& LAKE PARSIPPANY PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, NEWS VIEWS www.Lake-Parsippany.org VICE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Bill Sempier In case you all forgot, that green stuff is called grass. It has been a cold snowy winter but now our thoughts can turn to warm spring and summer days at the lake. It has been a busy winter for the board, as we have been working on three major projects. First, I am happy to announce that we have a new website, courtesy of the efforts of Sebastian Ostolaza and Neha Shah. In addition to our volunteers, board member Dan Nazzaro worked to gather feedback from the board as well as input from our volunteers to create an exciting new look. The site design will allow each club the ability to update their own page. The site will include a photo gallery for members to send photos if they wish to. The site is still a work in progress. We will let you know when it is up and running. The second big project is the dike located across from the Clubhouse. This has been a 5 year project in which the dike will be brought into compliance for the new storm standards. The project entails raising the average height of the entire dike about 8 inches. A new walkway will be installed following the work. We were fortunate to negotiate with the township to do the work. The project will start late September/October and will be completed by the end of the year. Finally, third is the swim team dock. Working with John Bota, Sebastian Ostolaza, Khan Lee, Wally Dury and other members of the swim team, the new dock should be completed by May 1. The team has been very committed to make the swim lane area a great place for future meets. In the coming months Don Phelps and I will be working on a list of small continued on page 2 INC. APRIL 2015 Roses are Red Violets are Blue Refer us to Your Friends And we'll pay You! Active members (returning or new) can earn referral bonuses! Bring in a new member and receive a $20 bonus check (mailed to you after Open House). There is no limit on the number of bonuses you can earn —the more new memberships you personally bring to the membership sale, the more you earn! LIFEGUARDS NEEDED FOR 2015 SUMMER SEASON McKenzie Price Interested in being a lifeguard? NOW is the time to get certified Summer is just around the corner with beach parties, swim lessons, cupcake day, sandcastle contest, etc. Now is the time for anyone interested in joining the LPPOA lifeguard staff to get certified. All applicants must have certification in Lifeguard Training, Community First Aid and Safety, CPR for the Professional Rescuer, and Waterfront Lifeguard. To check on course schedule, call your local YMCA or the American Red Cross. To obtain a lifeguard application, or if you have any questions; please contact Mrs. Thore at 973-585-7314 or McKenzie Price at mmprice84@gmail.com or 973-941-8215. WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU If you can’t make it to the Board meetings, feel free to use any of the contact information on page 2 to get your question, suggestion or opinion to us. LPPOA BOARD OF DIRECTORS President POSITION AVAILABLE BILL SEMPIER Vice President 862-812-1746 E-mail: LPPRES@hotmail.com MARILYN AMMIRATA Secretary E-mail: marilyn.ammirata1@gmail.com PHIL BERARDO Treasurer 973-952-0152 E-mail: philberardo@optonline.net DAN NAZZARO Financial Secretary 973-560-9047 E-mail: member252@optonline.net District 1 (Drewes Beach Area) Debbie Orme 973-503-0640 E-mail: josephorme@aol.com District 2 (Johnson Beach Area) Pat de la Fuente 973-386-0821 E-mail: karasr@optonline.net District 3 (Jorges Beach Area) Don Phelps 973-585-7327 E-mail: dphelps621@gmail.com District 4 (Hoffman Beach Area) Barbara Allu 973-479-2377 E-mail: baallu@aol.com CLUBHOUSE RENTAL AGENT Mark Adubato 862-579-8407 E-mail: clubhouserental@lake-parsippany.org MEMBERSHIP Dan Nazzaro 973-560-9047 E-mail: membership@lake-parsippany.org BEACH RENTAL AGENT (March–Sept.) Debbie Orme 973-503-0640 E-mail: LPPOABeachRental@aol.com & NEWS VIEWS MELANIE ADUBATO Editor 973-703-2145 E-mail: theadubatofamily@aol.com DIANA GIRADELLI Co-Editor 240-625-2474 