ZMANIM Earliest Time for Tzizit & Tefilin: 5:55 am Best time for Shema before: 9:15 am Earliest time for Mincha: 12:05 pm Earliest time for Arvit with Minyan: 3:32 pm Sunset (Shkia): 4:32 pm * * ZMANIM TIMES REFER TO SUNDAY Prayer Times & Events of The United Mashadi Jewish Community of America Nov 21 to 28 28 CHESHVAN FRIDAY Baruch S h’Amar Mincha + Arvit Candle Lighting: 4:14 pm Shaare Shalom MYC Office Ohr Esther Main Sanc: 7:30 am, Middle Sanc. 7:00 am, 8:05 am 7:30 am ---Main Sanc: 4:20 pm , Middle Sanc. 4:20 pm --4:20 pm NOV 21 Shaare Rahamim ---4:20 pm Sunny 37/26 29 CHESHVAN SHABBAT NOV 22 BARUCH SH’AMAR Mashadi Jewish Center Ohr Esther Shaare Rahamim Early Minyan: 8:30 am 9:30 am 9:30 am Main & Middle Minyan: 9:30 am Single’s Minyan: 9:30 am Youth Minyan: 9:30 am MINCHA Mashadi Jewish Center Early Mincha: TBA MINCHA 4:00 pm Ohr Esther Shaare Rahamim Early Mincha: TBA Early Mincha: TBA ----- ----- Parashat Toldot Torah Stone Edition (Blue Cover) 124 Living Torah (Purple Cover) 116 Vagshal Publ. (Red Cover) 68 Sinai Publ. (Brown Cover) 32 F. Hakim Edition (Persian Tr) 40 Persian Tran (Ghermezian) 70 Haftarah 1137 1070 78 285 395 78 ALL MINCHA SRVICES ARE FOLLOWED BY SEUDAH SHLISHIT Late Arvit: 6:00 pm & 7:30 pm (NEW) SHABBAT ENDS: 5:21 pm Mostly Sunny 40/37 Kids Kiddush at Ohr Esther Special Kiddush table will be set up in Room 201 15 minutes before the main Kiddush Chulent, Tuna, Snacks & More! Sponsored by Dina & Kami Kalaty in honor of Michal's 9th Birthday and Eileen & Hooman Yaghoutiel in honor of Dylan's 9th Birthday. Saturday Night Family Learning @ 54 is NOW from 7:00-8:00 pm. This Week’s session is Sponsored by Mr & Mrs David Leviem and Mr & Mrs Jonathan Aminoff for the Refuah Shlema of Kol Cholei Israel. Snacks and cool Raffle prizes every week. For more info please contact Ayzik Kohan, Fariborz Livian or Daniel Dilamani. 1 KISLEV SUNDAY NOV 23 ■ Rosh Chodesh Kislev Baruch Sh’Amar Mincha & Arvit Shaare Shalom MYC Office Main Sanc: 8:30 am, Middle Sanc. 8:00 am, 8:30 am Main Sanc: 4:00 pm, Middle Sanctuary: 4:20 pm Shaare Rahamim 8:45 am (NEW TIME) Partly Cloudy 51/46 Father and Son Minyan: 9:30 am at Shaare Shalom Sunday Morning at Shaare Rachamim: Rambam and Dunkin Donuts The popular class with Rabbi Marrof "The Rambam's Laws of the Fundamentals of The Torah" will be starting at a NEW time at 8:00 am followed by Baruch Sh’Amar at 8:45 am Dunkin Donut Breakfast will be served. ADDITIONAL SHACHARIT MINCHA - ARVIT LOCATIONS ■ Kohanim Minyan: 4:00 pm – Mincha + Arvit ■ 98 Cuttermill Road, Room 284 N. (Namdar) at 4:00 pm (Mincha + Arvit ) - Room 444 S. at 1:45 pm (Mincha only) ■ 747 Middle Neck Rd, Room 206, 4:30 pm Mincha + Arvit ■ Mr. Zar’s Minyan, 1375 Broadway, 12th Floor: 4:00 pm. Mincha only ■ B.H Multi Minyan, 15 W. 46St, Floor 4, Mincha: 1:30 pm Mincha, 5:30 pm (Arvit) ■ Shaare Torah, 813 Middle Neck Rd, 10:00 pm (Arvit) 2 KISLEV MONDAY Shaare Shalom Main Sanc: 7:25 am, Middle Sanc. 6:50 am, 8:05 am 4:15 pm (Mincha + Arvit) Baruch Sh’Amar Mincha & Arvit NOV 24 MYC Office 7:15 am --- Shaare Rahamim ----9:00 pm (Arvit) Showers 63/49 3 KISLEV TUESDAY Shaare Shalom Main Sanc: 7:30 am, Middle Sanc. 7:00 am, 8:05 am 4:15 pm (Mincha + Arvit) Baruch Sh’Amar Mincha & Arvit NOV 25 MYC Office 7:30 am --- Shaare Rahamim --9:00 pm (Arvit) MYC Office 7:30 am --- Shaare Rahamim --9:00 pm (Arvit) Mostly Cloudy 54/38 4 KISLEV WEDNESDAY Shaare Shalom Main Sanc: 7:30 am, Middle Sanc. 7:00 am, 8:05 am, 4:15 pm (Mincha + Arvit) Baruch Sh’Amar Mincha & Arvit NOV 26 Showers 44/34 Learn it Up is BACK!!! Ohr Ester at 8:30 pm. delicious dinner, followed by a variety of classes 5 KISLEV THURSDAY NOV 27 ■ Thanksgiving Day Baruch Sh’Amar Mincha & Arvit Shaare Shalom Main Sanc: 8:30 am, Middle Sanc. 8:00 am 4:20 pm (Mincha + Arvit) MYC Office 8:30 am --- Shaare Rahamim 9:00 am 12:15 pm (Mincha) Sunny 45/36 Thanksgiving Learning at Shaare Rachamim Morning. Schedule will begin with 9:00 Shaharit - 10:15 Breakfast + Shiur from Rabbi Maroof: "Is Thanksgiving a Jewish Holiday? Examining an American Tradition from a Torah Perspective" – 11:15 R Haim Ovadia: "Humane Torah: The Sephardic Approach to Modern Halakhik Issues." - 12:15 Mincha 6 KISLEV FRIDAY Baruch S h’Amar Mincha + Arvit Candle Lighting: 4:10 pm Shaare Shalom MYC Office Ohr Esther Main Sanc: 7:30 am, Middle Sanc. 7:00 am, 8:05 am 7:30 am ---Main Sanc: 4:15 pm , Middle Sanc. 4:15 pm ----4:15 pm NOV 28 Shaare Rahamim ---4:15 pm Mostly Sunny 47/36 RABBI GHASSABIAN Rabbi Ghassabian will be in Great Neck next Shabbat at the home of Mr. & Mrs Danny Zar -6B Blue Sea Lane (off East Shore Rd) .Prayer times are: Friday Nov 28th: Mincha at 4:00 pm - Shabbat Nov 29th: Mincha 3.45pm. Everyone is invited to attend. For more information please contact Danny Zar. 2015 Bar Mitzvah Boys Chesed – Raffle Winners and Sponsors We would like to thank all who stopped by and bought Raffle Tickets at our 2015 Bar Mitzvah Boys Chesed Table last Sunday. Your support means a lot to the boys and motivates them. We have done the drawing and these are the winners:Leather Tefillin Set: Shadi and Rodney Hakimian - Hatzorfim Liquor Set: Tirana and Ramin Gorjian - Everfresh and Great Neck Glatt Gift Card: Khana and Mansour Zar - Xbox/Ipad MINI : Ellana and Michael Khojahiny. Congratulations to the winners and we look forward to everyone's support for our upcoming Chesed Events. We would like to thank our Sponsors: Mr.& Mrs. Shaban Hezghia & Family, Mr. & Mrs. George Dilamani, Mr. & Mrs Simon and Kathy Kamali SISTERHOOD AND MYC ELECTION RESULTS 2014 – 2016 UMJCA Sisterhood Election Results We are pleased to announce the 2014 – 2016 UMJCA Sisterhood election results in alphabetical order: Sharona Arjang (535 votes) - Harriet Bessaleli (568 votes) - Farnaz Edalati (604 votes) - Dalia Hakimian (908 votes) Mojdeh Hakimian (638 votes) - Monica Hakimian (695 votes) - Raya Karmily (725 votes) - Esther Livi (646 votes) - Sandy Mordekhai (676 votes) - Sahar Nasrolahi (525 votes) - Janet Navaei-Livian (819 votes) - Shirin Rahmani (969 votes) Arezou Tolou-Hakimian (910 votes) - Dina Zabihi (602 votes) - Mahtab Zar (915 votes). By a slim margin, the alternates are: Ziva Davoodzadeh - Dina Hakimian - Sanam Ijadi - Stacey Hackman - Shiva Hakimian. There were a total of 1,209 ballots, of which 22 were invalid. 1,187 ballots were valid. 2014 – 2016 MYC Election Results We are pleased to announce the 2014 – 2016 MYC election results in alphabetical order: Aaron Aziz - Carolina Aziz - Debbie Aziz - Michelle Bassaly - Shirley Carmili - Gab Etessami - Melyna Hadjibay - Shelby Hakimian - Daniel Kamali - Jamie Karmely - Jacob Namdar - Josh Namdar - Melanie Namdar - Igal Nassim- Jonathan Zar. Alternates: Nathan Kashizadeh - Gabriel Kalaty - Lior Kashimallak - Benjamin Azizi - Daniel Hakimian - Talia Bassali Sandy Moheban. There were a total of 462 ballots, of which 5 were invalid. 457 ballots were valid.
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