CONTACT... If you are new we’d love you to fill this in so that we can get in touch. If your details have changed or if you would like a visit from someone from the church, please fill this in too! First Garvagh Presbyterian Church ROTAS Today Crèche Sun 23 Nov Margaret Campbell Amy Arbuthnot Valerie Holmes Alison Gurney Elaine Donald Hilary Hutchinson Beverley Galloway Beverley Galloway Joy Gordon Surname ……………...…… Children’s Church Welcome Team Malcolm Campbell Margaret Campbell Malcolm Campbell Margaret Campbell William Doherty Stella Cooper First Name ……………...… Flowers Carol Davidson Stella Cooper Stella Cooper Camera Charlotte Boyd Charlotte Boyd Charlotte Boyd Laptop Colin Holmes Evie Armstrong Evie Armstrong Address …………………... Sound Desk Mervyn Glass Mervyn Glass Mervyn Glass …………………...…………. Tea after ES Jacqui Whann Tanya Magowan Doreen Campbell Roberta Armstrong MrMrsMiss …... Postcode ………..………… Telephone ………...………. Reader Evie Armstrong Mobile ………………...…… E-mail …………………...…. ……………...………………. COLLECTORS–November Children’s names & ages (at home) …………………...…………. Mervyn Thompson David Shiels Roland Holmes Al ex Ken McLenaghan William Doherty VESTIBULE DUTY November William Doherty Alex Irwin Ken McLenaghan CHURCH ANNIVERSARY THANKSGIVING SUNDAY You are all very welcome to our service of worship this morning. This is the 43rd Anniversary of the Opening of our Church Building and we have much to give thanks to God for today. Today 1. Evening Service in this Church at 6.30pm—please note change of time. Members of the Garvagh Girls’ Brigade Company will be enrolled at this service. Please come along and support the girls. Offering will go to the Girls’ Brigade funds. 2. Mission Hall Service at 8.15pm. Mr Martin Dickey continues with a five Sunday night series of Bible studies in the book of Philippians entitled “Being part of the “IN” crowd. 3. Fusion at Macosquin—Young People will leave Church in mini-bus at 6.45pm. Any GB girls wishing to go will travel by car with Jennifer after the enrolment Service. Please collect at Church at 9.15pm r ylo William McClarty Weekly News Sunday 16 Nov 2014 Ta Please detach this form and hand in with collection. Thank you or ev Tr Irw in ……………………...………. Tick this box if you are requesting a visit from the minister Sun 30 Nov United Appeal—if you have forgotten your United Appeal Envelope there will be an opportunity to bring it next Sunday or the following Sunday. The United Appeal supports the outreach, social support and training work of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. The target set for our congregation this year is £7,000. This equates to just over £40 per family—we hope that everyone will be able to give generously and prayerfully to this appeal for the work of our Church and the extension of Christ’s Kingdom. This Week 4. Monday 17 November—Bowling Club will be playing a match against St Paul’s at 7.30pm in our Church Hall. Full attendance is requested. 5. Tuesday 18 November—Time for You. Our next meeting from 2-4 pm in the Main Hall of the church and we look forward to having your company. Just a reminder to bring along with you a photograph of yourself when you were young(er). Also, if you are joining us for our Christmas meal at The Royal Court Hotel on 16 December, it would be much appreciated if you could bring your £10 payment on 18 November. If that isn’t possible then the amount can be received on 16 December. 6. Tuesday 18 November—Good News Club : 6.45 to 7.45 pm 7. Tuesday 18 November—Young Women’s Group are going to Main Street’s Young Women’s Group at 8.00 pm—Speaker Tanya Collins Could members of the YWG remember to pay their fees to Valerie as soon as possible. 8. Wednesday 19 November—Tots & Co : 10.30 am to 12 noon 9. Wednesday 19 November—Group Bible Study at 7.30pm 10. Thursday 20 November—Choir Practice at 7.30 pm 11. Friday 21 November—Girls’ Brigade meets 12. Friday 21 November - Killaig Presbyterian Church warmly invite you to a Gospel Concert in their church hall at 7.45pm. Artists include Simple Faith, Rev. David McBeth and others. Donations to Open Doors. 13. Saturday 22 November—First Kilrea Missionary Committee invites you to An Evening of Gospel Music at 7.30 pm in the Church Hall. Taking part: Diana Culbertson, Loughinsolin Accordian Group, Kerry King, Acclaimed, James Moorehead, Heavenly Sunshine. Offering for Calvary Church Charlestown, East Mayo. Mission Overseas Prayerline MORE INFORMATION Issued on Wednesday 12 November 2014 Please provide me with further information on … ITALY - Alan and Tracey Johnston report that the Sola Gazia church building where they meet and fellowship together, has had a bit of a makeover with a new library and sitting area to create a more welcoming atmosphere. The TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign language) classes are going well, with around 24 people now attending. Pray for the Sola Grazia Church members to be filled with the Word of God and with His Spirit, so they can serve and lead others to Christ. Pray for the congregation as numbers continue to grow slowly. Pray for the English classes to go well and for opportunities to share the Gospel. ROMANIA - The number of socially disadvantaged children cared for by the Diakonia Mission of the Reformed Church in Hungary rose to over 500 in September this year. In each of the 15 centres throughout Bihar and Cluj counties, at least two members of staff teach and assist the children and their families. Pray for the staff (including Ilona Veres) and volunteers who make themselves available at the beginning and