THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME NOVEMBER 16, 2014 This Week In Our Parish Office Closed Mondays Welcome! New Parishioner Registration Forms are at the Church doors. On the back of the Registration Form you will find our ministries and organizations along with volunteer opportunities. Tuesday Please return forms via collection basket, mail, or drop by the office. 9:00 am Mass 7:00 pm Men’s Bible Study-RR Wednesday Need Information After Regular Office Hours? For holy and feast day Mass times and upcoming parish events, call the office at 503–682-2332 and press “3” after the greeting. November 20 9:00 am Mass/Adoration until 10:00 am 10:00 am Women’s Bible Study—FS 7:00 pm Choir– C Friday November 21 9:00 am Mass Saturday November 22 4:00 pm Confession 5:00 pm Mass Sunday Mass Intentions November 19– 23, 2014 November 23 8:00 am Mass 10:30 am Mass/CLOW No RE Classes Wed. Saint Josaphat 9:00 am Open O=Office H=Hall RR=Resource Rm FS=Fireside Rm CB=Church Basement St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Open Fri. Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 9:00 am Open Sat. St. Cecilia 5 :00 pm +Barbara Marta Saturday Evening Hosts Coordinators: Dick and Leanne Spence To volunteer: 503-694-5875 November 22 Sun. 8:00 am 10:30 am November 19 Thursday Questions? Call 503-682-2332. Thurs. 9:00 am November 18 2:00 pm Prayer Shawl—Rm 116 Christ the King Our Parishioners + Dorothy Bode Kathy Gibbons & Joan Niklas Coffee & Doughnut Hosts Coordinators: Andres and Carolina Torres To volunteer call 503-570-3400 or Mark Your Calendar Thanksgiving Vigil Mass November 26 Thanksgiving Dinner November 27 See page 3 Office Closed November 28 Advent Faire November 30 November 23 8:00 am 10:30am Burke family Rosenbrook family EARLY BULLETIN DEADLINE Articles for the November 30th bulletin must be submitted by November 19th at noon. This is necessary because of UPS shipping days and the Thanksgiving holiday. Thank you for your assistance. 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time REFLECTION A pastor was greeting people after Mass. The words of today’s Gospel were fresh in his mind. He thought about how his parish was never full. He longed to build up a larger attendance at Mass, and was moved by the parable of the two servants who had increased their master’s wealth. The priest spotted a young couple he had never seen at Mass before. “What parish are you from?”, he asked. The young man replied, “Well, actually, I’m transferring from the municipal golf course.” Readings Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31 1Thes 5:1-6 Matthew 25:14-30 Jesus reminds us that we all need to transfer our focus from whatever else entices us in order to build up the Kingdom of God. If we bury our lives in idle pursuits, and our heads in the sand, we will wind up like the third servant: trapped in the darkness outside. Next Sunday’s Readings Ez 34:11-12, 15-17 1 Cor 15:20-26,28 Matthew 25:31-46 LITURGICAL MINISTRY SCHEDULE Saturday Reader: Eucharistic Ministers: Ushers Geeters: November 22 5:00 pm Cathy Sturtevant *N. Mulligan/C. & G. LeDoux/ L.L. Faber/ T. Barrett E. Geraghty/ B. Ruggiero A. & J. Greene Saturday Reader: Eucharistic Ministers: Ushers Greeters: November 29 5:00 pm Ed Geraghty *Y. Jaroch/ E. & M. Jaroch/ L. L. Faber/J. Niklas J. Faber/D. Nibler J. Holley/C. Hanson Sunday Reader: Eucharistic Ministers Ushers: Greeters November 23 8:00 am Pauline Poe * E. Clarkson/ L. Friedman/ G. Casale/ S. Bible/J. Santos J. Clarkson/ J. Geyer Sunday Reader: Eucharistic Ministers: Ushers: Greeters November 30 8:00 am Bill Manderfeld *J. Kruse/ S. Krupicka/ S. Bible/J. Mohatt/ P. Weber M. Nolan/M. Shangle Sunday Reader: Eucharistic Ministers: Ushers: Greeters: November 30 _ 10:30 am Charles Jost *N. Mulligan/ J. McElhinny/ V. Oporta/ S. Suran/A. Downes E. Holstrom/ P. Ree H. Burke/ C. Stott Sunday Reader: Eucharistic Ministers Ushers: Greeters: E. Krupicka/ J. Kruse November 23_ 10:30 am Ann Holstrom *S. Geisler/S. Suran/B. Weigel/ D. & A. Zielsdorf S. Geisler/ M. Geisler J. Lyons/ C. Schuh J. Kruse/I. Johnson Calling all engaged and married couples! Saint Vincent de Paul Deepen and enrich your marriage using Natural Family Planning (NFP)! Each series is 3 classes, meeting ONCE each month for 3 months, and will be offered at St. Anthony in Forest Grove. Have you been practicing NFP but just had a baby? Need a refresher course? Contact us for more info! Classes offered: 3- class NFP Series (ENGL) Must attend three -Class dates are all Saturdays @9am: Jan 24/Feb 28/Apr 4. Registration