progress November 2013 CONTENTS 10K ROAD RACE 750 RESULTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AGM for PCA ALTAR LIST OF THE DEAD AN tAIFREANN GAEILGE BACK TO THE FUTURE BAPTISMS BETHANY BOOKING MASSES BOX ADS CHRISTMAS CARDS COMMUNITY NOTICES DEATHS DIARY DATES FINGAL MATTERS FIRST HOLY COMMUNION FR. GARY MASS TIMES PARISH INFORMATION PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL PAT KEAVENEY RETIRES PCA PIONEER ASSOCIATION SMALL ADS TWEETS FROM POPE FRANCIS WEDDINGS PORTMARNOCK PARISH NEWSLETTER Vol. 3 No. 26 Page No 8 5 3 7 2 12 4 5 3 1 9 & 10 6 7 3 10 11 2 3 12 12 2 5 4 2 11 10 6 PARISH COUNSELLING SERVICE in the Parish Centre. Payment negotiated. By appt only. Ph Mary Ryan 0872709767. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Shalom Room—Parish Centre. Mon to Fri 9.00 am—4.50 pm Mon* and Tues 7.00 pm—9.50 pm. Sat 10.00 am—2.00 pm. *Mondays: 3-4 pm Reserved for Divine Mercy Prayer Group 8-9 pm: Reserved for Youth Group. Holy Family Church (Limetree Ave.) Wednesday and Friday 7 pm—10 pm Kinsealy Church Mondays 10 am to 1pm. November ‘The Month Of Remembrance’ REMEMBRANCE SERVICE Wednesday 6 November 2013 St. Anne’s Church at 7.30 pm We will remember especially our parishioners who have died in the past 12 months. We also remember all our family members and friends who have died. All welcome. Refreshments afterwards in the Parish Centre. BOOKING OF MASSES The Diary will open for booking Masses for the period JANUARY TO JUNE 2014 from 2pm on Wednesday 13 November in the Parish Centre We regret we cannot take phone bookings on that day. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION Timetable October – December 2013. Parents’ Meeting: Tuesday 22nd October at 7.30 pm in St. Anne’s Parish Centre Enrolment Masses Sunday 27th October at 10.30 am in St. Anne’s Church. Children from St. Helen’s Junior School Sunday 10th November at 10.30 am Mass – St. Anne’s Church Children from St. Marnock’s School Do This In Memory Mass: Sunday 1st December at 10.30 am - St. Anne’s Church FIRST HOLY COMMUNION Timetable January - May 2014 Do This In Memory Mass: Sunday 12th January at 10.30 am St. Anne’s Church Class Masses St. Helen’s Junior School: Monday 3rd February 11.30 am and Tuesday 4th February 11.30 am Class Masses St. Marnock’s Schooll: Wednesday 5th February 11.30 am and Thursday 6th February 11.30 am . Do This In Memory Mass: Sunday 9th February at 10.30 am St. Anne’s Church Do This In Memory Mass: Sunday 9th March at 10.30 am St. Anne’s Church First Penance Monday 24th March at 7.30 pm St. Anne’s Church . St. Helen’s Junior School Children. Tuesday 25th March at 7.30 pm St. Anne’s Church. St. Marnock’s School Children. Do This In Memory Mass: Sunday 6th April at 10.30 am St. Anne’s Church FIRST HOLY COMMUNION St. Anne’s Church Saturday May 17th at 11.30 am St. Helen’s Junior School. Saturday May 24th at11.30 am – St. Marnockk’s School. Do This In Memory Mass: Sunday 22nd June at 10.30 am St. Anne’s Church PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL NEWS FAREWELL TO FR. NIALL Shortly we will be announcing the farewell Mass for Fr. Niall. With all the changes and holidays it has taken some time but at last there is light at the end of the tunnel. Keep an eye on the Sunday Mass Leaflet or the parish website: HOLY FAMILY CHURCH We are still waiting for the report from the independent surveyor on the condition of Holy family church. As soon as we get it we shall inform all parishioners. PARISH GROUPS The Pastoral work of the Parish goes from strength to strength but our many groups would dearly love to have more members. Perhaps you could give it a little thought and see if there is a group you would like to become involved with. There is a list of parish groups on the website: Many people choose to abstain from alcohol for the month of November and offer this sacrifice in honour of their deceased loved ones. You can do likewise! Take the short-term pledge for NOVEMBER or contact 874 9464 This website contains details of almost all deaths/ funeral arrangements in Ireland. Click on ‘county’ and ‘surname’ and deaths are listed in date order. Daily Prayer For Thy greater glory and consolation, O Sacred Heart of Jesus, For Thy sake to give good example, To practice self-denial, to make reparation to Thee for the sins of intemperance, and for the conversion of excessive drinkers, I will abstain for life/the month of November from all intoxicating drinks Amen FIRST SATURDAY FATIMA DEVOTIONS ALTAR LIST OF THE DEAD USEFUL WEBSITE: Each month at 9.25 a.m. in St. Anne’s Church ST. PIO DEVOTIONS ON LAST FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH AT 7PM 2 NOVEMBER: Month of the Holy Souls An envelope for the Altar List of the Dead has been inserted in Progress. If you would like your loved ones remembered at Masses on First Fridays you can return the envelope to the special box available during Mass time or to the Parish Office. progress November ‘The Month Of Remembrance’. ‘We remember our loved ones in prayer at God’s altar - may they rest in peace’. During these four weeks we have a special opportunity to remember those who have died in our parish community within the last twelve months. It is also a time to support you their families in our prayer, to acknowledge the grief you are experiencing, and to ask that God’s spirit of love and consolation will touch each of your hearts in a very real sense. It is also an occasion for us to pray for the repose of the souls of all our loved ones who have died in God’s peace in our November altar list of the dead. Each First Friday Mass of the month will be celebrated for their intentions. An act that honours, celebrates and remembers their lives and the significance they hold in our hearts. This is a profound statement of faith that cannot be underestimated, for it provides us with a belief and conviction that our loved ones are resting in the care and protection of God Our Father. This belief is central to our faith and one that gives our heart and mind, a much needed sense of peace and consolation through the journey of grief. The passage in St. John’s Gospel where Jesus says; ‘there are many rooms in my Father’s House, a room for each one of us’, is but one example of the assurance of faith I speak about. It has a very warm and welcoming tone, one that puts into perspective the beliefs and truths we hold to be both precious and meaningful. Grief is a very real experience and one that makes contact with all aspects of our lives. It is unique to each individual: a journey that needs to be entered into, but not alone. In grief we need to feel supported, empathised with and allowed a space to express ourselves in a safe