From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 1969 34: 100-110 ABSTRACTS Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved. From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. ABSTRACTS Baldini, Mario Klaus Betke, Arthur M.D., Munich, T. E. Brittingham, Jacques M.D., Caen, M.D., Paris, Pietro deNicola, Ludvik Donner, Tenn. France Green, M.D., M.D., New F. W. Gunz, Susan R. Holl#{225}n, M.D., Harry S. Jacob, Miehel M.D., M.D., Cohn Georges Math#{233},M.D., Italy Thomas F. Necheles, Czechoslovakia Japan Bracha Ramot, M.D., Peter C. Reizenstein, City Zoran New York York Sydney, M.D., Jamra, India Tokyo, M.D., Goldstein, City Budapest, OF AND FOETAL Minnesota John J#{243}zwik, A. Jasiewicz, J. Diakowski. From General Chemistry, Bialystok, 174, Poland. S. Sack, Steiner, E. Ralph Brazil IN THE M. of of Medicine, Haematologia 2:171- 1968. hydrolysates purified columns and using the of erythrocyte stroma Dowex-50 ion-exchange effluent was examined for the amount of glucosamine mine. In adult erythrocyte amino amounts samples. tosamine S. R. and galactosastroma both sugars were detected in greater than in the corresponding foetal The ratio of glueosamine to galacwas similar in both materials.H. HEMOGLOBIN FUNCTION IN STORED oxygen Ohio France Boston, Aviv, M.D., Mass. Israel Stockholm, Belgrade, M.D., Buenos New M.D., Aires, York J. Clin. dissociation Argentina City Providence, Chicago, M.D., Sweden Yugoslavia Ph.D., M.D., Denmark N.Y. R.I. Illinois San Francisco, Invest. 48:311- of blood stored in various preservatives was studied over a period of several weeks. A marked increase in oxygen affinity was noted within the first week in blood stored in either standard ACD solution or ACD solution to which adenine had been added. This increase in correlated levels of erythrocyte acid. When affinity red much cell less that erythroeyte the oxygen out that this may when must well with 3-dephosphoglyceric falling inosine was added to the prethere was much less change in 02 during the first two weeks of storage servative, and 2, levels of 2, 3 DPG also fell rapidly. The authors conclude 2, 3 DPG is important in dissociation of blood. They point change in oxygen dissociation be of some therapeutic significance massive transfusions of stored blood be administered.-T. F. N. BLOOD. H. Franklin-Bunn, M. H. May, W. F. Kocholaty, C. E. Shields. From U.S. Army Medical Research Laboratory, Fort 100 Tel Wallerstein, #{176}2 affinity The were Columbus, M.D., Ultmann, 0. The Smos Danuta Kilczewska, the Department School U.S.S.R. M.D., Knox, Kentucky. 321, 1969. ERYTHROCYTES. Switzerland Parfs, M.D., B. Schorr, Manfred Hungary COMPONENT ADULT Berne, Moscow, M.D., Rolovi6, Julian Minneapolis, S#{227}o Paulo, Macpherson, Edgardo Australia ERYTHROCYTES HsxossmiE M.D., M.D., Netherlands Pavia, Prague, Fukutake, Robert Ira M.D., M.D., Huser, Kassirsky, Sven-Age Killmann, M.D., Copenhagen, Frederick A. Klipstein, M.D., Rochester, Maria Kope#{233}, M.D., Warsaw, Poland S. Africa Nashville, J. B. Chatterjea, M.D., Calcutta, F. J. Cleton, M.D., Leiden, The Katsuhiro Joseph M.D., T. H. Bothwell, Editor Hans-Jurg Germany Cardiff, Wales M.D., Johannesburg, Bloom, M.D., INFLUENCE ON AND OF HEMOGLOBIN ERYTHROCYTE BETA BLOOD, PRECIPITATION METABOLISM THALASSEMIA. VoL. IN D. 34, No. 1 G. (JULY), ALPHA Nathan, 1969 Calif. From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 101 ABSTRACTS to lead T. B. Stossel, R. B. Gunn, H. S. Zarkowand M. T. Laforet. From Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Boston, Mass. J. Clin. Invest. 48:33-41, 1969. to loss of hemoglobin represents scribed.-T. sky, the twelfth F. N. DIFFERENCES Red and cells from patients with Hb H disease /3-thalassemia major were separated “young” and “old” cell layers by dif- into ferential centrifugation. In content, hexose tivity, and monophosphate potassium conclude that globin shunt led flux inclusion precipitation) the ac- authors to ( hemo- formation is related to cation permeability. The increase in potassium flux does not appear to be correlated with the level of intracellular GSH. The authors are of the opinion, however, that the premature removal of incluerythrocytes related is the to the inclusions changes mechanical rather in in than thalassemia properties of secondary to permeability.-T. cation HUMAN BETWEEN a- AND any F. search Unit, Biochemistry, Med. normal gotes. N. of suggest that if genes, RiVERDALE-BRONX STABLE THE HEMOGLOBIN : UN- AN RESULTING SUBSTITUTION OF ARGININE GLY- would FOR B6 OF THE f3 POLYPEPT1DE CHAIN. H. M. Ranney, A. S. Jacobs, L. Udem, R. Zalusky. From Dept. of Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, N. Y. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 33:1004-1011, 1968. CINE AT HELICAL Another previously hemoglobin from presented hemolytic bin was a with anemia. accounted for On vertical globin. unrecognized variant hemolysate who RESIDUE identified in German-Jewish 30 per cent starch of gel the at semic within 8.6 ( TEB bufFer), it had a mobility similar to that of Hb S. Fingerprint analysis of Hb RB revealed a substitution of arginine for the normally occurring glycine at residue 24 of the of a beta chain (B6). This substitution interior for a nonpolar residue in the of the molecule might be expected to alter the relationship to attached polar the heme-globin heme. relationship of the peptide Such changes have been of Liverpool, 220:664-668, chain in found than /3 the processes termination /3-thalassemia. debate the discovery two types IN but of of a- of chains University of of be to thalasidentical error. translation seemed (Lon- and to experimental Although not excluded, Liver- experiments normal shown mRNA thus of Nature pulse-labelling was limits /3-THALASSE- Weatherall, S. From Depart- England. 