOOD TO Pennsylvania. A. Oski. From the of Pennsylvania, J. Pediat. 76: 1970. Red cell glutathione peroxidase is significantly lower in newborns healthy adults. Although serum levels were the same in 3-day-old IN FERROCHELATASE and Pol. A. s-1. of Radiobiology Institute of Nu- Poland. 11:1-10, Acta 1970. activity in was rat found liver mito- be stimu- to by crude lipid extracts from chromatoof Rhodopseudomonas spheroides, by neutral lipids, phosphatidylethanolamine and acidic phospholipids. The inhibitory effect of albumin on ferrochelatase could be partially overcome by lipids or long-chain fatty acids. Peroxide not stimulate the preparations tion activity than in bilirubin full term of containing activity low to inactivation OF LIVER TREATED MIT0- 3,5 WITH - 1,4 - DIHYDRO - 2,4,6, (DDTP). B. Panfll TRIMETHYL-PIRIDINE M. led K. IN RATS DIETHOXYCARBONYL A. Oxida- to peroxides enzyme.-M. CHANGES CHONDRIA did activity. lipids of the BIOCHEMICAL lipids of ferrochelatase specific of mitochondrial 1970. V. PEROXIDASE of lated M. ONE an increased degrees Warsaw, extracts and RELATION have severe Protection, Ferrochelatase count and serum bilirubin level dropped. On the contrary, a type A deficient patient (type A = 0-40% enzyme activity) did not show a significant hematological response.C. not with phores 1970. ATP/ADP hemoglobin may Research, chondria ratio, glyco(including FDP) were found both in vivo and in vitro. Trying to prolong the life span of pyruvate kinase deficient red blood cells, an infusion therapy with inosine and adenine was applied. This therapy succeeded in case of a type B deficient patient (type B = 50-70% enzyme activity). The t#{189} of the red cells increased, the does infants LIPIDS Health one although deficiency A. Mazanawska Department Dancewicz. in that S. OF ACTIVITY. prema- 10 months developing jaundice.-J. and peroxidase conclude activity of Biochim. The authors studied the metabolic properties of red cells metabolizing adenine and inosine as high activ- in hyperbilirubinemia, enzyme THE with prolonged long a tend- enzyme glutathione peroxidase in chance H. Br., of were was infants lower more tures low there have eryth- G. L#{246}hr. Medizinische W. IJniversit#{228}tsklinik, many. NUCLEOSIDE to was result their levels mean, full-term levels clear IN the bilirubin The whether peroxidase below glutathione mye- loma, while in polycythemia vera and iron deficiency anemia it shows high values. In various cancers the activity of erythrocyte cholinesterase was almost normal. Because of the good correlation between cholinesterase and severity in leukemia, its measurement seems to be useful in diagnosis and treatment of this disease-K. F. THE infants glutathione Dancewicz. Department of Radiobiology and Health Protection, Institute of Nuclear Research, Warsaw, Poland. Acta Biochim. Pol. 17:143-150, DDTP used to is one induce porphyria bolic in changes of the the agents experimental animals. The were from enhancement of tase, of catalase activity. remained The following demonstrated rnitochondria decrease commonly hepatic rats metain treated with S-aminolevulinate activity unchanged. chondrial respiration ever, when glutamate and of synthe- ferrochelatase cytochrome No were (but liver DDTP: changes oxidase in mito- observed, hownot succinate) From by guest on November 17, 2014. For personal use only. 369 ABSTRACTS was used as substrate; partial uncoupling of HESIOLYTIC-UREMIC oxidative phosphorylation was found to occur. In vitro DDTP showed the same effect On the oxidative phosphorylation but did not affect the activity of the examined mitochondrial enzymes.-M. IRON ING LEVEL AND M. School of M. iron 43 and with clinical picture. involvement not level tively of the Institute Poland. of Reuma- TIBC with treatment the No Hyperfibrinolysis, the in subgroup of dominating the cases without Fe normal of the and joint TIBC values previous the majority serum iron did This the be One with case, detectable of The of level cases re- and minor prognosis nates by over the stitute Poland, IN SHIPYARD A WELDERS. of Occupational coagulant therapy the ture of renal of sideroform of not see any cases of Uselis. InCdai’isk, 1970. Poland. shipyard welders with examined and compared with a control group of 14 healthy men of similar age, having no occupational exposure to inhalation of iron compounds. The mean level of serum iron was found to he increased in shipyard welders, the content of transferrin in serum was diminished and the degree of transferrin saturation was change markedly pared K. as the OF not well predomi- pointed out syndrome. Anti- clinical overpassed SMALL clinical are recovery. the to DOSES hemolytic present The case in the A. J. studied.