^DBtnAV OASSimo DISPLAY CLASSIflED Con^UI^ITURE~ New..&..lJI$er^w ^ PAINTINO' Interlor-e-tterlor. PltUburg. quality product* from M.ry's Color Bar. C W. GRAND8TAFF Free Est FA 8-.9KI jjlr^'^^ntjo w**h*r/drrer,' 'brand new-^eciai'.';." j3.$g 9*JHudo*«U Oialr*.pla*Ue and fabrics .....'...... .'.TTjlW PARTICULAR PAINTINO for Pro people. Low Rate*. Now R. C. Hunter. TE 5-Utt. CiKi i^w» . ..... .'.'.' .'.'.V.V.'.'.'.'.'.'.V.'.'.'.'.ii. n wfc-^im.'oo A Decorating. Free Extlmat* AatM_urtle Wssher* (several to choose from) ..nt.it * up 4-Pe. Sectional - Reg. 8399.95 ............. ...now flM.fl McMAHAN'S FURNITURE 1306 SARTORI AVE., DOWNTOWN TORRANCE SP 5-1526 ruf'N'ii'J-: AfJD FA 8-7530 owr^ERS i\ .'.Tfr. "BLACKEY" H. A. Domlnguei Tractor A Concrete Work TE 3-9277 CEMENT WORK- All Kinds Free Est. Call "Bill" FR 0-0«79 ITS! CLASSIFIED to buy. sull or exchange. Call DA 5-.060 or TE 4-4581. !(. •i'u CONTRACT DE? , . :i ... NADEkS ...',o. , n FACTORY ,: i ' Z°. SAMPLES. DR/i/ CHARGE IT .. -._ '., ^_ C t _- T n SPRINKLER SYSTEMS '" 39 LAWN SPRINKLERS Installed or Repaired McCoy Sprinklers PL 9-9537 :--:i' ! !,.' _ It '.r NADER'S, INC. | GARDENING Landscaping 40 TOP SOIL e General cleanup, excavating, landscaping. Sprinkler systemi Installed * lawn Care. TE 5-2629 MONTHLY MAINTENANCE LAWN RENOVATING GENERAL CLEANUP Exp. Jr.psnfwc American Frne Rrt. 328-88»2 after 6 FOR BETTER GARDENING AND LANDSCAPE SERVICE CALL DA 0-1839 LAWN MOWING SERVICE ( yn Exper. No hired help. DA 3-OMS COMPLETE LAWN 8ERV. Exper. Reliable. Free Eat Call3J7-9061 Experienced Landscaping Trimming Renovating. Hauling A Cleanup. Free E*L Call 372-1044 3ARDEN-.R Mow A edge }9 month. Clean-up Jobt Etpray 1. fertllUe call S35-7633 or 830-13«3. EXPERIENCED JAPANESE GARDFNER. Call "Tommy" 329-2077 after ( p.m. SPECIAL SPRING CHECK-UP CHASSIS LUBE OIL CHANGE FRONT WHEEL BEARING PACK BRAKE INSPECTION COOLING SYSTEM CHECK SAFETY INSPECTION $£96 MOVING, HAULINO and Storage e TOP SOIL e TRASH HAULING TED GREEN CHEVROLET (FORMIRLY PAUL'S CHEVROLET) 378-0211 WE HONOR ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS tYee Services DEATH NOTICE NCOMI TAX , , MILTON KARL. 8 V E N 9 K iMMied away March 17nh. Born bee. 8. 1919 in Calif. Survived by 2 ulster*. Maryaret Leone of Downey A Anna MrKlnney of Inglewood. 2 brother*. Paul of Buena P*rlt A Arthur of Pasadena. Senlces will be held March 23rd at 1 p.m. Stone A Myer* Chapel of Bells Interment. Pacific Creit Cemetery. 2 R-K Income Tax Service (THIS IS ALL WE DO TEAR HOUND) HAVE YOUR TAXKB DONE IN THE CONVENIENCE OF YOUR OWN HOME THIS YIAR. PHONE US FOR OUR FAST SERVICE APX4LJUAN CBCILIA K I T T O POINTMENTS OR FTlEl pM**d away March Idth. Bom ON YOUR Way 17. 1MO In WlKonaln CONSULTATION PROBLEMS. Survived by a brother. Mow Wlllett* of Ind. Also **v«rral niece* A nephew*. Roeary March 22nd at 7:SO p.m Stone A Myws Chapel of the Bell* Kequlem Mass. 9:.<o a m . Match 23rd at Church of the Nativity Interment Holy Crcse fem.-tery. CEMETBRY LOTS 1~CTTPT6 at «r-<.