and secure environment. Whilst it is a painful period in one’s life, with the proper support systems, our pain and hearts ease over time. The time of this happening is different for each person, the important point to hold in mind is that the process of grieving should never be forced or rushed. It needs to be worked through in its own natural time. The role of family, friends and a community of prayer is vital to this process. We are all very familiar with the statement time will ease the pain, with this in mind I want to share with you a short reflection entitled; Time will ease the Hurt. TIME WILL EASE THE HURT. The sadness of the present days is locked and set in time, and moving to the future is a slow and painful climb. But the feelings that are now so vivid and so real can’t hold their intensity as time begins to heal. No wound so deep will ever go entirely away, yet every hurt becomes a little less from day to day. Nothing can erase the painful imprints on our mind, but there are softer memories that time will let you find. Though every heart won’t let the sadness simply slide away; the echoes will diminish even though the memories stay. MAY OUR LOVED ONES REST SAFELY IN THE GENTLE PRESENCE OF OUR LORD Fr. Gary We offer the sympathy of all parishioners to the families of ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Lillian Whoriskey, Carrickhill Heights Gerard McCann, Brookstone Road, Baldoyle Cecil Donohoe, Portmarnock Grove 59 BLACKTHORN CLOSE Died 20th June 2013 who died recently BETHANY BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP The Bethany Bereavement Support Group meets in the Parish Centre usually on the first Tuesday of each month at 8pm, If you are suffering the pain of loss through bereavement you are very welcome to attend these meetings. Group discussion or support on a one-to-one basis is available. This is a free and confidential service. For more information please phone 087 641 8939 or contact the Parish Office. progress If one feels swamped and overpowered by the experience of grief they should never be afraid to reach out and ask for help. Let that be through the listening ear of a significant person or through the professional services of a Doctor or Psychotherapist. The outcome will in due course allow one to cope with the loss, re-engage with life and find a new place in one’s day to day experience of living for their loved one. The result is reaching that point of acceptance, that whilst our loved one is with God, for that very reason they remain close to us and are still a significant part of the way in which we experience life. MORGAN O’BRIEN Morgan’s wife Marie, sons Conor and Niall would like to offer sincere thanks to our family, friends and neighbours for their support and help at this sad time and also for their support during Morgan’s illness. We would like to thank everyone who attended the funeral, sent Mass Cards, Sympathy cards and letters; also friends and neighbours who brought in meals and sandwiches; to those who called to the house and spent time with us. Thanks to the organist, Requiem Choir and the Parish Requiem Group. Thanks also the staff of Staffords Funeral Directors. The Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions. PARISH COUNSELLING SERVICE in the Parish Centre. Payment negotiated. By appt only. Ph Mary Ryan 0872709767. 3 BACK TO THE FUTURE III NEWS FROM THE PCA DO I MATTER/DOES GOD REALLY CARE? PCA AGM The AGM will take place on Monday 2nd December at 8.00pm in Portmarnock Hotel and Golf Links. This is an opportunity for people in our community to come along and voice their opinion on any issues that that are of concern to them. The main items on the agenda will be: The Sewage Treatment Plant Review of PCA Articles of Association-PCA Constitution South Portmarnock Local Area Plan Anti-Social Behaviour Relocation of bus stop on Lr. Wendell Ave. to Strand Rd. Bearing in mind that “All Scripture is meant to teach and inspire” we look again in this edition of Progress, to the Library of 45 books known as the Old Testament for answers to two very pertinent questions “Do I matter?” and “Does God Really Care?” DO I MATTER? The Book of Jonah gives one more of the many assurances in the Old Testament that God never stops loving the work of His hands. In this story we meet the prophet Jonah being given the unenviable task by God of going to Nineveh and pointing out to its inhabitants that their city would be destroyed but He feared being stood up if God were to relent and show mercy to the Ninevites. Jonah goes on the run. Travelling in the opposite direction to Nineveh misadventures on land and sea follow until Jonah finally realises that there is no escaping God and he agrees to go to Nineveh. There he proclaimed the message given to him. The King ordered a fast, the people repented and God changed his mind and did not punish the inhabitants as he had said he would. Poor Jonah was very unhappy about this and became angry. He prayed “Lord, didn't I say before I left home that this is just what you would do? That’s why I did my best to run away. I knew that you are a loving and merciful God, always patient, always kind, and always ready to change your mind and not punish. Now let me die. I am better off dead than alive”. DOES GOD REALLY CARE? We next find Jonah choosing to sleep rough and very probably in a bit of a huff. The bible takes up the story. “Then God made a plant grow up over Jonah to give him some shade, so that he would be more comfortable. Jonah was extremely pleased with the plant But at dawn the next day, at God’s command, a worm attacked the plant and it died. The blistering sun shone on Jonah and his misery increased. Then God appeared and we get the “punch line”. “Look Jonah, you are all upset about this plant which you did not plant and did not make grow. You find fault with me who am all upset about Nineveh—with 120,000 who can’t tell their right hand from their left. Jonah, all these things I have made, all these things I love, and yet I saw myself losing all of this through sin. If you are concerned about the oil plant how much more should I be concerned with these things.” Throughout the Old and New Testament we are left in no doubt about how much each one of us matters, how God cares and how He will give and do everything to save us. The thwarting of His plans is never the end of the story. The sinner and the saint are precious to him and he will stop at nothing to bring us safely home. KW 4 SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT It is difficult to gauge the reaction of people in Portmarnock to the location of the sewage treatment plant at Clonshaugh. The outfall pipe from the plant