Volume 1, Issue 1I West Irondequoit Central School District November 2014 Briarwood School Newsletter Dear Briarwood Families, In the fall our teachers take the time to get to know each child and establish classroom routines-the structures and schedules that help frame learning and nurture curiosity. During the spring kindergarten orientation, we shared “How we meet children where they are in their learning.” This belief continues throughout each grade. In order to determine children’s instructional needs, teachers assess each child. Assessing learning is part of the curriculum cycle. The curriculum includes what is taught, how the curriculum is taught and why the curriculum is taught. Our teachers determine instructional goals for each lesson based on the curriculum, assessments and children’s needs. In our West Irondequoit Central Schools, the curriculum is developed from kindergarten through 12th grade in English Language Arts, mathematics, science, social studies, counseling and health, as well as in all specials areas: art, music, library and physical education. Our teachers are part of Ad Hoc teams and help to plan and create our curriculum aligned to researched best practices. In the classrooms, teachers plan with an end in mindan instructional goal for the mini-lesson based on the curriculum. Teachers select materials specifically for children to be able to apply a lesson at their level. After the mini-lesson, children construct meaning in either small guided groups with the teacher or independently. Throughout instruction, teachers provide guidance and feedback to move all children to the highest level of independence. Based on the K-12 Literacy curriculum for comprehension when reading, children will infer characters’ actions, thoughts and feelings. This is an example of an instructional goal for a mini-lesson. Differentiated reading materials are selected by the teacher in order for children to read accurately, understand the text and reach the goal of the lesson. The Reading Street Resources include a variety of text selections to challenge children. When responding and inter- vening to students learning through differentiated instruction, 85-90% of chilInside this dren will meet or exceed the instructional goals. If children need additional support to meet the instructional goals, support is Principal’s Letter provided. By planning with the curriculum outcomes and matching differentiatCurriculum Corner ed resources, teachers respond and interLunch News vene to meet children’s needs approaching, at, or exceeding standards/outcomes. I want to thank you for attending your fall parent/teacher conference in grades first through third. Our kindergarten families will have the opportunity in late January or early February to attend a parent conference. By attending these conferences, you have an opportunity to work with our teachers and see how instruction is planned for each child based on student performance including assessments and student work. In November, the first quarter report card will be going home to families. Our kindergarten children will receive their first report card at their parent/teacher conference. The report card includes the curricular areas and how a child is progressing or exceeding the standards for learning. In addition, classroom teachers include a personal narrative on children’s progress. If at any time you have a question, please contact us. I am looking forward to celebrating our children’s continued learning throughout this year. I wish each of you a Happy Thanksgiving, and thank you for preparing your children each and every day to learn. issue: 1 2, 3 4 SBPT News 5 P.E. News/PTSA News 6 Counselor’s Corner 7 Music Notes/Library News 8 WICSD News 9 Health Office News 10,11 Frog and Toad 12 Briarwood Calendar 13 UPCOMING EVENTS: NO SCHOOL-11/11 (Veterans Day) PTSA Family Breakfast11/14 Report Cards Go Home11/20 Thanksgiving Lunch-11/25 Kathleen M. Bush, Principal Briarwood Elementary School NO SCHOOL-11/26, 27, 28 In order to ensure a safe and healthy lunch and recess time, students follow the expectations below: School-Wide Lunch and Recess Expectations: STRIVE FOR FIVE: Lunch and Activity Time at Briarwood School is off to a great start! Walk: safely in and around the school and grounds Kathleen Bush Principal The lunch and activity time for students is organized to ensure that students have the opportunity to enjoy their lunch and to socialize. In addition, the school district has continued to provide the opportunity for children to buy breakfast and school lunch. Each lunch period is structured so that one to two grade levels are in the All Purpose Room for lunch and outside for recess. Use quiet voices: your voice level is at a whisper in and around school and grounds Keep all belongings to self: be aware and alert of others Stay in self space: keep a foot distance away from others Show respect: be kind, listen, and be cooperative to all students and staff The lunch schedule for 2013-2014 is as follows: Grade 1 11:45-12:10 (Recess ) 12:35-45 (Relax & Learn) 12:10-12:35 Lunch (APR) Grade 2 11:45-11:55 (Relax & Learn) 11:55-12:20 (Recess) 12:20-12:45 Lunch (APR) Grade 3 12::45-1:10 Lunch (APR) 1:10-1:35 (Recess ) 1:35-1:45 (Relax & Learn ) Lunch Program Update There are many opportunities for students to have recess outside. They may play on the playground equipment or engage in various outside activities. If the weather is inclement, the students have inside recess in their classroom where they have the opportunity to play a variety of games with their classmates. We thought you might be interested in seeing how many lunches are sold/served each month. Here is the total for Briarwood ONLY: October - lunches sold: 864 School Based Planning Team News: Julie Bisciotti, First Grade Teacher From our third grade teachers Mrs. Barlette and Mrs. Reece shared: After reading the text selection, Kumak’s Fish, think about sequencing and write a The Briarwood School Based Planning Team met on short paragraph that tells the story’s important October 8, 2014. Our School-Based Planning Team events in the order they happen. The student wrote, includes: Kathleen Bush, principal; teachers: Veroni“I think that in Kumak’s Fish, Kumak encouraged ca Guzzetta, kindergarten; Julie Bisciotti, first grade; everyone to go fishing in the first place (valid inferNancy Reece, third grade; Kim Barlette third grade ence). First, they dug holes to make the fishing and team leader; Megan Lentner, school counselor space. Then, they patiently waited to feel a tug. But and Tabatha Cleckner, parent representative. then everyone caught a fish except Kumak. Kumak Learning and Achievement: was confident. The second event Kumak caught a fish and felt a tug. The third event was that villagers The team looked at student work, K-3, in the area of heard Kumak’s cry and came to help. The fourth ELA and the implementation of the Reading Street resource. The teachers shared short constructed re- event was that once Kumak caught all the fish, he gave the whole village a feast.” This example shows sponses from the students where the students were the progression of thinking and development of inferworking towards making inferences and supporting their written work with text details. encing through analyzing character’s actions. This is one way to infer for meaning. In kindergarten, Mrs. Guzzetta shared children that are learning about writing through listening stories, Climate and Culture: showing their understanding through illustration, adding color and labels to drawings and then from In addition to Learning and Achievement, the team the drawings beginning to write about what they are reviewed the Climate and Culture goals and our kick listening to and learning. For example, recently chiloff assembly that was held in September. The paintdren wrote about friendships and friends’ actions. ed tree in the All-Purpose Room was shared, and it The teacher may frame learning to start the writing was explained how it will be utilized with the stuand use a sentence starter such as, “My friend is…” dents and staff. Our first CARE classroom lessons then add details from the illustration. This is the will take place on October 17. We will start out with beginning of inferencing. Children take their a school-wide assembly, and then break into our knowledge and knowledge from their learning, specifsmaller, multi-grade CARE groups. If possible, the ically how characters act to show meaning. children and staff should wear their “Briarwood’s Brightest” t-shirts. Mrs. Bisciotti, shared from first grade: Children are learning how to respond to a variety text in Reading. The assemblies and character education lessons for First graders recently read a text selection titled, 2014-2015 are as follows: “School Day.” Children reread the text and determined specifically what happened in the text in the November 13: Goal-setting Habit 2-Begin with the beginning and in the end. A student example shared End in Mind was, “At the beginning, Sam is late. At the end December 12: Decision-making Habit 3-Put First Fred’s friend Sam fixes Fred.” Children read the text Things First selection to determine beginning, middle and end of January 13: Problem solving Habit 4-Think Win-Win the story, to understand the story. February 9: Empathy Habit 5-Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood In second grade Mrs. Marshall shared: A second March 12: Cooperation Habit 6-Synergize child responded to the teacher task, “Look back at April 30: Self-awareness Habit 7-Sharpen the Saw pages 92 and 93. Who knew all about camping? (Balance feels better) What did that person do to help with the camping May 27: Celebrating assembly for character educatrip? “Henry’s mom knew all about camping. She tion knew how to set-up a tent, build a campfire, and camp food. Last she was a camp girl. That’s how I The School Based Planning Team and staff at Briarknow Henry’s Mom knows about camping.” In this wood continue to be excited for our work together! response, the child identified specific actions in the The next meeting will be