&ZISUIVT I S PAGE FJ EVEN LAKE PLACID NEW? FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, .HAPPENINGS AT LAKE PLACID CLUB :s 'rice ns Miss Anne Meredith, screen actress, who i? at the Whiteface Ir.n. nil! refn':\\\ there through th? ~sa*or.. Mr .and Mrs. H. K. Kunhar-it of .\t v Vo-k Ivive ^rr.ved to sperd ;he «- «m -• .it Wb>te+*:ife Inr. M -•* Polly O--»ody«."ar is the -j^- -* of y*c -slid Mr«. J i m t s I»ev-f»? of B f*V • 'K *ne Balsams C'»uug*- at Wh-* •• Wtth a partner in the doubles Mr. Chapin added more laurels, defeat' r; Arthur Vates of Rochester and A. T \ Howard of Philadelphia. The scores were ^-2. ri-2. fi-S and 6-3. The junior bo>> and i^irls tourrairn.'.t= -tarte.J this morning under the dlnotion of r . R. Vinton tvf Xew Ym-k tt'.i! A. H. Cru.pin, Sr.« secretary M •!,(• Xi.v'.onal Lawi Tennis A^sociat ion. Thursday afternoon, Miss Vhry Elizabeth Wood, for 20 years librarian of Boone University. Wuchane. China, spoke on 'Conditions in China.' Edward A very, president of the Buffalo Audubon Society, gave an illustrated lecture on 'Our native wild S,.'e .»tart^ tomorrow a t ' flowers and their haunts/ Friday evist Dresses, and Children's ening. H .-adv. J VJU-AGE OF SARAXAC Miss Harriet van Emden, soprano! pupil of M»*»e Semnrich. sang at the Myron R. Hrew^ter, who lias beer L \ K E MVCH F x r r r n > regular Sunday concert in Forest Mua^s'icated for some time with the sic room. Sunday afternoon, to one of the largest and most enthusiastic CHARGES Of VICE CONDITIONS American Box Bail Alley Co. of IntV.inapolis, wishes to announce that audiences at the Club this season. In* -Nitration St;*rt«»d Th * Morning To Determine Merit of Shockinff •illeys are in operation at Saranac Tennis is to be a rival of golf Lakv Boys Club curling rink during Allegations this summer. Tuesday evening a \h-* -ijmmer months. group of tennis enthusiasts met to An investigation ;r*"^ charir'-< rr:>t The Box Ball game is a new rediscuss plans for a tennis club to be vicr cind'tions evi>t in a r ulr.^mir^r •rnation for this section of tl.e *»oi:npart of th$ iarifor summer sports un- state t;t Sarar.ji«.f Lake O T W ^ \ «-- rv, a ^rarne suitable for women and ion. The Club has joined the Na- rp-d'iy in the U\\v]> hall ti.ere w p h the •"hildien as well as men It ;s ir<»o«l tional Lawn Tennis Association and Hon." F''e<l''»ick i». Paddock, cour.ty "<w sport as well as wholesome exis conducting four tournaments une»»>ise. not too strenuous for the weak der its auspices; open tournament, on judce. presidinc. enough to make "it inIt is expected that the investigation and exciting July 24; junior hoys and jrirl*. July terest ; ng for the huskies. wh'ch wa« continued today will last 31; Labor day championship. August The pins are set up and the balls 30; northern Xew York championship. at least until tomorrow noon. Yearly every "trident of Saranac returned to the player automatically. September 12. Mr. A. H, Chopn. of Springfield. Mass.. treasurer of the Lake is interested in the proceednrr* National Lawn Tennis Association, and i1 is nnder^tood that a larce carried off the honor? of the oper tournament July 24th. r-o-'-a^ .-j to nppo.