-M. course. the cases stages fatal patients a pic- author series OF did of ten X-IIAY5 ON M. Szoter, A. Albinowska, T. Skatuiska-Surmacka and W. Leyko. Blood-Bank and Department of Biophysics, University of L#{243}di, L#{243}d, 30 was increased.-M. Since insufficiency. EFFECT presented benign ones on hemorrhagic BLOOD. Pol. 34:437-434, A group pneumoconiosis a the walls. Some favors even PRESERVED SELECTED Diseases, of Maritime Medicine, Pol. Tyg. Lek. 25:755-757, benign and would avoid evolution, of fatal studies patients and J. to capillary features the first Some between fibrinogen the with the Minas of uremia. on number in of of fibrin, is severe. the presented mechanism pathophysiological known, constitute nervous that of products lesions, plate- found hyperfibrinolysis. is mechanism and due the State benign me- flow, are was fibrin with observed removal of attacks cases were Horizonte, a protection have irrespec- Ten degradation deposition a blood and of hemolysis of syn- indicating the correlation degree THE OF main hemorrhage, The central They Belo of CAPACITY Department the involvement cells” with picture. of of suggested to be a probable cause penia observed in the articular rheumatic fever.-M. K. GROUP Biol. anemia coagulation; involved. decrease slight serum In is lowering arthritis. BINDING Med. on renal to discussed. Gerais. fever ( prednisone turned to normal values after treatment. Moderate anemia was also much more frequent in the children with polyarthritis. Accumulation of iron in inflammatory synovial changes has been recently described in IRON Horizonte, hemolytic of “Burr to intravascular let deficiency the clinical region exam- The resistance Significant only number chanical and ). the were rheumatic polyarthritis rheumatic fever. with hyposideremia, rheumatoid de hemolytic-uremic the presence and during In uremia; system children from Wr#{243}blewska- and and both differ Belo focusing points. with the the of is presented diagnostic WITH 1970. followed by aspirin the serum iron level TIBC were found children BIND- and K. Kuof Pediatrics, Warsaw, Serum in M. review drome Lewenfu-Wojna- Medicine 8:107-114, med T. Mikolajew Department Rheumatology, tologia. IRON ) IN CHILDREN Kope5, Kalukwska, bicka. Second before TOTAL ( TIBC FEVER. rowska, Rocho. I. Hematologia, K. CAPACITY RHEUMATIC FelIcio de Brazil. Rev. Bras. de Pesquisas 3(3-4):5-11, 1970. A SERUM Departmento Hospital R. SYNDROME. Carvalbo. The effect changes taken Acid ADP, DPG, the Przegl. Radiol. Med. Nuki. 1970. of a dose occurring of 40 R of X rays during storage of on blood with ACD solution were examined. soluble phosphate compounds (AMP, ATP, CMP, CTP, NAD, NADP, 3,3Pi) GSSG and potassium contents in whole blood and in plasma did not during with 21 control days of unirradiated storage as blood. comThe From by guest on November 17, 2014. For personal use only. ABSTRACTS 370 only change observed hemolysis in the was some irradiated increase in blood.-M. GRANiJLOCYTE POTENTIAL ard, F. IN OF R. K. Shadduck, Jr. From Hospital, thology 2:297, Cultures of mouse were made with those of mouse numbers colonies produced. onies or grew in cell many explanted same to spleen colonies of It was 4 6-8 recipients.-F. W. gray per cells irradiated METABOLIC riety ON STUDIES The in eclips be to which virus of within particles megagaryocytes in C-particles.-K. ACTIVITIES and as the F. hibit of syn- leukocytes reduction, and maternal in PROTECTION LEUKEMIA VIRUS VACCINE. T. Nagao, K. Y. Suga, T. Sezaki, K. Kitajima and K. Hiraki. Okayama University Medical School, Okayama, Japan. Acta Haemat. Jap. 33:219-225, 1970. of newborn to pooled THE ZINC shunt whereas show mere- leukocytes granulomatous such responses. also The demonstrated capacity human and normal chronic staphylocidal of exNBT newborn granulocytes ence infants showed with Va- consumption, activities, failed B. the monophosphate cells these normal WITH From phagocytosis patients OF Park, Hospital, Minneapolis, 76:237-241, 1970. hexose white from H. Good. oxygen During ments A. Heart increased LEUKOCYTES B. J. Pediat. activity. were R. Club Resting cent IN INFANTS. Minnesota. the G. RAUSCHER of NEWBORN newborn AGAINST in immature disease EXPERIMENTAL By electron observed considered cells bodies of con- numbers lethally is mice. /3- of the formed