& LAKE PARSIPPANY PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, NEWS VIEWS www.Lake-Parsippany.org VICE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Bill Sempier INC. NOVEMBER 2014 Come to the Board Meeting on November 10th for the LPPOA 2015 Proposed Budget presentation. The vote to adopt the Budget will take place at the December Board Meeting. Hard to believe it is November already. The lake is still full of activity. Maybe not as much this time of year, but if you take a walk around you will see two major projects in progress. Project #1–The new swim team dock has been ordered and set for delivery by the end of the month. The volunteers and vendors are working hard to beat the winter weather. There are still some final details to work out but we are on track to get everything completed by spring. Project #2–Hoffman beach also has work in progress. You may have noticed the swing set has been relocated as well as some tree work. The plan is to turn the grass area where the swing set was into a picnic area with tables and umbrellas. The tree work is being done as the sand delivery trucks can no longer back onto the beach because of low hanging branches on one of the trees. The 2015 budget (see pages 6–8) will be presented at the November 10 Board meeting. This will be your opportunity to ask questions and offer suggestions. The 2015 budget will be voted on at the December meeting. A HUGE THANK YOU! This month we accepted the resignation of both Ellen O’Connor and Mary Ellen Iradi. The combined service to our community is nearly 30 years. Ellen served for more than 15 years as our Membership Database Administrator. Ellen created the database as well as the applications and other membership related functions. She was responsible for all of the membership data entry and updates. In addition to Ellen’s role on the Membership Committee she also served as our web site manager. Mary Ellen has served the Board in the capacity of Secretary for 12 years. Mary Ellen wants to move on to a director’s position. I can’t thank these two awesome women enough for all they have given the lake. We have some truly amazing people in our community. THE FANTASTIC FOUR It started out as an idea to move the swing set at Hoffman Beach along with other work. The idea was to create a picnic area at continued on page 2 WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU If you can’t make it to the Board meetings, please feel free to use any of the contact information on page 2 to get your question, suggestion or opinion to us. HO HO HO LPPOA ANNUAL PANCAKE BREAKFAST WITH SANTA Saturday, December 13 • 8:00am & 9:30am seatings Lake Parsippany Clubhouse Members & guests only. RESERVATIONS ARE A MUST! RSVP by November 30, call Pat at 973-386-0821 or email karasr@optonline.net In the spirit of the season, we ask that you please bring an unwrapped, new toy to be donated to a needy child. DON’T FORGET YOUR CAMERA FOR PICTURES WITH SANTA LPPOA BOARD OF DIRECTORS President POSITION AVAILABLE BILL SEMPIER Vice President 862-812-1746 E-mail: LPPRES@hotmail.com MARYELLEN IRADI Secretary 973-462-8496 E-mail: mesprech@yahoo.com PHIL BERARDO Treasurer 973-952-0152 E-mail: philberardo@optonline.net DAN NAZZARO Financial Secretary 973-560-9047 E-mail: membership@lake-parsippany.org District 1 (Drewes Beach Area) Debbie Orme 973-503-0640 E-mail: josephorme@aol.com District 2 (Johnson Beach Area) Pat de la Fuente 973-386-0821 E-mail: karasr@optonline.net District 3 (Jorges Beach Area) Don Phelps 973-585-7327 E-mail: dphelps621@gmail.com District 4 (Hoffman Beach Area) Barbara Allu 973-479-2377 E-mail: baallu@aol.com CLUBHOUSE RENTAL AGENT Mark Adubato 862-579-8407 E-mail: clubhouserental@lake-parsippany.org MEMBERSHIP Dan Nazzaro 973-560-9047 