Document 434727

School Matters
Holland Marsh District Christian School  Tel. (905) 775-3701  Fax. (905) 775-2395
volume 20, issue 12
Mission: The mission of HMDCS is to equip students to positively impact society through a Christ-centred education in a supportive and dedicated community.
Vision: As a vibrant, connected partner in our community, HMDCS integrates 21st century learning skills, resources and strategies to engage students in a
Christ-centred education.
Calendar – November 17, 2014
Wed. Nov. 19
Fri. Nov. 21
Membership/Society Mtg. ~ 7:30 p.m.
Dairy Farmers Presentations for JK-7
Pizza Lunch
After School Practice for the Whole Cast (no dancers or nativity) pick-up at 5pm
Mon. Nov. 24
Wed. Nov. 26
Fri. Nov. 28
1 term report cards
Sub Lunch
Pizza Lunch
Curling Clinic for JK-8
After School Practice Dancers Only till 5 p.m.
Wed. Dec. 3
Fri. Dec. 5
Wed. Dec. 10
Hotdog Lunch
Pizza Lunch
Popcorn Snack
Shining Lights of the
Save the Date!
Dec. 18, 2014 – HMDCS Christmas Concert
Feb. 28, 2015 – HMDCS Gala Dinner
Thank you to Riley Broad who
spent his noon hour on Friday
helping to clean off the stage to
make room for the choir risers!
From the Principal’s Desk
How Majestic is Your Name! Jehovah-Nissi, The LORD is My Banner
For the Christian who is trusting in Jesus, Jehovah-Nissi, the LORD is My Banner assures victory in the battles
of life. Shortly after the Israelites left Egypt, they were attacked by the Amalekites. As long as Moses held up
his hands, the Israelites were winning. When Moses’ hands grew tired he sat on a stone and some friends
helped him hold his hands steady until sunset at which time Joshua won the battle against the Amalekites.
Moses built an altar and called it The LORD is My Banner because his hands were lifted up to the throne of God
so they could win the battle. It’s a comforting thought that all the enemies we face and the battles we must fight
are won when we trust in God. Though victory does not always look like we expect, victory is sure! What hard
things are you facing this week? Trust in Jehovah-Nissi for victory!
Membership Meeting
Membership has its privileges and attending biannual meetings is one of them. Please join us at 7:30 on
Wednesday evening to hear reports, vote on the budget and receive an update about the new school. To be
united in our mission and vision is the key to moving forward with Christian education at Holland Marsh. May
God bless the decisions of the community as we continue to equip students to positively impact society through
a Christ-centred education in and for the 21 century.
Thrift Store
Enough volunteers have been gathered to begin the next stage of this undertaking. Thank you to everyone who
volunteered and to Maria Wilcox who is willing to lead this endeavour!
Chapel – Friday, November 21 at 9:00 a.m.
Please join us on Friday as Mrs. Wright’s Grade 2B/3 class leads us in chapel. Everyone is welcome!
General News & Information
Student Council
Student Council is inviting everyone to dress up on Thursday,
November 20. The theme for the day is "Noah's Ark”. Come
dressed as anyone found in the story. We are looking forward to a
great day together. Please remember to follow the school dress
code and we ask that no one wears a complete face mask.
Boys' and Girls' Volleyball teams have a tournament on December 2
in Barrie at Timothy Christian School. Would you like to come out and
cheer us on? We need parent drivers to get us to and
from this tournament! If you're willing to help us out, please email
Mr. Geertsema as soon as possible. *There will be no after school practices this week.
OPEN HOUSE at Unity Christian High School
Wednesday, November 26, 10:00 AM to 12:00 noon AND Wednesday, Nov. 26, 7:30 to 9:00 PM. All parents
who have a child in Grade 6, 7, or 8 are invited to Unity Christian High School (25 Burton Ave.) for an open
house. This is a great opportunity for you to learn more about high school, Christian education, and the privilege
we have to offer the combination of both in Simcoe County. The morning session will give you time to meet the
administration team, parents of students in the school, current students, and watching the school in
action. Lunch will be provided. The evening session also offers you an opportunity to meet administration and
current parents, as well as touring the school and having your questions answered. Snacks and coffee will be
available. Please call the school to register at 705-792-6915.
