MASS INTENTIONS Offertory Stewardship Liturgy of the Hours Week I November 9 - $12,132.30 (November 10 - $11,374.00) PARISHIONER ENVELOPES/CHECKS - 314 CHILDREN’S GIFT - $33.00 SAT., NOV. 15 8:15AM 5:30PM SUN., NOV. 16 8:00AM 10:30AM 5:30PM +BOB MCCOOEY +PHYLLIS MCINTYRE YOUTH MON., NOV. 17 TUES., NOV. 18 8:15AM 8:15AM 6:00PM +HELENE WIMBERLY +DICK MITCHELL +JACK YOUNG WED., NOV. 19 THUR., NOV. 20 FRI., NOV. 21 SAT., NOV. 22 8:15AM 8:15AM 8:15AM 8:15AM 5:30PM +CHALMERS HURLBERT +THEA KIELT +WILLIAM E. KELLY +THEA & JIM KIELT +HENRY MALLON SUN., NOV. 23 8:00AM 10:30AM 5:30PM +RUTH HOLMES PARISHIONERS PARISHIONERS +THEA KIELT YOUTH Mario Artesiano, Tony Blanda, Barbara Boucek, Peg Broker, Gordie Carmichael, Steve Carney, Edmund Cassidy, Cartan Clarke, Larry Clarke, Nita Clifton, Don Daleen, Mark Davis, Jerry Fonseca, John Gilmore, Jacqueline Grady, John Grimsley, Jessica Hannigan, Margo Harper, Donnie Harris, Fred Hegeman, Amy Hendrick, Kiki Jennings, Edmund Longley, Gilbert Longley, Joan Kellam, Mark Kelso, Bobbi Kilchenstein, Claudia McKenna, Catherine Mooney, Debbie North, Jane O’Hagan, Larry Pafford, Carroll Palmatary, Frank Paul, Nell Pidgeon, Earl Primo, Charlotte Quinn, Mary Rath, Howard Reidinger, SS, Douglas Seaman, Katie Cooper Smith, Monty Smith, Emma Sosa, Jack Steinhilber, Pat Strickland, Roger Thompson, Mari Totin, Ellison Turner, Maureen McCarthy-Wagner, Barbara Wentworth, Maggie West, Charlie Yoder, and our service men and women. Help us keep our above prayer list current. You may add a name to the list by calling the church office at 638-2647 or e-mailing us at You may leave a message for the Prayer Line 638-4287 or Thanksgiving SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 4PM ST. SIMONS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH "The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." - Walt Disney SUN., NOV. 16 8:00am/10:30am & 5:30pm Masses Thank you, Parish Family! Good stewards are like the industrious and reliable servants in today’s Gospel, prudently using and multiplying the gifts entrusted to them by God. C ReeD PARENT RECEPTION - There will be a reception from 9:00 to 10:15am in the Parish Hall on Sunday, November 16, for parents of students in the CREED classes to discuss Catholic Education. All parents CREED parents are urged to attend. Next week’s collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) needs your help to end the cycle of poverty in the United States by funding organizations that help people help themselves. With the tradition of improving education, housing, and economic development, CCHD continues to make a positive impact in communities nationwide. Your contribution will defend human dignity and help those living on the margins of our society. Please give to the CCHD Collection. ST WILLIAM TWIN PARISH NEWS - Thank you, St. William Parish Family, for all of your support to St. Joseph Parish during the fall: medical supplies and shoes; money for the education of 128 children; prayers for the success of the medical mission (Oct. 27-Nov.3); and, support of the overwhelming successful Helping Hugs for Haiti Dinner/Auction Fundraiser. Through your prayers, financial support and donations, you have shown your concern for the people of Côtes-deFer. Thank you! Remember to keep up with the latest news from Côtes-de-Fer at LITURGY "CALLING ALL ANGELS" for the Children’s Christmas Liturgy. Practices will be on Sundays after 10:30am Mass and Wednesdays at 5:45pm beginning on November 30. You do not have to attend every practice to participate. Contact Terri Mikowski at 223-0293 or CCW ADVENT LUNCHEON will take place on Tuesday, December 9, at the King and Prince Resort. Our guest speaker is Father Tim McKeown. Tickets will be available at the November CCW meeting and after Masses the following Sundays, as well as in the church office during the week. The cost is $30 for parishioners and $40 for non-parishioners. Entrée choices include chicken piccata, pecan crusted pork loin, and a vegetarian option. Seating is limited. For further information, contact Colette Jackson 634-2750. Our youth would like to assist any parishioners who do not have any family or are unable to do things themselves. Whether it is with groceries, a ride or just a visit, our youth are available. Please contact COMMUNITY SERVICE PARISH ACTIVITIES THIS WEEK It is nearly ANGEL TREE time again! Any parishioner knowing of a family that could use some angel help during the upcoming Christmas season is asked to contact Laurie Jones, 638-7040 or All information and names are kept confidential. For the past two years the Angel Tree has been able to help some parishioners who were struggling to make ends meet. Angels cannot help if we do not know your need. We will continue to help Mary House, Magnolia Manor and Safe Harbor. LIFE TEEN BOSTON BUTT FUNDRAISER! Don’t miss out! Last chance to buy your Boston butt for Thanksgiving! This is the last weekend they will be sold after