Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time 14-15 February 2015 Pope John XXIII Parish at St. Nicolas de Flue The English-speaking Roman Catholic Parish of Geneva 57, Rue de Montbrillant CH 1202 Genève Fr. Richard De Lord, Parish Priest Fr. Paul C. Friel, Assistant Priest Tel: 022 733 04 83 Fax: 022 919 19 30 Emergency No. 079 845 2804 "I do will it. Be cured." (Mk. 1:41) In today’s reading we meet our compassionate Lord moved with pity to heal the leper by both His word and physical touch. The leper begs Jesus “If you want to, you can make me clean”. While we may ponder the miracle of the physical healing of a contagious disease that has disfigured and made the leper an outcast – isolating him from his family, society as well as religious practices, there is an additional healing that takes place. The leprosy, (known as Hansen disease today), is synonymous with uncleanliness – which is a powerful symbol of our sinfulness. Our sinfulness similarly brings about a disfigurement of our soul, resulting in isolation from ourselves, our fellow man as well as from our God. Jesus notices the leper’s physical distress and is moved with pity and compassion. His words “I do want it. Be clean” is reassuring both for our physical as well as our spiritual healing. Jesus not only healed the leper by word but also by touch – a touch of compassion and connection. He physically connected with the leper, showing that He felt the man’s pain – and our pain too and that He heals not as a servant but as our Lord. Similarly Jesus shows that He is prepared to trade places and be the sacrifice for our sinfulness. Despite the fact that Jesus instructed the leper to tell no one of his healing but show himself instead to the priest and take his offering as ordered by Moses, the leper in his excitement starts spreading the news of his healing. This results in Jesus becoming the outcast as He can no longer openly enter the towns and now needs to live outside the city walls. What about us? Jesus invites us to come to Him to ask forgiveness and healing. In His compassion and love, Jesus will physically touch us and cleanse us from our sinfulness. He restores our soul, our separation from ourselves, our fellow man and most importantly from our loving God. As Catholics we can experience this spiritual healing through the Sacrament of Reconciliation and be led to the thanksgiving sacrifice of the Eucharist. As we prepare for Lent, we may want to reflect on the areas where we need forgiveness and healing and how we can give Him thanks for His continued love and compassion. Petra Linder, Parishioner MASS SCHEDULE for FEBRUARY 16 - 22 SACRAMENTS Mon, Feb 16 Tue, Feb 17 18:30 (English) Wed, Feb 18 12:45 (English) Ash Wednesday 18:30 (English) Ash Wednesday Thu, Feb 19 12:45 (English) Fri, Feb 20 07:30 (English) 12:45 (English) Sat, Feb 21 18:30 (English) Sun, Feb 22 08:30 10:00 11:30 19:00 (English) (English) (English) (English) at Notre Dame Basilica MARRIAGE All couples planning to marry should register with us by calling the Parish Office. (Six months notice is the usual requirement.) MINISTRY TO THE SICK At home or in hospital? To receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick or Holy Communion, please contact one of the priests, or a Eucharistic Minister for a visit. RECONCILIATION The Sacrament of reconciliation (Confession) is available before and after each weekday Mass upon request or by prior arrangement. It will also be offered in the Chapel every Saturday from 17:15-18:00. BAPTISM Baptisms are usually celebrated on the 4th Saturday of each month at 12 noon. Deadline for registration is the 7th of the month. Please call the Parish Office to register. 