E-mail: membership@lake-parsippany.org BEACH RENTAL AGENT (March–Sept.) Debbie Orme 973-503-0640 E-mail: LPPOABeachRental@aol.com & NEWS VIEWS MELANIE ADUBATO Editor 973-703-2145 E-mail: theadubatofamily@aol.com DIANA GIRADELLI Co-Editor 240-625-2474 E-mail: giradellix3@msn.com KIM SHARGAY Design/Layout 973-884-3457 E-mail: kshargay@gmail.com BARBARA ALLU Advertising 973-479-2377 E-mail: baallu@aol.com Visit us online www.lake-parsippany.org CONTRIBUTORS: Lina Gaza Barbara Allu Phil Berardo Bill Sempier Christie Heygi-Gardner Ralph Rosamilia Danilo Gaza Randy Vyskocil Don Phelps Rose Dury Ellen O’Connor Winnie Marone News & Views is published ten times a year by the Lake Parsippany Property Owners Association. Subscription rate is $12 annually; free to members of the LPPOA. continued from page 1 the beach. We discussed it with the managers, who liked the idea, and suddenly it became a reality. The swing set was not dug out without a fight. However with determination and a jack hammer we freed it from where it sat for years, and moved it to its new location. The tree branches that were cut will allow the sand trucks an easier access onto the beach to deliver the sand. Rest assured, no shade in the main area of the beach has been disturbed. Thanks go out to Don Phelps, Ken Nolan, Khanh Le, Bob Bailey and Joe Orme. See photos on page 3. HELP WANTED We need to fill the following positions immediately. If you are interested in any of them, please email LPPRES@hotmail.com or call 862-812-1746. MEMBERSHIP DATA ENTRY AND MANAGEMENT The membership committee is looking for a volunteer that will be responsible for the upkeep of the membership information. The person should have the following skills: •FamiliarwithMSAccess •ProficientinMSEXCEL,Formulas and Pivot tables •Detailoriented •Availablethroughoutmembership period, flexible dates from January through June or as needed •Goodcommunicationskills If you are interested in learning more in this position, please contact Dan Nazzarro at member252@optonline.net or 973-560-9047. BOARD SECRETARY Responsible for taking minutes of all monthly meetings and work sessions. Typing and distributing minutes to the board. WEB ADMINISTRATOR We are looking for someone to do the back end support for our database. Currently we are using Dreamweaver software. We are also updating the website from top to bottom so we are not locked into Dreamweaver. If you have experience with web design and implementation we need you on our team. 2 NEWS VIEWS Lake Patrol Don Phelps Members, you need to have your badges and car tags displayed when you are out fishing, boating or enjoying the lake property all year long.* By having your documents visible, the Lake Patrol members can concentrate on removing the non-members who don’t have identification. Also, don’t forget that your guests must have a valid guest badge and a current car tag when on lake property. The Lake Patrol has been dealing with some very frustrated guests who are told to leave lake property for not having LPPOA credentials. We do need to have more patrols and need more members to make that happen. Please consider joining the Lake Patrol, the commitment is two tours of the lake a month. If you are interested in joining the Lake Patrol, contact Don Phelps, at dphelps621@gmail.com. *LPPOA RULES AND REGULATIONS Please go to the website for a complete list of the LPPOA Rules and Regulations: http://lake-parsippany.org/rules.htm BOATERS YE BE WARNED: In accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the LPPOA, all boats MUST be removed from the property by November 15, or they will be removed and you will have to pay $75 to get yours back. If a boat is not claimed within 90 days of November 15, it will be sold. You can use your boat