will be Portmarnock. As the raw sewage will not be treated to tertiary standards the water quality in Portmarnock could be seriously jeopardised depending on the tides. The sewage pipe will run directly under the Baldoyle Estuary, an area of special conservation. It could also pose problems for the return of our Blue Flag. Come along to the AGM and have your views aired before this project goes to An Bord Pleanála in 2014. CONSTITUTION Our Constitution needs to be replaced or considerably updated. The PCA is currently studying the constitutions of similar residents’ associations. Malahide Community Forum adopted a new constitution at its AGM on the 26th May 2008. It consists of less than two A4 sheets with only 16 Articles whereas the PCA Memorandum and Articles of Association contain 18 A4 sheets and 59 Articles. Most residents’ associations have their constitutions on their websites. Nineteen of the twenty six residents’ associations in Malahide are still active whereas in Portmarnock all the old residents’ associations are moribund. The very future of the PCA is at stake if we don’t do something about it. This would be a great loss for our community. While it may not be possible to revive former residents’ associations in Portmarnock surely it should be possible for each estate to have a representative on the PCA. Your views on how the PCA should go forward would be much appreciated. Please let us have them or why not volunteer to join our committee for at least one year? You can contact us at our email: portmarnock1 at LAP There will an update at our AGM on Portmarnock South Local Area Plan (LAP) which has now been adopted by Fingal County Council. SUMMER ON THE BEACH The PCA was determined that our beach/dunes would not become a no-go area for many people on sunny days due to the anti-social behaviour which had escalated over recent years. We were very happy with the strategy put in place by the Gardaí this summer to combat this problem and except for the ‘riots’ at the end of May, our glorious summer weather was enjoyed by the thousands who visited our Velvet Strand daily. However litter still remains a serious problem on our beach/dunes and elsewhere in Portmarnock. Nominations for position of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary of the PCA to be sent to the Secretary at 213 Limetree Ave before Wednesday 27th November or emailed to progress OVER 35 YEARS AT HELM AT ST MARNOCK’S NATIONAL SCHOOL Principal Pat calls it a day THE PRINCIPAL of St. Marnock’s National School, who has stepped down after spending over three decades at the helm has said he had done his utmost to serve the school and community to the best of his ability. Pat Keaveny who worked at St Marnock’s National School since 1967 - thirty four of them as principal after his appointment in 1979 - retired on 31st August 2013. However, he wasn’t allowed go quietly as colleagues, pupils and parents organised a special morning of celebration to pay tribute to the long-time popular school head. He said he had endeavoured, in collaboration with others, to promote and represent the school in a positive light as a progressive, inclusive centre of education rooted in the heart of the community. In a farewell message, Mr. Keaveny said it had been a ‘great privilege’ to have served the school for such a long period of time, stating that he had experienced many changes in the evolution of primary education in the intervening period. ‘Advanced technology is now used to support teaching and learning in classrooms in ways that could scarcely be imagined in the past. Where only a minority of children availed of second level education in the early years, it is taken for granted that the majority of students currently attending primary school will graduate with a third level education,’ he said. After spending his first 12 years teaching in the school, he was appointed as the school’s second principal in 1979 following the retirement of Mr Ryan. His first important task was ensuring that school facilities were adequate to meet the needs of the large student population. After protracted negotiations which dragged on for nine years, the prefabricated buildings, which he said were ‘manifestly unfit for purpose’ were replaced by a permanent structure in 1988. Mr. Keaveny expressed his gratitude for the invaluable support he received from the successive Boards of Management and Parents’ Association committees. ‘I greatly appreciate the practical and moral support provided by the chairpersons of both committees with whom I developed a close working relationship in order to ensure the smooth and efficient running of the school.’ He added that he was indebted to the many talented colleagues who accompanied him along the journey and whose contributions inspired generations of pupils. ‘They enthusiastically embraced the vision I espoused, demonstrating exemplary levels of dedication and commitment. I treasure their stimulating company and the shared experiences.’ On a final note he said he would miss the daily interaction with pupils and would recall with fondness their endless curiosity, courtesy, playfulness, forthright views, love of performance, desire to please and enthusiasm for conversing. ‘With a dedicated, talented staff, enthusiastic pupils and supportive parents the school is well placed to prosper in the years ahead. I take with me the wonderful memories of participation in extra curricular school activities such as Gaelic Games and athletics competitions, school concerts, sacramental celebrations, school outings and choral performances where teachers and parents combined to provide pupils with opportunities to perform and compete which generated a sense of achievement and cultivated a positive school spirit.’ Fergal Maddock Courtesy of Fingal Independent 750 CLUB RESULTS SEPTEMBER 2013 First Prize €1,000: No. 95, Pat Callan, Carrick Court 2nd Prize €500: No. 401, Stephen O’Brien, St. Anne’s Square 3rd Prize €250: No. 342, Brid Byrne, Heather Walk 4th Prize €250: No. 690, Eddie & Mary Courtney, C/Hill Rise BAPTISMS Congratulations to the families of the following babies who were baptised recently Olga Bilot, Clongriffin Benjamin Cole Foley, Torcaill Meg Vanessa Ivory, Clongriffin April Sarah O’Duiginn, Kinsealy Alannah Hope O’Leary, Kinsealy John Ben Ward, The Quarry Conor Joyce, Ardilaun Adam Liam Browne, Malahide Evelyn Elizabeth Carter, The Links Sean Patrick Johnston, Blackberry Rise Ben Christopher Colm McKenna, Waterside Crescent Daniel Alan Smith, The Links progress St. Anne’s Conference Portmarnock Special Christmas Appeal 2013 at all Masses weekend of 7th and 8th DECEMBER Since 2007, SVP spending nationally on direct assistance has more than doubled while help to families with their energy costs has tripled. Details of donations received in the Portmarnock Conference in the last 12 months will be detailed in the December issue of Progress. We very much appreciate your continued generous financial support. Contacting us: Society of St. Vincent de Paul, 91-92 Seán McDermott St., Dublin 1 Phone 855 0022; email: (Messages will be forwarded to our Conference). From Portmarnock we visit families and individuals in this parish and also in parts of the Belcamp and Darndale areas. We urge anyone in need of help not to hesitate to contact us. 5 CO M M U N I T Y N O T I C E CO F F E E M O R N I N G Every Wednesday after 10.00 Mass in Parish Centre. Have a cuppa and freshly-baked scone. An opportunity to have a chat and meet other parishioners. Senior Help Line needs volunteers in Dublin ‘Are you a good listener? Are you aged 55+? Senior Help Line, a confidential telephone service for older people, needs day volunteers to take phone calls in central Dublin. You would receive training and would be on volunteer duty every three weeks. For more information, please contact Neil Bruton on 083-4260081 or Anne Dempsey on 01-2875304/087-7450721. CROSSCARE CARER SUPPORT PROGRAMME Calendar of Events Coffee Mornings (Red House) Clonliffe College 5 Nov, 3 Dec from 10.30—12.30 Baldoyle Weds: 6 Nov, 4 Dec 10.30-12.00 Donaghmede Thurs: 7 Nov, 5 Dec 11-12.30 Other Important events: Mass of Remembrance: 12 November Christmas Party: 6 December For more information please contact Nora or Rosemary at Crosscare: Ph: 836 0011, Nora Ext 115; Rosemaary Ext 113 Email:; Website: An Garda Siochána Anniversary Mass for Deceased Members of An Garda Síochána will be celebrated at the Holy Family Church, Aughrim Street, Dublin 7 at 11am on Thursday 7th November. Oisín Fagan is Back !!! We thought Oisín had ‘retired’ but the Portmarnock man is back in the ring. He won against Russian, Andis Didzus, recently in Belfast to improve his record to 27 Wins 8 Losses (16 KOs). It's a win that puts him back into contention for a world title, which he hopes to secure over the next few months, against the WBU World Champion, Noah Zuhdi. Good luck from all in Portmarnock Weddings Congratulations to the following couples who were married recently. Maria Dunphy, Martello Court & Robert Byrne, Beach Park Yvonne Kennedy, Briar Walk & Darragh Flanagan, Firhouse 6 B O A R D Christmas Cards (supporting The Divine Word Missionaries) We will shortly have the usual Christmas Novena* Cards and packets of Christmas cards on sale in the Parish Centre. Watch out in the Sunday Newsletter or Parish Website for news of delivery of the cards. *A novena of Masses will be offered in the parish before Christmas for the intentions of the recipients of the Novena Cards We started back in the middle of September with a very successful Cheese and Wine party to welcome back existing members and also to welcome new members; a great time was had by all. In October we had Chair Aerobics and a Bio Energy demonstration. Philip McCabe from The Mooney Show gave a fascinating talk on Bees and the Environment interspersed with tales of smuggling at the Border. John Allen gave us Songs from the Musicals which had everyone singing. Our Business Meeting is always the last Wednesday of the month and this month we look forward to having a talk given by local Botanical Artist and RHS Gold Medal winner, Susan Sex, and we will finish off the month with a Sixties Night with music from Paddy Byrne. Nov/Dec Diary: 6th: Line dancing and crafts 13th: Singing, Craft Demonstration and social table 14th: Choir competing in Honor Gahan Competition 20th: ‘Beauty’ Night 22nd-24th: Weekend in An Grianán 27th: Business Meeting and sugarcraft demo by Mary Jenson. (decorate your Christmas cake like a pro) Dec 4th: Christmas Party (Ticket only) Dec 8th: Christmas Carol Service St. Ann’s Dawson St. We extend our good wishes to the members of the Portmarnock ICA Choir who are competing in the Honor Gahan Choir Competition in Tallaght on 14th November and who have been rehearsing all through the Summer. Members of the ICA meet every Wednesday at 8pm in the Arch Club (behind St. Anne’s Church). New members always welcome! THOUGHT FOR NOVEMBER We each need the maturity to recognise that the things that we share are far more important than the disagreements we have. progress CO M M U N I T Y N O T I C E PORTMARNOCK COMMUNITY GAMES ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Tuesday 12th November at 8pm Beach Room, Parish Centre ALL WELCOME We would like to thank all who took part in the Games in 2013 and look forward to greater community inclusion in 2014. A special thanks to our Gold Medal winner in athletics: MAX CORCORAN The Cr af t Cir cle THE CRAFT CIRCLE MEETS 3RD SATURDAY EVERY MONTH IN THE PARISH CENTRE FROM 10.00 AM UNTIL 1.00PM. WORK NIGHT— FIRST THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH, 7.30PM - 9.30PM ALSO IN PARISH CENTRE. YOU WOULD BE VERY WELCOME TO COME ALONG AND SHARE YOUR CRAFT. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT PAULINE AT 087 629 3744. Parent and Toddler Group Tuesdays 10.30 am to 12.00 noon - Parish Centre A safe, relaxed place where everyone affected by dementia can come along for free tea/coffee, cakes, educational talks and support. The Café is in the Clareville Centre—opp. Glasnevin Cemetery 7pm-9pm on Last Tuesday of every month. Ph Paulina at 089 484 6719. PORTMARNOCK FLOWER CLUB: demonstrations on following Mondays at 8pm in the Portmarnock Hotel and Golf Links: 4th November—Christopher White, 2nd December—Maria Carey. B O A R D PORTMARNOCK COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION (PCA) AGM Monday 2nd December at 8.00pm in Portmarnock Hotel and Golf Links. See details and Agenda in PCA News Page 4 PORTMARNOCK CHESS CLUB The Club is looking to attract new players to the club with weekly meetings taking place every Thursday; Juniors 7.30 pm: Adults 8.30 pm. The club is in its 40th year and now hosts up to 30 players of all levels on a regular basis. All are encouraged to attend the club night with rooms situated at Naomh Mearnóg GAA (1st Floor), off Blackwood Lane, Portmarnock. For Information contact Eoin O’Dwyer at 087 053 2618. Do you know what you’re entitled to? Citizens Employment, Health Services, Social Information Welfare, Tax or Housing. Answers for all of life’s questions. Phone 076 107 7480. (Malahide CIC, 2nd Floor Malahide Library Ph 845 0627) Legal Session last Saturday of every month 10.30 am—12.30 pm PORTMARNOCK SINGERS CHRISTMAS SHOW FRIDAY 13th and SATURDAY 14th DECEMBER St. Anne’s Parish Centre at 8.00 pm Tickets available from members