14-15 February 2015 Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time Feb 18, Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the holy season of Lent. It is a day of fasting and abstinence. Please note that the Mass and the distribution of ashes will take place at 12:45 and 18:30. Calling all performers! St. John XXIII Parish will be hosting another Lenten drama in the form of a Living Stations of the Cross to be held on Apr 3 (Good Friday). Anyone from age 11 who is interested in being an actor or reader, please contact Youth Minister Emily Toole at for more information. Throughout Lent Every Monday: Feb 23 18:30 Adoration and Night Prayer Mar 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Every Wednesday: Feb 25 18:00 Stations of the Cross Mar 4, 11, 18.30 Mass 18, 25 Every Friday: Feb 20, 27 Mar 6, 13, 20, 27 07:30 12:15 12.45 18:00 19:30 Mass Station of the Cross Mass Adoration and Benediction Lenten Taizé Prayer Penitential Services 12:45 Mar 16 (Mon) 19:00 Mar 19 (Thu) Food Pantry The Parish provides a bag of provisions in order to ease the daily basic needs of the homeless in our community. Parishioners’ contributions to the "Food Pantry" is always greatly appreciated. Keep in mind that the recipients of the pantry are homeless, so they have no means to cook food. Canned or packaged foods that do not need to be cooked are ideal. Contributions to the "Food Pantry" may be dropped off at the Parish Office during office hours or after Mass during weekends. "I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink." (Mt. 25:35) Soup Kitchen On Feb 20 (Fri. lunchtime), our Parish will once again help out in supporting the Soup Kitchen, operated by Carrefour-rue. Volunteers and cash donations are needed (any amount is welcome). Cash donations can be paid through the Parish Office or credited to the following account: UBS Currrent Account CHF Account no:240-255357.00U IBAN:CH76 0024 0240 2553 5700 U Please indicate: "Contribution to the Soup Kitchen". Thank you very much for your generosity! Should you have any questions, please email Sr. Merlyn through the Parish Office. Lenten evening reflection A series of three evening reflections based on audio-visual material will take place at 19:15 in the Parish House on: • Mar 9 (Mon) • Mar 16 (Mon) • Mar 23 (Mon) Exhibition Invitation The friends of Associazione Volontari per i Servizio Internazionale (AVSI), in collaboration with the ecclesial movement of Communion and Liberation (CL) of Geneva cordially invite all Parishioners of St. John XXIII to an exhibition on the humanitarian work of AVSI on Feb 21 (Sat) 2015, at 15:00 in the Parish Hall. The exhibition will feature a talk by Dr Alberto Reggiori, a missionary doctor who spent many years in Uganda; as well as AVSI experiences aiding communities and Christians in difficult situations, particularly in Uganda and Iraq. The event is part of a series of activities culminating in a joint presentation AVSI is planning in collaboration with the Papal Nunzio that will take place in June at the United Nations Office in Geneva. Light refreshments will be served. All are invited and encouraged to bring a friend. 14-15 February 2015 Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time help: “Lighten the load” Scripture from Scratch The group meets every Friday at 11:00 in the Parish House. Young catholics The group meets in Room BC1 every Wednesday at 19:00. For further info, please contact: Zumba Please note that Zumba sessions are on break for vacation on Feb 19. Sessions resume on Feb 26 (Thu). Walking with Purpose We are in the third week of our four-week marathon appeal to “Lighten the Load”. Our appeal ends next weekend, so please remember to bring in your completed pledge forms. Thank you. Particular thanks to those who organized the World Wine Tour last September. The net proceeds (CHF9,414) all go to “Lighten the Load”. Parish database A new Parish Directory will soon be released. To ensure its accuracy, please register online for newcomers. For already registered parishioners, please email any updates to Weekend collections Last weekend (Feb 7-Feb 8), the amount of CHF3,849 was collected for the needs of our Parish community. This weekend (Feb 14-15), the collections will also go towards supporting the needs of our Parish community. The second collections will go towards helping to repay the loans received for our move. Next weekend (Feb 21-22), the collections will go towards supporting the needs of our Parish community. Thank you for your generosity! Come and experience Scripture with other women of our Parish and learn more about the women’s Bible study group! The group meets every Thursday at 