-ir bet'^r*? Judge PadA large audience watched *he Ju!v lioc't and tell what fhry know aritn.t prize fire drill yesterday aftrrnoor.. The hose race was won by Fo-est 1. The action \> ar<-<~>rdmg to t h e \-time 33 4-5 seconds. In the luntrmntoi Lral r i a w s brr>:ts_fht t>\ Tj-lt' pcori. drill, a man. supposedly overvniv j \ ac-'vi^i a resident <if P <vk a*.fi.jf\ smoke was brought down f rom *h-. '(V.-.r.u,:; wbos^ natr;(- ?ias r en )-,<(r mr ji fourth story and resuscitated Sr-il- p : ; . .•" ' • ! ? W ~ h ' •" ^ i > • " • ' ! * < " * •'• ' • ' v ; * ' :"ii* lander driM was won by ''Jnrdor. * a t ! 'li.'* ; J I i n t t t c c n i n i i i n . i * i > <•. , . r j « . o Marshall, Hire «"0 3-n second* Four waitresses from each of the clubhouses raced with first aid ca-tand nut out. two n>p«; built o" *!K cHirc • >t . I ' i ^ ' C c a n d .t .-'^ch: 1 !'^"'d -^'Idlev. of mirror lake. Th*1 fires were very teal and the girls came coumtreously Thi> m a n , w h e ^ t n a m e is a l - u w t*'r e a r in putting them out. Theanogruen. smallest of the clul hou>es. cm • \v ; :- uA) w h i t t h e y 3;r.ow. o: \ ; .-'- i-!»-. ried off the l'. 1 prize an-i '"he 'V:v • ! M ' ' I I K in S a r r u t a c L a k e villacre ;v\<i irirl chnmnion' pennant, which will be n\ she camp 1 - on t h ' j - t o a r b y Uik"<. b u t hung in Theanoguen dining room unti '"•f } a < n u t < u h n i ' t t e d a n y vwor" 1 - : a t c L t f k e ^ e or Forest o~ "•"">* it off 'it :' n"v^":-, H e '"-in1*"^ rr.ore t h a r !ifty later drill. Time <.-r :h<j winnlr.": 1< av, pt-w>viv i> his rh'n-iK"!. nit^r«<t':n^; Picv: 1 was 2>"' seconds, Fou me ! r^capLv. from the 6th story r»y thr- DMW automatic fire o.«cane an * the T.a'^'^dv ck r y n a n . OTH* of 'he leadinir hote'« roof and "'round Monitors played vj£- of tbo vjHatre H named by him a-* ; .oronisl* A surpr ; se dri'i was fft**"" 'place of ill-fame. last at. A ^ e r the dnll ^trra" «-The chareres are of -Dch a v)n:ur; th' .e gong. Eastrok cottaure numter as to <=hock the entin- viliajre. For r T . rung and the I r-ke*Ue a H or- some (iays pas* considerable- gossir est teams raced to the si.ot. attached hi- - ;'tnn in circulation there lepardthe hose and dim red :^ *he cb ir nne^ i m . r»n"iitions. but no s'rrcmpn^ Lakeside team won rv.\ a time of \\er< taken seriou*. Now. hrm-evo\ five mimi+v* arid 12 .•«-<*<-nds. Sir A»'ihi:r NTewsholme. London, a tif-n= as to make it imperative th::t well know". «'ngli?b :>h••** • lan. is r the nv-itter be threshed to the v^ry : oixum. Without a doubt some thine the Club for the season. . w .ry -ensational is scheduled t«> hai>hx": in the sister-viilag1*1 if tJK- ir- doing away with rht tiresome who has to "set up pins." The public i« cordially J . U ; O inspect the^e alleys ami >'onv- t'« Ke op' r.ir.c nijfht »T»tertainm»'nt f h t d \ generally free to a>l. A.-^ocuvt.'iS w-th M" the Box Bull AlKs vn. o- 'u-n I'luet* *>f S.ii—.rac L.i in so«'ia! a*ul 'U-P »">•* MADE SERWUS CHARGES v Classified Advertisements \v\NTEi) V\ \lf. L I 1 .".. T'-eut-i ] I H. FOR U » : \ r - F I ' »'u' r • pr% "\u\ a", the F •' »"OU S MA - < ii4>ir>r:n$L\m IN I>ri%afe T> O. ANTEI> -ttm1 B o x »i. A.: . . . . J* 1 o o i u i n FOR R E N T Sl'TT 1 - 1 <•" K O t ) > ! < (»K " " - d a v . J ^ l y T 1 apartmen ".. i d e a l l y - t t i a ' e d . <«r)in- (-*j(\|/^t.' (KM Apply Box K. La'kf Piac-i News, p t f ^)^;{t'btN?)0 BOARDERS WA^TFD - IN PRIvate family. Tkaa-nianJe rates.Apply at E d w a | r f l | i l ! i a m s Cottage, Sreenwood s t r ^ t , Lake Placid, N . Y MONEY TO LOAN O j f BOND AND M(.