Last Sunday in Ordinary time Yr A Our Lord JESUS CHRIST KING of the UNIVERSE 23 November, 2014 OUR MASS Mon-Fri: 6.30am, 9.30am Saturday: 8am, 6pm (Vigil) Sunday: 7.30am, 9am, 10.30am, 6.00pm Redfield College Sunday 8.30am Weekly bulletin for the parish of St Agatha, Pennant Hills TODAY'S READINGS OUR SACRAMENTS Entrance Antiphon: Reconciliation & Exposition: 8.30-9.30am Sat Baptisms: By appointment Weddings: By appointment Anointing of The Sick: As requested OUR PARISH TEAM Fr Paul Durkin Fr Harry Kennedy Fr Joseph Choi Mal Weber Tomasz Kukielka Tina Muscat Debbie Doughty Parish Priest Assistant Priest Assistant Priest Parish Secretary Youth Minister Catechist & Sacramental Co-ordinator Book Keeper OUR PLACE Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8.30am – 3pm Phone: 9484 1427 Fax: 9484 0053 Website: Parish School: 9484 7200 E-Mail addresses: Callahan Centre: 20 Boundary Road Pennant Hills NSW 2120 Postal Address: PO Box 127 Pennant Hills NSW 1715 Parish School : Kevin Bauer, Principal 9484 7200 School Email: CONVERSION The Lamb who was slain is worthy to receive strength and divinity, wisdom and power and honour: to him be glory and power for ever. First Reading: A Reading from the prophet Ezekiel 34:11-12. 15-17 The prophet tries to give hope to those deported to Babylon. Having held the bad shepherds (often, the kings of Israel) responsible, God promises to gather all his scattered sheep, especially the most abandoned. For this he will raise up a new David, a king who will lead his flock in the ways of justice and love. Responsorial Psalm – Ps 22:1-3. 5-6 The Lord is my Shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. Second Reading: St Paul to the Corinthians 15:20-26. 28 Christ’s royal power is to make us pass from death to life, to destroy the powers of evil, and bring all people together in God. Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, Alleluia! Blessings on him who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessings on the coming kingdom of our father David! Alleluia! Gospel: Matthew 25: 31-46 The description of the Son of Man coming in glory describes how the king-shepherd sorts the good from the wicked. The law of love – the criterion of judgement – will be all the more pressing because Christ, the judge, identifies himself with the disinherited. Saints of the week: Monday 24th – St Andrew Dung Lac and companions COMMUNITY MISSION St Agatha’s parish Reflection on the feast of Christ the King: Today, on the last Sunday of the liturgical year, we venerate Christ the King; he comes among us as Prince of Peace and Lord of Lords. At his trial he will say before Pilate: “My kingdom is not of this world.”(John 18.36). Yet Jesus’ mission was to declare that the kingdom of God is among us and within us. He taught us to pray to the Father: “thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Today’s gospel reminds us that it is only in his final ‘glory’ that he exercises his kingship. When he came among us, he made himself the ‘Servant’ of all. The criterion by which we will be judged when we come into the presence of God is practical, simple and clear. It is not so much what we do for the God ‘we cannot see’ that matters, in the end, but what we do for one another – expressing the fact that we are true children of the same Father (1 John 4:20). And among God’s children it is the poor and needy who should have our special care – our ‘preferential option’. When you did it for the least of these, you did it for me! Mother Teresa offered this reflection & prayer based on Mt 25.31-46: Mother Teresa said: ‘Many today are starving for ordinary bread. But there is another kind of hunger – the hunger to be wanted, to be loved, to be recognised. Nakedness too is not just the want of clothes, but also about loss of dignity, purity, and selfrespect. And homelessness is not just want of a house; there is homelessness of being rejected, of being unwanted in a throwaway society. The biggest disease in the world today is the feeling of being unwanted and uncared for. The greatest evil in the world is lack of love, the terrible indifference towards one’s neighbour.’ Lord, warm our cold hearts with your grace, so that we your disciples may produce the fruits of love. Please pray for our recently deceased: Colette MacKinnon, Benedick Leung, Margaret King And for those whose anniversaries that occur at this time: Needra Doyle, Natividad Basso Please pray for the sick in our community: Juliet Bowron, Max O’Connor, John Swan, Aida Chan, Rachel Luchetti Congratulations and Prayers Bishop Peter Comessoli has been chosen by Pope Francis as the third Bishop of Broken Bay. We congratulate Bishop Peter and pray God's blessing on his ministry of leadership in our diocese. Adoration All are welcome to attend Adoration in the Church from 10am – 10pm on Friday 5th December Mount St Benedict Centre: Advent Festival of Readings and Songs In Advent, we the Church, celebrate the coming of Christ: past, present & future. This Festival of readings & songs gives expression to our yearning for these comings, to our watching and waiting, to our expectancy & hope. Come & be part of this joyous prayer, which helps us to ponder the coming of Christ in history, mystery & glory. When: Sunday 30 November; Afternoon Tea: 3.30-4.30; Festival: 4.30-5.30.Cost: Donation towards Good Samaritan ministries, Kiribati. Where: Mt St Benedict Centre Chapel; 449D Pennant Hills Rd, Pennant Hills. Entrance off Hull Rd Bookings (for catering purposes only) by: Wednesday 26 November. Phone: 9484 6208; Baptism Congratulations! Sean David Evans Dylan Justin Montalbo George Maxwell Grey Benjamin Timothy Eaton Mia Luisa Zavone Amelia Hannah Dixon Who will be baptised this Sunday Advent Wreath We shall continue the tradition of the lighting of the Advent Wreath at the beginning of each Mass in Advent, beginning next Sunday, 30th November. Families may wish to consider having their own Advent Wreath at home as they prepare for Christmas. Sacramental & Pastoral Visits for November Wed 26th November at 11am: Lutanda Manor Anointing of the sick Sacrament of Reconciliation during Advent The second rite of reconciliation will be held on Wednesday evening 10th December beginning at 7.30pm. There will also be Reconciliation available from 5.00-5.45pm on each Saturday in Advent. St Vincent de Paul Appeals in December: St Vincent de Paul cards and calendars are on sale in the church foyer. St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal: All Masses on the weekend of 13th & 14th December CHRISTIAN MEDITATION Every Monday in the Parish Centre at 10.30am You are most welcome to participate St Agatha’s parish Youth Happenings FRAGGIES Yr7+8: Friday 28th November – Fun and fellowship to be had. See you in the Callahan Centre opposite the Church for a 7pm sign-on & sign off at 9pm. Opportunity for Year 6s to try the Youth Group on the Friday 5th December 7-9pm D-GEN Yr9-11:– Friday 12th December Plenty of fun, games, friendship and food, in the Callahan Centre from 7-9pm. YOUTH GROUPS: Bring yourself, a friend, your great personality and $2. New people are always welcome. Enquiries: Tomek - 0405 393 872 or STUDENTS & YOUNG ADULTS! Check the noticeboard for events happening around Sydney. ANNUAL DIOCESAN MASS FOR PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS AND THEIR FAMILIES HERE AT ST AGATHA’S The Annual Diocesan Mass for People with Special Needs and their Families will be celebrated by Fr Vince Casey, Diocesan Administrator, Sunday 30 November at 10.30am at St Agatha’s Parish, Everyone is most welcome! To RSVP (for lunch) please call Colleen/Leanne on 9847 0448 or 4332 9825 or email Parishioners please note there may be changed parking arrangements on the day. Thank you to all who have offered to provide slices/biscuits for dessert! Food can be dropped to the Callahan Centre, when attending Mass on Saturday night or Sunday morning. Additional slices/biscuits would be greatly appreciated! Calling all bakers! St Agatha’s is hosting a lunch for the families th that are attending the Disability Mass next Sunday 30 November. We need some slices and cakes for dessert. They can be dropped at the school hall after any of the morning masses. If you have any questions contact Trish Anderson 0428 604 405 Today is the last Sunday in the liturgical year. To grow as a living and vibrant parish, we rely on one another's gifts and works of service, and on the love and forbearance we extend to one another. On behalf of the parish, many thanks to all who participate in the various ministries and works of service, helping us celebrate the liturgy well. We thank and acknowledge you all. It is an enormous support for the priests in celebrating the Liturgy, which is the source and central part of our life as a parish community. Thanks to all who attend and participate regularly. Thanks also to To readers who proclaim the Word of God To wardens who take up the offerings which support the works of the parish To special Communion ministers who distribute the Eucharist to the assembly and to those unable to be with us To those who serve at the altar To those who prepare the altar and church To those who contribute to make our