|i M5C. Phone 83S-8I05 4 Hill* LOST and POUND (LESS THAN SO DAYS) 835-4773 830-7347 Serv.ng So Bay ilnce 1957 Income Tax Service G. S. Potter In \our home or my office. Also moving Estimate. Day nlte. YARD A GARAGE CLEANUP Haul anything Reaaonabl* Call 371-OTS InitnieHon NOTICES CUITAR LESSONS Your Home ROCK A ROLL FOLK WESTERN POPULAR 10 PERSONALS M GRADES TOO LOW Ixrt m HELP your CHILD l^.rn t READ All ages $2 60 a week your home. Cill "Tier 4 30 A Place your Claaitfled Ad Or3 p.m. Tuesdays for Full time tax consultant. der* before luue*; before 8 p.m. Sinir T'jrrance location 11 yra. Wedne*d*y 11 y appointment 1-1 (7 day*) Friday for Sunday luuet. FR 1-2531 EMPLOYMENT OFFERED Offered, Men 66 Show Card Writer EXPERIENCED Immediate opening In So. Bay area. Fast, all around man with good knockout ability. Good starting salary with auto, increases. Free hospital, medical & dental plan for entire family. APPLY IN PERSON 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Standard Brands EMPLOYMENT Offered, Women PAINT CO. AUTOMOTIVE order filler for Ige. accessory warehouse distributor*. Must be _.ccurat« & dependable. Order filling or purls counter Exper. preferred. Garden* area. Call Mr Mattox, 327 99CO. INSURANCE SOLICITOR P.O. BOX 4546. WILMINGTON REAL ESTATE SALESMAN P.O. Box 4545. WILMINGTOI* COOKS Walter*. Apply In person after 2 p.m. Ramada Restaurant. 4111 Pac. Cst. Hwy. TiftLIVERY men over 25. Part time. Use own car. No telling Good e-irnln*i.. Call 436-756 Many Jobs FEE & FREE ALL JOBS Within 7 Mile OFFICE ft FACTOKY SKILLED & UNSKILLED MANY MALE JOBS FOR Trainees for Factory ft Ca reer Jobs K/C Bkprs. A O flee Mgr*. Precision Grind ers As»t. Comptroller Llgl truck driver A & B Machm Isls "A ft B" Inepujtora. ACCOUNTS P AYABLE IRCRAFT ARE YOU MECHA NICALLY INCL INED? 6- CLERK" o Minimum two years recent general accounting experience required >,vith ability to type. e Fine opportunity for advancement with good salary and excellent working conditions. Excellent free life inst rance and employee benefits. e Contact Personnel D« partment Monday thru Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:3 ) p.m. for interview, employer. RflANIBT Choir Director near City Hall w« have fur Fpleropel Church. Torr. fuw. pl****nt 2 bedroom ft den Sun. morn, service* A 1 wk. dine with large flrenlcce, dav rehrarMl. Salary range , till/will carpeting, fenced |1V4 to 1300 bated on giiBll- . ard distance to flrattoiw. Other fee* addition- ; tore* Awalking school. Only 123,950. 1 Ph. church office SM-J7RI or ipnly In perwn to: St. Andrew* Episcopal ohurch. _4.t_ Encracl:. Ave.. Torrance Miere nm tlioiw who have >een looking for a split Icrvftl bedroom A ramlly, 1\ bath iUStNttS 'iom» In a price level that 1* $,18.0fio. Try this one. OPPORTUNITIES 71 mder IH* eveiythlng. wall/wall cart di-apes. fireplace, view, U_ER"BAR~ Nice, 1*950 run •wt price S31SO down. Pacific C*t. tc. Total price 134.900. Split Level! DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT DtV ISION in long Beach has hundreds of openings foi persons who ere mechencs, handy with tools, ircraft workers. Hwy. Owner. $M-63M. * Keol Estate 90 ly not learn how you cen profit ($) from your OMES FOR SALE (ills at Douglas by mee ting with on* of our repTrl-level. 2700 ft. of gruclou* sentatives. living, big family styln kitch- HELI-ARC WELDERS Pref*r*jM« Ctvem to certified welder* In light grade material*. OVERHAUL AND REPAIR ASSEMBLERS Aircraft experience preferred and require* ability to uee variety of band tools. AIRCRAFT ELECTRICIANS $24,500 Gl $99 COSTS That'* 4 Bdrm, Fom. Rm. Electrical wiring Installation experience preferred. Pride of ownership Immulate Inside and out Loaded with extra*. bulk-In oven and range, huge kitchen. 