1968. kinetics of num- comment: for by de- a varying Abstracter’s Medicine, means varia- thalassemia Clegg, D. I. and P. Wad. assembly genes considerable SYNTHESIS J. B. pool, By may chain B. ment the hemo- L. a-chains genes a forward more ex- a-chain In a bet- four of supported Na-Nakorn the pH put the be of in of a-chain genes. HEMOGLOBIN woman a partially compensated The abnormal hemoglo- inheritance chains-A. don) these the upon with might pairs of be MIA. of often authors sequence. explain is The pairs two severity affected persons unstable variant. resulting one theory is with patients phenomenon Two also of in has only in This hemoglobin found abnormal. ben of Brit. 1968. necessarily erozygote FROM England. amino-acid pending hEMOGLOBIN a-CHAIN Department this not would THE University man different tion AND Pos- Cambridge, /3-chain plained be OF mutant that corresponding of a-CHAIN is a quantitative difference in the of a- and a-chain variants to hemoglobin in respective heterozyIn the case of a-chain variants the half about AND f3-THALASSEMIA. J. 4:748-750, There de- HEMOGLOBIN DUPLICATION From proportion This H. Lehmann and R. W. Carrell. M.R.C. Abnormal Haemoglobin Re- percentage increased erythrocyte sion-containing OF GENE. the “young” cells contain inclusion bodies (precipitated alpha chains) whereas in Hb H disease it is the older cells which contain the intracellular precipitates ( f3 chains). Comparison of the number of inclusioncontaining cells and glycolysis, glutathione stability. hemoglobin a- BETWEEN MUTANTS SIBLE fl-thalassemia, such and be normal The chain in defective chain initiation was abnormal ribosomal assembly was not thought to be an explanation for the defective chain synthesis in this disease. The results suggest that in /3-thalassemia reduced /3-chain synthesis is due to defective regulation and hence reduced production of normal mRNA.A. L. B. From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 102 A ABSTRACTS H DISsE IN G. Efremov, I. Nedelkovski, H. Duma, S. Apostolova, M. Andrejeva and T. Stoj/evski. From the School of Medicine, University of Skopje, Yugoslavia. Blood Transfusion Bull. 23:79-84, 1968. CASE OF HEMOGLOBIN FAILURE year old long lasting A with to hemoglobin have displayed for H thalassemia. of the be propositus and were her mild was two not were within HYDROPS but in “BSB FETALIS one and fetalis R. values.-Z. study weeks gestation. 4.9 Gm. per bilirubin sion All were The cent was bodies some were beyond the infants. alive, and hour. In morphologic gosity that blood these that this was hydrops cent hundred sociated 27 present it is in in did a majority not Thailand Bart’s born effect ineffective severity of sickle KERNICTERUS W. of IN DEHYDROGENASE IN H. W. SINGAPORE. Boon. Colorado Colorado. the From Medical Center, Pediatrics R. Uni- Den- 41:1055-1062, ular, and Malay more neonatal in the absence of bin upon to values of of kernicterus clothing or which developed addition to to some appeared especially be ethnic fam- predisposed jaundice. the recently at Ten per cent of in this series either In were biliru- levels transfusion, neonatal is predis- serum occur. infants kernicterus. who in group reach there When mild, ethnic frequently exchange signs even deficiency. however the a more than hyperbilirubinemia, kernicterus may enzyme-deficient required to and infants, G-6-PD process, superimposed Singpartic- infants severe Caucasian hemolytic position in hyperbilirubinemia, Singapore-born any in infants Indian and have prolonged in a significant infants Chinese extent, do is found ictenic Apparently lesser present and with hemoglobin-I. one NEONATAL infants stored In two had in been moth in in G. E. University the of City, to instances dressed balls.- S. tive DEFICITS. Miller Birth Kansas significant and Defects E. F. Center, Medical Center, J. Dis. Amer. differences motor hearing children PRODUCTION Child. 1968. examination, as- B. Kansas. 116:37-43, No J. From Kansas IN NEUROLOGICAL Holmes, of 10.9 B. LoNG-Tuur Smith. three hydrops BILmuBINEMIA OF of believe northern is was 1968. for fetalis. population, a dosage apparent AND and ver, assumed predisposing the Penn1968. heterozywas evidence is L. Univer- J. B. S. parents, factor In the using or INFANTS Brown versity severe much a significant infants with the homozygous authors thalassemia of of the and present the heterozygous per gene were was mothers, of DEFICIENT ilies Inclu- survived Although iron-deficiency cent. 11 and B. S. differences, blood erythrocytes suggesting smears, alpha-thalassemia. to Only 38 was cord per most infants the mean none a thalassemia peripheral described 28 and in a few evidence for cent hemoglobin the 1 mg. noted is per infants mean below an 100 between and were of born 27 born of 73:265-266, frequency crises-I. apore. BART’S Thailand almost decreasing CELL II Philadelphia, Pediat. G-6-PD deficiency number of severely WITH Northern with hemoglobin. Bart’s in this of in associated J. Call, Hospital Pennsylvania, PREVENT SICKLE Hb IN NORTHERN THAILAND. B. Thumasathit, A. Nondasuta, S. Silpisornkosol, B. Lousuebsakul, P. Unchalipongse and M. Mangkornkanok. From the Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand. J. Pediat. 