Immaculate Conception Catholic Church and School Serving Clarksville Since 1845 Most Rev. David R. Choby Eleventh Bishop of Nashville Rev. David J. Gaffny Pastor Rev. Theophilus Ebulueme Associate Pastor Rev. Christiano Nunes Associate Pastor/Youth Director Immaculate Conception Church 709 Franklin Street Clarksville, TN 37040-3347 Parish Office 931.645.6275 Parish Fax 931.552.0331 Email: Immaculate Conception School 1901 Madison Street Clarksville, TN 37043-5001 931.645.1865 Pre School 740 Franklin Street Clarksville, TN 37040 931.647.9276 Sunday Obligation Masses Deacon Dominick Azzara Director of Pastoral Ministry Deacon Juan Garza Director of Religious Education Deacon Deacon Deacon Deacon Bob Berberich John Carroll Manuel Martinez Tim Winters Mrs. Stephanie Stafford Principal (Vigil) Saturday, 5:30 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 5:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. (Spanish), 3:00 p.m. (Korean-Last Sunday Month) Weekday Masses Monday (Chapel) ................................ 6:00 p.m. Tuesday (Chapel) ............................... 7:00 a.m. Wednesday (Chapel) ......................... 7:00 a.m. (Spanish) (Chapel) ............. 7:30 p.m. Thursday (Chapel) .............................. 7:00 a.m. (Chapel) ............. 6:00 p.m. Friday (M. Church) .............................. 7:00 a.m. Saturday (M. Church) ......................... 8:00 a.m. Reconciliation Weekdays after morning Masses and before evening Masses, Saturday morning after Mass and from 4-5 pm, as well as by appointment. Office Hours Monday—Friday ......................... 8 a.m.—4 p.m. Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH 709 Franklin Street Clarksville, Tennessee PARISH FAQS PARISH STAFF Deacon Dominick Azzara Pastoral Ministries Deacon Tim Winters Austin Peay Newman Club Deacon Bob Berberich Chaplain, I.C. School Rev. Christiano Nunes Youth Director Deacon Juan Garza Director of Religious Education Bill Young Facilities Director Kathy McDonough Office Manager, Accounting Judy Spink Parish Secretary Venus Newhouser Receptionist Mary Hoffpauir Sacramental Records Linda Steiner Office Assistant Regina Azzara Safe Environment Coordinator Pam Loos Pre-School Director, Dean of Students June Esquilin Liturgical Music Nancy Garza Pat Paszek/Pat Riley Hispanic Ministries R.C.I.A. Runyon & Runyon Parish Attorneys PARISH BOARDS PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Patty Pierce Pat Paszek Nancy Garza Kathie Schuler Juan Garza Len Stolz Selene Anderson Ed Wilson Dr. Tom Grabenstein Parish Clergy PARISH FINANCE BOARD Mike O’Malley Dr. Clif Sites Coy Baggett, Jr Maggie Kulback Tom Edwards Scott Donnellan Raby Nance IMMACULATE CONCEPTION SCHOOL BOARD Len Stolz, Chair Andi Orr, Vice Chair Jerry Cole, Secretary Irene Buck Lisa Meeks Richard Meeks Mary Vozar Robert German Jamie Schacht STEERING COMMITTEE Tom Vaughn Maggie Kulback Scott Donnellan Ray Runyon Raby Nance Tom Skrodzki Patty Pierce Parish Clergy To Register in the parish, just call the parish office and all necessary information will be mailed to you or visit our website to register online. In hospital? Going to hospital? HIPPA regulations no longer allow us to get names of the sick at hospitals. Call the office for anointing or a visit. Everyone either in the hospital, going to the hospital, or having an outpatient procedure should receive the Sacrament of the Sick. To schedule a Baptism, call the office to reserve a seat at the Baptism Class held the last Monday of the month. To schedule a Wedding, call the priest or deacon you wish to perform the wedding at least four months in advance. Want to be a Catholic? Either call us or have a friend call the office. You will receive a quick return call from a member of our education/ formation program who will invite you to our formation classes. If you have questions about joining and wish some direction, call one of our clergy. Immaculate Conception Catholic School: K-8. If you have questions or wish to enroll, call the church or school office. We’ll help you investigate the school for your students. Want to volunteer for something but do not know who to call? Call Deacon Dominick Azzara in the office. Need an appointment with a priest or deacon? Venus in the office will help you. Bulletin notice? Call Judy. Deadline is Friday noon! (Ten days in advance of date you wish it to appear.) 37040-3347 Sacraments Baptism Parents and Godparents are required to attend a Baptism preparation class prior to their child’s Baptism. The class meets on the last Monday evening of each month at 6:30 pm, except December. Please register for the class in the Church Office. First Communion Children are prepared for First Communion by participating in the Sunday School, Immaculate Conception School, or Hispanic Community preparation programs. They must be enrolled for at least one year prior to enrolling in a preparation class. Reconciliation Confessions are heard daily, after the morning Masses and before the evening Masses as well as, 4 to 5 pm on Saturdays, or by appointment. Confirmation Preparation classes are conducted through the Sunday School, Immaculate Conception School, or the Hispanic Community. Candidates must be enrolled for at least one year prior to enrolling in a preparation class. Matrimony Preparation is conducted by parish clergymen and the Diocese of Nashville. Please contact the Parish Office at least four months before the proposed date. Anointing of the Sick Anyone may request this sacrament. It is for major or minor health problems. It is for the elderly, disabled, homebound or children. Anyone anticipating a surgery or a stay in the hospital should request the sacrament before surgery. La Quinceañera Ministerio de la Comunidad Hispana Coordinadora del Ministerio Hispano ....Nancy Garza ........................ 