and from Megan 086 025 0892/Collette 087 647 1881 Please join us for refreshments after the show PARKINSONS SUPPORT GROUP Portmarnock Musical & Dramatic Society presents For information on meetings in the area contact Tony at 087 795 3302. "RENT" BREASTFEEDING SUPPORT GROUP run by the local HSE Public Health Nurses. Every Thursday 11.30—12.30 in Portmarnock Parish Centre. All Welcome. Ph 846 0311 for further information The Society is staging the musical “RENT” instead of our usual November Drama in the PSLC from 6th to 9th November at 8pm each evening. Because of the adult content in this show, parental discretion is advised. Tickets are available from Gerry at 087 627 8379 Portmarnock, Kinsealy and Malahide “Care and Repair” is a group of volunteers who carry out small repairs and minor tasks e.g. minor gardening, changing plugs, cleaning windows etc. for people aged 60 plus. Where a job is too big or requires a professional tradesman we have a list of people we can recommend. For more information please contact us on 086 865 3311. The service is Free and we WANT to help. progress CHRISTMAS FAIR in ARCH CLUB Sunday 24th November 11am – 4pm 7 PORTMARNOCK 10K—Starts off on the right foot The inaugural Portmarnock 10K, which took place recently, attracted over 300 runners. NIAMH PATTWELL, one of the participants, describes how it went from her perspective It’s a cool, bright autumn evening. The moon is on your left shoulder, big and bold as it reflects on the calm sea beneath it. Beneath your feet is a firm, sandy beach, occasionally pock marked by tidal movements. Slightly ahead, again to the left, is Ireland’s Eye which is nothing but a big rock that escaped from the mainland. Even further ahead and stretching further to the left is Howth Head, a green mound but with a beading of street lights which become more distinct as the darkness silently takes the place of dusk’s half light. Idyllic. Scenic. A perfect evening as can be seen from the photograph. But I’m almost too busy, too fast to notice. I am running a hard, but fairly steady pace in the company of 300 others as we cut our way through the inaugural Portmarnock Photo by Simon Archer Road to Beach and Back 10k. I’m glad I took up the invitation of Martha, a cousin from my mother’s side, to participate in this event this year because, when word gets out about this race, they’ll all be doing it! It was a super event from start to finish. Using social media largely, I think the organisation of this race had an efficient, friendly feel to it. There were no frills. A time, a date, invitation to register all went out. A Facebook page was established and regular updates provided, including directions, detail about parking (ample thanks to GAA grounds nearby), how to register and so on. Bang on 7.30pm the race began. The first mile was on the road, through housing estates and downhill. It was hard to hold back and I was soon clocking 7.26 minutes per mile. By the end of that first mile we were on the beach, descending by way of the slipway and turning right to run back in the direction of the city, as it were. The crowd strung out as it does, but on the beach there was the added advantage of not being hemmed in at all, you could easily pass or not, run alongside with much arm space. I loved that aspect of it all too. In the distance, the headlamps of the Coast Guard jeep marked the turn point for the 5km/3mile turn. From the outset, at the pace I was going, it never seemed too far away. I took that as a good omen and began my mantra: controlled, steady effort; controlled, steady effort. In 23 minutes, one second I had run three miles a PB/PR in itself. I was feeling good, not over extended at all, not feeling too much pain. At the turn, we did face back into a slight headwind. As we went on, I soon forgot about it, though I did occasionally try to tuck in behind some of the bigger guys, but soon passed them. For the first half mile after the turn, I found myself in silent combat with a tall, strong chap. We just kept apace, slightly challenging, but wordlessly. I left him behind eventually, I think. After that, I clipped on, a little uncertain as the light faded on the sandy ridging, but with the adrenaline flowing, braver than I would have thought. I picked off a few individuals, including the girl with the t-shirt which read: ‘Pain is only temporary, Internet results are forever’. I contemplated that line for a while as I did my best to keep the controlled, steady effort. Soon, we were turning off the beach, up the slipway which felt like a sudden steep climb to begin the last mile home. This was hilly and slowed my pace somewhat. Some guy told me that I passed him here but hand on heart I have no idea. I was just fighting the fight, pulling or pushing up, determined to not lose too much time. Soon, it flattened out and I could see the final set of traffic lights marking our last 100 metres or so and then the real race began. A guy in an orange t-shirt appeared on my shoulder. I took him on. I pushed, pushed, nearly passed him, pushed again and then sadly, my tummy would not hold up and I felt a touch of the old heave-hos and had to let him go. I met him afterwards. We high-fived, laughed and he thanked me for the challenge. It was good fun to hear the cheers as people realised there was a showdown broken into the guys against the girls. As I crossed the finish line, I ran straight into the arms of my younger cousin whose husband bent down to remove my timing chip. It was lovely to be hugged by the race organiser so familiarly! Well done Martha, you did a fantastic job. And my PB was 48:30, a minute and a half better than my last PB for a 10k which was four years ago. It does warm the cockles of my heart to be PB-ing in my late 40s (yes, I am technically in my late 40s since last week). And just as I finished this report (modest blush here), I have learned that I came second in my age category! Never before! **** Portmarnock Athletic Club would like to thank the many people who were involved in organising and participating in the event. The club would also like to express our gratitude to club Chairman Benny Flanagan who was the driving force behind an event the likes of which has not been seen in Portmarnock for many years. Niamh Pattwell Email received from a participant: Hi, Just wanted to say thanks so much for the event. I am a “newbie” when it comes to running, and your event was only my 2nd ever 10K. I think that (particularly for newbies like me) the medal is a great bonus! I am sure that for the more experienced runners it is not necessary, but I really thought it was a nice touch. I guess you are lucky that you have a fantastic course that