& LAKE PARSIPPANY PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, NEWS VIEWS www.Lake-Parsippany.org VICE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Bill Sempier INC. FEBRUARY 2015 For your safety, and the safety of your children, NO ICE SKATING on Lake Parsippany. At this time the board is working on several Clubhouse-related projects. The first is to replace the carpeting. It was installed back in 2003 when we first purchased the building. Debbie Orme is heading the committee to select and oversee the installation of industrial grade carpet squares as well as industrial grade plank flooring for the dance floor and the back meeting room. We will need volunteers when the time comes to tear out the old carpet and do any of the simple prep work to help keep the overall cost down. The second is getting the hot water back in service. The board is currently weighing options of either installing a traditional electric water heater with a timer or using one or two on-demand units. We have had discussions with our plumber as to the pros & cons of each. The third is to get rid of the remaining old kitchen equipment. We have contacted a local vendor that deals in used equipment purchase as well as new. The discussion now is that we would like to replace the existing stove and we can use the old equipment as trade to reduce the cost of the new stove. If you have any questions or wish to be involved with any of these projects, please email lppres@hotmail.com POSSIBLE RULE CHANGE At the January Board meeting, a concern was raised regarding the use of remote control drones, planes, helicopters or other flying machines over the lake. The concern is the safety of the people on the ground and in the water should one of these have trouble and crash. Currently, the board is doing some research but believes that a new rule may be added to the current rules and regulations which will ban such activity. There will be more discussion and a possible vote at the February Board meeting. PERSONNEL CHANGES ON THE BOARD First we want to welcome Marilyn Ammirata. Marilyn will be our new secretary replacing Mary Ellen Iradi. We look forward to having her on board starting in February. Mary Ellen has been our secretary for 9+ years and is looking forward to her new role as District Representative for District 3. During the January meeting, Mary Ellen showed everyone her notebook and said, “It is so fitting that Marilyn volunteered, because after tonight’s meeting the book is completely full.” WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU If you can’t make it to the Board meetings, please feel free to use any of the contact information on page 2 to get your question, suggestion or opinion to us. Be a Part of the OPEN HOUSE Team! The Open House Committee is seeking volunteers to help make this year’s event a big success. What do you like about the Open House? What new or different activities would you like included? How can we draw more people to the day? These are a few of the questions we would like your help answering. Just a few new people can make a huge difference in improving the one day each year we showcase our association and our lake to the community. The commitment is 3 or 4 meetings between now and June, supervising one aspect of the day, and being present for the entire event. It is time to begin planning the 2015 LPPOA Open House scheduled for June 6, 2015. The committee has a core group of seasoned members to handle the big lifting, but we are seeking several new members to get involved and help bring new ideas to the event. To volunteer, please contact Open House Chair, Paul Cecala, at pcecala@optonline.net. The initial planning meeting will be held on Monday evening, February 23, 2015 at the LPPOA Clubhouse from 7–8:30pm. It’s not too early to start thinking about SUMMER! Are your kids interested in joining the swim team a.k.a. PIRATE Swim Team? Contact Michele Ostolaza at micheleostolaza@gmail.com or Chrissy To at chrissyto@ymail.com for more information. Swimmers of all levels are encouraged to join. MOVIE NIGHT LPPOA BOARD OF DIRECTORS President POSITION AVAILABLE Dan Nazzaro BILL SEMPIER Vice President 862-812-1746 E-mail: LPPRES@hotmail.com The LPPOA was pleased to offer a Holiday Movie at the Clubhouse. Friday evening, December 19, more than 20 people, young and old, from 5 families watched “ELF” during the first of what hopes to be many free Family Movie Nights at the Clubhouse. Folks gathered about 6:30pm, with