4 queen iae bedrooms. p*meled family room, near new carpeting and drapea. Assume $21.000. i tV% loftn. Submit on down. SM.MO. -Km. STRUCTURAL ASSEMBLERS Require* ability to lee.rn riveting and drilling and mint be mechanically Inclined. BENCH MACHINISTS Muat be able to read and Interpret blue and have applicable machine experience In fittingprints and Installing bushing*. Lomita Pines! [I'i *o4ng to be very cHfficult o beet this 3 bedroom. 1»» xith home In elegance and >eauty. Overlooking South Bay are*, this one I* really something. Lot* of landecapng. located at ton of Lomita Pine* .irw. Built-in*, fireplace, etc J36.900. Just Immaculate! Ne«r Madrona School you'll find thin 2 bedroom, convertible den. 14. b»th. with detached gianign and added *tudlo In rear of garage. Professionally Iwdscaped. fenced yard wall/wall. Ideal for medium »li« family. Call u* Very Provincial! Another one of those "shop nd compare" houses on quiet street 2 Bedroom A den with rocfex) patio A barbeque, mall/wall carpets, drapes, bulM-lns, etc. Only $31.500. Extremely sharp north Torbedr.tonu. garage converted to large paneled den. family die kitchen, large yard Rear accen for boat or trailer. 113.980. Excellent 5"4% O.I. li«n exl-rting. «W3!. Requires experience In sheet metal layout and In Interpreting blue prints. AIRCRAFT ASSEMBLERS 2 BDRM. CHCAPIE $1000 DOWN J16.ROO total Prefer experience In heating and ventilation, rigging and control* air conditioning. price for this li>vely 2 bedroom. 1 Years old. located on a 6Uxl60 lot. H/W floors, knock on the pla.itered walls. Excellent starter or speculative home *«57. ELECTRICAL MOCKUP MECHANIC DONSKER ASK ABOUT OUR GUARANTIED TRACE PROGRAM ANZA A DEL AKO BLVD. TORRANCB FR 0-2555 - ANYTIME Require* aircraft experience and ability to Interpret blu* prints. Requires experience In set up and operation of machines in accordance with manufacturing order*. INTE RVIEWS Large living room with flre?lace. Dining room, S Bdrms.. baths, kitchen * breakfast nook. Carpeting, drape*, wa»h louse. Dole, garage. Workshop. Enclo»ed patio with F/P1.. Sprinkler*. In good condition. Can move In. 1229 Acacia Ave., Torr. 8 A.rV\.-4 P.M. AND E:VENINGS TUES. & THlJRS. 'TIL 8 P.M. 328-492K Due to the Easter Holidays we will be closed on Fri., Ma r. 24, & Sat., Mar. 25. _ _____ /^PPLY BARGAIN! 3 BEDROOMS. 2 baths ONLY $21.950 full dining room, double garage, W/work shop W/W caretlne. fireplace, fenced yard. Will QI. Hurry! PH 10. SKYLINE REALTY 370-7445 Central Torrance 4831 HAROWICK, LAKEWOOD CENTER LAKEWOO D, CALIFORNIA OR AT YOUR LOCA L CALIFORNIA STATE DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT APPLICANTS MUST HAVE SOCIAL SECURITY CARD AND MILITAI?Y SEPARATION PAPERS In the heart of Torrance 1 Custom built, clean and in perfect condition. Hardwood floors, wall/wall carpet*. Itt baths. 20x28 garage with rumpus room. Neat yard. A real beauty. Pred M. lUnsen Realtor. 2222 Torrance Blvd FA 8-6«4« eve*. DA 6-S019 DOLICLAS AIRCRAF:T DIVISION LONG BEACH 3 Bdrm., Fam. Rm. MB.9SO full price. Real Sharp G.I. No down. AIRCRAFT SHEETMETAL TOOLINGi MECHANIC A AsaoctatM 18427 Avalon Blvd. Domlnguei Hills U3-C222 2 Bedroom*. 