were megakaryocytes in the initial stage of leukemia, but leukemic cells in the advanced stage of leukemia. Virus particles which were challenged in vaccinated mice were neutralized by circulating antibody. Nonneutralized particles were held Holmes, times marrow comparable in virus liver fetus only fetal leukemic The showed and were col- “committed” even though However, produce and of numbers cultured. as of spleen form colonies numbers showed cells. liver needed geneic cells 16#{189}-day mouse counts fetal of the in liver but relationship a considerable cell compartment, granulocytic The growth were suspencompared cells. Similar the cell and a linear of the liver contains myeloid stem liver agar the cells that initial soft with when marrow eluded Pa- marrow cells, between Boston, fraction of y-globulin due to a reaction Rauscher leukemia. virus particles were 7 days. and St. Mass. abnormal host toward microscopy Rauscher Rick- D. E. Howard Research Dept., fetal in caused myeloid of A. 1970. sions suspensions GROWTH K. LIVER. Stohiman, Elizabeth’s VITRO FOETAL no such marked increase globulin, probably LEUKOCYTES THE vealed a K. in the serum-f. pres- B. S. RAUSCHER Saito, Three kinds were emulsified used for Rauscher with virus Freund’s vaccination. completely inoculation of infected virulent of These vaccines kill protect all the against control animals, challenge prepared. AND and Oncologic OF CERVICAL M. Kalasiewicz, S. ZurawskaI. W#{243}jcik-Janiszek. District Hospital, Lublin, Tyg. Lek. 25:921-922, Zinc content was Poland. Pol. 1970. almost protected mice against challenge of 1 per cent supernatant fluids spleen homogenates sufficiently to not GRANULOCYTES BREAST CARCINOMA. and but of 10% supernatant fluids similarly Twenty days after virus inoculation, an abnormal fraction which was considered to be specific in Rauscher leukemia, not found in normal mice, was detected between a2-globulin and f-globulin fractions and markedly increased with the progression of leukemia. Electrophoretic studies in mice which were protected against leukemia with vaccination redid IN WITH Poleszak vaccines adjuvant CONTENT PATIENTS determined by a score technique in 30 patients with breast cancer, in 30 patients with cervical carcinoma and in 30 control healthy women. In both groups of patients, zinc lower by The differences recommend -M. content 23-24 per were the test of cent not for was granulocytes than distinct diagnostic in controls. enough to purposes. K. NEW ASPECTS TION Medical sanne, OF THE OF ENZYMATIC THE Department, Cantonal REGULA- A. Vanotti. From University of LauHospital, Switzerland. LEUKOCYTE. From by guest on November 17, 2014. For personal use only. 371 ABSTRACTS Pol. Arch. Med. Wevnet. blast 44:355-358, Some new the leukocytes of aspects of were that glycogen content, and lactate formation granulocytes from exudate These with (luring locyte. cultures the ties not cells necessary of to the formed for porphyrin STUDIES OF IN CHRONIC S. Ballard the York, crisis, durK. MYELOGENOUS and Veterans New with bone normal A. I. Mar- Administration N.Y. New J. Eng. 1970. this activi- complication leukemia. pain, or the of chronic appearance or symptoms termination in The gastrointestinal nervous-system lym- enzymatic disease.-J. 282:663-665, myelogenous vitro demonstrated while the the of York Hospital, adults in long Only 1 1 cases of hypercalcemia associated with leukemia have been described previously. The present paper describes two be en- granu- in New Med. experiments, were show in for of series porphirins, did cui. granulo- demands lymphocytes to synthesize phocyte considered functions second blast of normal are before phase H. LEUKEMIA. increased with occurs chronic HYPERCALCEMIA inflammatory increased pyroninophilic M. were the found consumption pentoneal defense In activity It was glucose changes connected enzymatic studied. as compared cytes. ergy crisis ing 1970. should serum of central- prompt calcium de- level.- J. E. U. synthesis.