73:132138, 1968. Hydrops of L. GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE and No evi- HEMOGLOBIN usually the F. HYPERBILIRUBINEMIA sibling inclusions” ASSOCIATED From TO IN on the presence was found. noted. Hb A2 normal Lessen. cell typical test, alive children Oski, in patient made inclusion” micro-poikilocytosis of Hb H was dence F “BSB F. sity HCL EPISODES ANEMIA. sylvania. rapidly migrating Hb H ( 7%) and Hb A2 (0,3%). Hb F was found 2,3%. In the pedigree, parents of the decreased to Diagnosis the This features PROMAZINE PAINFUL In a double blind study, similar to the one used with in Ghana, promazine HC1 born woman demonstrated disease. hematological basis of Macedonian anemia was 42 OF THE MACEDONIA. were 43 to in development, observed 7li years neurologic or in a group old who percepof 63 had From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 103 ABSTRACTS neonatal jaundice bilirubin levels with between ml. when they were of their peers who had -J. B. S. BARBITURATE Y. ing or potentiating W. C. CYCLE KREBS C. Catz Pediat. YOUNG and Children’s S. I. Normal Hospital, Res. and studied. 2:361-370, The of barbital UDP-glucuronyl in liver adult enzyme transferase homogenates mice activity from and rabbits. was greatest animals, and or phenobarbital the effect The in in effect on the newyoung ani- mals appeared to be dose-related. UDPGT activity was also observed Increased in newborn mice following treatment of dams during late pregnancy. In newborn and young rabbits, barbiturate-pretreatment accelerated bilirubin clearance from the serum. In treated adult rabbits there was an increase in bile flow and in total bilirubin excretion. From these observations it is suggested that barbiturates not only increase hepatic UDPGT activity, but may also augment cell or membrane permeability, and/or facilitate bilirubin transport through the liver, particularly in adult animals-I. B. S. OF THE IN LmnuMIc COLONY NORMAL SERUM. E. R. Stanley, W. A. Robinson and G. L. Ada. From Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne, Australia. Aust. J. Exp. Biol. Med. Sci. 46:715, 1968. cytes. Only sera contained dehydrogenase, dehydrogenase. In leu- succinate dehydrogenase was A clear survey of the literature and of the problem is given in the introduction. The obtained results are discussed also on the basis of previous personal investigations.-P. d. N. lower than in OF ENZYMES AND normal LEUKOCYTES. F. Martelli M. Clinica cells. GLYCOGENOLYSIS LEUKEMIC and Medica, M. IN Haematologica The following NORMAL F. Grignani, Tonato. From the University Italy. of Perugia, 53:89-118, enzymes 1968. were studied: amylo-1,6-glucosidase, phos- Phosphoglucomutase very high was found. kemia activity. In the than in subject substance. substances in- exhibited a glucose-6-phosphatase acute normal are and myelogenous activities cells. A available is critically in few the analyzed-P. leu- were higher data on literature, this which d. N. Ponassi, and C. KINETICS IN THE Doc. A. P. Boccaccio, L. Morra, F. Brema Sacchctti. From the Istituto Sci- entifico di of Italy. and ligation given Interna, University Haematologica 53:269- 1968. Normal tial Medicina Genova, 284, ics. No enzymatic to mouse condehy- kemic leukocytes ( acute and myelogenous leukemias ) the levels of enzymatic activities were more elevated than in normal granulo- be Some oxydase, alpha-ketoglutarate malate GRANULOCYTE leukopoietic taken isocytric succinate Normal and leukemic mouse serum contains a factor capable of stimulating suspensions of mouse marrow cells to form colonies. This has been characterized as heat labile, nondialysable, migrating in the a-globulin-post-albumen region, resistant to ether, RNA-ase and DNA-ase, with buoyant density of about 1.34 and a sedimentation coefficient of between 4.5 and 7.0. It is probably a protein or glycoprotein and may specifically were were pyruvate P-enzyme, phorylase. STIMULATING AND MOUSE a leukocytes phoglucomutase, glucose-6-phosphatase and maltase. The lowest activity was found in amylo-1,6-glucosidase, followed by phos- LEUKOCYTES FACTOR LEU- Haematologica enzymes : phorphorylase, PROPERTIES Italy. aconitase, dehydrogenase, fumarase, newborn HUMAN leukemic enzyme, drogenase, ac- stimulat- M. F. Martelli and F. Clinica Medica, Uni- following consideration densing injection colony IN CIRCULATING M. Tonato, From the Grignani. versity of Perugia, 53:1-20, 1968. BILIRUBIN IN the factor-F. into Prior born EXCRETION the N. jaundiced. OF ANIMALS. From enhanced and been hibiting KOCYTES. AND ADULT Yaffe. Buffalo, 1968. tivity not ENHANCEMENT CONJUGATION AND unconjugated serum 6 and 23mg./l00 compared to a group DFP32 study Tagged splenomegalic of the some splenic tagged aspects granulocytes (through vein) granulocytes of par- dogs in granulocyte were studied were order kinet- also From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. ABSTRACTS 104 in the splenic artery and vein as well as in some splenectomized dogs. The values obtinned were similar to those observed in humans. The total granulocyte pool and the granulocyte turnover rate were higher in the dog. The marginal granulocyte pool was reduced after splenectomy, two values autotransfusions were was that shown amount of through it. perimental of the granulocytes circulating investigations regard were carried rate technics, tion on the CASES AND OF AN The problem purposes : to of ment of the ascertain of the The were different of one of ploidy Denver the chromosomes. in for of the in cation, while all the the absence authors, of of to mosomes. be frequent-P. while In the is further the CsmoMosoiIE STUDIES C, frequently found those of the N. ON in show skin that PATIENTS Second C. WITH and R. P. Clinic University Debrecen, the W. G. Nagy the for Medical Hungary. 