©2007 Bon Venture Services, LLC “A Family of Families” Come to Jesus and Live Forever Ringwood • New Jersey St. Catherine of Bologna Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe • November 23rd, 2014 PARISH OFFICE 973‐962‐7032 SCHOOL 973‐962‐7131 RELIGIOUS FORMATION 973‐962‐7032 x104 PARISH WEBSITE: www.scobp.org SCHOOL WEBSITE: www.stcbschool.org 1 OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE NOVEMBER 23, 2014 Welcome to St. Catherine of Bologna Parish “A Family of Families” SCHEDULE OF MASSES MASS INTENTIONS Monday-Saturday 9:00am Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm Sunday: 7:30, 9:00 & 11:00am Confession Schedule: Saturday 4:00-4:30pm or by appointment STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE Collection for the Week of November 16: Regular Collection Total: $ 5,471.00 Thank you for your generous support. Remember your loved ones in a very special way by offering a memorial in their name: Bread & Wine Altar Candles DAY TIME Mon Nov 24 9:00am Tue Nov 25 9:00am Wed Nov 26 9:00am Thu Nov 27 9:00am Fri Nov 28 Sanctuary Lamp Miriam Bond Elizabeth Ward Kyle Jaskot Agresta Family Barbara Newcomb Jack & Alice Ryan Kyle Jaskot Tommy & Kristin Law Andrew Virga Marion & Steve Tuttle Lara Chrucky The Butler Family Kyle Jaskot Sikel & Deighan Families Mary Hanrahan Marion & Steve Tuttle Ann Scilingo Vinny & Denise Minissale Doris Cooney Anne & Jean DeNunzio Charlotte Anderson Newarski Family Bob Gentile Kathy & Richard Ranft Rev. Fr. James Naughton S.D.B Mr. & Mrs. Lyons Winnie Murray Patrick Murray Catherine Hoffmann Zartman Family 9:00am 9:00am Sat Nov 29 5:00pm Memorials November 23, 2014 REQUESTED BY The People of the Parish 2014 Mass Book Call now to request a Mass date & card Mass dates & cards will now be available after Sunday Masses in the Sacristy at the rear of the Church For additional information, please contact the Parish Office (973) 962-7032 ext. 4. INTENTION 7:30am Mass Bread and Wine: Carol Freiler Requested by: Charles & Clair Brown 7:30am Advent Bible Study Sun Nov 30 There will be NO Bible Study this Monday… Bible Study will be changed to Wednesdays from 10am-12pm- In the Gathering Area beginning on Dec. 3rd. The focus for this next Series will be Advent. ALL ARE WELCOME...BRING YOUR BIBLE! 9:00am Intentions of Fr. Michal Falgowski Ron & Roseanne Schiavello Lester Kirby 11:00am Intentions of Fr. Michal Falgowski LITURGICAL MINISTRY SCHEDULE Nov 29 & 30 Altar Servers Holy Communion Lectors 5:00 pm (Sat) 7:30 am (Sun) Leone 9:00 am (Sun) 11:00 am (Sun) McGinty Shatouhy B Nicolo © M Price L Tota J Nicolo R Fleischl © F Conception D Amati-Wolfe S Cioppa © G Scharre D Wright D Law M Tuttle A Chirles, Jr. © L Decker A Chirles M Chirles M Cleveland J Macaluso K May P DelMastro A Badia 2 THIS WEEK AT ST. CATHERINE’S Sun Nov 23 9:00am – 12:00pm Mon Nov 24 5:00pm – 9:00pm 7:00pm – 8:00pm 7:00pm – 9:00pm Tue Nov 25 2:30pm – 5:00pm 7:00pm – 8:00pm 7:00pm – 8:00pm 7:00pm –10:00pm 7:00pm – 9:30pm 7:30pm –10:00pm Fri Nov 28 7:30pm – 10:00pm FROG- Art Room, School, Msgr. Panos Rm, Gathering Area CYO – Practice- Gym Cub Scouts Pack 96- Art Room Social Concerns- Msgr. Panos Rm First Penance Class- Art Room, Church, Gathering Area Respect Life/Cenacle of Life- CH Faithful FROGS-Art Room Men's Basketball- Gym Thanksgiving Service- Church AA Meeting- Msgr. Panos Room KofC 6212-Social Night– Msgr. Panos Room Looking for a space to rent for your next party??? The Msgr. Panos Room is available to rent for your next party/gathering. For further information please contact the Parish Office 973-962-7032 Ext. 107 Flu Season is quickly approaching. We ask that all parishioners that may be sick with the flu to please stay home and take care of your health. In addition to this, it is ok for parishioners to wish their fellow church goers peace during the sign of peace at mass without shaking of hands. One can even nod their heads to one another. Once