the movie starting at 7pm. The 15 children and accompanying adults enjoyed freshmade popcorn and Cool Aid while viewing the movie on an oversized screen. One of the organizing members brought a sound system to ensure all could hear every word. MARY ELLEN IRADI Secretary 973-462-8496 E-mail: mesprech@yahoo.com PHIL BERARDO Treasurer 973-952-0152 E-mail: philberardo@optonline.net DAN NAZZARO Financial Secretary 973-560-9047 E-mail: member252@optonline.net District 1 (Drewes Beach Area) Debbie Orme 973-503-0640 E-mail: josephorme@aol.com District 2 (Johnson Beach Area) Pat de la Fuente 973-386-0821 E-mail: karasr@optonline.net District 3 (Jorges Beach Area) Don Phelps 973-585-7327 E-mail: dphelps621@gmail.com District 4 (Hoffman Beach Area) Barbara Allu 973-479-2377 E-mail: baallu@aol.com CLUBHOUSE RENTAL AGENT Mark Adubato 862-579-8407 E-mail: clubhouserental@lake-parsippany.org MEMBERSHIP Dan Nazzaro 973-560-9047 E-mail: membership@lake-parsippany.org BEACH RENTAL AGENT (March–Sept.) Debbie Orme 973-503-0640 E-mail: LPPOABeachRental@aol.com & NEWS VIEWS MELANIE ADUBATO Editor 973-703-2145 E-mail: theadubatofamily@aol.com DIANA GIRADELLI Co-Editor 240-625-2474 E-mail: giradellix3@msn.com KIM SHARGAY Design/Layout 973-884-3457 E-mail: kshargay@gmail.com BARBARA ALLU Advertising 973-479-2377 E-mail: baallu@aol.com Visit us online www.lake-parsippany.org CONTRIBUTORS: Paul Cecala Barbara Allu Phil Berardo Bill Sempier Christie Heygi-Gardner Ralph Rosamilia Dan Nazzaro Randy Vyskocil Don Phelps Rose Dury Mary Ellen Iradi Winnie Marone Michelle Ostalaza News & Views is published ten times a year by the Lake Parsippany Property Owners Association. Subscription rate is $12 annually; free to members of the LPPOA. JOIN EARLY! SAVE BIG! Last year more than 100 memberships saved over 20% off the full 2014 price by renewing their membership in January and taking advantage of the Super Early Bird Special! You can even do it on a payment plan! It’s simple—complete the application from the association website at www.lake-parsippany.org. Print it out and mail it with your payment to LPPOA Membership, PO Box 62, Parsippany, NJ 07054. The LPPOA Board of Directors approved the Super Early Bird as part of the 2015 budget. You can renew your 2015 membership at the 2014 Early Bird rate. Make sure we have your correct email address so you can be in the know! Give the gift of membership! The LPPOA will offer gift certificates in any denomination—these can be used for membership, boat tags or applied to clubhouse and beach rentals. Reminder: All memberships expire on March 30. Please remember to renew before using the lake. Do you have any questions about the lake? Ask any board member—if we don’t know the answer, we can find out! The Board contact information is located at left. 2 NEWS VIEWS The evening was organized by LPPOA Board Member Dan Nazzaro. Assisting with refreshments were members of Gaza Family. Daniel Gardner worked admirably as our resident audio/visual technician. The movie was provided by the Gardner family. The board solicited ideas from members. This met the criteria of family appropriate for all ages as well as fitting the timing of the holiday season. Your Board’s goal is to offer such a family fun, no-cost evening monthly—in the Clubhouse most of the year and on the beach when weather permits. The next one is scheduled for February 20, 2015, at the Clubhouse. Doors open at 6:30pm. Email Dan Nazzaro at member252@optonline.net with a family-friendly movie from your collection and decades past you would like to share—especially of interest is something appealing to the Teens and Tweens! LPPOA TREASURER’S REPORT January 2015 12/15/14 $ 16,921.42 Income $ Payroll / Taxes Utilities Clubhouse Maintenance Snow Removal Community Activities Swim Team Security Licenses / Fees / Other $ (263.75) $ (1,242.21) 1/12/15 $ 22,055.85 $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,866.93 (539.47) (214.00) (114.69) (329.50) (100.00) (64.95) HORSESHOES Fishing Club Winnie Marone With the lake being frozen over, the fishermen are or should be cleaning their equipment for the coming season. Our first club meeting for 2015 will be held at my house of Friday, March 6 at 7pm. If you need my address or directions please give me a call 973-887-0387. Some things that will be discussed are our contests for the year, trout stocking and opening day of trout season. It was also suggested that we think about a dinner as a fundraiser with the funds possibly going