T R E N D (Thinking Retired Employees Need Direction) Retired Employees of Kern County Volume MMXIV-VI NOVEMBER & DECEMBER 2014 Phil Franey, President (661)872-4530 M. L. Bennett, Editor (mlbennett36@sbcglobal.net) Our mission is to promote the education and earned benefits of all retirees of Kern County, advocate the safeguarding and continuation of Kern County retiree pension and health benefits, provide avenues of support and information for Kern County retirees and beneficiaries, ensure proper and necessary representation on the Kern County Board of Retirement, and participate as an integral contributor in our Kern County communities quality of life. I am sure most of you are looking forward to the end of another election season. Social Security, with the need for a careful decision, is on the agenda of many of us. Health care and Medicare enrollment also will be a significant concern for many. Lastly, we will be presenting next year’s REOKC Board. Not to belabor another election season too much, but there are a few things you can do to mitigate the annoying calls and campaign commercials. Two of the best devices are your television remote control - to mute or change the channel and use of your phone service with answering machine - to block and screen calls. Although, voting is very important; so get informed and seek reliable sources. There are many articles on Social Security that explain the financial impact of delaying benefits for individuals other than for disability and/or beneficiary benefits. Social Security benefits can be claimed as early as age 62. Each year an individual delays filing a claim - up to age 70 - the monthly benefits increase. This may be of particular importance for the benefit level to be received by a surviving spouse. For example, if you were born within 1943-1954 your normal retirement age would be 66. By waiting until 66 you would receive approximately 25% more than at 62. For every year after 66 that you continue to delay benefits, you will receive approximately 8% annually until 70. This may sound great, but there are risks. You will need to consider other factors such as: spousal eligibility for Social Security, health of yourself and your spouse, family health history, savings, etc. Talk with the www.reokc.org 1 Social Security Administration to explore all your benefits and options. Still on the medical front, and if you are approaching 65, you need to be seriously thinking about Medicare enrollment. According to some sources, 10,000 baby boomers will turn 65 every day for the next 16 years. There are numerous regulations and many nuances of Medicare coverage. For most individuals you have a seven month period that begins three months before the month you turn 65 and ends three months after the month you turn 65. There are numerous sources of information including Medicare (1800-Medicare), Social Security Administration, and Kern County Adult and Aging Services. Contact information is also included in your annual open enrollment packet for retiree health benefits. Our September and October luncheon speakers discussed very important and relevant issues to our membership on Advanced Health Care Directives (AHCD)/Living Wills and Medicare respectively. Both programs were very informative with encouragement for all to be current with your AHCD, Living Wills, and Medicare. Seek advice from people, agencies, and providers you trust. Don’t forget seniors are targets of scam artists in financial, medical, and most other important life matters. Be careful!! So on a positive note, the following is important information you do need on open enrollment. By the time you receive this issue of the TREND, the open enrollment information concerning health benefits should have or will soon be sent to all retirees by the Kern County Administrative Office Health Benefits Division. Please read the information carefully and if you have any questions, use the contacts that are indicated on the mailed publication. You may also access more health information at the Health Benefits Division website: www.KernCountyHealthBenefits.com. Retiree health insurance is administered by the County Administrative Office - Health Benefits Division, not the Kern County Employees Retirement Association (KCERA). Your REOKC Board also is scheduling enrollment for the Pacific Group Agencies, Inc. (PGAI) Supplemental Benefits Program. This is a separate program from that of the County’s health insurance benefit program. The PGAI Supplemental Benefits Program is a program endorsed by REOKC to offer additional benefits, such as legal services and other insurances to include: dental (President’s Message continued on Page 2) During the KCERA October Meeting Wurts & Associates Inc., KCERA’s Investment Consultant, presented fund investment performance for the period ended June 30, 2014. With the results showing the following performance net of fees as of June 30, 2014: 1 Year - 15.0% with total assets of $3,557,435,646. 