210 Saint Wendelin Road, Butler, PA 16002 Phone: 724-287-0820 ? Fax: 724-287-6253 E-mail: parish@stwendelinbutler.org Website: www.stwendelinbutler.org Father Matt McClain, Pastor Sunday Masses: Saturday Evening: 6:00 PM Sunday Morning: 7:30 & 10:00 AM Weekday Mass Schedule: Monday & Friday: 7:30 AM Wednesday 10:15 AM Saturday 8:30 AM Confession: Saturdays: Following the 8:30 AM Mass Baptisms: Pre-Birth/Pre-Baptism Instruction Call the rectory to register Marriage: Six months notice Religious Education/CCD Phone: 724-287-0820 Audra Brown, Program Manager Safe Environment Coordinator Jodie Stocks 724-894-2336 703-216-9729 (cell) jodie.stocks@stwendelinbutler.org St. Wendelin School 211 Saint Wendelin Road Butler, PA 16002 Phone: 724-285-4986 E-mail: stwend@zoominternet.net www.stwendelinbutler.org/School.html Mrs. JoLynn Clouse, Principal April 14, 2013 SAINT WENDELIN PARISH UPCOMING EVENTS Saturday, May 4th and Sunday, May 5th our Knights of Columbus will be sponsoring a Spaghetti Dinner for our youth that will be attending the NCYC Conference in Nov., This dinner will help to defer the cost for the youth so they can experience this life changing event. We are grateful to the K of C for their support . Plan now to attend. Watch the bulletin for more fundraisers to help our youth attend this conference. Saturday, May 18th will be our 4th annual Help Your Neighbor Day at St. Wendelin Church. If you would like a few extra helping hands for a day or know someone that would benefit from our help, please let us know! You can contact the parish office or Jenn at 724-282-8838. If you would like to volunteer for the morning to help a fellow parishioner, please call Jenn or just show up that morning at the church hall at 9:00am. Helpers of all ages are welcome. There will be jobs for kids and adults. Sunday, May 19th at 2:00 PM Saint Wendelin Parish will celebrate an Anointing of the Sick Mass. This Mass will fulfill your Sunday obligation. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend or to bring someone who would like to celebrate the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. Mission Statement: We are a united church family who come together to worship Christ in our parish home of St. Wendelin. Nestled in the rolling hills of Butler County since 1845, we share our faith in Christ through the sacraments, education, parish events, community support and with everyone we meet. Just as our doors greet every sunrise, so do we welcome all visitors in Christ's love to our family. Page Two April 14, 2013 Please keep all the men and women who are serving in the military in your prayers. The following are from our parish. Brian J. Neff Brian Stephenson Regan Young The following are relatives of St. Wendelin parishioners: Patrick Geibel Nathan Kildoo Eric Nescio Nickolas Green Emerson Goncus Shawn Schultz Nathan Podbros Eric Healey Chad T. Turner Our sympathy and prayers to the family and friends of Genevieve Fisher. Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord and may the perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. ALTAR SERVER TRAINING There will be new Altar Server training for any young parishioners that would like to serve at Mass. This opportunity is for current 3rd graders through high school students. Please come to the training session on Thursday, May 2nd from 7pm to 8pm in the Church. Please call 724-287-0820 to RSVP for the training. Thank you for your generosity to serve our Parish! MOTHER’S DAY TRIBUTE Names to honor mothers will be collected after all the Masses next weekend, April 27/28. The Mother’s Day Tribute published in the Butler Eagle on Mother’s Day, is sponsored by Lifeline and Pennsylvanians for Human Life. Names should be printed and listed “in honor of” or “in memory of” for a donation of $2 per name. Make checks payable to PHL. Deadline is May 1st. BULLETIN DEADLINE REMINDER All information must be received two weeks in advance. Material will be published on space available basis. You can drop it off at the parish office, drop it in the offertory, or send an e-mail to parish@stwendelinbutler.org TODAY ST. WENDELIN K of C PANCAKE/SAUSAGE BREAKFAST 8:30-12 noon. Adults $5; children $3. FIRST COMMUNION and CONFIRMATION INFORMATION Thursday, April 25, 2013 - Practice for First Holy Communion - 6:30 PM in the Church Sunday, April 28, 2013 - First Holy Communion 12:00 Noon Mass Wednesday, May 1, 2013 - Confirmation Class Hangout! We have a pool table that needs to be used for fun instead of a table! 