after the November 15 date as long as the lake is free of ice, but you cannot store it on the property. LPPOA TREASURER’S REPORT October 2014 9/8/14 $ 33,200.11 Income $ 4,049.10 Payroll / Taxes Landscaping Services Utilities Hub Lakes Beach Account Insurance News & Views Licenses / Fees / Other $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (5,569.57) (1,263.17) (2,365.83) (2,819.00) (968.44) (1,610.80) (431.90) (164.55) 10/13/14 $ 22,055.85 3 NEWS VIEWS This November, a new topic will be added to the sailing article —The Sailors Hat—which will give you some info on questions that have been asked over the sailing seasons. THE SAILORS HAT Z SAILING CLUB Ralph Rosamilia NO PLACE LIKE HOME Admit it... There’s something unbeatable about sailing in your home waters. You know most every obscured rock and fluky habits of the wind... You could navigate with your eyes closed, though you’ve never closed them for fear of missing out on the scenery, ospreys, and red tailed hawks, and cormorants fishing and the like...If anyone asked, you’d gladly tell them all about it and how it’s hands-down, the best place to learn how to sail. Most sailors will quickly correct you and begin to tell you about their home waters. I know for me I still have a soft spot for my first encounter on learning how to sail on the Navesink and Shrewsbury Rivers in Sea Bright, New Jersey. I remember thinking, “This is home.” For others, it might be the openness of great bays like Narragansett Bay in Rhode Island or Barnegat Bay in New Jersey. One thing is for sure, we all have a place we call home. THE MYSTERY PUZZLE GAME The game consisted of 5 letters this year and each letter was placed on a different barrel every 2 plus weeks. The answer is SOLAS; Safety Of Life At Sea, established as a result of the Titanic sinking on April 15, 1912. A BIG THANK YOU to all the volunteers who helped this program go, from the Knots versus MPH The term Knots dates back to the 17th century as a way of measuring nautical distances. One MPH equals 1.15 knots which equal 1 nautical mile. class in June, the events, family picnic, putting out and returning the boats to winter storage and, of course, a special thanks to the sailors who came out to enjoy themselves and be part of the camaraderie of the LPSC. QUESTIONS AND INFO Call Ralph at 973-503-0249, or email lpsc@optonline.net, or check the Boathouse Bulletin Board for updates. Click on the Sailing Club website www.lpsc.us for updates and photos. Top Left: Heading out for last event; Bottom, Left to Right: Sailor with prize; Sailor with grasshopper; Sailor with patch. 4 NEWS VIEWS gripping characters, made for a good tale that everyone enjoyed. (Be warned there is grisly subject matter!) Most of the group will be continuing on to her other stories. Christie Hegyi-Gardner Thunder cracked loudly directly over our heads, rain poured down and lightning flashed in the windows, apropos ambiance for our fall get together! Picking our book selections is a group effort; we get everyone’s input and stretch ourselves to read what we may otherwise pass over. When Mistress of the Art of Death by Ariana Franklin (aka Diana Norman) was suggested, we thought it would be fitting for autumn. Murder, mystery and fright are perfect for October, as the days get darker earlier and we get close to Halloween. This book was a mystery set in medieval Cambridge England with the protagonist being an early version of a forensic specialist AND a female—oh the horror! Adelia Aguilar is an expert in the field of death, and because she is a foreign woman in England, she can only do her real research in secret for fear of being accused of witchcraft. Lots of details of everyday English life, religion, politics, romance as well as a dash of gruesome