- K. CHRorIosoIE CYTOGENETJC IN CHRONIC MYELOID Fleishman, M. graduated Institute, Probl. The CELL A. Cemat. authors Central Moscow, 15: No. 18 of them that in most and these two during the disease. In cells containing Philadelphia ond one chronic chromosomes the cells usually In two phase conclusion that nant constituting 48 of D to draw formation these and each, contained (extrachromosomes Thus, it is possible cells the the first patient, 47 chromosomes in substrate MYE- S. Kawasaki Kyoto University, Haemat. Jap. 33:54- studies types with of primary strated by chromosomes as Dq + dence cell that Bq the and one demoncell lines such - marker aberrant-C, , Eviabnormal respectively. that these generate new to patients, of MG-like, further possess and with abnormal presence presented lines marrow patients multiple myeloma macroglobulinemia chromosomes, was addition bone in eight independent characterized and of cells new marker original in In of ones. associations of subclones chromosomes two a series marker chro- such as Dq+ with MG-like, Dq+ with aberrant-C, and Bq - with aberrant-C were the examples. One of the most important findings was that many of such marker chromosomes were noted in a patient with myeloma of the “no-anomaly” type. These results suggest that production of paraimmunoglobulin and chromosomal aberration are not closely related as to the cause and effect of the disease, but further studies are mosomes required to clarify such relationship-K. F. two the sec- THE MECHANISM PERIODIC H. Misima, of maligfor a 67-78, ALTERATIONS MSPC-1. T. Imai. National Japan. 1970. SIGNIFICANCE AND PLOIDY MYELOMA, G groups). preliminary of clones the of were chromosomes and the Hoshino, Sic- ITS MULTIPLE Acta blood various pa- patients, the development of blast transformation could be observed in the bone marrow with proliferation of aneuploid cells that had been seen 24 and 8 months before, respectively, Japan. cultured nonblastic were hyperdiploid cells, Philadelphia chromosomes. S. Itani, T. Nakayama. Cytogenetic with The exacerbation of the leukemia, one or more ( up to three) aneuploid cell clones could be found along with a clone of cells characterized by a pseudodiploid complement of chromosomes and containing the Philadelphia chromosome. Nevertheless, the presence of these “additional” clones in periods of exacerbalion was extremely small (2-12%) and only in a small number of patients it reached 25-80 per cent. The karyotype of the cells in the “additional” clones was different in the different patients. In all cases, except one, with AND HUMAN 66, 1970. (29 cases S. Kyoto. 1970. 40 patients repeatedly. IN LOMA. V. PostU.S.S.R. 1, 33-36, investigated chronic myelosis, studies proved tients ) , during E. LEUKEMIA. Volkova. ABNORMALITY NLFICANCE DYNAMICS K. Morowaki Institute Acta. OF MOUSE IN Haemat. of and Genetics, Jap. 33: From by guest on November 17, 2014. For personal use only. 372 ABSTRACTS Mouse plasma cell hibited periodic ploid to tetraploid serial tumor, ploidy of from di- and vice versa during for two years. Pre- transplantation treatment ex- MSPC-1, alterations the host animal by activity of alkaline phosphatase was markedly increased. This aug- mented significantly in the dialysing after 24 hours of peritoneal dialysis.-M. fluid ray caused apparently rapid apof the transplanted tumor, but could not give any significant effect on the ploidy change. Using marker chromosomes and autoradiography of incorporated Hthymidine it was found that the diploid cells became tetraploid cells through the beinucleate stage that resulted from failure of sarcoma cytokinesis. is tetraploid cells could not NODULAR SCLEROTIC FURTHER Bennett, A. Brit. A M. 233 When with lympholymph nodes microscopical examinain the treatment THE change ETIOLOGY, LAXIS PATHOGENESIS OF LEUKEMIAS THE AND IN ANIMALS IN STUDIES. I. Aleksandrowicz. partment of Internal Medicine, 11:1-14, Krakow, 1970. A theory of the for leukemias of was discussed.-K. two personal OF EPIDEMIOLocIc The on first is a genetic enrichment of the soil with is proposed as a possible kemia prophylaxis.-M. K. THE OF ACTIVITY OF LEUKOCYTES FAILURE to Poland. 615, BY Wewnet. 44:609- OF and M. alkaline cytes was examined acute renal failure, ney insufficiency, nephritis without healthy persons. non-inflammatory phosphatase in 25 of patients leukowith of chronic kid15 patients with chronic renal failure and in 12 In uremia, particularly in 16 cases renal failure, the M. Seven treated with and with but a continue clinical evidence of to 19 years-f. E. U. INVOLVEMENT surrounding disease was Tist LEUKEMIAS: L. N. cardiac leukemias radiotherapy who in Terry, Jr. University of North Hill, NC. Cancer 25: Chapel 1970. patients similar type MYOCARDIAL Kligerman. patients was last AND lymphomas when have less eflocalized dis- lymphosarcoma RADIOTHERAPY. Carolina, 1003-1008, had involvement who were are presented. pericardial mediastinal otherwise invasion nodes and confined to the lymphatic system were treated radically. They are alive without