Masses. MON., NOV. 17 8:15am Mass TUES., NOV. 18 8:15am & 6pm Masses WED., NOV. 19 8:15am Mass THUR., NOV. 20 8:15am Mass FRI., NOV. 21 8:15am Mass SAT., NOV. 22 8:15am & 5:30pm Masses SUN., NOV. 23 8:00am/10:30am & 5:30pm Masses 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Vincent de Paul Collection Coffee & Doughnuts 9am - CReeD 9am - CReeD Parent Reception 9:10am - Adult Ed Bible study 4pm - Edge 7pm - Life Teen 8:35am - MMP 7pm - Karate 9am - Adoration 10am - Women’s Discussion 1pm - Rosary for Peace 2:30pm - Edge meeting 6:30pm - Bella Italia 6:30pm - RCIA 8pm - AA 8:30am - Networks 9am - Sew & So 5pm - Pirates of the Spanish Main 7pm - Choir 9am - Helping Hugs 6:30pm– Life Teen Council 7pm - Bell Choir 7pm - Karate 7:30pm– Life Teen Bible Study 3pm - Prayer Group 2pm - Coastal GA Home School Assoc. 10am - Karate 11:30am - Women’s AA 4:30pm - Confessions Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Campaign for Human Development Coffee & Doughnuts 9:10am - Adult Ed Bible study 4pm - Community Thanksgiving Service St. Simons United Methodist Congratulations to Cynthia Young and Ryan Wagner upon their marriage on November 8, 2014! Discernment Retreat for Young Men (18-40) Fr. Pablo Migone, Diocesan Chancellor and Vocation Director, will lead the retreat at Little Ocmulgee State Park near McRae on December 27-28. Flyers are in the vestibule. Register at We need USHERS for 5:30pm Saturday Vigil and 8:00am Sunday Masses. If you would like to join this ministry, please contact George Nies at 6381991 or call the church office. NURSERY HELP IS NEEDED at any of the Masses. Call the office if you can help, particularly 5:30pm and 8am. You must be 16 to work. This is a paid position. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY is looking for volunteers to answer the phone, greet patients, enter data, file and perform other clerical tasks. If you can help, call Lori at 265-0613. STEWARDSHIP MOMENT Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time - November 16, 2014 “Well done my good and faithful servant.” With those words the master in Jesus’ Parable of the Talents smiles and rewards his servant. We often cite the Parable of the Talents in relation to stewardship. Because of our understanding of “talent,” we may assume that this is a parable about skills and those kinds of gifts. Of course, in this case, a “talent” is a unit of money. Scholars assume that the master is wealthy; therefore, whether one received five talents, two talents, or one talent, they most likely received a huge amount of money according to our standards. That is not the stewardship perspective of this parable. Each of us, just as the three servants in the parable, has received multiple gifts from God (the Master). The question posed by Jesus, and the question we must be prepared to answer at our own judgment, is “What have you done with the gifts you have received?” Everything we have and everything we become are gifts from God. Like the stewards in the parable, we have been given gifts. Do we develop those gifts and do we share them, or do we “bury” them and really do nothing with them? Those who do the former, return them with increase to the Lord, are not only complimented, but embraced and invited: “Come share your master’s joy.” Copyright © 2014 Catholic Stewardship Consultants, Inc. Save the date for the 14th Regional Stewardship Conference which will be held at the Hilton Savannah DeSoto on May 1-2, 2015. Anyone interested in “embracing stewardship as a way of life” should attend to hear keynote speaker Tom Corcoran. Registration will be available in January on the diocesan website THE CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD is seeking volunteers for the Sunday 10:30am Masses. If you would like to volunteer for this ministry, please contact Laurie Jones at 638-7040 or email her at COUPLES CELEBRATING SILVER & GOLD (25th for 1990 & 50th for 1965) Wedding Anniversaries in 2015 are invited to a special Mass and light reception in their honor at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Savannah on Sunday, February 8, 2014 at 11:30 with Bishop Gregory Hartmayer. Those wishing to attend should contact the office by December 19. Happy Anniversary Mary Katherine & Ray Arens - November 20, 2009 - 5 years Leslie & Mario Forcina - November 18, 1995 - 19 years Norma & James Hartnett - November 16, 1953 - 61 years Elizabeth & Monty McDermott - November 22, 1975 - 39 years Laura & George Nies - November 18, 1995 - 19 years Elizabeth & Matthew Sundstrom - November 16, 1974 - 40 years Sandra & Martin Turbidy - November 20, 1971 - 43 years Sympathy & Prayers are extended … to Marie Merriman, Holly & Jim Jordan and Holly & Micheal Diestel, upon the death of their son, brother and uncle, MARK MERRIMAN. May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. Flowers are placed on the altar in memory of Bob & Ann Turner by the Mikowski Family.
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