the flu season is in high season, we will discontinue the distribution of the precious blood at all Masses. If the Northern Passaic County schools are closed, along with Saint Catherine of Bologna School, due to snow and or state of emergency, all parish offices and parish/ school/ secular activities in the parish will also be canceled and buildings will be closed for the night. Because of safety reasons, the daily Mass will be canceled for the public and will continue to be celebrated by the priest in private in the rectory for the Mass intention(s). So please, be wise, and stay off the roads during State of emergencies and or inclement weather. If the weather is bad on Sunday, we will continue with the liturgies as planned. Thank you for understanding and let’s pray for a nice and quiet winter season. Daniel Breslin Charles Donnelly Michelle DeBlasi Carol Ann Devlin Thanh Cao Genevieve Puso Amy Law Stephan Jacobson Joyce Gibb Christopher Schmitt Jonathan Dean Joseph Sanders Catherine Greco Lisa Ransom Patrick Rutherford Dorothy Peplowski Jenny Takter Johnny Takter Pierre Gladh Brandon Rifflard Josephine Myshkoff Charlotte Smith Frank D’Amico Tim Conway Emily D’Amico Eric Florio Brandon Swan Erin Carty Joyce Colon Tom Firenze Only immediate family members can call the Parish Office to have a name added or removed. Parish Office: 973-962-7032 If you or a member of your immediate family would like to receive a visit from Fr. Michal please call the Parish Office 973-962-7032 SOCIAL CONCERNS COMMITTEE FAITH IN ACTION Pope Francis 5 Finger Prayer 1. The thumb is the closest finger to you. So start praying for those who are closest to you. They are the persons easiest to remember. To pray for our dear ones is a “sweet obligation.” 2. The next finger is the index. Pray for those who teach you, instruct you and heal you. They need the support and wisdom to show direction to others. Always keep them in your prayers. 3. The following finger is the tallest. It reminds us of our leaders, the governors and those who have authority. They need God’s guidance. 4. The fourth finger is the ring finger. Even that it may surprise you, it is our weakest finger. It should remind us to pray for the weakest, the sick or those plagued by problems. They need your prayers. 5. And finally we have our smallest finger, the smallest of all. Your pinkie should remind you to pray for yourself. When you are done praying for the other four groups, you will be able to see your own needs but in the proper perspective, and also you will be able to pray for your own needs in a better way. Need something notarized??? Notary Services will be offered during office hours for a donation of $5 Please contact Debbie at the Parish Office at 973-962-7032 or stop by during Office Hours 3 A FRESH PERSPECTIVE ON THE SUNDAY READINGS HIS WORD TODAY by Rev. William J. Reilly Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe November 23, 2014 “I myself will look after and tend my sheep. As a shepherd tends his flock when he finds himself among his scattered sheep, so will I tend my sheep…I myself will pasture my sheep, I myself will give them rest, says the Lord God. The lost I will seek out, the strayed I will bring back, the injured I will bind up, the sick I will heal…shepherding them rightly”… “Amen I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me.” We claim allegiance to a shepherd king, Jesus Christ. On this final Sunday of the church’s year of grace, we profess our faith in the One who is the center of our lives. How often the parables spoke of the kingdom of heaven or the kingdom of God as He taught His disciples the way to the Father. He came to establish His kingdom. Today the image of the shepherd caring totally for the flock is what Jesus is for us and the church, His kingdom on earth, and what it does in her ministry. The works of mercy, the norms at the time of judgment reflect the role of the kingdom