is now on-line at Contact Ben & Stacey Pelster at 541-294-2148. Come to the parish hall after Mass today for a delicious breakfast offered by St. Cyril’s St. Vincent de Paul Society. We look forward to seeing you. The holidays are coming soon. Watch for sign-ups for the Giving Tree and the food boxes. These annual events help us show our love for our neighbors in need. Thanks for your support throughout the year. November 16, 2014 Page 2 Thanksgiving Dinner at St. Cyril’s We will host our first dinner on Thanksgiving Day, November 27th from 12-2:30 PM in the Parish Hall. If you will be alone this year or just don’t feel like cooking, maybe this opportunity is for you! We are starting small this year and want to have a great meal for those who attend, so you MUST contact Eileen Clarkson @ 214-923-0745 or contact the church office to sign up. Again, if you are interested in attending this dinner or donating money or specific food, or your time that day, you must contact Eileen Clarkson (above) or contact the office. Deadline to RSVP Sunday, November 16th. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY UPDATE The 100th prayer shawl of the year has been completed! If you know of someone who is in need of consoling, and who would like a prayer shawl please call and/or stop by the church office to choose one. If you knit or crochet or would like to learn, please join us on Tuesdays, at 2pm in Room 116 of the Hall. You are welcome to check out one of our sessions to help you decide if you would like to join this ministry. Women’s First Saturday December 6, 2014 Fireside Room Speaker: Bishop Peter Smith 9:30 -11:00 am Topic: The Holy Spir it Wor king Thr ough Culture through the Centuries Bishop Smith will look at how the Holy Spirit has worked in many different ways in the different things going on in society down through the centuries and where we are today, and what we are looking at in the future with the trends in culture and Christianity. The ladies of the parish and their female guests are welcome at these sessions. No reservation are required. Free will offerings are accepted to help defray the cost of our speakers. Join us for camaraderie, refreshments and an opportunity to enhance your spiritual outlook. January 3 February 7 Speaker: Sr. Loretta Schaff Speaker: Brian Doyle, Author Like us on Facebook! Find a link at the bottom of our webpage at November 16, 2014 Page 3 Father Joseph Saal Council 15640 Knights of Columbus The Council invites all Parish men to join the Knights of Columbus. Membership information is available at both Church entry doors or by contacting: Grand Knight Hank Taylor 503-704-3778, Financial Secretary Bob Ruggiero 503-504-1809, Membership Chair Pat Schiermeyer 425-785-7994 or Field Agent Will Britten 503-868-8006. General Meeting 7 PM the 1st Monday of each Month Officers Meet 6:30 PM Last Tuesday of each Month Happy November Birthdays to our Brothers: Roger Porzig [15], Joe Bushbaum [24]. Planning continues for the December Christmas Meeting/Dinner. Any suggestions should be forwarded to the Chair, Roger Porzig, who is looking for help and ideas to facilitate a year end Christmas celebration. Since there will be no meeting prior to the December 1 General Meeting date [which is to be the dinner] the Chair may ask for a planning meeting for those willing to lend a hand to accomplish this endeavor. Scholarship Donations [Tax deductible], in addition to the annual dinner, that can be made any time during the year to “K of C 15640 Charitable A ccount” and mailed to K of C Council 15640, PO Box 381, Wilsonville, OR 97070-0381 or dropped at the Parish Office, the students are grateful for the assistance from you. Catholic Campaign for Human Development Next week’s Collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) needs your help. CCHD was founded to end the cycle of poverty in the United States by funding organizations that help people help themselves. With the tradition of improving education, housing situations, and economic development, CCHD continues to make a positive impact on communities nationwide. Your contribution will defend human dignity and help those living on the margins of our society. Please give to the CCHD collection. Attention Ushers SPONSOR NEEDED FOR YEARLY CATHOLIC CALENDAR Once again it is time for the Archdiocesan The church is looking for a sponsor or Attendance census. This year the attendance will sponsors for our calendars. If you have a be taken on the weekend of November 15 and 16. We ask your cooperation in taking this count. All