E-mail: giradellix3@msn.com KIM SHARGAY Design/Layout 973-884-3457 E-mail: kshargay@gmail.com BARBARA ALLU Advertising 973-479-2377 E-mail: baallu@aol.com Visit us online www.lake-parsippany.org CONTRIBUTORS: McKenzie Price Barbara Allu Melanie Adubato Bill Sempier Christie Heygi-Gardner Phil Berardo Ralph Rosamilia Dan Nazzaro Randy Vyskocil Don Phelps Rose Dury Jenn DeStephano Winnie Marone Loren Arrowsmith News & Views is published ten times a year by the Lake Parsippany Property Owners Association. Subscription rate is $12 annually; free to members of the LPPOA. continued from page 1 projects. We will be enlisting the help of volunteers to get them completed by the time we open in June. Projects will range from painting to carpentry. The volunteers always seem to have a good time. LPPOA MEMBERSHIP: BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITIONS AVAILABLE In accordance with the BYLAWS of the LPPOA the following positions are available each year. If you are interested please email LPPRES@hotmail.com for more information. PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT FINANCIAL SECRETARY RECORDING SECRETARY Kayak Club To help ease the crunch of this year’s membership fee we are happy to once again offer our members the choice of paying for their 2015 membership with a budget plan. Just put at least $50 down and pay the balance on your terms. And—best of all—when you pay your membership fee using the budget plan you lock in the Early Bird Rate! Download the 2015 application at Lake-Parsippany.org and mail it with your check to: LPPOA / Membership PO Box 62 Parsippany, NJ 07054 Don Phelps To get the latest updates on the 2015 paddles, sign up for the Kayak Club during badge sales. We are looking at planning Open House Tours, Summer Solstice Paddle, a shoreline cleanup, an offsite trip, and the Annual Poker Run. The club once again will have three sit-on-top kayaks for club members to use on the lake after completing a safety class. Please bring your PFD for all events and your LPPOA badge for all Lake Parsippany events. For more information, contact Mary Ellen Iradi at mesprech@yahoo.com or 973-462-8496 or Don Phelps at dphelps621@gmail.com. Now through Open House — EARLY BIRDS can purchase memberships at discounted prices at: Lake Parsippany Clubhouse 701 Lakeshore Drive, Parsippany, NJ Saturdays, 9am–noon March 21–May 30 Wednesday nights, 7–9 pm March 25–June 3 Open House at Drewes Beach Saturday, June 6, 9am–4pm Pre-completed applications (with last year’s info) are available for all returning members to simply review & sign. REMINDER TO FISHERMEN AND WOMEN: There is no fishing in the beach areas or swim lanes. We want you to “hook fish, not swimmers.” WHEN FISHING, YOU MUST HAVE YOUR 2015 BADGE ON OR WITH YOU AT ALL TIMES. This is true for all members who are on Lake Property at any time. Cars parked on Lake Property must have current car tags. 2 NEWS VIEWS Introduction to Trout Fishing Glen Zweek, President of the North Jersey Chapter of Trout Unlimited will speak about the origins of fly fishing, fly fishing equipment and techniques, fly casting and tying demonstrations. Please bring your equipment. Open to ages 10+. Pre-register by Monday, April 6 at www.parsippanylibrary.org or call 973-887-5150, ext. 209. Date/Time: Tues, 4/7/15, 7–8:30pm Location: Parsippany Public Library, 449 Halsey Road, Parsippany Supreme Limousine 24 Hour Service 10% off EST. 1980 to all LPPoA members! Valid for first trip. Must present lake badge with current year sticker affixed to receive discount. Lake Parsippany’s Spring Michael Adubato SupremeLimo@aol.com 973-515-8584 office • 973-703-2134 cell 1/30/12 1 LPVFCadFUND_FNL:LPVFCadFUND_FNL Support the (on property across the street from 135-223 Lake Shore Drive, Lake Parsippany, NJ 07054) ay rd h tu 6t m Sa ne 4p 7th Ju m -te: June 9aRainda Located along the shores surrounding Drewes Beach 10x10 Spaces for $15 ($15 if you register BEFORE May 15th, $20 if you register AFTER May 15th) Bring your own table, tent and whatever you need to make your booth. For more information or to reserve a space, contact Loren Arrowsmith