mixed with some It must be noted that we readers in the 21st century immersed ourselves in a book from the 12th century AND we met in a home from the 18th century (Howell house). It was quite cozy with a big warm fire, an array of English cheeses, ricotta cake, warm spiced wine, as well as Mead wine and Angry Orchard hard cider. The lightning flashing in the windows only added to the atmosphere. Thank you to all that contributed to another congenial night! Read the book and let us know what YOU think... Book Club meets the third Tuesday of each month. Contact Christie for details at chegyi@optonline.net. FUTURE READS: NOVEMBER–Dress Your Family in Corduroy & Denim by David Sedaris DECEMBER–Can This Be Christmas? by Debbie Macomber JANUARY 2015–A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki FEBRUARY–Orange is the New Black by Piper Kerman MARCH–The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd APRIL–Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez MAY–Liars Club a Memoir by Mary Karr flowers for all occasions weddings parties sympathies fruit/gourmet baskets 973-335-4100 170 Halsey Road, Parsippany, NJ www.cottageflowershop.com P. CUCCHIARA & SONS Plumbing and Heating Contractors COMPLETE BATHROOM & KITCHEN REMODELING NEW INSTALLATIONS & REPAIRS Insured & Bonded State Lic. # 5577 • No Job Too Small 887-7256 LAKE PARSIPPANY, N.J. 07054 Decking the Halls Christie Hegyi-Gardner Holiday Elves are needed to deck out the Clubhouse halls on Tuesday, December 6, at 6pm. Contact Christie at Chegyi@optonline.net or call 973.503.0333 if you can come help out! (Also note—you can come help “undeck the halls” on Tuesday, January 6, at 6pm) HUB LAKES Randy Vyskocil On Wednesday November 12, the Hub Lakes Sports meeting will be open to all coaches and team participants. Once a year, the meeting is open to all team participants in order to address the Hub Lakes Board with any ideas or issues. The meeting will be held at Indian Lakes Clubhouse, 7:30 pm. If anyone would like to express an idea or any feedback and cannot attend the meeting, feel free to reach out to Randy Vyskocil at randy.vyskocil@westernunion.com. 5 NEWS VIEWS LPPOA - 2013/2014 and PROPOSED 2015 BUDGET 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Actual thru 10/7/14 2014 Projections 2015 Proposed Budget Note $ 130,408.08 $ -340.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,100.00 $ 1,245.00 $ 143,000.00 $ -260.00 $ 0.00 $ 2,225.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 139,374.50 $ -280.00 $ 139,374.50 $ -280.00 1 $ $ 3,050.00 1,870.00 $ $ 3,050.00 1,870.00 $ 145,000.00 $ -280.00 $ 0.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 1,875.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,381.00 0.00 624.52 45.00 5,428.52 800.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,415.00 $ 693.00 $ $ 6,479.60 150.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,500.00 100.00 693.00 125.00 6,479.60 150.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 29,995.00 950.00 100.00 230.00 3,202.06 $ 33,500.00 $ 1,175.00 $ 125.00 $ 500.00 $ 0.00 $ $ $ 3,350.00 $ 178,519.18 A - REVENUES 105 110 112 125 130 135 140 145 150 160 180 Membership Fees New member referral Boat storage / fines Ads Beach Sales (rentals) Community Activities / Open House Interest Miscellaneous Promotional Material Sales Beach Acct Donations 1100 1300 1400 1500 185 Clubhouse Rentals Club Support Donations - Clubhouse Social Events (Concerts) Carryover Transfers from Lk Restoration Fund TOTAL - REVENUES 1,500.00 100.00 0.00 125.00 6,000.00 1,200.00 $ 24,354.50 1,500.00 150.00 0.00 125.00 6,000.00 150.00 120.00 4,861.68 $ 30,500.00 $ 1,825.00 $ 125.00 $ 500.00 $ 4,861.68 $ 30,500.00 $ 1,750.00 $ 125.00 $ 750.