business or an employer who might be adults and children at each Mass should be counted. interested in this project please contact: Please enter the count on the specific index card for Patti Blomquist that Mass. Index cards may be found in the sacristy. J.S. Paluch Company Thank you for assistance. Toll Free 1-800-621-5197, ext.2825 Direct 847-233-2896 November 16, 2014 Page 4 Formation ReligiousFaith Education 2014/2015 Just a reminder that it is time to start thinking about registering your child/children Religious Education 2014/2015 for religious education for this fall. If you have children ages/grades 4 yr old preschool November 16, 2014 RE for children 4 yr - 5th grade 9:15 am in the parish hall Middle School Youth Group meeting in the basement of the church at 9:15 am High School Youth Group will be meeting in the room 116 at 11:45 November 23, 2014 No RE Classes this week! Classes resume November 30 with the Faire! CLOW during 10:30 am Mass Advent Quote of the Week Virtue of the Week Thankfulness Feeling or expressing gratitude or appreciation. “Where there is charity and wisdom, there is neither fear nor ignorance..” —St. Francis of Assisi ADVENT RETREAT On Saturday, Nov. 29, the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon will feature an Advent retreat as part of their 2014-2015 Bethany Center series. The retreat will be directed by Fr. John Kerns, who has served in parishes and as vocation director in the Archdiocese of Portland since his ordination in 1985. Father Kerns is a talented musician and currently serves as the pastor of Our Lady of the Lake Parish in Lake Oswego. The Advent retreat will take place from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon (SSMO) Motherhouse & Administration Building, 4440 SW 148th Avenue, Beaverton. The SSMO campus is located on Murray Blvd. between TV Highway and Farmington Road. The day will begin with a presentation at 9 a.m. followed by Mass at 10:30 a.m. Lunch will be served at 11:30 a.m. followed by additional presentations and discussions at 1 p.m. Free will offerings will be gratefully accepted. Because lunch will be offered, registration is required. To register, call Sr. Noreen Orazio at 503-644-9181 or contact her via email at The topic: “The Joyful Mysteries: Waiting with Mary to Receive Jesus.” Father Kerns said, “I will focus on the kind of active waiting that Mary did as an expectant mother, and in solidarity with the expectancy of her cousin, Elizabeth. It is a kind of waiting that involves activity, preparing, “nesting,” supporting, encouraging and sharing the joy of hope. All that is seen in the Joyful Mysteries.” He will also discuss the Annunciation and the Visitation. Before the rush of the Christmas season envelops your world, take time for a renewing pause to waitNovember with Mary16, for2014 the birth of our greatest blessing! Page 5 BOY SCOUT TROOP 194 Annual Christmas Wreath Sale HOMELESS COAT DRIVE Please bring your coats, jackets, blankets, hats, and gloves to the donation boxes in the Parish Hall. These items will be used to cloth the less fortunate who need our help as the weather grows colder. $40,000.00 Week 5 Week 4 Week 3 Week 2 Week 1 $20,000.00 $10,000.00 $Sept. Goal Oct. Goal Nov. Please call Carrie Durig or Scout Dawson Durig if you have any questions or would like to order by phone at 503-570-4226. Yearly Budget vs Year-to-Date Offerings Weekly Offertory vs Budgeted Goal $30,000.00 On December 6 & 7 you may pick up your ordered items after all the masses. $140,000.00 $120,000.00 $100,000.00 $80,000.00 $60,000.00 $40,000.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 Budget Actual July Goal Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. ST CYRIL PARISH Monthly Operating Income & Expenses Does not include income and expenses for Restricted Funds (Maintenance & Repairs, Benevolent Fund, etc.) or Depreciation Expense. Jul-Sept 2014 YTD Budget FY 2014-15 Budget Parish Offertory Income Other Income, Including Gifts $ 77,146.99 $ 18,689.93 $ 75,908.86 $ 15,128.39 $ 315,000.00 $ 66,580.00 Total Operating Income $ 95,836.92 $ 91,037.25 $ 381,580.00 Operating Expenses: $ 98,406.30 $ 104,460.89 $ 413,192.27 Net Operating Surplus (Shortfall) $ (2,569.38) $ (13,423.64) $ (31,612.27) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Operating Cash Reserve In Days as of September 30, 2014 Prudent Minimum Reserves Required $101,882.00 90.00 Days Current Balance $109,098.21 96.37 Days Days Above (Below) Minimum Reserve 6.37 Days November 16, 2014 Page 6
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