at 973-386-1213 or larrowsmith@verizon.net. Also taking place that day, which draws a crowd, will be Lake Parsippany’s Open House at Drewes Beach. Fishing Club Winnie Marone Just a reminder that the lake is closed to fishing until April 4 at 8am when our annual opening day trout contest begins. The $1 registration will be taken at the bait shop until the horn sounds or if you arrive late, before your line is cast into the lake. Contest runs until 5pm and any catches must be measured and weighed in at the bait shop. Last year’s winner was one of the tagged trout and the year before was one of the smallest ones...So make sure you get yours registered as the trophy could be yours. There is no club meeting in April but we hope to see you at our next meeting on Thursday, May 7 at 7pm at the bait shop where we will be discussing our contests for the year and the new scales. 3 NEWS VIEWS Lake Parsippany Volunteer Fire Co. #3 ANNUAL FUND DRIVE Send donations to: LPVFC#3 • 255 Halsey Road • Lake Parsippany LADIES CLUB Barbara Allu Well I know you will all agree with me that we had one of the longest, coldest winters ever with far too much snow. We unfortunately had to cancel our February meeting due to the extreme weather conditions. Our March meeting was an informational and planning meeting to begin plans for Open House. Our next meeting will be our yearly Installation Dinner at the Towne Tavern on Beverwyck Road on Monday, April 20, 2015 at 6:30pm. We will be back at the clubhouse in May and before you know it the Open House will be upon us. So please try to come up with some new fundraiser ideas. We could use everyone’s help in this endeavor to raise funds in a new way. HUB LAKE SPORTS Randy Vyskocil Reminder: Please sign up for any Hub Lakes Sports Team when you apply for a new or renew your membership. Signup sheets will be prominently displayed at the Clubhouse. Available Teams: Swim Team (boys and girls), Volleyball (men and women), Table Tennis (boys, girls, men and women), Horseshoes (men), Softball (men), Golf Event (men), Bowling Event (men and women), Track Event (boys, girls, men and women). Please remember to bring non-perishable food items for the Parsippany food pantry to the meeting. They greatly appreciate our assistance in their project to provide food for those in need in our community. Please remember to bring business type clothing you don’t need to donate to Project Success. Those of our members who are going through a loss or illness remain in our thoughts and prayers and we ask you to reach out to us if you need anything. As always we welcome new members or potential members to come spend an evening with us and see if you might enjoy what we have to offer. We are mainly a social club whose focus are the lake and our community. We participate in some charitable endeavors such as the food pantry, Project Success, and helping a few families at the Christmas holiday time. Our members are often involved in other lake projects as well. If you would like more information regarding the Ladies Club please call our President, Diane Low at 973-887-1268. LPPOA TREASURER’S REPORT March 2015 2/9/15 $ 19,324.95 Income $ 40,315.00 Payroll / Taxes Utilities Water Treatment Security Signs Clubhouse Maintenance Credit Card Fees Licenses / Fees / Other $ (329.10) $ (1,294.17) $ (1,265.00) $ (273.00) $ (1,234.14) $ (148.11) $ (9.95) 3/9/15 $ 55,086.48 4 NEWS VIEWS Christie Hegyi-Gardner Orange is the New Black, My Year in a Woman’s Prison by Piper Kerman introduced us to another side of life, a perspective we really do not think about. It was a detailed account of her experience in a women’s prison in Danbury, CT. We made many observations while enjoying ‘prison inspired’ food in the freedom of our book club group. I think this portion of the book, sums up what most of us learned...but there were many insights. In 1980, there were approx. 