OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE SUNDAY – NOVEMBER 23, 2014 Dear Friends in Christ, This Sunday we celebrate OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST THE KING. On this solemn feast, together with the whole Church, we come to the end of the Church’s liturgical year of 2014. What does “The King” mean to us when we solemnly celebrate today? Jesus is the King of kings. This means that King Jesus is above all; He is the only King whom we should love most, and be loyal to Him no matter what. We are His “subjects”, not because we are worthy or we deserve it, but because He loves us. He is not a king as are other kings on earth. He is the King who left the glory of Heaven to be with His subjects, who has walked with the poor, the lame, the outcasts.….who ate with sinners.….who does not condemn us when we sin against him but forgives us…..who knelt down to wash His subjects’ feet…who cares for each of us with His seven There is as second collection this weekend for Catholic Campaign for Human Development. CCHD was founded to end the cycle of poverty in the United States by funding organizations that help individuals help themselves. Your contribution will defend human dignity and help those living on the margins of our society. Is Jesus asking you, “Won’t you watch one hour with me?” The three people who had previously volunteered to spend the 5:00 to 6:00 pm hour with Jesus every First Friday of the month have all moved away. Won’t YOU please consider giving Him this one hour out of the 720 hours each month? To volunteer, please call Nick or Mary Murphy at 524-2831 or leave your name and phone number with the Parish Office. Remember: Jesus can never be outdone in generosity. Protecting God's Children training session for adults in our Vicariate will be here on Saturday Dec. 13th at St. Francis from 9:30 am till 12:30 pm. To register please go to www.virtus.org and click "Registration" in the left hand menu. DSA Assessment - $26,625.00 Paid/Pledged from 77 families - $19,516.55 Amount needed for assessment - $7,108.45 sacred Sacraments through His only Church from the day we are born until the day we die…who laid down His life on the cross, so that we can live and live abundantly…who was raised from the dead, that gave us a sure hope of victory. What a King he is! We are not dreaming to have a king like Christ. This is the King we do have, and he will be our King forever. So, Friends, should we love Him above all things? Should we be loyal to Him? Should we listen to and keep His commandments? Should we profess and defend His glorious name? Should we feel ashamed when we make a sign of the Cross on ourselves? Should we….and should we….? May you and I one day be with our King, Jesus Christ in His Kingdom in Heaven. Amen. Peace, Fr. Tien Have a Blessed Thanksgiving. Mass on Thanksgiving Day will be celebrated at 9:00 a.m. There will be NO Mass on Friday, November 28. The Parish Office will be closed on Thursday, November 27, and Friday, November 28. We ask that any announcements for next weekend’s bulletin (November 29th - 30th) be submitted to the office by Monday, November 24th. Thank you! Thank you for all your pantry contributions and to each one of our wonderful volunteers who helped make Thanksgiving possible for 172 families. May God’s blessings shower down upon you! STEWARDSHIP November 15-16, 2014 BUDGETED WEEKLY NEEDS OFFERTORY TOTAL Envelopes and Cash Online Giving $4,825.00 $4,029.50 $3,589.50 $ 440.00 ATTENDANCE Saturday 4:00 p.m. 135 Sunday 9:00 a.m. 205 11:30 a.m. 327 Thank you to all who faithfully contribute and are so generous to our parish. Next Sunday, November 30th, will be the First Sunday of Advent and the beginning of the new Church liturgical year. We want to thank those who have recently donated some wonderful Catholic books and a few DVD’s. The parish library is taking orders for the 2015 spiral bound calendar and daily planner from TAN are $11.87 each plus shipping. Call Georgette at 421-4747. We will need at least 5 orders to get our discount. Thank you. It’s time again for St. Francis Christmas Gift Giving Tree Program. Families that can use support to provide a gift for your child(ren) please call any of these members: Kim Leister 371-1797, Sue