and the life of its members. Who among us is not aware of the hungry seeking our help, the homeless asking for some useable and warm clothing as winter approaches, people thirsting for love, care and compassion either living alone or in rehab or an institution. An immigrant seeking acceptance, a ex-offender seeking a job. These are the sheep who need the Shepherd and we are the means the Lord wishes to use to make His kingdom real. Last spring, the news featured the future king of England Prince George capturing hearts on his visit to Australia. It will be interesting to see how he grows into his role. The kingdom of Jesus Christ cannot wait to see, but needs to act upon what we really know right now. The kingdom of God is… OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST THE KING First Reading: Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17 This passage beautifully describes how the Lord God, as shepherd, will tend his flock. He will rescue those who are lost, bring back those who stray, heal the sick, and “pasture” all. Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Sunday Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46 Monday Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5; Lk 21:1-4 Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:20-26, 28 Paul once again stresses the significance of Christ’s resurrection in the total divine plan, emphasizing that Christ’s rising means that those who believe in him will also rise after death. Christianity, he argues, is meaningless if it concerns only this life on earth. In the end, even death will be destroyed, and “God will be all in all.” Tuesday Rv 14:14-19; Lk 21:5-11 Gospel: Matthew 25:31-46 With words both poetic and vivid, Jesus tells the disciples that since he is present in all people, whatever they do to “one of my least brothers” they do to him; and whatever they fail to do to his “least,” they fail to do to him. Wednesday Rv 15:1-4; Lk 21:12-19 Thursday Rv 18:1-2, 21-23, 19:1-3, 9a; Lk 21:20-28 Friday Rv 20:1-4, 11—21:2; Lk 21:29-33 Saturday Rv 22:1-7; Lk 21:34-36 4 IN OUR SCHOOL youth ministry Value of the Month: Humility antioch.scob@gmail.com 11.23.14 November 26 Thanksgiving Prayer Service 10am Vacation Raffle Win a Vacation Valued at $3,500. Tickets are just $25 and the prize will cover a 4 day Disney Vacation for a family of 4 with accommodations, park passes and food. Or pick your own vacation! Please review this flyer for ordering details and contact Heather Werner with any questions, hlwerner@hotmail.com http://tinyurl.com/stcbvacraffle Dine to Donate Enjoy a meal that’s filling… and fulfilling! Each month, local restaurants have graciously agreed to donate a percentage of your bill back to St. Catherine’s HSA. Please mark your calendars with the dates. If you need a copy of the individual flyers, please contact the HSA at stcatherineofbolognaschool@gmail.com or find them on our website, Dine to Donate Dates: http://tinyurl.com/stcbdinedonate Dine to Donate Flyers: http://tinyurl.com/stcbdine School Rewards Amazon Program! Use the Amazon link below and you will be directed to Amazon.com, log in using your own user name and password and then shop as normal. Every purchase earns for our school. Share with family and friends. http://tinyurl.com/stcbamazon St. Catherine of Bologna Online Giving Parishioner Benefits • No need for checks • Financial planning allows you to align your paychecks with your parish offertory schedule • Contribution amount is easily adjusted • Credit card option allows you to take advantage of any benefits such as airline miles or cash bonuses Parish Benefits • No check processing fees • Increases regular giving with recurring contributions • More accurate revenue forecasting • Reaches a wider demographic of givers Please understand that Online Giving is not intended to replace the traditional act of Sunday offertory, rather it is meant to enhance it. For those