is a pleasure to run on. The BIG difference for me between your event and the other one I ran was the marshals. First there was the sheer quantity of volunteers that you amassed and second was their enthusiasm and encouragement for all the runners as we made our way around. They are what made the biggest difference for you and each one should be congratulated! Based on my experience, I will certainly be signing up again next year. Thanks again for a fantastic event. Gareth 8 progress Box Ads €40 each ADVERTISING IN PROGRESS Closing date 8th each month We cannot verify the quality or workmanship of any advertiser herein and consequently we cannot be he eld responsible for any work done or services provided which are completely independent of Progress ATOIRE LTD CENTRAL HEATING/BOILERBURNER SERVICE & REPAIR/COMPLETE PLUMBING SERVICE/RADIATORS RELOCATED/PUMPED SHOWERS AND NEW BATHROOMS FITTED/GAS FIRES FITTEDBOTTLED OR NATURAL GAS. WORK GUARANTEED PHONE NOEL O’NEILL AT 846 1922/087 256 0349 DigiSafe DigiSafe We convert Video & Camcorder Tapes, Cine Film, Slides and Photos to DVD or external hard drive. Local Collection & Delivery Service 01-846 4166 or 086 066 1348 * JAMESON PRINT High Quality Printing Business cards Magazines Brochures Letterheads Wedding Stationery Tickets and Party banners Memorial and Acknowlegment cards Contact Chris 086 243 7275 Anchor Childcare Centre Racecourse Shopping Centre, Grange Road, Baldoyle, Dublin 13 Providing a comprehensive Quality Childcare Service Full-time & part-time places available. Playschool : Montessori : Afterschool MARTELLO ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS DOMESTIC/COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL FUSE BOARD UPGRADES/EXTRA POINTS, TV/PHONE OUTLETS, SECURITY LIGHTS FULLY INSURED AND REGISTERED BURST PIPES, CYLINDER SHOWERS, WATER TANKS, W.C. CISTERNS, SHOWERS AND RADIATOR VALVES REPLACED. ELECTRIC SHOWERS INSTALLED. Phone Charles O’Rourke Contact PAUL CARROLL 086 893 6145 or 807 4584 846 3023 or 086 827 7094 MEMBER OF E.C.S.S.A. FOR LOCAL ISSUES CONTACT LOCAL COUNCILLOR Judy Dunne LABOUR 21 Wendell Avenue Portmarnock Phone 087 617 8557 email: CARRICKHILL NURSERY & MONTESSORI SCHOOL FULL DAY-CARE NURSERY OPEN MON-FRI 7.30AM. - 6.30PM PHONE: 846 1938 LARGE PLAYGROUND FACILITY Meals provided/complimentary service for our after school club/proven track record in the provision of childcare services/top class facilities are provided with qualified, experienced and professional staff. Participant in New Government Early Childhood Care and Education Scheme BLESSING DENTAL SURGERY 9 Village Court, Portmarnock (Beside Post Office) Dr. Margaret Blessing welcomes Registered for the ECCE Free Preschool Place scheme 2010. Phone 8399025 Visit our website: Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan 2007 – 2013 Erraught Cabinet Making Ltd Fitted Furniture Specialists Dr. Deirdre Barrett Telephone: 816 9474 check for special offers. CREDIT UNION LTD. 843 6456 or 086 827 7389 SPANISH GRINDS AVAILABLE GET THE POINTS! All levels/Preparation for Junior & Leaving Cert. Qualified Language Teacher €25 an hour Call Dáire 086 861 7036 progress Tel/Fax: 01 839 3448 Web: Email: Lawnmower Petrol Service €50 Electric & Push from €25 Free collection and delivery Shears sharpened from €5 Gas Boiler Service €49 Oil Boiler Service €59 K & D Service and Repair 01 8477774 / 086 1668906 RGI Registered and Fully Insured PORTMARNOCK AUTOS Specialising in service, diagnostics, bodywork ad NCT checks/repairs on ALL makes and models. Operating in Portmarnock (on Station Road, beside DART station) for 25 years offering a friendly, professional service at reasonable rates. Contact Tristan or Michael on 846 2704 or 087 234 4722. Local collection/delivery available. O’BRIEN’S HOME MAINTENANCE PORTMARNOCK Attic and internal insulation • plumbing • electrical • tiling, • carpentry • painting • all small jobs around the home. DR. ULTAN McGUCKIN Free quotes Call Kevin 846 0556 Mob 087 755 2360 Tree Surgeon The Links, Portmarnock ✿ Tree pruning ✿ Tree felling ✿ Tree shaping ✿ Sectional felling ✿ Crown thinning ✿ Crown reduction ✿ Stump removal ✿ Tree Surveys ✿ Landscaping DENTAL SURGERY 1 THE DUNES, PORTMARNOCK PHONE 846 0055 Late Evening Appointments Emergency Service THE KEYMAN LOCKSMITHS YOUR LOCK PROBLEMS SOLVED, LOCKS FITTED, OPENED AND REPAIRED Contact DAVID OUR LOCAL LOCKSMITH Free Quotation Phone John Walsh 086 0513484 846 3602 / 087 2421653 DRUMNIGH MONTESSORI PG Heating & Plumbing St. Colmcille’s National School Newbrook Road, Donaghmede Call or text Chrissy or Frances for class viewing Complete Bathrooms, tanks, cylinders, Gas and oil boilers Heating systems/radiators/gas/oil installation, Indoor wall insulation Primary School 848 8404/087 764 9688 Now enrolling for free E.C.C.E. Scheme for September 2013 Class times 8.30am-12.00 noon After School 12.00 noon – 2.00 pm Immediate start also available Toddler Group Tues/Wed/Thurs mornings Baldoyle & Portmarnock Wardrobes, Sliding Wardrobes, Shelving, NEED A LOAN? TALK TO US Storage & TV units. Kitchens fitted/altered. Flooring. All tailored to suit your needs. CALL US TODAY AND DON’T DELAY Flat-pack assembly & General DIY Late Opening: Friday ‘til 7.00 pm Phone Michael & Open Saturday ‘til 1.00 pm (Qualified Cabinet Maker, FETAC) Fully Insured ALLIED SERVICES PLUMBING Portmarnock Call Pat on 086 811 1200 846 3988 COMPUTER PROBLEMS Unit 7, The Stables, Portmarnock Holy Family N.School, River Valley 845 2106/086 2226524/ 087 2098959 Book now – 1st class free €25 per 11⁄2 hour class tutorial Dedicated teachers. Small classes Traditional Rates HAYDEN PAINTING LTD. FOR ALL YOUR DECORATING NEEDS INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR ATTIC AND WALL INSULATION GUARANTEED QUALITY WORK FREE QUOTATION Phone JOE HAYDEN 846 1240 OR 087 260 9597 STRAND ROAD, PORTMARNOCK PCS, SERVERS, LAPTOPS, PRINTERS, NETWORK INSTALLATIONS REPAIRS AND UPGRADES TO ALL MAKES. E-MAIL, VIRUS CONTROL. FAST EFFICIENT CALLOUT SERVICE. Ph: DES OR CORMAC 9-5 on 8461813 or 087 9965831 any time SIMON ARCHER PHOTOGRAPHY WEDDINGS • PORTRAITS LOCAL PHOTOS WWW.SARCHERPHOTOGRAPHY.COM TELEPHONE: 087 205 7247/846 3979 INFO@SARCHERPHOTOGRAPHY.COM 9 Box Ads €40 each ADVERTISING IN PROGRESS Closing date 8th each month We cannot verify the quality or workmanship of any advertiser herein and consequently we cannot be he eld responsible for any work done or services provided which are completely independent of Progress PAULA ANN (Cuts and Colours) NOW OPEN TUESDAY TO SATURDAY Late opening Thursday Speial Rate Tuesdays and Wednesdays for Senior Citizens. Phone 846 1550 MARIAN GALE 8 THE MALL, DONNYBROOK D4 Our NEW and EXCLUSIVE