2:179-186, Haematol- 1968. myelofibrosis polycythemia developing vera. of the No As after compared second group for majority the chromosome radiation damage tients.-S. R. to the nor- logical of found was metaphase suggesting among the pa- A RE- H. IN AMPHIBIA: Balls and L. N. Ruben. of East Anglia, School Sciences, Exp. aneuploidy aberration was TUMORS M. University il- E, Norwich, Tumor Lymphoid F or by to Res. From of Bio- England. 10:238-260, propor- G group are to These tumors to their and in Progr. 1968. are of tumors discussed been adults to seem been pear in attempted. Some to be caused by appear um-associated related to reference features. of Four to be readily the fifteen all transfer has of these tumors apa viral agent; others a bacterium agent-I. induction found which re- species. with biological species been etiology, have amphibian date amphibian their transferable less to six transferability, some the have originate chro- as extrachromo- A group tumors ported of appearance metaphasic of the From secondary case D, inversely the not Chromosome studies have been performed on 9 patients with polycythemia vera in exacerbation and in 3 patients with one According is of to VERA. LYMPHOID represented of but the dividing not inherited.-F. Medicine, VIEW. third extrachromosomes frequency of classifi- the were in cent evidence and were Denver groups length d. This leukesame the A girl with acute leukehad had CC did not show blood cells or fibroblasts. Ph’ is acquired metaphasic was in Chromosomes more somes, aneu- chromosomes. the the that toward evolution and extrachromosomes tional suggested a scheme. second of of relapse, cells. literature. distribution the various the Med. chromosome in demonstrated other abnormalities abnormalities presence the in groups the G. The and to clonal case abnormalities by of chromosomic present had length each cases Ph’ blood cells while fibroblast cultures. mia whose father the Ph’ in either patient under each factors Ann. mal picture, no chromosome aberration was found in the first group of patients. In one develop- the system The lustrated ap- cases of the among predisposing was the per ogia groups from reported the the three Carson, From of Tas- granulocytic had had 50 School, ex- chronologic in the Aust. in Yurgutis. two particular aneuploidy. those of with involved The statistical analysis of extrachromosomes groups and Internal extrachromosomes, whether are from showed marrow Haematolog- occurrence various Liu- FAMILIAL Australia. with chronic whose mother disease LEU- investigated establish the examination and Italy. IN 1969. man (CG) A mia THREE 1968. chromosomes Hobart, 18:7, G. Rovera and Clinica Medica, the Tonino, was pearance mania, PAT- IN STAGE. From trachromosomes to and and accuinforma-P. d. N. MYELOGENOUS ACUTE of 53:465-480, D. of POLYCYTHEMIA Pegoraro. ica pre- DISTRIBUTION CHRONIC IN ex- not EXTRACHROMOSOMES University and had consideration out with dependable thus giving important problems concerned. OF KEMIA of which EVOLUTION TERNS granulocytes it held up a large into A. S. Dept. of the taken STUDIES A. C. Baikie, 0. M. Spiers and I. Ferguson. Medicine, University KAEMIAS. other means These been CLONAL the By tagged spleen conditions viously L. while unchanged. CYTOCENETIC E. or U. a bacteri- From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 105 ABSTRACTS COMPARATIVE Sruny PRODUCTION HEALTHY E L. Gergely, OF Gy. Gy. SUBJECTS. F. D. Toth and From the Institute of MicroUniversity Medical School of Hungary. Acta Microbiol. Acad. biology, Debrecen, Hung. 14:391-397, LETS. S. van Creveld From The Haemophuia (N.H.), The Netherlands. 218:361-362, 1968. INTERFERON LEUKOCYTES THE LEUKEMIC AND Hadhdzy, Szegedi. Sci. ON BY 1967. The Leukocytes obtained from patients with myeloid leukemia produced more interferon than those from leukocytes healthy infected produced virus donors. by more Leukemic Newcastle interferon those infected by Sendai VirUS. Such a difference was not demonstrable when normal leukocytes were used. The average interferon titres were 244 and 38 with the Sendai virus and 985 and 27 with the Newcastle disease virus. Calculated from the average of all experimental results, leukemic leukocytes produced 15 times more interferon than normal ones. Interferon production prostaglandin aggregation and Addition PGE2, ma. current LEUKEMIA A. CLUSTERS. G. Glass, J. A. Hill and R. W. Miller. From the Epidemiology Branch, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. J. Pediat. 