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 190,190.00 $ 182,088.28 $ 190,873.78 $ 0.00 $190,645.00 $ 3,505.21 $ 918.29 $ 10,136.48 $ 2,409.90 $ 15,765.94 $ 3,941.49 $ 1,943.64 $ 485.91 $ 39,106.86 $ 3,150.00 $ 787.50 $ 10,150.00 $ 2,537.50 $ 15,755.00 $ 3,938.75 $ 1,945.00 $ 486.25 $ 38,750.00 $ 2,061.07 $ 319.72 $ 8,936.13 $ 1,495.34 $ 16,770.22 $ 2,831.45 $ 1,746.20 $ 292.20 $ 34,452.33 $ 3,100.00 $ 558.00 $ 10,062.47 $ 1,811.24 $ 16,770.22 $ 3,018.64 $ 1,746.20 $ 292.20 $ 37,358.97 $ 3,150.00 $ 630.00 $ 10,150.00 $ 2,030.00 $ 16,200.00 $ 3,240.00 $ 1,775.00 $ 355.00 $ 37,530.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 0.00 685.35 11,894.00 0.00 0.00 285.61 0.00 3,435.00 0.00 16,299.96 $ 0.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 10,825.00 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ 275.00 $ 0.00 $ 3,750.00 $ 0.00 $ 16,450.00 $ $ $ 969.54 9,153.75 1,263.17 $ 1,400.00 $ 12,015.00 $ 1,263.17 $ 2,000.00 $ $ 13,386.46 $ 18,513.17 $ 0.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 1,250.00 $ 100.00 $ 275.00 $ 0.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 18,025.00 $ 805.56 $ 3,435.88 $ 838.75 $ 679.45 $ 272.40 $ 350.81 $ 278.20 $ 986.73 $ 2,200.00 $ 2,123.28 $ 11,971.06 $ 800.00 $ 3,450.00 $ 750.00 $ 635.00 $ 160.00 $ 290.00 $ 280.00 $ 1,064.00 $ 2,200.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 11,729.00 $ 1,695.68 $ 2,583.06 $ 455.57 $ 784.64 $ 617.88 $ 182.76 $ 278.20 $ 1,335.04 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,121.51 $ 12,054.34 $ 1,802.18 $ 3,450.00 $ 586.07 $ 785.19 $ 742.88 $ 290.00 $ 280.00 $ 1,675.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 2,347.00 $ 14,358.32 $ 1,835.00 $ 3,520.00 $ 750.00 $ 800.00 $ 757.00 $ 300.00 $ 280.00 $ 1,700.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 14,742.00 B - EXPENSES 200 Payroll 205 207 210 212 215 217 220 225 Maintenance Payroll Payroll Taxes - Maintenance Beach Manager Payroll Payroll Taxes - Beach Mgr Life Guard Payroll Payroll Taxes - Lifeguards Swim Team Coach Payroll Payroll Taxes - Swim Team Coach Subtotal - Payroll 250 Operations 254 255 258 260 262 264 268 270 280 Hepatitis Property Maintenance Landscaping Services Shoreline Maintenance Garden Club Equip Purchase/Rental Lifeguard Certification Tree Maintenance Signs Subtotal - Operations 300 Utilities 305 306 310 311 315 316 319 320 325 330 Electric Electric - (Clubhouse) Telephone Telephone - (Clubhouse) Water/Sewer Water/Sewer - (Clubhouse) Alarm - (Clubhouse) Cable - (Clubhouse) Garbage - (Clubhouse) Gas - (Clubhouse) Subtotal - Utilities 6 NEWS VIEWS 3,835.00 LPPOA - 2013/2014 and PROPOSED 2015 BUDGET 2013 Actual 350 Administration 355 356 357 360 365 366 367 369 370 Legal Expenses Dam Inspection Lake Consulting Engineer Treasurer Security Web hosting Postage Licenses and Fees Misc Subtotal - Administration 400 Lake Water 405 410 Analysis Treatment Subtotal - Lake Water 450 Recreation 455 461 462 463 464 465 470 475 485 Stock Lake Softball Bowling Hub Lakes Fees Hub Lakes Program Swim Team Misc Awards Beach Acct Expenses Subtotal - Recreation 500 Membership 515 520 525 535 Badges, Pins, Tags, Etc Film & Supplies Lake Promotion Credit Card Fees Subtotal - Membership 550 Community Activities 555 560 565 Open House Social Events Scholarship Subtotal - Community Activities 600 News & Views 605 610 Setup Printing & Postage Subtotal - News & Views 650 Real Estate 655 660 Taxes Taxes - (Clubhouse) Subtotal - Real Estate 700 Insurance 705 710 715 Dir & Officer Liab Pol Workmen Comp Package Policy Subtotal - Insurance 2014 Budget $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 250.00 1,250.00 250.00 0.00 250.00 420.00 200.00 450.00 510.39 3,580.39 2014 Actual thru 10/7/14 2014 Projections 2015 Proposed Budget $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 0.00 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 420.00 156.20 600.40 562.68 4,239.28 $ $ $ 1,225.00 25,603.00 26,828.00 $ 1,225.00 $ 27,500.00 $ 28,725.00 $ 1,245.00 $ 29,533.00 $ 30,778.00 $ 1,245.00 $ 29,533.00 $ 30,778.00 $ 1,225.00 $ 28,000.00 $ 29,225.