COLLECTION of HOLY COMMUNION DRESSES in Store NOW!!! Prices from €100!!! BOLT ELECTRICAL Portmarnock Based Fully insured. Reg.Safe Electrical Contractor Fuse boards, rewiring, lighting, Sockets, etc. all domestic repairs/fault finding Phone Pat 087 253 5084 849 9756 PORTMARNOCK FURNISHINGS Re-upholstery Service New sofas and chairs, headboards Curtains and blinds Designer wallpapers Free callouts, free quotations Tel: 846 0869 Established 30 years Support Local Business Defog Windows Dublin Tel: 816 9588 Mob: 087 256 8866 / 087 741 5281 STRAND ROAD, PORTMARNOCK 7 DAY 24 HOUR SERVICE PHONE: 846 2620 Kundalini Yoga and PROPERTY TEAM Meditation, Yoga is NOEL KELLY for everyone! Are you thinking of selling or STEAMED UP DOUBLE GLAZING? We repair it, don’t replace it! STAFFORDS FUNERAL DIRECTORS Sat 10.30-12: Kalm, The Stables, renting your property? Portmarnock. Contact your Local Auctioneer Free Valuation, Professional Advice Mon& Wed 9.30-10.30 Baldoyle Community Centre. Call Noel Kelly and Contact Louise: 0861265483 Darren Kelly e-mail: 01 8462752 6 weeks = €50 (reductions available) 086 260 4806 / 086 107 7622 Diary Dates TWEETS FROM POPE FRANCIS during October @Pontifex 1st: Do we truly pray? Without an abiding relationship with God, it is difficult to live an authentic and consistent Christian life. DATE DETAILS Page Mon 4 Flower Club Demo 7 Tues 5 Support for Carers 6 Bethany Support for Bereaved 3 Support for Carers 6 5th: Dear young people, you have many plans and dreams for the future. But is Christ at the centre of each of your plans and dreams? Wed 6 Remembrance Service 1 7th: Mercy is the true power that can save humanity and the world from sin and evil. Wed 6-Sat 9 Pmk Musical and Dramatic Society 7 Thurs 7 Support for Carers 6 Remembrance Mass—An Garda Siochána 6 Craft Circle meets 7 Sun 10 Enrolment Mass 2 Tues 12 Remembrance Mass (Crosscare) 6 Portmarnock Community Games - AGM 7 Thurs 14 ICA competes in Choir Competition 6 Sat 16 Craft Circle meets 7 Sun 17 Ritual of Commitment 12 14th: Dear young people, do not be afraid of making decisive choices in life. Have faith; the Lord will not abandon you! Sun24 Christmas Fair 7 Tues 26 Alzheimer Café 7 Twitter For those unfamiliar with Twitter, the #before words indicates a topic that is popular or “trending” on Twitter and the more people who use the same # and words, the more popular and talked about a topic becomes. For those who have a Twitter account and wish to follow Pope Francis, his official Twitter page is @Pontifex, Meditations of Pope Francis Follow the meditations of Pope Francis at his Daily Masses: Wed 27 Nominations for PCA Committee 4 Sat 29 Citizens Advice 7 Sun 1 Do This in Memory Mass 2 Mon 2 AGM for PCA 7 Flower Club Demo 7 Tues/Wed/ Support for Carers Thurs 4/5/6 6 Fri/Sat 13/14 Portmarnock Singers Concert 7 9th: The mystery of the Cross, a mystery of love, can only be understood in prayer. Pray and weep, kneeling before the Cross! NOV 8th: The secret of Christian living is love. Only love fills the empty spaces caused by evil. 11th: When we encounter the Cross, we turn to Mary: Give us the strength, May our Mother, to accept and embrace the Cross! 10 DEC 12th: Lord, have mercy! Too often we are blinded by our comfortable lives and refuse to see those dying at our doorstep? Lampedusa progress FINGAL MATTERS Allotments at Wheatfield The proposed introduction of local allotments at Wheatfield has been postponed, mainly because it is stated that there is not enough demand locally for the facility! A recent Fingal County Manager's Report stated: “Preliminary design and pricing works have been carried out for the provision of allotments at the Wheatfield site. The site could cater for approx 95 allotments of different sizes, generating an income of approx €8,000 if all allotments are allocated. The construction costs for the scheme to a similar standard to the other council schemes are estimated at approx €70,000. The annual running costs are estimated at €5,000, - or €8,000 if mains water is used. Unless the entire allotment scheme is filled, this scheme may be economically unviable based on the annual income and running costs. There is a limited demand for allotments in Malahide at present based on the preference of people on the waiting list and existing allotment holders (42 people at the moment). There is therefore a serious risk that this scheme would not be filled. Furthermore, there is no grant funding available for the development of these allotments and the estimated development costs have not been included in the 20132014 allotments budget. The development of the nearby GAA pitch is another impediment for the allotments. At present it is not clear what the final ground levels of the pitch are going to be, which may affect the drainage capacity of the site. It is therefore recommended that the allotment at Wheatfield should not be built until the GAA pitch is developed and the Council waiting list for allotments at Malahide increases substantially.” A number of people have expressed an interest in allotments, but may not have formally registered their interest with Fingal Co. Council. Anyone interested in an allotment in Wheatfield may contact the Council's Parks Division, by e-mail at or phone 01 890 5600 Small ads 50c per word Development at the Old Church Site. The erection of a railing just off Church Avenue has raised questions about this piece of fenced-off land and the Old Church site itself. Interest in the Church-owned lands in question were acquired by the developer Mannix Smith in September 2001. In October 2005 at Fingal Co Council's monthly meeting the Council lands (0.27 acres) along St Brigid's Avenue, St Anne's Estate, to the rear of the Old Church site were also sold to the developer.... “The sale to be subject to the granting of Planning permission for the development of the plot and adjoining lands. “ Local residents opposed this transfer. However it was carried at the Council meeting by the narrowest of margins, 12 votes to 11. Records show that this section of land was officially transferred in 2008. A Planning Permission was granted in 2006 for a 3 storey development on the whole site, consisting of mixed use development including 4 retail units, approximately 35 apartments and undergound parking. The site has remained undeveloped since. However an application to extend the Planning Permission was made in summer 2012. This was REFUSED by Fingal Co. Council, because the development does not meet a number of current Fingal Co. Council Development Plan Objectives, nor Ministerial Guidelines in Design Standards for New Apartments. Hence the lands in question have no planning permission at present. Ardilaun