73:101107, 1968. THE of death certificates of all chil- dren dying of leukemia or other cancer in Los Angeles County between 1960 and 1964, revealed a uniform mortality rate throughout By the constructing a few narrow closely to create those W. Department Gross. cine, University 1207, 1968. described believe cases overemphasize buffer absolute of an the IN epidemiology tends that of this the plays virus disease. PLATELETS INFLUENCE E2 ON OF THE E1 PROSTAGLANDINS AGGREGATION OF BLOOD AND PLATE- was simple: of count and in with 7.4, volume in yield the in aggregates before distribu- the amount and Lat. plate- the vol- B. BLEEDING AND Corteiltire the Coulter of EXTRACORPOREAL Al. Haemat. rich times pH ADHESIVENESS From and MediWschr. Plasma, 5000 aggregates.-K. UREMIA Italy. Schneider Internal determined these AGPARTICLE K#{246}ln.Klin. solution DURING caccio. literature. possibility oncogenic of in induction of platelet aggregaor by protamine sulfate. The incorporated TIME to leukemia platelets TimonsocYTE diluted A-med, umes concen- and suggest be corrected by of is particle curves, lets “gerrymandering” of the spread a role in the -J. B. S. in that in high ELECTEONIC of is following by CaCL, tion ag- curves similar thrombasthe- K#{252}bler, W. procedure Girling’s around AN R. tion disag- inhibited abnormal OF BY thrombocytes, possible comparable of COUNTER. and rapid PGE1 even DETERMINATION PLATELET tracts. it was clusters around infectious cases, leukemia authors boundaries census boundaries grouped previously The to predetermined however, GREGATION Counter Analysis of concept The OF the prevented Clanzmann’s thrombasthenia that the abnormality cannot PGE2.-A. B. by increased failed to promote ADP aggregation platelets from a patient with this The results are consistent with the disease. from patients with myeloid leuless inhibited by actinomycin D than that by normal leukocytes. Leukocytes from patients with lymphoid leukemia produced as much or less interferon than those from healthy persons.-S. R. H. Addition (PGE2) by ADP producing seen in Clanzmann’s trations, of the leukocytes kemia was SIGNIFICANCE E2 gregation. gregation to those disease than rapid the of patients but showed from normally abnormally of C. N. Pascha. Clime, Huizen Nature (Lond.). a variety with ADP disaggregation. platelets aggregated and University 11:188-197, DIALYSIS and D. of BranMilano, 1968. Study of seven cases. Platelet adhesiveness evaluated by means of a method de- rived from the original Wright’s method. A significant decrease of platelet adhesiveness was observed in the middle of the dialysis period. At the end, there was a tendency to rise, which continued for two hours thereafter. The bleeding time presented an opposite behavior (first prolonged, then reduced toward initial values). Abstracter’s comment: These results are similar to those From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 106 ABSTRACTS observed during extracorporeal for cardiopulmonary by-pass. are of interest, even though small number of observations-P. NECTOMY. B. Jochweds and B. KeydanaJedrzejewska. From the Department of Internal Medicine, Institute of Tubercu- circulation The results limited to a d. N. losis, Warsaw, Poland. PLATELET COUNTS B. From IN Kong. School Pediat. the 72 hours, ranged 302,000. In 35 1700 between 2200 veloped 20 days of and 69,000 less than ROLE OF age. The were 156,000 with birth Gm., platelet seen in days in in whole later. platelet levels, Pauly, operative may red hesiveness in ACUTE comment: important implies, hemostasis in to if red or e.g., The changes ad- method. exists platelets merely or plasma. determine, cell this cells as the are relevant L. thrombosis-A. mechanism by has the RHAGIC CRISES IN THROMBOCYTHEMIA A CASE last few authors J. L. Suskind. School, 40:847, of transformation of lymand intensively anti- investigated years. In describe transformation a induced the similar by dun- present paper lymphocyte HgC12. Studies of action of this simple chemical should help to explain the mechanism of action of more complicated stimulants-I. C. LYMPHOCYTE IN Vn-rio CHARACTERIZATION TOXIN. From vine) W. the Proc. with It author of OF CYTOTOXICITY: HUMAN LYMPHO- P. Koib and C. A. Granger. University of California (InNat. Acad. Sci. USA 61:1250, OF AFTER SPLE- of is The immunoglobulin propose and that to lymphotoxin.” feel a mw. are far the authors lymphocytes leads “human authors with mediates and dethe exact accomplished present study adenoidal is then assayed with the growth interfere authors this In the human phytohemagglutinin-this layers. HErIoR- how production material to B. details from clear. stimulate a protein VASOMOTOR RABBITS phytohemagglutinin been the AND CHLORIDE. The lymphocyte in some way tumor immunity, allograft rejection layed hypersensitivity. However, fragility, possibility the red ing MERCURIC 1968. platelet by method gens LYMPHOCYTES RATS observed a PRP-ADP that post- increased measured changes The phocytes postoperative was changes, to Hellem’s indicate is cell when Abstracter’s that greater discuss A. Caron and R. R. of Oregon Medical Oregon. J. Cell Biol. University weigh- THE adhesiveness contribute C. OF PIGS, BY Portland, 1969. IN authors the sudden release of the platelets in the pathosyndrome observed.