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,500.00 550.00 101.00 810.00 300.00 343.25 0.00 0.00 3,503.00 8,107.25 $ 2,500.00 $ 500.00 $ 101.00 $ 600.00 $ 300.00 $ 300.00 $ 250.00 $ 100.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 10,651.00 $ $ $ $ $ 2,500.00 819.00 101.00 1,322.17 600.00 $ $ $ $ $ 2,500.00 819.00 101.00 1,322.17 600.00 $ $ 4,654.74 9,996.91 $ $ 4,654.74 9,996.91 $ 2,500.00 $ 500.00 $ 101.00 $ 600.00 $ 300.00 $ 0.00 $ 250.00 $ 0.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 10,251.00 $ $ $ $ $ 1,021.32 107.98 0.00 1,143.98 2,273.28 $ $ $ $ $ 950.00 200.00 0.00 1,250.00 2,400.00 $ $ $ $ $ 943.47 22.37 576.00 1,152.37 2,694.21 $ $ $ $ $ 943.47 22.37 576.00 1,192.37 2,734.21 $ $ $ $ $ 950.00 200.00 500.00 1,250.00 2,900.00 $ $ $ $ 159.00 1,167.06 300.00 1,626.06 $ $ $ $ 250.00 750.00 300.00 1,300.00 $ $ $ $ 647.50 400.00 300.00 1,347.50 $ $ $ $ 647.50 750.00 300.00 1,697.50 $ $ $ $ 500.00 750.00 350.00 1,600.00 $ $ $ 791.66 8,946.62 9,738.28 $ 1,200.00 $ 9,200.00 $ 10,400.00 $ $ $ 1,381.90 3,084.25 4,466.15 $ $ $ 1,800.00 4,250.00 6,050.00 $ $ $ 1,500.00 4,250.00 5,750.00 $ $ $ 11,759.51 9,562.57 21,322.08 $ 12,036.00 $ 9,792.00 $ 21,828.00 $ 8,842.21 $ 7,240.32 $ 16,082.53 $ 11,856.42 $ 9,727.72 $ 21,584.14 $ 12,200.00 $ 10,020.00 $ 22,220.00 $ $ $ $ 3,511.33 3,386.00 20,094.85 26,992.18 $ 3,616.33 $ 3,487.58 $ 20,697.70 $ 27,801.61 $ 3,511.33 $ 3,314.00 $ 19,492.00 $ 26,317.33 $ 3,511.33 $ 3,314.00 $ 19,492.00 $ 26,317.33 $ 3,615.00 $ 3,415.00 $ 20,084.00 $ 27,114.00 $ $ $ $ $ 420.00 33.10 667.33 363.77 1,484.20 $ 1,250.00 $ $ $ $ $ 490.00 75.00 667.33 364.70 2,847.03 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Note 250.00 1,250.00 250.00 0.00 500.00 420.00 150.00 550.00 393.00 3,763.00 2 LPPOA - 2013/2014 and PROPOSED 2015 BUDGET 2013 Actual 2000 Clubhouse Maintenance 2100 2200 2300 2400 HVAC Building Maintenance Snow Removal Renovations Subtotal - CH Maintenance 2014 Budget 2014 Actual thru 10/7/14 2014 Projections 2015 Proposed Budget 834.60 1,350.00 2,653.60 4,000.00 8,838.20 $ $ $ $ $ 850.00 1,450.00 2,200.00 0.00 4,500.00 $ $ $ $ $ 1,321.01 2,127.74 0.00 0.00 3,448.75 $ $ $ $ $ 800.00 1,500.00 300.00 4,000.00 6,600.00 $ $ $ 834.60 1,155.60 2,653.60 $ 4,643.80 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 752.46 752.46 $ $ 900.00 900.00 $ $ 449.40 449.40 $ $ 725.00 725.00 $ $ 750.00 750.00 250.00 250.00 $ $ $ 1,000.00 2,500.00 3,500.00 8,825.00 8,825.00 $ $ 8,775.00 8,775.00 $ 0.00 4000 Supplies 4200 Paper, Cleaning Supplies Subtotal - CH Supplies 5000 Advertising & Marketing 5100 5200 Advertising Lake Promotion Subtotal - CH Advertising $ $ $ 0.00 0.00 0.00 $ $ $ 0.00 250.00 250.00 $ 0.00 $ $ Payments to Lake Restoration Subtotal - Loan Payback $ $ 0.00 0.00 $ $ 8,825.00 8,825.00 $ 0.00 $ $ Lake Restoration Costs $ 952.00 $ 0.00 9000 TOTALS - EXPENSES $ 173,657.50 $ 190,190.00 $ 158,153.16 $ 190,873.78 $ 190,645.00 GRAND TOTAL SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) $ $ $ 23,935.12 $ $ 4,861.68 0.00 0.00 Note 0.00 Assumptions/Changes: 1 Based on proposed membership rates for 2015 (listed below) 2 Includes one mass mailing of one printed N&V issue 3 Includes costs associated with marketing LPPOA (to be utilized by marketing committee) 4 Funding to Lake Restoration Investment Account based on 5% of Membership and CH Rental Income 2014 Membership Rates (includes 7% NJ Sales Tax): Early Bird: Single $230; Family $405; Senior $95; Senior Family $310 Standard: Single $260; Family $440; Senior $115; Senior Family $320 Proposed 2015 Membership Rates (includes 7% NJ Sales Tax): Super Early Bird (Jan. 1 to Mar. 31): Single $230; Family $405; Senior $95; Senior Family $310 Early Bird (April 1 to June Open House): Single $235; Family $425; Senior $99; Senior Family $315 Standard (after Open House to Labor Day): Single $265; Family $460; Senior $120; Senior Family $325 Fall Membership (after Labor Day to Mar. 15) $75 Lic# 17611 ove 2 r ye 5 opears n BEYOND ALL ELECTRICLLC Pet Sitting/Dog Walking For all your companion needs For your peace of mind 973-386-0738 (business) 973-769-9379 (cell) • Fully Insured • 24 Hour Emergency Service • • Additions & Alterations • Rewiring & Service Upgrades • • Authorized Emergency Generator Installer • Owner lynnie27@optonline.net Parsippany, NJ 07054 Tel: 973-585-6575 Fax: 973-631-9616 beyondallelectric@yahoo.com Insured and Bonded 8 NEWS VIEWS 3 4 Everyone had a great time at this year’s LPPOA HALLOWEEN PARTY. We collected gently used costumes and donated them to the neighborhood house in Morristown. 9 NEWS VIEWS CERBO LUMBER & HARDWARE Since 1948 Moulding, Doors, Windows, Lumber, Paints, Hardware, Mason Supplies Sheds, Building Materials & Decking 1855 Route 46 East at Smith Road Parsippany, N.J. 07054 (973) 334-4300 & MM LAKE PARSIPPANY HONORS THOSE WHO SERVE To celebrate Veterans Day, we want to honor servicemen/women, as well as veterans from Lake Parsippany families. We want you to know that our hearts are with you, especially those who are now serving in war zones. May you return soon to your families and to your community. Our best wishes and THANKS are with all of you. FENCE COMPANY SERVICE & INSTALLATIONS EXPERT CHAIN LINK ALL TYPES WOOD FENCING INDUSTRIAL & RESIDENTIAL 428-9663 Bel Paese Pizzeria Italian Deli & Fishing Club Catering for All Occasions Winnie Marone 166 Halsey Road Parsippany, NJ 07054 The last fishing contest of the year, our annual “Club Member’s Only Largest Catch,” was in my opinion the best contest of the year. The day began with the fishermen signing up for the contest and each going their separate way, some from the shoreline and some from a boat. A half hour into the contest we had four or five deer walking along the shore line behind the bait shop, guess they were looking to join as well. Some of the women from the Dragon Boat teams arrived and ended up scaring the deer away but they came back a short while later and stayed around for about ten minutes. They didn’t have badges and weren’t members of the club so they were turned away and were last seen going down Glassboro Road. Free Delivery 973-515-9102 With the guys eating all day long, they still had time to fish. Joey Dolock must 10 NEWS VIEWS have gained at least three pounds but was only able to bring in two yellow perch. Pop Suprum and Johnny Besley ended up with no fish being brought in. Pete Celencevicius had a largemouth bass as well as some 14 inch yellow perch and calico bass. Tony Suprum had a perch or two and at least 20 calico bass. Larry Ackerly brought in two largemouth bass and Larry Galante had four largemouths with his largest being 4lb. 5oz. Ricky Hards had a 3lb. and a 3lb. 5oz. largemouth bass. While fishing for bass, he ended up bringing in a catfish which measured 24 inches and weighed 4lb. 11oz. Donnie Bianchi caught only one calico bass but he also reeled in a 28–30 inch Carp that weighed between 9 and 10lbs. No one went home hungry and now they are asking when the next contest will be. There aren’t any more meetings until March 2015 at which time we will be discussing the trout stocking. We have already discussed putting in larger trout next year which means less fish stocked. If you are interested in contributing