434 E. 229th PI Bullt-4iu. one year old. fire place. 1 car attached garag can be converted. 2^4 car ga rag* on alley. Blythe Realtor* TE 4-3474 K/PI. Bit-Inn Kntry hal Patio eprinklers A other ex Uas.'Nr. nchool. park, shop ly'owti.*- S29.f>OII DA 5-143 TRADING TIME? In .'1 bedroom, new Ing room plus den. 3 baths. :< i-ar ga rsge it 124f Broad, for iimall er home or Income uroprrty MAINTENAN CE ELECTRICIAN e Minimum 3 years recent industrial experience in construction electriciil work required. rspurini Ira __<iii*r*tt« technn iin Wualilr (u*r*nr**4 Lyn Koford. m 1-7012. flat. Ur, tile, coating. LI ctnsed * In*ur*d. Free **ti r.<ates. Call anytime. TE 6-2566 328-3535 Fr«i> r-^till_atf s -Llcenseil Brnclcd C»M collect 423-748 RIM * iveckmdx 327 -064: Harry Klin: Ownw. & Associate* 2115 TORRANCI BLVD. e ROOFING e nee. learn am to .1 experlen Fine opportunity good trade Mon -Fri to 11 a.m.. 12:80 p. !» p.m Form-o-U.h, U !2 PBX OPERATORS <1 Day & Swing. $1 70 hr. start Benefit. FR 8-041 EXP. Waitress, patio cafe. N o. Place your Classified Ad O 2-326 N Avalon Next do ir ders be'we H p m. Tuesdiv* fn to W<-»t«m Union Wilm ft e W..tn< »rt;iv i^iicn: before 8 p n Dotty in Morn. . * m -1 () r i. Friday l"i Sunday Issue*. PRES S-HERALD PRESS JAURNAL. and HARBOR MAIL CLASS IFIED ADS ;< ,^ "| ' & J 2 '• ' J! ~i i .1 4 '» '." t i MORE FOR THE MONEY \ 24838 Narbonne, Lomita Call 834-1408 BY OWNER: A»sume 514 loan. 3 Bdrm*. Lge. R-.'l Carpeting 117700 1845 V 201th Call 326-4M.1 BY OWNER. 3 Bedrm Lr telUiien Near iSoh. Can area. Lrg d»u-H v<1 «I6 »W Nominal down. TE 4-0781 TB 4-6791. ' ' ; : DA 6-2476 • } BUNNY Don't BARGAINS overlook this spacious 2 bedroom, deeigned for happy llvng. Hardwood floors, carpeting, service porch, sliding §!HM door to paithi. double ttachrtl garage, .stone fenced yard Price $18.500. Need An avacado tree? To go with this cozy 2 bedroom, priced at $ll250. Hardwood floor*, arge kitchen panelray heat, sundry in detached garage. Near shops, bu*. churchea. Eoster Bonnet nay kte.) your Udy happy unle-m Mlifi sees this hume! Quality built. 4 * family loom, formal dining room, built-lns. dishwasher 2 baths, marble t->p. ceramic tile, drapes, carpeting, mirrors, eliding Rl«iw dour to peJtlo. tone feticlng. double garage with automatic car control. 132,500 try G. I. terms. To Go vacationing all summer long. Try this 2 A family room, with regulation *Ue swimming pool. Lot* of decking. p«tlo. stone fenced yard. LtvinK rcom with open bnam ceilings. flreplLCe. separate dining room, electric kitchen, .iixhwaiihei, snack bar, etc $22,000. House In front 1* a modern 2 bedloin. ctucco; a 1 bedroom furniched cottage at the raar. Ideal f<_r related fami lies, or small Income. Near shopping, churches, school and park. Need $2700 down full price »18.»50. Hunting for Inr.wne jiri.ix.riy.' Just .::.VKI down, will buy thin e«rh. :i ff«rBK.'K. only 12 yeura uld. Alao A nnlt» In Long $27.500. 2 Building*. K units, bread A tutter Income Seldom a va cnncy. S40.KOO. Av«r«xe rei tSti per. mo. etu-h. t4oui dnw or will take house, buxineiu l>roi>erty "or what have you. I $ % '% *< ? " < ' ^ INCOME TAX AL LONG I t » » T" «; ,1 j NEED ROOM? WE NEED LISTINGS e Minimum 6 months experience and training in Call us for free evaluatior the operation of i ndustrial heat treat and atmosphere control eq uipment. BUILDING t Supplle* X Dominguez Realty e Fine opportunity f<>r advancement with good Admiral Realty FA 0-212 TB .