worship more beautiful and joyful through music and song To those in children’s Liturgy who make the experience of Mass more meaningful for everyone in the family! To welcomers who do so much to make our parish and our worship a place of hospitality To money counters who offer practical support To those in the Altar Society & floral arrangement, who make our church a beautiful place of worship for God and for the people ‘Give a Gift to Christ this Christmas’ If you would like to make up a hamper for a family, please take a tag showing the make-up of the family you wish to help. Please th return the hamper on Sunday the 7 of December before the 10.30am Mass Thank you for your generosity Just a few helpful points for when you are making up the hamper: 1. Mark the boxes clearly with the hamper number Eg. R7, C5, H17, V3 2. Use plastic rather than glass bottles. Although we can handle glass if necessary. 3. For ease of handling use 2 boxes rather than one large box. Don't forget to mark both boxes though. 4. Please DO NOT include any alcohol, red or green cordials or toy guns. 5. In some cases, hampers may take up to Christmas Day to be delivered, so perishables may not last. So please include long life food where possible. 6. Include foods you would normally buy for your own family. Remember its always nice to have Christmas food at Christmas, but it is also nice to be able to eat in January. 7. The Christmas food could include a small tinned ham, a Christmas cake and a Christmas pudding! ENJOY MAKING UP THE HAMPERS & HAVE A HAPPY AND HOLY CHRISTMAS St Agatha’s parish This Week’s Parish Ministers: Our Lord JESUS CHRIST KING of the UNIVERSE 23rd November 2014 Mass Times Celebrant Redfield College 6.00pm 7.30am 9.00am 10.30am 6.00pm 8.30am Fr Paul Fr Paul Fr Paul Fr Denis Fr Harry Fr Harry Readers G Hall C Underwood A Woods K Holst Family Mass N Fongalland S Revoltar Ayesha Saldanha Anjeli Saldanha Wardens A Messina C Cawley A King D De Silva M Dooley 1. E Spencer 1A. A Rangel J Crane 2. F Doughty 3. T Cheung 4. M Mouhayet 5. S Thomas E Kukeilka N Guerlin N Fongalland A Parsons E Logan A Raffel D Anderson Communion M Mockler A Wong C Shaw Altar Servers M Ishak C Ishak G DaSilva N Rossi M Rossi G Kang K Kukielka J Jenson D Saverimutti Preparation R Paton P Cheung Deitch Family Hendrawan Family Saldanha Family Music Ray & Ronnie N Mascarenhas Family Mass Jean Paul Newton Family Mass Family Mass Childrens’ Liturgy Welcomers Money Counters th rd 16 & 23 November Shirley Reay Neville Green (c) Rae Fehon Jeanette Chin Ruth Stewart Martha Roberts Mark Rowley Narelle Macken Rosary Statue 25th Nov 8pm Moniek Borsovsky Pauline & Michael Tight 6A Thorn Street Pennant Hills 9484 7943 De Silva Family Shirley Reay Altar Society 30 November Anne Poile Christine Denis Yunita Futrismo Celebrant Redfield College 6.00pm 7.30am 9.00am 10.30am 6.00pm 8.30am Fr Paul Fr Joseph Fr Denis Fr Harry Fr Harry Fr Paul Readers R Kennaugh C Kennaugh R De Souza P Carneiro C Johnstone B Gristi M Lynam C Man Yan V Logan N Prakash Wardens D Tucker C McKenna Vacant J Minogue L Tadrose R Hyland S Messina J Gimenez S Kennaugh A Kennaugh D Kennaugh 1. E Spencer 1A. V Frizza 2. R Miller 3. L Periera 4. R Panandam 5 T Plotel S De Silva L Nery N Deitch B Faehrmann C Grace J Grace S Parsons M Anderson D Bower M Zahra K Adidharma S Chan Preparation J & J Corbett D Salvestro Wiggins Family Foertsch Family Pereira Family Music Childrens’ Liturgy BBE Quiet Peter & Juliet Mark Berry Quiet Cathy Kennaugh Lisa Rossi Claire Gould Chris Gould Cecilia Notohamiprodjo Communion Altar Servers Julia Bradley Welcomers Money Counters th rd 16 & 23 November Floral Ministry for November Fifi Logan This Week’s Parish Ministers: First Sunday of Advent 30th November 2014 Mass Times A Hughes Robert De Souza (c) Beverley De Souza Vivienne Lea Gaynor Donnelly Joselyn HordernSmith Rosary Statue 1 Dec 8pm (Monday) Antanina & Ted Hook 58 Chapman Ave Beecroft Ph: 9484 1438 Altar Society 7 December Amelia Pereira Len Pereira Julia Symons Rashika Dias A Hughes Floral Ministry for December Jane McGirr 55+ Group Reminder for those who have paid for Christmas lunch Friday 12th Dec at the Marriott Nth Ryde 12noon sharp Some will travel by 11.18am train from Pennant Hills in the 5th carriage from front. Alight Macquarie Park station in front of the lift, when you go through the ticket barrier turn right, cross Waterloo Rd walk 5 mins to Marriott. Those travelling by car, turn left off Lane Cove Rd into Talavera Rd; go into driveway to boom gate. Any enquiries – Kath 9871 5812
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