for a fall stocking. Lake Patrol Don Phelps Randy Vyskocil The horseshoe team recently returned from their annual winter training in the Caribbean Islands and is looking forward to an inaugural hub lakes dart season this winter followed by spring training and a successful hub lakes horseshoe season. We are happy to communicate that Coach Frank Calabrese has announced that he will be returning for his 45th season! The horseshoe team wishes everyone a happy and healthy 2015! Over the winter new permit parking only signs will be placed in the parking areas around the lake and the Lake Patrol will begin towing flagrant unauthorized vehicles. Members need to display their car tags when parking on LPPOA property, as we would hate to see a member’s car towed for failing to display a car tag. Be sure to update your car tags during membership renewal. If there are other days and times that you notice a lot of non-members using lake property or are interested in joining the Lake Patrol, contact Don Phelps, at dphelp621@gmail.com. BIG JEFF Trout stocking will be taking place on March 28 at the bait shop, so mark your calendar now. Coffee, hot cocoa and donuts will be ready by 9am, so don’t stand out in the cold, come inside to warm up before the fish arrive at 10am. While having a hot cup of coffee, don’t forget to get your tickets for the chances on the rod and reel and 50/50. You can also sign up for the Opening Day of trout season contest if the fish haven’t arrived yet or come back after the fish have been stocked to talk about the big ones that were put in this year. Christi Heygi-Gardner Great fun was had by the 59 folks who turned up to enjoy some Big Jeff style music! He always does a great job having the kids participate and it’s a wonderful family night. Don’t forget to mark your calendar and start daydreaming summer thoughts—he will perform again on our very own Drewes Beach on Friday, July 10. The club is in the process of looking for sponsors of our tagged trout. If you, your company or the company you work for are interested in either buying a fish, sponsoring one or both, please give me a call. If you would like to get in touch with Big Jeff or see where he plays next just go to http://www.bigjeffmusic.com/bio/ A big “Thank You!” to our helpers Jared Stock and Daniel Gardner for dealing with all those tables and chairs as well as being our welcoming committee. Hope to see many of you out there reeling in some big ones this year. 3 NEWS VIEWS CERBO LUMBER & HARDWARE LADIES CLUB Since 1948 Moulding, Doors, Windows, Lumber, Paints, Hardware, Mason Supplies Sheds, Building Materials & Decking 1855 Route 46 East at Smith Road Parsippany, N.J. 07054 (973) 334-4300 & MM FENCE COMPANY SERVICE & INSTALLATIONS EXPERT CHAIN LINK ALL TYPES WOOD FENCING Barbara Allu A good time was had by all at our December meeting which was also our Christmas party and held at Il Villagio. It was a lovely evening with good friends and good food but we couldn’t help missing and reminiscing about our good friend Theresa De Croce. Our next meeting was our Progressive Dinner which began at the home of Maureen Omaster and ended at my house. Everyone brought their special contribution and it was really a fun evening catching up with friends in the intimate settings of these homes. Our next meeting will be on Monday, February 16, 2015 at 7pm at the Clubhouse. Diane has suggested we wear Valentine colors of red, pink, or white. INDUSTRIAL & RESIDENTIAL 428-9663 Bel Paese Pizzeria & Italian Deli Catering for All Occasions Free Delivery 166 Halsey Road Parsippany, NJ 07054 973-515-9102 Deck the Halls Christie Hegyi-Gardner The Holiday Spirit possessed the LPPOA as we decorated the clubhouse for the season. Ralph Rosamilla, Loren, Addison and Avery Arrowsmith, Lina, Sofia and Daniel Gaza, Dan Nazzaro, Angie Barone, Mary Ellen Iradi, Debbie Orme and the Gardner Family all lent a hand in making the room sparkle in preparation for Breakfast with Santa. There are always tasty goodies and holly jolly music, we rocked around the Christmas tree! Come be an elf and join us next time! 4 NEWS VIEWS Please remember to bring non-perishable food items for the Parsippany food pantry to the meeting. They greatly appreciate our assistance in their project to provide food for those in need in our community. Please remember to bring business-type clothing you don’t need to donate to Project Success. Those of our members who are going through a loss or illness remain in our thoughts