-2:128 FOR APPT. Quality Additions salary and excellen \ working conditions. ExcelCALL (Near Santa fa) TO SEE HI -SHEAR C:ORPORATION . 37R-08.I E. Lomita Blvd.. 3 b*d INCOME TAX lent free life insura nee and employee benefits. 832 « RollR ATiluio R CONSTRUCTION room*, l'/» baths. H/W fl or th 2600 Street, West Torrance 247 built-lns, new drapes, doubl CHAIN-LINK FENCE, GALT Call 830-1280 garage. Blvthe Realtor*, wanted Nea r e Contact Personnel Department, Monday thru Run Ft 22c Oate*. red. prlc "Avon Calling" BABYSITTER MARGUERITE WATERS Gulf Ave School. For schoc ^ TE 4-3474 Atlu Open 7 day*. NE t-401 Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for interview. nmr your home offer* you op age children. 8 a.m. to 8:3 New Horizon portunity to work part time am, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Mot Deluxe CARPENTERY TCARN UP TO $3 PER HR. *' e An equal opportun ty employer. thru Fri. FA 4-4236 I Bdrm. Moving. Illneu. INo exptrlence necewary. Pr.MJit all offers. and Repair* 1 Call for appointment 8. Klin*, owner 325-804 HI -SHEAR CORPORATION FR 2- 11 37, Ext. H Telephone WOMEN Bookkeeping work from home S:?,2CC $44,500 ROOFS 1 BEDROOM horn*. $15.00 2600 West 247th Street, Torrance Offic* Open All Y«r. Renewed, repaired Shlnglei WOMEN sewing machine op*1T. Ph. No to P.O. Box 8030 L.A May G.I. Largo 4 bedroom, 2 bath, dintoes needed, no TJrtt»siiutklng A Alterations Men'ii <>r women's 30917 llall- " * This clean 3 bedroom with large, nice kitchen and breakfaat room and aun porch. In good area for only $13.909, Tes. even a double detached garage. Offer to buy O.I. C-2«4. TRADE HEAT TRE>M OPERATORS Southwest Park! A rr*J eharple In a S bedroea home. Again, we aak you to compare and then *ee this one Hu everything: wall/wall, drape*, lovely rear yard with ute of landscaping. $24.500. IMPRISONED SPLENDOR 3 PLUS FAM. LOW DOW e Minimum 3 years cc mmercial or military aircraft experience in the fabrication of sheet metal parts and assembly. Very Charming! uM off Cwson Street o* 3reenwood Ave., a very fine . bedniom, rustic home that rt;lv fits your pocketbook. Well kept. Wall/wall cerpeU, .rapea. fenred yard, etc. Own* er quite anxious at $24,»00. This Is legal, but there should be a theft report when thl* one sells! A beautiful 5 bedroom home on lovely street In Redondo Beach, near churches, schools aand hoppln*. Call now and aak about thl* iparkter. Priced to Mil t__Z. weekend at jiMt J26.500. D-136. DON TAYLOR COMPARE DougUui Is an equal opportunity employe) i > _ , "owne & Countrie Realty ; SKYLINE REALTY 370-7445 BY OWNER MONDAY Th1RU SATURDAY i I4ow In the Weat Torrance i i«a of the city you'll Ilk* t hi* lovely 3 bedroom, family oom. 1% bath home on dead nd street Built-in*, forced : hrat. fireplace, fenced lelghborhood ait $31.500. RANK A. MOHNS bath*. W/W carpeting open beam ceiling, covered patio. HURRY! UPH J COST OF LIVING ADJUSTMENTS ' PENSION PLAN J JURY DUTY PAY J PAID VACATIONS Neor West Hi! ; NO DOWN PAYMENT SKYLINE REALTY 370-7445 SOUTHWOOD Gl 3 Bedrooms. 