Application to inscribe Nordic clinker boat traditions on UNESCO’s List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity The Norwegian Coastal Federation, the Nordic Coastal Culture network, local boatbuilders and other signatories from all the Nordic countries to this letter, hereby inform their countries’ respective cultural authorities that they are well underway with the process that will result in a joint application to have Nordic clinker boat traditions inscribed on the UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (ref. Article 16, UNESCO’s Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage). Nordic clinker boat tradition The history of clinker built boats in the Nordic region stretches back at least two thousand years. The clinker built boat has, throughout its history, been a vital tool for fishing, freight, farming and shipping throughout the entire Nordic region. The clinker boat tradition is an essential part of our shared Nordic cultural history, and we consider it to be extremely important to preserve these traditions for posterity. Traditional boat builders, associations and museums are continuing to pass on knowledge about building practices and use. The traditions live on in some places, while they risk disappearing in others. Practical knowledge of using the boats is passed on through activities such as excursions, regattas and other outdoor leisure activities. Voluntary organisations and museums are actively working in areas including practical training, dissemination and documentation. An ever-increasing number of traditional boat builders are reporting dwindling contracts. They, and we, are concerned that boat building expertise might disappear if we do not jointly take steps to safeguard this part of our intangible cultural heritage. The Nordic Coastal Culture network is a partnership of voluntary organisations and museums, who are working together to preserve our Nordic coastal culture – primarily cultural monuments and cultural heritage. That is why we are now starting to prepare this application for a listing in accordance with UNESCO’s Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. There is a need for a coordinated Nordic plan to facilitate the continuation of the traditions, and our joint application is an opportunity to prepare such a plan. The application will encompass clinker construction traditions relating to both building (as a craft) and practical use. We aim to submit the application during 2016. The Coastal Federation in Norway will coordinate this work. On page 2 of this letter, we have listed all of the supporters of work on this application along with the people who will be collaborating on its preparation. Oslo, 20 april 2015 Tore Friis-Olsen, project manager Forbundet KYSTEN/The Norwegian Coastal Federation _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Forbundet KYSTEN, Øvre Slottsgate 2B, NO-0157 Oslo, telefon: +47 22 42 42 82, bankgiro: 7874 06 61085, 971 256 729, e-post:, The following institutions, museums, boatbuilders and individuals are supporting and collaborating on the preparation of the application to inscribe Nordic clinker boat traditios to UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity: Denmark The Viking Ship Museum, Afdelingen for Maritime håndværk, rekonstruktion, Roskilde D.S.I. Fregatten Jylland Thorupstrand Kystfiskerlaug Han Herred Havbåde Årøsund bådebyggeri Skibsbevaringsfonden TS/Træskibs Sammenslutningen Nationalmuseet, Landbokultur & Søfart Møller og Jochumsens Bådebyggeri Limfjordmuseet Øhavsmuseet Foreningen til “Skibets” bevarelse 1880 Træskibsforeningen i Aarhus, TSA Norway Hardanger og Voss museum Gunnar Eldjarn, båtbygger, Kvaløya Museet Kystens arv Nordnorsk fartøyvernsenter og båtmuseum Ulf Mikalsen, boatbuilder, Kjerringøy Geitbåtmuseet Jon Bojer Godal (håndverksforsker, Geitbåtmuseet) Norsk Forening for Fartøyvern Risør Trebåtbyggeri Moen Trebåtbyggeri Stiftelsen Risør Kystkultursenter Trebåtens hus Norges husflidslag Tana museum Kai Linde, boatbuilder, Rognan Oselvarverkstaden Arne Emil Christensen (professor emeritus i nordisk arkeologi, tidligere vitenskapelig ansvarlig for Vikingskipshuset, Oslo) Terje Planke (, førstekonservator ved Norsk folkemuseum) Jørn Flesjå, båtbygger, Ryfylke trebåtbyggeri Einar Borgjord, båtbygger, Stadsbygd Museet Kystens arv Arne Terje Sæther, boatbuilder, Kvaløya Fosen folkehøgskole Norsk Maritimt Museum Johan Kloster (Mag. art, tidligere førstekonservator ved Norsk Sjøfartsmuseum (nå Norsk Maritimt Museum)) Geir Røvik, båtbygger, Tønsberg Vestfoldmuseene Lars Stålegård, boatbuilder, BåtLab`en, Norwegian Maritime Museum Iceland Jón Ragnar Daðason, boatbuilder Álftanesi - Hafliði Aðalsteinsson, boatbuilder Kópavogur - Íslenska vitafélagið, félag um íslenska strandmenningu/Association for protection of historic lighthouses and coastal culture, Akurereyri Síldarminjasafn Íslands ses./The Herring Era Museum Yggðasafn Vestfjarða/Westfjords Heritage Museum Menningarmiðstöð Þingeyinga/The District Culture Center (MMÞ), Husavik, Tækniminjasafn Austurlands/Technical Museum for East Iceland Finland Forum Marinum - Puuveneveistäjät ry/The Woodenboat Builders Association Suomen merimuseo/The Maritime Museum of Finland Korpo Hembygdsförening rf Åland Ålands Skötbåtsförening rf Ålands Sjöfartsmuseum Skeppsföreningen Albanus Stiftelsen Sjökvarteret i Mariehamn Faroe islands Bátasmiðir: (båtbyggere av tradisjonelle færøyiske trebåter): Ásbjørn Müller, Johan A Olsen, Jóan Petur Clementsen, Kai Hammer, Terji Reinert Jakobsen, Hanus Jensen Søvn (museer/samlinger): Tvøroyrar Bygda- og Sjóvinnusavn (Tvøroyri’s bygde- og søfartsmuseum) Gøtu Fornminnisfelag (Gøta’s lokalhistoriske museum) Báta- og Málningasavnið í Leirvík (Både- og malerimuseet i Leirvík) Norðoya Fornminnasavn (Nordøernes lokalhistoriske museum) Skip og Bátar (skip og båter): Føroyskir Træbátar (association for traditional boats from the Faroe Island) Áhugafelagið Seglið (association for sailing traditional boats from the Faroe Islands) Føroysk Træseglskip (association for historic sailing ships) Sweden Maritiman, Stiftelsen Göteborgs Maritima Centrum Maritimt i Vest Stensund folkcollege, the boatbuilding school Sveriges Segelfartygsförening Unversity of Gothenburg, /Inst. för Kulturvård Föreningen allmogebåtar Skeppsholmen folkhögskola, the boatbuilding school Holmöns boatmuseum Shetland Unst Heritage Trust, Haroldswick, Unst, Shetland Shetland Amenity Trust/Shetland Museum and Archives Orkney islands The Orkney Historic Boat Society Others North Sea Ring (network for traditional wooden boats and associated scills and traditions in the North Sea Countries), adm. Aberdeen, Skotland Nordisk håndverksforum Working Group for Coastal Culture and Maritime Heritage (part of The Baltic sea states heritage co-operation)
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