and prayers and we ask you to reach out to us if you need anything. As always we welcome new members or potential members to come spend an evening with us and see if you might enjoy what we have to offer. We are mainly a social club whose focus are the lake and our community. We participate in some charitable endeavors such as the food pantry, Project Success, and helping a few families at the Christmas holiday time. Our members are often involved in other lake projects as well. If you would like more information regarding the Ladies Club, please call our President, Diane Low at 973-887-1268. Z SAILING CLUB Ralph Rosamilia DRY DOCK With spring just around the corner, and the sailboats in dry dock, it’s a good time to start small maintenance projects to get ready for the 2015 sailing season. QUESTIONS regarding the Sailing Club, call Ralph at 973-503-0249 or email lpsc@optonline.net. THE SAILORS HAT flowers for all occasions weddings parties sympathies fruit/gourmet baskets Marlin Spike A pointed wooden or metal instrument used to open strands of rope or wire... Used for splicing. 973-335-4100 170 Halsey Road, Parsippany, NJ www.cottageflowershop.com P. CUCCHIARA & SONS you to a trailer for a book, yes a book trailer, not a movie trailer. http://www.ruthozeki.com. Christie Hegyi-Gardner It was SO wonderful to see everyone! We missed some of you, but wish you all the best for the holidays and into the New Year 2015!! This book was just perfect for our December gathering. ‘Can This Be Christmas?’ by Debbie Macomber touched upon the emotions and stresses the holidays can bring by introducing us to a group of strangers stuck in a train station on Christmas Eve. There were four different life perspectives, a bachelor, a widow, a hardworking family man and a young couple with a new baby. We enjoyed how the characters were developed and we could relate to each. Many of us felt for the widow. Who did you relate to the most? This was also our holiday party, although I think most of our gatherings are a once a month ‘Tuesday’ party! We enjoyed...Limoncello chocolates, Lolito’s strufoli, spiked eggnogs (yes, more than one type!), cranberry ginger punch that could also be spiked to your liking! An incredible assortment of homemade cookies, Fruitcake, mini hot dogs, maple bacon frosted cupcakes and even glutenfree goodies. Thank You to ALL that contributed to the festivities with conversation, goodies or just your presence! Our book of the month for January was A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki. For the first time ever I will direct I really do not know how to describe this book, but it did generate conversation! Everything from the power of words, to Marcel Proust, going on to maid cafés, insect origami, jungle crows, flotsam vs jetsam, 2011 tsunami, lighthouses of NC, papering outhouses with rejection letters, public baths, changing ones name, Japanese soldiers, bullying, moving offices to Hoboken, 911, Schrödinger’s cat, the horror of wartime, absent mothers viewing jellyfish, to a different perspective on suicide. And last but not least, a 104 year old Zen Buddhist nun. Some of these topics were in the book, some were tangents we went on and all the while we enjoyed sake, sushi, mochi, clam dip, cheese and sweets in the past, present and future. We would absolutely love to hear your thoughts and while you are at it, what is your SUPERPOWA?! BOOK CLUB meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month, location to be announced, contact Christie at 973.503.0333 FUTURE READS: FEBRUARY–Orange is the New Black by Piper Kerman MARCH–The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd APRIL–Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez MAY–Liars Club a Memoir by Mary Karr JUNE–? JULY–? AUGUST–Life After Life by Kate Atkinson SEPTEMBER–The Long Goodbye by Meghan O’Rourke or Raymond Chandler? 