1% The employee* at Douglas Division enjoy excellent working condition*, above-average waxes, recognition (a policy of promotion from within), and all of these benefits: * ' , , ' J ' * , > * ' MAKE OFFER 1502 W. 227th Good area of Torrance New carpeting throughout, family size kitchen, double garage end fenced yard. CALL NOW. #PH 12. KEY PUNCH OPERATOR > Porranci . A charming 2 owlpanlsh «tucr» A great dc«l r good tS-Ke Iw* (OIMr Into lilii home with K* WMl/weJl c arpfftlng, drape*, ete. $_»,600. This S bedroom. 1 bath home on large comer lot, I ear garace, is made to order for the man ttiat need* a with upper Room for additional uiuu on property. Lotfixer* 40 x 180 R-3 zone. Priced to sell at just $17.600. TradealM to your trust deed, land contract or deeert lot for down pajrmeal. Gl FHA $ 19,500 Require* the ability to use either IBM or Remmlngton Rand. 2 + Guest HousiB? ()n trek lined street In Central , oom home1 with gumt house. REA LTY 110 E. Pacific Coast Hwy. TE 5-1300 Requires experience In ft up and operation of lathe* and following manufacturing outlines. c We Have Available, Fh .A and G.I. Financing 1505 CRENS HAW BLVD. FAS- 049 ' REALTOR ' TURRET LATHE OPERATORS home* In ' ontuice first In thl* price range. then compare thoae to t hi* .1 bedroom, family room. 1 ". bath houie In Booth Torr*nce. We am sure you'll ee the true value in th.* fine time. LJke new. wmll/w»ll a r p e t «. drapea, built-in*. orrMi air heeU flrepUe*. i nvety landKaplng. etc. c3f.tr SI .750 . * A nlct 2 bedroom home for only $12.260 . . . Impossible you ny? Not In thl* caae! We nave 2 2 bedroom on a SO x 100 R-2 lot for only $34.500. You'd better home* hurry for this one. F-228. o anvone. Nice 2 bedroom double garage in Bast Wilmington. MILLING MACHINE OPERATOR to Real DeliahtT^ 5 1 Iwiao look at all KEN rV1ILLER 3 AND DEN Gl RESALE SHEET METAL DEVELOPMENT MECHANICS / t PAID HOLIDAYS PBR YEAR ' &MPAyY BpINDURANCE / FAMILY HOSPITALIZATION COVERAGE en. All built-in*, huge Isolated custom decorators carpeting and drape* Tropic*! landaraplng. M.9SS handles. 4*5*7. right. 199 total closInt coeti" r.o down payment to qualified veteran. 3 big bedroom*, family room, l<_ bath*, huge kitchen with built-in*, custom c*rpetlnK. nn.l newlv painted. Vacant. _>«03 ASSEMBLY INSPECTORS MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Age 18-30 $135 Weekly Salary Call 435-7461 9AM 4 PM i' Real E§f4it« 90 H OMES IK)R SALI Right Size! MASTER LAYOUT MEN 4300 W. 190th St. Torrance EMPLOYMENT Offered, Women 6 1 4 ) Employment 3» Reol Ettotc MKOYMRNT OFFERED ~ H OMES FOI SALI Men aml/er Women 61 ~ Must have been classified and have experience a* a master layout man. B.LS. Agency HOME SIRVICIS TV, Radio, etc. 1 1' and PIANO TUNING fj^^wf^MmAfit GMHOYMINT Require* experience a* an aircraft electrician and knowledge of schematics. age application* from person* of the other *ex. 3uen listings are for th* (Fee ft Free Job* convenience of reader* be- Secretaries Medical Jobs Accwintln cause some occupation* are Clerks. 21 considered Typist Gen' more attractive to Office many Bookkeepers Gen VINYL. Linoleum or Tile fir*. persons of one sex than the omer Service (!)