end of the school day for prayer and counselling. A number of children have come for prayer because of family conflicts. Pray for the staff as they seek to point the children to the Saviour and for the children to find peace at the Cross and a source of stability and love in their lives as they trust the Saviour. SOUTH SUDAN - In August PCI Moderator, Rt Rev Dr Michael Barry, launched an Appeal, to help those in need of emergency food aid, water and medical treatment in South Sudan. So far, over £183,000 has come in from PCI congregations and individuals towards the Appeal! This has been distributed to Christian Aid, Tearfund and the Presbyterian Relief and Development Agency (PRDA) of the Presbyterian Church of South Sudan. Rev Uel Marrs, Overseas Secretary writes, “It is so encouraging to witness yet again the generosity of many throughout our church, who wish to help others around the world who find themselves in desperate need of assistance. Over the past few months, South Sudan has been experiencing the world's worst current food crisis, which resulted from months of conflict. So far, a full-scale famine has been avoided, thanks to the vast quantities of international aid, a better than expected harvest due to good rainfall, and a decrease in violence believed to be because of the current wet season. However, it is feared that the fighting will escalate once the wet season ends, deepening the on-going food crisis and possibly causing famine next year.” Give thanks for the generosity shown by so many in the Presbyterian Church in Ireland by their support of the ‘South Sudan Famine Appeal’. Pray for an immediate ceasefire and lasting peace in South Sudan. Pray for all working to bring relief aid to those most in need. Finding out more about the Christian faith How to join First Garvagh Freewill Offering Envelopes Christianity / Discipleship Explored Courses Small Groups Children’s / youth programmes Other ……………….....…… I would be interested in getting involved with … Children’s / Youth work Helping with crèche Tots & Co Media Team Music & singing Outreach to the community Helping with tea/coffee after services Other ………………......….. Other Information Wednesday 26 November—Coleraine Inst Friends Association are holding a Floral Design Night with Jil Peterson at 7.30pm in the Humphreys Hall at the school. Tickets £10 are available from David Green. Next Sunday 14. Sunday 23 November—the Morning Service will be conducted by Rev Robert Johnston. 15. Sunday 23 November at 7.00pm - Blackhill Golden Star RBP No. 71 invite you to a praise service in St Guaire’s Parish Church Hall Aghadowey. The praise will be led by the Riada Accordion Orchestra and soloist’s. A collection will be made for their charity appeal Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) and The Bible Society. Further Ahead 16. Monday 24 November—Annual PW Rally will be held in First Limavady at 8.00pm. 2015 Mission Ireland Calendars—to get yours please see Margaret Campbell . Cost £3.50 Would YWG members please give their Mission Boxes to Betty McKee. If you do not have a Mission Box you may give a donation. 17. Friday 28 November - 8TH Annual Garvagh Craft Fair in Garvagh Community Building from 7 to 9 pm. Admission which includes seasonal refreshments is £3.00 for Adults (children free). The Craft Fair promises to be one of the best fairs around .......come along and see for yourself! 18. Sunday 30 November—Ballywillan Presbyterian Women invite you to an evening of music and readings led by Coleraine Community Choir at 7.00pm. Offering in aid of PW Projects. 19. Wednesday 3 to Sunday 7 December—New Row Presbyterian Church Christmas Tree Festival from 10.00 am to 9.00 pm each day. Closing Service on Sunday at 6.30pm. 20. Sunday 14 December—Annual Carol Service at 7.00 pm. Pastoral Care - Hospital Visitation Very often notification that a parishioner has been admitted to hospital can take up to a week to be communicated by post to the Minister from the Hospital Chaplain. In some cases no information is received as sometimes church details are not gathered on admission to hospital in A&E from the patient which are then used to notify the Hospital Chaplain. The Hospital Chaplain only works 1 or 2 days a week and so sometimes patients can be missed if they have been in hospital for only a few days. If you or a family member are admitted to hospital and you would appreciate a visit please inform the Minister as soon as possible. Likewise it would be appreciated that the Minister would be informed of hospital discharge to save a wasted hospital call. Hospital visitation is an important aspect of pastoral care and we don’t want to miss anyone because of the inadequacies of the system of notification. CATECHISM FOR THE WEEK Question 60—How is the Sabbath to be sanctified? Answer: The Sabbath is to be sanctified by a holy RESTING all that day, even from such worldly employments and recreations as are lawful on other days; and spending the whole time in the public and private exercises of God’s worship, except so much as is to be taken up in the works of NECESSITY and MERCY. Comment: This answer teaches us that the proper way of observing the Sabbath is by: 1. Resting from all secular work; 2. Ceasing from amusement; 3. Engaging in public worship; 4. Engaging in private worship. The only kinds of work allowable on the Sabbath are works of necessity--that is, such as cannot be done on the Saturday, not left over till the Monday; and works of mercy--that is, such as it would be cruel to omit.
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