“How Majestic is your Name!” Psalm 8
Open House Night
All families are invited to TDChristian's Open House Dessert Evening on Tuesday, November 18 from 7-9 pm.
Tour the school, talk to teachers, and find out about all the opportunities at TDChristian High School! Show up
anytime, or RSVP to
A Royal Celebration!
Prince (ipal) William (Groot) invites you and your family to Rodgers and Hammerstein's
Cinderella, on stage December 3-6 at TDChristian High School. Tickets are $20 for adults,
$10 for students & seniors, or better yet, reserve your seat (or table) for our delicious dinner
theatre show and silent auction on Saturday, December 6th for $60 a person. Get full details
at, and send your ticket request in today to
Classroom News
JK/SK – This week we are learning about the sound that the letter H makes. We are reading books about
hungry bears, horses and animals that look for honey. We planted some herbs with our new friends
on Bring A Friend to School Day and are hoping that they will grow. Please continue to read over
Psalm 8 each night so that it stays fresh in your child's memory. Information about our chapel on
Friday, December 5th will come home in Wednesday's newsletter. ~ Mrs. Robinson
Grade 1/2A – This week grade one students are beginning to work with the short –i vowel sound by working
with the –in phonogram. Grade 2’s are continuing their work with adding suffixes this week to words with the
short u vowel sound. On Wednesday I’m planning to give my grade 1 students a check up on their Set B high
frequency words. We are all enjoying our ongoing work with telling time, temperature, counting money, farms
and Samuel anointing the first king. Memory Verse this week is taken from our Christmas program lyrics.
~ Mrs. McKinley
Grade 2B/3 – The “Wright” Newsletter for Grade 2/3 is coming home today with all the information you need to
know about the coming week. The Spelling words and words from a Christmas song will be tested on Friday.
We will be reviewing time, temperature and money in Math this week with a test on Wednesday. We are also
looking forward to hosting chapel on Friday. Have a great week! ~ Mrs. Wright
Grade 4/5A – Happy Monday! This week's Spelling words come from Unit 10. The Memory Verse is the words
to “Celebrate Christmas”. Unit 2 Math tests come home this week. Please fix and get them signed. Language
Power is due on Friday. Enjoy the week! ~ Mrs. Pranger
Grade 5B/6 – Welcome to a new week! Today we will be finishing up our Bible review and the students will be
writing a test on Wednesday. There will be time to study in tomorrow's class. We will continue to look at
physical and chemical changes in our Science classes this week. The Spelling words for this week will be given
out today and the activities are ready to be completed. We will be wrapping up our Geometry
unit this week as well and students will be completing various assignments as they show their knowledge of
angles, polygons and nets. ~ Mrs. Schenk
Grade 7 – In an earlier posted schedule Gr. 7 students were expected to submit the good copy of their poetry
anthology this Wednesday. This date has changed and will be announced when students receive their rough
copy back. There is a Spelling test this Friday. The Bible test previously scheduled for the 18th of November will
now be postponed to Thursday the 20th. Study notes will be posted on Google classroom today for any students
who were away last week and did not receive confirmation of the answers to study sheet questions. Looking
forward to a good week. ~ Mrs. Brickell
Grade 8 – On Tuesday, students will have a mid-unit quiz for Unit 3 in Math. We'll have our unit test next
Tuesday, November 25. Math and Bible tests have been returned to students and are expected to be signed by
parents before being returned to school. In Science, we'll move into our next unit on Forces. In Language Arts,
students will complete Lessons 24,25,26 and 27 in our Language Power workbooks. In spelling, lesson 17 will
be quizzed on Friday. Have a great week! ~ Mr. Geertsema