-6l '2 Recup InvUlled st Rea*. price* other. Discrimination In em- Typist NCH Trainee Many color* and patterns or ployment becitiise of sex 1* Electronic At&embler* & In hand for Immediate Install* prohibited by th* 1964 Civil spectnri. tlon. Carpet All brands Right* Act with certain exExpert workmanship. C a 1 ceptions (where *ex 1* a bona Roy. 37S-0060 (Eve*, or Sun fid* qualification, firms with leu than 100 employee*, etc ). 374-6014) No obligation. Advertisement* containing the 8. 101 HWY.. REDONDO other phrases *uch a» "Open 432 PLUMBING W to men or women" "Equal (2 Blks. S. of Torrance Blvd WAITRESS or Walter want for high volumn Mexican r "Open to either »ex." "EngiWesley Ttukamoto Plbg. neer taurant Miut have expe.rlen men and Women." etc. In Mexican food * cocktal Indicate that the position* 32S-M51 Part A full time opening are open to either qualified Call 371-69S5 men or women ,4°nIr1..'drayr'r0rlled "".ffBiT S*)rvicM HUCK'S Window Cleaning, floor wajtlng. wall washing. rc-?ldeiirlal exclusive!). . Free urnxible estimate*. After 4 p.m. call 378-9100. HOME SERVICES Miieelloneout REMEDIAL READING. Complete phonetic cours*. 9 ra<1.' Uvel gunranteed. Credentlaltd te-srlier. For particulars HOME SERVICES Rug ft 0*11 SS4-R»r7 Upholstery, Cleaning 3 AI_COHOLi8M -. Help * Information "Har- ^US^^t^iJ^AmV^y bor PHthw»ys." Kid No KHM w*v AmWny Honii! C*r« Ave Wilm 8?0 5461. 9-5 p.ra rnrluits Distributors: C. W (irandstaff. FA 8-4995 SINGLE ADULTS I. Stock will. S47-14«0 DRESSAAAKINO and ALTERATIONS 4TUATIONS WAMTGD Men 62 Note Reading From Start EMPLOYMENT OFFERED GUITAR FURN. FREE Men and/or Worn*/. 6 Aver. $1.50 Per Lesson FA 8-2345 Employment WILL not be reetwnaible for any debt* other than my own HOWARD 8 MTERS Employment MUSIC, OANCINO, Etc. 50 EXPBR. If No Ans. DA 5-3780 LOST: 5 MO. old feni Aimtrjli*n Bliephord gray. brn. INCOME TAX Open 8 to 6. Sat 9 In 4. R<-ed Bookkeeping Sys- NOTICE A wlit name "Clea " Vie Waltrrlo. Reward Dxy* call tems. .4(111 H. Avalon. Miny listings In the claMlCull 8:14-9863 H75-9527 HX-ea. 37S-285S ficatlons 'Tfimployment ofX»O8T: Small black slieicgy fe- FKDKKAI. A 8TATI-. Tax wo- ered Men" or "Employment pared In your home. Ph. 82O- offered Women" are not In^nale dog. VI. 2«h A Main tended to exclude or .discour46:9 Held IRS officer. Reward. TB 4-S277. Tart terrier/pixxil.- Vie 22<Hh * Andi-eo. Rewurd. 833-O42h before 8:30 a.m. Experienced teacher. »urepean background. 835-1381. An equal opportunity employer 44 MEN: 2 opening! age 21-38 Opportunity to learn Inaurance Investigation work for perm, career, also for future manngeme.it potential when exper. as field Inspector. Not j Tnirtor Work romm. or soles, however inJ BUIgs. Demolished come based on nrtual per/ Lots Clenr.'d formance plus expense. Type ,' Free Estimate* 35 wpm. A own car. Phonr HE AS. RATES FA K-1S79 931-18(15 from » a.m. to 12 CLEAN-UPS tsrds. Garage* p in. only for Interview. Hnul anything. 23505 Hawthorne Blvd., Torrance Announccmtnra 339-8243 GO-GO Michael" 330-7367 FAMILY IRONING Shirt-i « Specialty Wcrk Guaranteed 328-3318 Asphalt Paving-Concrete Tractor Work Clean-up APART;MENT / r.L Fred H. Wllken* LEARN LATIN ft dance* "Margaret 376-9588 Gardens, or Da 40087. LIKE to do your painting. .?