Rockingham Church of Christ Inc. “A Place to Believe, Belong, Become” SOUND CHRIS IAN 16th November 2014 P C W ’ : T !: B P , B P ... F G! R!#$%&: G 11:27-30, 12:1-9 & G 3:6-13 V E Vo*ng for Elders occurs this morning via secret ballot. The current Eldership nominate and recommend to you Chris Hill and Jim Gibbon to join the Eldership team. There are sufficient posi*ons for both to be elected to the posi*on of Elder. The term of office for an Elder is five years. All church members aged 18 and over are eligible to vote. Vo*ng is open prior to the service, and concludes shortly aEer the close of the service. A special mee*ng will be convened over morning tea to announce the result. Ps Cohen Watson, Ps Tim Nsair, Jim Kester & Victor Young (exisng Eldership) S M There will be a short mee*ng immediately aEer the service today for everyone involved in a Sunday morning ministry such as Communion leading, communion prepara*on, Bible reading, serving, welcoming, sound, overheads, morning teas, etc. Pastor Cohen would like to briefly discuss with you the impact of a second service on these ministries. Please meet at the front of the chapel shortly aEer the close of the service for just a few minutes if you are able to. On behalf of the Board, Pastor Cohen will also host a Q&A session commencing around 11:15am in the chapel this morning to discuss any aspect concerning the proposal to introduce a second Sunday service. If you s*ll have ques*ons, concerns or doubts, we encourage you to make the most of this session so that you are able to prayerfully consider the need, issues and implica*ons, and are able to vote wisely and faithfully when the *me comes for a blueprint to be presented to the church. W, T — C, C, CJ K S S MAY WILLIAMS and family would like to thank everybody for their prayers, cards and kind words. “Your love and caring ways are a blessing to myself, Brad and Jemma.” Ladies, please note the change in date for the next Women Together event: Thursday, 4th December @ 7pm in the church hall. Two ladies will be sharing their tes*mony, and there will also be a Secret Santa (please bring a small giE to share of ± $10). RSVP by 1st Dec to Amanda Curby 0405 615 999. P & S' , 23rd N,-: Message: Ps Tim Leading: A. Mitchell Communion: T. Winter Comm Prep: B & G Coulter Helpers: B. Coulter, R. Carnaby, S. May, J. Holmes, B. Mitchell, P. Denholm Reading: S. Hammond Music: E. Earley, G. Moyle, Ps Cohen, I. Spence Sound: B. SouthcoY Overhead: R. Jones Hospitality: J. Hall, K. Houghton Teas: K. Holland, M. Tassicker Kids Church: D. Johnson, R. Watson, M. Goodlet, M. Nsair Crèche: N. LiYle, N. Catchlove Church Lock-Up: P & G Moyle Birthdays this week: November 16th 17th 18th 20th 22nd Rose Oates Jim Kester Liam MacLaren (8!) (8 ) Barbara Winter Sean Fisher (11!) (11 ) Jim Holmes Victor Young D D Thursday, 20th November Prayer Together @ 4—5pm Thursday, 4th December Women Together @ 7pm Sunday, 21st December Carols on the Lawn @ 7pm ROCKINGHAM CHURCH OF CHRIST, INC. Cnr Rae Rd & Frederick St, (PO Box 7128), SAFETY BAY, WA 6169 Tel: (08) 9592 2495 Email: Pastor Cohen: Assoc. Pastor Tim: * Website: P R AY E R M E E T I N G T H I S T H U R S DAY ( 2 0 t h ) : 4 - 5 p m Please join us in the chapel for our monthly prayer meeting this Thursday (third Thursday of each month) as we pray for our church family, community, country and God’s Kingdom more generally, and seek His wisdom to act faithfully in accommodating the needs of our growing church family. T P P “Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.” (J456 16:24) What a privilege is ours: the privilege of prayer! Just think of it: You and I have the incredible privilege of approaching the God of the Universe, “the High and LoEy One who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy” (Isaiah 57:15)! We can only do this because Jesus Christ has opened the way. We are to pray in *mes of adversity, lest we become faithless and unbelieving. We are to pray in *mes of prosperity, lest we become boaseul and proud. We are to pray in *mes of danger, lest we become fearful and doub*ng. We are to pray in *mes of security, lest we become selfsufficient. Pray, believing, in the promise of God’s Word that “If we ask anything according to His will, He hears us” (1 John 5:14). H4;< =4> E?@5 D?B, BCDDB G>?5?F P P For those suffering due to health or age, including: Violet Kipsiana’s S S P — S' If you didn’t complete a planning survey last week regarding the most suitable set of *mes for two Sunday services, please read on. As you are aware, the Board is presently pu`ng together a blueprint for two (duplicate) Sunday morning services to present to the congrega*on to faithfully respond to our increasing capacity needs. As part of this planning, we would like your input as a congrega*on to help determine the most suitable service *mes, should a second service proceed. A survey is included with your news sheets, and it would be helpful if you are able to complete the survey and return it to the marked box in the foyer today. Once the Board has finished seeking input from all of the Sunday ministry teams, a blue print will be presented to you before asking you to vote on the adop*on of two Sunday services. Please con*nue to pray for wisdom, unity and that we will be mo*ved by God’s purposes and glory and not our own preferences – and be thankful that God is blessing our church family! Pastor Cohen, on behalf of the Board husband Steve (who suffered a heart aYack during the week), Don Goodyer (recovering from opera*on), Lois Keys, Clem Johnston, May Williams, Janice Smith, Steve & Thelma Sawyer and others. For those grieving, including George O’Keefe; Shayne Curby; Heather & Bev SouthcoY; Brenda Brereton. For wisdom and unity as we vote on the nomina*on of addi*onal Elders; and for wisdom and unity as we plan for a second Sunday service to accommodate our growing needs. For gospel workers here in Australia and overseas, including Heather Miller as she plans to return to the Philippines and the Randall family as they seYle in Thailand. Ask the Lord of the harvest to send workers out into His harvest field. Praise God that He has entrusted to us the message of the cross and shares with us the joy and privilege of offering forgiveness and new life through Jesus Christ. C U ' M We are looking forward to a group of around 16 Chris*an university students joining us from 26—30th November to experience ministry here in Rockingham. More informa*on will be forthcoming next week. Thank you to all who have volunteered to host students for these few days. You will be contacted this week to confirm arrangements. U H N - S B P, S Are you willing to give an hour a week to run a “Rainbows” program for a group of 5—6 children at Safety Bay Primary School? Rainbows is a workbook based program which seeks to help kids who have experienced loss or grief (through death, divorce, separa*on, etc). Training is provided by the Rainbows organisa*on and paid for by the school. Without volunteers, this program will cease next year. If you are interested or willing to help, please speak to Bridget Humble for more informa*on ASAP.
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