evidence of disease at 2 years and 1 year, respectively. The remaining five were treated palliatively. Of these five, three patients had excellent responses. of AND This patients disease, to the up LYMPHOMAS Rou in With rate from periods PERICARDIAL better lymphosarcoma, of free for whose RENAL J. Kuska. Medicine, Katowice, DIALYsIs. Med. leu- 1970. Activity acute WITH of Internal of Medicine, Pol. Arch. for marked diffuse sclerotic survive, was generalized percentage disease, from PHOSPHATASE PATIENTS BY Department School nodular the sclerotic groups. be expected lymphoma, greater Two from ALKALINE IN TREATED Third Silesian method with can follicular pre- magnesium more within nodular of feet upon the outcome. ease, the 5-year survival disposition indicated by the results of anthropometric and dactyloscopic investigations. The second is a harmful ecologic factor demonstrated by epidemiological studies. The was presenting banding typical improvement and mechanisms importance the basis of The discussed studies. AND Third DeMedicine, School of Poland, Acta Med. Pol. proposed. is PROPHY- HUMANS pathogenetic is factors LIGHT F. fibrous nodes, W. 1969. periodic lymph Farrer- London, lymphosarcoma, the prognosis than in the other histological showed G. H. patients primarily reported. tion M. and 23:683-692, of arising Millett, Hospital, J. Cancer study L. Jelliffe, Middlesex Brown. A LYMPHOSARCOMA. Y. REvww. longer than a few transplant generations. The diploid cells proliferating actively in the next diploid stage derived from a minor diploid cell population, which emerged from the previous diploid stage as a variant. Immunological significance of this survive ploidy K. 200-R gamma pearance The in leukocytes activity Although significant palliation was not achieved in the other two patients cause of the widespread nature of disease, their pericardial effusions were trolhed by the radiotherapy. It is felt radiotherapy ical with and can palliative cardiac leukemias.-J. prove valuable management involvement E. U. betheir conthat in the of patients by lymphomas rad- and From by guest on November 17, 2014. For personal use only. 373 ABSTRACTS THE ASSOCIATION RITIS OF WITH CYTIC CELL NEOPLASMS. Paraskevas of and L. Manitoba, ada. Previous of cell stressed as found cases ‘4C the the asso- the and neoplasms was is rheumatoid 1 12 cases sug- arthritis of plasma neoplasms.-J. E. of cell tion of PLATELET PROTEIN FREE SYNTHESIS STUDIED IN A sity, M. SYSTEM. tate and CO9 ing, however, was which cose-6-14C was Providence, RI. Experientia 26:786, Microsomes times were of freshly gradient analysis somes treated veahed the cients these an(l proved form. pure myosin they chemical isolation until constant these were to of myosin- and in by 0.088 tion of TOSIS. Baldini. The Brown chim. BASIS OF Division Memorial of a cytosis Acta Providence, 201:471-478, the of latter pend cycle. Particles s not did acid this exproduce cycle. The to phago- different mainly shunt in the their from While hexosemono- metabolic phagocytosis, upon stud- stimula- leukocytes. utilize accompanying highest quite the phosphate smaller size platelets therefore a a production The ( smallest citric no of the platelets over rate. 1.5 gluwas showed 14C02 acid of polymorphonuclear burst platelets a mitochondrial de- electron phenomenon.-.\f. STUDIES reached. that transfer S. LIPID M. Research, and R.I. Bio1970. Lab. Chin. simple say in platelets use of an solutions Med. for described Freshly by the produced clear measure- platelets in the collection as- peroxide photometric collected effect 1970. which, lant content. Providence, lipid of lipid peroxides. significant M. Re( Paw- 75:283, detergent, for OF and Hematologic quantities used Steiner Hospital is ionic EFFECT University, method suitable ments. M. of Brown PLATELETS. AND Memorial ) an(l J. IN ASSAY Division The tucket RI. PEROXIDES OF At. Okuma, search, perOxi(le PHACOCY- and ON METHOD A were (Pawtucket) was There activity While the that of the mole- Steiner the of of na- RNA Hematologic Hospital University, Biophys. M. size Baldini. proteins PLATELET Kuramoto, A. citric the 14C02 production produced the in when particles particles response no METABOLIC 4a) lacstrik- only parabolic metabolic adding indicated actin-like a stis- both increase noted period, STORAGE. proteins monocistronic lactate stimulation I. G. B. cules.