5 NEWS VIEWS Plumbing and Heating Contractors COMPLETE BATHROOM & KITCHEN REMODELING NEW INSTALLATIONS & REPAIRS Insured & Bonded State Lic. # 5577 • No Job Too Small 887-7256 LAKE PARSIPPANY, N.J. 07054 Annual Santa Breakfast Mary Ellen Iradi On December 13th, we celebrated our twelfth annual Breakfast with Santa. We served pancakes, bagels, juice, milk and coffee to over 130 members and guests! It was a great way to celebrate the holiday season. The children had the opportunity to visit with Santa and have their pictures taken. A special thank you to Charles Kachulis, who was Santa’s helper for the twelfth year in a row. He spent time with each child and made him or her feel special. He asked each child what he or she wanted for Christmas, even the ones who did not want to get too close to him! Thank you once again to our wonderful elves Colleen O’Connor and Colleen Hoyt. They did a great job helping Santa. Thank you to Vanessa I. and Abby P., who were elves in training. Also, thank you to Pat de la Fuente, Barbara Allu, Debbie Orme, Karen and Abby Phelps, Fred, Vanessa and Gavin Iradi, who came out Friday evening and helped set-up for the breakfast. Thank you to our hard-working wait staff Ellen O’Connor, Shirley Waller, Judi Bailey, Maryann Rosamilia, Ericka Bota, Debbie Thore, Bill and Daniel Gardner and Mary Ellen Iradi; our cooks Ralph Rosamilia, Bob Mittermaier and Bob Bailey; to Kathi Masters, who inflated many, many balloons for our centerpieces and donated the helium. The balloons made the room look festive and exciting for the breakfast. Thank you to Pat de la Fuente for taking the reservation emails and calls and for helping the day of the breakfast. The breakfast would not have run so smoothly without these hardworking, dedicated individuals. Thank you for giving your time to the children! A big thank you goes to Rose Dury for starting the breakfast and getting things moving this year. We are so grateful to Kathi Masters who volunteers to request donations from local businesses and pick the items up on Friday—Kathi did an awesome job! Her continued generosity is amazing and heartwarming. She is a dedicated and consistent part of the breakfast. Thank you to all the businesses that donated. The following businesses were very generous: SHOP-RITE OF PARSIPPANY IHOP OF PARSIPPANY STOP & SHOP OF MORRIS PLAINS BURGER KING ON BALDWIN RD MCDONALD’S IN TROY HILLS SHOPPING CENTER KATHI MASTERS, REALTOR LINDA LICASTRO, REALTOR The generosity of these contributors enables us to have our breakfast without charging our members. Please remember them when you do your shopping and dining out—they never refuse to help us out. And last but not least, thanks to our members who donated new toys that were delivered to Eastlake and Lake Parsippany schools. The toys were distributed to less fortunate families in the lake area. The selection of toys was wonderful—we collected more this year than ever before. There was something for every age. I know your generosity brightened Christmas for a lot of children and their parents. Lic# 17611 ove 2 r ye 5 opears n BEYOND ALL ELECTRICLLC Pet Sitting/Dog Walking For all your companion needs For your peace of mind 973-386-0738 (business) 973-769-9379 (cell) • Fully Insured • 24 Hour Emergency Service • • Additions & Alterations • Rewiring & Service Upgrades • • Authorized Emergency Generator Installer • Owner lynnie27@optonline.net Parsippany, NJ 07054 Tel: 973-585-6575 Fax: 973-631-9616 beyondallelectric@yahoo.com Insured and Bonded 6 NEWS VIEWS Supreme Limousine 24 Hour Service 10% off EST. 1980 to all LPPoA members! Valid for first trip. Must present lake badge with current year sticker affixed to receive discount. Michael Adubato SupremeLimo@aol.com 973-515-8584 office • 973-703-2134 cell 1/30/12 1 LPVFCadFUND_FNL:LPVFCadFUND_FNL Support the Lake Parsippany Volunteer Fire Co. #3 ANNUAL FUND DRIVE Send donations to: LPVFC#3 • 255 Halsey Road • Lake Parsippany 7 NEWS VIEWS FEBRUARY 2015 CALENDAR OF EVENTS For updates, click on “Event Calendar”. SUNDAY MONDAY 1 2 LPPOA Board Meeting 7pm Clubhouse 8 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 Deadline for N&V Articles March Issue 9 Book Club (check with Christie for time and location) Ladies Club 7pm Clubhouse 15 16 Movie Night 6:30pm Clubhouse 17 18 19 20 21 Open House Planning Meeting 7pm Clubhouse 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Lake Parsippany Property Owners Association | Post Office Box 62, Parsippany, NJ 07054 For your safety, and the safety of your children, YOUR COMPLETE SOURCE FOR: CERBO’S A Garden Center ~ 101st Anniversary ~ Houseplants Pottery Seeds ~~~ Fertilizers Receive 10% off your order Soils of regular priced items Trees with this ad. Bushes Propane excluded. Expires 12/31/15. Perennials ~~~ Annuals Landscape Design The place to buy “Lake Friendly” Fertilizer Mulch Topsoil Propane 440 Littleton Rd Parsippany, NJ 07054 Statuary Furniture Birdseed & Feeders www.cerbogreenhouse.com Holiday & Gift Dept. 973-334-2623 NO ICE SKATING ALLOWED on Lake Parsippany.
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