who wish to retain their traditional envelopes, we will continue to provide them. Please prayerfully consider Online Giving. For more information or to sign up use the link on our parish website www.scobp.org or call the parish office at 973-962-7032. CALENDAR THE CHRISTMAS PARTY IS DECEMBER 21 CONFIRMATION ONE Our next Confirmation one class will take place this Sunday, December 21, 2014 from 6:00-8:00PM in the parish center. Please arrive early so we can begin on time. YEAR TWO-ANTIOCH Our next Confirmation two class will take place this Sunday, December 21, 2014 from 6:00-8:00PM beginning in the parish center. Please arrive early so we can begin on time. If any Antioch students are interested in joining team please contact me ASAP. ANTIOCH RETREAT Please Check Your Email Regarding Information for the Retreat. This IS TIME SENSITIVE MATERIAL in the email. Retreat Papers can be dropped in the Gathering Area of the Church. We are asking for food donations as we prepare for our retreat. There will be a sign up sheet after each mass this weekend. We thank you for your support and are working very hard to ensure the future of our parish. SERVICE OPPORTUNITY Date: Saturday December 13 Location: Parish Center Time of event: 8am-4pm Event: Craft Fair The volunteers can contact, Me via Email CONTACT US All questions or concerns regarding Confirmation and youth ministry can be directed to Matthew Romeo at: Antioch.scob@gmail.com. Religious Formation When I was hungry... IROC has partnered with Saint Catherine of Bologna Social Concerns Ministry! 7 Thanksgiving boxes were assembled by IROC students for the Center for Food Action. Social Concerns donated a $25 gift card to Stop and Shop for each Thanksgiving box! Great things can happen when intentional behaviors are just, thoughtful and deliberate! There is NO FROG class on Sunday, November 30 But Mass is still required! After all we have so much to be Thankful for! And Eucharist means Thanksgiving :) NEW DAY FOR THE BIBLE STUDY!!!!! WEDNESDAY MORNINGS! 10:00 AM- 12:00 Noon In the Msgr. Panos Room The focus is on Advent All are welcome! 5 Would you Give 20 Minutes Once a Month to Save Lives? The Respect life committee of St. Catherine of Bologna Church sells bagels on the third Sunday of each month. It is our only fundraiser and is used to enable those who are active in working to Save Lives. In 2014, we have sent checks to the following organizations: Thomas Moore Society, American Life League, Priests for Life, Several Sources and Good Counsel. These organizations support Life in various ways such as housing and caring for mothers and babies, educating the public, and supporting those Pro-life Lawyers who work on Pro-life issues. Our basic committee has dwindled to 3 people due to death, aging and relocation. Once each month we need 3 people after each Sunday Mass for approximately 20 minutes to assist in selling our bagels. We have been blessed to have a loyal crew of people who have assisted us at our bagel sales in the past, however, we have recently lost the help of several of those good people. We ARE DESPERATE FOR HELP Won’t you step up to the plate? Please look into your heart and call one of the following to offer your help: Nadine Shaw: 973-962-6481 Helen Wilhelm: 973-962-7861 Charlotte Anderson: 973-903-0356 If necessary, please leave a message and we will happily return your call. Thank You Spiritual Adoption Program If you or your family would like to be a life saver, look for a Spiritual Adoption prayer card in one of the baskets at the exits of the church. You need not know of a specific case to participate. Put a baby's name of your choice on the card in recognition of the humanity of this individual, unborn child. Sign the commitment and return that half to the basket on your next visit to church. Pray for that baby by name as faithfully as you can in daily prayer, and pray for his or her parents too. Who knows, but in