Kozma 524-7134, Sandra Lopez 342-5847, Basilia Ruiz 200-9114, or Edith Jennings 421-4863. A very special Advent Concert is scheduled here at St. Francis on Wednesday evening, December 10, following the 5:30 p.m. Mass. Cody Killian will be our guest musician, along with a bass player from St. William’s in Murphy, a flutist at Immaculate Heart of Mary in Hayesville, and our own pianist, organist, cellist and violinist. Cody, a 2014 graduate of Young Harris College with a Bachelor of Arts in Music, now is the Pianist/Organist at Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church in Atlanta. Some of you will remember Cody when he gave us a sample of his musical abilities at a Sunday Mass here at St. Francis several weeks ago. Our parish, as hosts for this evening of prayer and music, will be serving refreshments following the concert. Homemade cookies made by our parishioners would be greatly appreciated. Please let Liz Guertin (369-7052) know how many you will donate. Faith Formation will be extended 45 minutes for the music practice time needed for the Children’s Christmas Pageant to be held here on December 21st at 3 pm. Pray for everyone who seeks healing: Shirley Allegretti, Betty & Paul Annulis, George Barlow, Monica Beattie, Louise Bernards, Randy Bernards, Dean Birchard, Lonnie Bishop, Clyde Blue, Jim Broadwell, Ralph Brown, Jeannie Burrows, Bill Chambless, Mary Ellen Chestnut, Orfeo Cicchetti, Ed Cope, Juanita Cox, Richard Crow, Ashley Cuthbertson, Lillianne Duong Davis, Richard DeBetta, Matthew Demond, Nadine Denis, Dorothy Dodge, Pat Dziurgot, Jim Dzurus, Irma Ebbes, J. D. Gibson, A. J. Golon, Lou Golon, Marti Golon, Eugene Gonzalez, Casper Erb, Dorothy Gordon, Elmer Gover, Thomas Grogan, Michael Gruber, Joyce Ann Hillard, Bill Himschoot, Charles Hoefeyzers, Peggy Holcomb, Kevin Holland, Terry Holland, Carl Huebler, Liz Hutchinson, Richard Kantner, Rachel Kay, Betsy Kendrick, Jack Lammers, Greg Langston, Mary Ann Malloy, Christopher Marinari, Debbie Matthews, Fred Matthews, Riley Maynard, Gail McGrath, Joseph Mezera, Lad Mezera, Bill Moffitt, Nancy Montgomery, Thelma Niolet, Alicia Pack, Jane Putka, Giovanna “Laura” Rizzo, Terra Schear, Taylor Stacy, Richard Stodghill, Junior Stoudemire, Ed Tisdale, Kennedi Vondryk, Ed Taber, Sam Waldroop, Shy Warren, Bertha Watson, Caleb Watson, Teresa Williams, Marlene Woods, Alice Yuzzi, Marilyn Zagorski. Our elderly & shut-in parishioners: Katherine Baumann, Frances DiMarchiso, Margaret Driscoll, Barbara Elliot, Marilyn Elman, Nicole Meher, Reenie Modlin, Bertha Zalapa. For parishioners and all serving in our armed forces: Aaron Brooks, Patrick Debo, Jeremiah Elam, Joseph Hagge, Gregory Himschoot, Christian Houston, Ben Hunter, Carol Hysell, Thomas Hysell, Raymond Hysell, Amy Hysell, and Stephen Karcher, Kyle McCormick. Pray especially for all those who are stationed in areas of conflict. Mass Schedule and Intentions Saturday, November 22 4:00 P.M. Evelyn Barrett by Diane Argenti Sunday, November 23 9:00 A.M. Daniel Birchard by Jackie Lee 11:30 A.M. Parish People’s Mass Monday, November 24 9:00 A.M. Bertha Riley by Barbara Johnson 8:00 A.M. Tuesday, November 25 Irene Keswich & Family by Helen Waneski Wednesday, November 26 5:30 P.M. Cynthia Schmitz by Bob Schmitz Thursday, November 27 9:00 A.M. Ray Teska by Robert Teska Friday, November 28 NO MASS Saturday, November 29 4:00 P.M. Ronald Bryant by Barbara Johnson Sunday, November 30 9:00 A.M. Deceased Members of Kibler Family 11:30 A.M. by Pat Maloy Parish People’s Mass Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday from 3:00 to 3:45 P.M. Wednesday at 6:15 P.M. Rosary and The Divine Mercy Chaplet The Rosary is recited everyday one half hour before each Mass except for first Saturday. The Divine Mercy Chaplet is recited every Friday at 3 P.M. CLASSES - MEETINGS Sunday – Faith Formation – 10:30 to 11:30 am Monday – R.C.I.A. Classes – 7:00 to 8:30 pm 1st & 3rd Tuesday – Craft & Sewing Group – 10:00 am Wednesday – Confirmation Classes – 6:30 pm Wednesday – First Communion Classes – 6:30 pm Thursday – Choir Practice – 4:00 to 5:30 pm Thursday – Adult Faith Formation – 6:30 pm Friday – Men’s Group – 7:00 am (No Men’s Group on November 28th)
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