-ii"atre n u l ejlfte nly. Apply Isham & Lsham?!||foni*>ys. Lake I»lacid, N Y. ^ A V. 41>-tf. Thfatn » 0 o T ,, f A r k - , , VTMIS*I* LOs • ; H l ; ^ K ..J'K U " K l t '"(l ] t i a L v - ,M- T , 1 ; V 0 ^ ' 1 ; ^ «'<» Saranac • «« ' * to Mrs. 3C*a. Thorp, if A \ c . >aruo»r Lakft HICMSaranar Ltfke. l.» v y \\P Mi< AUGUST SALE c f OF Dresses, Aprons and Children's Wear Sale Starts August 2nd, at 9 A. M. ilal and continues until the 200 Dresses are sold THIS STOCK IS ALL NEW AROUND THE LAKE TENNIS P0PUI4R AT LAKE PLACID CLUB I Hecenfly arrived campers on Lake Placid include Mr. ••>••'* M'^. <V>*-McNeir o* Xew York, who are at their camp on thp we«f ^ide of thr Jake, their son and daughter, Mr. and A H. Chai^n. -If ff Sp?'inL'he!r. Mrs. Thorna* McNr 1 ., ^-cupyinu- an Mr. — , defeated F. W Haine? <-f A;:adioininc camp. Mrs. Gordon Biush Hcmpstead of ( L Tuesday in -he men'- -'ntrles of New York, who n^fore her marriae«*. !^( ttnnis tournament. This pinit-. J*ITM» 2t". to Mr. Hemn«tead, wa« Mis* .*;-.- flo-ely played and or.e of trcOpal Norton. da"**htei of the R< • P" <• exciting: witnessed ON the ckurnd Mrs. Robert Franklin Nor*on o- s( ,?\< th1..- summer. Lawrence, L. i., will «p€nd •* no:-t!or cf the season in camp v-Tith h^r mo1 ther, e who is now he of The third at thpftemo^i feps* t^ke« Yaol& Club tomorrow ;<jr H b Kno J«98e L. 1 iv^rmore i al Hill, wit *hip h punjmer n'ace on P PS Dorothy hjss \ ride, formerly endt of Brooklyn. put Amo^ who bop*s in service is John H McGraw. Jr., of New V O rk. who is at the ChaDTT)«r cottagre. Leader* »rj tennis p^d th<- wat« pr>ort« on Placid are M. P . M?«or -p New York and T P Stephens of p.. tro ; t V r . ?T»d Mr-. D-»";<! M'-Va^yon. w1-*} vnl] motor from V*»w York nurH* :i i Atf^ust. will iVn P - and M*-« Th;--, .T Ko»hler of Brooklyn at the GT->nd View. Mr«; WiPJf»m Turtin tra\ »• a d m m r at her ^iem*11 H«H cottaci'f f or •» ppr'v of uromimii* raJho'.c cier^vmen. Tb^ frije«sf«5 incb";ed Mjri. -T J COMP o r Brooklyn, the P.«\', J. r rarnnlvll 0 ^ Port Richn"-"d. Stater Inland: Rev Jame.« and Daniel r»' t»n (»f V^ York, broth—- of Mt * ^"n. the T?f Daniel E. (.'-HiJl of ?; U " K - ch-nLatest Mechan&ai Equipment enables * P,f>T*io a^d John J "ord ,+' us io do a l clashes of Work en Mrs. W;!!irm K .^ Jnort notice. ^Wmvn, X Y., - *^- " r ^ o** M W. \ . S* -nv,'ir • *' r* "h; MIRROR LAUNDRY KENNHH STEVENS, Prop. Has Opened f of the secold sefton OF H Our Estabiisftent is New Up-tc^late and Stricfiy sanitary c .*tfltret- fo>- ' he -'i-> At Wvl<<'a(. f'. RougfcftJry 8c per pinnd Work called for and delivered House Dresses Very fine quality Amoskeag Gingham. Your choice of big assortment of neat patterns $2.50 to $3.50 Bungalow Aprons Extra good quality Gifigbam and Prints; a bargain 90c to $2.28 Children's Dresses - 1 and 2-Piece Sizes from % to 14 years. Durable and neat 50c to $3 SPec*al l°t °f h° s *; Men's, Women's a n d children's. Special Price 2 5 c W i t h every purchase a m o u n t i n g to $ i frt moie a necessary household article wiii tie i^ivtfi trre WELLS 5 - 10 and 25 Cent Store !\ T ; 222 - *"~ • ff ^^ 1 1 1 -A—, \V
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