November 16, 2014 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 515 N. Main St • Holmen, WI 54636 608-526-4424 • THE BANE AND THE BLESSED Some questions for you. When we say “God is near” do we imply that God is ever otherwise? When we profess Christ to be “all in all” just how would you talk about hell? Which is better—to break the law and sooth a wounded neighbor or keep the law and cause the neighbor pain? Whatever your answer, do you really mean it? What do you imagine the Lord is asking of you right now? What is keeping you from doing it? What exactly do you hope to become? When will you begin? I ask you to join me in the hope and prayer that all of us at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish may joyfully accept God’s call to live as stewards of God’s abundant gifts. And all of us know the answer as to when we should begin. May the Lord be with you always. Father John Parr INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE BY POPE FRANCIS COMING HOME FOR ADVENT “Every Christian is challenged, here and now, to be actively engaged in evangelization; indeed, anyone who has truly experienced God’s saving love does not need much time or lengthy training to go out and proclaim that love.” Pope Francis During the season of Advent we prepare in a special way for the Lord who makes his home with us. Would you be willing to invite Father Parr to celebrate Mass in your home during the Advent season? Perhaps it would be an occasion to welcome family, parishioners and friends for prayer and celebration. The following evenings are available: Thursday, December 4; Thursday, December 11; and Tuesday, December 16. Please contact Father Parr to confirm a time and date. COME AND LEARN WITH US Please be with us for a presentation by Dennis Kurtz on Wednesday, November 19, beginning at 6:30 PM. Dennis is on the staff at St. Mary’s Press in Winona, MN. For several years he served our diocese as Director of Youth Ministry. He travels widely and is invited often to make presentations to parishioners, teachers, catechists and other parish ministers. Please be with us as he reflects on the season of Advent and its meaning in our lives. All families are invited. DIOCESAN ANNUAL APPEAL In a spirit of generosity, we ask that all members of our parish respond with prayers and gifts to this year’s Diocesan Annual Appeal. SEAS Parish Target: $ 69,724 Pledged: $ 38,350 As of 11/10/2014 AUTOMATIC WITHDRAWALS “As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” 1 Peter 4:8-10 If you would like to use automatic withdrawal to make your weekly contribution to the parish, there are forms available for that purpose in the gathering area. A growing number of parishioners are using the service and find it valuable. Thank you! THANKSGIVING DAY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27 MASS - 9:00 AM STEWARDSHIP CLARIFICATION PARISH OFFICE CLOSED Recently all registered parishioners received the first of what will be our annual stewardship mailing. The Stewardship Committee thanks those who completed the form and returned it to the parish. Some parishioners have asked whether it is necessary to complete the form to indicate a willingness to continue in a particular ministry or service. The Stewardship Committee asks that you take this opportunity each year to renew your commitment. The committee understands that sometimes one wishes to no longer serve in one ministry but prefers to become involved in another. It is only fair every year to give all parishioners the choice of continuing a particular ministry. Sorry for the confusion, and our thanks for returning the form and especially your generous service inspired by Gospel faith. ----------------------- PARISH OFFICE CLOSED FRIDAY, NOV. 28 ROTARY LIGHTS Help assist Rotary Lights in its mission of collecting non-perishable food items to help feed the hungry in the greater La Crosse area. Please bring your family (and your non-perishable food items) to the Rotary Lights display in Riverside Park. It is a wonderful opportunity for families to enjoy an evening together. The SEAS Holmen Food Pantry is the recipient of the donated food items on the following evenings: Friday, December 12 Saturday, December 20 Friday, December 26 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS CORNER Knight of the Month Sir Knight Peter Tabor Family of the Month FOR YOUR MARRIAGE Francis and Delores Brown What role does Mass play in your home? Do you and your spouse go to Mass together? Discuss why you go to Mass and what it means to each of you. Thank you for all you do for our Council, parish and community at large. In Service to One, In Service to All Charity - Unity - Fraternity 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2 November 16, 2014 FAITH FORMATION SALVATION ARMY BELL RINGING In the spirit of Christmas, please ring the red kettle bell at Festival Foods during one of SEAS assigned times Monday, December 8th through Saturday, December 13th. Call Sr. Bridget at the parish office to volunteer (608-526-4424) or sign up in the gathering space. Lesson for the Sunday Gospel In the theme of today’s Gospel of the master who entrusts talents to his 3 servants, it’s a good time of year to begin thinking about the talents that God has given you. We soon will begin the season of Advent; and following Advent is the Christmas season. A lot of emphasis is put on gifts during this time. Stop right now and think of the talents that God has given you - and think right now about how your talents can be gifts for others. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Sharing ideas Name a talent a person might have and state a way that a person might use the talent as a gift for the good of others. (A person with a great sense of humor, for example, could visit folks who are ill and cheer them up with humor.) MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2014 MASSES AT 8:30 AM AND 5:30 PM A HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION Acting Make two columns on a piece of paper. In one column, list 10 talents. In the second column, next to each talent, name how that talent it's going to be a gift for others. (PARISH OFFICE CLOSED TODAY) Praying Thank you, God for the special talents you have given us. Help us to use our talents in ways that become gifts for the good of others. Amen. CHRISTMAS FLOWERS Included with your December offering envelopes is a Christmas Flower Offering Envelope. Please make a donation for Christmas poinsettias in memory/honor of a love one. Also, print the names of your loved ones on the envelope. Thank you! (Dotterweich, Kass. Lesson for the Sunday Gospel. Catechist Magazine. Nov/Dec. pg 13. print) The catechist meeting Wednesday, November 19 will be an enrichment night on preparing for the season of Advent. Dennis Kurtz will be the guest speaker. This enrichment evening has been opened to all parish families as part of the “Hearts on Fire” parish renewal. RETIRED RELIGIOUS COLLECTION Senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests spent years working in Catholic schools, hospitals, and social service agencies, often for little, if any, pay. Their sacrifices now leave a profound gap in retirement savings. Your gift to the Retirement Fund for Religious supports more than 34,000 religious past age 70 in the United States. Please give to those who have given a lifetime and donate to the Retirement Fund for Religious collection. A contribution envelope is included in the December offering envelopes. This collection is scheduled for December 13/14. Faith Formation Upcoming Dates: Wed. Nov 19 Catechist/ All Families Enrichment Meeting 6:30 in church Wed. Nov 19 No Faith Formation Wed. Nov 26 No Faith Formation CHRISTMAS MASSES MARY MOTHER OF GOD MASSES Vigil of Christmas Wednesday, December 24 Masses at 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm Mary Mother of God Wednesday, December 31, 2014 Mass at 5:00 pm Christmas Day Thursday, December 25 Masses at 8:00am and 10:15 am Thursday, January 1, 2014 Mass at 9:00 am May the joy and peace of this holy season be always in your hearts and home! 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time A Holy Day of Obligation 3 November 16, 2014 CALENDAR OF EVENTS WE CARE COLLECTION NOV. 29/30 Pope Francis said he ends each day by examining his conscience in terms of what he did to fulfill Jesus’ direction. “The Lord will recognize us if we have recognized his face in the face of the hungry, the poor, the marginalized, the sick and the lonely. These are the fundamental criteria for verifying our Christian life”. This is a great way to bring to a close each day. Sunday, November 16 St Elizabeth's is most grateful for the generosity of our parishioners in their gifts of their treasure during the second collection at Mass every month that there is a 5th Sunday. It is this revenue which permits us to assist those in need who come to us for assistance with their critical financial needs such as utilities, shelter, clothing and other crucial issues. We thank you for your generous response. The next collection will be held the weekend of November 29/30, 2014. Monday, November 17 St. Elizabeth of Hungary EMPTY BOX 8:00 am 10:15am 8:30 am 6:30 pm DISTRIBUTION FOR CARING/SHARING Mass † Sarah Marks Mass Intentions of Barbara Collins Mass † Albert Bott Food Pantry Meeting Tuesday, November 18 The Dedication of the Basilicas of St Peter and Paul, St Rose Philippine Duchesne 7:00 am 6:30 pm LITURGICAL MINISTRY WORKSHOP We are grateful for the service of our current liturgical ministers who faithfully fulfill their ministries. We are also in need of more parishioners to join our lay ministries. All current and new liturgical ministers, please join us for an evening of prayer, spiritual formation and training/ re-training to serve in these ministries: Lector, Usher/ Hospitality, and Extraordinary Minister Holy Communion. Mass RCIA † Jane Laub Wednesday, November 19 Weekday 8:30 am Mass Intentison of Quida Meicher No Faith Foramtion classes this evening 6:30 pm “Come and Learn with Us” Presentation by Dennis Kurtz reflecting on the season of Advent and its meaning in our lives. All families are invited. Thursday, November 20 Weekday Monday, December 1, 2014 6:30 pm Sign in: Gathering Place Prayer: Worship Space Spiritual Formation: Fr. Parr 7:15 pm — 7:30 pm Workshops: Procedural updates for liturgical ministries 8:30 am 2:30 pm 6:30 pm Mass Priest Intention Create Greeting Cards Choir Rehearsal Friday, November 21 8:30 am Mass The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary † Saturday, November 22 SEAS 2013 CHRISTMAS TAG TREE 8:00 am 4:00 pm Pray the Rosary Confessions 5:00 PM Mass Shirley Cooper St. Cecilia Vigil: Christ the King This year our “tag” Christmas tree will be collecting gift card and money donations to send to St. Vincent Mission in David, Kentucky to save on shipping costs. We will also be collecting tag items for our local Christmas Caring and Sharing Project. Please consider reaching out to those in need by making a donation to St. Vincent Mission or by purchasing a gift card or items for our local families. (See tags on the tree for both of these needs and return to St. Elizabeth's by December 8th). God bless you for your donations! People of SEAS Sunday, November 23 8:00 am 10:15am Mass Mass † Christ the King David Lamb Intentions of Tommy Thompson CREATE GREETING CARDS