931-320-2049 (cell) Secretaria de la Comunidad ..................Elizabeth Ramos .................. 931-801-0733 (cell) Tesorera de la Comunidad ....................Carmen Onate ...................... 931-801-7132 Clases de Bautismo ..............................Jose Hernandez ................... 931-302-1562 Sacramento del Matrimono ...................Diacono Manuel Martinez..... 931-206-7371 Ministerio de la Eucaristía .....................Veronica Garcia .................... 931-801-8217 Ministerio de la Palabra .........................Nancy Garza ........................ 931-320-2049 (cell) Ministerio de Bienvenida .......................Manuel Baez ........................ 615-968-7235 Ministerio de Monaguillos ......................Gladivee Roman ................... 931-551-3831 Ministerio de Música .............................Elizabeth Ramos .................. 931-801-0733 (cell) Ministerio de Sociales ...........................Jaime Nolasco ...................... 931-206-3938 Catecismo ............................................Arlene Perez ......................... 931-906-1665 ..............................................................Yolanda Torres ..................... 931-553-8551 Los padres de una candidata de la quinceañera tienen que estar registrados en la parroquia y presentarla por lo menos seis meses antes de la ceremonia. La candidata debe haber recibido los sacramentos del bautismo, reconciliación, comunión, y estar por lo menos preparada para la confirmación. Además ella tiene que prepararse con buena asistencia al curso especial para esta ceremonia. También es necesario reservar la capilla y, si lo desea, el salón del Family Life Center y pagar las cuotas correspondientes con anticipación. Para más informes, contacten la oficina de la parroquia. Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Prayer Request Line 645-6275 ext. 111 November 23, 2014 You Are Invited ICCCW Annual Do you have or know elderly parishioners in your area? Please let us know by calling the EMPTY BOWLS PAINTING office so that our team of volunteers may PARTY pay him/her a visit and see how we can help him/her especially with regard to the sacraPottery Room on Madison Street ments—Eucharist, penance, and anointing December 6, 2014 and others if need be. Help us to attend to Tuesday, December 2 our older parishioners! ALL WOMEN OF THE PARISH Choice of 5pm or 6pm time frame Anointing of the Sick- We are doing every- – ICCCW NEEDS YOUR HELP! thing possible to serve our parishioners here Benefiting Loaves & Fishes and at Immaculate Conception. So, if you hap- Our annual CRAFT FAIR/ COUNUrban Ministries pen to be in the (Gateway) Hospital, please TRY KITCHEN is quickly approaching let them know during registration that “I am and we are asking for donations of the inBring friends, children, spouses, all ages, etc. a Catholic and need to be visited by a gredients used in our SOUP & CHILI priest, deacon or Eucharistic Minister.” In SALE. Please stop by our DONATION REcase of emergency, let your family members QUEST BOARD located in the church’s Enjoy painting a bowl to donate for know to give this information during your Narthex to pick up one of our special Quilt the benefit of Loaves & Fishes and registration. You can also call the office Pieces showing our ingredient requests Urban Ministries. Feed the less anytime to schedule the Sacrament of the needed for our delicious menu items. Then fortunate in Clarksville. return your non-perishable ingredient donasick. tion to designated boxes in the narthex, the Cost: $6.00 per bowl. IC Pro-Life Ministries- meets on the last church office, or the Family Life Center No talent required...just the desire to Monday of each month in the St. Joseph kitchen by NOVEMBER 29th! help and have fun doing it. Center (upstairs). Country Bakery Mother’s Group- “Pray & Play” meets on The Craft Fair Country Bakery is in need of To reserve either time frame or for scheduled Monday mornings at 9 am in the homemade baked goods, candies and home more information: St. Joseph Center (during school year) w/ canned pickles, jellies, jams or preserves, Kathy Schuler ~ 216-4267 childcare in the nursery. Call Cheryl Cole etc. Baked goods and other items may be Karen Edwards ~ 801-0778 for more details 931-896-3878 or e-mail at: delivered Friday December 5th. from Noon Linda Nichols ~ 216-8858 to 3 PM. And the day of the fair, before 9 Parish Youth Council-Our young people AM. Call Ann Doherty @ 647-6972 or Knights of Columbus have enormous talents to share with our Betty Bernard @ 358-0900 for more inforTurkey Fry 2014 parishioners and their fellow youths. If you mation. SET UP AND CLEAN UP are interested call Fr. Theo, or Fr. Chris If you could help with set up or clean up Nunes, at the church office 645-6275. for the Craft Fair, please contact Dianne Natural Family Planning (NFP)-if you Ellis @ 647-4181 or Merci Chartrand @ want help with INFERTILITY; or are in- 920-2868. We will set up 3-5 PM on Friterested in learning about today’s effective day December 5th. Please come help us! methods of Natural Family Planning; if you are married or single and looking for a To volunteer or drop off perishable items way to treat Women’s Health Problems or monetary donations please contact other than using birth control pills then you Samantha Wiessing at : need to come to a class. Classes scheduled Monetary for 2nd Saturday of every month at 9:00 am. donations may also be left at the church Don’t Forget to office. Call the church office to register! Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (R.C.I.A.)-Informal classes are held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm in the St. Joseph Center (downstairs-room #9). Formal Classes Meet Sundays, after the 8 am Mass in the St. Joseph Center (upstairs). For more information please contact the church office at 931-645-6275-or check out our website Office Phone (931) 645-6275 The CRAFT FAIR/Country Kitchen is our annual fundraiser anticipated by many in Clarksville and the surrounding area. The success of all of the many events and activities that are sponsored by the ICCCW throughout the year depends on this fundraiser. Your generous donations are greatly appreciated and will help make this event a big success! Pick up your Turkey Wednesday, Nov. 26th between noon—5PM At the FLC Kitchen. You may contact: Ed Wilson at 931-552-0575 Or Dave Lindberg at 931-552-3647 Email : Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Prayer Request Line 645-6275 ext. 111 We show our gratitude by living God’s love by sharing it with the world. From the Pastor’s Desk By Rev. David J. Gaffny How do we show our thanks? There are many ways. One of the simplest ways, of course, is to say, “Thank you.” But there are many other ways too, some of which may not be so obvious. One of the best ways to show our gratitude for something done for us is to do the same for others. It may be that the person who did us a favor might not even know what they are doing, but goodness that leads to more goodness can increase and multiply many times over. In other words, by practicing what we have learned by example can serve as an example to others. Kind words and kind deeds can and often do cause people to reflect and imitate and the world becomes a better place. One of the most celebrated holidays of the year is Thanksgiving. In present day United States, Thanksgiving Day, more than anything else, looks back to the harvest celebration of the Pilgrims in Plymouth Plantation in 1621. The festival lasted for three days and was enjoyed by the fifty Pilgrim survivors (of the 100 who had landed a year earlier) and ninety Native Americans who were their guests. The menu included turkey and other fowl, cod, venison and corn. Both the English and the Indians were grateful and each had long traditions of giving thanks for successful harvests. By the middle of the seventeenth century, a special day of thanksgiving in the autumn was celebrated in Massachusetts and Connecticut, not directly relating to the Plymouth event. Also unrelated to Plymouth, Thanksgiving became a Federal holiday in 1863, during the Civil War, when President Lincoln proclaimed a day of “Thanksgiving and Praise to our heavenly Father who dewelleth in the Heavens” to be celebrated on the last Thursday of November hoping that it might help to unite a wartorn country. Long before that, in 1777 the Continental Congress declared, “For as much as it is the indispensable Duty of all Men to adore the superintending Providence of Almighty God; to acknowledge with Gratitude their Obligation to him for Benefits received, and to implore such farther Blessing as they stand in Need of… It is therefore recommended to the legislative of executive Powers of these United States to set apart Thursday, the eighteenth of December next, for Solemn Thanksgiving and Praise… And it is further recommended, That servile Labor, and such Recreation, as, though at other Times innocent, be unbecoming the Purpose of this Appointment, be omitted on so solemn an Occasion.” Presidents Washington, Adams and others also declared Thanksgiving days. The fourth Thursday of November became the fixed day for Thanksgiving as a national holiday in 1941. As Catholics, it is well for us to remember that the word “eucharist” comes from a Greek word meaning thankful. By “Eucharist” we usually refer to the Body and Blood of Our Lord, Jesus Christ which we eat and drink at Mass but actually it includes the whole service from beginning to end. The Mass is a celebration. The people of God come together as a family. We listen to the word of God in the readings and the homily. We thank God for all He has done for us and for giving us the privilege of offering ourselves together with Jesus as he sacrifices himself for our salvation. We eat together as we receive Communion. We are thankful. We celebrate. We believe. Office Phone (931) 645-6275 November 23, 2014 Fr. David Del escritorio del Párroco Por Pbro. David J. Gaffny ¿Cómo mostramos nuestro agradecimiento? Hay muchas maneras. Una de las maneras más sencillas, por supuesto, es decir, “Gracias”, pero también hay muchas otras formas, algunas de las cuales pueden no ser tan obvias. Una de las mejores formas de mostrar nuestra gratitud por algo hecho para nosotros es hacer lo mismo por los demás. Puede ser que la persona que nos hizo un favor ni siquiera sepa lo que estamos haciendo, pero la bondad que conduce a más bondad puede aumentar y multiplicase muchas veces. En otras palabras, practicando lo aprendido por ejemplo puede servir de ejemplo para los demás. Palabras amables y buenas acciones pueden y a menudo hacen que las personas reflexionen e imiten y el mundo se convierte en un mejor lugar. Una de las fiestas