12:00. As a sign of respect during moments of prayer and worship, and as a sign of courtesy to those around, please turn off your cell phones and pagers before entering the Church. Need to Talk? If you need confidential talk about family issues, divorce, separation, depression, unemployment or any of the many other things that cause hurt, consider contacting the caring ministry via e-mail: Corner Sick or housebound? If you would like a priest to call, either at home or at the hospital, please contact the Parish Office, or the priests directly. In case of emergencies, you can use a new especially designated number: 079 845 2804. Recently lost a loved one and would like to talk? Please contact a member of our Bethany Group through Lynne Gamble through the Parish Office. MINISTRY ROSTER for FEBRUARY 14-15 and 21-22 Saturday - Sunday, February 14-15 Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time Saturday, February 21, 18:30 First Sunday of Lent Eucharistic Ministers: P. Mc Shee, M. Dizon Readers: E. Valdez, A. Marchetti Ushers: P. Belga, C. Ella, A. Macamus Greeters: P. Belga, C. Ella, A. Macamus Servers: M. Zignol, G. Cabos, JP Aloysius Flower Arrangement: M. Calimbas Saturday, February 14, 18:30 Sunday, February 22, 8:30 Eucharistic Ministers: B. Bell Readers: Y. Sartorius, M. Fadriquela Ushers: A. Taylor Greeters: E. Mejorada Coffee: M. & B. Bell Servers: G. Cabrera, M. Mamangun, A. Eland Eucharistic Ministers: M. Castillo, R. Schwerzmann Readers: E. Valdez, P. Mc Namara Ushers: P. Belga, A. Thiel Greeters: P. Belga, A. Thiel Servers: M. Zignol, G. Cabos, JP Aloysius Sunday, February 15, 8:30 Sunday, February 22, 10:00 Eucharistic Ministers: B. Bell Readers: V. Barnes, K. Erpe Ushers: K. Mnisi Greeters: K. Mnisi Coffee: A. Taylor Servers: G. Cabrera, M. Mamangun, A. Eland Eucharistic Ministers: C. Sandoval, M. Mc Shee, G. Titus Readers: D. Maramba, B. Simpson Ushers: R. Salcedo, M. Zabala, C. Acaso Greeters: E. de Leon Coffee: S. Amboy Servers: A. Redly, A. Gannon, R. Pinazo, G. Pagdilao Sunday, February 15, 10:00 Sunday, February 22, 11:30 Eucharistic Ministers: A. Anaedu, L. Gumba, A. Sandoval Readers: J. Whitford, D. Roney Ushers: R. Salcedo, D. Banguilan Greeters: M. Zabala, M. Richtering Coffee: Zijlstra Family Servers: A. Roney, A. Martins, A. Sandoval, D. Blumer Eucharistic Ministers: F. Kofi, N. Oloo, B. Olexa Readers: A. Ebbinghaus, C. Jorgen Ushers: O. Amigo, E. Barba, D. Analupa, L. Manaoang, K. Nthebe Greeters: E. Manalo, R. de Leon, T. Liete Coffee: O. Amigo, M. Rojo Servers: J. Oloo, C. Ruane, G. Benitez Sunday, February 22, 19:00 Mass at Notre Dame Sunday, February 15, 11:30 Eucharistic Ministers: T. Baarde, Sr. M. Arsolon, U. Walsh Readers: S. Mutheu, P. Dsouza Ushers: C. Sarmiento, D. Macabuhay, S. de Mesa, M. Maraguelod Greeters: Bendo Family Coffee: C. Sarmiento Servers: A. Taylor, K. Odigwe, I. Mapanao, A. Amboy Eucharistic Ministers: E. Mejorada, W. Nicolas-Jomard Readers: E. Lajom, J. Gaylord Usher/Greeter: E. Mejorada, T. Tatad Sunday, February 15, 19:00 Mass at Notre Dame Masses are at 12:45 and 18:30. Eucharistic Ministers: D. Hill, B. Hernandez Readers: H. Daily, D. Domingo Usher/Greeter: E. Mejorada, T. Tatad Bulletin Ads for JOHN XXIII All contributions for the bulletin must be received by Wednesday and can be sent via e-mail to Note that the bulletin can also be found on the Parish website. Mon, Feb 16 Year I Gn. 4:1–15, 25; Mk. 8:11-13 Tue, Feb 17 The Seven Founders of the Order of Servites Gn. 6:5–8, 7:1-5, 10; Mk. 8:14-21 Wed, Feb 18 Ash Wednesday Jl. 2:12-18; 2 Co. 5:20-6:2; Mt. 6:1-6, 16-18 Thu, Feb 19 St. Boniface Dt. 30:15–20; Lk. 9:22-25 Fri, Feb 20 Is. 58:1-9a; Mt. 9:14-15 Sat, Feb 21 St. Peter Damian Is. 58:9b-14; Lk. 5:27-32 Sun, Feb 22 Year B First Sunday of Lent Gn. 9:8-15; 1 P. 3:18–22; Mk. 1:12–15 18:30-21:00 19:00-21:30 19:00-21:00 19:00-21:00 12:00-13:45 17:45-18:45 19:30-21:00 16:30-18:15 18:00-20:00 12:30-16:30 15:30-18:30 G1 B7 G1 BO G1 G1 Chapel B7 B0 G 0-1 B7 Confirmation Mentors Meet 11:30 Choir RCIA Young Catholics Walking w/ Purpose Zumba Taizé Saturday choir Filipino Prayer Group Couples for Christ Notre Dame Choir
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