3 Years - 8.7% 5 Years - 11.7% 10 Years - 6.4% More detailed information and reporting may be obtained from KCERA at www.kcera.org. All members are encouraged to attend Retirement Board Meetings on the second Wednesday of each month. KCERA Retirement Board By Phil Franey, KCERA Retiree Trustee “A retirement system board’s duty to the system’s participants and their beneficiaries shall take precedence over any other duty” (Section 17(b) of Article XVI of the California Constitution). Most of the September KCERA Board Meeting consisted of the annual trustee education seminar that was coordinated by KCERA Administration. Various presentations by experts in their field were heard by KCERA Board Trustees including such topics as: Economic and Fixed Income Outlook, Portfolio Strategies in the Current Market, Insight into Securities Fraud and Corporate Governance Litigation, Generating Incremental Yield, and closing remarks by Gloria Dominguez, KCERA Executive Director. To responsibly perform their fiduciary duties, trustees must remain knowledgeable and stay informed regarding pension matters. By attending educational seminars and conferences on current pension matters, trustees fulfill one of their many duties for the more than 17,000 members of KCERA. In September, the KCERA Finance Committee (Committee) met again to discuss the Supplement Retiree Benefit Reserve (SRBR) unallocated vested funds. As stated in prior TREND articles, a SRBR letter was sent to Michael Turnipseed, KCERA Board Chairman. The letter was signed and sent by representatives of Kern County Employees bargaining groups and REOKC to the KCERA Board and copied to the Board of Supervisors. The intent of this letter was to request the KCERA Board perform its fiduciary duty and assign SRBR unallocated funds. According to years of numerous legal opinions, SRBR funds are vested by law and the KCERA Board is mandated by law to allocate those funds solely for the benefit of current and future retirees and beneficiaries. With the exception of an earlier death benefit increase from $1,000 to $3,000, no action has been taken for more than 10 years. After this letter was reviewed by the KCERA Board, it was sent to the Committee as an agenda item on June 26, 2014. After the Committee heard the item with discussion, the Committee directed the KCERA actuary to prepare a study of unallocated SRBR funds. In September the Committee received the study followed by further discussion and review. The Committee then directed administration and the actuary to provide more specific information on $5,000 and $7,000 death benefits funding with consideration for the assignment of remaining unallocated funds. The results of the revised study will be presented to the Committee for preparation of a recommendation to the KCERA Board. We will keep you apprised of this matter and hope you attend the Committee and Board meetings on this matter. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE continued from page 1 insurance, vision, pet, and accident/travel. The Supplemental Benefits Program is administered by the Pacific Group Agencies, Inc., not KCERA. Current enrollment in PGAI various programs is more than 1,700 retirees and beneficiaries. Our final slate of officers was presented at our October meeting. Your proposed slate for 2015 Board of Directors was presented as follows: Phil Franey - President Nancy Warnick - 1st Vice President Teresa M. Vasquez - 2nd Vice President Ginger Mello - Secretary Mary Lou Bennett – Treasurer Josie De La Torre - Director Cheryl Anderson - Director Tony Rizos - Director Alan Annis - Director Sally A. Ruiz - Director Jeanne Berkshire - Past President As an ongoing reminder to save publishing and mailing costs, all of our 4,800 plus members are encouraged to request placement on REOKC’s email list by contacting Mary Lou Bennett at mlbennett36@sbcglobal.net to receive the TREND and timely notices concerning important retirement matters. You may also access past TREND issues and other important retiree information at reokc.org. Don’t forget our next luncheon will be on November 18 (not the 11th - Veterans Day) with serving by table number beginning at 11:30 A.M. The general meeting will begin at 12:00 Noon. “If we would learn when the human race really is at bo om, we need only observe it in elec on mes.” ‐ Mark Twain 2 HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM YOUR UPCOMING EVENTS November 5 KCERA Board Meeting: Investment/Regular Board 8:30 am KCERA Office, 11125 River Run Blvd., Bakersfield November 18 REOKC Board Meeting 10:00 am Norris Road Veterans’ Hall November 18 REOKC Lunch 11:30 am—noon General Meeting 12:00 noon Norris Road Veterans’ Hall December 9 ********* REOKC Board Meeting 10:00 am Norris Road Veterans’ Hall December 9 REOKC Lunch 11:30 am—noon General Meeting 12:00 noon Norris Road Veterans’ Hall Host/Hostess Project During the month of August 2014, 32 volunteers worked 96 hours assisting 835 visitors at the County Administrative Building. During the month of September 2014, 37 volunteers worked 112 hours assisting 968 visitors