-M. ied repeated was size latex of at of substrate. in the shunt. with the size of the purifi- by products activity and Ofl time increased myosin respective polysomal 3-hour polypeptides the the specific synthesized as followed of the prod- synthesized actin rate for 14C incorporate achieved the the platelet The polypeptide Isolation was or synthesis estimated synthesized This cell-free Analysis to proteins. that tive coeffi- characterized the of heavy were into were of re- respectively. able acids actin-like cation micro- classes 3405, were which ucts platelet polysomes amino vol- Sucrose sedimentation and polysomes large deoxycholate of two The 6505 labeled such sodium existence of he from platelets. of with polyribosomes. to isolated collected Glucose- Particularly was increase linear the increase production. production ceeding 1970. par- added. to an hexosemonophosphate Steiner. Division of Hematologic Research, The Memorial Hospital ( Pawtucket) and Brown UniverCELL were particles produced incubated HEMOSTASIS platelet polystyrene-latex size latex pension concomitant U. aerobic in human which varying phago- determining labeled at various carbons was used as substrate and 14CO, and 14C-lactate the end products assayed. The addi- were and incidence of among lymphocytic 1969. arthritis increased four tides to platelet of studied anaerobic Can- Here lymphocytic An and basis by glycolysis was suspensions disturbances rheumatoid or investigated. and 12:569-579, have of F. University Manitoba, metabolic cytosis Goldenberg, neoplasms. coexistence gested, Israels. autoimmune lymphoproliferative plasma J. G. Rheum. reports ciation G. The ARTHLYMPHO- AND Winnipeg, Arthritis were RHEUMATOID PLASMA The had small anticoagu- of platelets on their Storage of had subsequent platelets at 4#{176}C or 20#{176}Cresulted in rapid and progressive accumulation of lipid peroxides. Platelet concentrates collected from ACD blood and stored at 20#{176}C had a significantly higher peroxide accumulation than those From by guest on November 17, 2014. For personal use only. 374 ABSTRACTS collected in EDTA blood and stored at 4#{176}C. 14C-lactate than did those from normals when incubated with glucose-6-14C. By reLipid peroxide formation could be prevented ferring metabolic values to the protein conby the addition of tocopherol, Tween 80 or tent rather than to the platelet number, increasing the H + concentration in the platelet preparation. Freezing of platelets however, only a small difference was noted with glycerol promoted lipid peroxide acin the citric acid cycle activity and lactate cumulation them in dimethylsulfoxide live agents per peroxide se formation. which can influence peroxides in practical are while did had platelets freezing importance because lipid to be able to interfere known function and with not. The cryoprotecno influence on lipid The study of factors the formation of lipid was thought to be of peroxides with cell between controls and to the platelets produced Rou OF BLOOD HEMORRHAGIC THE PLATELETS IN OF SCURVY DIATHESIS A. GUINEA-PIG. Popiawska. Faculty THE IN PopIawski and of Physiological T. Chemistry and Department of Hygiene, School of Medicine, Bialystok, Poland. Acta Physiol. Pol. 21 :363-369, 1970. guinea in platelet behavior acid citric tients scurvy in the of aggregation of plateADP was markedly prolonged as with control animals. The ag- pig. lets by compared experimental The time induced by thrombin was normal. release of platelet factor 4 during ADP induced aggregation and prolonged coagulation time were found. Fibrinogen level and fibrinolysis in euglobulins were normal. Addition of ascorbic acid in vitro did not influence the parameters tested.M. K. from cycle, epinephrine were normal patients. the affected children lesser degree. The mother’s platelets behaved similarly to the children’s platelets in regard to aggregation by epinephrine, but their metabolic reaction, particularly of the was and less concluded Disturbances observed in from the from only very minimal stimulation. production was also decreased comto that in normal controls but to a pared THE platelets those Whereas normal platelets reacted with an 8- to 12-fold increase in 14CO2 production from glucose-6-14C when incubated with latex particles, the addition of such agent Lactate S. viability.-M. production to latex greater than that that the particles than that and of of normals. the pa- It was of the due to a manifestations Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome may be single basic defect in energy metabolism caused by failure in regulators of oxidative phosphorylation probably residing in cell granules.