to the cost of fish, please let me know. LADIES CLUB deserving family. Please bring a check to that meeting if you plan to attend our holiday party. Barbara Allu Please remember to bring non-perishable food items for the Parsippany food pantry to the meeting. They greatly appreciate our assistance in their project to provide food for those in need in our community. Please remember to bring business type clothing that you don’t need to donate to Project Success. A good time was had by all at our September meeting. Blues guitarist Son Lewis came to entertain us at our last beach meeting of the year. It was a beautiful evening listening to music under the stars. Besides singing blues from all styles of blues and from several decades, he also displayed how the blues influenced music from the swing era to rock and roll. Our October meeting was also a musical event as the main branch of the Parsippany Library was presenting the band Carnaby Street. They take their listeners on a musical experience of the 1960s. After that wonderful event we then continued on to the Clubhouse for business and socializing. Our next meeting will be on Monday, November 17, 2014 at the Clubhouse. Please make every effort to attend as we will be continuing our plans for our holiday party and also our annual Thanksgiving and Holiday gifts to a Those of our members who are going through a loss or illness remain in our thoughts and prayers and we ask you to reach out to us if you need anything. As always we welcome new members or potential members to come spend an evening with us and see if you might enjoy what we have to offer. We are mainly a social club whose focus are the lake and our community. We participate in some charitable endeavors such as the food pantry, Project Success, and helping a few families at the Christmas holiday time. Our members are often involved in other lake projects as well. If you would like more information regarding the Ladies Club please call our President, Diane Low at 973-887-1268. 11 NEWS VIEWS Supreme Limousine 24 Hour Service 10% off EST. 1980 to all LPPoA members! Valid for first trip. Must present lake badge with current year sticker affixed to receive discount. Michael Adubato SupremeLimo@aol.com 973-515-8584 office • 973-703-2134 cell The Ladies’ Auxiliary of Lake Parsippany Volunteer Fire Company #3 is sponsoring a PANCAKE BREAKFAST Sunday, November 30 8am–1pm Adults and Children (6yrs and up) Seniors (60+) and Children (3-5yrs) Children under 3 6.00 4.00 FREE $ $ 255 Halsey Road • 973-887-6157 • www.lpvfc3.com NovemBER 2014 CALENDAR OF EVENTS For updates, click on “Event Calendar”. SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Swim Team Flap Jack Fundraiser 8–10am Applebee’s 26 27 28 29 2 3 31 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 4 Hub Lakes Sports Meeting 7:30pm Indian Lakes Clubhouse LPPOA Board Meeting/Budget Presentation 7pm Clubhouse 9 23 Deadline for News & Views articles Ladies Club 6:30pm Clubhouse 10 Book Club Check with Christie for time and location 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 Lake Parsippany Property Owners Association | Post Office Box 62, Parsippany, NJ 07054 YOUR COMPLETE SOURCE FOR: 1 30 Deck the Halls (Decorate for the Holidays) 6pm Clubhouse CERBO’S A Garden Center ~ 99th Anniversary ~ Houseplants Pottery Seeds ~~~ Fertilizers Receive 10% off your order Soils of regular priced items Trees with this ad. Bushes Propane excluded. Expires 12/31/14. Perennials ~~~ Annuals Landscape Design The place to buy “Lake Friendly” Fertilizer Mulch Topsoil Propane 440 Littleton Rd Parsippany, NJ 07054 Statuary Furniture Birdseed & Feeders www.cerbogreenhouse.com Holiday & Gift Dept. 973-334-2623
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