at the County Administrative Building. Since 1992 our volunteers have worked over 27,000 hours assisting more than 331,000 visitors to the County Administrative Complex at 1115 Truxtun Ave.! December 10 KCERA Board Meeting: Investment/Regular Board 8:30 am KCERA Office, 11125 River Run Blvd., Bakersfield UPCOMING REOKC PROGRAMS November 18, 2014: There is always a need for additional volunteers. Please contact Mary Lou at 871-5270 if interested. Our speakers will be: Robin McGarrah with the Alzheimer’s Disease Association of Kern County, and Sandy Morris with Christmas for Seniors. SUNSHINE COMMITTEE NOTICE December 9, 2014: Richard Noel, accordionist, will be our musical entertainment for the Christmas Luncheon. If you know of any of our members who could use a get-well or sympathy card, please contact JOSIE DE LA TORRE at (661) 348-4222 Thank you! LUNCHEON MENUS TRAVEL TIPS! November 18th, 2014 Sliced Tri Tip Sinful Potatoes—Napa Salad Creamy Broccoli—Rolls Pumpkin Pie/Whipped Cream Iced Tea, Coffee, Water UPCOMING TRIPS: 7 DAY WESTERN CARIBBEAN CRUISE May 9—16, 2015 WEST MEDITERRANEAN CRUISE—7 DAYS June 7—14, 2015 ALASKA CRUISE—7 DAYS June 19—26, 2015 7 DAY WESTERN COASTAL CRUISE October 3—10, 2015 Call Julie at The CruisePort (661 324-6910) with any questions or to make reservations for these or other trips. 3 December 9th, 2014 Holiday Ham & Turkey Mashed Potatoes—Gravy—Yams Green Beans—Green Salad Dressing—Rolls—Cheese Cake Iced Tea, Coffee, Water PAYROLL DEDUCTION FORM “WELCOME!” To sign up for (or stop) payroll deduction, check the box(es) below, complete the form, and submit it to REOKC. NEW MEMBERS OF THE RETIRED EMPLOYEES OF KERN COUNTY REOKC Luncheon Payment By checking this box, I authorize KCERA to deduct $4.00 per month from my pension benefit as an additional elective payment to REOKC. This deduction shall begin with my next pension payment. ASSESSOR: Harold G Neville CA CHILDREN SERVICES: Janet K Buehler CHILD SUPPORT: Valerie Rodriguez HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Pamela McMasters HUMAN SERVICES: Andrea Kelley; Wanda (Sign up for the luncheon payroll deduction and save $1.00 per meal!) Morgan-Wallace INFO. TECH. SERVICES: William Risenhoover K.C. CALL CENTER: Lynn Hayden KERN MEDICAL CENTER: Dana Lencioni MENTAL HEALTH: Monica Hall; Vicki Lueth PARKS: Barbara Anson; Mark Wayne Meek ROADS: William J Magner SHERIFF: Jeri Leavelle-Wheeler; Shirley Teitsworth SOLID WASTE ENT. FUND: Stephen Schneider TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: John Mattly REOKC Membership Dues By checking this box, I authorize KCERA to deduct $2.00 per month from my pension benefit as dues for my REOKC membership and to pay that organization. This deduction shall begin with my next pension payment. I understand my authorization and REOKC membership are voluntary and may be revoked by me, in writing, at any time. Name (print)___________________________________ Address_______________________________________ City__________________________________________ State___________________ Zip___________________ Phone________________________________________ Email (optional)________________________________ Social Security #_______________________________ Signature_____________________________________ The Grand Canyon trip for REOKC members was the first major excursion organized by Julie Salazar-Garcia with The Cruise Port Travel Agency. Future trips are being planned. Date_________________________________________ Clip out completed form and send to: REOKC / PO Box 2592 / Bakersfield, CA / 93303 STOP DEDUCTION(S) Check box to stop your deduction for the luncheon. Check box to stop you deduction for REOKC membership dues. 4 KERN COUNTY HISTORY Change of Address Form I’M OLD By WALTER E. STEWART Marilyn vos Savant’s column appears in PARADE magazine in the Sunday Bakersfield Californian newspaper. She was asked, “What do people talk about?” She replied, “People talk about themselves.” Well, I’m old and I’m going to talk about myself and tell lies. I’ll never admit my age but my car insurance covers accident, theft, fire and Indian raids. I tell people I’m twenty years older than I am to hear them say how good I look for my age. I know I’m old because the history that kids study today I remember as current events. By the time they finish lighting the candles on my birthday cake, the first candles have burned out. I remember when the Dead Sea was alive. When I ran into a parked car at the shopping mall, people saw me writing a note and putting it under the windshield wiper; it read, “As I’m writing this, people are watching me. They think I’m writing my name, phone number and insurance company, but I’m not.” I no longer trust my doctor. A patient leaving his office dropped dead. My doctor told his nurse to turn him around so it’ll look like he was coming in. I quit that doctor when my pharmacist staggered out of the pharmacy that just blew up. He told his apprentice to tell the doctor to not write anymore prescriptions— PRINT THEM. My neighbor irritates