6:30 pm in the Youth Center (convent basement) Ascension Thursday, May 9, 2013 - Confirmation Practice at St. Joseph, N. Oakland Holy Day Mass begins at 7 pm. Practice immediately following with your sponsors. Sunday, May 12, 2013 - Confirmation at 2:00 pm at St. Joseph, N. Oakland . ST. VINCENT DePAUL NEEDS YOUR HELP!! Last month we were able to help over 2,000 clients at the food bank, 79 of whom were new. Despite a very generous donation of 25 cases of peanut butter in March, we ran short. With prices rising, we had to turn to buying it from warehouses by the pallet. The cost is over $1900 ea. A couple Catholic Churches went together and paid for one. We'd love if the remaining Churches in Butler County could collectively cover the cost of the second pallet. Peanut is a high-protein staple for the entire family, especially the children of these needy families. Please consider making a cash donation in the second collection on Sunday, April 21. Your donation will directly help feed the desperate families that come to our doors. Please - "Help us help others!" ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK J & E CUSTOM DECALS, Inc Please support and thank our advertisers. Divine Mercy Sunday Page Three OFFERTORY COLLECTION Offertory for April 6/7...........$4471.00 Adopt-A-Child .........................$414.00 Easter Offering .......................$355.00 Easter Flowers.........................$110.00 St. Vincent DePaul ....................$20.00 Thank you for your generosity. DEER HUNTERS CLASSIC Saturday, April 20 - Noon to 7 PM at Happy Hunters in Fenelton. Admission ticket (presale $10 at the door $12) includes: rack judging, entry in drawings for door prizes, gun raffles, food and drink. Additional raffles for guns, other items and 50/50 will be available. For tickets contact a school family, or call 724-355-4487. LOOKING FOR PARISH MEMBERS TO SING AT CONFIRMATION MONTHLY RAFFLE Please pick up your April tickets in the vestibule. Thank you for your continued support. ST. WENDELIN SCHOOL NEWS REGISTRATION FOR PRESCHOOL and KINDERGARTEN through 8th GRADE FOR 2013 - 2014 CONTINUES Share the great news of Saint Wendelin School. The Oldest School in the Pittsburgh Diocese! Tell a friend. Have them give us a call. Our teachers are dedicated. For more information, call the school at 724-285-4986 between 9 AM and 2 PM. MARKET DAY Paper Orders are due back Monday, April 15th. Internet orders due by 11 PM Thursday, April 18. We are going to try something new at our Confirmation Ceremony this year. We are going to host a four-parish choir! Vince Houpt will be directing the choir and is opening this opportunity to honor God, and Bishop Waltersheid, to anyone from our Confirming Parishes to praise by music. He will have two rehearsal sessions – at St. Joseph Parish for this. They will be held Thursday, May 2 @ 7:00pm in the Choir loft at St. Joe’s and Thursday, May 9th after the Holy Day Mass at St. Joe’s (beginning at about 7:45pm) in DePaul Hall. Please call Vince for more information –724-6071995. Or, just show up! PICNIC CHINESE AUCTION This weekend after all masses you can receive a basket (if you would like) to fill for our Chinese Auction and return it as soon as possible, no later than June 30th. We have a request for a few more men's baskets this year. You can wrap it or Stacy & I will be glad to wrap it for you. It is a great help if you make a list of items enclosed and approximate value so we can print it out. Thanks Joyce Care Givers Support Group. Will once again meet from 6 pm to 8 pm on a Wednesday at St Paul Catholic Church in Butler at Glenn Hall. The following is our schedule: 1) Wednesday April 24th Diane Stevens from The Butler County Area Agency on Aging. 2) Wednesday May 22nd Jeffery Banner from Heritage Elder Law and Estate Planning. 3) Wednesday June 26th Visiting Nurses Association. 4) Wednesday July 24th Dr Lisa Kellerman a Natural Dr from Lisa's Natural Path. 5) Wednesday August 28th Closed Meeting for the group. 6). Wednesday Sep 25th a Registered Dietitian. 7). Wednesday October 23rd Renee Huitt from Butler County Area on Aging. 