Do you enjoy making greeting cards? If so, please consider joining our homebound committee to “create’ holiday cards to mail to our homebound parishioners. We will meet Thursday, November 20th at 2:30 pm. No experience necessary (Shari Ireland will guide us through the process). This is a significant way to share your love with those in our church family that you don't see regularly. Thank you for helping us to reach out to our homebound church family with expressions of love and remembrance. WEDDING BANNS I. Brooke Mootz and Lee Weber II. Natalie Glass and Daniel Morgan 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Thirty-third Sunday In Ordinary Time 4 November 16, 2014 PARISH INFORMATION PRAY FOR THE SICK Parish Rectory & Office Kristy Albitz Michael Birka Judy Bockenhauer Ella Leis Brown Sue Caudill Ruth Clarkin Winnie Dibb Camille Donaldson Richard & Lillian Dudkiewicz Angela DuMond Peggy Evenson Thomasine Freyermuth Marion Johnson Steve Keyser Barb Kroner Phone................................................................................526-4424 Fax Number ....................................................................526-3177 Email: Website Staff Parish Administrator, Father John Parr .......................526-4424 Pastor Emeritus, Monsignor Delbert J. Malin.............526-4908 Deacon, Deacon Matthew Ludick ................................526-4424 Pastoral Associate, Sister Bridget Donaldson, O.S.B. .................. 526-4849 Coordinator Religious Education(3 years-gr. 5). ................. Mary Luebke Youth Minister/D.R.E. (gr. 6-12), Patrick Brueggen ......526-4424 Director of Music, Beth Lakmann…………………..526-4424 Secretary, Mary Jacobson............................................526-4424 Sister Jean.......................................................................526-4908 Parish Council Members Karen Anderson.…...526-9687 Len Beranek………...526-3623 Tom Bertram………..399-1616 Francis Brown……...783-2744 PARISH INCOME Week Ending: 11/10/2014 Adult ................................................................................ $7,225.00 Youth ....................................................................................... $8.00 Plate .................................................................................... $453.75 All Saints Day ...................................................................... $50.00 Catholic Media CD’s ............................................................ $3.00 Genevieve McHugh Endowment Trust .......................... $680.82 Cookbook Fundraiser......................................................... $45.00 Bequests and Memorials ................................................. $120.00 Christmas Bazaar ...................................................... .$10,945.55 CD Fundraiser..................................................................... .$22.00 Total................................................................. $19,553.12 WEEKLY PROJECTED EXPENSES: $10,877 Les Giesler………….526-9625 Shelly Linskey……...526-2286 Betty Schultz.……….526-3514 Andrea Stupi………..526-4694 Larry Warzynski.… ..526-6474 Finance Council Members Shawn Handland…..526-2257 Marie Dummer……..526-4107 Pat Stephens.……….526-2480 Janice Dvoracek……526-3957 Larry Warzynski..…..526-6474 TOTAL WEEKLY PROJECTED EXPENSES AS OF 11-10-2014 $ 250,171 Mass Schedule Weekend: Sat. 5:00 pm and Sun. 8:00 & 10:15 am Weekday: Mon.-Fri. 8:30 am except Tues. 7:00 am Gluten Free Hosts: St. Elizabeth’s has gluten free hosts available. Please contact Fr. Parr, and he will make the necessary arrangements. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS AND OTHER REVENUES As Of 11-10-2014 $ 223,383 Sacraments All Parishioners During this time of stewardship renewal in our parish, please return your form to the parish office by mail or drop off at the parish office or simply place it in the collection basket. Thank you. Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00 pm or by appointment. Baptism: Baptism involves membership in the church. Parents are to attend three sessions early in the pregnancy. Marriage: Our church is trying to create successful marriages. This takes some time. Arrangements for a wedding date are to be made at least six months before the anticipated date. Anointing of the Sick: Communal celebrations in fall and spring. Individual celebrations upon request. Please call the office when family members are hospitalized. Confirmation: Two year preparation program in grades 9 and 10 . The Deacon Dialogues: Better understand what the Church teaches on the Sacrament of Matrimony in our conversation with Deacon Matthew Ludick, of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, on Tues., Nov. 18th at 7pm in the Crucifixion School conference room (420 So. 2nd St. La Crescent, MN 55947). For information, please contact Mike Schramm at or 507-450-0506. Pastoral Visitation Anyone who desires a personal home visit is invited to call the parish office. Catechumenate Anyone wishing to become a full member of the Church is invited to visit the parish office. New Parishioners Please call the parish office at 526-4424. 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time June Kukovec Barry Schaller Dick Matushek Dan Schultz Kevin McCarthy Erica Schultz David McCarthy Richard Simone Bill McGowan Linda SIres James McGowan, Sr. Ralph Steele Marion McKenzie Bob Tallent Ernie Modjeski Phyllis Thaldorf Joe Nagel Phyllis Trussoni Judith Niedfeldt Paul Udulutch David Otte Gerald & Phyllis Donna Pedretti Walcker Nancy Proctor Marcus Zeller (military) Maggie Radebaugh Cindy Ritteman Bailey Rohrer George Saldana 5 November 16, 2014
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