held in November 12th. text that supported how the character knew all about camping. She identified explicit actions that supported camping. Physical Education News PTSA November News Happy Fall to all! Our first family event was held on Friday, October 24th. The children got to show their creative side by painting pumpkins. A Your children have been focused on movement big thank you to EVERYONE who helped in makthrough the following themes: self-space, general ing this a fun and successful event! space, levels and pathways. We love to keep photos of the kids in the school’s Over the past couple of weeks, we have practiced display cases updated. If you have photos to moving safely around the gymnasium in selfshare, please send them in. The children love to space and general space while utilizing different see themselves and their friends from various locomotor movements. Most recently we have classroom activities and school events when they been applying our understanding of movement walk down the halls. and space to levels (low, medium and high). Thank you to Heather Falcone for organizing Red Your children have been engaged in a variety of Ribbon Week. Thank you, also, to everyone who station group work with the purpose of complet- purchased red ribbons and hung them up to ing a movement task at a certain level. As we show your support in creating good character move forward, we will continue to explore move- traits and on making healthy choices. ment through different pathways and direction. It’s not too late to get your PTSA Membership! As always, please contact me with any questions The cost is $10 which also includes the popular that you might have. district-wide calendar that has all events from all ten of our schools! Contact Tina Scacchitti Sincerely, tms0727@yahoo.com to make arrangements to get yours. Dear Families, Brian Maginn Physical Education Teacher Brian_Maginn@westiron.monroe.edu _____________________________________ 2014-2015 Standardized Testing TerraNova Grade 2 June 1-5 NYS ELA Grade 3 April 14, 15, and 16 Make Up April 17-21 NYS Math Grade 3 April 22, 23, 24 Make Up April 27-29 Box Tops For Education is a quick and easy way to help raise money for Briarwood. The only thing it involves is clipping the coupons from some of the products you have already purchased, and sending them to school in a plastic baggie with your child. By doing this, you are supporting many of the events and programs year after year. For a complete list of these products, visit www.boxtops4education.com. November 1st is the deadline to submit the Box Tops we’ve collected so far this year. Thank you to Sarah McDonell for coordinating all that is involved in this program. Our annual Fall Family Breakfast, Donuts with Someone Delightful will be held on Friday, November 14th at 8:30 a.m. Keep an eye out for details. As always, please don’t hesitate to contact one of Please note: NYS tests must be given on the us with any questions, concerns or ideas. above dates. Please consider these dates Tina Scacchitti tms0727@yahoo.com when scheduling appointments for your Teresa Hayes crazyhayes06@yahoo.com child. Brigid McClenathan brm1117@gmail.com COUNSELOR’S CORNER Hello Families! This time of year goes by so fast! We are settling into new classrooms and taking on the role as learners. I have been in the classrooms a few times now to teach lessons and it always makes me proud to see our students applying the tools and skills they are learning to their academics and to their relationships. We spent time in September talking about the importance of respecting each other’s differences. We have a group of very empathetic and caring students, and I have seen this numerous times throughout the beginning of the year. We are going to keep up the caring community we have built by learning from one another and understanding that respecting differences creates a strong and caring community. This year we are continuing on with our 7 Habits of Happy Kids through our Climate and Culture Character building program. In October we kicked-off with Habit 1: Being Proactive. We are focusing on being proactive in the sense that you take control of things in your life rather than letting things in your life take control of you. It is important for children to understand that we don’t always have control over what other’s do or say, or what we are expected to do throughout our day, however we DO have control over the choices we make and how we choose to prepare and respond to the people and circumstances around us. This month we are focusing on Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind. We will be focusing on the power of our mind in reaching our goals. We have the power to visualize the end state we want and understand that the little steps we take every day will lead to achieving our goals. This month I will be visiting your child’s classroom to teach about important learning readiness skills that help us to work on those little steps to reaching our goals. We will focus on manners, listening, teamwork and career planning in each of the respective grades. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at any time. Thank you for your continued support in helping our children learn and grow! Warmly, Meghan Lentner, MSEd, NCC School Counselor Briarwood/Colebrook Schools 585.336.1617/585.336.1607 Meghan_Lentner@westiron.monroe.edu Music Notes Marc Falco Music Teacher One of the best things about music is that it reflects the way we experience life; especially times of celebration. As the month of November is upon us, we are able to make and appreciate music that celebrates autumn, Thanksgiving, and the beginning of the winter holiday season. In music class we are making music that helps us understand some of the building blocks of music. In the first grade it’s about high and low, loud and soft, and fast and slow. We are even taking our first steps into notating rhythms! Second grades are beginning to use terms like pitch, tempo, and dynamics, as well as reading and playing rhythms with ease. In third grade we are using all these concepts while we work on more and more complex instrumental and vocal songs. We’ve even been improvising on different instruments and working to create different moods in our music. I truly look forward to coming to work every day and making music. Although the seasons and the songs may change, it is a constant delight to give your children an opportunity to experience music. Library Media News Mrs. Forties First graders have been enjoying fiction stories about a character named Epossumondas. These stories are about a baby opossum who gets into trouble because he doesn’t always use his brain to think things through. The setting is in Louisiana in the Southern United States. The stories we read about Epossumondas included two noodlehead tales, a porquois tale, and a retelling of the Southern folktale, Sody Sallyraytus. Second graders have been learning about Fables. The students have listened to fables from Greece, India and France. They have identified the personality traits of the characters, problems and solutions presented, and the moral in each fable. Students have taken turns narrating and reenacting each fable using puppets and other props. Third graders have been studying Jack Tales. These are folktales which have a main character named Jack. The students listened to two folktales, Jack and the Bean Tree and Jack and the Fire Dragon written and illustrated by Gail E. Haley. These stories are set in the in the Appalachian Mountain region of the Southern United States. The students worked in large and small groups to identify the story elements found in these tales. Students have also been learning to search for books by author, title or subject using our Follett Destiny library catalog. The Rochester Children’s Book Festival will be held on Saturday, November 15, 2014 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Flynn Campus Center at Monroe Community College. More than 40 authors and illustrators will be present. Book sales and signings, presentations, workshops, storytelling, and arts & crafts will be available for children of all ages. For more information, go to www.rochesterchildrensbookfestival.com. The library is open daily. All students are encouraged to visit the library frequently to check out books and magazines or to use the computers or other reference materials for research. Join us for a cup of coffee and share your ideas for the future of our schools. Please join Jeff Crane & Chuck Perreaud for our second Listening Hour Monday, November 3 7:00—8:00 p.m. District Office / 321 List Avenue This is the second Listening Hour. We hope there will be more to come. We’ll continue to hold these coffees at District Office, Pet Owners Residents are reminded that for the safety of all of our students and visitors, pets are not allowed on any of our campuses when students are present, including during athletic competitions. At other times, pets must be leashed and under control. Please comply with requests from school district security and athletic supervisory personnel regarding pets on our grounds. And - thank you for cleaning up after your animal, keeping our walkways and fields more pleasant for everyone! unless you would like us to visit you. Call 336-2983 to set it up. Always an open agenda. We need to hear from you. Important Information Briarwood School………………336-1610 Miss Bush - Principal Mrs. Stout - Secretary Mrs. Sementelli - Nurse Superintendent’s Office….336-2983 Transportation Office…….336-2992 Web Site: www.westirondequoit.org The 7 Habits of Happy Kids is part of our Character Education Program. Each month the students come together as a school in either an assembly or small group instruction about a character trait and they participate in activities. On these specified days we would like the students to wear their Briarwood T-Shirts. Upcoming C.A.R.E. dates are: November 13, December 12, January 13, February 9, March 12, April 30, May 27. THANKS from all of us at Briarwood School!
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