8) Wednesday November 6th no speaker is scheduled as of yet. 9) Dec 11th last and final meeting for the year. For questions please call Vickie at 724 732-2159. Saturday, April 13 - Vigil: -Third Sunday of Easter 6:00 pm Nicholas Geibel (Dom Verdino Dielectric) Sunday, April 14 – Third Sunday of Easter 7:30 am Robert and Marian Kepple (Children) 10:00 am For the Parishioners Monday, April 15 - Easter Weekday 7:30 am Herb & Edith Steighner (Kathy Baptiste) Wednesday, April 17- Easter Weekday 10:15 am Carol Mitch (Vince & Elaine Santus) Friday, April 19– Easter Weekday 7:30 am Muriel Williams (Jim & Beverly Zanotti) Saturday, April 20 – Saint Martin I 8:30 am Betty Fallecker 6:00 pm Vigil: -Fourth Sunday of Easter Leo Rodgers, Jr. (Bernadette & Des Schnur) Sunday, April 21– Fourth Sunday of Easter 7:30 am For the Parishioners 10:00 am Ann Baptiste (Paul & Diana Hesidence) READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30; Jn 6:22-29 Tuesday: Acts 7:51 — 8:1a; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a, 17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35 Wednesday: Acts 8:1b-8; Ps 66:1-3a, 4-7a; Jn 6:35-40 Thursday: Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44-51 Friday: Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59 Saturday: Acts 9:31-42; Ps 116:12-17; Jn 6:60-69 Sunday: Acts 13:14, 43-52; Ps 100:1-2, 3, 5; Rv 7:9, 14b-17; Jn 10:27-30 Dear Brothers and Sisters of St. Wendelin Parish, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" This is the question that Jesus asks Peter three times in today’s Gospel. Why does Jesus keep asking this? Can He not hear Peter's response? Is He not satisfied with it? What’s the deal here? In order for us to understand what is going on it is important for us to remember that the English language is not very exact. The Greek translation gives us a little more insight. Jesus first asks, Peter do you love me like a like a brother? This is a deep love. It is a love that is not fleeting. Most of us, while we may not always like our brothers or sisters, do love them and would come to their aid whenever they need us. Peter answers yes, I love you like this. Then Jesus changes the question. Peter do you love me like I love you? Jesus uses a different word for love here in the second question. It is a word that describes total unselfish love, the kind of love that would come down from Heaven and take on flesh, the kind of love that would die on the Cross, the Divine kind of love. Peter however answers with the same words with which he answered the first question. I love you like a brother. Jesus responds to Peter, reacts maybe better, by changing His question back to the words used the first time He asked it. Basically He is asking Peter, do you love me to the best of your ability? It is a startling and beautiful moment that the Son of God understands the limitations of humanity and does not ask for what is not possible. He knows our limits. He knows our brokenness and He responds to us. This exchange highlights the fact that while Jesus, by His death and resurrection, has broken the chains of sin and death, the effects of our sinfulness and brokenness and humanness remain. Peter is an illuminating example for us. But wait, Peter? St. Peter? The Rock upon whom the Church is built? Sure he denied Jesus but that was before the Resurrection. That’s in the past. This is the new age right? But Peter does show the effects of his betrayal. He feels guilt. He feels shame. Jesus' questions are bringing it up in his heart more and more. You can see it in his response. Jesus is calling Peter to a more profound kind of love and Peter is saying and showing that he can't love like that......yet! Peter will in fact love like that, love the way Jesus loves, love totally unselfishly and self-sacrificing later in his life, but not yet. He is still caught up in the effects of his sin, his shame and so he tells Jesus that he will love the best he can. Jesus accepts this but also shows Peter the way out of shame. "Feed my Lambs". Jesus gives us an amazing insight. The way out of shame is small acts of unselfish love. As we continue to celebrate Easter, the Feast of our Salvation, let us remember this story. All of us, like St Peter, are going to feel guilt and shame in our lives. The effects of our sins, even after they are forgiven, remains. But let us not miss the end of this story. Our Lord is willing to be patient with us and to keep faith with us and to keep loving us as we work through these effects. Do not let yourself despair in your shame and guilt. Listen to the Lord. He gives us a way through. The way of St Peter. The way of small acts of unselfish love. Peace and Love, Fr. Matt
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