State of Michigan DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BUREAU OF CHILDREN AND ADULT LICENSING RICK SNYDER MAURA D. CORRIGAN GOVERNOR DIRECTOR June 12, 2014 Janet Jackson Creative Learning Childrens College LLC 20111 Greenfield Detroit, MI 48235 RE: License #: DC820347538 Creative Learning Childrens College 20111 Greenfield Detroit, MI 48235 Dear Ms. Jackson: Attached is the Licensing Study Report for the above referenced facility. Due to one or more rule violations, a written corrective action plan is required. The corrective action plan is due 15 days from the date of this letter and must include the following: • • • • • How compliance with each rule will be achieved. Who is directly responsible for implementing the corrective action for each violation. Specific time frames for each violation as to when the correction will be completed or implemented. How continuing compliance will be maintained once compliance is achieved. The signature of the responsible party and a date. Upon receipt of an acceptable corrective action plan, a regular license will be issued. If you fail to submit an acceptable corrective action plan, disciplinary action will result. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. In the event that I am not available and you need to speak to someone immediately, please feel free to contact the local office at (313) 456-0380. P.O. BOX 30650 • LANSING, MICHIGAN 48909 • (517) 284-9700 Per MCL 722.113g, this report and any related corrective action plans must be filed in your Licensing Notebook. Sincerely, Essence Hickman, Licensing Consultant Bureau of Children and Adult Licensing Cadillac Pl. Ste 11-350 3026 W. Grand Blvd Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 938-5915 enclosure 2 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BUREAU OF CHILDREN AND ADULT LICENSING RENEWAL INSPECTION REPORT I. IDENTIFYING INFORMATION License #: DC820347538 Licensee Name: Creative Learning Childrens College LLC Licensee Address: 20111 Greenfield Detroit, MI 48235 Licensee Telephone #: (734) 945-7745 Licensee/Designee: Janet Jackson, Designee Name of Facility: Creative Learning Childrens College Facility Address: 20111 Greenfield Detroit, MI 48235 Facility Telephone #: (734) 945-7745 Original Issuance Date: 12/20/2013 Capacity: 55 Age Range: Ages Birth Thru 12 years Program Components: TRANSPORTATION INFANT/TODDLER FOOD SERVICE 1 II. METHODS OF INSPECTION Date of On-Site Inspection(s): 06/11/2014 Date of Environmental Health Inspection: N/A Date of Fire Safety Inspection: N/A Date of Lead Hazard Risk Assessment, if applicable: N/A Date of Documentation of Playground Compliance, if applicable: N/A No. of children enrolled in care No. of staff employed No. of volunteers No. of children present at time of inspection No. of staff present at time of inspection No. of volunteers present at time of inspection No. of children interviewed/observed Persons Interviewed: No. of Records Reviewed 23 10 5 4 0 0 12 4 0 12 Licensee/Licensee Designee Program Director Caregiving staff Approved Child Use Space: Main Floor Approved Program Director: Yalonda Parson Approved Central Administrator: None Approved Variances: None DESCRIPTION OF FINDINGS & CONCLUSIONS This renewal inspection involved a review of all applicable child care center administrative rules and statutes. Verification of compliance included direct observations of the physical environment and the program, discussions with staff, and a review of the center’s records, including staff records and children’s records. Staff records include background checks, medical clearance information, and training information. Children’s records include child information cards, physical examination dates, and immunizations. During the inspection, the center was found to be in compliance with all applicable rules and statutes except for the following violations: R 400.8122 Lead caregiver qualifications; responsibilities. (3) At least 1 lead caregiver shall be assigned to each group of children in self-contained or well-defined space and shall be present and providing care in the assigned group in the 2 following manner: (a) Full time for programs operating less than 6 continuous hours. There are not enough lead caregivers for this full time program. They have one lead caregiver for the entire center when there is a need for at least two additional lead caregivers. The licensee designee, Ms. Jackson, stated she has hired two additional lead caregivers that both start within the next 14 days. R 400.8125 Staff and Volunteers. (12) A written statement shall be signed and dated by staff and volunteers at the time of hiring or before volunteering indicating all of the following information: (a) The individual is aware that abuse and neglect of children is against the law. (b) The individual has been informed of the center's policies on child abuse and neglect. (c) The individual knows that all staff and volunteers are required by law to immediately report suspected abuse and neglect to children's protective services. Five of five caregivers did not have signed child abuse and neglect statements on file at the center. R 400.8143 Children's records. (1) At the time of the child's initial attendance, the center shall obtain a child information card, using a form provided by the department or a comparable substitute, completed and signed by the parent, and the center shall keep it on file and accessible in the center. Nine of eleven child information cards were not complete with missing information including allergies, parent employment contact information, and medical information. R 400.8143 Children's records. (10) The center shall maintain an accurate record of daily attendance at the center that includes each child's first and last name and each child's arrival and departure time. 3 There were 13 children signed in when there were 12 present at the center. Two latchkey children were not signed out when they left the building for school and one child that was present was not signed in for the day. R 400.8143 Children's records. (6) Within 30 days of initial attendance, 1 of the following shall be obtained and kept on file and accessible in the center: (a) For infants: A physical evaluation performed within the preceding 3 months signed by a licensed health care provider. Restrictions shall be noted. One infant of 11 children’s records reviewed did not have a physical on file at the center. R 400.8143 Children's records. (6) Within 30 days of initial attendance, 1 of the following shall be obtained and kept on file and accessible in the center: (b) For toddlers: A physical evaluation performed within the preceding 6 months signed by a licensed health care provider. Restrictions shall be noted. Four toddlers of 11 children’s records reviewed did not have a physical on file at the center. R 400.8143 Children's records. (6) Within 30 days of initial attendance, 1 of the following shall be obtained and kept on file and accessible in the center: (c) For preschoolers: A physical evaluation performed within the preceding year signed by a licensed health care provider. Any restrictions shall be noted. Three preschoolers of 11 children’s records reviewed did not have a physical on file at the center. R 400.8161 Emergency procedures. (5) A fire drill program consisting of at least 1 fire drill quarterly shall be established and implemented. 4 There center does not have a fire drill program consisting of at least 1 fire drill quarterly. They have not conducted any fire drills since becoming licensed over six months ago. R 400.8315 Food and equipment storage. (1) Each refrigerator shall have an accurate working thermometer indicating a temperature 41 degrees Fahrenheit or below. The thermometer in the kitchen is not accurate as it read -40 degrees Fahrenheit. III. RECOMMENDATION Upon receipt of an acceptable corrective action plan I will recommend issuance of a regular childcare care center license. 06/12/2014 ________________________________________ Essence Hickman Date Licensing Consultant 5
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