the heck out of me. I told him every time my wife and I argue, she becomes historical. My know-it-all neighbor corrected me and said, “You mean hysterical.” NO! I mean historical, she always brings up the past. His wife told him to change the baby and he brought home a different kid. I remember when his wife was arrested for indecent exposure and only her face was showing. She was fat and ugly. She went on a diet and became skinny and ugly. When she died, the mortician asked my neighbor, “Do you want to embalm, cremate or just bury her?” He said, “All three, let’s not take any chances.” While talking about farm animals with my nine year old great-grandson, he asked, “Grandpa, *if a sheep is a ram and a donkey is an a - - , how come a ram in the a - - is a goose?” I’m old, but I don’t know everything. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and have a wonderful New Year. I’m not kidding. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and have a wonderful New Year! *Milton Berle 5 If your address has changed, in order to receive the TREND newsletter and other important notices from REOKC, you must complete this form and send it to REOKC, PO Box 2592, Bakersfield, CA 93303: Name_____________________________________ (print) NEW Address______________________________ City, State, Zip______________________________ OLD Address_______________________________ City, State, Zip______________________________ Signature___________________________________ REOKC USEFUL CONTACTS KCERA Administration 661-381-7700 www.KCERA.org Retirement Check Withholding Forms Beneficiary Change Address Change (& REOKC) * Retirement Board Meetings Retiree Health Benefits 661-868-3182 County – Health Insurance Div. REOKC Endorsed Insurance and Other Supplemental Benefits Pacific Group Agencies, Inc. 1-800-817-8838 1-800-511-9065 REOKC Other Related Services Trend Editor Host/Hostess - Volunteer Program Membership Address/Email Change * Scholarship Program Mary Lou Bennett 661-871‐5270 mlbenne 36@sbcglobal.net Luncheon Reservations Brenda Preston 661-835-0294 Sunshine (Cards of Expression) Josie De La Torre 661-348-4222 KCERA Board Retiree Member Phil Franey – franeyp@bak.rr.com Alternate—John De Mario jjdmario@aol.com HEALTHY NOTES CHROMIUM By Audrey Cochran, APRN, BC, CCCN “Atypical Depression” is marked by the following signs: craving sweets and other carbohydrates, tendency to gain weight, especially around your abdomen, tired for no obvious reason, arms and legs feel heavy as if made of lead, tendency to nod off or to be excessively sleepy, feelings easily hurt by rejection from others, depression onset before age 30. According to the psychiatrist author of Lifting Depression: the Chromium Connection, Malcolm Noell McLeod, M.D., this can be related to a lack of trace amounts of chromium in your diet. That type of depression is sometimes caused by insulin resistance with a fasting blood sugar over 100 or high blood pressure; persons matching either of the above descriptions can be helped by taking between 400 to 1000 micrograms of chromium picolinate. I ordered the book from Barnes & Noble and found it a fascinating read, convincing me that I should try some of his suggestions, even though I have only some of the symptoms he described. The National Institutes of Health has an informative fact sheet on chromium picolinate, which states older people are more vulnerable to chromium depletion than younger adults. Their public med Abstract states: Chromium (Cr) picolinate (CrPic) is a widely used nutritional supplement for optimal insulin function. A relationship among Cr status, diabetes, and associated pathologies has been established. Virtually all trials using CrPic supplementation for subjects with diabetes have demonstrated beneficial effects. Thirteen of 15 clinical studies (including 11 randomized, controlled studies) involving a total of 1,690 subjects (1,505 in CrPic group) reported significant improvement in at least one outcome of glycemic control. All 15 studies showed salutary effects in at least one parameter of diabetes management, including dyslipidemia. Positive outcomes from CrPic supplementation included reduced blood glucose, insulin, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels and reduced requirements for hypoglycemic medication. The greater bioavailability of CrPic compared with other forms of Cr (e.g., niacinbound Cr or CrCl(3)) may explain its comparatively superior efficacy in glycemic and lipidemic control. The pooled data from studies using CrPic supplementation for type 2 diabetes mellitus subjects show substantial reductions in hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia, which equate to a reduced risk for disease complications. Collectively, the data support the safety and therapeutic value of CrPic for the management of cholesterolemia and hyperglycemia in subjects with diabetes. McLeod also suggests taking an Omega-3 Fatty acid supplement, which I already was, in the form of fish oil 6 (I use Carlsen’s Norwegian Cod Liver Oil available