500,000 people in prison in the US. Today there are 2.3 million. A great number of these people have committed nonviolent offenses, and this dramatic change is due to laws and sentencing guidelines related to the “war on drugs,” which has not reduced rates of drug addiction or abuse in this country. Over incarceration in America destabilizes families and communities, making life outside the mainstream more likely by limiting opportunities for change. We have a racially biased justice system that over punishes, fails to rehabilitate, and doesn’t make us safer. There were many talking points! Come on out and let us know what you think about this book. Book Club meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Contact Christie for location and latest reads at 973.503.0333. LAKE PATROL Don Phelps The plan for the Lake Patrol is to have volunteers tour the lake at various times throughout each month to ensure only current members are using our facilities and to explain the benefits of membership to non-members. The time commitment for each volunteer will include two tours of the lake each month, each lasting about an hour, paired with another member. There will be a meeting for anyone interested in joining the Lake Patrol in May. If you would like to help or want to recommend a member for the Lake Patrol, contact Don Phelps, at dphelp621@gmail.com. g GARDEN CLUB Melanie Adubato The Garden Club plants and cares for the gardens around our beautiful lake. We usually get together about once a week at a spot that needs some care. Join us this spring and summer! You’ll find us pruning at Hoffman Beach and weeding/ watering the sign garden or Marianne’s garden. We are hoping to put fencing around the Day Lily garden as well. Stop by and see us at the Open House in June. We welcome any new members—all ages, men or women. If you are interested in joining us for some pleasant evenings on the lake, contact Joan Mahon at upasana_mahon@yahoo.com. flowers for all occasions weddings parties sympathies fruit/gourmet baskets 973-335-4100 170 Halsey Road, Parsippany, NJ www.cottageflowershop.com P. CUCCHIARA & SONS Plumbing and Heating Contractors COMPLETE BATHROOM & KITCHEN REMODELING NEW INSTALLATIONS & REPAIRS Insured & Bonded State Lic. # 5577 • No Job Too Small 887-7256 LAKE PARSIPPANY, N.J. 07054 5 NEWS VIEWS THE SAILORS HAT Starboard The Right Side of a Boat. Z SAILING CLUB Ralph Rosamilia HOW DOES SAILING FEEL? To truly discover what sailing is...you have to experience it for yourself. Sign up for the one day Sailing Class before June 13th. If you have never sailed before or sailed a while ago and are feeling rusty, the Learn To Sail Class will give you some skills, knowledge, and confidence to go sailing with friends on your very own. If you just want to find out what sailing is all about, the one day experience will give you an idea of whether you want to continue. HOW DOES SAILING FEEL? In one word—Incredible. Sometimes, sailing can feel exhilarating and adventurous. At other times you’re coasting along with nothing in site but the wide span of Lake Parsippany and the sunshine glistening on the water. During these moments, you may feel an overwhelming sense of peace, tranquility, and freedom. Most people can imagine what an amazing emotional and mental experience it is to sail into the sunset. But, how does it feel physically? It’s always a pretty sensational feeling to be sitting comfortably on the high side of the sailboat as it leans with the force of the wind in its sails. You may feel a little unsteady at first, but you’ll soon get into the rhythm. As you pull the sails in or out, you can hear the boat accelerate as water rushes by. You’ll fee the boat center (reach a balance point) as changes are made. Picture yourself looking out to the horizon, feeling the direction of wind on your face. As you begin to feel this, your grip will relax and your body 6 NEWS VIEWS will sway with the boat’s motion. Now you’re sailing. SAILING CLASS IS JUNE 13TH Sign up at Badge Sales for the class. Prerequisite no experience necessary. REQUIREMENTS One must be 11 years old as of May 1st, have a current LPPOA Photo ID, and a desire to learn. The cutoff date for signing up for the class is June 6th. The class is June 13th. No walk-ins. Sign up at Badge Sales. SOCK BURNING ON JOHNSON’S BEACH Saturday, May 16th, approximately 6pm. Bring