-M. K. GUINEA INDUCED 1400 infants blood compared to The author considered mixture. the The of TRANSFORMATION FROM TO OPERATION. A from of BLAST birth four de10 and Platelet adhesiveness measured in whole blood by Hellem’s glass-bead column method was markedly increased within four hours of surgery. Adhesiveness measured in blood reconstituted from postoperative platelet-rich plasma ( PRP) and postoperative red cells was greater than that observed in blood reconstituted from post-operative PRP and preoperative red cells. A storage artifact was excluded by repeating the experiment three role 5- of a sple- IMMUNOHEMATOLOGY P. N Bennet. From Department of Medicine, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland. J. Clin Path. 21:695-697, 1968. rise described. of urine after first B. S. RESPONSE is vascular increase acid in the thrombocythemia possible counts whose ERYTHROCYTES PLATELET 38: and the Gm., between two Lek. weights during lowest 1 Kg-I. nectomy genesis Tg. of recurrent accompanying hydroxyindoloacetic patient with the platelet case with serotonin 120,000 Among 38 infants was below 1700 thrombocytopenia weight interesting 12-hourly between infants and An crises thrombocytopenot corroborated. above month. ing reported was first determinations remained PREMATURE J. The previously nia of prematurity During HEALTHY Fogel, D. Arias and F. the University of Miami of Medicine, Miami, Florida. J. 73:108-110, 1968. INFANTS. Pol. 1968. 1440-1441, the This for its ability to of L cell monothat this material is of 85,000, it is not an not complement. The this material mediates From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 107 ABSTRACTS lymphocyte cytotoxicity. Abstracter’s cornment: There is certainly as yet no direct evidence that such materials are produced in vivo as a result of lymphocyte contact with antigens.-I. C. and smallpox vaccine. phytohemagglutinin umn purification. Separation W. ON THE membrane From Washington, D. UROPOD. the Hospital. and LYMPHOCYTE McFarland. C. V. Science A. 163:818, 1969. view Lymphocytes in motion as well ing. as to the Electron tail surface on microscopic section shows microspike sites of on that necessary macrophage for intercourse of the AND ON OF ANTIGEN R. IN that the are the D. From Moore the ern ANTIBODY Reserve Nature M. of Pathology, horse carried out experiments of antibody macrophages are ulation The not macrophages may the restimulation E. U. on -J. an of OF relatives Harris. Dept. From of Houston, synthesis. the IN RE- PERIPHERAL M. Hersh BLOOD and University J. of Developmental Texas. 1194, effect INTERACTION E. E. bead sponse to separated of macrophage used cells’ were streptodornase, purified reduced antigen when leukocyte Culture the column these purified monolayers response lymphocyte to streptolysin purified re- compared to in unvitro. lymphocytes generally antigen. 0, protein on restored The in in dizygotic IgA a twins, macroglobulinemia pa- immunodiffusion tests and Heremans, quantification of and of antigens streptokinasederivative of in 1gM. ( 252 1965) serum The values total rural author population IgA of and donors for and of district individuals) blood male IgG the a (38 the in a individuals) immunoglobins were levels with increased age throughout adult life, with no difference between the sexes. This relationship with age was not found for 1gM, but females showed significantly higher levels than males. Analysis of variance performed on results obtained in 89 monozygotic and 42 dizygotic twin pairs, provided evidence of both genetic have and an environmental effect on 23 being population. 1gM above was significantly pected greater in the than in 95 The of number per greater cent of the values could renorfor tolerance than in relatives investigated. those im- done of 353 with The the of were limit be ex- by chance alone. Also a significantly number of M-components was found 1gM class in the serum of relatives the general population, whereas the number classes studies compared mal levels a total patients were influences serum Family macroglobulinemia; blastogenic suspensions IgG, sample found. of have Carbonara for the of determined thoroughly suits Glass Uni- population, and of munoglobins. 1968. suspensions were the radial three villages Netherlands to Texas, Therapeutics, 100:1184- Immunology, ( Mancini, were used similar the BLASTOGENIC HUMAN LEUKOCYTES. levels from Simple group fact, antibody ANTIGEN-INDUCED SPONSE In inhibitory MACROPHAGE-LYMPHOCYTE THE lymphoapparently antigen. exert restim- by lymphocytes specific IN State random that the for synthesis LEVELS authors suggest required primed the recognize 9 the which U. months Ohio. 1968. ferritin, E. INFLUENCES Thesis. of monozygotic in has West- Cleveland, spleen of vitro.-J. investigated the accuracy and reproducibility of this method. It was impossible to determine absolute values and therefore results were reported as percentages of a pooled reference serum. In a Case immunized with are 1969. groups levels Schoenberg. 