« ITUATtONS WANTED years <-xperlenri>. Cnll C. J. hurrniigh" at 830-3-77. PAINTEm Interior and exter- "KVrSi^taruSil^CjSf ior. Neat. Very rees. Free All cn*es. Loving ft Kindly Attention. e*t. Call 377-14.T7. Parents Nurse* Registry BRUSH ft SPRAY PAINTINO Call 676-4487 APANE8E lady would Ilk* to Ouar Licensed DA 9-7928 do Ironing by the piece. LOOKING FOR BARGAINS IN Calf FA 8-1889 ANTIQUES. CHECK THE :LA8ttFIBD COLUMNS NOW. VH1TE Lady will do housework In your home. Call 328-8903 MATURE Inrty will do babysitMASONRY your1.38-5075 home. Wall*, Patioi, etc. 31 ting:* inCill NO BANK - NO FINANCE CO. WE CARRY OUR OWN CONTRACTS COLOR TV HEADQUARTERS (Many branch to choose from) No Down Payment With Approved CredltOut-of-State Credit OK FA 8-1252 EmpfoynMftt 1 Inrtruetfo* Services MCOtAUNO M VHISK, DANCJNO, Etc. 50 MPLOYMENT rOhitii-fi r**pefnar_ejHn VoicTrEACHER ing room, huge living room fireplace, Inrge kitchen, load* of clotet (pace. OversUed ga rage. PLUS a neat 2 bedroom home fi.r rent or for part r>f tin family On almost (4 acre R 3 Huge ifar gate. Plenty " ullii H< Onlv M4M. rlnwn Admiral Realty FA 0-2 12 Nativity Parish luge 4 bedroom, 1)4 bath. In Central Torrance Formal mnlng room, «dr heat, wallwall carpets, drapea. doubla garage, stove A refrigerator. >hone jacks, fenced yard. Can it u*ed aa 3 bedroom with 15x 8 rumpus room. Ideal for large family. Sharp and vacant. Just listed at $34. (GO. Coll and **k about M 112. Brand New 2 Story. 3 Bedroom*. 1% xths. cuntom built home, in LorolU. Ha* formal dining room, all electric bullt-lns, breakfait room Large living room with fireplace. 1 hug* bedroom upetairi). H e a v v shake roof. Wall/wall MtrpeU over wood floors Completely fenced ynrd 6\_% Interest with $WOO down. Thl* mar be your lam c_vance to buy a new home thl* veer. Aak about £ 111 Huge Lot surround* this better than new 2 story home near Harbbor Fwy. 3 Bedroom*, 1 bath, upatalrs: I Bedroom, 1 bath, ilownstajrn. All built-in*, cu*toni wall/wall carpet* * drapes, family room, doubl* garage Room for boat, trailer and pool. Open houe* Bunday 1-5 p.m. Drive to 33800 Caroldale Ave. (eajrt of Figuroa-Jiist north of Sepulved*). Try {8100 down. Try $995 Down On this IHtle 2 bedroom, oa 40x140. R-3 lot. Room for additional units at re_ur. House vacant. Movei right In. Seller very anxlou*. Inquire of II 108. 100' Wide Lot with doubl* gate for boat oi- treJler. 4 Bedroom. 1*4 bath, borne In Madron*. Square. Home ha* formal fining room, all built-in*. Plrpplac* In overalied living room Double garag*. Wool wall/wall carpets and cuetora drapes. Intercom, water softener and sprinklers. Beautiful homo on large corner tot. Just li*ted at $32.600. Basement Lovers litre's your home . . 3 bedroom. IH bath*. ba*ement. large family kltrhtw. Home for parents In rear Overn\i.*A ilnuble garnge. 75x100 ft. fenced yurd Needs paint, yard work and Knnenal repair, but In IdeaJly lor.at«d near KernUre«nwoud School In Central Torranre. Submit your offer on M 110. HOLLOMON REALTOR FA 8-1600 1825 Crenshnw Blvd. $500 DOWN $120 A MONTH Ineliidiun taze* and Insurance for this 2 bedroom home on a large lot. Need* painting. JIM DAVIS 834-5207 AAAY L. ARANT S Bdrm. Stucco. Corner tot. Ciimpletoly pvintrd Inaldef. Will O.f $18,000. Near schools, shopping, froewvy*. Owner will FHA thl* beautiful 3 Bdrm itucco Newly p. In ted Inside ft out. Near »chools, nhufj A frWway*. $17.501) MAY L. ARANT REALTOR ..3IKI 8. Mmln« Ph. SSO-06.10
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