your old socks. Cancelled if heavy rain. QUESTIONS Call Ralph 973-503-0249, or email lpsc@optonline.net, or check the Boathouse Bulletin Board for updates. Check the Sailing Club website www.lpsc.us for the 2015 schedule and other items. THREE CHEERS FOR HUBS LAKES SPORTS TEAMS Barbara Allu Do you know anyone who plays on a Hub Lakes Team? Help show your support and wishes for their success by buying a booster—which will be e-published in The Hub Lakes Sports Program 2015. If you have a business to promote, they are selling ad space from now till the end of April. The ads run from a home page ad for $100, a full page ad for $75, business card sized for $25, or a booster {one line of text} for $15. The book is published electronically and will display on all devices, phone, tablet, laptop, and desktop. The ad can provide a link to your business if you provide a URL. Although all ads are displayed randomly, all ads will be displayed an equal number of times. ove 2 r ye 5 opears n The subscribers, approximately one thousand, are the people who play any sport in the Hub Lakes District which includes Lake Parsippany, White Meadow Lake, Lake Intervale, Mountain Lakes, Rockridge Lake, Cedar Lake, Arrowhead Lake, Rainbow Lakes, Estling Lake, and Indian Lake. This book is broken out by sport and contains rules and scoring for each sport, a list of coaches for each sport, and the season schedule for each sport. So it will be referenced often by each player of each sport. If you are interested in having your business advertised in this publication please contact Randy Vyskocil at randy. vyskocil@westernunion.com. Deadline for ads is April 30, 2015 as all ads will be added to this site in May of 2015. Lic# 17611 BEYOND ALL ELECTRICLLC • Fully Insured • 24 Hour Emergency Service • • Additions & Alterations • Rewiring & Service Upgrades • • Authorized Emergency Generator Installer • Parsippany, NJ 07054 Tel: 973-585-6575 Fax: 973-631-9616 beyondallelectric@yahoo.com Pet Sitting/Dog Walking For all your companion needs For your peace of mind 973-386-0738 (business) 973-769-9379 (cell) Owner lynnie27@optonline.net Insured and Bonded YOUR COMPLETE SOURCE FOR: CERBO’S A Garden Center ~ 101st Anniversary ~ Houseplants Pottery Seeds ~~~ Fertilizers Receive 10% off your order Soils of regular priced items Trees with this ad. Bushes Propane excluded. Expires 12/31/15. Perennials ~~~ Annuals Landscape Design The place to buy “Lake Friendly” Fertilizer Mulch Topsoil Propane 440 Littleton Rd Parsippany, NJ 07054 Statuary Furniture Birdseed & Feeders www.cerbogreenhouse.com Holiday & Gift Dept. 973-334-2623 7 NEWS VIEWS APRIL 2015 CALENDAR OF EVENTS For updates, click on “Event Calendar”. SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 29 30 1 31 2 6 7 13 Ladies Club Dinner 6:30pm (see article for details) 19 8 9 20 Book Club (check with Christie for time and location) 14 10 15 16 27 18 Badge Sales 9am–Noon Clubhouse 22 23 24 25 Badge Sales 9am–Noon Clubhouse 29 28 11 17 Badge Sales 7pm–9pm Clubhouse 26 4 Badge Sales 9am–Noon Clubhouse Badge Sales 7pm–9pm Clubhouse 21 Badge Sales 9am–Noon Clubhouse Badge Sales 9am–Noon Clubhouse Badge Sales 7pm–9pm Clubhouse LPPOA Board Meeting 7:30pm Clubhouse 12 3 Deadline for N&V Articles May Issue Badge Sales 7pm–9pm Clubhouse 5 SATURDAY Opening Day Trout Contest 8am Boat House Badge Sales 7pm–9pm Clubhouse 30 1 2 MESSAGE FROM THE GEESE POLICE: Do not feed the waterfowl. It is illegal and only attracts more geese. Please notify the LPPOA if you see goose nests on LPPOA property. Lake Parsippany Property Owners Association | Post Office Box 62, Parsippany, NJ 07054 & MM FENCE COMPANY SERVICE & INSTALLATIONS EXPERT CHAIN LINK ALL TYPES WOOD FENCING INDUSTRIAL & RESIDENTIAL 428-9663 Bel Paese CERBO LUMBER & HARDWARE Pizzeria Since 1948 Italian Deli Moulding, Doors, Windows, Lumber, Paints, Hardware, Mason Supplies Sheds, Building Materials & Decking & Catering for All Occasions Free Delivery 166 Halsey Road Parsippany, NJ 07054 973-515-9102 1855 Route 46 East at Smith Road Parsippany, N.J. 07054 (973) 334-4300
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