del año más celebradas es Acción de Gracias. En los Estados Unidos de hoy, el Día de Acción de Gracias, más que cualquier otra cosa, recuerda la celebración de la cosecha de los peregrinos en la plantación de Plymouth en 1621. El festival duró tres días y fue disfrutado por los cincuenta peregrinos sobrevivientes (de los 100 que habían desembarcado un año antes) y noventa indios americanos que eran sus huéspedes. El menú incluía pavo y otras aves, bacalao, carne de venado y maíz. Tanto los ingleses como los indios estaban agradecidos y cada uno tenía una larga tradición de dar gracias por las buenas cosechas. A mediados del siglo XVII, se celebró en Massachusetts y Connecticut un día especial de acción de gracias en el otoño, no relacionado directamente con el evento de Plymouth. También, pero sin relación con Plymouth, Acción de Gracias se convirtió en un día de fiesta federal en 1863, durante la Guerra Civil, cuando el presidente Lincoln proclamó un día de “Acción de gracias y alabanza a nuestro Padre celestial que mora en los Cielos”, a celebrarse el último jueves del mes de noviembre con la esperanza de que podría ayudar a unir a un país devastado por la guerra. Mucho antes de eso, en 1777 el Congreso Continental declaró, “nuestro deber como personas con reverente devoción y agradecimiento, reconocer nuestras obligaciones al Dios todopoderoso, e implorarle que nos siga prosperando y confirmado las muchas bendiciones que de Él experimentamos…Por ello se recomienda a la legislación de los poderes ejecutivos de estos Estados Unidos, apartar el jueves, el día dieciocho de diciembre próximo, para la solemne acción de gracias y alabanza;…Y se recomienda, además, que el trabajo servil y tal recreación que, aunque en otras ocasiones inocente, pueda ser impropia de los fines de esta cita, sea omitida en tan solemne ocasión”. Los presidentes Washington, Adams y otros también declararon días de Acción de Gracias. El cuarto jueves de noviembre se convirtió en el día fijo de Acción de Gracias como fiesta nacional en 1941. Como Católicos, es bueno que recordemos que la palabra “eucaristía” viene de una palabra griega que significa agradecido. Por “Eucaristía” solemos referirnos al Cuerpo y la Email : Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Prayer Request Line 645-6275 ext. 111 Sangre de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo que nos comemos y bebemos en la Misa, pero en realidad incluye todo el servicio de principio a fin. La Misa es una celebración. El pueblo de Dios se une como una familia. Escuchamos la palabra de Dios en las lecturas y la homilía. Damos gracias a Dios por todo lo que Él ha hecho por nosotros y por darnos el privilegio de ofrecernos a nosotros mismos junto con Jesús que se sacrifica por nuestra salvación. Comemos juntos al recibir la Comunión. Estamos agradecidos. Celebramos. Creemos. Mostramos nuestra gratitud viviendo el amor de Dios al compartirlo con el mundo. Padre David November 23, 2014 The Legion of Mary-Mary, Mother of the Church The IC Legion of Mary is reunited! We meet every Monday at 7:00PM in the SJC. All are welcome, both male and female; Our Blessed Mother desires the company and happiness of all her children. The Pilgrim Virgin will be visiting the Main Church on the first weekend of each month. Our Lady of Fatima, the most loving of mothers, also wants to come into your home. Please call Mary Vozar (931/801-6897) to make arrangements. Meditation: When you were asked which image of our Lady aroused your devotion most, you answered with the air of long experience, “all of them”, I realized that you are a good son. That’s why you are equally moved – “they make me fall in love,” you said-by all the pictures of your mother. – St. Josemaria Escriva, The Way, #501 The 2014 Bishop’s Annual Appeal funds support many of the activities across the diocese such as Low Income Housing for Seniors and Families including Assisted Living. Campus Ministries which include our own Austin Peay University. Catholic Charities which includes Child Abuse Prevention and Adult Day/Elder Care, Adoption, Family and Pregnancy Counseling programs. Other ministries include Religious Education, CYO, Chaplain Ministries, the Scouting Program and the list goes on. Below is a summary of Immaculate Conception’s progress as of The small room in the narthex is being transformed Oct. 31, 2014. into a much needed information center! With so many ministries and organizations in our parish, we need a one stop location to be able to provide up to date information when requested. We are asking all parish ministry/organization leaders to provide us with information you would like to share about your group. It may be in the form of a flyer, a pamphlet or even just a schedule of events. Please drop off at the church office. "Work is nearing completion on a beautiful new church in Jolxic, Chiapas. This project is being realized because of the generosity of Immaculate Conception parishioners who continue to support our mission in Chiapas. Thank you/Gracias!" Office Phone (931) 645-6275 2014 Parish Goal: 2014 Parish Pledge: $49,986 Pledge Payments: $65,000 $43,250 2014 Non-Pledge Payments: $14,084 2014 Total Payments: $57,334 2014 % of Payments toward Goal: 88% Please consider supporting the Bishops Annual Appeal for Ministries and help us to meet our goal over the next month. Note that any funds collected over our goal will be returned to our parish for our own parish needs! ENROLLMENT & ASSISTANCE Beginning Monday, Nov. 17th Ms. Elizabeth Adamski