-M. S. gregation Impaired LACK OF TION PLATELET IN THE A. Kuromoto, Division M. of Eng. Steiner Hematologic Memorial Brown RESPONSE Hospital University, J. TO WIsKorr-AU1UcH Med. M. (Pawtucket) Providence, 282:475-579, R.I. striking the platelets their mother: abnormalities found OF M. PLASMIN Kotshy. 24:331-289, The tivation IN Pathology, Hig. Med. in epinephrine; response to stimulation with polystyrenelatex particles and with epinephrine. Platelets from the patients with the WiskottAldrich syndrome produced less ‘4C02 and WrocDosw. results of systematic studies of fibrinolysis in the human of plasminogen, fibrinolysis from the patients and from (1) lack of aggregation with (2) decrease in the metabolic HU- of Cen- 1970. and New THE Faculty and Experimental Poland. Postepy. is demonstrated 1970. were eral law, The Three brothers, 5 to 9 years of age, affected with Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome and one 10 year-old normal sibling were studied. Two BLOOD. sorption Baldini. Research, ACTIVATION MAN blood and in plasma, as well fied system, are presented. STIMULASYNDROME. and Tim activation as in the Selective activators as the main the of marked in on acwhole puriad- on fibrin mechanism of clot network differences in as compared and as the cause the rate of the fibrin digestion with fibrinogen in blood and plasma. It is shown that fibrin does not adsorb plasminogen.-M. THE K. INFLUENCE zms kowa, ON OF SOME SERUM Bielawiec PROTEOLYTIC PRoTEINs. EN- B. BogdaniJ. Drozd. First arid of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Bialystok, Poland. Pol. Arch. Med. Wewnet. 44:311-316, 1970. M. Department The effect of fibrinolytic enzymes and From by guest on November 17, 2014. For personal use only. 375 ABSTRACTS plasminogen activators partially raphy was phoretic of in revealed were electro- immunoglobulins were technique proteins chromatog- Changes of globulin serum Sephadex investigated. mobility /3c on by purified present lymphocytes, and and K. demonstrated.-M. the in INVESTIGATIONS ZYMES ON OF SOME RABBIT It BY H. TRANSPLANTATION. I. Niedworek. Faculty Pathology. perimental 21:393-399, The and acid examined blood and free kinins, of were found cyte lysosomes showed activity neutral proteases was and phosphatase proteases activities phosphatase acid in from peripheral allogenic skin of The kininogens plasma, neutral of granulocytes ing rejection bits. and ExPol. 1970. authors of SiuN Tch#{243}rzewski of General and Acta Physiol. both, increased. some increase while that in of THESIS DURING CHRONIZED THE Kyoto, CELL CYCLE PoPuiTIorss I. Namba. Japan. Acta CELLS. 83, IMMUNOGLOBULIN IN OF the of in the of macroglobuhin that thymidine. The STRUCTURE OF HUMAN AND CELLS. T. Shigemafsu, M. Kyushu University, Hattori. Kanazawa Acta OF In University, the globulins light present were Lebanon. J. Pediat. Al. A fractionated p-chains with vestigation cells of by were Freund’s the macroglobulin use of the site F. A. ERYTHEETHOSUC- Dabbous the and Department University, of Beirut, 76:617-620, 10-year-old epileptic with phenobarbital and ) (Zarontin weakness, S The from 1970. and adenopathy studies revealed ESR, mild cyhindruria, macro- alkylation. injected and The into adjuvant. the In- on loss, butterfly with test, Following administration symptoms subsided, fever, arthralgia, joint generalized rash. Laboratory pancytopenia, proteinuria, hyperglobulinemia, previously diphenyl- ethosuccimide presented antiglobulin succimide ia-chains boy plus hepatosplenomegaly, direct Japan. currently therapy, weight swelling, to 1970. complete the a possible VITH From Idriss. hydantoin, Kozuru and K. Fukuoka and into and conditions Luus I. American and pathological by reduction chains rabbit study, are THERAPY. Pediatrics, MYELOMA 33:37-50, dissociated some SYSTEMIC SYN- in Kanazawa, Jap. ergas- And also, it can in the cytoplasm ASSOCIATION H. MACROGLOBULIN-PRODUCING Haemat. the production-K. IN preparations. FINE in ribosomes SYN- proved maximally CELLS why mode. lymphocyte MATOSUS 33:79- Jap. stage and minimally in mitotic stage. synthetic pattern deviated considerably that of total protein synthesis-K. F. THE as anti-p University, cells immunoglobuhin reason singly free large treated excess synthesize rihosomes, contained plasma 1gM OCCURRENCE fluctuation in immunoglobuhin synduring the growth cycle was investiby synchronizing the myeloma cells with free acid 1970. The thesis gated area with abundant free be expected that the be present mainly in many a cooperative be said MYELOMA Kyoto Haemat. particles cells did not contain the ferritin particles can be well explained. The present results revealed that the macroglobulin producing cells do not stem from a single cell line, but from at least two cell lines: the large lymphocyte with broad cytoplasm and abundant free ribosomes, and the plasma cell from the immature type to the highly mature type. These cells may CIMIDE IN FLUCTUATION Colgi the the of and acid K. diminished.