219:297, rabbits Employing BY LYMPHOCYTES. D. University, (London) earlier cytes. and Dept. in Kaiff. Immunoglobin control and SYNTHESIS OF W. Leyden, versity group C. Cusrwus antigen response IMMUNOGLOBULIN Al. tients. RESTIMULATION blastogenic EVIRONMENTAL SERUM MAN. this immunological accomplished-I. is of interaction called speculates which lympho- uptake to antigen GENETIC it is mov- lymphocyte by or and cells projections the the col- This observation author areas tail. a “feels” other which multiple The microspikes. receptor have contacts, to debris, of macrophage-lymphocyte lymphocytes tail apparently also temporarily attaches to by macrophages blastogenesis. MICROSPIKES response unaffected by a semipermeable prevented the restoration of The results are consistent with and cytes The was of of M-components immunoglobulins in the other were not differ- From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 108 ABSTRACTS ent in that both groups. These results indicate has occurred of 1gM cells in families of macroglopatients. The results of these bear out the technical difficulties in quantification of immunoglobulin a disregulation producing bulinemia studies involved levels and provide sound evidence for the that at least one monoclonal is in part genetically deter1. C. hypothesis gammopathy mined-F. EFFECTS OF CASEIN ON THE REGENEBA- II. This was to the stimulant in group I between the injection of chiorambucil and the protein-free diet. Nevertheless, in the two groups the restoration of the neutrophil action apparently of casein, and due administered lymphocyte levels occurred dan- chiefly the ten days of the casein refeeding regimen. This restoration was much more noticeable in group I, mainly affecting the increase in number and size of the lymphocytes: after ten days there were 9630 ± 870 ing lymphocytes per cmm. compared to 5710 ± 640 in group II. The cellular index (product of the two perpendicular diameters) in PHOCYTES IN PROTEIN DEPLETED RATS group I rose from 112.5 ± 6.4 j2 on the INJECTED WITH A RDIoMIrIETIC AGENT first day of refeeding to 159.4 ± 2.9 p2 on (CHLORAMBUCIL ) . A POSSIBLE IMMUNOthe eleventh day, while in group II the LOGICAL MECHANISM FOR THE LYMPHOrespective values were 109.0 ± 3.1 z2 and POIETIC EFFECT OF INGESTED PROTEIN. A. 124.5 ± 5 2 The final weight of the Aschkenasy. Centre National de la Reand lymph nodes ( four cervical and cherche Scientifique, Laboratoire d’H#{233}- spleen two mesenteric) were similarly higher in matologie Nutritionnelle, 45-Orleans-la group I (641 ± 37 mg. and 90 ± 9 mg.) Source, France. Rev. Franc. Etud. Clin. than in group II (506 ± 23 and 55 ± 6 mg.) Biol. 13:792-799, 1968. in spite of identical body weights. In the An attempt was made to find whether lymph nodes the germinal centers were the regeneration of leukocytes and espelarger and more numerous in group I (6 ± cially the increase in number and size of 1.7 per section) than in group II ( 1.8 ± blood lymphocytes induced by the ingestion 0.1 ). These results suggest that in group I of casein in protein deficient rats could be the lymphocytes newly formed after the ininterpreted as an immunological response jection of chlorambucil were conditioned of the animal to the “secondary” protein to the casein before the beginning of the ingestion. In this case, such a response protein free diet, and because of this they should be more readily demonstrable in reacted to the refeeding of protein with an animals previously conditioned to these proanamnestic response. In group II the newly teins than in unconditioned animals. This formed lymphocytes were formed during the hypothesis suggested the following expenperiod of nitrogen deprivation and could TION OF mental scheme: neal injection male cent six per a BLOOD After of adult casein protein-free rats men NEUTROPHILS single intrapenito- ( 12 chiorambucil rats for diet submitted were a Lms- AND not, mg/Kg.) received a diet of 18 two weeks followed by ( group I ). Six other only to the latter regi- the beginning a week before the injection II ). After a weight loss of 40 per on the average in 78 days of deprivain group I and 55 days in group II, all rats were restored for ten days to a diet of ( group cent tion 18 per cent casein. The the chlorambucyl reached its maximum four days after the injection, the fall in lymphocyte level being more marked (minimum of ± 1000 cells/cmm. ) than that of the neutrophils. There then followed a partial two spontaneous groups neutrophils was more restoration which was more pronounced than in the lymphocytes pronounced in group I than in in that lymphocytes glandular in actions. Thus, and seem by the the and group CAL an dietary rence IN IGG-IGA. Pegoraro. From of quantitative lymphocytes Torino, pro- M. CrroLoGI- AND A rereaction proteins.-G. CASE MACROGLOBULINEMIA 53:305-320, interest of IMMUNOLOGICAL University primary to the changes GLOBULIN Case is a known immunological to contribute PATTERNS STROM L. than anamnestic volumetric yoked It increase in number of large and the number and size of germinal centres are more pro- nounced would conditioned. the CLINICAL, leukopenia by caused be therefore, fact OF WALDEN- WITH CRYO- A. Pileri, C. Ricci and the Clinica Medica, Italy. Haematologica 1968. report of a 58 year of the case consists and in some cytological old female. The in its rare occuraspects. There From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 109 ABSTRACTS was a systemic proliferation and lymphoreticular istics in protein electronmicroscopy These of lymphocytic cells, synthesis whose were and immunofluorescence. cells were different from those of lymphocytic leukemia because of greater proliferative activity and response to phytohemagglutinin.- chronic their greater dapest, Hungary. 178. 