will be available from 9am—5 pm on Mondays in the St. Joseph Center Library to assist with questions and enrollment. For more information contact Elizabeth Adamski at 931-338-1181. Email : Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Prayer Request Line 645-6275 ext. 111 November 23, 2014 Adult Faith Exploration All Women of the Parish: You are invited to join us at our Tuesday, November 18, 2014 meeting St. Joseph Center at 6:30PM. At this month’s meeting we will be painting bowls for the upcoming 2015 “EMPTY BOWLS” event. Please join us as we explore the beauty, depth & history of our Catholic Faith. We will continue with the ‘Symbolon Series’ The Catholic Faith Explained. We now meet Sunday mornings in the library (room #9) in the St. Joe’s center from 9:25am-10:30am (we follow the CCD Schedule) “EMPTY BOWLS” is a community wide effort where many different churches, business etc. come together to help fight hunger in the homeless and hungry in our community. At this meeting we gather together to use our “inner artist” skills to paint bowls that will later be used in the 2015 EMPTY BOWLS event. No special skills or supplies are needed to participate - for $6 donation we supply the bowl, tools, and paint necessary. This meeting is always a relaxed night of fun and fellowship. We hope you will join us in our participation in this important worthwhile community event. Nov. 23rd – RCIA/ACE/Bible Study combined potluck in Family Life Center Social Hall after 8 am Mass. For more information contact - Nancy Oelgoetz (ICCCW Vice President) at 931-378-7075. Are you on Facebook?? If so, please check us out, just search for :Immaculate Conception Catholic Adult Faith Formation Forum The Catholic Faith Explained is a stunning new video series that systematically presents the BIG picture of the Catholic Faith. Filmed on location in Rome, the Holy Land, Calcutta, and in the Augustine Institute studios in Denver, dozens of nationallyknown teachers clearly present the beauty and brilliance of Catholicism. For more information please contact: Scott Audet Email- Ph# 931-249-5893 Room in the Inn is a Clarksville homeless program. Churches provide shelters once a week November– March. On Thursday nights we provide for 10-25 guests (5 can be women), providing a place to stay for the night, dinner, breakfast, and sack lunches. We are looking for generous people who can donate time, talent, or treasure to support the Room In the Inn ministry - This year we are in need of volunteers to help in the following areas: Contributions: Donations can be made to support Room In the Inn ministry. Checks payable to Immaculate Conception Church – Denote Room In the Inn on “memo” line. More info: email Larry Hogan: or call (931) 206-0939 If you are interested in joining the Catholic Church or you know of someone who is interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, please note: Formal Classes Meet Every Sunday morning beginning with the 8:00 am Mass and continuing in the St. Joseph Center (upstairs) until 10:30 am. Call or stop by the church office to register! Informal classes (Q & A sessions) are held year-round on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday’s at 7:00 pm in the St. Joseph Center (downstairs). If you desire more information please contact the church office at 931-6456275-or check out our website Sunday Morning Bible Study 9:30am-10:30am in the FLC main hall. (We follow the CCD Schedule) Please join us as we enter into the heart of the living Word of God. May we be transformed and renewed by this encounter. We read the Bible from the heart of the Church, in light of the Church’s Liturgy and living Tradition. In this way, we hope to help people experience the heart-to-heart encounter that Jesus’ disciples experienced on that first Easter night, when they knew Him in the breaking of the bread: "Did not our hearts burn within us while He talked to us…while He opened to us the Scriptures?" (see Luke 24:13-37) ICCCW Book Club December: A book of your choosing to review to the group January 2015: The Eternal Wonder by Pearl Buck February: Sycamore Row by John Grisham March: The Pearl That Broke Its Shell by Nadia Hashimi ICCCW Book Club---Meet in the library at St. Joe’s Morning from 11-12:30 on the first Wednesday of each month. Office Phone (931) 645-6275 Email : Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Prayer Request Line 645-6275 ext. 111 November 23, 2014 CCD ! CONFRATERNITY OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE Sundays 9:15 ~ 10:30 a.m.—English 11:00~12:15 p.m.—Spanish LOOK FOR: ICC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Office Phone (931) 645-6275 Email : Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Prayer Request Line 645-6275 ext. 111 November 23, 2014 Today we celebrate the Solemnity of our Lord Jesus Christ the King of the Universe, the last Sunday in Ordinary Time and we observe Stewardship Sunday. This Solemnity celebrates an aspect of Jesus’ identity. Rather than images of Christ on a throne in splendor, He is proclaimed King by the sign over His head on the throne of a wooden cross! Not as a reigning monarch with servants and retainers, Jesus came among us in poverty, not to be served but to serve us. In all things, Jesus models the will of our Heavenly Father. Through Him, we learn the purpose of life is not to accumulate titles, prestige, earthly possessions and wealth. It is God’s will that we learn to know Him and love Him in this world so we may be with Him for Eternity. His earthly to us gifts are not to be hoarded but to be shared; to be used for the benefit of others and the good of all. The Gospel presents a frightening image of Christ’s judgment. We have been taught there are the four [4] Last Things; Death, Judgment, Heaven or Hell. Jesus will separate the sheep from the goats. The sheep are those who follow the will of the heavenly Father. They follow the example of Christ and continue to do His work in the world. The sheep will enter into Heaven. This Gospel causes us to ask ourselves; ‘when, did I see you hungry, or thirsty, a stranger, naked, ill, or imprisoned?’ The Church considers these activities the Corporeal Works of Mercy. They are not options to consider, they are imperatives! We are called individually and collectively to be the Body of Christ and to continue His work in the world. God is so generous. He gives us gifts of work and privilege. We live in one of the wealthiest countries in the world! We have been truly blessed. Individually we may never see the hungry, thirsty, naked, the ill or meet the stranger, the imprisoned but collectively we share a responsibility and an obligation to care for them. We contribute to this effort as a community of believers, as Disciples of Christ, as Christians and members of the parish where we live! Regardless of where we call home or where we were baptized we live here. For now, our church home is Immaculate Conception Parish. God has put us here for a purpose. This is where we are called to be the Church sharing in the collective responsibility for this parish and the suffering and less fortunate in this community. We are called to serve and support the work of our local parish. We are free to continue to support our baptism church and we also have a responsibility to support the church where we live and are ministered to! We honor Christ the King by recognizing our obligation to share in His ministry by our individual and collective efforts to be involved in and support the work of our parish. Every one of us is encouraged to share our time, our talent and our treasure to support the work of our parish community. We are blessed by your presence and participation. Today we are asking you to give us an indication of how we can depend on you. In your pew is a form {take a look/ pass them} after you complete it, we will know how you intend to commit your time, your talent, your treasure to the work of the Catholic Church in Clarksville. Wisely using the gifts you have received is being a good steward. Making this type of a commitment to support the work of the Church with our time, our talents and with financial resources is Stewardship. We appreciate your stewardship of time assisting in liturgical ministry or other ministry opportunities in our parish organizations. There are almost forty active ministries in the parish. Every one of them would welcome more members to grow, improve and operate more efficiently and effectively. We could expand our ministry programs to better serve unmet needs in the parish and in the Clarksville community if you will help us.. Everyone in this parish has a God given special skill which could be used to accomplish our mission! We invite you to offer your unique skill set as stewardship of talent in or to a parish ministry. Imagine what we could accomplish if each person used their skills and strengths to help us overcome our weaknesses. We all have some treasure. If every working person in the parish shared some of their treasure by being a contributing member, our parish would not be facing financial uncertainty because of lack funds. If you have a minimum wage job, even that is a gift from God. Thank God for work and wages and please consider sharing some of what you have with others who have less. Every contribution is important and appreciated. God will not be outdone in generosity! Every working adult in the parish could be a contributing member and will be rewarded by our generous God. Can we depend on your support? It is important to know how much we can anticipate receiving from your contributions in order to plan the development of our programs, facilities.. We are in the process of developing a 5 year plan to sustain the growth and maintain the work and ministry of the parish. In the process we have discovered numerous unmet needs and underfunded projects. Eventually we must prioritize among these and allocate limited financial and staff resources. Like every family in the parish, the parish deals with financial challenges. As a family, we must discuss the financial challenges we face. Our aging facilities require constant repairs, maintenance and upkeep. Like your family, we face rising costs for utilities, supplies and materials. We have limited financial resources which are not wasted. Your hard earned contributions are not spent frivolously. We are totally dependent on your contributions. Can we rely on you to make a commitment to financially support the parish? Please indicate the amount we can depend on from you. When our families face opportunities or challenges, we discuss them and agree decide on how each member can contribute to the family’s success. We rely on each other. As a parish family, we can do no less. We have great potential to expand opportunities for the ministries in our parish but we face many challenges too, especially financial limitations. Our parish leadership cannot afford to be silent about the challenges facing us. It is important to discuss them with you as a parish family. We all share the