-M. Similarly, or Granuho- large the in conjugate durrab- kininogens and to with ferritin produce lysozomes blood grafts in cells would cytoplasm toplasm DURING ALLOGENIC was particles chains. EN- LEUKOCYTES IMMUNIZATION kinins LYsosoIAL ferritin cytoplasm ribosomes. the the the plasma concentrating ferritin IMMUNOHEMATOLOGY that in both an elevated hematuria a and and positive positive cessation some LE of etho- of the signs a week however later he developed pneumonia with pleurisy. Following institution of prednisone therapy there was marked and progressive improvement. Within 2 weeks the abnormal physical findings had receded. The LE prep and positive Coombs remained positive for 3 months. Prednisone was stopped after 6 months, and 1 year later he was well.J. B. S. producing ferritin antibody PRIMARY LYMPHANGIECTASIA: PROTEIN Loss From by guest on November 17, 2014. For personal use only. 376 ABSTRACTS TO THE TISSUES TRACT AND PERSPIRATION. A Szybi,iski Department Medicine, Med. Wewnet. The authors year-old girl right a marked the observed. tissues. right Absence The hand tained of from from According to may left edematous the left the authors’ be due lymphopenia was found proteinemia with 10-30 was hand after in as reafter 72 days. this dif- distribution the upper blood, ex- marked well as The of case taneously alive for nests demonstrated of the caused is an THE The the fetal spon- remained histological placenta and ex- various existence of fetal numerous findings clearly transmission that alterations A. prematurity.-M. NEOPLASTIC AND HEMATOPOIETIC I. Clin. Path. Five cases series of unusual accomdue of 35 CHAGAS Middlesex Ger- General N.J. J. Amer. 1970. asbestosis associated hematopoietic cases of including reticulum-cell a sarcoma; macroglobulinemia. with system asbestosis case in a proved associated one, The by age group Abstractor’s with Waldenstr#{246}m’s incidence association is significantly overall incidence of such corresponding MISCELLANEOUS of OF M. A. Brunswick, 53:204-208, of the of DlsosmEns SYSTEM. ber. Laboratories Hospital, New servation OF that leishmania. These the transplacental illness with intense ASBESTOSIS asbestosis. TRANSMISSION the fetus pregnant. she autopsy are reported. Two were cases of multiple myeloma; two, myeloproliferative hyper- classes variant of the protein loss syndrome panied by nonspecific immunotolerance to lymph loss.-M. K. TRANSPLACENTAL minutes. of showed of a 15 disorders, all 1970. delivered tumors panhypogammaglobulin- deficiency immunoglobulins. only uneven cells peripheral with cells opinion ArMed. the lymphoid right to the emia In was conloss into graft hand in con- hand Cuyo, Pesquisas 20 days of being infected became Five and one half months later organs the from de de 3(3-4):45--49, amination technique skin immunocompetent tremities. of allogenic the 6 days, ference the The from cent also proteins obtained Rebuck per that cent. jected of the 70-80 while per exudate by 15- of Brasil The present report is concerned with a female patient with acute Chagas illness and ith demonstrated parasitemia, who after edema half DEMONSTRA- Nacional Rev. Biol. Significant right Universidade gentina. in the the sweat from the right hand sidered as the indication of protein the a was of da A gastro- extremity. on was of losing cause upper hyperperspiration body case Lymphangiectasia as the the protein to lymphangiectasias tract. demonstrated of AND 1970. describe HISTOPATHOLOGIC T. Tano Assini, G. 0. Otero and C. Bertona. Faculdade de Ci#{234}ncias M#{233}dicas TION. HYPER- VARIANT 44:303-309, due digestive UNILATERAL NEW with enteropathy DISEASE. DIGESTIVE DEFICIENCY, Z. Hanicki, M. Hanicka, and M. Depowski. Second of Internal Medicine, School Krakow, Poland. Pol. Arch. PROBLEM. z. of THE IMMUNOLOGIC EOSINOPHILIA NEW TO AND WITH of higher disorders of the in patients comment: this than the without This possibly ob- requires confirmation with a larger number of patients than reported here.-J. E. U.
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