1968. charactershown by In the ionic bound proteins bound IgG in Luus OF LOWED 42 200 ON PARATIVE N. ERYTHEMATOSUS ANALYSIS HOOD. ADULT From School versity CASES FOL- and Uni- York, New 42:37-49, a high mortality rate in the patients A HUMAN RARE FINDING IN ISOANTIBODY. L. ISRAEL. and R. Pinker-Schweitzer. ment of Serology, Central Kupat Holim, Haifa, Israel. Sci. 5:114, Hornstein From DepartLaboratory. Israel J. Med. 1969. and Although to be saline. ous anti-Tj’ is as transfusion report on Israel.-B. are extremely occurrence reviewed. rare, a possible accidents. the R. A REPORT ON loG lime cause This of Szdsz, INFLUENCING TO ERYTHROCYTES. Eva Puskds, J. Gergely. From the Hematology and Blood a single temperature fixation a more the be washing The and showed stable it of The and moglobin The COUNTING AutoAnalyser bond is the antiTja has first in C. A. Central ASPECIFIC I. Arky, Medgyesi, Institute Transfusion, of Bu- Au-ro- AN SMA-4 and red less EVALUATION Belfast, falsely results. The blood output L. B. AUTOANALYSER Ireland. in and After red most showed precision hemoglobin Hematocrit J. and HosClin. that the 1969. the acceptable. modifications curate. low THE evaluation and the cent erroneous, automated Northern Systematic were 23 per were OF Path. 22:11-18, of and T. R. J. Lappin, A. Lamont Nelson. From Royal Victoria C. pita1, counts. cell a conductance the need for rapid stained films.-A. of ac- white by that increases fIt. gave of he- reliable giving reporting SMA-4. system estimations estimations consider counting and and estimated method, was M.C.H.C. most of these authors MACHINE. reproducible hematocrit, carry-over seri- Wrrss EXPERIENCE BLOOD curate isfactory FACTORS BINDING can A. E. Green, V. L. Middleton, K. C. Prentis, and A. C. Signy. From St. Stephen’s Hospital, London, England. J. Clin. Path. 22:19-27, 1969. MATIC conductance SOME IgG of IgG adsorption firmly of MISCELLANEOUS AN significance considered by the surface which was characteristic of the papain-insensitive IgG population. IgG fixation is highly influenced by ionic strength and by the cation composition of the mcdiurn-S. R. H. AntiTja isoantibody was found in the serum of a woman who was examined because of habitual abortions. The same antibody was later also found in the serum of her brother. The history of this antibody, its incidence but the extent of FIRST on nonloosely existed, with onset before 15 years of age. The authors believe that combination therapy with adrenocortical steroids and chloroquine provide the best prognosis in SLE; however, antimetabolites were not evaluated.-J. B. S. ANTITJa, eliminated, dependence beside with and 1968. Childhood SLE in this group of patients was very similar to adult SLE. The exceptions were a tendency for the onset in girls to be clustered around adolescence, a twofold higher incidence of hepatosplenomegaly and adenopathy, and a lower incidence of pulmonary involvement among the children, as well as a shorter duration and a higher washings Thereafter, physiological that C0M- Medicine, of N. Y. Pediatrics Crni.D- A. C. Meislin the New York CONCURRENTLY. Rothfield. IN WITH CASES are 2:175- intercellular remains cells. to medium SYSTEMIC of 3-5 the blood eluted P.d.N. course solutions, red Haematologia cell and white accuracy cell were counts determinations samples measurement but it counts described certain as was also ac- were sat- this is a influenced by marked variations in concentration of EDTA, proteins and electrolytes. It should be possible to effect computorized data handling and, with an analogue-digital converter, to produce data compatible with From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 110 ABSTRACTS records. Abstracter’s Comment : The main disadvantages appear to be the graphical output which is not usually compatible with patient records and the conductance method for measuring hematocnit. Errors due to the latter may be difficult to detect in a busy laboratory.-A. L. B. ous THE patients Among the incidence in OF SPLENECTOMY son, 0. IN Burgert, the Mayo J. Dis. INFECTION W. D. ErickH. B. Lynn. From CHILDREN. Jr., and Clinic, FOLLOWING Rochester, Child. 116:1-12, Minn. After reviewing 17 reported nectomies, involving 1313 adding a group of 154 cases Clinic, the authors conclude tomy followed below the by age increased of Amer. 1968. one series of splechildren, and from the Mayo that splenecyear susceptibility AMERICAN is definitely to SOCIETY Cleveland, See announcements, seri- back a mortality older of infection is not non-splenectomized fections quently meningitis. youngsters cent of than a 35 one per year, than but inin the splenectomized group fretook the form of sepsis and/or Among these splenectomized the course was frequently short, their with HAZARD with children infection, cent. 78 per cent developing ill became higher peers, mortality. serious within 12 Among the infections 76 months, and per 91 30 months of operation. Pneumococcus, meningococcus and hemophilus influenzae were the most frequent organisms reported, in the order given. The authors do not appear to favor administraper cent tion of might within prophylactic infer from although antibiotics, this report that course of penicillin for all dergoing splenectomy would part of valor-I. B. S. OF December advertising youngsters be the HEMATOLOGY 7-9 section of this a 30 issue one month Unbetter
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