the next life God may bless you with the happiness of meeting the person whose life you saved with so little effort and such great compassion! During the First Month At fertilization, a new human life begins, complete with his or her own unique set of DNA, which is present from the first day of life. The new little person's sex is also determined from the beginning. During this first amazing month of life, the baby grows to 10,000 times his size at conception. By the third week, the baby's heart begins to beat. Christmas Mitten & Angel Trees On Christmas Eve, the children at St. Joseph’s Hospital and NYU Langone Medical Center will be nestled and all snug in their hospital beds. Your gifts will certainly raise their spirits on Christmas morning. Please choose a mitten, buy and wrap a gift, attach your mitten to the gift, and indicate what the gift is on the mitten. Every season Straight & Narrow embarks on our annual Angel Tree Campaign providing support to clients in need during the holidays. The Angel & Mitten Trees will be up from Friday, November 28th until Sunday December 14th. Thank you for generously supporting the Mitten & Angel Trees! Ringwood Hunger Walk Thank you! Thank You! Thank You! To all who contributed to the success of The Ringwood Hunger Walk. Maybe you gave a contribution, pledged a walker or walked yourself; your donation helped us raise over $14,000 for our local food pantry, The Center For Food Action in Ringwood. Your generosity will help hundreds of needy individuals in our area. God bless you all!! ~Linda Coan Ringwood Hunger Walk Committee Upcoming Events at St. Paul Inside the Walls The Holy Spirit and Evangelization Presented by: Allan Wright December 6 10 AM - 12 PM The Holy Spirit is the director of all evangelizaon. While it is impossible to predict what the Holy Spirit may do in the future, we can explore what the Spirit has done throughout the New Testament to inform and guide our efforts to share the Gospel today Speaking of Faith With Karol Corbin Walker Madison: December 10 7:30 - 9 PM Join Fr. Paul Manning as he interviews Karol Corbin Walker, Past-President of the New Jersey Bar Associaon about her encounter with and response to God and the integraon of faith into work & life 6 St. Catherine’s Craft & Vendor Fair Saturday, December 13, 2014 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Handcrafted Scarves Jewelry Pampered Chef/Tastefully Simple Mary Kay Avon ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Crocheted Hats Paintings & Calligraphy Dresses for American Girl Dolls Wreaths and more…. Calling all vendors...we still have tables available. For information call Caryl Romeo 973-728-3651 or email ckromeo@optonline.net 7 Thanksgiving Interfaith Prayer Service When: Tuesday, November 25 Where: St. Catherine of Bologna Time: Prayer Service @ 7pm led by our local clergy Followed by fellowship & refreshments Come and Give thanks to God with your family & Ringwood neighbors & friends. All Are Welcome! To Praise God for life… To Praise God for Family… . To Praise God for ALL… Nonperishable foods will be collected for our local food bank, The Center For Food Action Anyone wishing to share a dessert that night may drop it off at the Parish Center before the Service. Finger Foods Only– Brownies, Cookies, Cookie Bars, etc. 8 9 Parish Contact Information 973-962-7032 Rev. Peter S. Glabik Pastor frpeterglabik@optonline.net Ext. 5 Rev. Michal Falgowski Parochial Vicar fr.falgowski@gmail.com Ext. 6 Mr. James Elliott Deacon Ext. 4 Mr. Richard Michalski Deacon - Baptism Preparation Ext. 4 Sr. Theresa Firenze, O.S.F. School Principal 973-962-7131 Mrs. Janis Agresta Director of Religious Formation janisagresta@gmail.com Ext. 3 Mr. Matthew Romeo Confirmation, Youth Ministry Antioch.scob@gmail.com Ext. 8 Mrs. Kim Marie Schroll Parish Secretary scobsecretary@optonline.net Ext. 4 Mrs. Debbie Amati-Wolfe Grounds Manager damatiwolfe@optonline.net