Estate are Prize Winners Again Congratulations are due to the Ardilaun Residents' Association in being a major Prizewinner in the Fingal County Council Cleaner Community Awards 2013. They won the prize for the best presented Large Estate in the HowthMalahide electoral Area. The residents put in a major effort in the excellent presentation of the estate. Peter Coyle SMALL ADS Closing date 8th each month We cannot verify the quality or workmanship of any advertiser herein and consequently we cannot be held responsible for any work done or services provided which are completely independent of Progress COUNSELLING PSYCHOTHERAPY, STRESS MANAGEMENT, BULLYING AND WORKPLACE CONFLICT. PHONE PAT (M.I.A.C.P.) AT 086 881 1417. HEAVEN SCENT (PORTMARNOCK FLORIST AND GARDEN SERVICES) PORTMARNOCK SHOPPING CENTRE, STRAND ROAD. FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS-PLANTS-GIFTS. TELEPHONE 803 8887. LOCAL DENTAL TECHNICIAN DENTURES MADE AND REPAIRED. CHROME COBALT, SPORTS GUM SHIELDS, NIGHT GUARDS, TEETH BLEACHING KITS. COLLECTION AND DELIVERY SERVICE AVAILABLE. GLENN KEOGH, I.A.D.P. TELEPHONE 830 6818, 086 834 7394. PIANO TUITION ALL LEVELS. ELEMENTARY TO GRADE 8. ELECTRONIC KEYBOARD TUITION – ALL GRADES. GUITAR TUITION. ADULTS AND CHILDREN OF ALL AGES. TELEPHONE 846 2178. APPLIANCE REPAIRS WASHING MACHINES, TUMBLE DRYERS, DISHWASHERS,. CALL SEAN CONLON AT 086 361 9959. REGISTERED NURSE AVAILABLE TO NURSE CLIENT IN OWN HOME DURING NIGHTS. CONTACT 087 126 9555. progress BABY SIGN CLASSES BABY SIGN LANGUAGE IS A NEW AND INTERACTIVE WAY FOR PARENTS TO COMMUNICATE WITH THEIR BABIES BEFORE THEY CAN TALK. NEW TERM STARTS 06/09/13 AT ST SYLVESTER'S PARISH CENTRE. CONTACT MEGAN ON 0860250892 OR LOG ONTO WWW.SUPERHANDS.IE. ANXIETY, PANIC ATTACKS, PHOBIAS, ANGER OR DEPRESSION? FEEL BETTER TODAY, FOR RELIABLE AND PRACTICAL HELP FOR ALL, TEL: MAIREAD FITZSIMONS 087-6979294. HUMAN GIVENS THERAPIST. SEE WWW.MAIREAD.FITZSIMONS.IE. QUALIFIED GUITAR TUTOR BA(HONS), L.T.C.L. TUITION IN CLASSICAL, ACOUSTIC AND ROCK STYLES. PREPARATION FOR L.CERT AND GRADES ALSO. PHONE 087 930 3379. HOMEOPATHY FOR HEALTH: CHRONIC ILLNESS, EMOTIONAL PROBLEMS, ETC. “WHATEVER IS BOTHERING YOU I’LL GO THROUGH IT WITH YOU.” €5 REDUCTION FOR NOVEMBER APPOINTMENTS. RHÓDA UÍ CHONAIRE, REGISTERED HOMEOPATH, 846 3248. 11 PARISH INFORMATION Saint Anne’s Church & Parish Centre, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin. Phone 846 1561 Fax 01 816 9802. email: MASS TIMES IN THE CLUSTER PRIESTS Fr. Gary Darby, Co-PP, please contact through Parish Office at present: 846 1561 Fr. John Murphy, Co--PP, St. Anne’s Parochial House, Strand Road. Phone 846 1081 Kinsealy: Fr. Mattie O’Farrell, “Aghadoe”, Kinsaley Lane, Malahide Phone: 846 1767 Parish Pastoral Worker Gertrude Gill 086 370 0006 Parish Office (in Parish Centre) Open 9.00 am to 5pm Mon to Fri. Signed Mass cards (including Irish text) available, arrange baptisms, get baptism/confirmation certificates, letters of freedom, book rooms in Parish Centre etc. Parish Secretaries Margaret Corcoran & Gabrielle Moore. Mass Times: 10.00 Mass Monday to Saturday in St. Anne’s Church. No weekday Mass in Holy Family Church until further notice. See table for weekend Mass Times in all the churches in the cluster (Portmarnock, St. Sylvester’s, Yellow Walls and Kinsealy). Healing Mass: Kinsealy church on the First Friday each month at 10.00 am. ‘Month’s Mind’ Masses - for deceased parishioners whose funerals take place in St. Anne’s Church - please contact the parish office as soon as possible after the funeral. Confessions Saturdays after 10.00 am and 6.30 pm Masses. Baptisms are held on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays at 12.00 noon. Preparation Meeting for parents and godparents held usually on last Wednesday of each month in Parish Centre. See more details on website or contact Parish Office. Marriage - please see website for important information on church and state requirements or contact Parish Office. (REGULAR MASSES/PRAYER GROUPS/DEVOTIONS) SUNDAYS 10.30 Mass—Family Mass 12.00 Mass—Burrow Singers attend 2nd and 4th Sundays in mth. MONDAYS 3-4pm: Divine Mercy Prayer Group, Shalom, St. Anne’s Parish Centre. WEDNESDAYS 10.30 am (after Mass): Legion of Mary meets in Lambay Room in the Parish Centre. All welcome. 8pm Practice for 10.30 Sunday Family Mass in St. Anne’s Parish Centre/Church. New musicians welcome. Phone Ken on 086 807 4211. 8-9pm: Meditation in the John Main Tradition in Shalom, Parish Centre. All welcome. THURSDAYS 8-9.15pm Prayer Group. A time and space put aside for God each week. Gospel Reading, Personal Sharing. FRIDAYS 10.00 am Healing Mass in KINSEALY CHURCH - First Fridays 7.00 pm St. Pio Devotions—Last Friday of the month, in St. Anne’s Church (Mass commences at 7.30 pm) SATURDAYS 9.25 am First Saturday Devotions in St. Anne’s church. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Shalom Room—Parish Centre. Mon to Fri 9.00 am—4.50 pm Mon* and Tues 7.00 pm—9.50 pm. Sat 10.00 am—2.00 pm. *Mondays: 3-4pm Reserved for Divine Mercy Prayer Group 8-9pm: Reserved for Youth Group. Holy Family Church (Limetree Ave.) Wednesday and Friday 7 pm—10 pm. Kinsealy Church, Mondays 10am to 1pm SATURDAYS (VIGIL) CHURCH 6.00 pm KINSEALY 6.30 pm YELLOW WALLS SUNDAYS PORTMARNOCK (St. Anne’s) CHURCH 8.30 am CARMELITE CONVENT (MALAHIDE) 9.00 am PORTMARNOCK (St. Anne’s) 10.00 am MALAHIDE (St. Sylvester’s)* 10.30 am YELLOW WALLS* 11.00 am KINSEALY PORTMARNOCK (St. Anne’s)* PORTMARNOCK (Holy Family, Limetree Ave) 11.15 am MALAHIDE (ST. Sylvester’s) 12.00 noon YELLOW WALLS PORTMARNOCK (St. Anne’s) 12.30 pm MALAHIDE (ST. Sylvester’s) 5.30 pm MALAHIDE (ST. Sylvester’s) *Family Masses Focal Fáilte ó Phobal Bhaile Dúill Tá an tAifreann Gaeilge ag a 9am gach Domhnach. Cuirfear cupán tae ar fáil i ndiaidh an Aifrinn i halla an pharóiste, chun fáiltiú roimh phobal Aifreann Gaeilge ón ár bparóiste féin agus ó pharóistí eile. The Irish Mass is celebrated at 9am on Sundays in St. Peter and Paul’s Church, Baldoyle. We wish to welcome all newcomers from our own and other parishes. Fáilte roimh chách. CONFIRMATION 2014 Dates for Confirmation: St. Marnock’s—Thursday 3rd April 2014 St. Helen’s—Friday 4th April 2014 Masses in Preparation for Confirmation Ritual of Commitment: 17th Nov 2013 Fanning the Flame of Faith: 19th Jan 2014 Ritual of Blessing: 2nd March 2014 DATES FOR FIRST HOLY COMMUNION St. Anne’s Church Saturday May 17th at 11.30 am – St. Helen’s Junior School. Saturday May 24th at 11.30 am – St. Marnock’s School. See details of Preparation Timetable on page 2 Typeset by FPC Graphics Ltd. 8928009 Printed by Jameson Print 086 243 7275
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