at Lassens). My mother used to give me cod liver oil in orange juice when I was a child–she was right as mothers often were without the advances in the science of nutrition from which we can benefit today. McLeod concludes, “Each person’s body and mind is different. You should not feel inadequate should medication for insulin resistance be necessary.” WE WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER OUR DECEASED REOKC MEMBERS: Jewell Adams—General Services Nellie Albitre—Sheriff Margaret Carroll—Kern Medical Center Patsy J Cox—Kern Medical Center Judith A Davies—Kern Medical Center Calvin B Fields—Kern Medical Center Mary F Garner—Human Services Judith A Gilkey—Kern Medical Center Erma Hill—Health Department Katherine S Hoadley—Library Michael Lage—Sheriff Anna Louis—NOR Sanitation Fern Matlock—Sheriff Gloria McAfee—Kern Medical Center Carl McCallum—Fire Eileen McClintock—Health Department Robert McClure—Purchasing Eugene Miner—Probation Jean Nafus—Health Department Mickie Owen—Sheriff Rachel L Perry—Fire Dorothy Sisson—Kern Medical Center Aldeen Slitor—Health Department Dorothy Taylor—Sheriff Edna Thompson—Kern Medical Center Walter Thompson—Eng./Surv. & Permit Sylvia L Toppin—Sheriff Stanley Wallace—Sheriff Notice: The surviving spouse of a retired Kern County Employee is eligible for REOKC membership, which includes all the benefits which were available to the retiree. Just complete the Payroll Deduction Form on Page 4 and mail it to: REOKC, PO Box 2592, Bakersfield, CA 93303 NOTICE: All views and opinions expressed in the TREND are solely the representation of each writer. REOKC’s only intention is to fairly inform our membership. The information presented in the TREND is believed to be from reliable sources. REOKC does not sell or disclose information about our members to third parties. Royal Caribbean Cruise Line Jewel of the Seas & Oasis of the Seas 7 Day Alaska June 19—26, 2015 Seattle, Inside Passage, Juneau Skagway, 7 Day Coastal Cruise October3—10, 2015 Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, SFO, Monterey & Ensenada Tracy Arm Fjord, Victoria Balcony Cabin $1241.90 Balcony Cabin $2095.29 Outside Cabin $926.40 Outside Cabin $1804.28 Inside Cabin $847.40 Inside Cabin $1310.78 7 Day Western Caribbean 7 Day Western Caribbean May 9—16, 2015 June 6—13,, 2015 Fort Lauderdale, Labadee, Haiti, Fort Lauderdale, Labadee, Haiti, Jamaica & Cozumel Jamaica & Cozumel Balcony Cabin $1348.42 Balcony Cabin $1858.92 Outside Cabin $1078.42 Outside Cabin $1537.42 Inside Cabin $965.92 Inside Cabin $1396.92 A deposit of $250.00 per person is required to hold you cabin. This is a promotional rate and can expire or increase at any time. Proof of citizenship is required for this trip. Which is a certified copy of your birth certificate and valid photo ID or a valid Every free Kasasa checking account refunds your ATM fees* – from coast to coast. *Account approval, qualifications, limits and other requirements apply. See member services representative for details. Retired Employees of Kern County P.O. Box 2592 Bakersfield, CA 93303 PRSRT-STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID BAKERSFIELD, CA PERMIT NO. 349 November & December 2014 Time Dated Material Official Newsletter of The Retired Employees of Kern County Inc. November Luncheon Reservation November 18th, 2014—11:30 to noon, Veterans’ Hall, 400 NORRIS ROAD. If you wish, you may use this form to order tickets for this luncheon. Please send your check, made payable to REOKC, together with a stamped, self-addressed envelope to REOKC, PO Box 40801, Bakersfield, CA 93384-0801. Deadline for reservations is the Wednesday prior to the luncheon (11/12/14). Phone reservations are not accepted. You may cancel your reservations by calling Brenda Preston at (661) 835-0294 or Mary Thorp at (661) 832-5578 prior to the deadline. Cancellations after the deadline cannot be refunded. Member’s name ($5.00)______________________Spouse ($5.00)___________________ Member’s Phone No. (required)____________________ Email_______________________ Guest ($8.00)_______________________ Total tickets____ Amount enclosed $_________ December Luncheon Reservation December 9th, 2014—11:30 to noon, Veterans’ Hall, 400 NORRIS ROAD. If you wish, you may use this form to order tickets for this luncheon. Please send your check, made payable to REOKC, together with a stamped, self-addressed envelope to REOKC, PO Box 40801, Bakersfield, CA 93384-0801. Deadline for reservations is the Wednesday prior to the luncheon (12/03/14). Phone reservations are not accepted. You may cancel your reservations by calling Brenda Preston at (661) 835-0294 or Mary Thorp at (661) 832-5578 prior to the deadline. Cancellations after the deadline cannot be refunded. Member’s name ($10.00)_____________________Spouse ($10.00)___________________ Member’s Phone No. (required)_________________ Email________________________ (Members and Spouses Only—No Guests) Total tickets_____ Amount enclosed $________
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