Ext. 7 Finance scob_finance@optonline.net Ext. 7 Calendar calendar.scob@gmail.com Ext. 7 Mr. & Mrs. Ted & Eva Hajek Music Directors musicians.scob@gmail.com Mrs. Janet Spirko Music Minister Rev. Msgr. Patrick G. Panos Pastor Emeritus Mr. Joseph Agresta Trustee Mr. Douglas Kunzle Trustee (not in residence) Parish Office Contact Information Phone: (973) 962-7032 Office: scobsecretary@optonline.net Bulletin: bulletin.scob@gmail.com Website: www.scobp.org Address: 112 Erskine Rd, Ringwood, NJ 07456 New Parishioners are asked to register at the Parish Office by stopping by or calling the office at(973) 962-7032. We also appreciate notification of those moving or changing phone numbers. Parish Office Hours: Reconciliation: Saturdays 4:00-4:30 pm or by appointment. NOW LOCATED in the PARISH CENTER Mon - Thurs: 9:30am - 3:30pm Fri: 9:30am - 1:30pm A priest will always help as needed. Baptism: Please contact the Rectory to make arrangements. Celebration of Baptism is on 2nd & 4th Sunday Beginning at the 11:00 Mass. Baptism preparation class is on the first Monday of every month at 7:30pm in the Church. Parents must attend one class before the Baptism of their first child. Class will only meet when families preregister. Religious Formation Office Phone: 973-962-7032 Hours: Monday 9:30-4:00pm Call or email to make an appointment. RF Office is Closed on Wednesday St. Catherine of Bologna School Phone: (973) 962-7131 Website: www.stcbschool.org Address: 112 Erskine Rd, Ringwood, NJ 07456 Hours: Mon - Fri, 8:00am - 4:00pm BULLETIN DEADLINE Information to be included in the weekend church bulletin must be submitted by Monday at 4pm prior to printing. This includes inserts. Please use the email address below for bulletin submissions. Email: bulletin.scob@gmail.com (Word & Publisher documents only) NEW PARISHIONERS SACRAMENTS RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation In Adults): We welcome all people 18 yrs of age or older who have not received Baptism, Penance, Holy Eucharist, or Confirmation, as well as those who wish to enter the Roman Catholic Faith to please contact George Wolfe at 973-962-7010. New Classes will begin in Sept. 2014 Marriage: Please contact the Rectory as early as possible; mandatory preparation one year in advance. Ministry to the Sick: The rite of Anointing and Communion of the Sick will be celebrated for any person homebound or hospitalized. Please notify the Rectory. The Sacrament of Anointing is available per request. NEED MEETING SPACE? To schedule use of the Parish Center, Church and Gathering Area please email calendar.scob@gmail.com All requests for the Church must first be sent to Fr. Peter (frpeterglabik@optonline.net) for approval. WAYNE TRANSMISSION INC. 21 Sherman Street • Wayne, NJ FOREIGN/DOMESTIC AUTOMATIC/MANUAL/CLUTCHES TOWING 973-694-3586 • F: 973-694-3748 All Work Guaranteed Since 1952 BARRY NYHUIS Free JIM NYHUIS Estimates SKYLINE FAMILY EYECARE DR. EILEEN M. 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Ringwood, NJ 07456 (973) 835-3900 SHIPPEE’S PHARMACY 636 Ringwood Ave., Wanaque 973-835-6871 FREE Delivery Fully Computerized Pharmacy Dept. PETER J. HERINA, R.Ph. Carlton Cards - Balloons - Photo - Holiday Gifts Sr. Citizen Discount - Medicare Provider Home Healthcare Dept. Law Office Of MOORE Attorney at Law NEW CONSTRUCTION • HOME IMPROVEMENTS • DECKS Michael Walker CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. 1141 GREENWOOD LAKE TPK. RINGWOOD, NJ 07456 14 Countryside Lane · Ringwood, NJ Estate Planning, Elder Law & Real Estate 973-728-8767 973-962-7004 "REAL ESTATE" HOME · AUTO · BUSINESS · LIFE · RETIREMENT ROBERT CELLA Serving All Your Needs. Personal Financial Representative Bus. (973) 248-0690 16 Skyline Lakes Dr. • Suite 5A ~ SERVING THE RINGWOOD AREA FOR 50 YEARS ~ JOHN: 973-445-1189 MIKE: 1-845-258-4909 520 STONETOWN ROAD · RINGWOOD, N.J. 07456 VINCENT J. 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