responsibilities, opportunities and challenges we face. We pray you will respond as members of this parish family. By the gift of Faith all of us are called to be Holy. Sacred Scripture tells us, Faith without works is dead. We ask you to embrace your living Faith with a decision to make a written commitment to Stewardship as a member of this parish. We would be very grateful if you will sign up to “EPledge” with a weekly or monthly bank draft. Working together with the time, the talents and the treasure God has given to us, we can complete the work He has put before us. May the work God has begun in us bear much fruit in Heaven. Thank you for helping us in our work and plans for the parish and its ministries. We confidently depend on your support. The ushers will collect your completed cards. There are members of the parish leadership in the narthex after the Mass to answer your questions. Of course, you are invited to contact any of us to discuss our concerns. We ask you, to honor Christ our King by taking time to remove the Commitment card from the pew rack and fill it out to let us know how we can plan for the parish future based on your promise and intention to share your time, your talents and your financial treasure. Office Phone (931) 645-6275 Email : Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Prayer Request Line 645-6275 ext. 111 November 23, 2014 The Celebration of the Eucharist November 29—30 Mass Intentions Sunday, November 23 8:00 am ... Charles Nichols SERVERS Saturday 5:30 PM Sunday 8:00 AM Sunday 11:00 AM 5:30 PM Tommy Key Jackson Becker J. T. Miller Carlos Salvatierra, Jr. Matthew Wieber Matthew Klomfas Ben Blume Carter Woehlert Volunteer needed Volunteer needed Volunteer needed Katie Woehlert Stephen Baird S. Donnellan [sub req.] Jack Turner Mike Cassady M. G. Russ [sub req.] Barbara Miller Connie Pierotti Volunteer needed Allyne Petersen Debby Riddell Troy Miller Volunteer needed Tina White Kathleen Lange [s] Debra Flowers Volunteer needed H. Burton [sub req.] Juanita Dowlen Edward Grimes Amy Peterson John Cruz Nancy Smithfield Linda Steiner Mae Cruz Patricia Doyle Judy King Thomas Aaron Eileen Estenson Volunteer needed Patty Pierce Pat Toutges Tayler Forrest Volunteer needed Anne Starr Theresa Wilson Meagan Hepler Volunteer needed Kathy Yancey Sierra Sturdivant John Terry By Linda 11:00 am .. David Alexander By M/M Gilles Tremblay 1:00 pm ... People of the Parish READERS 5:30 pm .. Intentions of Deacon John Carroll By The Azzara Family Monday, November 24 6:00 pm ... Mrs. Loraine McGuire EMOHC By the McGuire Family Tuesday, November 25 7:00 am ... Charles Bacasa By Larry & Louise McGuire ICS8:15am... Intention of ICP Staff & Students Wednesday, November 26 7:00 am ... Phil & Irene Anderson GREETERS By Karen Goodwin 7:30 pm ... Sergio Garcia By Araceli Cordova Thursday, November 27 9:00 am ... For the Needs of the Hungry Friday, November 28 ROSARY Anne 7:00 am ... Bernice Matalvich Saturday, November 29 Sunday 8:00 am ... Tony Trovato By Cheryl & Family Monday 5:30 pm ... Ronald Hall Tuesday By Lucille Hall Sunday, November 30 8:00 am ... Omega Ellis Wednesday By Dianne & Donna Ellis Thursday 11:00 am .. Jeannine Janvier By M/M Gilles Tremblay Friday 1:00 pm ... Selidonio Noveron Saturday By Valentina Noveron 3:00 pm ... Intention of Our Korean Community 5:30 pm .. People of the Parish **Please note: the church office will be closed at noon on Wed., Nov. 26th thru Friday, Nov. 28th. “Stewardship…Living Gracefully” Rev. Alejandro Godinez Bl. Miguel Pro Rev. Jose Martin A. Gonzalez St. Andrew Dung Lac Rev. John C. Henrick St. Catherine of Alexandria Rev. Paul Hostettler St. John Berchmans Rev. Mark Hunt St. James Intercisus Rev. Michael O. Johnston St. Catherine Laboure Rev. Tomy P. Joseph St. Saturninus “One act of thanksgiving, when things go wrong with us, is worth a a thousand thanks when things are agreeable to our inclinations.” —Saint John of Avila Stewardship of Treasure IMMACULATE CONCEPTION MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT OCTOBER 2014 INCOME EXPENSES NET Parish $117,033.65 Parish $74,296.03 Parish $42,737.62 School $53,659.50 School $68,254.01 School -$14,594.51 Preschool $30,781.74 Preschool $22,243.81 Preschool TOTAL $201,474.89 TOTAL $164,793.85 Office Phone (931) 645-6275 READINGS FOR THE WEEK November 23 thru November 30 Pray Daily for our Priests Seminarians, and Religious By Mary Lawrence $8,537.93 TOTAL $36,681.04 Sunday: Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Ps 23:1-3, 5-6; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46 Monday: Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5; Ps 24:1bc-4ab, 5-6; Lk 21:1-4 Tuesday: Rv 14:14-19; Ps 96:10-13; Lk 21:5-11 Wednesday: Rv 15:1-4; Ps 98:1-3ab, 7-9; Lk 21:12-19 Thursday: Rv 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a; Ps 100:1b5; Lk 21:20-28 Thanksgiving Day (suggested): Sir 50:22-24; Ps 145:2-11; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Lk 17:11-19 Friday: Rv 20:1-4, 11 — 21:2; Ps 84:3-6a, 8a; Lk 21:29-33 Saturday: Rv 22:1-7; Ps 95:1-7ab; Lk 21:34-36 Sunday: Is 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7; Ps 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Mk 13:33-37 Sunday envelopes and loose collection from 11/9/2014 Envelopes w/ Cash or Checks Total Received Contrib. Average Families Contrib. $16,310.70 329 $49.58 E-Tithing $7,960.00 65 $122.46 Loose Currency $2,354.14 ?? ?? $26,624.84 Thank you to all who contributed your time, talent and treasure! Especially the 287 families who used their contribution envelopes, the 42 who offered their gifts by loose check and the 65 who offered by e-tithing! Email : Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Prayer Request Line 645-6275 ext. 111 ADORATION Dates CALENDAR Boy SUNDAY, November 23 Gift Shop Open Before / After ALL Masses Religious Ed 9:15 ...................................All RCIA/RCIC 9:15 AM ............................ SJC Adult Ed 9:15 am ................... White House Exalt 10:00 am ...................................... MC Parish Choir 9-10 am ........................... MC Religious Ed (Sp) 11:00 am ................ FLC Adult Bible Study (Spanish) 11:00 am ...... SJC R.C.I.A. (Sp) 11:00 am ......................... SJC Exalt 4:30 pm ........................................ MC Nov 1 Nov 7-8 Nov 14 Nov 15 Nov 21 Nov 22 Nov 28 November 23, 2014 IC NURSERY Nursery hours: Eucharistic Adoration Eucharistic Adoration Eucharistic Adoration Holy Hour Eucharistic Adoration Nocturnal Adoration Eucharistic Adoration During 8 am Mass *9:15-10:45 For children of CCD Teachers, RCIA, Adult Ed and Choir participants MONDAY, November 24 Mothers Pray & Play 9:00 am ... SJC/NSY Affordable Health Care 9-5................. SJC Baptism Class 6:30 pm ...................... SJC Prayer Group (Sp) 7:00 pm .................. CH Legion of Mary 7:00 pm ...................... SJC During 11 am Mass AGES 4 MONTHS Thru 3 YEARS Volunteers Needed! Call Sylvia @ (931) 257-0777 TUESDAY, November 25 Boy Scouts 5:30 pm ........................... KCH Bible Study (College) 6:00 pm ........... SJC Children’s Choir 6:15 pm ..................... MC IC GIFT SHOP WEDNESDAY, November 26 Adult Bible Study 9:30 am ............... SJC Chancel Choir 5:00 pm........................ MC Prayer Grp (Sp) 6:00 pm.................... SJC Cub Pack 6:00 pm ............................... FLC Kerigma/CYO 6:00 pm ........................ SJC 5 Yr Planning Cmt. 6:00 pm ................ ICS Teen Choir 6:30 pm .............................. MC Parish Choir 6:30 pm ........................... MC THURSDAY, November 27 Room in the Inn 3:00 pm.................... FLC Newman Club 6 PM ........................ APSU Parish Choir 6:00 pm ........................... MC AA Meeting 8:00 pm ............................. ICS FRIDAY, November 28 ADORATION ........................................ MC Baptism Class (Sp) 6:30 pm ............... SJC SATURDAY, November 29 Gift Shop Open Before & After 5:30 Mass Epiphany Practice 11:00 am.............. SJC Wedding 7:00 pm ................................ CH SUNDAY, November 30 Gift Shop Open Before / After ALL Masses Religious Ed 9:15 ...................................All RCIA/RCIC 9:15 AM ............................ SJC Adult Ed 9:15 am ................... White House Exalt 10:00 am ...................................... MC Parish Choir 9-10 am ........................... MC Religious Ed (Sp) 11:00 am ................ FLC Adult Bible Study (Spanish) 11:00 am ...... SJC R.C.I.A. (Sp) 11:00 am ......................... SJC Korean Pot-Luck 4:00 pm ................... FLC Exalt 4:30 pm ........................................ MC LEGEND Blue Color .............YOUTH ACTIVITIES MC .......................................Main Church CH ................................................Chapel SJC ............................ St. Joseph Center FLC .......... Family Life Center/Social Hall KCH .................. (Knights) Columbus Hall NSY .................................... IC Nursery ICS .... Immaculate Conception School CPL ...................... Church Parking Lot All ................................. SJC,FLC,KCH Office Phone (931) 645-6275 CREDIT & DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED VISA & MASTER CARD “There is no doubt that a flood of graces will descend upon your family and the world if more souls would become docile pupils of adoration. ” ~ St. Pope John XXIII 24 hour Adoration is held in the main church every Friday 7:30 a.m. to Saturday 8:00 a.m. Adoration is also held on the first Friday and Saturday of each month from Friday 7:30 a.m. through Benediction on Saturday at 4:00 p.m. PLEASE SIGN IN upon arrival. For information on Adoration check our website at: Open before and after weekend Masses ONLY. If you would like to register as a member of the parish, register your child for CCD, change your membership information or just looking for information, please … Check out our Parish website : AA Meetings are held every Thursday at 8:00 p.m. in the Immaculate Conception School gym. Meetings are open. Commitment Sunday Nov. 23, 2014 Supporting your church financially is something we are all called to do. We give back a little of what we are given by God, the most generous of all givers. Please pray for the guidance you need to make a spiritual commitment and decision to support your Church. Stewardship Commitment forms are available on our website at for your convenience. Thank you. Give God what is right...not what is left! Email : CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS Immaculate Conception Church #331300 709 Franklin Street Clarksville, TN 37040 TELEPHONE 931 645-6275 CONTACT PERSON Judy Spink EMAIL: SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat X Windows XP PRINTER HP Laserjet P2055D TRANSMISSION TIME Monday 4:30 pm SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION November 23, 2014 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 11 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
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